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Full text of "The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England, from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II"

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O    R 

Hiftory  of  England, 

From  the  earlieft  TIMES, 

T  O    T  H  E 

Reftoration  of  King  CHARLES  II. 


From  the  RECORDS,  the  ROLLS  of  Parliament,  the  JOURNALS 
of  both  Houfes,  the  Public  LIBRARIES,  Original  MANU- 
SCRIPTS, fcarce  SPEECHES,  and  TRACTS  ;  all  compared  with 
the  feveral  Contemporary  Writers,  and  connected,  through- 
out, with  the  Hiftory  of  the  Times. 



VOL.    XV. 

From  July  i,   1646,  to  June  22,  1647. 

L     O    N    D     O    Ar, 

Printed  for  J.  and  R.  TON  SON,    and  A.  MILLAR,  in  the 
Strand  -t  and  W.  S  A  N  D  B  Y,  in  Fleet-Jlreet* 






O  F 


HE  Month  of  July   1646   begins  An.  21  Car.  I 

with  a  moft  remarkable  Inftance  of 
the  ftrange  Viciffitude  of  human 
Actions  in  the  Perfon  of  Archbi- 
fhop  Wiuiams,  a  Prelate  who  has. 
borne  a  diftinguifhed  Part  in  this. 
Hiftory.  On  the  Removal  of  the 
Lord-Chancellor  Bacon  for  Bribery  and  Corrup- 
tion, he  was  promoted  to  the  High  'Office  of  Lord- 
Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal  by  King  James(a).  In  this 
Station  he  appeared  a  ftrenuous  Supporter  of  the 
Prerogative,  zealoufly  attached  to  the  King's  great 
Favourite  Buckingham^  and  apologizing  for  his  Ma-' 
jefty's  relaxing  the  Execution  of  the  Laws  againft 
Recufancy  (b]  ;  a  few  Years  after  fallen  into  fuch 
Difgraceat  Court,  thro'  the  Intrigues  of  Archbifhop 
Laud,  as  to  be,  for  feme  Time,  refufed  his  Writ  of 
Summons  to  the  Parliament  which  met  in  tebru- 
-  VOL.  XV.  A  ary, 

(«)  In  July  1621,  being  then  only  Dean  of  V, flit!.' 

the  next  Month  nominated  to  the  Bifhoprick  of  Linteln, 

(i)  Jnour  5th  and  6th  Ydiumes,  faffim. 

but  ia 



2  72*  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  12  Car.  j.  aryt  1625.  In  1637,  fined  io,oco/.  imprifoned 
t  *  .  in  the  Tower  during  the  King's  Pleafure,  and  fuf- 
Jul/.  pended  from  all  his  Dignities  and  Offices  by  the 
High  Commiflion  Court  [d] :  But  upon  a  new  Turn 
in  Politicks,  tranflated  to  the  Archbifhoprick  of  York 
upon  the  Death  of  Dr.  Neile,  in  December  1641, — 
Here  we  find  him  acling  the  Cafuift  in  the  Cafe  of 
the  Earl  of  Stratford^  advifmg  King  Charles  to  diftin- 
guifh  between  a  private  Confcience  and  a  public 
Confcicnce  (*) ;  and  when  the  Temporal  Power  of 
the  Clergy  was  attack'd,  exerting  himfelf  as  their 
moft  remarkable  Advocate ;  difplaying  great  Force 
of  Learning  and  Oratory  in  Vindication  of  their 
Claims  (f) :  But  now  Temporibus  mutatis,  taking  up 
Arms  in  favour  of  that  Parliament  who  had  not 
only  fet  afide  the  very  Order  of  Epifcopacy,  but, 
the  more  effedtualy  to  eftablifh  their  Form  of 
Presbyterian  Church-Government,  were,  at  that 
Time,  framing  an  Ordinance  for  felling  the  Lands 
of  the  Bimops,  Deans  and  Chapters,  throughout 
the  Kingdom. 

The  laft  Particular  in  the  Conduct  of  this  Great 
Man  has  been  much  palliated,  and  almoft  even  de- 
nied, by  the  Authors  of  his  Life  (g],  though  pofi- 
tively  aflerted  by  all  the  Contemporary  Writers  (h] : 
But  a  Letter  read  intheHoufe  of  Lords,  the  fecond 
of  this  Month,,  from  Colonel  Mitton,  andfomeo- 
thers  that  follow  in  the  Courfe  of  this  Work,  will 
put  this  Affair  out  of  Difpute  for  the  future. 

Carnarvon,  June  15,  1646. 

[Aving,  by  the  Help  of  Godj  reduced  unto 
c  J.  J.  your  Obedience  this  rocky  r.nd  mountain- 
'  ous  Country,  Carnarvorfiire,  in  Nwtb  Wales9 

*  fituated  towards  Ireland  (one  fm?ll  Town  there- 

*  inexceptcd,  which  yet  is  block'd  up)  and  that  irt 

*  a  fhort 

(d)  Rujbttortbi  Vol.  II.  p.  416,  &  feet 

{t\  In  our  gth  Volume,   p.  270.  (f)  Ibid*  p.  294* 

fjf )  Bifliop  A.Tf^e.'and  Mr.  drr.brofc  V/iftitms. 

(bj  Weit/Kk-i  Mfmanatt,;.  zc.'t.      T1.     I\vt,  No.  T.,?.,    p.  725* 
No.  147,  p.  8.     The  Mcdtr&.e  h:'....      ....  ;-  Aitr* 

(uriut  Rnj)icuit  Jtftii fjt  1646.  P.s.j7.<xtr:i>t  Vol.  Vi.  p.    c.; . 


a  (hort  Time,  and  with  fmall  Forces,  the  Bar-  An.  22  Car.  I. 
rennefs  of  the  Country  beinj  no  ways  able  to  t^V  '  t 
maintain  or  nourifh  any  great  Army:  I  held  it  juiyi 
befitting  that  Ingenuity  which  the  Parliament 
ufeth  to  cherifh  in  all  their  Servants,  to  reprefent 
unto  your  Honours,  amongft  many  others,  one 
Perfon  efpecially  by  whom  I  have  been  much  en- 
couraged and  afiifted,  from  Time  to  Time,  in  all 
Services:  It  is  the  Archbifhop  of  TorJc ;  who,  be- 
hdes  his  Parts,  Learning  and  Experience,  (which, 
are  known,  I  fuppofe,  tomoftof  your  Honours)  is 
of  thofe  Means,  Power,  Kindred  and  Alliance 
in  thefe  Parts,  as  I  muft  profefs  that  his  Afliir- 
ance  in  feveral  Ways  (being  invited  by  me  to  put 
himfelf  upon  the  Favour  of  the  Parliament)  hath 
been  very  advantageous  and  effectual  in  this  Re- 
duction of  thefe  ftrong  Towns  and  mountainous 
Countries  unto  their  due  Obedience.  I  was  at 
firft  put  into  the  Hopes  of  gaining  his  Furtherance 
in  this  Work,  becaufe  I  received  it  from  all 
Hands,  thatthe  Archbifhop,  ever  fmce  his  coming 
to  Wales,  did  employ  himfelf  rather  in  defending 
of  his  native  Country  froin  the  Violence  and  In- 
curfions  of  the  Commanders  in  Chief  and  Soldiers 
under  the  King,  (who  accordingly  bear  him 
much  Rancour  and  Malice  to  this  Day  for  fuch 
Endeavours)  than  in  actual  oppoitns;  the  Defigns 
of  the  Parliament ;  with  which  Invitation  he 
very  eafily  complied,  tho*  towards  the  eleventh 
Hoar  of  the  Day,  yet  upon  the  firft  calling,  as 
it  were,  and  approaching  of  the  Parliamentary 
Forces,  unto  thefe  reincteft  Parts  of  this  King- 
dom ;  and,  beingcnce  entered  into  the  Vineyard, 
I  muft  do  him  that  Right  that  he  omitted  no 
P^xpcnce,  Coft,  Travel,  or  Induftry  to  comply 
with  the  Parliament. 

*  Thefe  Services  of  this  wife  and  grave  Perfo- 
age,  myfelf  being   unable  to  requite,  I  do  hum- 
bly and   moft  earneftly  recommend  to   your  Ho- 
V.fpe&  and  Cor.fid^ration,  who  can  beit 
-  h,  t  a  Man  of  his  Parts,  under  fuch  Obli- 
A  2  '  gutions 

4  ¥he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ia  Car.  I.  <  gations  from  your  Honours  and   the  Parliament, 
'  may    hereafter  deferve,  fo    fhall  your  Honours 

July.  '  w^k  nim>    very  mucrl  cngage 

I0«r  Honours  mojl  bumble  and  faithful  Servant , 

P^  S.  '  Since  the  writing  of  this  Letter  it  hath 
'  pleafed  God,  after  fome  Trouble,  but  without 
*  Bloodmed,  that  the  Ifle  and  County  of  dnglefey^ 
with  the  ftrong  Caftle  therein,  is  reduced  unto 
the  King  and  Parliament ;  and  in  this  Service 
my  Lord  of  York  had  none  of  the  leaft  Part,  be-* 
fides  that  his  Lordfhip,  whilft  our  Forces 'ex- 
pected other  Employment,  withdrew  his  own 
Men  from  his  Houfe  at  Penryn  ;  and,  with  fome 
Addition  of  his  Friends,  hath  laid  a  clofe  Siege 
unto  Cvnway  Town  and  Caftle,  and  doth  at  this 
Inftant  vigoroufly  purfue  it,  which  I  thought 
myfelf  bound  to  reprefent  unto  your  Lordfhips 
for  the  Benefit  and  Advantage  of  that  worthy 

This  Letter  being  communicated  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  the  fame  Day,  they  ordered  their 
Speaker  to  return  Col.  Mltton  Thanks  for  his  good 
Services}  and  to  let  him  know  that  they  would 
alfo  take  the  Services  of  the  Archbifhop  of  York 
into  Confideration  as  they  fhould  have  Occafion. 

Order  ofParlia-      About  the  Beginning  of  this   Month  an  Order 
jnent  againft  Pa-  of  both    Houfes  was  made  for  all  Papifts  and  Irijh 

pl  l*'^"/-""?6^'    to  be  put  out  of  the  Lines    of  Communication, 
and   Oxford  Ca-    ,  ,          ,  j    .       /">•  i  r    L      i     \        j 

»aJie«,  (then  drawn  round  the  City  and  Suburbs)  and  out 

of  all  Corporations.  That  thofe  alfo  who  came 
from  Oxford^  on  the  Rendition  of  that  Place,  of 
any  of  the  King's  Garrifons,  mould  be  in  their* 
Lodgings  by  nine  o'Clock  ;  to  make  them  mew 
their  Pafles  and  difarm  them  ;  and  that  they  engage 
never  to  bear  Arms  againft  the  Parliament.  This 
Order  to  be  publifhed  by  Beat  of  Drum  and  Sound 
of  Trumpet. 



Mr.  JWritlocke  makes  this  grave  and  juft  Refleo  An.  2*  Car.  I, 
tion  on  this  Order:  l64-f-    M 

c  Thus  we  may  fee,  that,  even  after  almoft  a 
Omqueft,  yet  they  apprehended  no  Safety;  fuch 
are  thellTues  and  Miferies  of  a  Civil  War,  that  the. 
Victories  are  full  of  Fears  from  thofethey  have  fub- 
dued.  No  Quiet,  no  Security.  Oh  let  our  Prayers 
be  to  God  never  to  have  fuch  calamitous  Times 

July  4.  This  Day  Mr  Alderman  Foote,  one  of 
the  Sheriffs  of  the  City  of  London,  accompanied 
with  more  of  his  Brethren  and  divers  Common- 
Council  Men,  attended  the  Houfe  of  Lords  with 
a  Petition,  in  which  was  the  Draught  of  another 
intended  to  be  fent  from  the  City  to  the  King. 
Thefe  Petitions  contain  many  very  remarkable  Ex- 
preflions  of  Refpect  from  this  Body  Corporate  to. 
his  Majefty.  And  firft  that  to  the  Lords  : 

To  the  Right    Honourable  the  L  O  R  D  S  ajfimlled  in  . 
the  High  Court  of  Parliament^ 

Tlie  HUMBLE  PETITION^  the  Lord  Mayor? 
Aldermeri^  and  Commons  of  the  City  of  London, 
in  Common  Council 

Humbly  Jheweih^ 

*  "~~M"*  HAT  having  received  the   Honour  from  The  city  of  Un- 

*  JL     his  Majefty  to  be  (by  a  particular  Lettfer  of  d«n  dcfire  Lravr 
'  the    i9th   of  ^laft    the  Copy  whereof  «re^^» 

*  prclentcd  to  your  L-ordmipsj  alluiea  or  his  Koyal  the  King. 
c  Refolutions   to  comply  with  his   Parliament    fof 

'  Settlement  of  Truth  and  Peace,  the  Petitioners 
'  do  conceive  thcrnfelves  obliged  in  Duty  to   make 

*  fome  Return  thereto;  and  cfpecially  to  take  this 
'  Opportunity,  when  the  Honourable  Houfes    are 
'  preparing  to   difpatch    fome  Proportions  to   his 

*  Majefty  ;  but  the   Petitioners  could  not  prefume 

*  to  rcfolvc  upon  any  fuch  Addrefs  before  they  had 
'  received  the  Plcafurc  of  your  Lordfhips  thcreup- 
'  on  ;  And  therefore  they  humbly  prefent  unto  your 

*  Lordfhips  the  Draught  of  that  Petition,  which 

A  3  '  they 

*Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

they  have  prepared  to  be  delivered  to  his  Majefty* 
and  humbly  attend  the  Order  of  your  Lordfhips 
juiy.         •  thereupon. 

And/hall  duly  pray,  &c. 


Next  was  read  the  Draught  of  the  City's  Peti- 
tion to.  the  King. 

To  the  K  i  N  G'S  Moft   Excellent  Majefty, 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Lord  Mayor + 
Aldermen,  and  Cwimons  of  the  City  of  London, 
in  Common  Council  affembled. 

*  VT/E  moft  humbly  acknowledge  the  fpecial 
W  Grace  and  Favour  of  your  Majefty,  in 
condefcendingfo  particularly  to  communicate  un- 
to this  City  your  royal  and  pious  Refolutions  to 
comply  with  your  Houfes  of  Parliament,  for  fet- 
tling of  of  Truth  and  Peace  in  this  diftrafled  King- 
dom, fignified  by  your  late  gracious  Letter  of 
the  jgth  of  May  laft  to  the  Rreprefentative  Body 
thereof;  in  which,  as  the  Petitioners  cannot  but 
fee  the  fpecial  Hand  of  Almighty  God,  fo  they 
muft,  and  do,  from  the  Bottom  of  their  Hearts, 
blefs  his  holy  Name  who  at  length  hath  opened 
fuch  a  Door  of  Hope,  by  inclining  your  Maje- 
fty's  Heart  to  look  down  upon  the  Afflictions  of 
your  People;  and  from  thence  take  Comfort  to 
themfelves  that  he  will  confirm  and  increafe  thefe 
good  Refolutions  in  your  Majefty.  • 

'  As  for  the  City,  the  Petitioners  efteem  it  their 
Duty  now  again,  as  they  have  formerly  done,  to 
declare  unto  your  Royal  Majefty  and  the  whole 
World,  That,  according  to  their  Proteftaticn and 
Covenant,  they  have  always,  and  do  ftill  retain 
'the  fame  loyal  Thoughts  towards  your  Majefty  as 
ever,  and  asbecameth  Subjects  to  do,  from  which 
they  (hall  never  recede. 

*  And  as,  next  unto  the  good  Guidance  of  Al- 
mighty God,  they  do  humbly  commit  and  fub- 
mit  the  Means  and  Manner  of  their  future  Peace 
and  Happinefs  unto  your  Majefty's  great  and 

*  faithful 

O/   ENGLAND.  7 

*  faithful  Council  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament,  An.  11  Car.  j. 

'  fo  they  (hall  continue  their  inftant  Prayers  to  the 

*  Throne  of  all  Grace,  to  difpofe  your    Majefty's 
'  Royal  Heart  to  comply  with  fuch  Proportions  as 

*  from  them  (hall  be  prefented  unto  your  Majefty, 
'  for  the  Settlement  of  true  Religion  and  Peace  in 

*  all  your  Kingdoms,  and  the  Maintenance  of  the 
'  Union  between  the  two  Nations  ;    and  then  the 
'  Petitioners    (hall   not  doubt  but    your  Majefty 
'  (which  is  their  earneft  Prayers)  will,  with  Ho- 

*  nour  and  Joy,  return  unto  this  your  antient  City  ; 
e  and  that  your  Throne  (hall,  in  you  Royal  Self 
'  and   your  Pofterity,    be  eftabliflied  in  all  your 
'  Kingdoms,  to  the  great  Honour  of  your  Majefty 

*  and  the   Comfort  of  all    your    good  Subjects, 
'  amongft  whom  the  Petitioners  (hall  always  ftrive 
'  to  approve  themfelves  inferior  to  none  in  Loyalty 
'  and  Obedience,' 

The  Lords,  after  reading  the  foregoing  Peti-  which  the 
tions,  order'd  the  Thanks  of  the  ftoufe  to  be  gi-  Lords  return 
ven  to  the  Petitioners,    and   more   particularly  for .  Thanki  for, 
firft  communicating  to  that  Houfe  what  they  in- 
tended to  fend  to  the  King. 

The  fame  Day  both  thefe  Petitions  were  pre- 
fented to  the  Commons  by  Mr.  Sheriff  Ktnricky 
but  met  with  a  quite  different  Reception  :  For  the 
Speaker,  by  Command  of  that  Houfe,  told  the 
Citizens,  That  hearing  fome  from  the  City  were  at 
the  Door  with  a  Petition,  they  were  willing  to  call 
them  in,  but  that  it  wa,s  a  Bufmefs  which  deferved 
great  Confideration,  and  (hould  be  taken  Notice 
of  in  convenient  Time.  Accordingly,  a  few  Days 
after,  the  Members  for  the  City  of  London  were 
ordered  to  acquaint  the  Lord  Mayor  and  Common  P))t  the 
Council,  That  they  are,  together  with  the  whole  rr. 
Kingdom,  included  in  the  Proportions  to  be  now 
fent  to  the  King;  and  that  therefore  the  Commons 
could  not  approve  of  the  City's  fending  any  Peti- 
tion to  his  Majefty. 

Mr.  Ludlow  writes :    That  in    the    Debate  on 
this  Occahon,  Mr.  Henry  Martin  faid,  «  That  tho* 


8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Ctr.  I.  he  could  not  but  agree  with  what  had  been  affirm" 
t  j6^-  J  cd  touching  the  Citizens  being  involved  in  what 
jyj^  their  Reprefentatives  did,  and  their  not  fending 
Commifiioners  as  they  defired ;  yet,  as  to  the 
Subftance  of  what  they  propofed,  he  could  not  fo 
much  blame  them  as  others  had  done;  they  there- 
in {hewing  themfelves,  in  the  End  of  the  War,  no 
lefs  prudent  than  they  had  exprefied  themfelves  ho- 
neft  in  the  Beginning  :  For  as  when  the  Parlia- 
ment invited  them  to  ftand  by  them  in  the  War 
againft  the  King,  in  Defence  of  their  Religion, 
Lives,  Liberties,  and  Eflates,  they  did  it  heartily, 
and  therein  {hewed  themfelves  good  Chriftians 
and  true  Englishmen;  fonow,  the  \Var  being  end- 
ed, and  the  Parliament  upon  making  Terms  with 
the  King,  and  thinking  fit  to  fue  to  him,  now  their 
Prifoncr,  for  Peace,  whom  they  had  all  incenfed 
by  their  Refiftance,  the  Citizens,  having  confider- 
able  Eftates  to  lofe,  {hewed  themfelves  prudent 
Men,  in  endeavouring  to  procure  their  Pardons  as 
well  as  others:  And  though  the  Houfe  wi!l  not 
permit  them  to  fend  as  they  defire,  they  have 
exprefled  their  Good-will,  which,  without  L)oubt, 
will  be  well  accepted  (/).' 

"July  6.  A  Declaration  of  the  Lord  -General,  and 
of  the  General  Officers  and  Soldiers,  of  the  Scott. 
Army  at  Neuicaflle^  fent  to  the  Loids  by  the  Com- 
miffioners  of  that  Kingdom,  was  read ;  which, 
with  the  Confequences,  were  in  thefe  Words: 

Junet  26,  1646. 

'  ChrifHan  Blood  occafioned  by  the  Continuance 
'  of  this  unnatural  War,  having  fo  deeply  wounded 
6  us;  and  being  earncftly  defirou.s  of  giving  fome 

*  evident  Teftimony  of  our  Piety  to  God,  Loyalty 

*  to  our  Sovereign,  and   Love  to  thefe  Kingdoms, 
'  that  the  Conftancy  of  our  Affection  to  this  Caufe, 

*  our  Zeal  to  the  Reformation  of  Religion,  and  his 

"  *  Majefty's 
(/)  Memoirs,  Vol.  I .  p.  182. 

ef   E  N  GLAND.  9 

*  Majefty's  Perfon  and  Authority  in  Defence  there-  An.  ai  Car.  I. 

'  of,   and  our  firm  Refolutions  to  purfue  the  Ends     ^     ''    M 

*  exprefled  in  our  Solemn  League   and  Covenant,         jujy> 
'  may  appear  to  the  World,    we  have  thought  it 

'  neceflary  in  this  Juncture  of  Time,  (when  all 

*  Means  are  effayed  by  the  Enemies  of  Truth  and 
'  Peace  to  difparage  our  Proceedings,  by  rendering 
'  fufpected   our    beft  Adlions  and  Endeavours,  to 
1  the  begetting  of  Mifunderftanding,  and  weaken- 
'  ing  the  Union    between   the  two  Kingdoms)   to 

*  declare  and  make  known,    That  as  we  have  en- 
'  tered  into  a  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  with 

*  our  Hands  lifted   up  unto  the  moft  High  God, 
'  with  real  Intentions  to  promote  the  Ends  thereof, 

*  fo  we  do  refolve,  God  willing,  conftantly  to  ad- 
'  here  to  the  whole  Heads  and  Articles  of  the  fame  ; 
'  and  for  no  earthly   Tentation,    for  no  Fear  or 

*  Hope  to  fall  away  and  violate  our  facred  Oath. 

'  We  do  likevvife  profefs,  That  nothing  hath 
'  been  v.'ith  greater  Care  and  Faithfulnefs  endea- 
'  voured  by  us,  than  to  preierve  the  happy  Union 
'  and  brotherly  Correfpondence  between  the  King- 
'  doms,  as  a  principal  Means  of  Happinefs  to 

*  both ;    and  (hall  continue  in  the  fame  Care  to 
4  avoid  every  Thing  that  may  tend  to  the  Infringe - 
'  ment  thereof,  with  a  fpecial    Regard  and  Ten- 

*  dernefs  to  the  Interefts  of  both   Kingdoms:  For 
'  the  ftrengthening  of  which  Union,  and  removing 

*  every  Thing  that  might  obftrucl  the  fame,  as  hi- 
'  therto  we  have  had  no  Compliance  nor  kept  Cor- 
c  refpondence  with  known  Enemies    and  Malig- 
'  nants,  fo  will  we   never  hereafter  give  Counte- 
'  nance  or  Encouragement  to  any  Perlon  difafFecl- 
6  ed  to  the  Parliaments  of  either  Kingdom. 

'  And  that  the  Integrity  of  our  Intentions  and 
'  the  Uprightnefs  of  our  Defires  may  be  more  ma- 
'  nifeft,  we  do  declare,  That  we  abhor  all  public 
'  and  private  Ways  contrary  to  the  Covenant,  and 
'  deftrudtive  to  the  Happinefs  of  both  Kingdoms  : 
'  We  difclaim  all  Dealing  with  thofe  that  are  in- 

*  ftruments  of  thefe  unhappy  Troubles  and  Impe- 

*  diments  of  Peace;  and  with  all  fuch  Perfons  who 

'  will 

I  o  cfhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

will  not  ufe  all  Means  and  Endeavours,  and  con- 
tribute their  beft  Councils  and  Advice  for  hafting 
an  End  to  our  lading  Miferies,  and  procuring  a 
fureand  well-grounded  Peace:  And,  in  particu- 
lar, we  do  abominate  and  deleft  that  execrable 
Rebellion  of  James  Graham^  utterly  abjuring  all 
Manner  of  Conjunction  with  him  and  his  Con- 
federates, and  with  all  other  known  Enemies  or 
declared  Traitors  to  either  Kingdom,  notwith- 
ftandingof  any  Inilnuaticns  to  the  contrary,  ex- 
prefled  in  fome  Letters,  as  it  is  faid,  by  his  Ma- 
jefty  to  the  Earl  of  Ormond^  in  Ir  eland  (k]  :  For 
we  have  none  but  iingle  Intentions  and  unfeigned 
Defires  of  Peace,  renouncing  all  Communion 
with  whatfoever  Defigns  and  Practices,  contri- 
ved in  the  Dark,  to  the  Prejudice  of  Religion, 
and  the  Tranquillity  of  thefe  Kingdoms,  the  only 
Principles  by  which  we  move. 
'  And  as  we  came  into  this  Kingdom  at  the 
earnelt  Defines  of  our  Brethren,  to  aflift  them  in. 
the  Time  of  their  great  Extremity,  in  purfuance 
of  the  National  Covenant,  not  for  any  mercenary 
Ends,  nor  toemich  ourfelves,  as  is  falflyand  ca- 
luminoufly  charged  upon  us  by  thofe  that  wifli 
not  well  to  us  nor  our  Caufe;  fo  fhall  we  be  moft 
willing  to  depart  and  return  home  in  Peace,  with 
the  fame  Chearfulnefs  and  Affection  that  we  had 
when  we  came  in  :  Nor  {hall  the  Matter  of  Mo- 
ney, or  want  of  juft  Recompence  for  the  Service 
performed,  and  Hardfhip  fuitained,  be  to  us  an 
Argument  of  our  Stay:  But,  leaving  the  Confide- 
ration  of  thefe  Things  to  the  Wifdom  and  Direc- 
tion of  both  Parliaments,  we  fhall  fo  far  deny 
ourfelves  as  not  to  fuffer  any  private  Refpe&s  of 
our  own  to  retard  the  Advancement  of  this  Caufc, 
or  prejudge  the  public  Work  of  both  Kingdoms. 
*  We  cannot  conceal,  but  muft  acknowledge, 
how  fenfible  we  are  and  have  always  been,  of 
the  many  Complaints  prefented  to  the  Parliament 
of  England  againft  this  Army,  and  the  heavy 
Calumnies  and  A  fperfions  lying  upon  us  for  having 

(A)  See  this  Letter  in  our  i4th  Volume  p,  442, 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  ir 

committed  Infolencies,  and  opprefled  the  People  An.  «  Car 
by  taking  free  Quarter;  offering  ourfelves  moft  L  l64"6' 
willing  and  ready,  that  whofoever  amongft  us  juj 
have  by  their  Mifuemeanors,  Miicarriages,  or  in- 
ordinate Way  of  walking,  fcandalized  the  Caufe 
for  which  we  have  taken  our  Lives  in  our  Hand, 
or  endeavour  to  beget  a  Mifunderftanding,  or  fo- 
ment Jealoufies  between  the  Kingdoms,  we  (hall 
ftrive  to  difcover  all  fuch,  and  labour  to  bring 
them  to  public  Trial  and  condign  Punifhment ; 
not  doubting  but  as  we  are  zealous  to  vindicate 
our  Honour  and  Reputation  from  all  Reproaches, 
fo  the  Parliament  will  likewife  be  pleafed  to  have 
fuch  favourable  Conftruclion  of  our  Proceedings 
as  not  willingly  to  harbour  any  Thoughts  which 
may  leffen  their  Refpe&s  to  us,  and  which  are 
not  fuitable  to  the  conftant  Tenor  of  our  Car- 
riage and  Profeffion. 

*  And  we  (hall  likewife  defire  that  our  manifold 
Neceffities,  and  prefling  Wants  to  which  we  were 
many  Times  reduced,  may  not  be  forgotten ;  and 
that  the  Ways  and  Means  appointed  for  our  Supply- 
neither  anfwered  the  Expectation  of  the  Honour- 
able Houfes  of  Parliament,  nor  fatisfied  our  Ne- 
ceffities ;  fo  that  for  Want  of  Monies  we  could 
not  always  dif:harge  our  Quarters  :  Yet  do  we 
moft  freely  declare  our  Willingnefs  to  allow  of 
whatfoever  hath  been  taken  up  by  us;  and  for 
that  Effect  we  defire  the  Accounts  of  the  Army 
to  be  adjufted  with  the  feveral  and  refpeclive 
Counties,  that  whatever  can  be  juftly  charged 
upon  us  may  be  difcounted  off  any  Sums  that 
(hall  be  refting  to  us  in  Arrear.  And  if  we  knew 
any  thing  elfe  that  could  ferve  to  remove  all 
Jealoufies  and  Mifunderftandings,  and  beget  a 
more  full  Confidence  of  our  Uprightnefs,  we 
fhould,  with  the  fame  Readinefs,  apply  ourfelves 
to  all  the  Ways  that  might  conduce  thereunto. 
'  But  becaufe  his  Majefty's  fudden  and  unex- 
pected Coming  into  this  Army  doth  minifter  new 
Occafion  to  us  to  give  fome  Demonftration  of 
Our  Conftancy,  tho'  we  hope  his  Majefty  came 

<  with 



The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

with  real  Intentions  to  fatisfy  the  juft  Defires  of 
his  Parliaments,  and  compofe  all  thofe  Differen- 
ces j  yet,  left  it  fhould  bring  in  Queftion  the 
Clearnefs  and  Integrity  of  our  Ways,  whereof 
our  Conferences  do  bear  us  Witnefs,  and  all  our 
Actions  fhall  be  publick  and  real  Tertimoniesj 
we  do  proteft  that  his  Prefence  with  us  hath  not 
begotten  any  Alteration  in  our  Minds  in  the  lead 
Meafure  to  eftrange  us  from  the  Ways  of  our 
Covenant,  or  alienate  our  Refolutions  from  go- 
ing on  2/ealoufly,  coriftantly,  and  unanimoufly 
to  fet  forward  the  Ends  therein  exprefled,  endea- 
vouring (fo  faraslieth  in  our  Power)  to  improve 
that  Providence  of  his  coming  to  us,  to  the  pub- 
lic Good  'and  Happinefs  of  both  Kingdoms. 
And  as  it  is  our  earneft  Defire  that  his  Majefty 
would  no  more  fuffer  himfelf  to  be  involved  in  the 
Counfels  whereof  he  has  had  ib  fad  Experience, 
to  the  endangering  of  his  Perfon,  Poflerity,  and 
Kingdoms;  fo  do  we  exceedingly  wifli  that  he 
would  comply  with  the  Counfels  of  his  Parlia- 
ments to  the  Satisfaction  of  his  good  People. 
And  we  (hall  be  careful  that  nothing  proceed  from 
us  which  may  give  Occafion  to  his  Majefty  to 
entertain  any  fecret  Confidence  that  this  Army 
will  give  Afliftance  for  advancing  other  Ends  than 
fuch  as  are  agreeable  to  our  Covenant,  conducing 
to  the  Good  of  Religion,  the  Happinefs  of  the 
King  and  his  Pofterity,  and  Safety  of  the  King- 
Signed  by  is  Excellency  the  Earl  of  Leven,  the 

General  Officers,    and  three  CommiJJloners  from 

every  Regiment  of  the  Army. 

E  T  1  T  I  o  K  of  the  Earl  cf  Leven,  Lord- 
General,  the  General  Officers,  Colonels,  Captains^ 
&c.  of  the  Scots  Army>  prefinted  to  his  Majefty 
at  Newcaftle. 

'June  26,   164.6. 

And  their  Peti- c    AT/E  your  Ma]eftv's  loyal   Subjects  and  faith- 

tion  to  tUKing.  <     VV    ful  Servants,  'the  Lord-General,  the  Gc- 

,       «  neral  Officers,  the  Colonels  and  Captains  in  the 

A.  Sc*tf 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  1 

Scots  Army,  now  in  the  Kingdom  of  England,  An.  at 
from  the  deep  Senfe  of  the  bleeding  Condition  of  l6*6 
thcfe  Kindoms,  fo  heavy  prefled  with  fad  Afflic-  T^" 
tions  thro'  the  unhappy  Differences  between  your" 
Majefty  and  your  Sujecls,  from  the  true  Affec- 
tion and  Zeal  to  the  Reformation  of  Religion, 
and  your  Majefty's  Perfon  and  Authority  in  De- 
fence thereof;  and  in  the  Purfuance  of  that  facred 
Oath  which  we  have  taken,  with  our  Hands  lifte'd 
up  to  the  moft  High  God,  do  make  our  humble 
Addrefs,  and  tender  this  earneft  Petition  to  your 
Majcfty  in  our  Name,  and  in  the  Name  of  all 
the  inferior  Commanders  and  Soldiers  under  our 
Charge,  that  your  Majefty,  in  your  Wifdom  and 
Goodnefs,  maybe  pleafed  to  take  a  fpeedy  Courfe 
for  fettling  of  Religion  and  Church-Government 
in  this  Kingdom,  according  to  the  Word  of  God 
and  Examples  of  the  beft  Reformed  Churches, 
and  bringing  the  Churches  of  the  three  King- 
doms to  the  neareft  Conjunction  and  Uniformity; 
and  for  eftablifliing  the  Privileges  and  Liberties 
of  your  Kingdoms  according  to  the  Dcfires  of 
your  good  People. 

'  We  may  not  conceal  our  unfeigned  Grief  for 
that  your  Majefty  hath  not  yet  been  pleafed  to 
authorize  and  fign  the  Covenant,  which  we  were 
confident  would  bring  Honour  to  God,  Happi- 
nefd  to  yourfelf  and  Pofterity,  and  endear  yo'ur 
Majefty,  above  Meafure,  to  all  your  faithful 
and  loyal  Subjects:  In  the  juft  Defence  whereof, 
as  many  of  them  have  already  loft  their  Lives,  fo 
are  we  ready  to  facrifice  ours. 
'  We  muft  alfo  pray  your  Majefty  to  compaf- 
fionate  the  diftrefled  Condition  of  your  King- 
doms, groaning  under  the  heavy  Prefiurcsof  ma- 
nifold Calamities  occafioned  by  the  Continuance 
of  this  unnatural  War;  and  to  comply  with  the 
Councils  of  your  Parliaments;  that  ali  Differences 
being  happily  compofed,  and  the  Armies  in  both 
Kingdoms  difbanded,  we  may  return  home  in 
Peace,  or  be  difpofed  of  otherwife  by  your  Ma- 
jefty, with  the  Advice  of  your  Parliaments,  which 

'  may 

14  The  Parliamentary  H  1  s  T  o  fc  Y 

An.  22  Car.  I.  <  may  be   moft  for  your   Majefty's   Honour  artff 
.  l6*6'    J     «  Service,  and  the  Profperity  of  thefe  Kingdoms. 
julj~  &£jia/  by  his  Excellency  the  Earl   of  Leven,    the 

General  Officers,  and  three  Commijjioners  from 
every  Regiment  of  the  Army. 

To  the  foregoing  Petition  the  Earl   of  Lanerk, 
by  his  Majefty's  Command,  returned  this  Anfwer  : 

TAm,  in  his  Majejly's  Name,  to  return  this  Anfwer 
His  Majefly's  •*  to  the  Petition  prejented  to  him  by  the  Lord-Gene- 
ral>  the  General  Qfficers  •>  the  Colonel*,  and  other  Offi* 
cers  and  Soldiers  cftbe  Scots  Army,  That  his  Majejty 
came  into  the  Scots  Army  with  full  Intent  of  fettling 
an  happy  Peace  in  thefe  his  Kingdoms,  and  to  fatisfy 
the  jujl  Dejires  of  his  good  Subjects,  and  likewife 
to  comply  with  the  Parliaments  in  all  Things  which 
Jhall  be  for  the  Good  of  Religion  and  the  Happinefs 
of  his  SubjeftS)  which  he  will  always  prefer  to  all 
worldly  Interefts. 

And  whensoever  it  Jhall  pleafe  God  fo  to  blefs  hit 
Majefty's  Endeavours  as  to  fettle  an  happy  Peace  in 
thefe  his  Dominions,  his  Majejly  will  be  very  foli- 
citous  to  find  out  fame  Means  of  honourable  Employ-* 
ment  for  fo  many  gallant  Men  as  are  employed  in 
this  Army. 
,  Newcaftfc,  June  »7.  1646.  L  A  N  E  R  K. 

After  many  Months  canvafilng  the  Propofitions 
to  be  fent  to  the  King  for  a  fafe  and  well-grounded 
The  Proportions  Peace,  and  after  many  Altercations,  Meflages,  Con* 
the  fcine.  "  "  ^erences5  Divifions  in  and  between  the  two  Houfes, 
and  Confutations  with  the  Scots  Commiflioners  a* 
tout  them,  they  were  at  laft  agreed  to  by  all,  and 
brought  to  a  Conclufion.  They  were  read  this 
Day  for  the  laft  Time,  and  the  Lords  ordered  that 
they  (hould  immediately  be  fent  to  the  King,  and 
deputed  the  Earls  of  Pembroke  and  Suffolk  from 
their  Houfe,  joined  with  a  proportionable 
Number  of  the  Commons,  to  carry  them.  A 
Copy  of  which  Propofitions  will  fall  in  the  Sequel  j 
for  they  were  not  yet  fent  away  of  fome  Days. 

A  par- 

Of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

A  particular  Letter  to  the  King  was  alfo  agreed  An 
to,  this  Day,  by  both  Houfes,  That  he  would  be     t 
pleafed  to  give  Command  to  the  Earl  of  Ormond^        ju]y 
for  the  delivering  up  of  Dublin^  and  all  other  Forts 
and  Garrifons  in  Ireland. 

'July  7.  A  Letter  from  the  Scots  Commiffioners 
at  Edinburgh  was  read,  recommending  Archibald. 
Marquis  of  Argyle  to  be  one  of  the  Commiffioners 
for  the  Church  of  Scotland^  at  London^  to  profe- 
cute  the  Treaty  for  Uniformity  in  Religion  and 
Church-Government  betwixt  the  two  Kingdoms, 
in  the  room  of  Lord  Balmerino,  recall'd.  Accord- 
ingly his  Lordfoip,  by  Confent  of  both  Houfes, 
was  made  one  of  the  Aflembly  of  Divines,  then 
fitting  at  JVcftminJler. 

The  fame  Day  a  Mefiage  was  brought  from  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  to  fignify  to  the  Lords,  that, 
about  the  Beginning  of  'June  laft,  the  Commons, 
at  a  Conference,  delivered  to  their  Lordfhips  a 
Vote>  declaring,  Thr.t  this  Kingdom  had  no  far- 
ther Ufe  for  the  Scots  Army ;  wherein  they  defired 
their  Concurrence.  That  they  now  again  defired 
it  j  and  further  to  acquaint  them,  that  the  Com- 
mons of  England  were  no  longer  able  to  bear  that 
Burden,  nor  pay  that  Army, 

The  Lords  did  not  go  immediately  on  this  Af- 
fair, but  ordered  that,  the  next  Morning,  they 
would  not  only  proceed  upon  it,  but  alfo  on  the 
difbanding  all  the  Armies  in  the  Kingdom;  and  the 
Peers  were  to  have  Notice  to  attend.  Accordingly, 

July  $.  This  Eufinefs  was  taken  into  Cor.fide- 
ration,  but  foon  coiKlnded  j  for  the  Vote  being 
again  read,  and  a  Debate  arifing,  the  Queftiort 
was  put,  Wbethff  it  fhcuid  be  kid  afitk  tj!l  fuch 
Time  as  this  Houfe  receive  an  Anfwcr  from  the 
Commifficners  which  arc  to  2:0  io  the  King  with 
the  Fropofuions  for  Peace,  after  the  Delivery  of 
the  Petitions  ?  and  refulveti  in  the  AJ^V  mative. 

This  Day,  «tlfo,  ihe  Comrnrns  d>  'ivercu  to  the 
l»ords,  at  a  Conference,  a  Cw^.y  o;  the  Inft/uc- 


*The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  f  o  R  V 

I.  tions  which  were  to  be  given  to  the  Commiflioners* 
mentioned  above :  Thele  were  ordered  to  be  kept 
private,  and  are  not  printed  with  the  Proportions^ 
but  ftand  thus  in  the  Journals  of  both  Houfes. 

INSTRUCTIONS  of  Icth  Houfes  of  Parliament  for 
Philip  Earl  of  Pembroke  and  Montgomery, 
James  Earl  of  Suffolk,  Sir  Walter  Erie,  Knt> 
Sir  John  Hippefley,  Knt.  Robert  Goodwin,  Efq. 
Luke  Robinfon,  Efq.  or  any  three  of  them,  ap- 
pointed Committees  of  both  Houfes  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England,  to  join  with  the  Commissioners  of 
the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  to  prefent  to  the  King's 
Majejly  the  Proportions  for  a  fafe  and  well* 
grounded  Peace,  and  to  receive  his  Majejly  s  An- 
fwer thereunto* 

C  \7OU>  or  an7  three  °f  you»  are  forthwith  to 
the  Commiflion-  e  A  repair  to  the  Town  of  Newcajlle  upon  Tyne, 
ers  appointed  to  c  or  to  fuch  other  Place  within  the  Kingdom  of 
*" '  England  where  his  Majefty  mail  be,  and  there  to 

*  obferve  the  Inftrudlions  following  : 

'  You,  or  any  three  of  you,  (hall  there  prefent 
c  to  the  King,  from  the  Lords  and  Commons  af- 
'  fembled  in  the  Parliament  of  England,  the  Propo- 

*  fitions  herewith  delivered  unto  you  for  a  fafe  and 
e  well-grounded  Peace,  agreed  upon  by    the  two 
c  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  and  by  the 

*  Commiffioners  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

'  You,    or  any  three  of  you,  are  to  defire  from 

*  the  King  his  pofitive  Anfwer  and  Confent  to  the 

*  faid  Propofitions. 

'  You  are  to  return  with  all  Diligence  and  Speed 
c  to  the  Parliament  at  IVeftminfter,  as  foon  as  you 
'  fhall  have  received  the  faid  Anfwer  from  his  Ma- 

*  jefty.     In  Expectation  of  the  faid  Anfwer  you  are 

*  not  to  make  Stay  at  Newcajlle,  or  at  fuch  other 
'  Place  where  you  fhall  find  the  King,  above  the 

*  Space   of  ten  Days   next  after   your  Arrival    at 
'  Newca/lle,   or  fuch  other  Place  as  aforefaid  ;  but 

*  the  faid  Time  of  ten    Days  being  expired,  you 

*  are  forthwith,  without  any  Delay,  to  return  to 

'  the 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N<  D.  tj 

«  the  Parliament  of  England^  to  give  them  an  Ac-  Aa,  it  Car.  1, 

*  count  of  your  Proceedings/  t   16+  '.  * 


y«/y  9.  A  Letter  was  read  in  the  HouTe  of 
Lords,  which  came  from  the  Aflemblvof  the  Kirk 
of  Scotland  at  Edinburgh ;  which,  for  its  extraordi- 
nary Style,  requires  a  Place  in  this  Hiftory. 

//LETTER  from  the  General  djjembly  of  the  Kirk 
of  Scotland  to  both  Houfes  of  Parliament. 

Right  Honourable,  Edinburgh,  June  18,  1646. 
«  TPHE  Report  of  the  great  Things  which  the 

*  JL     Lord  hath  done  for  your  Honours  has  gone  fembly  of  the 
«  forth  into  many  Lands,  and  it  becometh  us,  leaft  ^^"p^ 
'  of  any,  either  to  fmother  or  to  extenuate  the  fame :  ^^  " 

*  We  defire  to  be  enlarged  in  the  Admiration  of 
'  the  Power  and  Mercy  of  God  the  Author,    and 

*  to  diminifh  nothing  of  that  Praife  that  is  due  to 
'  you  as  Inftruments. 

*  When  the  Lord  fet  your  Honours   upon   the 

*  Bench  of  Judgment,  both  the   Kirk  and  Com- 
'  mon-wealth  of  England  were  afflicted   with  in- 

*  teftine   and    bofom    Evils;    the   Cure  whereof 

*  could  not  but  be  very  difficult,  becaufe  they  were 
'  not  only  many,  but  for  the  moft  Part  univerfal 

*  and  deeply  rooted,    flielter'd   under  the  Shadow 
'  ofCuftom  and  Law,  and  fupported  with  all  the 

*  Wifdom  and  Strength  of  the  Malignant  andPfe- 
1  latical  Party;  who  rather  chufed  to  involve  the 
'  Land  in  an  unnatural  and  bloody  War,  than  to 

*  fail  of  their  ambitious    and  treacherous  Defigns 
'  againft  Religion,    the  Privileges  of  Parliament, 

*  and  the  Laws    and  Liberties  of  the  Kingdom. 
'  Neither  hath  that  miferable  Crew  been  wanting 

*  unto  their  own  Ends,    but,  for  many  Years  to- 

*  gether,  hath  defperately  purfiied  their  Refolutions 

*  in  Arms;  and    was  likely   to  have  prevailed,  if 
'  the  Lord  had  not  put  himfelf  in  the  Breach,  and 
'  furnifhed  you    with  much  Patience,    Wifdom, 

*  Courage,  and    Conftancy  in  the  Midft  of  many 
«  Difficulties  and  Diftrefles ;    and,  at  laft,  with  fo 

VOL.  XV.  B  •  gloriou* 

1 8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  -2,  car.  I.  <  glorious  and  triumphing  a  Succefs,  that  the  Ene- 
*'  '^^j  '  my  hath  fallen  every  where  before  you,  and  there 
jaj£ '  is  none  left  to  appear  againft  you. 

'  Thefe  Things,  as  they  be  Matter  of  our  Re- 
'  frefhment  and  of  your  Glory,  fo  do  they  lay  a 
'  ftrong  Obligation  upon  your  Honours  to  walk 
'  humbly  with  your  God,  and  to  improve  the 

*  Power  he  has  put  into  your  Hands,  for  the  Ad- 
'  vancement  of  the  Kingdom  of  his  Son,  and  bring- 

*  ing.  forth  the  head  Stone  of  his  Houfe. 

«  The  flow  Progrefs  of  the  Work  of  God  has 
'  .always  been  the  Matter  of  our  Sorrow;  which 

*  is  now  encreafed   by   the  Multiplication  of  the 
'  Spirits  of  Error  and  Delufion,  that  drown  many 

*  Souls  in  Perdition ;  and  fo  ftrengthen  themfelves 
4  that  they  (hall  afterwards  be  laboured  againft  with 
'  more  Pains  than  Succefs,  if  a  fpeedy  and  effectual 
'  Remedy  be  not  provided :  And,  therefore,  as  the 

*  Servants  of  the  living  God,  who  not  only  fend  up 

*  our  Supplications  daily  for  you,  but  have  hazarded 
'  ourfelves  in  your  Defence,  we  do  earneftly  be- 
c  feech   your  Honours,     in  the  Bowels  of  Jefus 
c  Chrift,  to    give  unto  him  the  Glory  that  is  due 
*.  unto  his  Name,  by  a  timeous  eftablifhing  all  his 
'  Ordinances  in  the  full  Integrity  and  Powerthere- 
'  of,  according  to  the  League  and  Covenant.    As 
'  long  as  the  AfTembly  of  Divines  was   in  Debate, 

*  and  an  Enemy   in  the  Field,    we  conceive  that 
'  thefe  might  'be  probable  Grounds  of    Delay; 

*  which  being  now  removed  out  of  the  Way,  we 
'  do    promife   ourfelves,  through   your   Wifdom, 

*  Fnithfulnefs,  and  Zeal,    the  perfecting  of  that 
'  which  was  the  main  Ground  of  our  Engagement, 

*  and  a  chief  Matter  of  Confolation  unto  us  in  all 
'  our   fad  and  heavy    Sufferings  from   the    Hand 
'  of  a  mcft  cruel  Enemy* 

'  We  know  that  there  is  a  Generation  of  Men 
'  who  retard  the  iVork  of  Uniformity,  and  foment 
'  Jealoufies  betwixt  the  Nations,  ftudying,  if  it 

*  were   poffible,  to  break  our  Bonds  (fander :    But 
we  truft  that  he  that  fittetb   in  the   Heavens  will 

and  that  the  Lord  will  have  them  in  De- 

*  r.ijion  f 

^/ENGLAND.  19 

*  rifion ;  that  he  Jball  fpeak  to   them  in  his   ffratb,  An.  21  Car.  *• 

*  and  vex  them  in  his  fore  Difpleafure ;    and,  not-          l646-  ^ 
4  withftanding  of  all  that  they  can  do,  fct  his  King    ^     ~T    ' 
'  upon  his  Holy  Hill  c/'Zion,  and  make  thcfe  Na-          ^ 

*  tions  happy  in  the  fweet  Fruits  of  Unity,  in  Truth 
'  and  Peace. 

'  The  Searcher  of  Hearts  knows  we  defire  to  hold 

*  faft  the  Band  of  our  Covenant  as  facred  and  in- 

*  violable,  being   perfuaded  that  the  Breach   of  fo 

*  folemn  a   Tye  could  not  but  haften  down   upon 
'  our  Heads  a  Curfe  and  Vengeance  from  the  righ- 
*'tcous  Judge  of  the    World,    and   involve  thefe 
'  Kingdoms  in  further   Calamities  than  they  have 

*  yet  feen.     And  we  abhor  to  entertain    any  other 

*  Thoughts   of  you;  nay,   we  are  confident  that 
(  your  Honours  will  ferioufly  endeavour  the  Profe- 

*  cution  of  all  the  Ends  defigned  in  the  Covenant, 
1  and  the  bringing  thefe   Nations  unto  the  neareft 
'  Conjunction,  both  in  Judgment   and  Affection^ 

*  efpecially  inthofe  Things  that  concern  Religion  ; 

*  which,  without  all   Controverfy,    is  the   readieft 

*  and  fureft  Way   of  attaining   and  fecunng    the 

*  Peace  and  Profperity  of  both  Kingdoms.' 

Subjcribed  in  the  Name   of  the  General  j4jfembly$ 

by  ROBERT  BLAIR,    Moderator. 

The  Lords  having  given  Orders  for  the  Profecu- 
tion  of  Colonel  John  Lilbiirne  in  their  Houfe,  and  ^"Q  £0*.  Lil- 
that  the  Attorney-General  and  the  King's  Counfel  burne  before  th« 
(hould    prepare  and   exhibit  Articles  againft  him;  .Hou^eofr  Lord.f> 

.,   V  .  V  'for  afperhng   ths 

accordingly,  Earl  of  Man. 

July  10.     The  Charge  was  brought  in  and  read 

as  follows : 

ARTICLES  exhibited  before  the  Lords  in  Parlia- 
ment djjembled,  by  Sir  Nathanael  Finch,  Knt.  one 
of  his  Afajefly's  Serjeants  at  Law,  again/}  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel John  Lilburnej  Jor  high  Crimes 
and  Mifdemeanors  done  and  committed  by  him. 

'   \I7Hereas  the    Ri!!lu  Hon-    Edwd    Earl    of 

*  W       Manckfflr'i  b>' the   Space  of  divers  Years 

*  laft  pad,  hath  been  and  vet  is  one  of  the  Peers  of 

B2  this 


An.    21  Car.   I. 

TJje  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  r 

this  Realm;  rmd  whereas  the  faid  Earl  was,  bj' 
Ordinance  of  Parliament,  appointed  General  of 
divers  Forces  raifed  by  the  Parliament,  the  faid 
John  Lilburne,  intending  to  fcandalize  and  dif- 
honour  the  faid  Earl,  andto  raife  Difcord  between 
him  and  other  Subjects  of  this  Realm,  hath,  in  a 
certain  Book  hereunto  annexed,  and  by  him  con- 
trived, and  caufed  to  be  printed  and  publifhed, 
intituled  The  Jujt  Man's  Jujlification  ;  or  a  Letter 
by  way  of  Plea  in  bar,  falfly  and  fcandaloufly  af- 
firmed and  publiflied  certain  Paflages  concerning 
the  faid  Earl  of  Manchejler,,  and  his  Demeanors  in 
his  faid  Office  and  Employment ;  viz. 

I.  '  Touching  the   Complaint  by  the  faid   Lil- 
burne   alledged    to  be  made  by  him  and  others  to 
the  faid  Earl,  as  follows,  at  Page  2.  /  complained  t» 
the  Earl  of  Manchefter  again/I  Colonel  King,   be- 
ing both   his    General  and   mine,  and  at    the  Jame 
Time    of  divers    Gentlemen    of   the    Committee   of 
Lincoln,  as  Mr.  Archer,  &c.  and  having  Arti- 
cles of  a  very  high  Nature  againft  him,    pujhed  my 
Lord  to  a  Trial  of  him  at  a    Council  of  War  ;  and 
at  the  very  fame  Time  the  Mayor,  Aldermen,    and 
Town  Clerk  ofBo&on  came  to  Lincoln  tt  my  Lord, 
with  Articles  of  a  fuperJative    Nature  againjl    the 
faid  Colonel  King  their  Governor,   but  could  not  get 
my  Lord  to  do  them  'Jujlice  at  a  Council  of  War, 
contrary  to  all  our    Expectations,   as   of  Right  we 
ought  to  have  had;    which  at    prefent   faved    his 
Head  upon   his  Shoulders.     And,  in  Page  the  8th 
and  Qth  of  that  Book,  did  affirm  thefe  Words,  viz. 
Ifa   could  not    at  all  prevail,    the  Reafon  of  which 
weare  notable  to  render,  unlefs  it  were  that  the  King's 
two    Chaplains,  Lee  and  Garter,    prevailed  with 
the   Earl's    two  Chaplains,     Afh  and  Good,     tt 
cajl  a  Clergy  Mijl  over  their  Lord's  Eyes,   that  he 
Jhiuld  not  be  able  to  fee  any  Deformity    in   Colonet 


II.  '  The    faid   John   Lilburne,   within  three 
Months  laft  paft,  in  a  certain  Book  by  him  con- 
trived, and  caufed  to  be   printed    and  publifhed, 
here-  unto  annexed,  intituled,  The  Freeman  s  Free- 

*  dim 

of    ENGLAND. 

dam  vindicated;  or,  A  true  Relation  of  the  Cfi!>ftAn 
and  Manner  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  ]o\\n'L\\burne's 
prefent  Imprisonment  in  Newgate,  being  thereunto 
arbitarily  and  illegally  committed  by  the  Houje  of 
Peers ;  June  1 1,  1646,  for  his  delivering  in  at 
their  open  Bar,  under  his  Hand  and  Seal,  his  Pro- 
tejlatlon  againjl  their  encroaching  upon  the  com- 
mon Liberties  of  all  the  Commons  0/~England  ;  by 
endeavouring  to  try  him ,  a  Commoner  £/"  England, 
in  a  criminal  Caufe  contrary  to  the  exprefe  Tenor 
and  Form  of  the  iqth  Chapter  of  the  Great  Charter 
of  England;  and  for  making  his  legal  and  ftj/} 
Appeal  to  his  competent,  proper*,  and  legal  Tryert 
and  "Judges^  the  Commons  of  England,  in  Parlia- 
ment ajfembled,  did  falfly  and  fcandaloufly,  in  the 
8th  Page  of  that  Book,  publilh  andafiirm,  con- 
cerning the  faid  Earl  of  Manchejler,  thcfe  falfe 
and  fcandalous  Words,  I  clearly  perceive  the  Hand 
of  Joab  to  be  in  this,  namely*  my  old  Back-friend 
the  Earl  of  Manchefter,  the  Fountain,  as  I  con- 
ceive, of  all  my  prefent  Troubles ;  who  would  have 
hanged  me  for  taking  a  CaJJle  from  the  Cavaliers 
in  Yorkfhtre,  and  is  fo  clofely  glued  in  Inter ejl 
to  that  Party,  that  he  protected  from  Jtijiice  Co- 
lonel King,  one  of  his  own  Officers,  for  his  good 
Service  in  treacherouJJy  delivering  or  betraying 
Crowland  to  the  Cavaliers;  and  never  called,  nory 
that  I  cculd  hear,  de fired  to  call,  to  account  his  Of- 
ficer or  Officers,  that  bafely,  cowardly,  and  treache- 
rou/Jv  betrayed  and  delivered  Lincoln  up  to  the  E- 
newy,  without  jlriking  one  Stroke,  or  flaying  till 
fo  much  as  a  Troop  of  Horfe  or  a  Trumpeter  came 
to  demand  it.  His  Lord/hip's  Head,  it  feents,  had 
Jlood  too  long  upon  his  Shoulders,  that  makes  him  be 
cannot  be  quiet  till  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell's 
Charge  agalnjl  him,  fully  proved  in  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  be  rfvived,  whhh  is  of  as  high  a  Na- 
ture, I  believe,  as  ever  any  Charge  given  in  there  ; 
the  Epitomt  of  which  I  have  by  me,  and  his  Lord- 
Jhip  may  live  to  fee  it  Jhcrtly  in  Print  by  my  Means. 
*  And  the  faid  John  LHburne,  in  the  Book  and 
Page  laft  mentioned,  in  Scandal  and  Difliommr 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

of  Henry  Earl   of -Stamford,  a  Peer  of  this  King- 
4  dom,  and   a  late  Commander     of    Forces  of  the 

*  Parliament,  makcth  this   fcandalous   Expreflion, 

*  viz.    And  for  my  Lord  of  Stamford,   at  prefent  I 
4   defire  him  but  to  remember  one  Article  made  at  the 
4  Delivery  of  Exeter,  which  it  may  be,  in  'Time,  -will 
4  c'jd  his  furious   Endeavours    to     enjlave   the  free 
4  People  of  England. 

III.  *  Whereas  the  faid  John  Lilburne,  upon 
4  the  nth  Day  of  June  lad  part,  by  virtue  of  the 
4  Order  of  the  Peers  affernbled  in  this  prefent  Par- 

*  liament,    was   brought  to  their  Bar,    to  anfwcr 
4  concerning  the  faid  Book  in  the  faid  firft  Article 
1  mentioned  ;  the  faid  John  Lilburne,    intending, 
4  falfly  and  malicioufly,    to  fcandalize   and  difho- 

*  nour  the  Peers  afiembled  in  Parliament,  and  their 

*  juft  Rights  and  Authorities,  did  then  and  there, 
4  in  Contempt  of  the  faid   Houfe  of  Peers,  at  the 
4  open    Bar,    the   Peers  then  fitting,    openly  de- 

*  liver  a  certain  Paper  hereunto  annexed,  under  his 

*  Hand  and  Seal,  intituled,  The  Prctejlation,  Plea, 
*•  and  Defence  cf  Lieutenant-Colonel  John   Lilburne, 
4  given  to  the  Lords  at  their  Bar,  the  nth  cf  June, 
'   1646,  with  his    Appeal  to  his  competent,    proper, 
4  and  legal  Tryers  and  Judges,  the    Commons  of  En- 

*  gland  in  Parliament  ajjembled,    which    Paper  is 
6  here  unto  annexed,  and  fmce  caufed  the  fame  to 

*  be  printed    and  poibliftied ;     in    which    Paper, 
4  amongft  many  other  Scandals  therein  contained, 
4  he  publifhed  and  affirmed,  concerning   the  Lords 
4  in  Parliament,  thefe  \Vordsfollowing,  viz.  There - 

*  fore,  my  Lords,  you  being,  as  you  are  called,  Peers^ 
4  meerly  made  by   Prerogative,    and  never  intrujled 
4  orimpowered  by  the  Commons  of  Enghnd,  &c. 

4  And  in  another  Place  thereof,  concerning  the 

4  Lords  and   their  Proceedings  in  Parliament,  did 

4  protefl  and  publifh  thefe  Words  following,  7  da 

*  here,  at  ysur  open  Bar,    froly?  againjl    all  your 
4  prefent   Proceedings    with  me,     in   this    pretended 

*  criminal  Caiife,    as  unjvjl,    and  againjl  the   Tenor 

*  and  Form    of  the  Great  Charter,    which    ell  you 

*  have  fivorn  inviolably    to  cbferve,  and     caufed  the 
<  4  Commons 

of    ENGLAND.  23- 

4  Commons  cf  England   to  do  the  fame ;    and  there-  An.  ^^  Car.  lf 

4  fore,  my  Lords,  I  do  her cly  declare,  and  am  refol- 

4  ved,  as  in  Duty  bound  to   God,    myflf,    Country,, 

4  and  Pofterity,  to  maintain  my  legal  Liberties  to  the 

4  la  ft  Drop  of  my  Blood,  agalnji  all  Oppofers   what- 

4  foever ;    having  Jo  often  in    the    Field  adventured 

4  my  Life  therefore ;      and   do  from  you,  and  yucr 

4  Bar,   as  Incroachers  an  I  u far ping    Judges,    appeal 

*  to  the  Bar  and  Tribunal  of  my  cc?npeient,    proper, 
4  and  legal  Trycrs  and  'fudges,  the  Commons  of  Eng- 
4  land  ajfembledin  Parliament. 

4  And,  in  Purfuance  of  hi:;  faid  malicious  and  il- 
4  legal  Practices,  did  afterwards  contrive  and  pub- 
4  lifh  a  fcandalous  and  libelous  Letter,  hereunto 
4  likewife  annexed,  directed  to  •  M;.  -  JFollaJiojft 
4  Keeper  of  Newgate,  or  his  Deputy  ;.  \vhercin,  a- 
4  mong  other  Things,  he  hath  caufed  to  be  infertcd 

*  and  publifhed  thefe  Words  concerning  the  Peers 
4   in  Parliament,  viz.    Their  Lordjhips  fining  by  vir- 
4  /.v  of  their  Prerogative    Patents,  cud  nyf  by  Elcc^ 
4  tion   or  Confent   of  the  People,    h<;?c,    a.s.    Alagna 
4   Charta,    and  othsr  good  Laws  of  the  La.tul.tsU  me^ 
4   nothing  to   do   to  try  ?KC,  or  any  Commj;*>:r  whatf?  - 
4  cv'r,  in  any  criminal  Canfe,  either  for  Life,  Lim,!, 
4  Liberty,     or    Ejlate :  But,    contrary   hereunto,     as. 
'   Encroach-jrs  and  Ufurprrs    upon    my   Freedom  a.i.l 
*.'  Libert';,    they  have  laii'y    and   illegally  cnd:avoy- 

.  try   ;/;(',    a    Commoner,    at    Bar ;   f:r 
'  h  I,    under,  my  Hand   and  Seal,  ,protf/L\d    ty 

*  their  Faces  agaiajl  them,    as   violent  and  illegal  En~ 
4  croachers  upon  the  Rights  and  Liberties  of.  me   and 
4  all  the  Commons   of  En  gland,   a   Cap}  of  which  I 
4  herewith  in  Print  find  y;u:     And  at  their  Bar  I 
4  •  openly  appealed  to  my  competent,   proper,   and  legal 
4  Tryers  and  Judges,   the   Commons  of  England    af- 
4  fembled  in  Parliament ;    for  which  their  Lord/hips 
4  did  illegally,    arbitrarily,  and  tyrannic  ally,    commit 
4  me  to   Prij'on  into  your  Cujiody  ;     which    Putefta- 
4,tiQri  and  Papers,  and  Matters  therein  contained, 
4   do  falfly,     leandaloufly,  and    nialici.mfly    charge 
*  the  Peers  in  Parliament-  with  Tyranny,' Ufurpa- 

64  4  tion, 


fat.  22   Car*  I, 
'    1646. 

<Tht  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

tion,  Perjury,  Injuftice,  and  Breach  of  the  great 
Truft  in  them  repofed  ;  and  are  an  high  Breach 
of  the  Privilege  of  Parliament,  and  are  high  Of- 
fences againft  the  Laws  and  Statutes  of  this 
Kingdom,  and  do  tend  to  the  great  Scandal  of 
the  Peers,  and  the  Authority  with  which  they  are 

*  in  veiled,  and  ftir  up  Difference  between  the  faid 

*  Peers  and  others  of  the  Subjects  of  this  Realm. 


A  printed  Paper  was  alfo  brought  into  the  Houfe* 

The  Sum  of  the  CHARGE  given  in  by  Lieutenant* 
General  Cromwell  again/I  the  Earl  of  Man- 
chefter  (a). 

«  *TTHAT  the   Earl   of  Manchejler  hath   been 
f     M-     always  indifpofed  and  backwards   to  En- 

*  gagements,  and,  againft  the  Ending  of  the  War 

*  by  the  Sword,  and  for  fuch  a  Peace  to  which  a 

*  Victory  would  be  a  Difadvantage  j  and  hath  de- 

*  clared  this  by  Principles  exprefs  to  that  Purpofe, 

*  and  a  continued  Series  of  Carriage  and  Actions  an- 
.«  fwerable  ;  and  fmce  the  Taking  of  Tort  (as  if  the 

*  Parliament  had  then  Advantage  enough)  he  hath 

*  declined  whatever  tended  to  further  Advantages 
f  upon  the  Enemy  j  neglected  and  ftudioufly  fliift- 

*  ed    off  all  Opportunities  to  that  Purpofe,   as  if 

*  he  thought  the  King  too  low  and  the  Parliament 

*  too  high  ;  efpecially  at  Dennington-CaJUe,  where 
6  he  had  drawn  the  Army  into,  and  detained  them 

*  in  fuch  a  Poftiircasto  give  the  Enemy  frefh  Ad- 

*  vantages,  and  this  before  his  Conjunction  with 

*  the  other  Armies,  by  his  own  abfolute  Will,  a- 
'  gainft  or  without  his   Council  of  War,    againft 
c  many    Commands  from   the  Committee  of  both 
«  Kingdoms,  and  with  Contempt  and  vilifying  of 
'  thofe  Commands  i    and,    fmce  the  Conjunction 

*  of 

(«)  The  Earl  of  MambtfleSi   Vindication  of  himlelf  againft  this 
Charge,  as  prcfented  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords  by  way  of  Narrative,  ifl 
1644,  is  printed  in  Rufrtvtnb,  Vol.  V.  p.  735.     ^ 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  25 

*  of  the  Armies,    fometimes  againft  Councils    of  An-  £ £». 
War,  and  fometimes    perfuading   and  deluding     t.  _    ^' 

'  the  Council   to  neglect   one  Opportunity    with        July. 

*  Pretence  of  another,    and  that  again  of  a  third  ; 
'  and  at  laft,  when  none  other   Pretence  would 
'  ferve,  by  perfuading  them  that  it  was  not  fit  to 
«  fight  at  all  (J). 

*  That  after  this  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell 

*  exprefs'd  a  larger   Account,     yet  nothing  but 

*  Truth,  and  what  was  fufficiently  proved  at  a  fe- 
'  lecl:    Committee   of  the  Houfe    of  Commons, 

*  whereof  Mr.  Lijle  had  the  Chair;  which  Charge, 

*  with  Proofs  thereupon,  was  reported  to  the  Houfe 

*  and  there   debated ;    and  a  home  Vote   there- 

*  upon    pafled    above  a   Year    ago,    before    the 
'  Houfe  was  recruited  with  new  Members ;  where- 

*  upon  a  potent  Northern  Knight  (c),  one  of  Man- 

*  chefters  fpecial  Friends,    made    a   very   earneft 
'  Motion,     That    Lieutenant-General    Cromwell 
'  might,  with  his  Horfe,  be  fent   immediately  to 

*  relieve  Taunton,  as  you  may  read  in   the  3<;th 
'  Page  of  England's  Birth-Right-,    by    Means   of 
'  which  the  Charge  hath  lain  dormant  ever  fince, 
'  although    it    may  be  fpoken,    upon  very  good 

*  Grounds,  that  it  is  a  Charge  of  as  high  a  Na~ 

*  ture  as    ever  was    given  into   that  Houfe ;  and 

*  therefore  it  is  hoped,  that  either  the  Lieutenant- 
'  General,    or   fome  of  the  new  Members,  will 
'  difcharge  a  good  Confcience  by  prefling  the  re- 
-'  viving  of  it,  that  fo  Treachery  may  receive  its 
'  due  Defert,  and  the  Kingdom  have  Juftice  upon 

*  its  Enemies.* 

The  Lords  having  debated  fome  Time  on  this 
Affair,  ordered, 

l.  '  That  all  the  before-mentioned  Papers  fhould 
be  burnt  by  the  Hangman  the  next  Day  at  the 
New  Palace  in  Wtjlminftery  and  at  the  Old  Ex- 
change in  London  ;  and  that  the  Sheriffs  of  London 
and  Middlesex  do  protect  the  Hangman  in  the 


(i>)  See  HtUa't  Mhncirt,  p  18,  an<J  *8. fc]  Sir  PMif  Stafjlrn. 

26  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  2a  Car.  I.  <  Execution  of  this  Order  to  prevent  any  Affrojits 
I6v46-  ,     «  being  offered  him. 

ju!y.  2.  '  That  Col.  Lilburne  \>z,  brought  to  the  Houfe 

the  next  Morning  in  fafe  Cuftody  by  the  Sheriffs. 
3.  c  That  the  Gentleman-Ufiier  do  fearch  in 
Wejlmirjler  for  all  printed  Copies  of  the  Papers 
read  this  Day,  intituled,  The  Sum  of  the  Charge  given 
in  by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Cromwell  againjl  the  Earl 
of  Manchefter,  and  bring  them  and  the  Letters 
before  this  Houfe  prefently. 

We  have. been  the  more  particular  in  the"  forego- 
ing Extracts,,  and  fhall  be  fo  in  the  enfuing  Trial  of 
this  refolute  Man,  becaufe  there  is  fo  little  Notice 
taken  of  this  remarkable  Affair  in  Rujhworth,  that 
the  Name  of  Lilburne  is  not  fo  much  as  mention- 
ed in  his  fixth  Volume;  and  thefe  Proceedings  a- 
gainir.  him  are  almoft  wholly  paffed  over  by  'the  o- 
ther  Contemporaries.  Befides,  Us  being  purely 
a  Parliamentary  Bufinefs,  wherein  the  Honour  of  the 
fupreme  Court  of  Judicature  in  the  Kingdom  was 
principally  attack'd  and  affronted,  the  Subject  can- 
not be  omitted  in  thefe  Inquiries.  The" Caution 
of  the  Lords  to  the  Sheriffs,  to  take  Care  that  the 
Hangman  ftiould  not  be  molefted  in  doing  his  Office, 
was  very  neceflary;  for  this  political  Enthufiaft, 
young  as  he  was,  had  gain*d  a  high  Eftcem  with  the 
ropulace,  who  were  enraged  at  what  they  call'd  his 
hardUfage;  and  many  Papers,  and  fome  Pamphlets, 
were  printed  and  difperfed  about  the  City  to  incite 
an  Infurre&ion  in  his  Favour.  One  of  thefe  is  in 
our  Collection,  intituled,  A  Reman/trance  of  many 
tkoujand  Citizens,  and  other  freeborn  People  of  Eng- 
land, to  their  own  Houfc  of  Commons,  occafioncd 
through  the  illegal  and  barbarous  Imprifonement  of 
that  famous  and  -worthy  Sufferer  for  his  Country's 
Freedom^  Lieutenant-Colonel 'John  Lilburne  :  Jf^herc- 
in  their  juji  Demands^  in  behalf  of  tbiinfclvcs  and 
the  whole  Kingdom^  concerning  their  public  Safety, 
Peace,  and  Freedom,  is  exprefs'J ;  'cdl'ng  thofe  their 
CommiJJiiners  in  Parliament  to  an  Account,  bow  they 
(fmce  the  Beginning  of  their  Sejjion  to  this  prefent) 
I  have 

of   ENGLAND. 

lave    difcharged  their  -Duties  to  the   Univerfality  of An'  *^  g*r> 
the  People,  their  Sovereign  Lord,  from   wnom  their     t_  *_^  '  _j 
Power   and   Strength  is  shrived,    and  by   whom,    ad         July, 
bene  placitum,  ;V  /j  continued. 

In  the  Frontifpiecc  is  a  Print  of  our  Hero,  look- 
ing through  the  Bars  of  a  Prifon :  Over  his  Head 
is  infcribcd,  The  Liberty  of  the  Freelor.n  Englifti- 
man,  conferred  upon  him  by  the  Hotife  of  Lords, 
June  n,  1646,  with  his  Coat  of  Arms  annexed  j 
And  underneath,  thefe  Lines ; 

Gaze  not  upon  this  Shadow  that  is  vain, 

But  rather  raife  thy  Thoughts  a  higher  Strain  : 

To  God,  I  mean,  who  fet  this  young  Man  free  (k), 

Ar.d,  in  like  Straits  can  eke  deliver  thee. 

Tea^  though  the  Lords  have  him  in  Bonds  again, 

The  Lord  of  Lords  will  his  jufl  Caufe  maintain. 

July  ii.  Col.  Lilburne  was  brought  again  to  the 
Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords  to  hear  his  Charge  read, 
and  make  Anfwer  to  it.  The  whole  Proceedings 
on  which  we  give  from  their  Journals,  as  follows: 
Being  commanded  by  the  Houfe  to  kneel  as  a 
Delinquent,  herefufed  fo  to  do,  faying,  He  would, 
nrt.  Then  the  Lords  commanding  his  Charge  to 
be  read  to  rrm,  he 'faid,  He  would  not  hear,  he  ha- 
ving appealed  to  the.  Houfe  of  Commons  from  their 
Houfe,  to  which  JJg  would  jtand  as  long  as  he  had 
Life  :  And,  upon'  reatHng  of  ?he  Charge,  he  flop- 
ped his  Ears  with  his  Fingers,  and  would  not  hear 
it  rend;  whereupon  it  WL'.S  moved  by  Mr.  Serjeant 
Finch,  one  of  the  King's  Counfel,  That  this  be- 
ing as  great  an  Affront  as  could  be  offered  to  fo 
great  a  Court  as  this  is,  he  might  be  made  to  hear 
his  Charge  read  ;  and.  the  Court  upon  this  com- 
manded him  to  withdraw. 

Then,  after  Debate,  it  was  ordered  he  fhould 
be  called  in  and  admonifhccl ;  and  told  that,  by  flop- 
ping his  Ears  and  ill  Language  and  Deportment, 
hehath  deprived  himfelf  of  what  Favour  he  might 
have  had  in  tnis  Houfe  ;  wherefore  the  Lords  com- 

(*}  CoJ.  Lilbirne  was  firft  imprifoned  by  a  Sentence  of  the  Court  of 
Star-Cbatnbtr,  in  the  Yrar  1637,  being  then  only  19  Years  of  Age  J 
but  wts  difcharged  by  Parliament  in  1640. 

23  ¥he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  I.  manded  him  to  hear  his  Charge  read  without  ftop- 

t    *     ^ ,    ping  his    Ears :    He    anfwered,    He  had  appealed 

July.  from  tbi*  KM  ft  (their  Lord/blps  not  being  bis  com- 
petent Judges)  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  which  he 
will  Jland  to  as  long  as  he  hath  any  Blood  in  his  B.dy. 

Upon  this  ctie  Houfe  corrmianded  the  Charge  to 
be  read  to  him;  but  he  faid  he  would  not  hear  it 
read,  and  fall  ftopped  his  Ears  whilft  it  was  read. 
When  it  was  read,  the  Speaker  alked  him  what  he 
faid  to  his  Charge  ?  He  anfwered,  Hg  heard  nothing 
of  it ;  he  had  nothing  to  do  with  it  j  but  would  Jland 
to  his  Protejlation  \  and  having  appealed  from  their 
Lord/hips,  and  prate/red  again/I  them  as  unrighteous. 
Judges^  to  thofe  'Judges  who  are  to  judge  both  him 
and  their  Lordjhips^  the  Houfe  of  Gammons  af- 
fembled  in  Parliament  ^  he  did  render  up  his  Body  t9 
their  Lordjhips  Fury. 

Hereupon  he  was  again  commanded  to  withdraw ; 
and  the  Lords,  upon  Confideration  of  the  whole 
Matter  of  the  Charge,  taking  his  Refufal  to  an- 
fwer  pro  ConfeJJc ;  and  alfo  confide  ring  the  high 
Contempt  of  the  Honour  and  Dignity  of  the  Houfe, 
fliewed  by  his  Words  and  Speeches  this  Day  at 
their  Bar,  which  were  contained  in  his  Charge,  did 

I.  That  the  Lieutenant-Colonel  John  Lilburne,y«r 
h"   h'lSh    Contempt    to  the  Honour   of  this  Houf^ 
him.          be fined  4<DOO/.   to  the  King. 

1.  That  he  Jhall  be  imprifoned  in  the  Tower  of 
London  during  the  Space  of  Seven  Years. 

3.  That  he  Jhall  be  incapable  to  bear  any  Office  ^  or 
Place  Military  or  Civil,  in  Church  or  Common- 
wealth^ during  his  Life. 

It  was  alfo  ordered,  *  That  the  Pamphlet,  in* 
tituled,  The  jujl  Man's  Juftification ;  or,  a  Letter 
lyway  of  Plea  in  Bar;  and  the  Pamphlet,  intituled^ 
The  Freeman's  Freedom  vindicated,  mentioned  in 
the  Charge  againft  Lieutenant-Colonel  John  Lil- 
burne^  fhall  be  burnt  by  the  Hands  of  the  com- 
mon Hangman,  in  the  Prefence  of  the  Sheriffs  or 
their  Officers,  on  Monday  Morning  next  at  ten  of 
the  Clock,  at  the  Old  Exchange  in  London,  and 
at  the  New  Palace  Yard  in  Wejlminjlcr:  Next 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

Next  was  read,  and  enter'd  in  the  Lord;  Jour- 
rials,  a  Copy  of  the  Propofitions  for  Peace,  which 
were  now  ordered  to  be  fent  away  to  the  King 
with  all  convenient  Speed,  and  to  be  printed  and 

aj/embled  in  Parliament,  for  a  faff  and  wtll- 
g rounded  Peace  (/). 

May  it  pleafe  your  Majefty, 

WE  the  Lords  and  Commons,  aflembled  in  The  Propofitiom 
the  Parliament  of  England,  in  the  Name  of  Peace  from  th« 
and  on  the  Behalf  of  the  Kingdoms  of  Englan 
and  Ireland,  and  the  Commiflioners  of  the  Par- 
liament  of  Scotland,  in  the  Name,  and  on  the  caftU. 
Behalf  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  do  humbly 
prefent  unto  your  Majefty  the  humble  Defires 
and  Propofitions  for  a  fafe  and  well-grounded 
Peace,  agreed  upon  by  the  Parliaments  of  both 
Kingdoms  refpe&ively,  unto  which  we  do  pray 
your  Majefty's  Aflent;  and  that  they,  and  allfuch 
Bills  as  (hall  be  tendered  to  your  Majefty  in  pur- 
fuance  of  them,  or  any  of  them,  may  be  efta- 
blifhed  and  enaded  for  Statutes  and  Acls  of  Par- 
liament, by  your  Majefty's  Royal  Aflent  in  the 
Parliaments  of  both  Kingdoms  refpeclively. 
4  Whereas  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of 
England  have  been  neceffitated  to  undertake  a 
War  in  their  juft  and  lawful  Defence  ;  and  after- 
wards both  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Scotland, 
joined  in  folemn  League  and  Covenant,  were  en- 
gaged to  profecute  the  fame  : 
I.  «  That  by  Aft  of  Parliament  in  each  King- 
dom refpeclively,  all  Oaths,  Declarations,  and 
Proclamations  heretofore  had,  or  hereafter  to  be 
had,  againft  both  or  either  of  the  Houfes  of  Par- 
liament of  England,  the  Parliament  of  the  King- 
dom of  Scotland,  and  the  late  Convention  of  E- 
ftates  in  Scotland,  or  Committees  flowing  from 

<  the 

(/)  From   the  Original  Edition,  printed  for  Join  K'riglt,  at  the 
King's  tit  ad  in  the0/</  Bailey,  July  17,   1646. 

.  $he  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  OR  Y 

An.  -*  Car.  I.  <  the  Parliament  or  Convention  in  Scotland,  or  thejr 
'  Ordinances  and  Proceedings ;  or  againft  any  f.qr 
'  adhering  unto  them;  or  for  doing  or  executing 

*  any  Office,  Place,  or  Charge,  by  any  Authority 
4  derived  from  themj  and    all  Judgments,  Indi&- 

*  ments,  Outlawries,  Attainders, .and  Inquifitions, 

*  in  any  the  faid  Caufes ;  and  al!  Grants  thereupon 

*  made  or  had,  or  to  be  made  of  had,  be  declared 

*  null,  fupprefTed,   and  forbidden :    And  that  this 

*  be  publickly   intimated  in   all  Parifh    Churches 

*  within  his  Majefty's  Dominions,  and  all   other 
c  Places  needful. 

II.  '  That  his  Majefly,  according  .to  the  laud- 
'  able  Example  of  his  Royal  Father,  of  happy  Me- 
4  mory,  may  be  pleafed  to  fwear  and  fign  the  late 

*  folemn  League  and  Covenant ;  and  that  an  Act  of 
4  Parliament  be  pafied  in  both   Kingdoms  refpec-r 

*  tively,   for  enjoining  the  taking  thereof  by  all  the 
'  Subjects  of  the  three  Kingdoms;  and  the  Ordl- 
'  nances  concerning  the  Manner  of  taking  the  fame 

*  in  both  Kingdoms,  be  confirmed  by  Acts  of  Par- 

*  liament  refpedtively,  with  fuch  Penalties,  as,  by 

*  mutual  Ad  vice  of  both  Kingdoms,  {hall  be  agreed 

*  upon. 

II.    '  That  a  Bill  be   pafled  for  the  utter  abo- 

*  lifliingand  taking  away  of  all  Archbifhops,    Bi- 
'  (hops,  their  Chancellors  and  Commiffaries,  Deans 
'  and  Sub-Deans,   Deans  and    Chapters,    Arch- 
4  Deacons,  Canons,    and  Prebendaries;    and    ali 

*  Chanters,  Chancellors,    Treafurers,   Sub-Trea- 
'  furersj  Succentors,    and  Sacrifts ;  and  all  Vicars 

*  Choral  and  Chorifters,    old    Vicars    and    new 
1  Vicars,  of  any  Cathedral  or  Collegiate  Church, 
'  and  all  other  their  Under  Officers,  out  of  the 
4  Church  of  England,    and   Dominion  of   Wales ; 
'  and  out  of  the  Church  of  Ireland,  with  fuch  Al- 
'  terations    concerning    the  Eftates  of  Prelates,  as 
4  fliall  agree  with  the  Articles  of  the  late  Treaty 

*  of  the  Date  at  Edinburgh,  November  29,    1643," 
'  and  joint  Declaration  of  both  Kingdoms. 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  31 

IV.    '  That  the  Ordinances  concerning  the  call-  An.  it  Car.  1, 
ing  and  fitting  of  the  AfTembly  of  Divines^  be 
confirmed  by  Act  of  Parliament. 

V.'  That  Reformation  of  Religion,  according 
to  the  Covenant^  be  fettled  by  A£t  of  Parliament* 
in  fuch  Manner  as  both  Houfes  have  agreed,  or 
fhall  agree  upon,  after  Confultation  had  with 
the  Aflembly  of  Divines. 

VI.  *  For  as  much  as  both  Kingdoms  are  mu- 
tually obliged  by  the  fame  Covenant,    to   endea- 
vour the  neareft  Conjunction  and  Uniformity  in 
Matters  of  Religion,  That  fuch  Unity  and  Uni- 
formity in  Religion  according  to  the  Covenant,  as, 
after  Confultation  had  with  the  Divines  of  both 
Kingdoms   now  aflembled,  is  or  (hall  be  jointly 
agreed   upon  by  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  of 
England,  and  by  the  Church  and  Kingdom   of 
Scotland,  be  confirmed  by  Acts  of  Parliament  of 
both  Kingdoms  refpe&ively. 

VII.  c  That  for  the  more  effectual  difabling  Je- 
fuits,  Priefts,  Papifts,  and  Popifli  Recufants  from 
difturbing  the  State,  and  eluding  theLaws;  and  for 
the  better  difcovering,  and  fpeedy  Conviction  of 
Recufants,  an  Oath  be  eftablifhed  by  Act  of  Par- 
liament, to  be  adminiftered  to  them ;  wherein  they 
{hall  abjure  and  renounce- the  Pope's  Supremacy, 
the  Doctrine  of  Tranfubftantiation,  Purgatory, 
Worshiping  the   Confecrated   Hoft,    Crucifixes 
and  Images,  and  all  other  PopifhSuperfritions  and 
Errors  ;  and  refufing  the  faid  Oath,    being  ten- 
dered in   fuch  Manner  as   fhall  be  appointed  by 
the  faid  A6t,  to  be  a  fufficient  Conviction  of  Re- 

VIH.  *  That  an  Act  of  Parliament  be  parted 
for  Education  of  the  Children  of  Papifts  by  Pro- 
teftants,  in  the  Proteftant  Religion. 
IX.  '  That  an  Act  L?  puffed  for  the  true  Levy 
of  the  Penalties  againft  them;  which  Penalties 
to  be  levied  and  difpofed  in  fuch  Manner  as  both 
Houfes  (hall  agree  on  ;  wherein  'to  be  provided 
that  his  Majefty  (hall  have  no  Lofs. 

X.  «  That 

32  ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

«  Car.  I.      X.  «  That   an  Act  be  paffed   in   Parliament* 

J6*6'    t    '  whereby  the  Praftices  of  Papifts  againft  the  State 

July.        '  may  be  prevented,  and   the  Laws  againft  them 

'  duly  executed,  and  a  ftridter  Courfe  taken  to  pre- 

*  vent  the  faying  or  hearing  of  Mafs  in  the  Court, 

*  or  any  other  Part  of  this  Kingdom. 

XI.    '  The  like  for   the  Kingdom  of  Scotland, 
'  concerning  the  four  laft   preceding    Propofttionsr 
4  in  fuch  Manner  as  the  Eftates  of  the  Parliament 
«  there  fliall  think  fit. 
r  XII.    «  That  the  King  do  give  his  Royal  Aflent 

*  to  an  Act  for  the  due  Obfervation  of  the  Lord's 
c  Day. 

'  To  the  Bill  for  the  Suppreffion  of  Innovation* 

*  in  Churches  and  Chappels,   in   and  about   th& 
«  Worfhip  of  God,  faff. 

*  For  the  better  Advancement  of-  the  Preaching. 
«  of  God's  Holy  Word  in  all  Parts  of  this  King- 

*  dom. 

*  To  the  Bill  againft  the  enjoying  of  Pluralities 
<  of  Benefices  by  Spiritual  Perfons,  and  Non-Reft- 

*  dency. 

'  To  an  Act  to  be  framed  and  agreed  upon  by 

*  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  for  the  reforming  and 
'  regulating  of  both  Univerfities,  of  the  Colleges 
«  of  lyejlminjler,  Winckefter,  and  Eaton.     And 

'  To  fuch  A61   or  Adis  for  raifing  of  Monies, 
«  for  the  Payment  and  fatisfyingof  the  puWickDebt» 

*  and  Damages  of  the  Kingdom  and  other  publiclc 
'  Ufes,  as  fhall  hereafter  be  agreed  on  by  both 
«  Houfes  of  Parliament ;    and  that  if  the  King  do 

*  not  give  his  Aflent  thereunto,  then  it  being  done 

*  by  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  the  fame  (ball  be 
'  as  valid,    to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes,  as  if  the 

*  Royal  Aflent  had  been  given  thereunto. 
'  The  like  for  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

'  And   that  his  Majefty  give  Aflurance  of  his 

*  Confenting,    in  the  Parliament  of  Scotland^  to  an 
'  Act,  acknowledging  and  ratifying  the  Acts  of  the 
'  Convention  of  Eftates  of  Scotland,  called  by  the 

*  Couniel  and  Confervers   of  the  Peace,    and  the 

*  Conv 

of   ENGLAND. 

*  Commiffioners  for  the  Common  Burthens,    and  A" 

*  aflembled  the  twenty-fecond  Day  of  June,  1643, 

*  and  feveral  Times  continued   fince,  arid  of  the 

*  Parliament  of  that  Kingdom  fince  convened. 

XIII.  '  That  the  Lords  and  Commons  in  the 
"  Parliament  of  England  aflembled,  fhall,  durij-jg  the 

*  Space  of  twenty  Years,    from  the  firft  of  July, 

*  1646,  arrcij   train,   and  difcipline^  ofcaufe  tbbe 

*  armed,  trained,  and  difciplincd,  all  the  Forces  of 

*  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Ireland,  and  Do- 

*  minion  of  Wales,  the  Ifles  of  Guernfey  and  Jerfyi 
c  and  the  Town  of  Berwid  upon  Tweed,    already 
'  raifed,  both  for  Sea  and  Land  Service;  and  mall, 

*  from  Time  to  Time,    during   the  faid  Space  of 

*  twenty  Years,  raife,    levy,  arm,    train,  and  dif- 
'  cipline,  or  caufe   to   be  raifed,    levied,    armed, 

*  trained,  and  difcip'lined,  any  other  Forces,  for  Land 

*  and  Sea  Service,  in  the  Kingdoms,  Dominions, 

*  and  Places  aforefaid,  as  in  their  Judgments  they 

*  fhall,  from  Time  to  Time,  during  the  faid  Space 

*  of  twenty    Years,  think  fit  and  appoint;    and 
«  that  neither  the  King,    his   Heirs  or  Succeflcrs, 

*  nor  any  other  but  fuch  as  fhall  aft  by  the  Authority 

*  or  Approbation  of  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons* 
'  fhall,   during  the    faid  Space  of  twenty    Years4 

*  exercife  any  of  the  Powers  aforefaid. 

«  And  the  like  for  the  Kingdom  ofScstlakd,  if  the 
«  Eftatesof  the  Parliament  there  fhali  tiiink  fit. 

'  That  Monies  be  raifed  and  levied  for  the 
c  Maintenance  and  Ufe  of  the  laid  Forces  for  Lahcf 
«  Service,  ^and  of  the  Navy  and  Forces  for  Sea 

*  Service,  in  fuch  Sort,  and  by  fuch  Ways    and 

*  Means,  as  the  faid  Lords   and   Commons  fhdl, 

*  from   Time  to  Time,  during  the   faid   Space  of" 
'  twenty    Years,    think  fit  and  appoint,  and   not 
«  otherwife :    That  all   the    faid  Forces,  both  for 
E  Land  and  Sea  Service,   fb  raifed  or  levied,  or  to 
1  be  raifed  or  levied,  and  aho  the  Admiralty  and" 
'  Navy,   fhall,  from  Time  to  Time,    duririg  the 
«  faid  Space  of  twenty  Years,  be  employed,°ma- 

*  naged,  ordered,  and  difpofed"  •  by  the  faid  Lords 

*  and  Commons  in  fuch  Sort,  and   by  fach  Wav$ 

VOL.  XV.  C 


An.  22    Car.  I. 

The  Parliamentary  His  TOR  V 

and  Means,  as  they  fhall  think  fit  and  appoint* 

*  and  not  otherwise:  And  the  faid  Lords  and  Com- 
'  mons,  during  the  laid  Space  of  twenty  Years  ,- 
'  fhall  have  Power, 

*.•  4  To  fupprefs  all  Forces  raifed,  or  to  be  raifed  y 
'  without  Authority  and  Confent  of  the  faid  Lords 
c  and  Commons,  to  the  Difturbance  of  the  public 

*  Peace  of  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Ireland^ 
e  and  Dominion   of   Wales,  the  Ifles  of  Guernfcy 
4  and,  Ji'ff,y,    and   the    Town    of  Berwick  upon: 

*  Tweed,  or  any  of  them, 

2.  '  To  fupprefs  any  foreign  Forces  who  fhalr 
f  invade,  or    endeavour  to  invade,    the  Kingdoms 
6  of  £ 'ngland  and  Ireland,    Dominion  of  Wales,  the 

*  Ifles  of  Guernfiy  ami    Jerfey^  and  the  Town  of 
'  Ber-icL'k  upon  Tweed,  or  any  of  them. 

3.  l  To  conjoin  fuch   Forces  of  the  Kingdom 

*  of  England  with   the  Forces  of  the  Kingdom  of 

*  Scotland,  as   the  faid   Lords  and  Commons  fhall, 
1  from   Time  to   Time,  during  the  laid   Space  of 
1  f'.venty  Years,  judge  fit.  and   necefl'ary  :    To  re- 
fill all  foreign   Imafious,    and    to  fupprefs   any 
Forces  railed,  or  to  be  railed,  againftj  or  within, 
either  of  the  faid  Kingdoms,  to  the  tDifturbance 
of  the  public  Peace  of  the  laid   Kingdoms,  or  a- 
ny  of  them,  by  any  Authority  under  the  Great 
Seal,    or  otiier    Warrant    whatfoever,    without 
Confent  of  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons  of  the 
Parliament  of  England,  and  the  Parliament,  or 
the  Efhtes  of  the  Parliament,  of  Smtland  reipeo 
tively  :    And  that 'no  Forces  of   either  Kingdom 
fhall  go   into,  or  continue  in,  the   other  King-*- 
dom,  without  the  Advice    and  Defire  of  the  faid 
Lords  and  Commons  of  the  Parliament   of  Eng- 
land,   and  the   Parliament    of  the  Kingdom  of 
Scotland,  or   fuch  as  fhall  be  by  them  appointed 
for  that  Purpofe:  And  that,  after  the  Expiration 
of  the  faid  twenty  Years,  neither  the  King,  his 
Heirs  or  Succeffors,    or  any  Perfon  or  Perfon>, 
by  Colour  or  Pretence  of  any  Commilfion,  Power, 
Deputation,  or  Authority  to  be  derived  from  the 
King,  his  Heir,s  or  Succeflbrs,  or  any  of  them, 

<  fhall 

^/ENGLAND.  3 

*  (hall  raife,  arrrij  train,  difcipline,  employ,  order,  An.  22 

*  manage,  difbaiid,  or  ciilpoie   any  of  the    Forces,         l646<- 
1  by  Sea  or  Land,    of  the  Kingdoms  of  England        T^" 
'  and  Ireland^    the  Dominion  of  Wales^  the    [iles  ' 

'  of  Guernfey    and  Jerfey,    and  the  Town  of  B/r- 

*  wick  upon  Tweed,  nor  exercife  any  of  the  laid 

*  Powers  or   Authorities,  in  the    precedent    Arti- 

*  cles,   mentioned  and  exprefTed  to  be,  during  the 
'  faid  Space  of  twenty  Years,    in  the  laid  f 

*  and  Commons ;    nor  do  any  Act  or  Thing  con- 
'  cerning   the    Execution  of  the  faid    Powers    or 
'  Authorities,  or  any  of  them,  \vithout  the  Con- 
'  fent  of  the  faid   Lords  and  Commons  firft  had 

*  and  obtained  :    That  after  the  Expiration  of  thr 

*  faid  twenty  Years,  in  all  Cafes  wherein  the  Lordsi 
"  and  Commons  {hall  declare    the   Safety  of  the 

*  Kingdom  to  be  concerned,  and  (hall  thereupon 
4  pafs  any  Bill  or  Bills    for   the  raifing,    arming, 

training,  difciplining,  employing}  managing,  or- 
c  dering,  or  difpofmg  of  the  Forces  by  Sea  or  Land, 

*  of  the  Kingdoms   of  England  and   Ireland^  the 
c  Dominion  of  Ifaru's,  Ifles  of  Gusrnl'cv  and  ^Jcrfcy* 
c  and  the  Town  of  Berwick  upon  T-ivecd^  or  of  ar.v 

*  Part  of  the  faid  Forces ;  or  concerning  the  Admi- 
c  ralty  and  Navy;  or  concerning   the  levying   of 

*  Monies   for  the   Raifing,  Maintenance,  or   Ufe 

*  of  the  faid  Forces  for  Land   Service  j  or  of  the 
c  Navy,  and  Forces  for  Sea  Service  ;  or  of  any  Part 

*  of  them;    and   if  that   the  Royal  AfTent  to  fuch 

*  Bill  or  Bills,  mall   not  be  given  in  the  Houfe  of' 
'  Peers,  within  fuch  Time  after  the  paffing  thereof 

*  by  both  Houfcs  of  Parliament,  as  the  laid  Houfes' 

*  mall  judge  fit  and  convenient,    that  then   fuch 
'  Bill  or  Bills,     fo  patted  by  the  faid  Lords    and' 
c  Commons  as  aforefaid,  and  to  which   the  Royal 

*  Aflent  (hall  not  be  given  as  is  heroin  before  ex- 

*  prefled,  mail,  ncverthelefs,  after  Declaration  of 

*  the  faid  Lords   and  Commons  mad:;  in  that  Be- 
'half,  have  the  Force  and  Strength  of  an   Act  or 
''  A&s  of  Parliament;  and  ihall  be  as  vr.Iii,  to  all 

*  Intents  and  Purpofes,  as  if  the  Roy;:!  Aiicnt  had 

*  been  given  thereunto. 

C  2  Pro- 

•:  6  rfbe  ParJLvncntary  HISTORY 

An.  IT.  Car.  I.       «  Provided,  thr.t  nothing  herein  before  contained 

v 1T_°'>'^._y      *  fhall  extend  to  the  taking   away  of  the    ordinary 

4  legal  Powerof  Sheriffs,  Juftices  of  Peace,  Mayors, 

*  Bail i Ms,    Coroners,    Confrables,  Headboroua;hs, 

*  or  other  Officers,  ofjuftice,  not  being  Military 
4   Officers,  concerning  the  Adminiftration  of  Jufticej 

*  fo  as  neither  the  laid  Sheriffs,  Juilices  of  the  Peace, 

*  Mayors,  B:ulitvV,  Coroners,  Conftables,  Hcadbo- 

:^hs,  and  other  Officers,  nor  any  of  them,   d-j 

*  levy,  conduct,   employ,  or  command  any  Fciccs 

*  wh.ufoevcr,  by   Colour  or  Pretence  of  any  Com- 

*  million  of  Array,  or  extraordinary  Command  from 
1  his  Majcity,   his  Fleirs  or  Succeffors,  without  the 
'  Confxmt  of  the  laid  Lords  and  Commons. 

And  if  any    Perfons  Qvdll    be  gathered   and    af- 

*  iembled   together  in  warlike  Manner,  or   other- 

*  wife,  to  the  Number  of  thirty  Perfons,  and  fhall 
'  not  forthwith  oifband  thenifelves,  being  required 

*  thereto  by   the   faid    Lords   and   Commons,    or 
4  Command  from  them,  or  any  by  them  efpecially 

*  .authorized  for    that  Purpofe,  then   fuch    Perfon 

*  and  Perfons   not   fo  difbanding  themfelves,  {hall 

*  be  guilty  and  incur  the  Pains    of  High  Treafon, 

*  being  firft  declared  guilty  of  fuch  Offence  by  the 

*  faid  Lords  and  Commons  ;  any   Commiflion  uu- 

*  der  the  Great  Seal,  or  other  Warrant,  to  the  con- 
'  trary  notwithstanding. 

'  And  he  or  they  that  {hill  offend  herein,  to'   be 

*  incapable  of  any  Pardon   from  his  Majefty,-   his 
'  Heirs  or  Succeflbrs  ;    and  their   Eftates  {hall   be 
'  difpofed  as.  the  faid  Lords    and  Commons  {hall 

*  taink  fit,  and  not  otherwife. 

'  Provided,   that  the  City  of  Londin  fhall  have 
'  and  enjoy  all  their  Rights,  Liberties  and  Franchi- 

*  fes,  Cultoms  and  Ufages,  in  the  railing  and  em- 

*  ploying  the  Forces  of  that  City  for  the  Defence 
*•  thereof,  in  as  full  and  ample  Manner,  to  all  In- 

*  tents  and  Purpofes,  as  they  have,   or  might  have, 
'  tifed  or  enjoyed  the  fame  at  any  Time  before  the 
'  making  the  faid  A&  or  Proportion  ;    tQ  the  end 
4  that   Cits'  may  ;be  fully  alTured  it  is  not  the   In- 
'  temion  o^'  the  Parliament  to  take  from  them  any 

r/    ENGLAND.  37 

Privileges   or  Immunities  in  niifing    or  difpofing  An.  2*  Car.  r. 
of  their  Forces,  which  they  have,  or  might  have,    t    '  ^b>   , 

*  ufed  6r  enjoyed  heretofore.  juj/ 

c  The  like 'for  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  if  the 
c  Eflates  of  the  Parliament  there  (ball  think  fit. 
«     XIV.  «  That,  by  Ad  of  Parliament,    all  Peers 
'  made  fmce  the  Day  that  Edward  Lord  Littleton, 

*  then  Lord-Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal,  deferted  the 

*  Parliament  and  that  the  faid  Great  Seal  was  fur- 

*  rcptitioufly  conveyed  away  from  the  Parliament, 
c  (being  the  twenty-firft  Day  of  May,  1642,)  and 

*  who  fhall  hereafter  be  made,  (hall  not  fit  or  vote 

*  in  the  Parliament  of  England,  without  Confcnt 

*  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament :  And  that  all  Ho- 

*  nour  and  Title  conferred  on  any,  without  Confent 

*  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  fmce  the  twentieth 
'  of  May,   1642,  (being  the  Day  that  both  Houfes 

*  declared,  That  the  King,  feduced  by  evil  Coun- 

*  fel,  intended  to  raife  War  againft  the  Parliament) 
'  be  declared  null  and  void. 

c  The  like  for  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland;    thofe 

*  being  excepted   whofe   Patents    were  pafled   the 

*  Great  Seal  before  the  4th  of  June,  1644. 

XV.  *  That  an  Act  be  pafled  in  the  Parliaments 

*  of  both  Kingdoms  refpeclively,  for  Conformation 
'  of  the  Treaties  pafled  betwixt  the  two  Kingdoms, 

*  viz.   the  Large  Treaty,    the  late  Treaty  for    the 

*  coming  of  the  Scots  Army  into  England^  and  thc^ 

*  fettling  of  the  Garrifon  of  Berwick,  of  the  2gth 

*  of  November •,  1643,    and   the  Treaty  concerning 

*  Ireland^  of  the    6th    of  Augujl^     1642,  for   the 

*  bringing  of  ten  thoufand  Scots  into  the  Province 

*  bflffltr,  in  Ireland^  with  all  other  Ordinance ; 

*  and  Proceedings  parted   betwixt  the  two  King- 
'  doms,  and  whereuntxr  they  are  obliged  by  the  4- 
'  forefaid  Treaties. 

*  That  Algernon  Earl   of  Northumberland,    y •//>.; 
c  Earl    of  Rutland,    Philip    Earl  of   Pembroke  an.l 

*  Montgimery^    Robert    Earl   of    EJfix,   Tbeopbilt^ 
«  Earl    of  Lincoln,  James  Earl   of  Suffolk,  Ribtrt 

*  Earl  of  Warwick,    Edward   Earl  of  Afancbe/ht\ 
'  Herry   Earl   of  Stamford,    Francis  Lord  D 

C  3  *  Philip 

38  ^Ihe  Parliamentary  H  I 

Ar.  22  Or.  I.  «  P^/7/p   Lord  IVkarton,  Franch  Lord    Willoughltf* 

•  ^Jf4^     <  ZW/9-  Lord   North,  John  Lord  Hunfdon,    Wil- 

July.         *  ^w   Lord    Gm,    Edward  Lord  Howard  of  £- 

*  fcrick,    Thomas    Lord     Bruce.    Fcrainando-    Lord 
'  Fairfax,  Mr.  Nftthanael  Fienncs,  Sir  William  Ar- 
'  flzyw?,  Sir  Phil;/)   Stapylton,  Sir  Henry   Vane,   fen. 

*  Mr,    William  Picrepolnt,     Sir  Edward  Ayfcough, 
'  Sir  William   Strickland,   Sir  Arthur   Hejllrig,    Sir 

*  y^/i    Fniivicl:,    Sir  J^'illiam  Brcrcicn,   Sir  Thomas 
4  'Widdringtr.i,    Mr,  J^;    fa//,    Mr.    G;7^r/  M/- 
«  lington,    Sir    Jfr:liiam   Con  ft  able,    Sir   yo/'/z   Wray^ 
«  Sir    lier,rj  Vav.c^  jun.  Mr.  Htnry  Darley,  Oliver 
<•  Si.  John,   Efq.    his   Majefty's  Solicitor-General, 
«  Mr.  Denzlll  Holies,     Mr.     Alexander  R'igby,  Mr. 

<  Cornelius  Holland,    Mr.  Samuel  VaJJall^  Mr.    P^- 

<  regrine  Pdljc<m,    John  Glynne,    Efq.    Recorder  of 

<  London,     Mr.    Henry   Marten,     Mr.   Alderman 

*  /ty&,  Mr.    ^/;»  Blakijlon,  Mr.  Serjeant  #7//&, 

*  Mr.     Richard    Barwis,    Sir    Anthony  Irby,    Mr. 
«•  JJhutjty  Mr.    Bettingham^  and  Mr.  ?>J5«,  Mem- 
«•  bers  of  both  Houfcs  of  the  Parliament  of  England, 

*  fhall  be  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Kingdom    of 
«  England,  for  Confervation  of  the  Peace  between 
v  the  two  Kingdoms,  to  act  according  to  the  Pow- 
t  ers  in  that  Behalf  exprefs'd  in  the  Articles  of  the 

Large  Treaty,  and  not  otherwife. 

'  That  hid  Majefty  give  his  Aflent  to  what  the 
'  two  Kingdoms  (hall  agree  upon  in  Profecution 
s  of  the  Articles  of  the  Large  Treaty,  which  are  not 

*  yetfinifhed. 

'XVI.   c  That  an    Aft  be   pafied  in  the  Parlia- 
c  ments  of  both  Kingdoms  refpedlively,   for  efta- 

*  blifhing  the  Joint  Declaration  of  both  Kingdoms, 

*  bearing  Date  the  30th   Day  of  January,    1643, 
1  in  England,    and     1644,   in  Scotland,   with  the 
4  Qualifications  enfuing. 


'  That  the  Perfons  who  fhall  expe£l  no  Pardon 

*  be  only  thefe  following, 

«  Rupert  and  Maurice,  Count  Palatines  of  the 
«  Rhine  i  James  Earl  of  Derby,  John  Earl  of 

*  Bri/Ioly 

rf   ENGLAND. 

«  Brljlol,  William  Earl  of  tfezvcajile,  Francis   LordAn. 

<•  Cittington,    George  Lord  Di«l;y,     Matthew  Wren 

*  Bifhop  of  Ely,     Sir  Robert    Heath,      Knt.    Dr. 
«  Eramball  Bimop    of  Z>^rry,     Sir    William   Wid- 

<  drnigton,  Colonel  George   Goring,  Henry  Jermyn, 
.'  Efq.  Sir  Ralph  Hopton,  Sir  John  Byron,  Sir  Fran- 
f  cis  Doddington,    Sir  John  Strangeways,  Mr.  £*- 
«  dymion  Porter,   Sir  G^rgr  Raddiffe,  Sir  Marma- 
-<  */«&  Langdale,  Henry  Vaugban,   Efq.  (now  called 
•*  Sir    /fr«ry  Vaughan)     Sir    Fran  fit    tfindevanke,  ' 
'Sir  Richard  Greenville,  Mr.    Edward  Hyde  (now 
.«  called   Sir  £^»wr//  //;-^)  Sir  J^«  <fl/*/-ty,  Sir 
«  Nicholas  Cole,  Sir  7^»w«  Riddell,  jun.  Sir   %/fo 

<  Colepeper-,   Mr.    Richard  Lloyd,   (now   called  Sir 
«  Richard  Lloyd)    Mr.  ArviW  Jenkins,  Sir  Oar^ 
«  5/ro^,     Gwr^  Cartcrct,   Efq.     (now  called  Sir 
«  Gwr^  Carteret)  Sir  C/wrfo  DaUifon,  Knt.  .R/V/j- 

<  tfr^  ^fl«^,  Efq.    (now  called  Sir  Richard  Lane) 
4  Sir   Edward  Nicholas,    Jshn  AJhlurnham,     Efq. 

<  Sir  Edward  Herbert,  Knt.  his   Majefty's  Attor- 
«  ny-General ;    Earl    of  Traquair,   Lord    Harris, 

*  Lord  ,£0<?,    Ge-^r^    Gordon,    fometime  Marquis 
'  of  Huntley,   James  Graham,    fometime   Earl   of 
«  Montrofc,    Robert  Maxwell,    late  Earl  of  Nithef- 

*  dale,  Robert  Dalzell,  fometime  Earl  of  Carnwatb* 

*  James  Gordon,  fometime  Vifcount  Aboyne^  Lodo- 
-«  wick  Lindfey,  fometime  Earl  of  Crawford,  Jamet 
'*  Ogihey,    fometime  Earl  of  Airley,   James   Ogil- 
«  vey,    fometime    Lord    Og'dvey,    Patrick  Ruthent 
c  fometime  Earl  of  Forth^  James  King,    fometime 

*  Lord  Itham,  dlefter  Macdonald,  Irwin   Younger 
'  of  Drum,  Gordon  Younger  of    Gight,     LeJJey  of 

*  Aucbentoul,    Colonel  John    Ccchran,    Graham  of 
.'  Gorthie,  Mr.  John  Maxwell,  fometime  pretend- 
«  ed  Bilhop  of  Rofi.     And  all  fuch  others  as,  bo 
'  ing  procefTed   by  the  Eftates  for  Treafon,    (hail 
'  be  condemned    before  the  Act  of  Oblivion  be 

*  patted. 


*  All  Papifts    and    Popifh  Reculants  who   have 
f  been,  now    are,    Or    fliall  be  acluall y  in    Arm ; 

*  .or  voluntarily  Iffiftingagaujft  the  ParMaments  .or 

C  4  «  Li- 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Eftates  of  either  Kingdom  ;  and,  by  Name,  the 
Marquis  of  W'mton,  the  Earl  of  Worcefter  Ed- 
ward Lord  Herbert  of  Ragland,  Son  to  the  Earl 
of  Wo.rceftcr,  Lord  Brudenell,  Caryll  Molineux, 
Efq,  Lord  Arundell  of  Wardour,  Sir  Francis 
Howard,  Sir  John  Wintaur,  Sir  Charles  Smith, 
Sir  John  Preflon,  Sir  Bazil  Brooh,  James  Lord 
Audley  Earl  of  Caftlehaven  in  the  Kingdom  of 

*  Ireland,  Iff  Hi  am  Sheldon  of  .B<?^,  Efq.    and  Sir 

*  Henry  Beddingfidd. 


*  All  Perfons  who  have  had  any  Hand  in  the 
f  plotting,  defigning,  or  affifting  the  Rebellion  of 
f  Jrfland,  except  fuch  Perfons  who,  having  only 
f  aflifted  the  faid  Rebellion,  have  rendered  them- 
f  felyeSj,  or  came  in  to  the  Parliament  of  England, 


«  That  Humfrey  Bennet,  Efq.  Sir  Edward  Ford^ 
f  Sir  John  Penruddock,  Sir  George  Vaughan,  Sir 
«  John  Weld,  Sir  Robert  Lee,  Sir  John  Pate,  John 

*  Ackland,  Edmond  tt;i,ndlam,    Efq.  Sir  John  Fitz- 
«  Herbert,  Sir  Edward  Lawrence,  Sir   Ralph  Dut- 

*  ton,  'Henry    Lingen,     Eiq.    Sir   William  'RuJJel  of 
'  Worcejlerfhirc*     Thomas    Let    of  Adlington,     Efq. 
'   Sir  ^^^   Girlingtcn,   Sir  P^?^/  Neile,  Sir  William 
«  Thorold,     Sir  Edward  HuJJey,   Sir    Thomas    Lid- 

*  dW/,  fen.   Sir  Philip   Muf grave,    Sir  y^»  Di$f 
'  of  Nott'mghamftnre,       Sir   Henry    Fletcher,      Sir 
«  Richard  Mynjhull,   Lawrence  Haljlead,   £fq.  y/7^« 

*  Denham,  Efq,     Sir  Edmond  Fortefftie,    Peter  St. 
'  /////,    Efq,  Sjr  Thomas  Tildfjley,   Sir  Henry   Grif~ 
'  ^/£,  Michael  Wtirton,  Efq.  Sir  Henry  Spiller,    Mr. 

*  George  Benyon,  (n<>w    called  Sir   George  Benyon) 
1  Sir  Edward  Waldegrave,  Sir  Edward  Bi/kop,   Sir 

*  Robert  (Jwfeley,  Sir  yo^«  Maney,  Lord  Cholmon- 
'  <5^/y,  Sir  Thomas  A  ft  on,  Sir  Lewis  Dives,  Sir  P£- 

*  /6T  OJbourne.,   Samuel  Thornton,    Efq.    Sir    y^« 

*  Lucas,     John    Blaney,   Efq.    $ir  Thomas  Chedle, 

*  Sir  Nicholas  Kemys,    Hugh   Lay  Id,   Efq.  §U"  A'i- 

Cr/^>,  and  Sir  Peter  Rycaut, 


of  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  41 

'  And  all  fuch  of  the  Scots  Nation  as  have  con-  An.  ^^  car.  I. 
curred  in  the  Votes  at  Oxford,     againft  the  King-     t_*6*6'     , 
dom  of  Scotland  and  their  Proceedings;  or  have  -t^. 

fworn  or  fubfcribed  the  Declaration  againft  the 
Convention  and  Covenant ;  and  all  fuch  as  have 
aflifted  the  Rebellion  in  the  North,  or  the  Inva- 
fton  in  the  South  of  the  faid  Kingdom  of  Scotland 
or  the  late  Invafion  made  there  by  the  Irijh  and 
their  Adherents,  be  removed  fro<n  his  Majefty's 
Councils,  and"  be  retrained  from  coming  within, 
the  Verge  of  the  Court ;  and  that  they  may  not, 
without  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  both  fioufes 
of  the  Parliament  of  England,  or  the  Eftates  in 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland  refpeclively,  bear  any 
Office,  or  have  any  Employment  concerning  the 
State  or  Common- Wealth :  And  in  cafe  any  of 
them  mall  offend  therein,  to  be  guilty  of  High 
Treafon,  and  incapable  of  any  Pardon  from  his 
Majefty,  and  their  Eftates  to  be  difpofed  of  as 
both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  or  the 
Eftates  of  the  Parliament  in  Scotland  refpectively 
fhall  think  fit :  And  that  one  full  third  Part,  upon 
full  Value,  of  the  Eftates  of  the  Perfons  aforefaid 
made  incapable  of  Employment  as  aforefaid,  be 
employed  for  the  Payment  of  the  Public  Debts 
and  Damages,  according  to  the  Declaration. 
Firjl  Branch.  c  That  the  late  Members,  or  any 
who  pretended  themfelves  late  Members,  of 
either  Houfe  of  Parliament,  who  have  not  only 
deferted  the  Parliament,  but  have  alfo  fat  in  the 
unlawful  Aflembly  at  Oxford,  called  or  pretended 
by  fome  to  be  a  Parliament,  and  voted  both 
Kingdoms  Traitors,  and  have  not  voluntarily 
rendered  themfelves  before  the  laft  of  Ocfober, 
1644,  be  removed  from  his  Majefty's  Councils, 
and  be  reftrained  from  coming  within  the  Verge 
of  the  Court;  and  that  they  may  not,  without 
Advice  and  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms,  bear  any 
Office,  or  have  any  Employment  concerning 
the  State  or  Common- Wealth  :  And  in  cafe  any 
of  them  fhall  offend  therein,  to  he  guilty  of  High 

*  Treafon, 

42  7/k  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

AD.  2z  Car.  I.  .<  Treafon,  and  incapable  of  any  Pardonby  his  Ma- 

t    l6*6'    ,     4  jefty  ;  and  their  Eftates  to  be  difpofed  as  both  Hou- 

July.          '  fes  of  Parliament  in  England^  or  the  Eftates  of  the 

'  Parliament  of  .SV0/AW  refpeclively,  (hall  think  fit. 

Second   Branch.   '  That    the  late  Members,   or 

*  any   who    pretended   themfelves    Members,    of 

*  either  HouJ&t  of  Parliament,  who  have  fat  in   the 
'  unlawful  AfTembly  at  Oxford,  called  or  pretended 

.    *  by  fome  to  be  a  Parliament,  and  have  not  volunta- 

*  rily  rendered  themfelves  before  the  laft  of  October y 

*  1644,   be  removed  from  his  Majefty's  Councils, 
'  and  reftrained  from  coming  within  the  Verge  of 

*  the  Court;  and  that  they  may  not,    without  the 

*  Advice  and  Confent  of  both  Houles  of  Parliament, 

*  bear  any   Office,  or  have  any  Employment  con- 

*  cerning  the  State  or  Common- Wealth ;  and  in 

*  cafe  any  of  them  {hall  offend  therein,  to  be  guilty 

*  of  High  Treafon,  and  incapable  of  any  Pardon 

*  from  His  Majefty,  and  their  Eftates  to  be  difpofed 

*  as  both  Houles  of  the  Parliament  of  England  (hall 

*  think  fit. 

'Third  Branch.  c  That  the  late  Members,  or  any 
'  who    pretended  themfelves  Members,  of  either 

*  Houfe  of  Parliament,  who  have  deferted  the  Par- 
'  liament,  and  adhered   to    the  Enemies   thereof. 
'  and  have  not  rendered  themfelves  before  the  laft 

*  ofOfiobsr,  1644,  be  removed  from  his  Majefty 's 

*  Councils,  and  be  reftrained  from  coming  within 

*  the  Verge  of  the  Court ;  and  that  they  may  not? 

*  without  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  both  Houfes 

*  of  Parliament,  bear  any  Office,  or  have  any  Em- 

*  ployment    concerning    the  State  or    Common- 

*  Wealth :  And  in  cafe  any  of  them  {hall  offend 

*  therein,  to  be  guilty   of  High  Treafon,  and    in- 

*  capable  of  any  Pardon  from  his  Majefty,     and 

*  their  Eftates  to  be  difpofed  as  both  Houfes  of  Par- 
«  liament  in  England  (hall  think  fit. 


c  Thr.t  all  Judges  and  Officers  towards  the  Law, 
c  Common  or  Civil.  Who  have  deferted  the  Parlin- 

*  ment, 

ef    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  43 

ment,  and  adhcr'd  to  the  Enemies  thereof,  be  inca-  An<  **fi  g*r* 
pablc  of  any  Place  of  Judicature  or  Office  towards  >_  -J  '.-- 
the  Law,  Common  or  Civil,  and  that  all  Serjeants,  July, 
Counsellors,  and  Attornies,  Doctors,  Advocates, 
and  Procters  of  the  Law,  Common  or  Civil,  who 
have  dcferted  the  Parliament,  and  adhered  to  the 
Polemics  thereof,  be  incapable  of  any  Practice  in 
the  Law,  Common  or  Civil,  either  in  public  or 
private ;  and  fhall  not  be  capable  of  any  Prefer- 
ment or  Employment  in  the  Common-Wealth, 
without  the  Advice  and  Confcnt  of  both  Houfes 
of  Parliament:  And  that  no  Bifhop  or  Clergy- 
man, no  M after  or  Fellow  of  any  College  or  Hall 
in  either  oi  the  Univerftties,  or  elfewhere,  or  any 
Mailer  of  School  or  Hofpital,  or  any  Ecclefiafti- 
cal  Perfon,  who  hath  deferted  the  Parliament, 
and  adhered  to  the  Enemies  thereof,  fhall  hold  or 
enjoy,  or  be  capable  of  any  Preferment  or  Em- 
ployment in  Church  or  Common- Wealth  ;  but 
all  their  faid  feveral  Preferments,  Places,  and 
Promotions,  fhall  be  utterly  void,  as  if  they  were 
naturally  dead;  nor  fhall  they  otherwife  ufe 
their  Fundlion  of  the  Miniftry,  without  Advice 
and  Confent  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament ;  pro- 
vided, that  no  Lapfe  fhall  incur  by  fuch  Vacancy 
until  fix  Months  paft,  after  Notice  thereof, 


'  That  all  Perfons  who  have  been  actually  in 
Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  or  have  counfellecf, 
or  voluntarily  affifted  the  Enemies  thereof,  are 
difabled  to  be  Sheriffs,  Juftices  of  the  Peace, 
Mayors,  or  other  Head  Officers  of  any  City  or 
Corporation,  Commiflioners  of  Oyer  and  fer- 
miner,  or  to  fit  or  ferve  as  Members,  or  Afliftants 
in  either  of  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  or  to  have 
any  Military  Employment  in  this  Kingdom, 
without  the  Confent  of  both  Houfes  of  Parlia- 


s  The  Perfons  of  all  others  to  be  free  of  all 
pcrfonal  Cenfure,  notwithftanding  any  Acl  or 

4  Thing 

*Tbt  Parliamentary  HIS 

*  Thing  done  in  or  concerning  this  War,  they  ta- 
*  king  the  Covenant. 

'  The  Eftatcs  of  thofe  Perfons  excepted  in  the* 

*  firft   three    precedent   Qualifications  ;    and    the 

*  Eftates  of  Ed-ward  Lord    Littleton*    and  of  Wil- 
'  Ham  Laud*  late  Archbifhop  of  Canterbury  y  to  pay 
'  public  Debts  and  Damages. 


Fir/I  Branch.  <  That  two  full  Parts  in  three, 
'  to  be  divided,  of  all  the  Eftates  of  the  Members 

*  of  either  Houfe  of  Parliament  who  have  not  only 

*  deferted  the  Parliament,  but  have  alfo  voted  both 

*  Kingdoms    Traitors,    and    have     not    rendered 
'  themfelves  before  the  firft  of  December*    1645, 

*  fhall  be  taken  and  employed  for  the  Payment  of 

*  the  public  Debts  and  Damages  of  the  Kingdom. 

Second  Branch.   *  That  two  full   Parts  in  three, 

*  to  be  divided,    of  the  Eftates  of  fuch  late  Mem- 

*  bers  of  either  Houfe  of  Parliament,   as  fat  in  the 

*  unlawful  Aflembly  at  Oxford*    and  fhall  not  have 
'  rendered  themfelves  before  the  firft  of  December  , 

*  1645,  fhall  be  taken   and  employed  forthePay- 

*  ment  of  the  public  Debts  and  Damages  of  the 

*  Kingdom. 

Third  Branch.  f  That   one   full  Moiety  of  the 

*  Eftates  of  fuch   Perfons,  late  Members  of  either 

*  of  the  Houfes   of  Parliament,  who  have  deferted 

*  the   Parliament,    and  adhered    to  the    Enemies 

*  thereof,  and  fhall  not  have   rendered    themfelves 
'  before  the  firft  of  December,  1645,  ^a^  ^e  ta~ 
c  ken  and  employed  for  the  Payment  of  the  public 

*  Debts  and  Damages  of  the  Kingdom, 


«  That  a  full  third  Part  of  the  Value  of  the  E- 
c  ftates  of  all  Judges  and  Officers  towards  the  Law, 
'  Common  or  Civil  ;  and  of  all  Serjeants,  Coun- 
'  fcllors,  and  Attornies,  Doctors,  Advocates,  and 

*  Proctors  of  the  Law,  Common  or  Civil  j  and  of 

<  all 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  45 

c  all  BHhops,  Clergymen,  Matters  and  Fellows  of  An> 

*  any  College  or  Hall  in  either  of  the  Univerfities, 

*  or  elle where  ;  and   of  all  Matters  of  Schools  or         July. 
Hofpitals,  and  of  Eccleiiaftical  Perfons  who  have 

'  deferted  the  Parliament,  and  adhered  to  the  Ene- 

'  mies   thereof,  and  have  not  rendered   themfelves 

*  before  the  firft  of  December ,   1645*  mail  be  taken 

*  and    employed  for  the    Payment  of  the   public 

*  Debts  and  Damages  of  the  Kingdom. 

'  That  a  full   fixth  Part  of  the  full  Value  of 

*  the   Eftates  of  the  Perfons  excepted  in  the  fixth 

*  Qualification,    concerning  fuch    as    have   been 

*  actually  in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  or  have 

*  counfelled    or   voluntarily  aflifted    the  Enemies 
'  thereof,  and   are  difabled   according  to  the  fai.d 
'  Qualification,  be  taken  and  employed  for  the  Pay- 

*  ment  of  the  public  Debts  and  Damages   of  the. 
'  Kingdom. 

«  That  the  Perfons  and  Eftates   of  all  common 

*  Soldiers,  and  others  of  the  Kingdom  of  England* 

*  who,   in  Lands   or  Goods,  be  not  worth  200 /. 

*  Sterling;  and  the  Perfons  and  Eftates  ofallcom- 

*  mon  Soldiers  and  others  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 

*  landy  who,  in  Lands  or  Goods,    be  not  worth 

*  100 1.  Sterling,    be  at  Liberty  and  difcharged. 
Firjl  Branch.    '  This  Proportion  to  ftand  as  to 

c  the  Englijb  j  and  as  to  the  Scots  likewife,  if  the 
'  Parliament  of  Scotland,  or  their  Commiffioners, 

*  (hall  fo  think  fit. 

Second  Branch.  «  That  the  firft  of  May  laft  is 

*  now  the  Day  limited  for  the  Perfons  to  come  in, 
'  that  are  comprifed  within  the  former  Qualifica- 

*  tion. 

4  That  an  A&  be  patted,    whereby  the  Debts 

*  of  the  Kingdom,  and  the  Perfons  of  Delinquents, 

*  and  the  the  Value  of  their  Eftates  may  be  known  ;. 

*  and  which  A&  (hall  appoint  in  what  Manner  the 
'  Confifcation  and   Proportions    before-mentioned, 
«  may  be  levied,  and  applied  to  the  Difcharge  of 

*  the  faid  Engagements. 

«  The 

tfbe  Parliament  dry  HISTORY 

.      <  The  like  for  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  if  the 
'    ,    '  Eftates  of  Parliament,  or  fuch  as  (hall  have  Power 

*  from  them,  (hall  think  fit. 

XVII.  «  That  an  Aft  of  Parliament  be  parted; 

c  to  declare  and  make   void    the  Ceflation  of  Ire- 

c  land,  and  all  Treaties  and  Conclufions  of  Peace, 

e  or  any  Articles  thereupon,  with  the  Rebels,  with- 

*  out  Confent  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament ;    and 

*  to  fettle  the  Profecution  of  the  War  of  Ireland  iri 

*  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England  to  be 
c  managed'  by  them  ;  and  the  King  to  allift,  and  to 

*  do  no  Aft    to    difcouiuchahce"  or  hioleft  them 

*  therein. 

'  That  Reformation  of  Religion,  according  to 
'  the  Covenant,  be  fettled  in  the  Kingdom  of  Ire- 
c  land  by  Aft  of  Parliament  in  fuch  Manner  as 
'"both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England  have 

*  agreed,  or  (hall  agree  upon,    after  Confutation 

*  had  with  the  Aflembly  of  Divines  here. 

'  That  the  Deputy  or  Chief  Governor,  or  other 

*  Governors  of  Ireland,  and    the  Prcfidehts  of  the 
'  feveral  Provinces  of  that  Kingdom,  be  nominated 

*  by  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,   or, 
*"  in  the  Intervals  of'Parliament,  by  fuch  Commit- 
*"  tees  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  as  both  Houfes 

*  of  the  Parliament  of  England  fhall  nominate"   and 

*  appoint  for  that  Purpofe  :  And  that  the  Chancel- 

*  lor,  or  Lord-Keeper,  Lord-Treafurcr,  Corn  mi  f- 
«  fioiiers  of  the  Great  Seal   or   Treafury*    Lord- 
«•  Warden  of  trfe  Cihque  Ports,  Chahcellbr  of  the 

*  Exchequer  and  Duchy,  Secretaries  of  State,  Ma-' 

*  fter  of  the  Rolls,  Judges  of  both  Benc'he's,  and  Ba- 

*  r'ons  of  the  Exdittjuer  of  the  Kingdom^  of  England 
'  arid  IrefarJ,   and' the •  Vice-Treafurer  and  Trea-^ 
c  furers  at  VVars  .of  the  Kingdom    of  Ireland,   be' 

*  nominated  by  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of 

*  England,  to  continue  Quarndiu  fe  berie  g effcrmt  ^ 
«  and,    in  the  Intervals  of  Parliament,  by  thv 

4  mentioned  Comrnitrees,   to  be  approved   or  dif- 

*  alloWed  by  both'  Houfes  at  their  next  fitting. 

4  The  like  for  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  con- 

<  cerning  the  Nomination'  of  the-  Lords   of  the 

5  «  Pri- 

of   ENGLAND,  47 

*  Privy-Council,  Lords  of  Seflion  and  Exchequer,  An.  21  Car.  f. 
'  Officers    of  State,  and  Juftice-General,  in  fuch     t   l646-    ^ 

*  Manner    as  the  EftateS   of  the  Parliament    there         .,' 
<  (hall  think  fit. 

XVIII.  <  That  the  JW/7/V/a  of  the  City  of  £w- 

*  <&»,   and  Liberties   thereof,    may  be  in  the  Or- 
'  deririo;  and  Government  of  the  Lord  Mayor,  AI- 
'  dermen,  and  Commo'ns  in  Common  Council  af- 

*  fembled,  or  fuch   as    they    fhall,  from  Ti'md  to 
'  Time,  appoint,  (whereof  the  Lord  Mayor,  and 
'  Sheriffs,  for  the  Time  being,    to  be  three)  t,o  be 

*  employed  and  directed,  front   Time  to    Time, 
'  in  fuch  Manner  as  fhall  be  agreed  on,  and  ap- 

*  pointed  by  both  Houfes   of  Parliament. 

*  That  no  Citizen  of  the  City  of  London^  nor 

*  any  of  the    Forces  of  the    faid    City    fhall    be 
'  drawn  forth  or  compelled  to  go  out   of  the  faict 

*  City,  or  Liberties   thereof,  for  Military  Service, 

*  without  their  own  free  Confent, 

*  That  an  Aft    be  parted  for  the  granting  nnd 
'  confirm  ing  of  the  Charters,  Cuftoms,  Liberties, 
'  and  Franchifcs  of  the  City  of  London,    riotsvith- 

*  ftanding  any  Nonufer,  Mifufer,  or  Abufer. 

'  That  the  Tower  of  London  may  be  in  the  Go- 

*  vernment  of  the  City  of  London',    and  the  Chief 

*  Officer    and   Governor  thereof,  from   Time  to 

*  Time,  be   nominated    and   removable    by   the 

*  Common  Council  :    And,   for  the  Prevention- of 
'  Inconveniences  which  may  happen  by  the  long 
'  Intermiffion  of  Common  Councils,  it   is  defired 
<  that  there  may  be  an  A&,  That  all  Bye-Law? 

*  and  Ordinances  already  made,  or  hereafter  to  "bs 
?  made,  by  the  Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Com- 
•'  mons,  in  Common    Council   aflembled,  touch- 

*  ing  the  calling,  continuing,  directing,  and  regn- 

*  lating  the  fame  Common  Councils,  (hall   be   as 
'  effectual  in  Law,  to  all  Intents  and   Purpofes,  .as 
'  if  the  fame  were  particularly  enacted  bytheAu- 

*  thority  of  Parliament :  And  that  the  Lord  Mayor, 

*  Aldermen,  and  Commons,  in  Common  Council, 

*  may    add  to,  or  repeal   the  fuid  Ordinances, -from 

*  Time  to  Time,  as  they  {hall  fee,  Caufe. 

*  That 

48  'The  Parliamentary  H I  s  T  o  R  y 

.  az  c^'  I.  «  That  fuch  other  Proportions  as  (hall  be -made 
l6*6'  ,  *  for  the  City,  for  their  further  Safety,  Welfare, 
July.  '  an<J  Government,  and  {hall  be  approved  of  by 

*  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  may  be  granted  and 
'  confirmed  by  Acl  of  Parliament. 

XIX.  *  That  all  Grants,  CommilBons,  Prcfenta- 

*  tions,  Writs,    Procefs,  Proceedings,    and    other 

*  Things  pa/led  under  the  Great  Seal   of  England^ 
>•*  in  the  Cuftody  of  the  Lords  and  others,  Com- 

*  mifiioners  appointed  by  both   Houfes   of  Parlia- 

*  ment  for  the  Cuftody  thereof,  be,  and,  byanAdl 

*  with  the  Royal  Affent,  fhall  be,  declared  and  en- 
«  afted  to  be  of  like  full  Force  and  Effba,    to  all 

*  Intents  and  Purpofes,  as  the  fame  or  like  Grants, 

*  Commiflions,  Prefentations,  Writs,  Procefs,  Pro- 

*  ceedings,   and   other   Things   under  any  Great 

*  Seal  of  England,  in  any  Time   heretofore  were, 

*  or  have  been  j   and  that,  for  the  Time  to  come, 

*  the  faid  Great  Seal,    now  remaining  in  Cuftody 

*  of  the  faid  Commifli  oners,  continue,  and  be  ufed 

*  for  the  Great  Seal   of  England;    and    that    all 
c  Grants,  Commiflions,  Prefentations,  Writs,  Pro- 

*  cefs,  Proceedings,  and  other  Things  whatfoever, 

*  palled  under,  or  by  Authority  of  any  other  Great 

*  Seal,  fmce  the  22d  Day  of  May,  1642,   or  here- 
4  after  to  be  palled,  be  invalid   and  of  no  Effect,  to 

*  all  Intents  and    Purpofes ;    except  fuch  Writs, 

*  Procefs,   and  Commiflions,   as  being  pafled  under 
'  any  other    Great  Seal  than  the  faid  Great  Seal 

*  in  the  Cuftody  of  the  Commiflioners  aforefaid, 

*  on  or  after  the  faid  22d  Day  of  May,,  and  before 
c  the  28th  Day   of  November  >  1643,    were  after- 

*  ward  proceeded  upon,  returned   into,  or  put  in 

*  ufe  in  any  of  the  King's  Courts  at  Wtjlminjler : 

*  And  except  the  Grant  to  Mr.  Juftice  Bacon^  to 
'  be  one  of  the  Juftices  of  the  Kings  Bench :   And 

*  except  all  A£ts  and  Proceedings  by  virtue  of  any 

*  fuch  Commiflions  of  Goal  Delivery,   Aflize,  and 

*  Nifi  prius,  or   Oytr  and  Ter miner ^    paiTed  under 
'  any  other  Great  Seal   than  the  Seal  aforefaid,  in 
c  Cuftody  of  the  faid  Coraraiflioners  before,  the  firft 
c  of  Otfcber^  1642. 


of   ENGLAND.  49 

«  And  that  all  Grants  ofOiHces,  Lands,  Tene-  An.  «  Car.  i. 
mcnts,  or  Hereditaments,  made,   or  pafled  under     t    I  *  '  , 
the  Great  Seal    of  Ireland  unto   any    Perfon   or         juiy. 
Perfons,  Bodies  Politick  or  Corporate,  fince  the 
Ceffation  made  in  Ireland,  the  1 5th  Day  of  Sep  • 
tember,    1643,  (hall  be  null  and  void;  and  that 
all  Honours  and  Titles  conferred  upon  any  Per- 
fon or  Perfons  in  the  faid  Kingdom  of   Ireland, 
fince  the  faid  Ceflfation,  (hall  be  null  and  void. 

Whilft  the  Commiffioners  were  on  their  Jour- 
ney, the  Houfes  received  the  King's  Anfwer  to 
their  Letter  defiring  an  Order  from  his  Majefty 
to  the  Marquis  of  Ormond,  for  furrendering  up  the 
Caftle  of  Dublin,  and  all  other  Garrifons  in  Ire- 
land,  to  their  Ufe. 

CHARLES  R.  Newcaftle,  July  11,  1646. 
T7 IS  Majejly  having  ccnjidered  the  Letter  of  the  J^™**  *£_ 
•*  •*  6th  Injiant,  fent  to  him  from  the  Lords  and  lament's  Defirc 
Commons  in  Parliament  ajjembled,  thinks  fit  to  return  of  f«rrendering 
this  Anfwer,  That  as  none  can  be  more  deeply  affecled  2^,^^" 
than  his  Majefty  with  the  paji  and  pre fent  Calamities 
of  his  Kingdom  of  Ireland,  nor  is  fo  nearly  concern- 
ed in  the  Prefervation  of  his  Majejiys  Proteftant 
Subjefls,  fo  he  will  be  mofl  ready  to  apply  all  future 
Remedies  for  their  Deliverance  :  And  as  to  the  Parti- 
culars of  delivering,  forthwith,  of  the  City  and  Cajile 
of  Dublin,  the  "Town  of  Drogeda,  and  all  other 
Garrifons  in  that  Kingdom,  which  are  held  by  his 
Majejiys  Authority,  into  the  Hands  of  fuch  as  the 
Parliament  Jball  appoint ;  kis  Majejly  being  mojl 
willing  that  all  thofe  Places  may  be  fo  difpofed  as 
they  may  be  beft  fecured  from  the  Rebels,  and  fer-ve 
n:o/t  for  the  Safety  of  his  good  Subjefls,  doth  again 
earneftly  prefs  that  the  Propofiiions,  fo  long  expetled 
for  the  Peace  of  that  and  his  other  Kingdoms,  maybe 
hajlened  to  him  ;  expetling  that  they  will  contain  the 
readieft  Means,  not  only  of  preferring  thofe  Places 
which  are  already  in  his  Power,  but  likewife  of  re- 
ducing the  reft  of  that  Kingdom,  poffi/ed  by  the  Rt- 
bfls,  to  his  Obedience.  And  as  his  Majefty  knows 
VOL.  XV.  D  not 

50  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  -a  Car.  J.  not  a  more  fpeedy  and  effectual  Way  for  attaining 

m  J646-    ^     thofe  Ends,  than  by  removing  all  Differences  betwixt 

*/""       bis  Majetty  and  the   two  Hcufes  of  Parliament ;   ft 

nothing  will  be  more  earneftly  endeavoured  by  bis  Ma- 

jefiy^  than  that  a  f olid  and  lajling  Peace  be  forthwith 


We  now  meet  with  a  fhort  Adjournment  of  the 
two  Houfes  for  a  few  Days ;  neither  is  there  any 
Thing  in  the  'Journals  worth  mentioning  for  fome 
Time  longer,  except  an  Audience  granted  by  both 
Houfes  to  Monf.  Bellieure,  a  new  French  Ambaf- 
fador ;  who  had  alfo  granted  a  Pafs  to  go  to  the 
King  at  Newcajlley  and  to  the  States  of  Scotland  at 

The  Commons  alfo  fent  up  another  Meflage 
about  the  Vote  for  declaring  this  Kingdom  had  no 
further  Ufe  for  the  Scots  Army  ;  which  they  held 
to  be  a  Matter,  they  faid,  of  fo  much  Concern- 
ment to  this  Kingdom,  as  nothing  could  be  greater,- 
therefore  they  defired  the  Lords  to  give  Expedi- 
tion to  it.  But  we  find  no  Notice  taken  of  this 
Meflage  for  fome  Time  longer. 

On  the  Surrender  of  Oxford  the  Broad  Seal, 
and  feveral  other  Seals  for  different  Courts  and 
Offices,  fell  into  the  Parliament's  Hands.  And 
this  Day,  July  23,  the  Lords  ordered  that  the 
Broad  Seal  fhould  be  defaced  and  boken  j  as  alfo  the 
Seal  for  the  Court  of  Wards,  the  Exchequer  Seal, 
and  the  Seal  of  the  King's  Bench,  with  thofe  of 
the  Admiralty  and  Prerogative  Court ;  but  the 
Privy  Seal,  Signet  Seal,  and  other  fmaller  Seals* 
were  ordered  to  be  lock'd  up. 

The  French  Ambafiador,  in  a  Speech  he  made 
at  his  Audience,  had  fignihed  to  the  Parliament, 
That  his  Mafter,  the  French  King,  had  offered 
to  be  a  Mediator  of  Peace  between  the  King  of 
England  and  his  Parliament.  And  this  Day  the 
following  Anfwer  being  drawn  up,  was  read,  agreed 
to,  and  ordered  to  be  fent  to  the  AmbafTador. 


of  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  51 

My  Lord,  July  22,  16416.  An.  22  Car.  I. 

*  VTT  E  do  thankfully  acknowledge  the  Expref-    t    l6*6'  j 
1    W     fions    we  have  received    from  the    French 

*  King,  of  his  Majefty's  good  Affections  to  this 

'  Kingdom  ;  and  mall  heartily  endeavour,  on  our  The  Parliament 
'  Parts,  the  Continuance  of  it :   But  as  to  his  Ma-  refufe  the  French 
'  jefty's  Defires  of  mediating  a  Peace,    and  inter- 
'  pofing  betwixt  our   King  and  us,    and  to  what 
c  was  faid  by  your  Excellency  on  that  Particular, 
'  and  of  your  being  fent  to  invite  us  to  take  or  pro- 

*  pound  fome  Conditions  that  might  effe&  the  fame, 

*  we  do  declare  that  we  ourfehres  have  been  care- 

*  ful  to  improve  all   Occafions  to  compofe  thefe 

*  unhappy  Troubles,  yet  we  have  not,  neither  can 

*  we  admit  of  any   Mediation  or  Interpofmg  b6- 

*  twixt  the  King  and  us,   by  any  foreign  Prince  or 
'  State.     And  we  deftre  that    his  Majefty,    the 

*  French  King,  will  reft  fatisried  with  this  our  Re- 
4  folation  and  Anfwer.' 

We  (hall  conclude  the  Affairs  of  this  Month 
with  the  Copy  of  a  Letter  from  ffftecaflki  notify- 
ing to  the  Parliament  the  fafe  Arrival  of  their 
Commiflioners  at  that  Place. 

T<?  the  Right  Hon.    the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord,  Ne-wcajlle,  July  23,  1646. 

OU  R  Defires  are  that  thefe  may  inform  you  Account  of  their 
that,  beeween  Nine  and  Ten  of  the  Clock 
this  Thurfday  Morning,  we  came  to  Newca/ile ; 
and  were,  about  an  Hour  and  an  half  after  our 
Arrival,  villted  by  the  General  the  Earl  of  Leven, 
the  Lord  Chancellor  of  Scotland,  and  many  other 
Scats  Lords  and  Gentlemen  j  and,  after  fome 
private  Conference  between  us  and  the  Chancel- 
lor, it  was  agreed  that  he  fhould  inform  his  Ma- 
jefty of  our  being  here ;  and  humbly  defire  him, 
from  us,  to  apoint  a  Time  when  he  would  be 
pleafed  to  receive  the  Propofitions,  which  was 
done  accordingly.  And  about  Six  of  the  Clock 
D  2  <  this 

$2  *fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.  I.  <  thjs  Evening,  the  Marquis  of  Argyle  brought  us 
*      *      «     '  Word  that  his  Majefty  would,  To-morrow  after 
Auguft.       *  Dinner,  receive  them. 

'  My  Lord,  we  fhall  omit  no  Opportunity  t» 
*  give  a  fpeedy  Difpatch,  and  remain 

Tour  Lordjhip's  humble  Servants, 



Augiifl  4.  Another  Letter,  which  came  from  the 
fame  Quarter,  was  this  Day  read  in  the  Houfe  of 
Lords,  viz. 

To  the  Right  Hon.  the  SPEAKER  of  the  Houfe   of 
PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

And  prefentmg 
to  the  King  their 
Propofitions   for 

My  Lord,  Newcajlle  July  28,   1646. 

WE  did,  upon  our  coming  hither,  acquaint 
you  with  the  Time  which  the  King  ap- 
pointed to  receive  the  Propofitions,  being  Friday 
laft,  after  Dinner ;  at  which  Time  we  humbly 
presented  them  to  his  Majefty  ;  and,  according 
to  our  Tnftru&ions,  defired  his  pofitive  Anfwer 
and  Confent  thereto.  He  faid,  He  thought  we 
could  not  then  expect  an  Anfwer,  but  he  would 
confider  of  it.  Not  hearing  from  him  fince,  we 
did  again  wait  on  his  Majefty  this  Afternoon,  to 
put  him  in  Mind  ;  who  told  us,  That  he  knew 
our  limited  Time,  againft  which  he  would  pre- 
pare us  an  Anfwer. 

*  However  we  (hall  endeavour  ftrictly  to  obferve 
our  Inftru£Hons,  and  give  you  Advertifement  as 
there  fhall  be  Occafion ;  but  this  is  all  we  (hall 
trouble  you  with  at  prefent,  humbly  taking  our 
Leaves,  and  reft 

Tour  Lord/hip's  bumble   Servants, 




of   ENGLAND.  53 

Aug.  6.  The  foregoing  was  followed  by  another  An.  «  CM. 
Letter  from  the  fame  Hands,  the  Contents  of  which  t  *  *  _'_ 
were  as  follows :  Aug»ft 

For  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord*  Newcajlle,  Aug.  2,  1646. 

*  \\/Eare  forry  we  cannot  acquaint  you  with 
'     W     fo  good  Succefs   of  our    Employmant   as 
<  we  have  faithfully  endeavoured,  in  Purfuance  of 
'  our  Inftrudlions.     This  Morning  we  took  our 

*  Leave  of  the  King  ;  and  though  our  Importuni- 
'  ties  have  been  frequent  and  urgent,  we  cannot 
4  obtain  his  Majefty's   Confent,  or  Anfwer,    any 
c  ways  fatisfa&ory. 

'  His  Majefty  hath  given  us  a  Paper,  (other  than 

*  which  we    could  not  procure,     notwithftanding 

*  our  much  Earneftnefs)  containing  Offers  to  come 

<  to  London,  which  we  thought  not  fit  to  fend,  be- 

*  caufe  we  know  not  whether  the  Houfe  will  take 
'  Notice  of  it,  being  no  direct  Anfwer  to  the  Pro- 

*  portions. 

*  We  are  haftcning  away,  with  all  Speed,  to  give 
4  you  an  Account  of  our  whole  Proceedings. 

*  Thus  much  we  thought  fit  to  reprefent,  an4 

<  to  take  Leave,  being 

Tour  Lord/hip's  humble  Servants^ 



Mention  has  been  made  of  the  Parliament's  be- 
ing in  PofFeflion  of  the  Great  Seal,  and  feveral 
other  private  and  public  Seals  belonging  to  the 
King,  and  the  Orders  made  for  the  breaking  of 
them:  Accordingly, 

Aug.   n,  The   fame    was   performed  in  a  very 

folemn  Manner,  before  the  two  Houles,  the  Com- 

D  3  mons 

5  4  tte  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^^  Car.  I.  rnons  being  come  up  to  the  Houfe   of   Lords  for 

L    l646'  j     that  Purpofe ;    where    the    Great  Seal,  and   the 

Augufl.        others  beforementioned,  were  broken  and  defaced, 

and   the  $ilver  of  them  ordered   to  be  divided  be- 

The  King's         tween  the  Speakers  of  both  Houfes  ;  but  the  Signet 

Gr*at  Seal,  Sec.  Seal   and  the  Privy   Seal,    with  thofe  for   foreign 

ft«kdeninafull  dC~  Betters,  were  ordered  to  be  put    into  the  Cuftody 

rJlilrndst.         of  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Broad  Seal  belonging 

to  the  Parliament. 

Aug.  12.  The  Commiflioners  of  both  Houfes 
being  now  returned  from  Newcaflle^  Sir  Walter 
Erie  made  the  following  Report  of  their  Proceed- 
ings to  the  Commons,  viz. 

*  That  the  Time  of  their  Arrival   at  Newcajlle 
The  Report   of  being  Thurfday  the  twenty-third  of  the  laft  Month, 
their  Comm.f-    about   j^g  of  tne  Clock  in  the  Forenoon,  imme- 

fioners    Proceed-     ...  ,     .  .  .  ,          ,.  ,-1 

ings  with  the      diately  upon    their  coming  thither  (becaufe   they 
King.  would  lofe  no  Time)  they  defired  the  Lord-Chan- 

cellor of  Scotland  and  the  Marquis  of  Argyle^  who 
were  joint  Commiffioners  with  them,  to  move  the 
King,  that  he  would  be  pleafed  to  appoint  a  Time 
when  they  might  attend  him  with  the  Propofitions 
which  they  had  brought  from  the  Parliament : 
And  they  going  to  the  King  brought  them  back 
Word,  that  his  Pleafure  was,  they  fhould  attend 
him  the  next  Day,  at  Two  in  the  Afternoon ; 
which  acordingly  they  did. 

*  On  Friday  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  after  a  fhort 
Declaration  of  what  they  had  in  Command,  defired 
the  Propofitions  might  be  read ;    which  the  King 
ailenting  unto,    was  accordingly  done:    That  a 
little  while  after  they  were  begun  to  be  read,  he 
demanded  of  them,  Whether  they  had  any  Power 
to  treat  or  debate    upon  them,    or  that  he  might  them  any  Queftions  for  the  explaining  of  them: 
That  they  anfwered  that  they  had  no  fuch  Power : 
That  the  King  then  faid,  Your  Bufmefs  is  but  to 
bring  them  ;  and  a  good  boneji  Trumpeter  might  have 
done  as  much^  but  for  the  Honour  of  it.     The  Pro- 
pofitions  being  read  through  and  delivered    unto 
him,  they  again,  as  at  the  Erft,  humbly  demanded 


of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  55 

his  pofitive    Anfwer  and  Confent  unto  them  ;  the  An.  2z  Car. 
Commifiioners  for  Scotland  feconding  the  fame,  on     t   *6*6'    J 
the  Behalf  of  that  Kingdom.    The  King  anfwer'd,        Aucuft. 
He  was  fure  they  could  not  expect  a  prefent  Anfwer 
from  him  in  a  Bufmefs  of  that  Confequence. 

'  This  being  done  upon  the  Friday ,  (and  they 
having  heard  nothing  from  him  Saturday  or  Sunday? 
the  Monday  following  they  made  their  Addrefs  unto 
him  the  fame  Way  as  before;    and  being  appointed 
to  attend  him  on  Tuefday^  came  unto  him  accord- 
ingly, and  put  him  in  mind  of  their  former  Defires 
of  a  pofitive  Anfwer  and  Confent  to  the  Propofi- 
tions ;  alledging  they  had  but  little  Time  to  (lay 
there.    The  King  told  them,  He  knew  their  Time 
limited  ;  and  againft  that  Time  would  prepare  his 
Anfwer :    But  no  Anfwer   being   given   the  next 
Day  or  the  Day  following,  Tburfday  in  the  After- 
noon  they  defired    thofe  two  Lords    to  move  the 
King  again  for  their  Difpatch  :  Which  on  Friday 
Morning  they  did  j  and  told  them  the  King  would 
have  put  it  off  till  Saturday   Night,  but  they  had 
prevailed  with  him    to    grant   Saturday  Morning  j 
yet  if  they  thought  fit  (for  the  more  furety)  to  go, 
they  would  go  with  them  that  Evening  :    Which 
being  refolved,  they  went  unto  him,  and  humbly 
craved  his  Anfwer  and  Confent,  as  before  :    Then 
the  King  told  them,  He  would  give  them  his  An- 
fwer the  next  Morning^    betwixt  Ten  and  Eleven 
of  the  Clock. 

Accordingly,  on  Saturday  Morning,  they  at- 
tended ;  and  humbly  craved  his  pofitive  Anfwer 
and  Confent  to  the  Propofitions,  as  they  had  for- 
merly done  ;  the  Earl  of  Pembroke  humbly  befeech- 
ing  him  to  confider  with  himfelf  the  dangerous 
Confequence  that  would  follow  to  himfelf,  his 
Kingdoms  and  Pofterity,  if  he  fhould  not  now  do 
it.  Then  the  King  told  them,  He  had  drawn  up 
his  Anfwer  in  Writing ;  which,  after  he  had 
caufed  it  to  be  read,  he  offered  to  deliver  unto 
them :  But  they,  conceiving  it  not  to  be  fatisfac- 
tory,  after  forne  private  Confultation  amongft 
D  4  them- 

5  6  The  Parliamentary^  i  s  T  R  Y 

.  -a  Car.  I.  themfelves,  came  unto  him,  and  defined  to  be  ex- 
l6*6- ^  cufed  ;  prefling  him  to  a  pofitive  Anfwer  and  Con- 

~~T^r~Zr'  fent»  and  telling  him,  they  muft  take  the  Boldnefs 
to  continue  fo  doing  till  the  lalt  Period  of  their 
Time ;  and  therefore  prayed  him  to  give  them  Ad- 
mittance again  before  their  Departure.  He  afked, 
When  ?  They  anfwered,  That  Afternoon,  if  he 
pleafed.  He  faid  that  could  not  be,  for  he  had 
other  Bufmefs  to  do :  So  the  next  Morning  was 
appointed,  and  they  accordingly  came  unto  him 
on  the  Lord's  Day,  before  Prayers,  and  prefTed 
him,  as  they  had  done  before,  with  Importunity  ; 
but  he  told  them  he  could  not  give  them  any  other 
Anfwer  than  what  he  had  fet  down  in  Writing, 
and  tendered  unto  them  before :  Which  he  caufed 
again  to  be  read,  urging  them  with  much  Impor- 
tunity to  receive  it.  They  thereupon  craving 
Leave  to  withdraw,  and  confidering  with  them- 
felves that  they  had  ufed  all  the  Means  they  could 
for  the  obtaining  a  pofitive  Anfwer  and  Confent ; 
and  that  no  other  Anfwer  could  be  gotten,  but 
that  which  he  had  now  the  fecond  Time  offered  to 
them  in  Writing,  they  returned  back  and  fpake 
thefe  Words,  viz.  They  receive  this  Paper,  now  of- 
fered by  your  MajeJIy,  with  this  humble  Prate/lotion, 
That  it  is  icithcvt  their  Approbation  or  Confent,  as 
to  the  taking  of  it  for  an  Jlnjwer  ;  and  that  it  foall 
be  no  Engagement  to  them,  the  Commijjioners,  in  any 
Kind  whatsoever  .' 

After  this  the  Commons  ordered  the  Thanks 
of  their  Houfe  to  be  given  to  the  Lords  Commif- 
fioners  and  to  the  Commiflioners  for  Scotland,  as 
well  as  to  thofe  of  their  own  Body  that  attended 
the  King  with  the  Propofitions.  The  Earl  of  Pem- 
broke made  the  fame  Report  to  the  Lords,  which 
is  entered  in  their  Journals. 

Next  follows  the  King's  Anfwer  to  the  Propo- 
fitions, as  put  into  Writing  by  his  Majefty,  and 
delivered  to  the  Commiflioners. 


cf    ENGLAND. 


THE  Propofitions  tendered  to  his  MajeJJy  by  the 
Commijjtoners  from  the  Lords  and  Commons  af- 
fembled  in  the  Parliament  of  England  at  Weftmin- 
tfer,  and  the  CommiJJioners  -of  the  Parliament  0/"^niv 
Scotland,  (to  which  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  have  poGtion*. 
taken  twice  fo  many  Months  for  Deliberation  as 
they  have  ajfigned  Days  for  his  MajeJ}y's  Anfwer) 
do  import  fo  great  Alterations  in  Government,  both 
in  the  Church  and  Kingdom,  as  it  is  very  difficult  to 
return  a  particular  and  pofitive  Anfwer,  before  a 
full  Debate,  wherein  thcfe  Propofitions  and  the  ne- 
ujjai'y  Explanations,  true  Senfe  and  Reafons  there- 
of, be  rightly  weighed  and  underjlood ;  and  that  his 
Mujefly,  upon  a  full  View  of  the  whole  Propofitions, 
may  know  what  is  left,  as  well  as  what  is  taken 
away  and  changed:  In  all  which  his  Majejly  finds  ^ 
upon  Difcourfe  with  the  faid  Commijfioners,  that 
they  are  fo  bound  up  from  any  Capacity  either  to 
give  Reafons  for  the  Demands  they  bring,  or  to  give 
Ear  to  fuch  Dejires  as  his  Majejly  is  to  propound, 
as  it  is  impojfible  for  him  to  give  fuch  a  prejent 
^Judgment  of,  and  Anfwer  to,  thefe  Propofitions^ 
whereby  he  can  anfiuer  to  God,  that  a  fafe  and  well 
grounded  Peace  will  enfue  ;  which  is  evident  to  all 
the  World  can  never  be,  unlefs  the  jujl  Power  of  the 
Crown,  as  well  as  the  Freedom  and  Property  of  the 
Subject,  with  the  jujl  Liberty  and  Privileges  of  Par- 
liament, be  likewife  fettled. 

To  this  End  his  Majejly  dejires  and  propofeth  to 
come  to  London,  or  any  of  his  Houjes  thereabouts, 
upon  the  Public  Faith  and  Security  of  tie  two  Houfes 
of  his  Parliament,  and  the  Scots  Com?niJJijncrs,  that 
he  /hall  be  there  with  Freedom,  Honour,  and  Safety  ; 
where,  by  his  perfonal  Presence,  he  may  not  only  raife 
a  mutual  Confidence  betwixt  him  and  his  People,  but 
alfo  have  thofe  Doubts  cleared,  and  thofe  Difficulties 
explained  unto  him,  which  he  now  conceives  to  be 
dejlruSlive  to  his  jujl  Regal  Power,  if  he  JhouLl  give 
a  full  Confent  ti  theft  Propofitions  as  they  noiv  Jiand: 
A>  likewife  that  he  might  make  known  to  tbe:n  fuch 
his  reafonable  Demands,  as  he  is  mojl  aijured  will  be 

5  8  <The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

A«.  «  C*r.  I.  wry  m,uch  conducible  to  that  happy  Peace  which  all 
t  l646-  ^  good  Afen  dejlre  and  pray  for  ;  by  fettling  of  Religion, 
Aueuft  *he  jujl  Privileges  of  Parliament^  -with  the  Freedom 
and  Property  of  the  SubjecJ. 

And  his  Majejly  ajfures  them,  that  at  he  can  ne- 
ver condejcend  unto  what  is  absolutely  dejlruftive  t\ 
that  juji  Power  which,  by  the  Laws  of  God  and  the 
Land)  he  is  born  unto  ;  fo  he  will  chearfully  grant 
and  give  his  Affent  unto  all  fuch  Bills  at  the  Defer  e 
of  his  two  Houfes,  or  reafonable  Demands  for  Scot- 
land, which  /hall  be  really  for  the  Good  and  Peace 
of  his  People,  not  having  a  Regard  to  his  own  Par- 
ticular, much  lefs  of  any  Body's  elfc,  in  refpett  to  the 
Happinefs  of  thefe  Kingdoms:  wherefore  his  Ma~ 
jejly  conjures  them,  as  Chrijlians,  as  Subjefis,  and 
as  Men  who  defer e  to  leave  a  good  Name  behind  them, 
that  they  will  fa  receive  and  make  ufe  of  this  An- 
Jwer,  that  all  Iffues  of  Blsod  may  be  flopped,  and 
thefe  tmhappy  Dijlraftions  peaceably  fettled. 

At  Newcajile  the  firft  Day  of  Auguji,   1 646. 

P.  S.  Upon  Ajfurance  of  a  happy  Agreement,  his 
Majejly  will  immediately  fend  for  the  Prince,  his 
Son,  abfolutely  anfwering  for  his  perfect  Obedience^ 
H  return  to  this  Kingdom. 

To  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers,    to  be 

This  Anfwer,  the  Journal  obferves,  was  read 
by  the  Report,  but  not  admitted  to  be  read  by 
the  Clerk. 

The  fame  Day  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 
Lords  prefented  a  Letter  which  he  had  received 
from  the  Scots  Commiflioners,  which  was  read* 
and  a  Paper  inclofed  therein. 

Far  the  Right  Hon.    the  S  P  E  A  K  E  R   of  the  Houfe 
of  PEEKS  pro  Tern  pore. 

^  Letter  prcfent-       My  Lord, 

ed  to  the  Lords, «  qpHE  Commiffioners  of  the  Kingdom  of 
SitnSon0111"4  1  Scotland,  who  did  attend  his  Majefty  with 
th  it  Oration.  «  the  Propouiions  of  Peace,  being  now  returned, 

cf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  59 

*  according  to  our  Inftru&ions  we  have  fent  up  this  An-  *2  Car. 
'  inclofed,  which  we  defire  your  Lordfhip  to  com-     t   l6*  '_  t 

*  municate  to  the  Honourable  Houfes  when  their        Auguft. 
«  Commiflioners   fent  to  his  Majefty  fhall  make 

*  Report  of  their  Proceedings,  and  we  remain 

jVorctftcr-Houfc,    Tour  Lord/hip's  humble  Servant  s> 
Aug.  10,  1646. 



*  '  •  ""HE  fame  Principles  of  brotherly  Affe&ion,  A  Remonftrance 
«     JL     which  did  induce  both  Kingdoms  to  a  Con-  £  S^01^ 
4  junction  of    their  Councils  and  Forces  in   this  offering  to  with- 
6  Caufe,  move  us  at  this  Time  to  apply  ourfelves  draw  their  Ar- 
c  to  the  moft  real  and  effectual  Ways  which  tend  my' 

£  to  afpeedy  Conclufion  and  amicable  Parting,  and 
6  to  the  preventing  of  Mifunderftandings  between 

*  the  Kingdoms  in  any  of  thefe  Things,    which, 

*  peradventure,    our  common  Enemies  look    upon 
'  with  much   Joy,  as  Occafions   of  Differences  ; 
'  for  this   End  we  h?ve  not  taken  Notice  of  the 
c  many  bafe  Calumnies  and  execrable  Afperfions 

*  caft  upon  the    Kingdom  of  Scotland  in    printed 

*  Pamphlets,  and  otherwife  ;   expecting,  from  the 
'  Juftice  and  Wifdom  of  the  Honourable  Houfes, 
5  that  they  will  of  themfelves  take  fuch  Courfe  for 
'  the  Vindication  of  our  Nation  and  Army,  as  the 
'  Eftates  of  Scotland  have  fhewed  themfelves   ready 
'  to  do  for  them  in  the  like  Cafe. 

'  Upon  the  Invitation  of  both  Houfes,  the  King- 
c  dom  of  Scotland  did  chearfully  undertake,  and 
'  hath  faithfully  managed,  their  Afliftance  to  this 
'  Kingdom,  in  purfuance  of  the  Ends  exprefs'd  in 

*  the  Covenant.     And  the  Forces  of  the  common 
'  Enerny  being,  by  the  Blefling  of  God  upon  the 
1  joint  Endeavours  of  both  Kingdoms,  now  broken 
'  and  fubdued,  a  Foundation  being  alfo  laid,    and 

*  fome  good  Progrefs  made  in  the  Reformatian  of 
'  Religion,  which  we  truft  the  Honourable  Houfes 

'  will, 

60  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  Y 

.  «  Car>  *•  *  will,  according  to  the  Covenant,  fmcerely,  really, 

_1*'    i    '  and  conftantly  profecute  until   it  be  perfected  ; 

Auguft.       '  that  we  may  manifeft,  to  the  Confciences  of  our 

4  Brethren  and  to  all  the  World,  how  far  it  is,  and 

'  ever  was,    from  the  Thoughts  or  Intentions    of 

*  the    Kingdom  of  Scotland  to  make  ufe  of  their 
'  Army  in  this  Kingdom  to  any  other  Ends  befides 
£  thofe  exprefled  in  the  Covenant ;   and  how  much 
'  they  defire  the  preferving  and    perpetuating  of 
'  Peace  and  Amity  between  the  Kingdoms,  and  the 

*  eafing  of  theBurthens  andPrefluresof  this  Nation; 
4  we  do  declare  in  their  Name,  That  they  are  wil- 
'  ling,  forthwith, to furrendertheGarrifons  poflefs'd 
'  by  them  in  this  Kingdom,  which  they  did    keep 
'  for  no  other  End  but  the  Safety  and   Security  of 
'  their  Forces  ;  and,  without  Delay,  to  recall  their 

*  Army,    reafonable  Satisfaction  being  given    for 
c  their  Pains,  Hazards,  Charges,  and  Sufferings ; 
'  whereof  a  competent  Proportion  to  be  prefently 
'  paid  to  the  Army  before   their  Difbanding,  and 
'  Security  to  be  given  for  the  Remainder  at  fuch 
'  Times  hereafter  as  (hall   be  mutually  agreed  on. 

'  If  any  Forces  (hall  be  kept  on  foot  in  either 
'  Kingdom,  we  defire  that  they  may  be  put  under 
'  the  Command  of  fuch  Perfons  as  are  known  to 
f  be  zealous  for  Reformation  and  Uniformity  in 
'  Religion,  and  moft  tender  of  the  Peace  of  the 

*  Kingdoms,    and  againft    whom  neither  of  the 
'  Kingdoms  may  have  any  juft  Caufe  of  Jealoufy. 

'  And  whereas  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  hath 
1  been  invaded,  and  is  ftill  infefted  by  Forces  from 
'  Ireland,  it  is  expected  that  the  Honourable 
'  Houfes,  according  to  the  Large  Treaty,  will  give 
'  fuch  Afliftance  and  Supply  to  the  Kingdom  of 
«  Scotland,  as  may  fpeedily  reduce  thofe  Rebels  to 

*  Obedience. 

'  And,  to  the  end  there  may  in  all  Things  be 
4  a  good  Underftandino;  between  the  Kingdoms, 

*  we  further  propofe,  That  whereas   Proportions 

*  for  a   fale  and    well-grounded  Peace  have  been 

*  lately  fcnt  to  the  Kin"-  in  the  Name   of  borh 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  6r 

c   Kingdoms ;    and,    for   obtaining   his  Majefty's  An-  *«  Car.   1. 

*  Content  thereunto,  the  utmoft  Endeavours  of  the  .      *  * __'_     , 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland  have  not  been  wanting,  as       Auguft. 

*  may  appear   by  the  many  Addrefles,    Petitions, 
'  and  Solicitations  to  that  End  from  the  Army,  the 

*  Lords  of  his  Majefty's  Privy  Council,  the  Com- 
'  mittee  of  Eftates,    and  the  General  Aflembly  of 

*  the  Church  ;  the  Succefs  whereof  hath  not  an- 
fwered   our  Wifhes  and    Hopes,  his  Majefly,  to 

'  our  unfpeakable  Grief,  not  yet  having  agreed  to 
4  thfi  Propofitions  ;  we  defire  that  the  Honourable 
'  Houfes  may  be  pleafed  to  take  fuch  Courfe  as, 

*  by  joint  Advice  of  both  Kingdoms  engaged  in  the 

*  fame  Caufe,  labouring  under  the  fame  Dangers, 

*  and  aiming  at  the  fame  Ends,    we  may  confult 

*  and  refolve  what  is  next  to  be  done  for  the  Peace 

*  and  Safety  of  thefe  Kingdoms,  both  in  relation 
'  to  his  Majefty,  and  each  Kingdom  to  the  other  j 

*  being  confident  that  the  Refultof  our  joint  Con- 
'  fultations  will  be  fuch   as   (hall   provide  for  the 
'  prefent  and  future   Security  of  the  Kingdoms, 
c  and  ftrengthen  their  Union  between  themfelves.' 

By  Command  of  the  CsmmiJJloncrs  for  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland. 


After  reading  the  foregoing  Letter  the  Lords  re- 
turned Thanks  to  the  Earis  of  Pembroke  and 
Suffolk  for  their  Pains  and  Care  in  this  Service  ; 
and  it  was  ordered  that  the  King's  Letter,  and 
this  Letter  from  the  Scots  Commiflioners,  be  com- 
municated to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  at  a  Con- 
ference, and  that  a  Committee  be  appointed  to 
confider  what  is  proper  to  be  offered  upon  the  Oc- 
cafion  to  induce  their  Concurrence;  which  being 
done  accordingly,  the  Lord  fPharton  read  the  fol- 
lowing Report : 

'  The  Lords  being  inform'd,  by  the  Commif-  Reflation*   of 
fioners,  of  the  fair  and    cordial    Carriage   of  our the  Lords  there- 
Brethren  of  Scotland,    during  the    Time  of  theirupon* 
being  at  Nnocqflte,  and  their  earneft   Endeavours 
for  promoting  the  Propofitions ;  and  having  recei- 

62  *Ihe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  az  Car.  I.  ved  from  the  Commiffioners  6f  Scotland  the  Paper 
l6*6'  now  read,  their  Lordfhips  think  fit  to  obferve  the 
^  Aoguft  rea^  ExPreffi°ns  °f  the  Faithfulnefs  and  Integrity 
of  that  Kingdom  to  this  Kingdom  and  the  com- 
mon Caufe,  wherein  both  are  fo  happily  united  ; 
and  they  are  refolved  to  ufe  all  Means  that  may 
clearly  evidence  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and 
the  whole  World,  their  good  Affections  to  that 
Kingdom,  and  their  Care  to  preferve  inviolably 
the  happy  Union  betwixt  us  and  them,  according 
to  our  Treaty  and  our  folemn  League  and  Cove- 
nant :  Wherefore, 

c  In  the  firft  Place,  the  Lords  have  pafled  this 
Ordinance  to  prevent  the  Abufes  of  fcandalous 
Pamphlets  againft  that  Nation  and  Army,  and  de- 
fire  your  Concurrence  therein^  viz. 

*  Be  it  ordained  by  the  Lords  in  Parliament  af- 

*  fembled,  That  all  Devifers  or  Printers  of  any  fcan- 
«  dalous  Pamphlets  or  Papers,  that  fhall,  from  this 
«  prefent  Day,    be  made   or  printed  againft    the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  or  their  Army    refiding  in 
c  the  Kingdom  of  England^    fliall  be  puniflied  in  a 
e  parliamentary  XVay,    according   to  their  Deme- 
«  rits.' 

*  As  to  that  of  their  Delivery  of  the  Garrifons 
and  withdrawing  their  Army,  reafonable  Satisfac- 
tion being  given  for  their  Pains  and  Hazard,  Part 
in  Hand,  and  Part  hereafter  upon  Security  as  mail 
be  agreed  upon,  the  Lords  do  think  it  fit  that  fpee- 
dy  Satisfaction  be  given  them  therein. 

'  As  to  that  of  the  Forces  to  be  kept  in  each 
Kingdom,  the  Lords  are  refolved  to  employ  fuch 
Perfons  in  this  Kingdom  as  are  faithful  to  the  Ends 
contain'd  in  the  Covenant,  and  the  Peace  of  both 

*  As  to  that  concerning  the  affifting  of  the  King- 
dom  of  Scotland    againft   the  Rebels    in   Ireland^ 
which  infeft  them,  the  Lords  think  fit  to  obferve 
the  Large  Treaty  in  that  Particular,  as  is  defired  ; 
and  defire  the  Commons  Concurrence  therein. 

*  As  to  the  laft  Part,  concerning  what  is  next 
to  be  done  for  the  Peace  and  Good  of  both  King- 

2  '  doms 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  63 

cloms,  in  relation  to  the  King,  and  each  Kingdom  An-  **  Car.  *• 
to  the  other,  the  Lords   think  fit  that  a  Commit-  ^    '  *.' 
tee  of  both  Kingdoms  be  appointed  to  confider  of 
the  Ways,  and  make  Report  to  both  Houfes.'  Ac- 

The  Lords  named  the  following  Committee  on 
their  Part,  viz.  the  Earls  of  Northumberland^  EJ/ex9 
Pembroke^  Sarum,  Warwick^  Suffolk^  arid  Man- 
ihe/ler,  Lord  Vicfcount  Say  and  Sele,  and  the  Lords 
rts.  And  the  next  Day, 

Aug.    13.  A   Conference   being   held   between  Which  are  corn- 
both  Houfes  on   this  Subjett,  the  Earl  of  Pembroke  ™££L  £*** 
acquainted  the  Commons,  '  That  he  was  command-  conference!  * 
ed  to  give  an  Account  of  the  Carriage  of  the  Scots 
Commiflioners  that  did  attend    his   Majefty   with 
the  Proportions,  and  of  the  reft  of  the  Scots  Lords, 
and  of  the  whole  Nation  there  :  That  they  did 
exprefs  much  Zeal,  and   Faithfulnefs,  and  Affec- 
tion to  the  Caufe  j    very   much  Love  and  Refpecl 
to  the  Commiflioners;    Faith,  Honour,   and  Ho- 
nefty  in  all  their  Carriage  ;  Earneftnefs  and  Free- 
dom towards  the  King  ;    Freenefs  and  Clearnefs 
towards  our  Commiflioners,  and  would  do  nothing 
without  them,  and  were  never  from   them   when 
their  Prefence  could  do  them  any  Service** 

The  next  Day  this  being  reported  to  the  Com- 
mons, the  foregoing  Letter  and  Paper  inclofed 
therein  was  read,  and  the  Opinion  of  the  Lords 
thereupon.  Then  an  Ordinance  for  punifliing  the 
Printers  and  Contrivers  of  all  fcandalous  Pamphlets 
or  Papers  againft  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  or 
their  Army  refiding  here,  was  read  ;  and  a  Motion 
being  made  for  a  fecond  reading  thereof,  it  was 
carried  in  the  Affirmative  by  130  Voices  againft 
102.  The  Tellers  on  this  remarkable  Occafion 
were,  for  the  Queftion,  Mr.  Holies  and  Sir  Walter 
Erie  (one  of  the  Commifiioners  that  had  attended 
the  King  with  the  Propofuions)  ;  againft  it,  Sir  Ar- 
thur Heflerig  and  Sir  John  Evelyn  of  Wilts.  And 
the  Bill  was  ordered  to  be  committed. 

Then  it  was  refolved,  without  Divifion, 

j.  «  That 

64  The  "Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  z*  Car.  I.     i.  «  That  the  Sum   of  ioo,ooo/.  be   forthwith1 

^ l646'  j    provided  for  the  Scots  Army,  and  paid  unto  them, 

A     ft.       upon    the   Marching  of  their  Armies  and   Forces 

out  of  this  Kingdom. 

Who  thereupon      2<   '  That  the  Members  of  this   Houfe  that  are 
vote    ioo,oool.  of  the  Committee  of  both  Kingdoms,  or  any  four 
to  the  Scots  Ar- of  them,  do  communicate  this  Vote  to  the   Scots 
my,  on         n  .  commjfljoners?  an(j  receive   their  Anfwer    there- 
unto: And    that  they  do  acquaint  them,    That, 
upon  the  adjufting  of  the   Accounts  of  their  Ar- 
mies and    Forces,    whatfoever  (hall  appear  to  be 
due  to  them  {hall  be  paid    them,  according  to  the 

Aug.  18.  The  Commons  authorized  fuch  of 
their  Members  that  were  of  the  Committee  of 
both  Kingdoms,  to  confer  with  the  Scots  Ccmmif- 
fioners,  and  to  know,  what  Sum  would  fatisfy 
them  for  all  Demands  from  the  Kingdom  of  En- 
gland^ exprefied  in  the  before-mentioned  Paper; 
what  Sum  they  expected  to  be  paid,  in  prefent, 
before  their  difbanding,  and  what  for  the  future, 
and  at  what  Times.  And  the  next  Day  Mr. 
Crew  reported,  by  Word  of  Mouth,  That,  in 
Difcourfe,  the  Scots  Commiflioners  faid,  *  That 
•  tney  exPe&ed  6oo,ooo/.  of  which  3oo,ooo/.  to 
^e  P'1"^  prefently,  and  the  remaining  30C,ooc/. 
at  fuch  Times  as  fhall  be  agreed  upon ;  but  that 
confidering  the  Neceffities  of  this  Kingdom,  and 
the  State  of  Ireland,  they  are  content  to  take 
20C,ooo/.  prefently,  and  300,coc/.  within  a  Year.' 

Aug.   20.   The   Commons  refolvec',    That   the 

feveral  Allowances  of  4/.  per  Week,    granted   to 

their  own  Members  (£),  and  all  Penfions  appointed 

The  Penfions      to  tn°fe  °f  either  Houfe,  be  from  henceforth  dif- 

formerly  allowed  charged.     This  Vote  is  thus  commented  upon  by 

to  Members,  dif-  a  Journalift  of  the  Times  (/):  '  Thefe  Penfions  weic 

jtmued.          allowed  to  many   Members    whofe  Lands  were 


C*)TheNanoe»  of  thefe  Members  may  be  found  in  our  i3th  Vo- 
lume, p.  404. 
(/)Tke  Dove,  No  148,  p.  it. 

*f   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  65 

Wholly  fequeftered  "by  the  King,  and  (ome  others  ;  An.  «z  Car.  li 

iut  the   King's  Forces  being,  by    God's    Mercy,     ^'  * '_..i 

now  broken,  and  the  Kingdom  under  the  Com-         Auguft. 

mand  of  the  Parliament,  the   Houfe  voted,  That 

they  fliould  be  taken   off;    that  Allowance  being 

intended    but  for  the  Supply  of  their  Neceflity, 

while  they  were   deprived   of  their  own    Eftates. 

Such  is  the  Care  of  th  -.t  Houfe,  as  clearly  appear- 

6th,  to  eafe   the  Kingdom  of  Payments,    and   to 

ratify  the  Debts  due  to  thofe  that  want :  Let  the: 

People  exprefs  their   true  Thankfulnefs    b'/   their 

loving  Submiffion   and  Obedience  to  their  Orders 

and  Commands,  for  it  is  not  the  leaft  Evil  to  the 

Kingdom's  Prejudice,    that  Men  murmur  againft 

and  are  jealous  of  their   Prefervers,  which  is  the 

Work  and  Defign  of  the  Enemy  to  foment.' — — 

But  to  return  to  the  Affair  of  the  Scots  Army. 

Aug.  21.  The  Commons,  having  taken  Mt'. 
Crew's  Report,  before-mentioned,  into  Corifidera- 
tion,  refolved, 

1.  «  That  2co,ooo/.  be  provided    frr  the  Scots 
Army;  whereof  the  firft  ioc,coo/.  to  be  paid  unt6 

them,  upon  the  marching  of  their  Armies  and  *°°(£<for* the* 
Forces  out  of  this  Kingdom,  at  fuch  Time  and  scots  Army. 
Place  as  hereafter  (hall  be  exprefled. 

2.  •   That  the  Time  {hall  be  the  i8th  Day  of 
September  next. 

3.  '  That  it  be  referred  to  fuch  Members  as  are 
of  the  Committee  of  both   Kingdoms,  to   confer 
with  the  CommifRpners  of  Scotland  concerning  the 
Place  for  the  Payment'of  the  firft  ico,ooo  /. 

4.  *  That  the  fecond  ico,coo/.  fhJi  be  paid  at 
two  equal  Payments  j  the  firft  50jC.ooA  at  the  End 
of  three  Months,  a,rid  the   fecond  5cq,oco/.  at  the 
End  of  nine  Months;    both   accounting  from  the 
1 8th  of  September  next.'     And 

The  Committee  of  the  North^  with  the  Com- 
mittee for  the  Army,  were  ordered  to  prepare  a 
general  Eftimate  of  the  Accounts  of  the  Scots  Ar- 
my ;  to  confider  of  the  Eilinute  fen:  in  by  the  Scots 
Cbmmiffimers  i  and  what  frull  be  thought  fit  to  be  . 

VOL.  XV,  £  brought 


Parliamentary  HISTORY 

AD.  2*  Car.  I.-brought  in,  by  way  of  Eftimate,  to  balance  that,  & 
^__J     s'  j     defalk.  from  it,  or  furcharge  upon  it.    Accordingly,- 


Aug.  27.  Mr.  Stackdale  reported  a  General  Efti- 
j-S"".1*8  of  thc  mate  of  the  Accounts  of  the  Scots  Armv  fmce  their 

Debts  due  to  /-^         •          •  j->       i        i  r          •      i          i    '•      /"•  T 

them,  as  ftated  Coming  into  England,  as  fent  in  by  their  Commif- 
by  t:-.e  Englifh  fioners  ;  and  another  Eftimate  thereof,  as  ftated  by 
gadjkots  refpec-  a  Committee  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  with  fe- 
Veral  Objections  to  that  delivered  in  by  the  Scots* 
All  thefe  are  entered  in  the  'Journals',  but  no  No- 
tice is  therein  .aken  of  the  Scots  Objections  to  the* 
Englijb  Eftimate,  nor  of  their  Replies  to  the  Ob^ 
jections  of  the  Englijb.  Thefe,  however,  we  have 
fupplied  from  a  Pamphlet  of  the  Times  (m]  ;  and 
have  digefted  the  feveral  Objections,  both  Englijb 
and  Scris,  by  way  of  Anfwer*  and  Reply,  as  th£ 
beft  Means  of  laying  before  the  Public  a  juft  View 
of  this  Difpute  between  the  two  Nations. 

*fbi  Scots   General  EJlimate  of  the  ACCOUNT s  of  their 
fince  their  Coming  into  England. 

Tl)e  Kingdom  of  England  Debtor. 

FOR  the  Charge  of  levyingvarming,  and 
bringing  the  Forces  together,  furnifh- 
ed,  being  18,000  Foot,  2OocHorfe,  icoo 
Dragooners  effective,  and  upwards,  and  for 
fitting  the  Train  of  Artillery  in  readinefr  to 
fnarch  into  England,  according  to  the  fourth 
Article  of  the  Treaty,  whereof  an  Account 
Was  given  totheCommiflioners  of  England, 
amounts  to     -------- 

Englifh  Objection.  By  the  fourth  Article 
of  the  Treaty  this  is  to  be  done  at  the  fame 
Rates  as  if  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  were  to 
Jaife  the  Army  for  their  own  Affairs  :  And 
therefore,  until  a  particular  Account  be 
delivered  in  to  the  Parliament  of  England^ 
fcy  which  it  may  appear  what  Rates  are 
tifual  in  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  in  fuch 
Cafes,  and  that  the  above  Sum  doth  not 

87415     6      S 

over     87415 
(*)  Printed  fry  Lattr,  Chapman,  ty  Order  of  thc  Salt  Commiffiwers, 

6     8 


tf   ENGLAND. 

Brought  ever 

Exceed  thofe  Rates,    the   fame   cannot  be 
Charged  upon  the  Kingdom  of  England. 

Scots  Reply*  The  above  Charge  is  at 
the  fame  Rate  as  if  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland 
had  raifed  the  Army  for  their  own  Affairs. 
The  Charges  were  delivered  to  the  Englijh 
Commifftoners,  who  did  acquaint  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  with  it.  It  cannot  be  expected 
that  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  Ihould  enter- 
tain an  Army  for  Englandat  lower  Ratesthan 
if  it  had  been  raifed  for  their  own  Affairs. 
Moreover,  it  being  in  the  Winter  Seafon 
when  the  Army  was  levied,  it  was  the  more 
chargeable  ;  fo  that  every  SoldL-r  had  over 
and  above  the  public  Allowance,  10  s.  a 
Man,  which  is  not  at  all  charged  in  the 
above  Account. 

For  31,  coo/,  monthly  all  o-wed  to  the* 
Army  and  Garrifon  of  Benvick,  towards 
the  Charge  thereof  for  32  Months,  from 
the  i8th  of  January  164!,  to  the  i8th  of 
September  1646  next  enfuing,  there  is 
due,  according  to  the  fifth  Article  of  the 
Treaty  for  Afiiftance,  and  the  firft  Article 
of  the  Treaty  for  fettling  a  Garrifon  in 
Berwick^  -------- 

By  the  fa"id  fifth  Article  it  is  provided,  - 
That  the  Kingdom  of  England  fkall  make 
due  Recompence  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 
land, by  way  of  brotherly  Affiftance,  for 
what  they  {hall  have  juft  Caufe  to  demand 
when  the  Peace  of  the  two  Kingdoms  is 
fettled,  over  and  above  the  31,000?.  month* 
ly;  whereupon  is  demanded,  as  Surplufage 
of  the  monthly  Charge  of  the  Army,  over 
and  above  the  3i,ooc7.  abovefaid,  for  the 
firft  twelve  Months,  at  the  Rate  of  25,ooo/. 
fer  Month  ---,„--- 


992000    o    6 

300000    o    o 

Carried  wtr  1379415     6     8 

68  Ibe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

/.       s.    A. 

Brought  over  1379415     6     8 
For  Surplufage  of  the  Charge  of  theAr-"| 
my,    from    'January  164*,   to   the  1 8th  of  I 
September  next  enfuing,  being  20  Months,  j     33OOO°     °     ° 
according  to  the  Mufter  Rolls         —        J 

Englifti  Objettion.  As  to  the  two  laft 
mentioned  Articles,  it  is  provided  by  the 
fifth  Article  of  the  Treaty,  That  if  the 
Scots  (hall  have  juft  Caufe  to  demand  fur- 
ther Satisfaction  for. their  Pains,  Hazards, 
and  Charges,  (the  31, coo/,  per  Menfem 
being  not  a  full  monthly  Pay  for  that  Army) 
that  then  they  fhall  have  due  Recompence 
for  the  fame  from  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
land^ to  whom  the  Juftice  of  the  Demand 
v  is  to  be  made  appear;  and  then  their  Pains, 
Hazards,  and  Charges  are  to  be  recompen- 
fed  in  a  general  Way,  from  the  Good-will 
and  Kindnefs  of  their  Brethren  of  England: 
But  the  Surplufage  of  the  faid  monthly  Pay 

is  not  to  be  charged  upon  the  Kingdom  of 

England  as  a  Debt  to  that  Army,  or  to  our 

Brethren  of  Scotland. 

Scots  Reply.     The  Kingdom  of  Scotland 

did  accept  of  31,0007.   to  be  paid  by  the 

Month,  and  would   demand  no  more  for 

the  prefent,  in  regard  of  the  great  Burdens 

of  the  Kingdom  of  England^  and  fuperfeded 

the  reft  till  the  Peace  of  the  two  Kingdoms 

was  fettled ;  it  being  provided,  by  a  general 

Claufe  in  the  fifth  Article  of  the  Treaty, 

That  the  Kingdom  of  England  (hall  make 

due  Recompence  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 

landy  by    way  of  brotherly  Afliftance  for 

what  they  (hall  have  juft  Caufe  to  demand. 

And  the  Jurtice  of  their  Demand  will  ap- 
pear very  reafonable,  when  compared  to  the 

meaneft  Rates  of  any  Army  in  England,  or 
the  Scots  Army  in  Ireland $  according  to 
which  the  Coinmmittee  of  both  Houfes  did 

Carried  over    1709415 




s.     d. 
6    8 

Brought  over 
offer  to  pay  this  Army  in  their  Paper  deli- 
vered to  the  Convention  of  the  Eftates  of 
Scotland,  Augujl  19,  1643. 

For  the  levying  of  the  Earl  of  Callender* s~\ 
Army,  being  near  the  Half  of  the  Strength  V      40000     o     o 
of  the  firft  Army.     ------      J 

For   their  monthly  Maintenance  for  fix -| 
Months,    at    the  Rate  of  20,000 /.   per  >    120000     o     o 
Month,      --      -       -     -     ^     -     -     J 

Englifli  Objeftlon,  As  to  the  two  laft 
Articles ;  although  thefe  Forces  were  invi- 
ted, by  Order  of  Parliament,  to  come  in 
for  their  Affiftance,  yet  no  Treaty  nor  Efta- 
blifhment  being  concluded  on  for  fettling  a 
particular  Pay  for  them,  and  their  Numbers 
not  increafmg  the  Earl  of  Leven's  Army 
above  the  Number  of  21,000  Men,  con- 
tracted for  by  the  Treaty,  therefore  this  Sum, 
ought  not  to  be  charged  upon  the  Kingr 
dom  of  England. 

Scots  Reply.  The  Earl  of  Calender's 
Army  was  invited  into  this  Kingdom  by 
both  Houfes,  who  therefore  cannot  in  Juf- 
tice  refufe  to  pay  them.  And  whereas  it  is 
alledged,  that  the  Number  of  the  Earl  of 

Calender's  Army  did  not  increafe  the  Earl 

of  Leven's  above  the  Number  of  21,000 

Men ;  it  was  often  defired  that  a  Mufter 

of  them  might  be  taken  by  the  Honour-: 

able  Houfes,.  when  both  Armies  were  in 

England;  which  not  being  done,  they  can- 
not but  admit  the  Mufters  taken  by  fuch  as 

are  intruded   by  the    Kingdom  of  Scotland 

for  that  Purpofe,  and  that  in  the  ftricteft 

Way  there  ufed.     Bcfides,  the    Forces  of 

the  Earl  of  Calender  were  not  called  in  as 

Recruits,  but  as  adiftinct  Army,  compofed 

pf  their  own  Regiments,  a  General   and       —  —  — _ 
Carried  ovtr     1869415 

6     8 



Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Brought  over    1869415     6 
ether  Officers,  with  a  Train  of  Artillery,  to 
block  up  Newcaftle,  whilft  the  Army  com- 
manded by  the  Earl  of  Leven  was  lying  be- 
fore York. 

For  Intereft  of  Monies  not  paid  at  their  'I 
due  Time,  according  to  the  fifth  Article  of  \     6ooo0     O 
the  Treaty,     --------      J 

Englifh  Objection.  There  can  be  ro  fuch 
pemand  made,  becaufe  the  Money  advan- 
ced and  paid  by  the  Parliament  of  England^ 
and  the  Free-quarter  and  Billet,  with  other 
Monies  taken  by  the  Scots  Army,  from, 
Time  to  Time,  hath  fupplied  their  Pay  in, 
due  Seafon  according  to  the  Treaty. 

Scots  Reply,  The  Money  paid  by  the 
Parliament,  and  the  Free-quarters  taken  by 
the  Scots  being  reckoned,  the  Committee 
refiding  with  them  are  able  to  make  it  ap- 
pear that  a  greater  Sum  is  due  for  * 
than  hath  been  demanded. 

The  Eflimate  of  the  great  Lofles  of  the  -\ 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  fuftained  through  our 
Engagements  for  this  Kingdom,  and  the 
Invafion  of  the  Irijh,  which  they  are  bound 
to  preventer  fupprefs,  which,  we  are  con- 
fident, is  more  than  any  other  of  the  Ar- 
ticles, is  left  to  the  Confideration  of  the 
Honourable  Houfes  ------ 


6    8 

<The  Kingdom  of  England  Creditor, 
Received  by  the  Armies,  in  Monies  and " 
^rovifions,  from  Goldfmiths-Hallt  Turners- 
Jiall)  from  the  Commiffioners  of  Parlia- 
frient,  the  Mayor  of  Tork^  out  of  the  Profits 
6f  Coal,  Cuftom,  and  Excife  in  the  North, 
by  way  of  AflefTment;  as  alfo  by  quarter- 
ing in  Northumberland,  Bifhoprickof  Dur- 
})am,    Yorkjhire,  and  Nottingham)  whereof 
the  Accounts  have  already  been^nade. 

464063    o 


gf    ENGLAND.  71 

/.         s.     d. 

Brought  over  464063     o     o 
Refts  due  for  Quarterings  of  the  Army,  ^ 
whereof  the  Accounts  are  not  yet  made,  as 
may  be  conjectured  by  Proportion  with  the  >    219937     O     O 
monthly  Quarterings,    whereof  the    Ac-  I 

684000     O     O 

counts  have  already  been  made, 

The  Englifh  State  of  the  ACCOUNT  with  tie  Scots  Aimy^   b) 
of  Eftimate, 

The  Kingdom  of  England  is  Deb tor '« 

FOR  the  Entertainments  of  the  Scots  Ar-  ^ 
my,  and  the  Garrifon  of  Berwick,  from 
the  1 8th  of  "January  1643,  to  the  i8th  of 
September  1646,  being  32  Months,  after  the 
Rate  of  3i,ooo/.  per  Menfem^  in  cafe  they 
did  come  in  and  continue   in  England  the       992000      0     0 
Numbers  of  18,000  Foot,  2000  Horfe,  and 
1000  Dragoons,  efFe6rivc,  according  to  the 
Treaty  of  Afliftance  and  the  Treaty  for 
Berwick,  the  Sum  of    ----- 

lu    M   M' 

ittee  I 
)£lo-  [ 
>.  J 


The  Kingdom  ^/"England  is  Creditor 
For  Monies  paid  towards  the  Entertain- 
ment of  the  Scots  Army  by  the  Committe 
at  Goldfmitbs-Hall*  from  the  6th  of  Otto 
ber  1643,  to  the  ift  of  November  1645 

Scots  Objection.  In  this  Account  are 
comprifed  feveral  Provifions  fent  unto 
them,  which  were  never  delivered  ;  fome 
Part  taken  by  the  Enemy  at  Sea ;  fome  Part 
fpoiled  and  made  ufelefs  jbefides,  no  Freight 
or  Damage  in  Carriage  is  here  alllowed  to 
the  Soldier. 

o    o 

For  Money  and  Lead  delivered  to  them,  ^ 
by  the  Cpnimiflioners  of  both  Kingdoms,  > 
».t  York)  after  the  Rendition  of  that;  Place*  J 

9000     o     o 

Carried  over     229629     o     o 


*?he  'Parliamentary  HISTORY 

88ooo    Q    o 

"Brought  over  229629     O 
For  Provifions  and  Monies  aflefled  upon  ' 

£he  County  of  York,  by  Order  of  the  Com- 

jniffioners  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  theCom- 

niittee  of  that  County,  within  the  Spate  of 

four  Month's  during  the  Siege  of  York,  and 

afterwards  until  they  marched  away  to  the 

Siege  ofNewcaftle,  after  the  Rate  of  22,000/. 

"pet  Mekfim,  "''-     -     -  '  -     -     -     -     - 
Scots  Objeftion,     They   never   received 

near  that  Sum,  it  being  evident,  by  daily 

Experience,  that  Money  fo  collected  doth 

never  answer  the  proportion  of  the  Affeff- 

For  Cloth  delivered  to  them  by  the  In—  \ 
habitants  in  and  about  Leeds,  prefently  af-  I 
ter  the  Siege  of  fork,  by  Order  of  the  Com-  f      1  0000     0 
miflioners  qf  both  Kingdoms,     -     -     -     J 

Scots  Objection,  This,  by  Miftake,  is 
twice  charged,  it  being  Part  of  the  Money 
Formerly  reckoned  as  received  from  the 
Committee  at  Goldfmitks-Hall. 

For  Monies,  Cloaths,  Arms,  and  Provi- 
ficns  furnifhed  to  them  during  the  Siege  of 
Newark^  by  the  Committee  of  Lords  and 
Commons  refiding  W5th  the  Army,  the  99°54  12  XJ 
Committee  at  ^ottivgham^  and  the  Com- 
mittees of  Goldfmiths-  Hall  anH  1'urners- 

Scots  Qtytftla*.  With  the  Monies  here 
nientioned  they  difcharged  their  Quarters, 
therefore  not  to  be  charged  in  this  Account  j 
by  which  there  will  be  deducted  50,000 /, 

For  Monies  paid  ,  them  by  the  Lord 
JMayor  of  York,  in  June,  *July,  and  Oc- 
tober, 164.5,  -  *  -  - 

1 700    o 

Carried  over  428383  12  u 


of   ENGLAND. 


Brought  over  428383 
the  Profits  of- 

12  II 

For   Monies  arifing  by 
jCoals  in  Ne-jucajlle  and  Sunderland,  receiv'd 
by  the  Scots  Army  within  the  Space  of  one 
Year  after  the  taking  of  that  Town,  which 
was  in  Oftober^   1644,       - 

For  Monies  paid  to  them  out  of  theEx--j 
cife,  befides  62l.  included  in  the    ijool.  I 


paid  by  the  Lord  Maypr  of  Tork, 
Certificate  from  the  Excife, 

For  Monies  arifing  out  of  the  Profits  of 
Coals  at  Ne-wcajlle^  and  other  Northern 
Parts,  from  Qttober  1645,  to  the  i8th  of 
September  1646,  which  is  all  paid,  and  to  be 
paid,  to  the  Scots  Army;  and,  by  Eftimate 
made  upon  former  Receipts,  are  proportion- 
ed to  be  --------- 

Scots  Objection.  The  Monies  in  the  three 
Jaft  Articles  amounting  to  119,3857.  I2J. 
£fd.  did  in  truth  arife  only  to  8o,OOO/.  be- 
caufe  the  Coals  in  the  firft  Year  did  arife  to 
i os.  per  Chaldron,  at  which  Rate  they  are 
ftill  eftimated  to  the  Scots,  when  the  Years 
following  they  had  but  51.  per  Chaldron  ; 
So  that  here  is  to  be  a  Deduction  of  near 
40,000  /. 

For  Monies  received  by  them,  by  way! 
of  Compofition,  for  Coals  and  other  Goods  I  - 
belonging  to  Delinquents  and  other  Per-  I 
fons,  within  and  about  the  Town  of  New-  . 
caftle^  fmce  they  entered  and  placed  their  | 
Garrifon  there,  by  Eftimate  -  -  -  J 

Scots  Objection.  There  was  no  Compo- 
fttion  taken,  but  only  what  the  Officers  re- 
ceived to  lave  theHoufes  of  the  Inhabitants 
from  Plunder;  which  cannot  be  accounted 
as  Part  of  the  Pay  of  the  Army,  fmce  the 
Town  was  taken  by  Storm. 

Carried  over 

50000    o    o 

16385    12 

5^000    O     Q 

O     O 


f    3 



The  Parliamentary  H I  s  T  o  R  Y 

452000    o    o 

Brought  over  567769     5 

For  Free-quarter  and  Billet  taken  by 
them  in  the  Kingdom  of  England,  from  the 
i8th  of  January  1643,  to  the  i8th  of%>- 
jember  1646,  admitting  it  no  more  than 
half  their  Pay,  which  is  the  leaft  Propor- 
tion ufual  in  Armies  ;  and  then  in  cafe  they 
were,  and  always  continued,  the  Numbers 
contracted  for  by  the  Treaty,  and  the  fame 
Proportion  of  Pay  arifmg  to  them,  as  by  the 
Treaty  is  appointed,  their  Free-quarter  and 
Billet,  befides  the  four  Months  above  char- 
ged within  the  Sum  of  80,000  /.  whilftthey 
lay  at  the  Siege  ofTork,  will,  byEftimate, 
amount  unto  - 

Scots  Objection.  The  total  Sum  for  28 
Months  will  not  amount  to  more  than 
432,000  /.  Befides,  it  is  to  be  confidered, 
that  only  the  Half  of  the  Soldiers  Pay  is  to 
be  allowed  for  Quarters,  and  but  a  third 
Part  of  the  Officers,  which  makes  a  great 
Deduction.  Moreover  it  is  known,  that 
the  firft  fevenor  eight  Months  after  theEn- 
try  of  the  Scots  Army  into  this  Kingdom, 
they  received  very  little  Provifion,  the 
Country  being  in  the  Enemy's  Power,  fo 
that  half  of  their  Provifion  did  come  month- 
ly from  Scotland,  notwithftanding  the  Pro- 
vifion received  from  London. 

For  feveral  great  Sums  of  Money,  aflefT--* 
^d  and  levied  upon  particular  Perfons,  for 
the  Fifth  and  Twentieth  Part,  and  other- 
wife,  and  alfo  aflefs'd  upon  Townfhips, 
Conftableries,  and  Parities,  within  the 
Kingdom  of  England,  and  levied  by  them* 
by  their  own  Power,  without  Confent  of 
Parliament,  befides  the  Free-quarter  and 
Billet  before-mentioned;  which  though 
fome  Perfons  do  eftimate  it  at  much  more, 
yet  here  are  valued  no  higher  than 

403000    o    e 

Carried  over  1422769 

5     3 


o/   ENGLAND. 

Brought  over  1422769 
Scots  Objection.  Thefe  Afleflfments  were 
only  made  in  the  Winter-time,  and  then 
the  Quarters  were  deducted  out  of  them, 
jmd  but  a  fmall  Proportion  will  be  found 
pbove  the  Quarters  and  Billetings  of  the 
Army :  So  that  this  and  the  precedent  Ar- 
ticle cannot  confift  together. 


For  feveral  great  Proportions  of  Arms 
Ammunition,  and  Provifions  of  War,  deli 
yered  to  the  Scots  Army,  and  eftimated  at 
Scots  Objection.  Arms  and  Ammunition 
are  not  to  be  allowed  as  Part  of  the  Army's 
Pay.  The  Kingdom  of  England,  by  the 
fourth  Article  of  the  Treaty,  is  obliged  to 
repay  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  the  Train 
of  Artillery,  and  other  Neccflaries  ready 
to  march,  which  is  all  they  are  to  find. 
Again,  it  is  impofiible  that  the  Arms  and 
Ammunition  delivered  fhould  come  near 
that  Sum  :  So  that  thefe  Exceptions  being 
confidered',  the  Scots  have  only  as  yet  re- 
ceived the  Sum  of  700,0007. . 

Sum  Total  of  the  Particulars  aforefaid 
Befides  what  the  Scots  Army  hath  taken 
from  the  People  of  England,  by  Plunder  of 
Merchandize,  Houfhold  Stuff,  Horfes, 
Sheep  and  other  Cattle  and  Goods ;  which, 
in  Value  doth  amount  unto,  if  not  exceed, 
any  two  of  the  Sums  above-mentioned. 

Scots  Anfwer.  For  Plunder;  it  is  moft 
certain  that  many  of  the  Englljh,  pretend- 
ing themfelves  to  be  Scots,  have  been  ac- 
tive in  plundering  in  the  Country;  greater 
Care  hath  been  taken  for  fupprefling  Dif- 
orders  in  the  Scots  Army  in  England  than 
hath  been  in  the  Army  of  Scotland :  Some 
have  been  put  to  Death  for  pilfering  to  the 
Value  but  of  two  Shillings. 

40000    o    o 

1462769     5     3 


7  6  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*"'  11  ?'*  T*       After  readin?  tne  Eftimates,   both 
,  ^  *  4  '      ,  Sttfr,  and  the  Objections  to  the  latter,  the  Que- 
'  Auguft.        ftion  was  propofed,    That  fuch  Members   as  are 
A  third  Sum  of of  tne  Committee  of  both  Kingdoms  (hall  have 
700,000 /.  voted  Power  to  offer  unto  the  Commiffioners  of  Scotland^ 
forthebcouAr-  ioo,ooo/.  more  than  the  20O,ooo/.  already  voted; 
to  be  paid  unto  them  at  the  End  of  twelve  Months, 
to  be  accounted  from  the  End  of  the  nine  Months 
whereon  thelaft  50,000 /.  Part  of  the  faid  200,000 /. 
is  ordered   to  be  paid ;    and  for  a  Difcharge  of  all 
Demands  from  this  Kingdom,  exprefied  in  their 
Paper  of  the  i8th  of  Augujl,  if  they  (hall  be  con- 
tent therewith  ;  or,    otherwife,    to   offer  them  to 
tome  to  an  Account  upon  the  firft  200,000 /.  But 
a  Motion  being  made  for  granting  two  hunder«d 
thoufand  Pounds  additional  inftead  of  one,    this 
pafs'd  in   the   Negative,     by  a  Majority    of   108 
againft   ioij  and  the  Propofal  for  only  ioo,OOO/. 
more  was  agreed  to.     Then  this  Vote  was  ordered 
to  be  communicated  to  the  Scots  Commiffioners, 

and  their    Anfwer   demanded. However,    this 

Motion  for   2OO,oco/.    more  was   afterwards  re- 
fumed,  a$  will  appear  in  the  Sequel. 

The  Lords  had  nothingbefbre  them,  for  feveral 
Days,  but  private  Caufes,  and  Ordinances  for  taking 
offSequeftrations  from  the  Eftates of  many  unhappy 
Sufferers  in  the  late  Wars,  by  large  Compofitions 
for  them;  the  Multiplicity  of  which,  being  all  par- 
ticularly recited,  fwell  their  'Journals  to  a  very  great 
Bulk,  and  are  too  extenfivefor  our  prefent  Defign. 
We  therefore  conclude  this  Month  with  an  Ordi- 
nance pafs'd,  at  this  Time,  for  the  Ordination  of 
Minifters  according  to  the  Prefbyterian  Plan,  de- 
fign'd  by  both  Nations  to  be  the  Eftablimment  of 
this  Ifland. 

An  ORDINANCE  concerning  the  Manner  of  Ordina- 
tion of  Minifters  in  Clajffical  Prejbyteries^  together 
with  Rules  for  their  Examination. 

An  Ordinance  c  TTrfiereas  the  Word  Prejbyter,  that  is  to  fay, 
'  W  El^  and  the  Word  &>#,  do,  in  the 
*  Holy  Scripture,  intend  and  fignify  one  and  the 

'  fame 

tf  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  77 

*  fame  Function  j    although  the  Title  of  Bi/hop  An<  "  Car' 
5  hath    been,  by  corrupt  Cuftom,  appropriated  to     t  l6*6'    . 

*  one,  and  that  unto  him  afcribed,  and  by  him  af-        Auguft, 

*  fumed,  as  in  other  Things,  fo  in  Matter  ofOr- 

*  dination  that  was  not  meetj  which  Ordination 
4  notwithftanding  being  perform'd  by  him,  a  Pref- 
4  byter,  join'd  with  other  Prefbyters,  we  hold  for 
4  Subftance  to  be  valid,  and  not  to  bedifclaimed  by 
«  any  that  have  received  it;  and  that  the  Prefbyters 
4  fo  ordained,  being  lawfully  thereunto  appointed 
'  and  authorized,  may  ordain  other  Prefbyters : 

4  And  whereas   alfo  it  is  manifeft  by  the  Word 

*  of  God,   that  no  Man  ought  to  take  upon  him- 
«  felf  the  Office  of  a  Minifter,  until  he  be  lawfully 

*  call'd    and     ordain'd  thereunto;     and  that  the 

*  Work  of  Ordination,  that  is  to  fay,  an  outward 
4  folemn  fetting  apart  of  Perfons  for  the  Office  of 

*  the  Miniftry    in  the  Church,  by  the  preaching 
Prefbyters,  is  an    Ordinance   of  Chrift,  and  to 

«  be  perform'd  with  all  due  Care,  Wifdom,  Gra- 

*  vity,  and  Solemnity:  It  is  ordained  by  the  Lords 

*  and  Commons   aflembled    in  Parliament,    after 
4  Advice  had  with  the  AfTembly  of  Divines  con- 
4  veened  at  Wejiminjier,  that  the  refpeftive  Clafli- 
4  cal   Prefbyters    within    their  refpeftive  Bounds, 
'  may  examine,    approve,  and  ordain   Prefbyters, 
4  according  to  the  Diredory   for  Ordination   and 
4  Rules    of  Examination  hereafter  exprefTed : 

/>>/?,  *  He  that  is  to  be  ordained  muft  addrefs 
«  himfelf  to  the  Prefbytery,  and  bring  with  him  a 
1  Teftimonial  of  his  taking  the  Covenant  of  the 
4  three  Kingdoms,  and  of  his  Diligence  and  Profici- 
'  encyin  his  Studies;  what  Degrees  he  hath  taken 
4  in  the  Univerfity,  and  what  hath  been  the  Time 

*  of  his  Abode  there;  and,  withall,  of  his  Age, 
4  which  is  to  be  twenty-four  at  theleaft;  but  efpe- 
4  cially  of  his  Life  and  Converfation. 

Secondly,  <  The  Prefbytery  fhall  proceed  to  en- 
4  quire  touching  the  Grace  of  God  in  him,  and 
4  whether  he  be  of  fuch  Holinefs  of  Lif  is  is  re- 
4  quifitein  a  Minifter  of  the  Gofpd ;  and  to  ex- 

*  amine  him  touching  his  Learning  and  Sufficien- 

*  cy 

7  8  The  Parliamentary 

.  12  Car.  I.  <  cy,  and  touching  the  Evidence  of  his  Calling  t& 
*64-6. ^    <  the  holy  Miniftry;  and  in  particular  his  fair  and 

*  diredl  Calling  to  that  Place  to  which  he  is  de- 
^ugmt.  ,      ,, 

6  iign  d« 

The  Rules  fir  EXAMINATION  are  tkefe: 
I»  *  That  the  Party  examined  be  dealt,  with  fri 

*  a  brotherly  Way,  with   Mildnefs  of  Spirit,  and 
'  with  fpecial  Refpe&  to  the   Gravity,    Modefty, 

*  and  Quality  of  every  one* 

2.  *  He  fhall  be  examined  touching  his  Skill  irt 

*  the  original  Tongues,  and  that  Trial  to  be  made 
'  by  reading  the   Hebrew   and    Greek   Teftamcnt, 

*  and  rendering  fome  Portions  of  them  into  Latin  j 

*  and  Inquiry  alfo  {hall  be  made  after  his   Know- 
c  ledge  and  Skill  in  Logic,  Philofophy,  and  other 

*  Learning, 

3.  '  It  (hall  be  required  what  Authors  in  Divi- 

*  nity  he  hath  read  and    is   belt  acquainted    \vith$ 

*  and   whether  he  hath  read  and  obferved  tne  Ec- 
«  clefiaftical   Hiflory;    and  what  his    Skill  is    iri 

*  the  Chronology  of  Holy  Scripture. 

4  *  Trial  fhall   be    made  of  his  Knowledge  in 

*  the  chief  Grounds  of  Religionj  and  of  his  Abi- 

*  lity  to  defend   the  orthodox  Do&rine   contained 
'  in  them  againft  all  unfound  and  erroneous    Opi- 

*  nions,  efpecially    thofeofthe  prcfent  Age;  alfo 

*  his  Skill  in  the  Meaning  of  fuch  Places  of  Scrip- 

*  ture  as  fhall  be  propofed   to   himj    alfo    of  his 

*  Judgment  in  Cafes  ol  Confcience. 

5.  '  If  he  hath   not  before  preached   in   public 

*  with  Approbation   of  fuch  as    are    of  Ability  ta 

*  judge,  he  fhall,    at  a  competent  Time    affigned 

*  him,  and  before    the  Prefbytery,  preach   a  Ser- 
1  mon  upon  fuch  a  Place  of  Scripture   as  fhall  be 

*  given  him. 

6.  '  He  fhall,  in  a  competent  Time  alfo,  frame 
'  aDifcourfe  in  Latin  upon  fuch  a  common  Place 

*  or  Controverfy  in  Divinity   as  fhall  be  afligired 
«  him,  and  exhibit  to  the  Prefbytery  fuch   Thefes 

*  as  exprefs  the  Sum  thereof,   and  maintain  a  Dif- 

*  pute  upon  them 3  alfo  he  fhall  preach  before  the 

<  People  | 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  79 

*  People;  the  Prefbytery,  or  fomeofthe  Miniflers  An.  aa   Car. I« 

*  of  the  Word  appointed  by  them,  "being  prefent.  *646-   ^ 

7.  '  The  Proportion    of  his  Gifts,  in  relation        Auvuft4 
«  to  the  Place  to  which  he  is  called,  fhall  be  con- 

«  fidered. 

8.  '  Befules  the  Trial  of  his    Gifs    in  Preach- 
'  ing,  he   fliall  undergo   an   Examination   in    the 

*  Premifles  two  feveral  Days  or  morej  if  the  Pref- 

*  byteryftiall  judge  it  neceflary. 

Thirdly ,  '  After  which  he,  being  approved^  is  to 

*  be  fent  to  the  Church  or  Place  where    he  is  to 

*  ferve,  if  it  may  be  done  with  Safety  and  Conve- 
4  niency,  there  to  preach  three  feveral  Days,  and  t<* 

*  converfe  with    the  People,    that  they  may  have 
'  Trial  of  his  Gifts  for  their  Edification,  and  may 
'  have  Time  and  Leifure  to  inquire  into  and  the 
'  better  to  know  his  Life  and  Converfation. 

Fourthly^  *  In  the  laft  of  thefe  three  Days  ap- 
'  pointed  for  the  making  known  of  his  Gifts  in 
6  preaching,  there  fliall  be  fent  from  the  Prefbytery 
'  to  the  Congregation  a  public  Inftrument  in  W,ri- 

*  ting,  which  fhall  publickly  be  read  amongft  the 

*  People,  and  after  affix'd  to  the  Church-Door,  to 

*  fignify  on  fuch  a  Day  any  Member  of  the*  faid 
'  Congregation,  or  any  other  Perfon  whatfoever, 
'  may  put   in,  with  all  Chriftian  Difcretion  and 

*  Mecknefs,  what  Exceptions   they  have   againft 
4  him,  before  the  Prefbytery  fliall  proceed  to  Or- 

*  dination. 

Fifthly^  *  Upon  the  Day  appointed  for  Ordina- 
c  tion,  which  is  to  be  perform'd  in  that  Church 

*  where  he  that  is   to  be  ordained  is  to  ferve,  if  it 

*  may  be  done  with  Safety  and  Conveniency,  a-fo- 
'  lemn  Fafl?  fliall  be  kept  by  the  Congregation,  that 
'  they  may  the  more  earneftly  join  in  Prayer  to 
'  God  for  a  BlefSng  upon   the  Perfon  and  Labour 

*  of  this  his  Servant,    folemnly  to  be  fet  apart  to 

*  the   Office  of  the  Miniftry  for  their  Good;  the 
4  Prefbytery  fhall  come  to  the  Place,  or  fome  Mi- 
«  nifter-s  of  the  Word,  five  at  leaft,  fhall  be   fsnt 

*  from  the  Prefbytery,  whereof  one  {ball  preach 

'  to 

An.   az  Car.  I. 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

to  the  People  concerning    the  Office  and  Duty 
of  the  Minifters  of  Chrift,  and  how  the  People 
ought  to  efteem  him  for  his  Work's  Sake. 
Sixthly^  '  After  the  Sermon  is  ended,  the  Mini- 
fter  that  hath  preached  {hall,  in  the  Face  of  th£ 
Congregation,  demand  of  him  who  is  now  to  be 
ordained  concerning    his  Faith   in  Chrift   Jefus,' 
and  his  Perfuafion  of  the  Reform'd  Religion   ac- 
cording to  the  Scriptures,  his  fincere  Ends  and1 
Intentions  in  defiring  to  enter  in  this  Calling,  his 
Resolution    to  ufe  coriftant  Diligence  in  Prayer, 
Reading,  Meditation,  Preaching,  Miniftring  thd 
Sacrament,  and  doing  all   Minifterial  Duties  to- 
wards his  Charge,  with  his  whole  Defire,  as  irf 
the    Prefence  of  God,  fo  as   may  moft    further 
their  Edification  2nd   Salvation ;    his    Zeal   and 
Faithfulnefs   in   maintaining    the    Truth   of  the 
Gofpel  and  Purity   of  the  Church  againft   Erro* 
and  Schifm  ;  his  Care  that  himfelf  and   Family 
may  be  unblameable  and  Examples  to  the  Flock, 
and  that  his  tull    Purpcfe   is    to  continue  in  his 
Duty  againft  all  Trouble  and  Perfecution. 
Seventhly^  '  In  all  which  having  declared   him- 
felf, profefled  his  Willingnefs,  and  promifed  his 
Endeavour,  by  the  Help  of  God,  the  Minifters 
fent  from  the  Prefbytery  (hall  folemnly    fe,  him. 
apart  to  the  Office  and  Work  of  the  Miniftry, 
laying    their 'Hands    upon    him,     with  a  fhort 
Prayer  or  Bleffing  to  this  Effect : 
Thankfully     acknowledging    the     great    Mercy    of 
Cod  in    fending   Jefus    Chrifi  for   the    Redemption 
cf  his    People^  and  for  his    Ajcenfion  to   the    Right . 
Hand  of  God  the   Father ',  and  in  the  pouring  out  of 
his-  Spirit,  and  giving  Gifts  to  Men^  Apojihs,  Evan- 
gelijls*    Prophets^    Pajlors^    and    Teachers^  for  the 
gathering  and  building    up    of  his    Church^  and  fdr 
fitting  and  inclining  this   Man  to  this  great   Work ; 
and  to  lefeech  him  to  fill  him  with  his  Holy   Spirit, 
•vubo,  in  his  Name,  we  fet  apart  to  this  Idy    *  e:-  vise, 
to  fulfil  the    Work    of  the    Mini/fry   in    ,///  Things* 
that  he  may  both  fave  himfelf  and  the  People  cort- 
mitted  to  his  Charge, 

<  Eighthly f 

^ENGLAND.  81 

Eighthly,  c  This,  or  the  like,  Form  of    Prayer  or  An.  21  Car. 

'  Bleffing    being  ended,    let   the    Minifter    who     t  *^°' 

*  preached   briefly  exhort  him    to  confuier  of  the  Aujuit. 
'  Greatnefs  of  his  Office  and  \V.;r!;;  the  Danger   . 

'  of  Negligence  both  to  himfelf  and  his   People; 

*  the  Blemng  which  will   accompany  his  Faithful** 
4  nefs  in  this   Life   and  that  to  come.:    Withal  let 
'  him  exhort  the  People,  and   charge  them  in   the 
'  Name  of  God,  willingly  to  receive  and  acknow- 
'  ledge  him  as  the  Miniiter  of  Chrift,  and  to  main- 
'  tain,  encourage,  and  affift  him  in  all  the  Parts  of 

*  his  Office ;  and  fo,  by  Prayer,  commending  both 
'  him   and  his  Flock  to  the  Grace    of  God,  after 
'  the  Tinging    of  a  Pfalm,  let  the  AfTembly  be  dif- 
'  miffed  with  a  Bleiling. 

Ninthly,  *  Let    fuch   as  are  appointed   for    the 

*  Service  of  the  Army,  Navy,  College,  or  other 

*  Charge,  be  ordained  as  aforefaid  in  fuch  Cljurch 

<  as  the  Claflical   Prefbytery,  to   which  they  {hall 

<  addrefs  themfelves,  fhall  think  fit ;  and  fuch  Al- 

<  teration  made,  by  the  Minifies  that  ordain  them, 
'  from   the  Exhortation  laft  befbfc  prefcribed,  as 
«  the  Circumflances  of  Place  and  Perfcn  fhall  re- 
'  quire. 

Tenthly,  '  Let  every  one  who  is  appointed  for 
4  any  Place  or  Congregation,  not  being  at  that 
«  Time  within  the  Bounds  of  any  Claflical  Pref- 
*  bytery,  be  ordained  by  that  Claflis  of  Prefbyters 
'  which  he  {hall  addrefs  himfelf  unto,  or  by  five, 
'  or  any  greater  Number^  of  the  Minifters  of  the 
'  Word  to  be  ferit  from  that  Prefbytery ;  which 
'  Ordination  is  to  be  perform'd  according  to  the 
'  Rules  and  Directions  before  prefcribed,  as  far 
'  as  with  Safety  and  Convenicncy  may  be. 

4  And  be  it  further  ordained   by  the  Lords  and 
'  Commons,  That  every  Perfon  formerly  ordained 

*  as  a  Pre{byter,  according  to  the  Form  of  Ordi- 

*  nation  which   hath  been  held  in    the  Church  of 

*  England,  and  is  to  be  removed  to  another  Charge, 

*  do  bring  to  the  Prefbytery  where  he  is  to  be  placed, 
'  if  there  be  any,  and,  if  not,  then  to   fome  other 
'  Prefbytery,  a  Teftimoniai  of  his  Ordination,  and 

VOL.  XV.  F  'of 

ne Parliamentary  HISTORY 

of  his  Abilities  and  Converfation,  whereupon  his 
Fitnefs  for  that  Place  to  which  he  is  to  be  rema- 
'  ved  fhall  be  tried  by  his  preaching  there ;  and,, 
if  it  fhall  be  judged  neceflary,  by  a  further  Exa- 
'  mination  ;  and  fo,  without  any  new  Ordination,. 
c  he  fliall  be  admitted,  if  he  be  approved  as  fit  for 
'  that  Place  :  And  if  any.  Perfon  ordained  a  Mini- 
*•  fterin  Scotland,  or  iaany  other  Reform'd  Church, 

*  be  defrgn'd  to  a  Congregation  in  England,   he  is 
'  to  bring  from    that  Church  to    the  Prefbytery 
*•  where  he  is  to  be  placed,  if  there  be  any,  and  if 

*  not,  then  to  fome  other  Prefbytery,   a  fufficient 

*  Teffimonial   of  his  Ordination,  of  his  Life  and 
'  Converfation  while  he    lived  with  them,  and  of 
'  the  Caufes  of  his  Removal ;    and  to    undergo 
'  fuch    Trial  of  his  Fitnefs  and  Sufficiency,  and 
'  to  have  the  fame  Courfe  held  with  him  in  othfjr 
*•  Particulars  as  is  fet  down,  in  the  foregoing  Rule 
*•  and  Provifion,    touching  the  Examination    and 
c  Admiffion  of  Perfons  formerly  ordained  in  Eng- 
«•  land. 

«  And  it  is  farther  ordained,  That  Records  be 
*"  carefully  kept  by  the  Regifter  to  be  nominated 
'  by  the  Prefbytery,  of  the  Names  of  the  Perfons 

*  ordained,  with   their  Teftimonals  of  the  Time 

*  and  Place  of  Ordination,  and  of  the   Miniflers 
'  who  did  ordain  them,    and    of    the  Charge   to 
c  which  they  are  appointed ;  and  that  no  Money  or 

*  Gift  of  what  Kind  foever  fhall  be  received  from 

*  the   Perfon'to  be  ordained,  or  from  any  on  his 
c  Behalf,  for    Ordination,  or   ought  elfe  belong- 

*  ing  to  it,  by  the  Prefbytery,  or  any  appertaining- 

*  to  any  of  them,  upon  what  Pretence  foever,  ex- 
c  cept  to  the  Regifter  for  the  Entry,  Inftruments, 

*  and  Teftimonials  of  his  Ordination,  which  fhall 

*  not  exceed  the   Sum  often   Shillings  for  each 
«  Perfon  ordained. 

'  And  it  is  further  ordained,  That  all  Perfons 

*  who  (hall  beordained  Prefbyters  according  to  this 

*  Directory,  fhall  be  for  ever  reputed  as  authorized 

*  Minifters  of  the  Church  of   England,     and    as 
<  capabifr  of  any  miaifterial  Employment  in  the 

'  Church* 

0f   ENGLAND.  83 

Church,  with  the  Rights  and  Profits  belonging  An-  «  6Car- 

thereunto,  as  any  other  Prefbyters  whatfoever  al-   t     '  4  ' 

ready  ordained,  or  hereafter  to  be  ordained;  and         Ausufi. 

all   Prefbyters   who    are   hereby    authorized    to 

ordain,  and  {hall,  according  to  this  prefent  Direc- 

tory, ordain  anyone  or  more  Prefbyters,  are  here- 

by declared  to  perform  an   acceptable  Service  to 

this  Church  and  Kingdom,  and    (hall    have  the 

Protection  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  for  their 

Indemnity  ;  and  what  Prefbytery  foever,  being  in 

due  Manner  defired,  {hall,  without  juft  Caufe, 

refufe  or  defer  to  ordain  any  Prefbyter,  who,  by 

the  Rules  and  Directions  of  this  Oidinance,  ought 

to  be  ordain'd,  orfhall  neglect  to  obferve  the  So- 

lemnity of  Ordination  in  that  decent,  grave,  and 

godly  Manner  as   is  meet,  it  is  hereby  declared 

they  are  guilty  of  a  very  great  Offence,  and  deferve 

fevere  Punifhment.     Provided,    That  this  Ordi- 

nance fhall  ftand  in   full  Force  for  three  Years? 

and  no  longer.' 

The  laft  Propofitions  for  Peace  fent  to  the  King 
having  met  with  no  better  Fate  than  thofe  which 
had  been  formerly  offered  to  him,  his  Majefty's 
Anfwer  to  them  we  find  was  after  the  flrft  Read- 
ing, not  the  leaft  taken  Notice  of  by  either  Houfe 
of  Parliament.  During  the  Commiffioners  Stay 
at  Newcaftle,  the  Earl  of  Loudon,  Lord-Chancelr 
lor  of  Scotland,  addrefs'd  himfelf  to  the-  King  in 
the  following  Speech  (»)  : 

May  it  pleafe  your 
*   XT'  OUR  Majefty  was  pleated,  on  Monday  laft, 

\     to  call  the  Lords  of  your  Privy-Council  of  The  Earl  of 
Scotland  and  the  Committee,  to  acquaint  them  with  London's  Speech 
the  Propofitions  ;  and  told  them,  That  before  the  £Sg  *?/!£ 
Delivery  of  your  Anfwer  you  would  make  the  fame  fent  to  the  Pro- 
known  to  them.     The  Time  afiigned  for  the  Stay  p°fa«»»f« 
of  the  Commiffioners  is  fo  fhort,  and   the  Confe- 
F  2  quence 

(n)  From   the  Edinburgh  Edition,  printed   by  Evjtn    Tyler,    the 
King's  Printer. 

84  $&*  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  r 

'An.  22  Car.-  -T,  quence  of  your  Majefty's  Anfwer  is  of  fo    grea^ 

v  l645   '  _•     lmPortance>  either   for  the   Prefervation   or   Ruin 

A  v  j^        of  your  Crown  and  Kingdoms,  as  we  could  not  be 

anfwerable  to  God,  nor  to  that  Truft  repofed  in  us, 

unlefs  we  reprelent  to  your  Majefty  how  neceflary 

it  is  (as  the  Condition  of  Affairs  now  ftand,   and 

in  fo  great  an  Extremity)  that  your  Majefty  (hould 

afTent  to  the  Propofitions,  and  that  the  Danger  and 

Lofs  of  your  Refufal  will  be  rcmedilefs,  and  bring; 

on  fudden  Ruin  and  Deftruilion. 

*  I  lhall  begin  firft  with  the  laft,  which  is  the 
Danger,  and  fnall  next  fpeak-a  Word  oftheRe- 
medy.  The  Dirlerences  between  your  Majefty 
and  your  Parliament  (which  no  Man  knows  better 
than  your  ftlf)  are  grown  to  fuch  a 

Height,  that,  arter  fo  many  bloody  Battles,  there  is 
r.o  Cure  bat  a  prc  lent  Peace  ;  othenvife  nothing  carv 
he  expected  but  certain  Deftruclio.n.  The  Parlia- 
ments potfefled  of  your  Navy,  and  of  all  the  Forts, 
Garrifons,  and  Strong-holds  of  the  Kingdom: 
They  have  the  Excife,  Aflefirnen'ts,  and  Sequeftra- 
tions  at  their  Difpofal,  and  have  Authority  to  raife 
all  the  Men  and  Money  in  the  Kingdom ;  and, 
after  many  Victories  and  great  Succefies,  they 
have  a  ftrong  Army  on  Foot,  and  are  now  in  fuch 
a  Pofture  for  Strength  and  Power,  as  they  are  in  a 
Capacity  to  do  what  they  will  both  in  Church  and 
State  :  And  fome  are  fo  afraid,  others  fo  unwilling, 
to  fubmit  themfelves  to  your  Majefty's  Govern- 
ment, as  they  defire  not  you,  nor  any  of  your 
Race,  longer  to  reign  over  them :  Yet  the  People 
are  fo  wearied  of  the  Wars,  and  great  Burdens 
-they -groan  under;  are  fo  defirous  of  Peace,  and 
loath  to  have  Monarchical  Government  (under 
which  they  have  lived  fo  long  in  Peace  and  Plenty) 
changed,  that  fuch  as  are  wearied  of  your  Ma- 
jefty's Government,  dare  not  attempt  to  caft  it 
totally  off  till  once  they  fend  Propofitions  of  Peace 
to  your  Majefty,  left  the  People  (without  whofe 
Concurrence  they  arc  not  able  to  carry  on  their 
Defign)  fhould  fall  from  them.  And  therefore  all 


rf   E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

the  People  beingdefirous,  that,  after  fo  great  Wars  An 
and  Troubles,  they  may  have  a  perfect  Security 
from  Opprcfllon  and  arbitrary  Power,  the  Houfes 
of  Parliament  have  refolved  upon  the  Proportions 
which  are  tendered  to  your  Majefty,  as  that  with- 
out which  the  Kingdom  and  your  People  cannot 
be  in  Safety  ;  and  moft  Part  of  the  People  think, 
That  there  cannot  be  a  firm  Peace  upon  any  other 

*  Your  Majefty 's  Friends,  and  the  CommifEoners 
from  Scotland,  after  all  the  Wreftling  they  could, 
were  forced  to  confent  to  the  fending  of  thofe  Pro- 
pofitions, or  to  be  hated  as  the  Hinderers  of  Peace, 
and  to  fend  no  Proportions  at  alL  And  now,  Sir, 
if  your  Majefty,  which  God  forbid,  (hall  refufe 
to  aflent  to  the  Propofitions,  you  will  lofe  all 
your  Friends,  lofe  the  City  and  all  the  Country, 
and  all  England  will  join  againft  you  as  one  Man; 
and  (when  all  Hope  of  Reconciliation  is  paft)  it  is 
to  be  feared  they  will  procefs  and  depofe  you,  and 
fet  up  another  Government ;  they  will  charge  us 
to  deliver  your  Majefty  to  them,  and  to  render  ths 
Northern  Garrifon,  and  to  remove  our  Army  out 
of  England-,  and  upon  your  Majefty's  refufmg  the; 
Propofitions,  both  Kingdoms  will  be  conftraincd, 
for  their  mutual  Safety,  to  agree  and  fetile  Reli- 
gion and  Peace  without  you;  which,  to  ourun- 
fpeakable  Grief,  will  ruin  your  Majefty  and  your 
Pofterity.  And  if  your  Ma>f  y  reject  our  faithful 
Advice,  (who  defire  nothing  on  Earth  more  than 
the  Eftablimment  of  your  Majefty's  Throne)  and 
lofe  England  by  your  Wilfulnefs;  your  Majefty 
will  not  be  permittted  to  come  and  ruin  Scotland. 

'  Sir,  We  have  laid  our  Hand  upon  our  Hearts ; 
xve  have  afk'd  Counfel  and  Direction  from  God,  and 
have  had  our  moft  ferious  Thoughts  about  the  Re- 
medy ;  but  can  find  no  other  (as  Affairs  ftand  for  the 
prefent)  to  fave  your  Crown  and  Kingdoms,  than 
your  Majefty's  Affenting  to  the  Propofitions.  We 
dare  not  fay  but  they  are  higher  in  fome Things  (if 
Jt  were  in  our  Power  and  Option  to  remedy  it)  than 
F  3  "  we 

86  T^e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

A».  =1  Car.  I.  we  J0  approve  of:  But  when  we  fee  no  other  Mean* 
«•  l6*6  _J  f°r  cu"ng  tne  Diftempers  of  the  Kingdoms,  and 
Auguft.  clofin*  the  Breaches  between  your  Majefty  and 
your  Parliaments,  our  moft  humble  and  faithful 
Advice  is,  That  your  Majefty  would  be  gracioufly 
pleafed  to  aflimt  to  them,  as  the  only  beft  Way  to 
procure  2.  fpeedy  and  happy  Peace ;  becaufe  your 
Majefty  (hall  thereby  have  many  great  Advantages; 
you  will  be  received  again  in  your  Parliament, 
with  the  Aoplaufe  and  Acclamations  of  your  Peo- 
ple; by  your  Royal  Prefence  your  Friends  Willis 
ilrengthened ;  your  Enemies  (who  fear  nothing  fo 
much  as  the  granting  of  the  Propofitions)  will  be 
weakened;  your  Majefty  will  have  a  fit  Opportu- 
nity to  offer  fuch  Propofitions  as  you  (hall,  in  your 
Wifdom,  judge  fit  for  the  Crown  and  Kingdom  ; 
all  Armies  will  be  difbanded ;  and  your  People 
finding  the  fweet  Fruitb  of  your  peaceable  Govern- 
ment, your  Majefty  will  sain  their  Hearts  and  Af- 
feclions,  which  will  be  your  Strength  and  Glory, 
and  will  recover  all  that  your  Majefty  hath  loft  in 
this  Time  of  Tempeft  and  Trouble.  And  if  it 
pleafe  God  fo  to  incline  your  Royal  Heart  to  this 
Advice  of  your  humble  and  faithful  Servants,  who, 
next  to  the  Honour  of  God,  efteem  nothing  more 
precious  than  the  Safety  of  yourPerfon  and  Crown, 
cur  Adions  (hall  quickly  make  it  appear  to  all  the 
World,  That  we  efteem  no  Hazard  too  great  for 
your  Majefty's  Safety,  and  that  we  are  willing  to 
Sacrifice  cur  Lives  and  Fortunes  for  eftablifhing  of 
your  Throne.  And  now,  Sir,  we  proftrate  ourfelves 
at  your  Majefty's  Feet,  and,  in  the  loweft  Pofture 
of  Humility,  do  beg,  That  your  Majefty  may,  in 
the  End,  grant  the  Suit  of  your  moft  humble  Ser- 
vants and  faithful  Subjects,  who  have  no  private 
Aims,  but  only  the  Glory  of  God,  and  Safety  of 
your  Majefty's  Perfon,  Pofterity,  and  Crown  be- 
fore our  Eyes.  And  the  Granting  of  our  Defircs 
will  revive  our  fainting  Spirits,  refrefli  our  fad 
Hearts,  which  are  overwhelmed  and  like  to  break 
v/hh  Sorrow,  and  will  turn  the  Prayers  antf  Tears 


^ENGLAND.  87 

of  the  many  Thoufands  of  your  People  in  Pfaifes  An.  «  Car.  I. 
to   God,  and  make  them  embrace  your   Majefty    )  _      ^ 
with  Acclamations  of  Joy.' 

Mr.  WTj'itlocke  obferves  on  this  Occafion(a),  That  The  King's 
the  King  did  not  abfolutely  refufe  to  pafs  the  Pro-  Reafons  for  hw 
pofitions,  but  faid  to  the  Scots  Commifiioners,  Rcfui"»1' 
•who  prefled  him  to  it,  '  That  he  hoped  the  Par- 
liament would  give  him  a  Hearing  ;  which,  for 
better  Accomodation,  he  defired  might  be  near 
London  ;  and  doubted  not,  after  a  full  Hearing,  he 
fhould  not  only  give  but  receive  Satisfaction.' 
But  his  Majefty's  Refolution  not  to  give  up  Epif- 
copacy  in  Church-Government,  which  he  had 
fworn  at  his  Coronation  to  fupport,  was  fo  fix'd 
and  determined,  that  neither  adverfe  Fortune  nor 
Argument  could  prevail  upon  him  to  yield  in  this 
Particular;  although  the  famous  Scots  Divine,  Mr. 
Alexander  Henderfon,  came  to  Neiuca/lle>  in  or- 
Jer  to  perfuade  the  King  to  comply  with  the  Com- 
miflioners  Propofals  for  eftablifhing  of  Prefbytery. 
All  the  Papers  pro  and  con  in  this  Cpntroverfy, 
collected  together,  are  extent  at  this  Day  (/»)  ;  anjl, 
as  Rujhworth  remarks  (r),  *  fully  (hew  his  Ma- 
jefty's great  Abilities  at  a  Time  when  he  could 
not  have  the  Afiiftance  of  any  of  his  Chaplains.' 
Mr.  ZK^W;  writes  (</),  '  That  another  Reafon  for  the 
King's  refufing  his  Confent  to  the  Proportions,  be- 
fides  his  Adherence  to  Epifcopacy,  was,  That  he 
had  private  Encouragement  from  Ibme  of  the  Scots 
and  Englijh^  to  expect  more  eafy  Terms,  or  to  be 
received  without  any  at  all.' 

September  i.  The  Scots  Commiffioners  having 
prefented  their  Anfwer  to  the  Englijh  Eftimate  and 
Exceptions,  which  we  have  already  given,  as  alfo 
to  the  Commons  Otter  of  300,000  /.  and  the  fame 
being  twice  read,  a  Motion  was  made  for  taking 
F  4  the 

(a)  Meir.srialt,  p.  aiy. 

(b)  In  Roy/ion's  Ediuon  of  the  Kir.p's  Workt,  and  fereral  othcx 

(c)  CaUtfiioat,  Vol  VI.  p.  jai,         (f)  Mimtirt.  Val.  I.  p.  18  v 

88   '  7^  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

A«.  *»  Car>  '•  the  fame  into  prefent  Confideration,  which  was  a- 

^ ]     3_'_,      greed  to  by  a  Majority  of  129  againft   106  :  And 

September,     then  the  Queftion  which  had  been  rejected  a   few 
Days  before   for  adding  a  fourth    ioo,ooo/.  was 
A  fourth  Sum  of  carried    by    140,  againft  101;  but^the  Common* 
joc.ooc/.   voted  refolved  to  adhere  to  their  former  Votes,  as  to  the 
for  the  Scots  Ar-  Time  and  Manner  of  the  Payment  of  the  3co,ooc/, 
tut  Times  of  ~  alrea<ty  voted;    and   that    the  Time  for  the  Pay- 
Payment,  ment  of  this   laft  iop5occ/.  now  voted,  fhould  be 
at  the  End  of  twelve  Months,     to  be  accounted 
from   the  Time  aifigned   for  the  Payment   of  the 
laft   IOO,OOO/.  of  the  300,0007.    formerly  voted. 
And  this  Refolution,  as  the  former  ha.d  been,  was 
ordered  to  be  communicated  to    the  Scots   Comr 
miflioners,  and  their  immediate  Anfwer  required  ; 
which  being  the  next   Day  reported  by  Sir  Henry 
Vane,  jun.   the  Commons  again   refolved  to  adhere 
to  their  former  Votes,  as    to  the  Time  and  Man- 
ner of  the  Payment  of  the  400,000  /.  to  the  King- 
dom of  Scotland;     that    fuch   Members  of    their 
Houfe  as  were  of  the  Committee  of  both    King- 
doms, or  any  four  of  them,  do,    that  Afternoon, 
'  communicate  the  faid  Refolution  to  the  Scots  Com- 
miifioners,  and   offer   to  them   Reafons   why  the 
Houfe  doth  adhere  to  their  fprmer  Votes ;  to  con- 
fer with  them   about  the  Place  for  receiving    of 
their  Money;  and  to  declare  unto  them,  that  it  is 
cxpe&ed   that,     upon    the   Payment    of  the  firft 
j  00,000 /.    as' afqrefaid,  their  Armies  and  Forces 
<3o  march  out  of  this  Kingdom.     But, 

On  the  4th  of  this  Month,  the  Scots  Commif- 

fioners,  not  fotisBed  with  thefe  Rcfolutiuns  of  the 

Commons,     j.ixfaued  the.  following  Papers  to- the 

'  Houfe  of  Lords,  avid  relied  to  their  Speaker,  which 

>vc  give  from  ilicir  journals: 

Their  Commit        -Right  Honourable, 

fioner*  offer  Re*  «  ir  T  PON  the  nth  of  Auguft  we  delivered  ir 
SStbe°pr±t -  '  V  a  Paper  ta  both  Houfes,  declaring  the  Wil- 
Payment  of  '  lingnefs  of  the  Kinedcm  of  Scotland  to  recall  theii 
ooo,coo/.  *  Army  cut  bfili&lCingdomj  and  furrender  thi 

«  Gar 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

*  Garrifons  poffefled  by  them,   reafonable  Satisfac-  Aa- 

*  tion    being  given  for  their  Pains,   Hazard,  and     , 
'  Charges,  and  we  now   defire  your  Lordfiiip   to 

*  communicate    the  Papers  here   inclofed   to  the 
'  Houfe  of  Peers,  and  we  remain 

Woraflir  Houff,     Your  Lorciffjip's  Servants* 
£./..  j,  i6-Te. 




A  Paper  of  the  Scats  Commiflioners,  touching 
their  Army  and  their  Pay,  was  read. 

Sept.  2,  1646. 

*  ''STTHereas  we  delivered   in  to  the  Honourable 
'     W   Houfes  a  Paper  of    the  nth  of  AuguJ^ 
'  containing  feveral   Particulars  of  high  Concern- 
'  ment  and  great  Importance  to  the    Peace  and 

*  Safety  of  thefe  Kingdoms ;  and  we  have  received 
c  the  Vote  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  concerning 

*  that  Part  thereof  for   Satisfaction   to  the  Army  : 
'  That  the  Refolution  of  the  Honourable  Houfes 

*  upon  the  reft  of  the  Papers,  upon  which  fo  much 
'  depends,  maynot  be  retarded  by  any  Differences 
'  concerning  Satisfaction  to  be  given  to  our  Army  : 

*  and  to  evidence  our  Senfe  of  the  Burdens  of  this 
'  Kingdom,  we  are  willing  to  accept,  as  the  low- 
'  eft  Sum  that  can  poflibly  give  any  Satisfaction, 

*  or  whereunto  we  can  condefcend,    the   Sum  of 
'  400,0007.  of  which  2OO,ooo/  leaft,  to  be  paid 
'  and   delivered  to  the  Treafurers  of  the  Army  at 

*  Ne^wcaftle^  before  their  marching  away  j  and  the 
«  other  2oo,ooo/.   to  be   fecured    in  fuch  Manner 

<  and  paid  at  fuch  Times  and  Places,  as  (hall  be 
«  agreed  upon;    which  we  hope  the  Houfes  will 

<  think  moft  juft  and  reafonable,   confidering  that 
t  the  Kingdom    of  England,  which,     at  the  firft 
t  Time  of  our  Engagement  in   this  War  for  their 

Affiftance,  was  in  "the  grcateft  Diftrefs,  is  now, 
by  the  Blefling  of  God,  by  the  Endeavours  and 

*  Force? 

90  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  I. «  Forces  of  both   Kingdoms,  relieved   and  eafed  t 

L      I*46'  ^  '  whereas  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  at  that  Time 

September.     *  *n  Peace  and  Profperity,  hath  been,  by  this  War, 

*  involved    in    greater    Calamities  and    Sufferings 
'  than  either  we  or  our  Fathers  have^formerly  felt; 
•*  and  whoever  will  make  a  due  Comparifon,  can- 

*  not  but  know  how  much  England  is  made  better, 

*  and  Scotland  worfe,  by  their  Engagement  in  this 

*  War;  confidering  alfo  that  our~Army   in  this 

*  Kingdom  have   ferved    near   three   Years,    be- 

*  fides    thofe  in   Scotland  who   ferved   near    two 

*  Years  in  that  Kingdom;   that  they  have,  for  the 
e  Space  of  five  Months,  had  no  Pay ;    and   when 

*  they  were  paid,  it  was  not  according  to  the  Pay 

*  of  other   Armies,  our   Foot,  for  divers  Months 

*  together,    not   having   received  above  a  Penny 
'  Halfpenny  per  Diem ;   which  they  were  the  more 
«  willing  to  bear,  in  hopes   of  due  Satisfaction  and 

*  Recompence  in   the  Conclufion.      And  now  if 
«  they  fliould  be  fo  far  fruftrated  of  their  Expe&a- 

*  tions,  as  to  be  difmiffed  in  a  far  worfe  Condition 

*  than  when  they  came  into  this  Kingdom,  (for 

*  they  came  extraordinarily  well  provided  both  for 

*  Arms  and  Money,  to  the  great  Charge  and  Ex- 

*  pence  of  our  Nation)  and  withall  to   find  their 

*  own  native  Country  in  a  much  worfe  Condi tiori 

*  than  they  left  it,  they  would  certainly  fee  them- 
«  felves  ill  recompenfed ;  and  therefore,  after  the 
«  Army  itfelf  hath  ferved  fo  faithfully,  and    their 

<  Country  hath  fuffered  fo  extremely  for  their  En- 

*  gagement  with  this  Kingdom,  we  .cannot  expect 

*  but  to  fend  home  an  unfatisfied  and  difcontented 
«  Army  into  a  ruined  and  impoverifhed  Country, 

*  will  be  far  from  the  Thoughts  of  the  Honourable 
«  Houfes.     But  if,  after  we  have  fo  freely,  plainly 
«  and  clearly  acquainted  the  Honourable    Houfes 

*  with  the  leaft  Sum  that  can  poflibly  give  Satis fac- 
'  tion,   our  Offer  (hall  not  be  accepted,  we  defire 

*  that  the  Houfes   would  be  pleafed  to   appoint  a 
«  Committee  to  concur  with  the  Committee  of  the 
«  Parliament  of  Scotland,  for  the  prclent  adjuftingof 

<  our  Accounts  3  whereujUo  we  have  ever  been  moft 

4  willing 

^ENGLAND.  91 

willing  fince  the  coming  of  our  Army  into  this  An-  21  Car- 
Kingdom,  to  the  end  that  juft  Satisfaction  may    .    *  *  '    , 
be  made  :    Accordingly  we  do,  with  all  Earneft-      September, 
nefs,  defireand  expeCtthat  the  Honourable  Houfes 
will  fo  accelerate  their  Refolutions  concerning  the 
Satisfaction  of  our  Army,  that  they  may,  without 
further  Delay,  proceed  to  the  Confidcration  of  the 
Remainder  of  our  Paper  of  the  nth  of  Auguft ; 
that,  by  joint  Advice,  a  final  End  may  be  put  to 
thefe  unnatural  Wars,  all  Occafions  of  Difcord 
may  be  wifely  prevented  for  the  future,  and  con- 
ftant  Unity  and  Amity    preferved  between  the 

By  Command  of  the  Commijfioners  for  the  Parlia- 
ment $/"  Scotland. 


A  fecond  Paper  of    the    Scots   Commiflioners 
was  read. 

'  \T7^   ^aye  rece'vc^   tne  Votes  of    the  Ho- 
'    W    nourable  Houfe  of  Commons,  of  the  firft 

*  of  September,  wherewith  we  reft  f  '  isfied,  as  to 

*  the  Sum,  with  the  greater  Contentment  that  our 
'  Agreement  in  this  is  unto  us  a  Ground   of  Con- 

*  fidence  there  (hall  be  in  all  other  Things  a  happy 

*  Accord   between  the  Kingdoms;  only,    again, 
'  we  are  neceifitated  to  prefent  unto  this  Honour- 
'  able  Houfe,   that  a  lefs  Sum  than  200,000 /.  for 
'  the  prefent,  cannot  give  Satisfaction  to  the  Army; 
'  and,  befides  the  Reafons  formerly  mentioned,  we 

'  do  earneftly  intreat  the  Houfes  to  confider  that    . 
'  we  are  limited  by  pofitive  InftruCtions  not  to  ac- 

*  cept  of  a  fmaller  Sum.     And  further,  the  Com- 
'  mittee  of  Eftates  of  the.  Kingdom    of  Scotland^ 
c  upon  Sight  of  our  Paper  oftheiSth  of  Augujl, 
4  (wherein  v/e  had  intimated  to  the  Houfes  that  that 
c  Sum  might  poflibly  give  Satisfaction  to  the  Army) 
'  have  repeated   their  former    IndlruCtions,    with 

*  exprefs  Directions  that  we  (hall  upon  no  Terms 

*  accept  of  a  lete  Sum  than  2C03ooo/.  for  the  pre- 

*  fent: 

.  'The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  r 

fent;  but  ufc  all  our  Endeavour  for  more,  in  re~ 
gard  of  the  urgent  and  preffing  Neceflities  of  the 
September.  Army.  This  being  the  real  and  true  State  of 
the  Bufinefs,  the  Intereft  of  the  fecond  hundred 
thoufand  Pounds  is  but  a  fmall  Lofs,  and  the  Ho- 
nourable Houfes  can  afford  many  Ways  of  Se- 
curity to  raiie  it,  which  is  no  ways  in  our  Power 
to  do:  Whereas,  on  the  other  Part,  the  Preju- 
dice by  Delay  and  Expence  of  Time  in  repre- 
fenting  this  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates  and  Ge- 
neral Officers  with  the  Army,  and  to  the  Com- 
mittee of  Eftates  in  Scotland^  muft  needs  be 
great;  and  we,  being  limited  by  pofitive  Inftruc- 
tions  and  renewed  Directions,  have  no  Hope  "to 
obtain  it :  Wherefore  it  is  our  earneft  Requeft  to 
the  Honourable  Houfes,  that  they  would  be 
pleafed  to  agreee  to  the  advancing  of  200,000 /. 
before  the  Removal  of  our  Army  ;  that  the  Means 
may  be  effectual  for  the  End,  and  the  common 
Defires  of  both  may  not,  upon  fo  fmall  a  Dif- 
ference, run  the  Hazard  of  being  fruftrated  and 

e  Concerning  the  Times  of  Payment,  and  Se- 
curity to  be  given  for  the  Remainder,  we  defire 
to  have  a  Conference  with  fuch  as  the  Honour- 
able Houfes  fhall  appoint,  wherein  we  fhall  ufe 
our  beft  Endeavours  to  give  Satisfaction. 
By  Command  of  the  CommiJJtoners  for  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland. 


A  third  Paper  from    the    Scots  Commiflioners 
was  read. 

Sept.  4,   1646. 

*  \T/E  do  return  this  Anfwer1   to  the  Votes  of 

*  W     the   Honourable  Houfe   of  Commons   of 
«  the  fecond  of  this  Inftant,  That  our  earneft  DeT 

*  fire  to  entertain  a  good  Underftanding  between 
«  the  Kingdoms,    and    to"  accelerate  the  fettling 

<  of  all   Affairs    between  them,  moved   us  to  go 

<  upon  the  total  Sum,  though  in  Equity  and  Juftice 

*  a  far 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  93 

(*  a  far  greater  Sum  might  have  been  exposed;  An*  "  F"1 
and  the  fame  Affection  and  Zeal  did  induce  us  i  *  * '_'  , 
freely  to^exprefs  what  was  the  leaft  Proportion  September, 
of  that  Sum  that  might,  for  the  prefent,  give  Sa- 
tisfaction to  the  Army  before  the  Removal  of  it 
out  of  this  Kingdom  ;  which,  upon  ferious  Con- 
fideration  of  the  Reafons  formerly  given,  will 
clearly  appear  to  be  juft  and  neceflary  ;  for,  up- 
on mod  accurate  Inquiry,  20O,OOO/.  was  found 
to  be  the  leaft  Sum  that  could  poffibly  give  Sa- 
tisfaction for  the  prefent  j  whereupon  Inftruc- 
tions  were  given  us,  with  pofltive  and  exprefs 
Limitations,  upon  no  Terms  to  accept  of  lefs, 
but  to  ufe  our  beft  Endeavours  for  a  greater ; 
and,  obferving  the  Truft  committed  to  us,  we 
cannot  recede  from  what  we  have,  with  very 
great  Freedom  and  Plainnefs,  already  declared  : 
Wherefore,  fith  it  is  impoflible  with  a  fmaller 
Sum  to  give  Satisfaction  to  the  Army,  which  is 
extreme  neceflitous  for  the  prefent,  and  upontheir 
difbanding  may  bedifperfed  into  feveral  Nations, 
whereby  they  cannot  attend  for  further  Satisfac- 
tion: And  fmce  there  are  fo  many  Ways  and 
Means  in  the  Power  of  the  Houfes  for  to  raife 
the  fame,  whereof  fome  were  reprefented  in  Con- 
ference, we  cannot  but  expect  that  the  Honour- 
able Houfes,  in  Juftice  to  fatisfy  an  Army  that 
has  done  and  fuffered  fo  much  for  them,  out  of 
their  earned  Defire  to  relieve  the  North  of  this 
Kingdom  of  their  heavy  Preflures,  and  that  our 
common  Defire  of  removing  that  Army  out  of 
this  Kingdom  may  not  be  fruftrated,  will  effec- 
tually apply  themfelves  to  the  readieft  Means  • 
which  may  advance  the  Sum  defired. 
'  Concerning  the  Place  of  receiving  of  the  Mo- 
nies ;  we  defire  it  may  be  confidered  that,  when 
Inftrudtipns  were  given  us  about  that  Particular, 
the  Committee  of  the  Eftates  of  the  Kingdom  of 
Scotland  did  not  call  it  in  Queftion  but  that  the 
fame  Way  would  be  obferved  as  was  in  the  Year 
1641 :  But  if  our  Defire  to  have  the  Monies  de- 
livered at  Nnutajlle  give  any  Ground  of  Jea- 

'  loufy 

94  T&-  Parliamentary  H  I  s  TOR  Y* 

An.  a 2  Car.  i.<  ]0ufy  or  Suspicion,  we  are  confident,  the  Sum 

v    *  *    ,  '  i  upon,  and  AiFurance  being  given  for 

September.      '  tu-  .iicrcof,  the  Committee   of  Eftates 

4  would  agree  to   fome  convenient   Place  between 
4  AVzwY7/?2?and  Scotland  where  it  may  be   received  j 

*  and  before  the  Receipt  of  it,   to  deliver  up  New- 
4  caftle  to  fuch  as  the    Parliament  (hall  appoint : 

*  And  if  there  be  any  Doubt  concerning  the  Sur- 
4  render  of  the   other  Garrifons  and  ^Removal    of 

*  the  Army  out  of  this   Kingdom,  although  fuch 
4  has    been  their  Integrity  as  they  have  given  no 
4  Occafion  for  fuch  Sufpicion;  and  although  there 

*  be  many  more  Grounds  of  Confidence,  from  the 

*  Covenant  and  Treaty,  than  was  the  laft  Time  an 

*  Army  from  Scotland  was  in  this  Kingdom ;    yet 
4  that    all    Scruple  may  be  removed  and  Jealoufy 

*  cured,  there  is  nothing  ufed  in  the  like  Cafes  a- 
4  mong  other  Nations  which  {hall  not  be  willing  - 
4  ly  granted ;  and  though  when  the  Sum  prefently 

*  cleared  is    paid,    there  will  ftill    remain  in  the 

*  Hands  of  the  Kingdom   of  England  great  Sums 

*  of  Money    due   to    the    Kingdom   of    Scotland, 

*  which  of  itfelf  might  be  a  fufficient  Security  -t 
4  yet,  as  we  have  before  exprefied,  the  Sum  being 

*  agreed  upon,    and  Aflurance  giveh  for  Delivery 

*  thereof,  and  Security  for  Payment  of  the  Re- 
4  mainder,  we  make  no  Doubt  but  whatfoever  Af- 
4  furance  can  in  reafon  be  demanded,    will  freely 
4  be  granted  by  the  Committee  of  Eftates  with  the 
4  Army   and  by  the  General  Officers,  as  to   their 
4  Removal  out  of  this  Kingdom  and  Surrender  of 
4  all  the  Garrifons,  Berwick  and  Carlifle  being  dif- 

.  *  pofed  of  according  to  the  Treaty  between  the 
4  Kingdoms  ;  all  which  may  be  fo  done,  as  needs 
4  not  to  be  any  Hinderance  to  the  prefent  providing 
4  of  the  Sum  defired,  nor  to  any  other  Proceedings, 
4  fince  all  the  Particulars  concerning  mutual  Af- 
4  furance  may  eafily  be  tranfa&ed  while  the  Mo- 
4  ney  is  providing. 

£y  Command  of  the   CommiJJioners  for  the   Par- 
liament  ^/"Scotland. 

5  The 

^ENGLAND.  95 

The  Lords  ordered  all  the  foregoing  Papers    to  An.  22  Car.   *. 
te   communicated     to  the  Houfe     of  Commons,     t  164.6.    ^ 
which  was  done  accordingly  :  And  the  next  Day,     September. 
September  5,  the  fame  being  read  there,    a  Mo- 
tion was  made  for  adhering  to  their  former  Votes,  x^hkh  being 
as  to  the   Time  and   Manner  of  the   Payment  of  communicated  t» 
the  400,000 /.   to    the  Kingdom  of  Scotland;    bat  tth*  cr°jj™°^ 
it  palled  in    the  Negative,  by  H2  againft  102.  Im-^^  °h?t  Sum 
mediately  after  which  a  Committee  was  appointed  of  the  city  of 
to  go  to,    and  to   have  Power  to  treat  with,  the  L0!uloft- 
Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,    and    Common-Council 
of  the  City  of  London,  or   any  other  Pcrfons,,  for 
borrowing  200,000 /.  as  foon  as  might  be,   for  the 
Service  of  the  State ;  to  confider  of  all  Ways  and 
Means  for  raHing  of  the  faid  Sum,  and  to  offer 
Securities  for  the  fame. 

It  was  alfo  ordered  that  fuch  Members  as  are  of 
the  Committee  of  both  Kingdoms,  do  confer  with 
the  Scots.  Commiilioners,  and  receive  Satisfaction 
from  them  concerning  the  Delivery  up  of  the, 
Garrifons,  and  the  Marching  of  their  Armies  and 
Forces  out  of  this  Kingdom  j  and  to  defire  them, 
if  they  want  any  Powers,  that  they  would  fpeedily- 
procure  the  fame  from,  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  $ 
to  the  end  the  Delivery  up  of  the  Garrifons,  and 
the  Marching  away  of  their  Armies  and  Forces, 
may  be  afcertained  between  the  two  Kingdoms  j 
and  like  wife  to  declare,  whether  they  have  Inftruc- 
tions  to  make  any  other  Demands,  before  the 
Marching  away  of  their  Forces  j  and,  if  they  hare, 
what  thofe  other  Demands  are. 

Sept.  19.  Mr.  Holies  reported  from  the  Com- 
mon-Council of  London,  their  Anfwer  to  the  Pro- 
pofal  for  borrowing  200,000  L  of  that  City. 

Commune   Concilium     tent,    in    Camera    Guildhalf, 

Civitatis  London,  nono  Die  Septembris  1646. 
4  '  I  SHIS  Court  having    received  a  Proportion 
«     X     from  the  Honourable  Houfe  of  Commons,  *  p"P°faI  *<» 
*  by  a  Committee  thereof,    for    the  Advance 
do  humbly  return  this  Anfwer : 


9  6  73k  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  I.      *  That  the  beft\Vay,  in  their  Opinion,  to  pro-' 
l646-         c  cure    rhe  Advance  of  the    frme  is,   That  every 

,  Se  tembsr       '  Perf°n  wk°  katn  advanced  any  Money,  Plate,  or 
'  Horfes,  with   their  Furniture    and  Arms.    -«- 
e  the  Public  Faith,  may,  for  every  Sum  cf  A'Joney 
'  he  (hall  further  lend  upon  this  new  Proportion, 

*  be  fecured  a  like  Sum  more  out  oi"  the  Receipts 
'  of   the  Grand  Excife  in  Courfe,  and  the  Sule  of 

*  Bifhops  Lands,  which  fhali  fir  ft  happen, 

'  ther  with  Intereft  after  the  Rate  of  8  /.  per  Cent. 
'  'per  Ann.  to  be  paid  every  fix  Months  out  of  the 
'  Receipts  of  the  Excife,  till  Principal  and  Intereft 

*  be  fully  difcharged. 

'  As  for  Example  :  If  there  be  owing;  to  any  Per- 
'  fon'ioo/.  Principal,  v/hich,  with  Intereft  due 
'  thereupon  for  three  Years  paft,  will  m;ikei24/. 
'  he,  advancing  124 /.  more,  may  be  fecured  for 
c  the  whole  2487.  as  aforefaid,  and  fo  proportion- 
'  ably  for  a  greater  or  lefsS urn,  and  according  to 

*  the  Intereft  due   thereupon  :  And,  for  the  more 

*  fpeedy  reimburfing   of  the   faid  Monies    fecured 
"  and  lent  upon  this  new  Propofuion,  thaf.  the  laid 
'  Lands  of  the  Biihops  be  prefently    inftalled  and 

*  made  over  unto  fuch  Feoffees  for  the  fpeedy  Sale 

*  thereof,  and  fuch  Treafurers   for  the  Receipt  of 

*  the  Monies,  as  may  give  beft  Satisfaction  to  the 

*  Lenders. 

'  And  upon  the  Propofition  and   Security  afore- 

*  faid,  this  Court  will  contribute  their  beft  Endea- 
'  vours  for  the  railing  of  the  faid  200,000  /.   if  the 

*  Parliament  in  their  Wifdom  (hall  fo  think  fit.' 

Upon  reading  the  foregoing  Propofal  from  the 
ity  of  London,  the  Commons  having  declared, 
Commons,  with  That  by  the  Words  •Rljhop's  Lands  they  did  not 
Thankt.  intend  that  either  Imprepriaticns  or  ddvowfans 

fhould  pafs,  it  was  proppled  to  add  Delinquents 
EJlates,  which  was  carried  by  105  againft  roo. 
The  Tellers  for  this  Addition,  Sir  Arthur  Hefdrlg 
and  Sir  John  Evelyn  of  /^V/j;  againft  it,  Mr. 
Holies  and  Sir  P:>  ';p  Stapylion.  And  the  Propofal 
thus  amended  was  accepted  by  the  Houfe,  who 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  i).  97 

Returned  Thanks  to  the  City  for  their  ready  AfFec-  An.  «  Car.  i. 
tions  exprefled  in  this  Bufmefs. 

After  which  a  Motion  being  made  for  defiring 
the  Lords  Concurrence  with  this  Propofal  from  the 
City,  it  was  carried  in  the  Affirmative  by  82 
Voices  againft  64.  The  Tellers  for  the  Queftion, 
Sir  John  Trevor  and  Sir  Philip  Stapylton ;  againft 
it,  Sir  Peter  ?Pentwortht  and  Gen.  Cromwell. 

We  have  been  the  more  particular  in  fetting 
down  the  Numbers  on  each  Divifion,  and  the 
Names  of  the  Tellers  on  every  Queftion,  relating 
to  this  Affair,  not  only  from  the  Importance  of  the 
Subject,  but  as  thefe  Particulars  will  greatly  illu- 
ftrate  the  fubfequertt  Proceedings  in  regard  to  the 
Scots  delivering  up  the  Perfon  of  the  King  to  the 
Englljb  Parliament; 

On  thei4th  of  this  Month  died,  the  Parliament's  The  beatk  of  thi 
late  General,  the  Earl  of  Effex.  The  Houfes 
being  informed  thereof  the  next  Day$  they  im- 
mediately adjourned,  In  Senfe  6f  the  fad  Lofs  of 
the  Earl  of  Eflex,  a  Perfon  of  fucb  eminent  Worth 
and  Service  to  the  Parliament ;  as  their  Journals  ex- 
prefs  it. 

Although  both  Mr.  Whitloch  arid  Mr.  Rttjh- 
ivortb  mention  the  Death  of  this  Nobleman,  yet 
neither  of  them  acquaint  us  with  the  Manner  of 
Occafion  of  it ;  which  having  been  much  contro- 
verted, we  fhall  give  the  Sentiments  of  lome  other 
Contemporary  Writers  on  that  Subjecl; 

One  ofthejokrnafi/h  (</)  of  thefe  Times  tells  us; 
<  That  this  Day  died  the  Nobie  Earl  of  E/ex,  one  JJ 
that  flood  up  for,  and  was  conftant  unto,  the  In-  £orary  writer- 
tereft  of  England  \  and  fo  continued,  when  others  thereupon, 
turn'd*  and  turn'dj  and  turn'd  again.     Ke  was  but 
a  fmall  Time  ill,  of  a  healthful  Conftitution,  and 
died  of  an  Apoplexy/ 

Another  exprefles  himfelf  in  this  Manner  (£), 
*  Some  fay  that  this  Earl  died  of  art  Apoplexy, 

VOL.  XV.  G  •      fom* 

(a)  The  ModtrnH  Intefligitctr,  No.  go,  p.  647. 

ff)  Miert -Ckrirnttn,  Stfttfittr  14,  annex'd  to  A'frnriis  R*fii(nt< 

•  98  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  f  o  R  y 

'An.  22.  Car.  I.  fome  of  a  Surfeit,  others  of  the  Plague,  and  many 
t  *  *'___,  thought  he  was  poifon'd ;  but  whether  he  was  or 
September.  ^^  ^  was  confefled  by  all  Men  that  he  died  fud- 
denljrj  and  it  is  moft  certain  the  Parliament  fu- 
fpecled  him  to  harbour  fome  honourable  Thoughts 
of  his  Majefty,  and  that  was  Reafon  enough  to 
kill  him  by  one  Means  or  other.'--The  Truth  of 
this  laft  Aflertion  we  know  not ;  but  thus  much 
appears  from  the  Journals  of  the  Commons,  that 
they  look'd  upon  it  as  fo  fcandalous  a  Reflec- 
tion, that  they  appointed  a  Committee  to  find  out 
the  Author  and  Printer  of  this  News  Paper. 

Lord  Clarendon  (c]  agrees  with  the  laft  Writer  as 
to  the  Rumour  of  theEarl's  being  poifon'd,  and  his 
good  Intentions  towards  the  King;  which  laft  he 
imputes  c  to  a  Refentment  of  the  Indignities  himfelf 
had  received  from  the  ungrateful  Parliament,  and 
a  wonderful  Apprehenfion  and  Deteftation  of  the 
Ruin  he  faw  like  to  befall  the  King  and  the  King- 
dom ;'  adding,  '  That  Cromwell  and  his  Party  were 
wonderfully  exalted  with  his  Death,  he  being  the 
only  Perfon  whofe  Credit  and  Intereft  they  fear'd 
without  any  Efteem  of  his  Perfon.' 

Mr.  Ludlow  informs  us  (£),  '  That  the  Earl's 
Death  was  occafioned  by  his  having  over-heated 
himfelf  in  the  Chaca  of  a  Stag  in  Windfor  Foreft  ; 
and  that  it  was  a  great  Lofs  to  thofe  of  his  Party, 
who,  to  keep  up  their  Spirits  and  Credit,  procu- 
red his  Funeral  to  be  celebrated  with  great  Mag- 
nificence, at  the  Charge  of  the  Public.'  By  which 
Manner  of  Expreflion,  he  feems  to  confirm  the 
foregoing  Obfervations  as  to  the  Earl's  Inclinations 
towards  the  King.  He  alfo  concurs  with  Lord 
Clarendon's  Opinion  of  Cromwell,  faying,  '  He 
was  perfuaded  the  Lieutenant-General  had  alrea- 
dy conceived  the  Defign  of  dcftroying  the  Civil 
Authority,  and  fetting  up  for  himfelf.' 

This  Digreffion  concerning  a  Nobleman,  who 
made  ib  great  a  Figure  in  the  Tranfa£tions  of 


(r)  Hiftory,  8w.  Edition,  Vd,  V.  p.  41. 
,  Vol.  I.  p.  185. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  99 

thefe  Times,  will,    we  prefume,  be  thought  nei-  An- 
ther  tedious  nor  unnecefiary  (e}. 

But  betides  the  Lofs  which  the  Lords    had  fuf-     September 
tained  by  the  Death  of  this  Peer,  the  whole  Power 
and  Authority  of  that  Houfe  began  now  to  totter.  The  Lords  order 
Lilburnes  Attack  againft  this  Body  was  not  fingu-  a  Pamphlet, 
Jar;  there    were  many  other  Pamphlets   publifhed  wrote  a8ainft  the 
about  this    Time,  endeavouring  to   fap  the  Foun-  burntf*'  l° 
dation    of  the    antient   Jurifdi6tion   of  the  Peers. 
One  of  thefe,  particularly,  was  ccnfured  the   i6th 
of  this   Month  by  the  Lords,  and  ordered  to   be 
burnt  by  the  Hands  of  the  common  Hangman.     It 
had  this  bold  Title,  A  Defiance  again/I  the  arbitrary 
Ujui'pations^  or  Encroachments ,    either  of  the  Houfe 
of  Lords^  or  any   other,  upon  the  Sovereignty  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons   the    High  Court  of  Judicature 
of  the  Land;   or  upon   the    Rights^  Properties^  and 
Freedoms  of  the  People  in  general. 

Sept.  24.  A  Meflage  came  up  from  the  Com- 
mons this  Day,  to  put  the  Lords  in  mind  of  two 
Votes  concerning  the  Difpofal  of  the  Perfon  of 
the  King,  which  had  laid  before  them  a  long  Time. 
The  Lords  ordered  thefe  Votes  to  be  immediately 
read,  and  went  into  a  Committee  to  confider  of 
them;  and,  after  a  very  long  Debate,  as  the  Jour- 
nals exprefs  it,  the  Houfe  being  renamed,  the 
Queftion  was  put,  Whether  the  two  Votes,  as 
fent  up  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  mould  now 
pafs ,?  the  Numbers  flood  eleven  and  eleven.  Then 
a  fecond  Queftion  was  put,  Whether  the  Houfe 
mould  fit.  that  Afternoon,  and  debate  thisBufinefs 
again  ?  and  it  palled  in  the  Affirmative. 

Accordingly,  at  the  faid  Time,  it  was  again  de-  An<l  agree  to  tw-» 
bated,  and  the  firft  Vote  being  read  In  hxc  Verba,  commots^con- 
'  Refohed,  upon   the  Queftion,  That  the  Perfon  ceming  theDif- 
of  the  King  (hall  be  difpofed  of  as  both  Houfes  of  P"fal  of  «he 
the   Parliament  of  England  mall  think  fit,'  it  was  Klng'lP 
G  2  agreed 

(e)  Septtmt>er  16.  The  Lords  ordered  a  Writ  to  be  fent  to  Sir  Wel- 
ter Devereux,  Bart,  te  take  his  Seat  in  their  Heufe  as  Vifcount 
Hereford,  that  Honour  defccniing  to  him  by  the  Eafl  of  without  I  flue. 

i  oo  l^e  Parliamentary  Hi  s  T  o  R  v 

An.  a*   Car.  I.  agreed  to,     the    following  Lords  entering    their 
..  l64'6'    i    Names  as  diflenting  thereto, 




Then  the  next  Vote  being  read,  *  Refohed,  &fr. 
That  this  Houfe  doth  declare,  That  whatsoever 
Conference,   Confultation,  or  Debate  fhall  be  had 
with  the  Commiflioners   of   Scotland,   concerning 
the  Difpofal  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King,    it   (hall 
not  be  underftood  to  be  any  Capitulation,  in  rela- 
tion to  retarding  the  March  of  the  Scots  Armies  and 
Forces  out  of  the  Kingdom,  or  of  any  Treaty  be- 
tween the  Kingdoms  concerning  the  fame :'  And 
the  Queftion  being  again   put,  Whether  this  Vote 
fhould  fo  pafs  ?  it  was  alfo  carried  in  the  A  firma- 
tive,  without  any   Diflent  enter'd  againft  it.     A 
Committee   of  fourteen  Lords  was   likewife  ap- 
A  Committee  of  pointed  to  confer,  confult,  and  debate  on  the  Sub- 
both  Houf"ojje~rjec~l  of  the  foregoing  Votes,  with   the  Scots  Com- 
SS the  Scots  "  miflioners  ;  and  a  proportionable  Number  of  the 
Commiffionerj     Commons  were  defired  to  join  with  them,  which 
thereupon.          they  agreed  to. 

October.     The  chief  Bufmefs  of  all  this  Month 
was  debating  and  difputing  about  the  Difpofal  of 
the  King's  Perfon,  in  eonfequence  of  the  fofego- 
ing  Votes ;  the  Commons  pofitively  aflerting  it  a^ 
the  fole  and  abfolute  Right  of  the  Englijh  Nation, 
the  King  being   in  England;    and  the  Scots  Com- 
miflioners as  ftrongly  inftfting  on  their  Join  Right 
therein.     The  Arguments,  on  the   Scots  Side,  are 
entered  in  the  Lords  "Journals ;  and  were  printed  in 
a  fingle  Pamphlet  of  this  Time,  which  is  in  our 
Collection,    together  with  fome  Speeches  of  thq 
Lord  Chancellor  of  Scotland,  delivered  at   different 
Meetings  of  the  Englijh   and  Scots   Commiilion- 
crs  for  this  Bufinefs.     The  Printer  of  this  Pam- 
phlet, we  find,  was  afterwards  queftioned  for  it  in 
the  Houfe  of  Lords ;  tho',  upon  proving  that  it  wa* 
licenfed  by  one  Mablot,  afligned  to  that  Office,  he 
"  was  difmifTed.     But  that  this  Affair  was  more  nar- 

*/    ENGLAND.  101 

rowly  fearched  into  by  the  Commons,  is  certain An-  **  Car.  I. 
from  the  Proceedings  in  their  journals :  For,  upon  t_' [  *  '  j 
a  ftricl  Examination  of  the  Printers,  they  found  that  oftober. 
the  Preface  to  thefe  Speeches,  to  be  printed  with 
them,  was  given  to  Lawrence  Chapman,  aBookfeller, 
by  the  the  Lord  Chancellor  of  Scotland1  s own  Hand. 
On  which  the  following  Obfervations  were  made : 
Firft,  That  to  have  Arguments  held  forth  to  the 
Kingdom,  againft  the  Judgment  of  Parliament,  in 
Matters  of  this  Importance,  is  not  for  the  Good 
of  the  Kingdom.  Next,  To  have  Arguments 
printed  all  on  one  Side,  and  none  of  the  other,  is 
not  to  deal  fairly  with  the  Kingdom.  Laftly,  To 
defire  the  Lords,  That  a  Committee  may  be  ap- 
pointed to  join  with  one  of  their  Houfe,  to  confidcr 
of  fome  Way  of  righting  the  Houfes,  and  to  prevent 
Inconveniences  of  the  like  Nature  for  the  future. 

But  the  Scots,  being  aware  of  fome  Impediment 
to  their  Pamphlet  in  London,  had  taken  Care  to 
have  another  printed,  by  the  King's  Printer,  at 
Edinburgh  (/?) ;  which,  by  comparing  with  the  En- 
tries in  the  Lords  Journals,  is  found  to  agree  ex- 
actly, except  as  to  the  Lord  Chancellor's  Speeches; 
which  we  here  alfo  fubjoin,  in  order  to  fet  this 
Argument  in  its  full  Light  (b}. 

'The  LORD-CHANCELLOR  of  Scotland's firfl 
SPEECH  at  a  Conference,  in  the  Painted-Cham- 
ber, with  a  Committee  of  both  Hoitfes,  O<5t.  1,1646. 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 
*   "TPHE  End  of  this  Conference  is  to  advifcThcEarlofLoa- 

JL       what  is  fit  to  be  done  for  the  Peace  and  don't  Speech 
Security  of  the  Kingdoms,  in  relation  to  the  King, 
G  3  '  a 

fa)  E-v*n  Tyler. 

(b)  The  Editor  of  thefe  Speeches  introduces  them  thus  to  the  Rea- 
der ;  I  underfland  that  the  Right  Hat.  tbc  Lord-Char.cdkr  of  Scot- 
land had  not  Right  dom  him  bj  the  printed  Copy  of  bit  Speech  to  tie 
King''  Majcfty  at  Newcaftle,  concerning  the  Pr'.poftiont  of  Peace, 
there  being  in  that  C»j>y  Error t  and  Orn-jjions,  and  both  material ; 
iobicb  bath  moved  me  to  rtfelve,  at  to  print  tie  former  [already  given 
at  p.  83.]  according  to  tbc  true  Copy,  fo,  for  preventing  tbt  like 
Mijlalfa  and  Mifreprefentatiers,  firft  to  procure  to  myfelf,  and  noi:' 
to  sommunicatt  tt  tie  fublic  Vicu)t  tbt  true  Tranfcripti  of  tbeft  fttft 

102  TJjs  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  ai  Car.  I.  and  how  to  difpofe  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  which 
*6*6'    ,     is  a  Matter  very  ticklifli,  and  of  moft  high  Con- 
October,       cernment ;  and   they  who  would  build  very  high, 
muft  dig  very  low  for  a  firm    Foundation:    And 
therefore  I  (hall   make  bold  to  defire,  That  what- 
ever we  refolve  upon  concerning  the  King's    Ma- 
jefty,  it  may  be  done  by  joint  Advice  and  Confent 
of  both  Kingdoms ;  and   that  the  Unity   between 
the  Kingdoms  may  be  inviolably  preferred,  as  that 
wherein   (next    to    God's     Protection)   the   chief 
Strength  of  both   lies,  which  mould  be  laid  as    a 
Ground  of  our  future  Debates.     And   becaufe  the 
Purpofe  we  are   to  fpeak  of  is  very  grave  and  feri- 
ous,   I  (hall  fpeak  of  it  with  that  Sincerity,    as  I 
wifh  my  Words  were    written  with  the  Beams   of 
the  Sun,  and    regiftered    to  Pofterity,  that  all  the 
World  might  fee  the  Candour  and  Integrity  of  our 
Proceedings  towards  the  King  and  our  Brethren  of 
England :  And,  as  I  had  occalion  once  to  exprefs 
in  this  Place,  fo  do  I  now  fay,  That  no  Man  hath 
Confcience  nor  Honour  who   will  not  remember 
our  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  as  the  ftrongeft 
Bond  under  Heaven    between  God  and  Man,    be- 
tween   Alan  and   Man,  and  between  Nation    and 
Nation;  in  which  our  Unity  is  founded  upon  Ve- 
rity in  a  threefold  Relation,  to  God,    to  the  King, 
and   amongft  ourfelves:    The  firft  is  the  greateft, 
and    afcends  as  high    as   Heaven ;     for  Religion, 
which  hath  its  Name  a  Religando,  unites    us   to 
.  God  himfelf ;  and  fo  long  as  he  is   in  League  with 
us,  we  need  not  fear  who  be  againft  us.     Let  us 
therefore  hold  faft  our  Unity  in  Religion,  and  be- 
ware of  Toleration  of  all  Religions,  which    is  the 
ready  Way  to  have  none;  for  there  is  nothing  more 
divine  in   God   than  Unity,  and  nothing  more  di- 
abolical in  the  Devil  than  Divifion,  who  therefore 
is  known  to  the   Vulgar  by  his  cloven  Foot  to  be 
the  Spirit  of  Divifion. 

«  The  next  Ground  and   Relation  of  our  Unity 
is  with  the  King,  to  whom  we  are   bound  (in  the 
flricteft  Bonds  of  loyal    Subjection)    by  our  Alle- 
giance and    Covenant,   as   to  one  Head  and  Mo- 
narch ; 

^ENGLAND.  105 

narch  ;    and  therefore   the  faithful  Endeavours  of  Al>'  «  Car.  I, 
both    Kingdoms    fhould,     without  wearying,    be    t    l6*6'    J 
conftantly  contributed,  that  we   may  be  united  to       oftober. 
him  by  a  happy  and  jufl  Peace;    for  if  one  of  the 
Kingdoms  (hall  caft  off  the   King,    and  the  other 
have  a  King  ;  if  the  one  {hall  make  Peace  with  the 
King,   and  the  other  not  make  Peace,  but  be  frill 
at  Variance   with  him,  it  is  to  be  feared   that  no 
human  Wit   nor  Policy  will  be  able  to  keep  the 
two  Kingdoms  long  without  a  Rupture:  And  if  it 
pleafe  God  fo  to  incline  the  King's  Heart,  and  di- 
rect the  Wifdom  of  the    Parliaments,    as  that  the 
King  and  we  could  make  a  happy  Agreement,  no 
Power  or  Policy  can  be  able   to  divide   us;  for 
qui  convenlunt  uni  tert'io^  coveniunt  inter  fi. 

'  The  third  Ground  and  Relation  of  our  Unity 
is  the  Conjunction  of  the  two  Kingdoms  ;  which 
hath  been  acknowledged  to  be  fo  neceflary  and 
ufeful  to  both,  that  they  have  often  declared  they 
would  {land  and  fall,  and,  like  Hippocrates' s  Twins, 
live  and  die  together.  And,  therefore,  as  we 
regard  our  Solemn  League  and  Covenant  with  God 
Almighty,  and  tender  the  Standing  and  Safety  of 
the  Kingdoms,  let  us,  with  one  Heart  and  Mind, 
join  our  Counfels  and  Actions,  that  whatfoever 
we  refolve  upon  for  our  common  Peace  and  Secu- 
rity in  relation  to  the  King,  and  of  each  King- 
dom to  other,  may  be  done  in  Zeal  to  Religion, 
in  Loyalty  to  the  King,  and  with  Unanimity  a- 
mongft  ourfelves.  And  as  the  Pythagoreans  did 
note  the  Number  of  two  with  the  Kingdoms  (hall 
as  being  the  firft  Number  that  durft  part  from 
Unity  (rn)  ;  fo,  which  foever  of  the  Kingdoms  fhall 
firft  violate  the  Unity  which  is  bound  up  in  our 
Covenant,  may  apply  it  to  themfelves  :  But  if  we 
fhall  adhere  to  that  Unity  which  is  builded  upon 
the  firm  Foundation  of  Verity,  in  our  Relations 
to  Religion,  the  King,  and  amongft  ourfelves,  it 
will  be  a  threefold  Cord  which  is  noteafily  broken  ; 
G  4  and 

(m)   Numrru)  Binariui  t'nfamh  (Jl,  %uia  frirtut  aufut  eji 
tb  Unnate, 

1 04  Tfa  Parliamentary  HISTORY" 

An.  22  Car.  I.  and  our  Unity,  I  hope,  fhall  be  turned  into  a« 
l6^6-  Identity,  and  both  Kingdoms  may  be  perfectly  one4 
'  Having  thus,  in  the  firft  Place,  laid  a  Ground 
for  Unity  of  Counfels  and  Refolutions,  I  fhall,  in 
the  next  Place,  humbly  defire  and  proteft,  That 
whatever  may  be  our  Propofitions  or  Debates  con- 
cerning the  King,  it  be  not  mif-conftrued  as  if 
One  of  the  Kingdoms  were  impofing  Conditions 
upon  the  other,  or  that  we  are  abfolutely  wedded  to 
any  one  Defire  more  than  to  another ;  but  that 
(all  feveral  Ways  being  amicably  debated  and 
rightly  pondered,)  that  which  may  ferve  moft  for 
the  Safety,  Security^  and  rjappinefs  of  the  King, 
raid  both  Kingdoms,  may  be  gravdy  refolved  upon. 
Andnowl  come  to  the  Queftion  itfelf,  concerning 
the  difpofing  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon ;  firft  nega- 
tively, and  then  pofitively :  Negatively,  the  Quef- 
tion is  not  of  the  Power  and  Authority  of  the 
Houfes  of  Parliament  in  difpofing  of  any  Perfon, 
pr  judging  of  any  Cafe  which  is  of  fingle  Concern- 
ment to  England;  nor  is  the  Queftion  how  the 
King's  Perfen  may  be  difpofed  of,  de  Fatto,  by  any 
one  of  the  Kingdoms;  neither  is  the  Queftion  pro- 
perly de  jure  Cf  pffi,  but  de  effe^j  bene  effe;  And 
as  it  is  neither  good  Logic  nor  good  Divinity  to 
argue  a pajfi  ad  cffe ;  fo  fure  I  am,  in  this  Cafe,  it 
is  far  worfe  Policy  for  either  Kingdom  to  difpute 
what  they  may  de  in  the  Height  of  their  Power, 
when  both  are  confulting  what  is  fitteft  to  be  done 
for  the  Peace  and  Security  of  both.  And  the  Re- 
lation of  both  Kingdoms  to  his  Ivfajefty,  ?nd  of 
each  Kingdom  to  other,  being  rightly  conftdered, 
as  he  is  King  to  both ;  as  both  are  Subjects  to  him  ; 
as  both  are  engaged  in  the  fame  Caufe,  and  have 
been  in  the  fame  \Var,  and  are  labouring  under 
the  fame  Danger ;  are  feeking  the  fame  Remedies, 
and  fhould  have  the  fame  Security;  we  do  hold. 
That  the  difpofing  of  the  King's  Perfon  doth  not 
properly  belong  to  any  one  of  the  Kingdoms,  but 
jointly  to  both.  And  after  Scotland  hath  fuffered 
the  Heat  of  the  Day  and  Winter's  Cold ;  have  for- 
faken  their  own  Peace  for  Love  of  their  Brethren  ^ 


*f    ENGLAND.  105 

have  fet  their  own  Houfeon  Fire  to  quench  theirs ;  An.  22  Car.  I* 

after  fo    much  Expcnce  of  their  Blood  in  all  the 

three    Kingdoms  ;    after  we  have  gone  along  with 

you  in  all  the  Hardfhip  of  this  War,   and  (without 

Vanity  be  it  fpoken)  have  been  fo  ufeful  in   this 

Caufe;  and  that   the  King  hath  caft  himfelf  into 

the  Hands  of  the  Scots  Army ;    and    that,  by  the 

Blcfling  of  God  upon   the    joint    Endeavours    of 

both  Kingdoms,  we  are  come  to  the  Harbour  of  a 

Peace  ;    we  cannot   expect  that  the    Honourable 

Houfes  will  think  it  agreeable  with  Confcience  or 

Honour,  or  with   the  Juftice  of  the  Houfes,  that 

the  Perfon  of  the  King  mould  be  difpofed  of  by 

them,  as  they  (hall  think  fit,  or  by  any  one  of  the 

Kingdoms  alone ;    but  that  whatever  mall  be  re- 

folved  in  this  may  be  done  by  joint  Advke  of  both, 

as  may   ferve  moft    for  the  Peace,    Security,    and 

Happuiefs  of  both  Kingdoms.' 

The    LORD-CHANCELLOR  of  Scotland's  fecmJ 
SPEECH,  Oft.  6. 

JMy  Lords  and  Gentlement 
*    AT  our  laft  Metting  in  this  Conference,  your 

l\  Lordfhips  did  affert  the  Vote  of  the  Houfes,  fccoad  Meeting. 
That  the  Perfon  of  the  King  fhould  be  difpofed  on 
as  the  two  Houfes  fhall  think  fit;  and  we  did 
hold,  That  the  King,  who  is  the  Head  and  Mo- 
narch of  both  Kingdoms,  ought  not  to  be  difpofed 
of  by  any  one  of  the  Kingdoms,  but  by  joint  Ad- 
vice of  both,  as  might  ferve  moft  for  the  Peace, 
Happinefs,  and  Security  of  his  Majefty  and  both 
Kingdoms  ;  which  we  fortify  with  feveral  Argu- 
ments from  thelnterefts  and  Relations  which  both 
Kingdoms  have  equally  to  the  King,  and  from  the 
Covenant  and  Treaty  between  the  Kingdoms,  as 
the  beft  Way  to  preferve  our  Unity.  But  fince 
your  Lordfhips  do  adhere  to  the  Vote  of  the 
Houies,  as  that  which  you  cannot  part  from,  we  do 
humbly  dcfire,  That  your  Lordfhips  may  be 
pleafed  (in  Time  convenient,  at  the  Clofe  of  this 
2  Con- 

1 06  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

21  Car.  I.  Conference)  to  report  the  Difference  of  our  Judg- 
l64&-  ment  to  the  Honourable  Houfes  ;  who,  upon  better 
ftob'sr.  Reafons,  both  may,  and,  we  hope  will,  take  their 

Vote  into  further  Confideration  :  And  fo,  with 
Refervation  of  our  Judgment,  That  the  difpofmg 
of  his  Majefty's  Perfon  doth  belong  to  both,  and 
not  any  one  of  the  Kingdoms,  efpecially  in  fitch  a 
Juncture  of  Affairs  as  both  Kingdoms  ftand  en- 
gaged in  this  Caufe,  I  (hall  dcfcend  particularly 
how  the  King's  Perfon  ihould  be  difpofcd  of  to 
the  beft  Advantage  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  for  at- 
taining fuch  a  happy  Peace  as  all  good  Men  fhould 

4  But  leaft  we  fhould  walk  in  the  Dark  upon 
Obfcurity  of  ambiguous  Words,  I  (hall  defire, 
That  the  Words  Difpofmg  of  the  King's  Perfon 

-  may  be  rightly  underitood,  and  the  true  Senfe  of 
it  may  be  clearly  known :  For,  Dolus  verfatur 
in  Univerfalibus.  And,  To  difpofe  of  the  King's 

'  Perfon,  as  both  Houfes,  or  both  Kingdoms,  Jhnll 
think  fit,  may, -in  fome  Senfe,  be  to  depofe,  or 
worfe :  But  becaufe  the  Word  difpofe  may  ad- 
mit a  more  benign  Interpretation,  as  when  Men 
commit  their  Eftates  and  Children,  or  that  which 
is  deareft  to  them  to  be  difpofed  of  (which  is- but 
to  be  a^vifed)  by  thofe  who  have  neareft  Relation 
to  them,  and  in  whom  they  repofe  moft  Truft, 
I  fhall  fpeak  of  the  difpofmg  of  his  Majefty's 
Royal  Perfon  in  that  Senfe,  which,  I  hope,  is  alfo 
the  Senfe  of  the  Houfes.  Nor  do  I  know  any 
other  Way  how  his  Majefty's  Perfon  can  be  dif- 
pofed of,  but  that  he  be  put  cither  under  Reftraint, 
or  be  at  Freedom  with  Honour  and  Safety  :  As 
for  the  Way  of  Reftraint,  I  look  upon  it  as  it 
looks  upon  us,  as  a  Remedy  more  dangerous  than 
the  Difeafe ;  and  as  a  Mean  to  draw  the  War  of 
foreign  Kings  upon  us,  (efpecially  the  Prince  be- 
ing in  other  Kingdoms)  rather  then  to  quiet  our 
Troubles  at  home.  And  therefore  fuppofing  that 
none  of  the  Kingdoms  will  take  any  Way  con- 
cerning his  M;ijci}y's  Perfon,  but  fuch  as  nvy 


vf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  107 

confift  with  Duty   and  Honour,  and   which  may  An.  22  Car. 
ieflen,  and  not   increafe  our  Troubles,  I  (hall  lay         *^46' 
aftde  the  Way  of  Reftraint ;  and  fpeak  of  the  Way        October, 
which  maybe  with  Freedom,    Honour,  and    Safe- 
ty,   which  can  be   no  other  but  that   his   Majefty 
fhall  go  into  Scotland,  or  come  to  his  Parliament 
here,  or  fomeof  his  Houfes  near  abouts. 

'  His  going  into  Scotland  is   full  of  Dangers  and 
Inconveniences  to  both  Kingdoms :    The  Amale- 
kites  are  not  yet   driven  out   of  that  Land  :    The 
bloody    barbarous   Iri/h,     banded   with    a   wicked 
Crew  of   Malignants,  poflefs    the    Mountains  and 
Highlands,  which  are  the  Strong-holds  and  never- 
conquer'd   Parts   of  that    Kingdom.     They   have 
not  laid  down  Arms,  but  keep  in  a  Body  together  j 
and  they  are  fo  near  Ireland,  as  the  Forces  of  the 
Rebels    there  may  in  two  or  three  Hours  Space 
come  over  and  join   with  them  ;  and   Scotland  not 
being  able  to  keep  and  entertain  Armies  long,  the 
King,  being  there,  may  raife  fuch   Forces  in  Scot- 
land, as  may   make  Way  quickly     into  England. 
And  therefore  his  Majefty's  going  into  Scotland,  be- 
fore our  Peace  be  fettled,  being  of  moft  dangerous 
Confequence  to   both  Kingdoms,   I  fhall  humbly 
offer  to  your  Lordfhips  Confideration  his  Majefty's 
coming  to    London,    or  fome  of  his  Houfes  herea- 
bouts, as  the  moft  probable    Way  to   to  procure  a 
fpeedy  and  happy  Agreement;    which   is  alfo  his 
Majefty's  own  Defire  in  his  Anfwer  to  the  Propo- 
fitions.      And  although  no  Periuafion  of  ours  could 
prevail  to  procure  a    more  fatisfa&ory    Anfwer  for 
the  Time,  than   what  is  returned  to  the  Houfes  of 
Parliament,    yet  I  a  flu  re   your  Lordfhips  that  the 
Committee  of  Eftates  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland, 
and    the    Noblemen   who   were  at   Newcajile,   did 
faithfully    contribute  their  beft  Endeavours    that 
his  Majefty  might    have  given  *his    AfTent   to  the 
Proportions :    And  as  we  did    then    deliver   our 
Minds    with    that  Plainnefs  and    Freedom  which 
was  fit  for  faithful  and  loyal  Subjects,  with  no  lefs 
Regard  to  this  Kingdom  than  our  own    Nation  ; 


i  o8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  J.  fo  are  we  now,  with  the  fame  Candour  and  Tcn- 
^  dernefs  of  Affection,  willing  and  ready  to  concur 
'  w-itn  tne  Honourable  Houfes  in  every  Thing  which 
may  promote  the  great  Work  of  Reformation,  and 
fettle  Religion,    according  to  the  Covenant,  with  a 
well-grounded    Peace.     And    for   thefe  Ends   we 
deflre  that  his  Majefty's  Anhver  may    be    impro- 
ved to  the  bed  Advantage  of  the  Publick. 

4  For  albeit  the  King  hath  not  given  a  prefent 
Ailent  to  the  Proportions,  yet  he   hath  not  in  his 
Anfwer  refufed  them  ;  but  doth  promife,  That  he 
will  chearfully  grant  and  give  his  Afient    unto  all 
fuch   Bills  (at  the  Defire  of  the  two  Houfes)  and 
reafonable   Demands    for   Scotland,  which  fhall  be 
really  for  the  Good  and  Peace  of  his  People :  To 
which  End  he  defireth   and    propofeth,  That  he 
may  come  to  London^  or  any  of  his  Houfes  there- 
abouts, upon  Security  that  he  fhall  be  there  with 
Honour,    Freedom,  and  Safety,    as   the  beft  Ex- 
pedient to  procure  a  happy  Agreement  between  his 
Majefty  and  his  Parliament ;  which  we  deiire  may 
be  weighed  in  the  Balance  of  righteous  Judgment, 
as  a  Bufmefs  of  the   greateft  Confequence  which 
can  fall  within  human  Confideration,  and  where- 
in the  Glory  of  God  is  moft  concerned  of  any  Bu- 
fmefs under  Heaven.     For  upon  a  blefled  Agree- 
ment between  the  King  and  his  Parliament,  Reli- 
gion and  Righteoufnefs,  Truth    and  Peace,  which 
are  the  Compend   and   Height   of  all    Happinefs, 
•will  be  eftablifhed,  to  the  eternal  Fame  and  Glory 
of  Great  Britain,  and   the  great  Comfort  of  all  the 
Proteftant  Churches  ;  and  upon  our  Difagreement, 
all  the  Calamities  of  a  bloody  and  unnatural  War 
will  be  continued,  and  nothing   heard  nor  feen  in 
Church  nor  State  but  Confufion.  God  hath  brought 
both  Kingdoms, through   the  Surges  and  Waves  of 
a  boifterous  Tempeft,  into  the  Harbour  of  a  Peace, 
and  hath  fcattered  moft  Part  of  our  .Enemies  ;  and 
now  our  Work  is  how  to  come  afhore,  and  efta- 
blifh  a  right  Peace.     I  hope,  it  is  as  far  from  our 
Defires  and  Intentions,  as  it  is  againft  our  Cove- 
nant and  Profefliwi*     to  change  the  Fundamental 


cf   ENGLAND.  109 

Government.     We  have  need  to  take  heed,  that  An-  «  c»- 
\ve  run  not  from  one  Extreme  into  another;  Dwn     t   '  *  ' 
Stulti  vitant  Vitia,  in  contraria  currant :  Therefore       oaobor. 
our  Study  ftiould  be  how  to  cure  the  Wound  which 
cur  Sins  and  the  evil  Counfcls  of  others  have  made 
between  the  King  and  his  Parliament,  to  make  up 
the  Breach,  and  not  make  it  wider. 

*  It  hath  been  univerfally  acknowledged,  That 
the  King's  Removal  from  his  Parliament  is   the 
immediate  and  chief  Caufe  of  all  the  War,  Mif- 
chiefs,  and  Calamities  of  the  Kingdoms :  Then  his 
Majefty's  Prefence  in  joining  with  his  Parliament 
muft  be   the  beft,  if  not  the  only  Remedy  to  re- 
move our  Troubles  ;  for  it  is  a  Maxim  no  lefs  true 
than  common,    that  Contraries  have  contrary  Con- 
fequent!  (n). 

*  The  King  defires  to  come  to  his  Parliament, 
not  only  to   have    his    Doubts  cleared,  and  have 
thofe  Difficulties  explained  which  hinder  his  Con- 
fent   to  the  Propofitions  as  they  now   ftand ;    but 
likewife  that  his  Coming  may  raife  a  mutual  Confi- 
dence between  him  and  his  Parliament :    If  the 
lal?were  done,  the  firft  would  foon  be  performed, 
and  all  thofe  Mountains  of  Difficulties  would  eafily 
be  removed,  and  become  Vallies. 

'  Your  Commiffioners  had  no  Power  to  give 
any  Reafons,  no  not  fo  much  as  tell  what  is  the 
Meaning  of  any  of  your  Demands,  nor  hearken  to 
any  Defire  of  the  King's :  And  certainly  fome 
Things  might  be  juftly  moved  by  his  Majefty, 
which  are  neceflary  for  the  Crown  and  a  well- 
grounded  Peace,  as,  That  he  may  have  his  Re- 
venues; That  he  may  return  with  Honour  and 
Safety  to  his  Crown  and  Government :  And  if  the 
King  were  with  his  Parliament,  where  he  might 
both  give  and  receive  Satisfaction,  he  might,  with 
Reafon,  be  convinced  to  affent  to  what  he  now 
conceives  to  be  unreafonable. 

'  The  making  of  a  Peace  is  fo  great  and  glo- 
rious a  Work,  and  fo  acceptable  to  all  good  Men, 
and  to  the  whole  People,  that  it  would  (after  fo 


(V  CcntrariirnmCentrt'itfant  Cinfrqmentit. 

1 1  o  ¥be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  i.  great    Trouble)    be  like  Rain  to  the  new  mown. 

1646.         Grafs,  or  like  a  Refurrection  from  the  Dead,  and 

-.„  <"        '  is  a  Work  worthy  of  a  King's  Prefence :   And  the 

October.          _..  .          '  o 

King  may,  without  Arrogancy,  dehre  that  Cjlory  tQ 
himlelf,  the  more  to  re-ingratiate  him  to  his  Peo^ 
pie,  and  not  devolve  that  Honour  wholly  to  any 
other,  wherein  he  himfelf  ought  to  be  the  prime 
Actor.  And  therefore  the  King's  Prefence  with 
his  Parliament,  is  the  moft  probable  Way  to  at- 
tain to  a  fpecdy  and  ble  fled  Peace ;  which  certainly 
will  be  the  more  durable,  if  it  be  with  the  Good- 
liking  of  both  Sides. 

'  I  know  there  is  one  common  Objection  (and 
I  know  not  another)  wherewith  many  are  poflefled 
and  prejudiced  againft  the  King's  Coming  to  his 
Parliament,  That  his  Prefence  may  breed  Divifion, 
and  that  he  may  thereafter  withdraw  and  continue 
our  Troubles.  Unity  and  Concord,  I  confefs, 
is  that  by  which  Kingdoms  and  Common-  Wealths 
do  flourim;  and  there  is  nothing  more  dangerous 
than  Divifion,  Concardia  enim  Res  parvts  crefcunt, 
Dijcordia  vero  maxima  dilabuntur.  But  is  there 
any  greater  or  more  dangerous  Divifion,  than  to 
have  the  Head  divided  from  the  Body?  To  have 
the  King  divided  from  his  Parliament,  the  Repre- 
fentative  Body  of  the  Kingdom,  whereof  he  is  the 
Head  ?  Hath  not  this  Divifion  divided  Brother 
againft  Brother,  the  Father  againft  the  Son,  and 
the  Son  againft  the  Father,  and  Country  againft 
Country  ?  This  Divifion  is  the  Caufe  of  all  our 
other  Divifions :  Take  this  away  and  all  our  other 
Divifions  are  at  an  End;  Ablata  Can/a  tollitur 
E/ettus.  The  King  doth,  with  all  Earneftnefs, 
deiire  to  be  joined  with  you;  and  ftands  more  in 
.  need  of  Reconciliation,  and  I  hope  will,  accord- 
ing to  his  Profeflion,  endeavour  it,  rather  than  Di- 
vifion: And,  I  truft,  the  Wifdom  of  the  Honou- 
rable Houfes  is  fuch  as  they  will  do  fo  too,  and  ra- 
ther be  reconciled  to  the  King,  than  divide  amongft 
ourfelves.  And  that  Argument,  not  to  admit  of 
the  King's  Coming  to  his  Parliament,  becaufe  his 
Prefence  may  breed  Divifion,  is  an  Argument  to 

-    -of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  -  in 

debar  him  perpetually  from  his  Parliament.  Arid  An 
now  the  Cafe  is  altered  from  what  it  was,  when  it 
was  thought  unfit  that  the  King  fhould  come  to  his 
Parliament,  becaufe  then  he  had  Forces  in  the  Field, 
Garrifons  and  Strong-holds  to  return  to :  Now  he 
hath  none  of  thefe  againft  you,  and  his  Defire  of 
coming  to  his  Parliament  cannot  be  but  with  Re- 
folution  to  agree  and  fray  with  you;  for  if  he  were 
once  with  you,  where  can  he  go  from  you?  And 
if  they  were  efteemed  Enemies  to  the  Parliament 
and  the  Peace  of  the  Kingdoms,  who  advifed  the 
King  to  withdraw  from  his  Parliament,  what  E- 
Itimation  will  the  World  have  of  them  who  will 
not  fuffer  him  to  return  to  his  Parliament,  when 
he  offers  to  caft  himfelf  into  your  Arms  ?  Nor  can 
there  be  a  more  real  Teftimony  of  our  Refpect 
and  Affection  to  England,  than  that  we  defire  he 
may  be  with  you,  and  be  advifed  by  you  ;  neither 
can  you  have  any  greater  Honour,  than  that  (af- 
ter you  have  diflipated  your  Enemies)  his  Majefty 
is  willing  to  return  to  you  :  And  if  fo  kind  an  Of- 
fer fhall  be  refufed,  and  the  King  driven  to  Defpair, 
it  is  to  be  feared  thefe  Kingdoms  will  be  involved 
in  greater  Difficulties  than  ever;  and  we  fhall  be 
driven  out  of  the  Harbour  and  Entrance  of  a  Peace, 
into  the  Xempeft  of  new  and  bloody  Wars. 

'  For  although  Scotland  be  moft  willing  and 
•  defirous  that  the  King  fhould  return  to  his  Parlia- 
ment with  Honour,  Safety,  and  Freedom ;  and 
that  he  may  remain  where  his  perfonal  Prefcnce 
may  ferve  moft  for  the  Security  and  Happinefs  of 
his  People;  yet  if  any  iuch  Courfe  fhall  be  taken, 
or  any  Dem  nd  made,  for  rendering  of  his  Perfon, 
•which  cannot  ftand  with  his  Honour  and  Safety ; 
or  which  cannot  confift  with  our  Duty,  Allegiance, 
and  Covenant ;  nor  with  the  Honour  of  that  Army, 
to  whom  (in  Time  of  his  extreme  Danger)  he  had 
his  Recourfe  for  Safety ;  it  cannot  be  expected  that 
we  can  be  capable  of  fo  bafe  an  Act.  And  if  (to 
fhun  this,  and  avoid  Occafion  of  quarrelling  be- 
tween the  Kingdoms)  he  fhall  go  to  Scotland,  and 
relent  his  Expulfion  out  of  England,  and  crave  the 
i-  Afiiftance 

112  'The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  v 

An.  zz  Car.  I.  Afllftance  of  that  Kingdom  for  Recovery  of  his 
Right  to  his  Crown,  he  may  in  a  fliort  Time  raifc 
Forces  in  Scotland  and  Ireland,  as,  with  the 
Affiftance  of  foreign  Princes,  thefe  Kingdoms  may 
be  made  a  Field  of  Blood,  and  the  youngeft  a- 
mongft  us  not  live  to  fee  the  End  of  thefe  unna- 
tural Wars:  But  if  the  prefent  Opportunity  be 
wifely  managed,  and  that  we  maintain  the  juft  Pri- 
vileges of  Parliament  and  Liberty  of  the  Subject  in 
both  Kingdoms,  with  that  Wifdom  and  Difcre- 
tion  as  that  may  be  given  to  God  which  is  God's, 
and  to  Ctefar  what  is  Cafar't ;  if  we  fear  God  and 
the  King,  and  do  not  meddle  with  them  who  are 
given  to  change  ;  that  fame  Divine  Providence 
and  Wifdom,  which  hath  brought  us  through  ma- 
ny Difficulties,  will  alfo  teach  us  how  to  eftablifh 
thefe  Kingdoms  in  Peace,  and  the  King's  Throne 
in  Righteoufnefs,  that  the  great  Blefling  of  a  con- 
ilant  and  friendly  Conjunction  of  the  two  Kingdoms- 
(now  united  by  Allegiance  and  loyal  Subjection  to 
one  Sovereign  and  Head)  may  be  firmly  obferved 
and  continued  to  all  Pofterity.' 

The  LOR D-C HANCEIIOR  of  Scotland's  thir/ 
SPEECH,   Oct.  10. 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 

Aad  at  the  third,  *  HPHIS  Day  I  hope  will  bring  our  Conference 

X     to   fome  Refults   to   be   reported  to  the 

Houfes  ;  and  therefore  I  ftiall  frame  my  Difconrfe 

and  Arguments    with   that  Succinct  nefs  as   may 

bring  us  fooneft  to  a  Clofe. 

*  At  our  firft  Meeting,  the  Subject  of  our  De- 
bate was,  Whether  the  Right  and  Power  of  dif- 
pofing  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  is  folely  in  the 
two  Houfes  as  they  (hall  think  fit,  or  in  the  two 
Kingdoms  ;  and,  at  our  laft  Meeting,  we  had  fome* 
Arguing  about  the  fame  Queftion,  bat  your  Lord" 
fhips  did  ftill  aflert  the  Vote  of  the  Houfes ;  and 
we  fay,  (in  refpeft  of  the  lutcreft  and  Relations 
which  both  .Kingdoms  have  equally  to  the  King, 
efpecially  in  the  prefent  Juncture  ot  Affairs,  when 


-if  ENGLAND.  113 

both  Kingdoms .  are  entered  in  the  fame  League  An-  «^  •  *' 
and  Covenant;  have  jeoparded  their  Lives  iri  the  v  _*.  4  _'  ^ 
fame  War,  are  labouring  under  the  fame  Danger, 
are  feeking  the  fame  Remedies,  and  ftand  in  need 
of  the  fame  Peace  and  Security;  and  both  King- 
doms are  bound  by  our  Covenant  to  preferve  Uni- 
ty, and  are  obliged  by  Treaty  that  none  of  Us  (hall 
make  any  Peace,  Ceflation,  or  Agreement  whatfo- 
ever,  without  mutual  Advice  and  Confent  of  both) 
That  the  Perfon  of  the  King  cannot  be  difpofed  of 
without  the  joint  Advice  and  Cortfent  of  both 
Kingdoms  :  But  as  we  do  acknowledge  that  Eng- 
land hath  Parity  of  Intereft  with  Scotland,  fo  we 
do  ftill  offer  they  (hall  have  Parity  of  Power  in 
difpofing  of  the  King:  And  we  do  affiriti,  That 
the  Perfon  of  the  King,  who  is  King  of  Scotland 
as  well  as  of  England,  and  is  Head  and  Monarch 
of  both  Kingdoms,  cannot  be  difpofed  of  by  any 
one  of  the  Kingdoms  alone;  but  whatever  is  to 
be  done  concerning  the  diipofinq;  of  his  Majefty's 
Perfon,  ought  to  be  done  by  joint  Advice  and 
common  Confent  of  both,  as  may  ferve  rrtoft  for 
the  Peace,  Security,  and  Happinefs  of  the  Kin* 
and  Kingdoms,  which  we  did  prove  by  feveral 
Arguments,  to  which  there  was  nothing  anfwered 
in  effect,  but  Tliat  the  King  being  within  England, 
bis  Perfon  was  to  be  difpofed  of  as  the  two  Hoitjis 
Jhall  think  fit ;  and  that  the  King  being  with  the 
Scots  Army,  and  they  being  paid  by  the  Parliament 
of  England,  he  is  in  effeff  in  the  Power  of  the 
JHoufes,  and  ought  to  be  at  their  difpojing ;  in  the 
fame  Way  as  if  he  had  come  to  the  Army  of  Sir 
Thomas  Fairfax,  or  any  other  of  the  Parliament's 
jfrmies . 

'  To  this  we  (hall  not  need  to  make  any  other 
Reply  than  what  we  have  made  already,  That 
the  King's  prefent  Refidence  in  England,  nor  no 
Locality,  can  take  away  the  Reality  of  our  Rela- 
tions formerly  mentioned  by  us ;  far  lefs  can  it  take 
away  the  Engagements  and  Stipulations  betwen 
the  Kingdoms;  and  though  the  Setts  Army  be  paid 

VOL.  XV.  H  by 

114  ¥he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  jLf"'  l'  by  the  Parliament  of  England  yet  they  are  the 

<   .   ^ >    Army  of  Scotland,  raifed  for  the  Purfuance  of  the 

0&ob<7.  Ends  of  fhe  Covenant,  and  are  to  be  ordered  and 
dire&ed  by  the  Parliaments  or  Committees  of 
both  Kingdoms:  And  therefore  they  cannot,  with 
Confcience*  Duty,  or  Honour,  deliver  the  Perfon 
of  the  King,  without  his  own  Confent,  to  be  dif- 
pofed  of  as  the  two  Houfes  {hall  think  fit :  But 
We  have  declared,  and  do  frill  declare,  That  we 
are  content  the  Perfon  of  the  King  be  difpofed  of 
(the  Word  difpofed  being  taken  in  a  right  Senfe) 
as  may  ferve  moft  for  the  Peace,  Safety,  Security, 
Honour,  and  Happinefs  of  the  King  and  both  King* 
domsj  anddidoffer  toyourLordfhipsConhderaticn 
his  Majefty's  coming  to  or  near  London,  as  the  moft 
probable  Means  to  procure  a  fpeedy  and  well- 
grounded  Peace.  And  feeing  your  Lordfhips  have 
done  us  the  Honour  to  meet  with  us  in  this  free 
and,  brotherly  Conference^  we  do  expect  that  you 
will  concur  and  aflent  to  this  Proportion,  or  pro- 
pound a  better  Expedient  for  the  Good  of  botfc 

'  But  if  the  Honourable  Houfes  will  not  admit 
of  this  Proportion,  our  next  Defire  is,  (that  it 
may  apptar  no  lawful  and  pofiible  Means  are  left 
uneflayed  which  may  procure  a  happy  Agreement 
betwixt  the  King  and  his  Parliaments,  and  for  our 
further  Exoneration)  That  Commiffioners  may 
yet  once  more  be  fent  from  both  Kingdoms  to  his 
Majefty,  to  {hew  the  Meaning  of  our  Propofitions, 
and  to  affert  them,  and  to  hear  the  King's  Doubts 
and  Difficulties  and  Defires;  who  may  further  in- 
timate, that  (if  hisMajefty  fhall  not  give  a  fatisfac- 
tory  Anfwerto  the  Propofitions)  then  both  King- 
doms will,  without  making  any  fuch  farther  Ap- 
plication to  him,  take  fuch  Courfe  as  they  {hall 
judge  fitteft  for  the  Peace  and  Security  of  the 

«  And  as,  at  the  Opening  of  this  Conference,  I 
did  begin  with  an  humble,    lawful,  and  laudable 
Defire  for  Unity  in  relation  to  Religion,  the  King, 

of   E  N  £  L  A  N  D.  115 

and"  among  ourfelves,  fo  ftiall  I  clofe  in  the  Time  An-  «  Car» 
Dialed.  For  the  firft,  of  Religion:  If  we  do  re-  .  l6*6'  J 
member  our  Vows  to  God  to  perform  them,  and  o&ober. 
(hall  endeavour  really,  conftantly,  and  fmcercly 
the  Reformation  of  Religion,  and  Uniformity  ac- 
cording to  our  Covenant,  we  may  certainly  ex* . 
peel  that  God  will  crown  this  great  Work,  where- 
in he  hath  honoured  us  to  be  Actors,  with  his 
Blefling;  but  if  in  place  of  Uniformity,  which 
we  are  obliged  to  endeavour,  there  fhall  be 
a  Toleration  of  all  Seels  and  Sorts  of  Religion; 
and  if  we  negledl  to  build  the  Houfe  of  God,  and 
become  infolent  upon  our  Succefles,  although  we 
could  mount  up  with  Eagle's  Wings,  and  build 
our  Nefts  as  high  as  the  Stars,  and  had  an  Army 
•who,  for  Valour  and  Strength,  could  march  to 
Conflaniidtyk)  God  fhall  lay  our  Glory  low  in 
the  Duft,  and  fuffer  the  Work  to  fall  in  our  Hands,' 
like  the  Confufion  of  Babel:  And  whatever  hath 
been  moved  by  us  concerning  the  King,  we  defire 
it  may  be  rightly  conftru&ed,  as  proceeding  from 
fuch  as  have  not  wavered  from  their  firft  Principles ; 
for  when  the  King  was  in  the  Height  of  his  Power, 
we  did  not,  and  I  hope,  never  (hall,  flatter  him; 
and  when  the  Enemy  was  in  the  Height  of  their 
Pride  and  Strength,  Scotland  did  fear  no  Colours: 
And  now,  when  the  King  is  at  his  lowerr.  Ebb, 
and  hath  caft  himfelf  into  our  Army  for  Safety, 
we  hope  your  Lordfhips  will  pardon  us,  from  our 
Senfe  of  Honour  and  Duty,  to  be  very  tender  of 
the  Pcrfon  and  Pofterity  of  the  King,  to  whom 
we  have  fo  many  near  Relations;  and  not  like  the 
worfe  of  us,  that  we  cannot  fo  far  forget  our  Al- 
legiance and  Duty,  as  not  to  have  an  Antipathy 
againft  the  Change  of  Monarchical  Government, . 
in  which  we  have  lived  through  the  Defcent  of  fo 
many  Kings,  and  under  which  both  Kingdoms 
have  been  govern'd  fo  many  Ages,  and  flourifhcd 
in  all  Happinefs.  And  now  my  laft  Word  mall 
be  for  conitant  Unity  between  the  Kingdoms ; 
which,  as  it  hath  been  the  chief  Means  to  promote 
the  great  Work  wherein  both  Kingdoms  are  fo 
H  2  deeply 

n6  The  Parliamentary  HISTORV 

An.  «  C»r.  I.  deeply  engaged,  fo  there  is  nothing  can  make  US 
«_  l6*6'  *  fo  formidable  to  our  Enemies,  nor  fo  wuiqh  aiding 
Oftober.  ene  to  afiother,  as  the  chcriftiing  and  continuing 
thereof;  and  I  dare  fay  that  no  Man  would  divide 
the  one  from  the  other,  but  fuch  as  defire  to  fifh 
in  troubled  Waters,  and  are  real  Enemies  to  both. 
God  hath  blefs'd  the  joint  Endeavours  of  both 
Nations  j  both  are  in  one  Ship,  and  are  come  thro* 
a  very  great  Storm  ;  and  now,  when  we  are  come 
into  the  Harbour,  it  would  be  great  Shame  to  both 
to  fplit  upon  the  Rocks  of  Divifion,  £f?  devorato 
Bove  dejicere  in  Caudd ;  and  your  Lordfhips  may 
be  confident  that  Scotland,  who  have  efteem'd  no 
Hazard  too  great  for  fettling  of  Religion  and  Love 
to  their  Brethren,  will  ftick  fo  faft  and  firmly  to 
you,  fo  long  as  you  hold  the  Principles  of  your 
Covenant,  as  no  r  ear  nor  Favour  will  ever  be  able 
to  divide  them  from  you ;  and  we  do  expe£t  that 
reciprocal  Amity  which  may  perpetuate  CUE 

Some  PAPERS  given  in,  by  the  COMMISSIONERS  of 
the  PARLIAMENT  of  Scotland,  to  the  Honour- 
able Houfes  of  the  PARLT  AMENT  of  England, 
in  Anfwer  to  their  Votes  of  the  i^tb  of  Septem- 
ber, 1646,  concerning  the  Difpofmg  of  his  Ma- 

For  the  &gkt  Honourable   the   S  *  E  A  K  E  R  of  tht 
Houftf  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

Right  Honourable, 

*  \\7^  ^°  k6^*^  Pr€ffertt  to  tne  Honourable 
'  W    Hotffcs  two  Papers,    in  Anfwer  to  their 
'  Votes  of  the  24th  of  September-,  wherein  we  have 

*  contributed  our   befl  Endeavours  to  come  to  * 

«  fpeedy 

(»}  Mr.  Rujkwtrtb  mention*  thcfc  Pipers,  «nd  takes  Notice  of 
the  before-mentioned  Circumflance  of  their  being  feiz'd  at  tke  Pttft 
in  Lendon,  but  print*  only  fuch  Part  thereof  as  is  quoted  in  th« 
Commons  Anfwer  thereto,  which  will  appear  in  the  Proceedings  of 
next  Month.  Hence  it  is  probable  that  he  had  Hot  the  Scott  PapertY 
as  printed  by  their  Commifiioners  Ord«r.— To  do  Juflire  fo  that 
Nation,  we  have  therefore  printed  the  whole  from  the  Edinburgh 
Edition  thereof,  puhli&ed  airier  their  own  Direction, 

of   ENGLAND.  117 

fpeedy  Agreement  in  the  great  Affairs  now  jn  An,  a*  c»r. 
Agitation,  and  to  preferve  and   continue  a  firm    .     *  *  '  * 
Correfpondence   between  the  Kingdoms;    And      oftoocr. 
we  cannot  but  promife  to  ourfelves,  that  we  fhall 
meet  with  the  fame  Affections  in  the  Honourable 
Houfes  ;  that  all  Differences   being  determined, 
and  all  juft  Defires  fatisfied,  thefe  Kingdoms  may 
ftill  remain    in    a   fweet  Concord  and  brotherly 
Conjunction,  than  which  nothing  can  be  more 
acceptable  to 

Tour  Lord/hip's 

humble  Servants, 

Ofitbtrio,   1646* 



Oftoberzo,  1646, 
4  fjAving  received   the  Votes  of  both  Houfes,  £  toPt?e?Lo2j 

*  JL  J.  dated  the  24th  of  September*    concerning  by  the  Scots 

*  the  difpofmg  of  the  King's  Perfon  as  both  Houfes  Commiffioners, 

*  of  Parliament  {hall  think  fit;  although  we  judge  VO^ODC^ 

*  (as  in  Chanty  we  ought)  that  it  is  not  the  Mean-  ing  the  DifpofU 

*  ing  and  Intention  of  "the  Honourable  Houfes,  to  of  theKinj't 

*  claim  or  affume  to  themfelves  the  whole  and  fole       °n% 
'  Power  to  difpofe  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  which 

*  is  known  to  be  a  Matter,  as  of  high,  foofcom- 
'  monand  equal,  Concernment  to  both  Kingdoms: 
'  Yet  left,  by  our  Silence,  the  Right  and  Intereft  of 

*  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  fliould    be    prejudiced; 

*  and  left  that  Senfe  of  thofe  Votes,  which  many 
'  have  apprehended  and  exprefled,  (hould  minifter 
s  Occafion  of  Mifunderftanding  and  DtfFerencebe- 

*  tween  the  Kingdoms,  according  to    the  Defires 

*  and  Hopes  of  our  common    Enemies,  we   have 

*  judged  it  neccffary,  with  that  Freedom,  Candour, 
'  and  Plainnefs  which   becometh  Brethren,  to  re- 

*  prefent  our  Thoughts  concerning  this  great  Bufi- 

*  nefstoboth  Houfes. 

'  We  do  acknowledge,  that  as,  pofitively,    the 

'  Houfes   of  Parliament  have  as  much  Power  in 

H  3  *  dif- 

i  i  8  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  12  Car.  I.  <  difpofingof  the  King's  Perfon,  as  any  one  Parlia- 

1646.        <  rnent  hath,  or  can  have,  to  difpofe  of  a  King,  who 

^Ofltobe/      '  hath  more  free  Kingdoms   than  one  ;    fo,   nega- 

*  lively,  none  ought  or  may  difpofe  of  his  Majefty's 
'  Perfon  without  or  a^ainft    their  Confent.     The 
4  like,  we  fuppofe,  will  be  mutually  acknowledged 
'  in  Reference  to  the  Parliament  of 'Scotland;  it  be- 
'  ing  a  Fundamental    Right  and  Liberty  of  either 
'  Kingdom,  That  none   can  juftly,  without  their 

*  own  Confent,  impede  or  reftrain  the    Perfon  of 

*  their  King  from  coining  amcngft  them,  and  do- 
'  ing  the  Duties  of  a  King  unto  them :  And  in  both 

*  thefe  Senfes  we  acquiefce  in  the  Vote  of  the  Ho- 

*  nourable  Houfes. 

*  But  if  the  Vote  fhould  be  meant,  or  made  ufe 

*  of,  as  reftridtive  to  the  Parliament  of  England,  and 

*  exclufwe  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland:  Or,    as 

<  if  the  two  Houfes   were  to  difpofe  of  the  Perfon 

*  of  the  King,  by  their  fingle  and  fole  Authority, 

*  without  the   Confent   and   Concurrence   of  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland',  we  truft  this  Senfe  is  as  far 
'  from  the  Thoughts  of  both  Houfes,  as  it  is  from 

*  Juftice  and  Equity ;    The  Parlaiment  of  Scotland 
«  having  as  muchlntereft  in  the  Perfon  of  the  King 
«  of  Scotland,  as  the  Parliament  of  England  hath  in 
'  the  Perfon  of  the  King  of  England;  and  the  Per- 

*  fon  being  but  one,  both  Kingdoms    muft    needs 
«  {hare  equally  in  thatjoint  Imereft.     Neither  hath 

*  the   Parliament  of  England  any   more  Power  to 
'  difpofe  of  the  Perfon  of  this  King  of  Scotland,  be- 
c  ing  in  England,  than  the  Parliament  of  Scotland 
'  hath  to  difpofe  of  the  Perfon  of  this  King  of  En- 
'  land,  if  he  were   in  Scotland:  And  as  the  Parlia- 

*  ment  of  England  might  juftly  conceive  their  In- 

<  tereft  and  Power  to  be  greatly  prejudiced,  if  the 
'  Parliament    of    Scotland  fhould    claim    the    fok: 
'  Power  to  difpofe  of  his  Majefty's  Pcrfujn,  being  in 
'  Scotland;    and,    confequently,    if   they   {hall   fo 

*  think  fit,  toreftrain  his  Perfon  from  coming  to  hi ; 

*  Houfes  of  Parliament,  when  the  neceflary  Affairs 
'  of  this  Kingdom  require  his  Prefence;  fo  we  can- 

'*  not  but  in  Juflice  expect  to  be  dealt  wit-i  by  the 

4  Honour- 

of  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  119 

f  Honourable  Houfes,  as  they  would  have  us,  in  like  An'  «  Car- 

*  Cafes,    to  deal  with  them.       , 

*  Although  what  we  have  now  exprefTed  might 
'  be  fufficient,  as  to  our  Senfe  of  the  Vote;  yet  it 
'  fhall  not  be  fuperfluous,  but  very  expedient,  that 

*  we  further  clear  ourfelves  and  our  real  Intentions^ 

*  in  that  which  we  firft  offered  in  our  Paper  of  the 
c  nth  of  Auguft)  concerning  a.  joint  Confutation 
'  and  Refolution  of  both  Kingdoms,  what  is  next 

*  to  be  done  in   Reference   to  the   King;  which 

*  Motion  we  now  refume,  to  be  ftill  infifted  upon: 

*  For  the  Qucftion  is  not,  Whether  the  Houfes  of 
'  Parliament    or   the  Scots  Army  (hall  difpofe   of 
'  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  England?  Our  Army 
'  claimeth  no  Power    to  difpofe  of  his  Majefty's 

*  Perfon.     And  as  they  could  not  refufc  to  receive 

*  him  when  he  came  amongft    them,  fo    they  are 
4  ready  to  obey  and  fubmjt  to  the  joint  Refolutions 

*  of  both  Kingdoms  concerning  his  Majefty.    Nei- 
'  ther  is  the  Queftion,  Which  of  the   two  King- 

*  doms  fhall  truft  the  other  with  the  prefent  Refir 
«  dence  of  the  King's  Perfon,  till  he  be  difpofed  of 
'  by  the  Confent  and  Agreement  of  both  ?  Let  it 
'  be  far  from  both  Kingdoms,  that  the  former  mu- 

*  tual  Confidence  fhould   now  turn   to  a    mutual 

*  Diffidence ;  and  let  not  a  Blefling  from  Heaven 
'  be  expected   upon  either  of  the  Nations,  which 
«  continueth  not  faithful    to    the  other,   according 

*  to  the  Covenant.     Our  Confidence  in  the  Wif- 

*  dom,  Juftice,    Loyalty,  and  Faithfuinefs  of  the 
'  Honourable  Houfes  is  fuch,  that  whenfoever  thr 

*  King  fhall  be  willing  to    return  unto  them,   and 

*  they  willing  to  receive  him,  we  fhall,  not  make. 
'  the  leaft  Impediment,  but  give  our  chcarful  Con- 

*  fent.     Lea  ft  of  all   is    the  Queftion  concerning 
'  any  Privilege  or  Power  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 

*  land)    or   any  Law,  Liberty,  or  Practice  of   thi-. 
'  Kingdom,  to  difpofe  of  their  King.    It  is  not  our 
1  Meaning   to  controvert  what  in  that  Kind  they 

*  may  do,  or  at  any  Time  have  done,  according  to 

*  their  Laws,  which  are  beft  kno;vn  to  themfelves, 

H  4  'lor 

1 20  Jibe  Parliamentary  H I  s  T  o  R  V 

for  their  Good  and  Safety,  without  the  leaf! 
dow  of  any  Dependency  upon  another  Kingdom. 
But  withall  wedefire  it  may  be  remembered,  that 
this  is  to  be  transferred  equally  to  the  Power  and 
Privilege  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland.  We  do 
not  meddle  with  any  of  the  fingle  or  proper  Rights, 
Privileges,  or  Laws  of  this  Nation,  more  than 
we  would  have  our  Brethren  to  meddle  wih  ours. 
It  is  one  Thing  what  the  Parliament  of  England 
might  have  done,  in  another  Caufe  or  War,  before 
their  Engagements  by  the  Covenant  and  Treaties 
with  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland:  It  is  another 
Thing  what  ought  to  be  done  after  fuch  Condi- 
tions and  Ties,  impofed  by  neither  Kingdom  upon 
the  other,  but  by  both  jointly  upon  themfelves, 
and  as  mutual  Obligations,  both  to  God  and  each 
to  other :  Although  we  might  alfo  go  further  back 
than  to  the  Covenant  and  Treaties,  and  plead 
the  common  and  equal  Intereft  of  the  Kingdoms, 
in  their  common  Head  and  Sovereign,  evei  iince 
they  were  fo  united,  as  may  fufficiently  appear, 
even  by  fome  Inftances  in  his  Majefty's  Time 
who  now  reigns  over  us.  It  may  "be  remembered, 
as  to  the  Intereft  of  Scotlund,  that  wiien  his  Ma- 
jefty  was  firft  invited  and  defired  to  come  into' 
that  Kingdom  to  be  crowned,  it  was  reprefented 
by  the  Lords  of  his  Majefty's  Privy  Council  in 
'England.^  that  the  great  Affairs  of  this  Kingdom 
could  hardly  difpenfe  with  his  Majefty's  going  to 
Scotland;  and,  therefore,  that  either  he  might  re- 
ceive his  Crown  of  Scotland\>y  a  Vicegerent  there, 
or  that  it  might  be  fent  hither  unto  him.  Like 
as  this  prefent  Parliament,  when  the  King  went 
laft  into  Sccfiandto  fettle  the  Peace  of  that  King- 
dom, did  earneftly  defire  and  prefs  that  he  might 
not  go,  but  that  he  might  ftay  here  for  the 
urgent  Affairs  of  this  Kingdom.  But  both  in  the 
one  Cafe  and  in  the  other,  the  Intereft  of  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland  was  preferved ;  and  as  it 
was  moft  neceflary  that  his  Majefty  mould  go 
into  that  Kingdom  for  receiving  that  Crown,  fo 

9f   E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

*  Jiiti  Majefty  found  it  expedient  to  go  thither  for  An' 

*  the  fettling  of  Peace.  It  may  allb  be  remembered, 
'  as  to  the  Intereft  pf  England,  that  the  EngliJbNo- 

*  bility,  both  at  The  Birks^  An.    1639,  and  at  Tork^ 

*  An.  1640,  (whofe  Letters,  to   that  Purpofe,  arc 
«  yet  extant  and  to  be  feen)  and   this    Parliament, 

*  An.  1641,  did  claim  an  Intereft  to  fee  and  know 

*  our  Demands  propofed  to  the  Kijjg,  that  neither 

*  his  Majefty  nor  themfelves  might  be  thereby  pre- 
'  judiced. 

*  But  the  prefent  Queftion  needeth  not  go  fo  far 
'  upon  a  back  Trade:  Whatfpever  the  joint  Inte- 

*  reft  of  the  Kingdoms  was  formerly,    it  is  without 
'  Controverfy   n.ow    much  more  conjoined :    And 
?  unlcfs  we  lay  afide  the  Covenant,  Treaties,  De- 
'  claration  of  both   Kingdoms,  and   three  Years 

*  .Conjunction  in  this  War,  neither  the  one  King- 

*  dom  nor  the  other  muft  now  look  back  what  they 

*  might  have  done  fingly  before  fuch  a  ftridl  Union ; 
'but  look  forward  what  is  fitteft  to  be  done,  by 

*  both  jointly,  for  the  common  Good  of  both,  and 
<  for  tjie  Ends  of  the  Covenant,  which  both  are 
'  obliged  jointly  to  profecute  and   promote.      So 

*  that   the  true  and  proper  Quefttpn  in    this  Con- 
'  juncture  pf  Affairs  is,  Whether  both  Kingdoms 
'  hf-ve  not  a  jpint  and  common  Intereft  in  difpofing 
'  of  the  King  of  both,  for  the  Good  of  both;  and 

*  that  his  Majefty's  Perfon  ought  not  to  be  difpofed 

*  of  by  either  Kingdom  fingly?    Much  might  be 

*  faidfor  this  joint  Way,  arid  againft  a  divided  Way 

*  from  the  Nature  of  all  Aflbciations,  and  the  com- 

'  mon  Rules  of  Equity  obferved  between  Perfons,   • 

*  Societies,  or  Nations,  which  have  a  joint  Intereft 

*  in  the  fame  Perfon,  Parent,  Mafter,  Servant,  or 

*  in  the  fame  Thing,  Inheritance,  Lands,  Houfe, 
«  Stock,  or  the  like:  In  which  Cafes,  one  of  the 

*  Parties  aflbciated  may  not,   without  the  Cpnfent 

*  of  the  other,  difpofe  of  that  which    is  common, 

*  efpecially  if  it  be  a  common  Perfon  j  and  leaft  of 
'  all,  if  it  be  a  Perfon  ofchiefeft  Eminency  or  Con- 

*  ccrnment:  For  although  a  common  Thing  may  be 

•  divided, 

122  *Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

^V^ed>  anc* toeach  Party  his  proper  Share affign«i 

*  ed,  yet  one  individual  Perfon  doth  not  admit  of  a, 
'  Partition,  and  forequireth  the  greater  Union  and 
'  Conjunction  of  Councils  in  the  Difpofal  of  it. 
'  And  as  Reafons  may  be  drawn  from  the  Nature 

*  of  all  Aflbciatjons,  fo  efpecially  from  the  Nature 
'  of  ours  in  the  Solemn  League    and  Covenant; 
'  the  Title,  Narrative,  Articles,  and  Conclufion  of. 
«  it  do  along  link  together  the  Intereftof  the  King- 
4  doms,  in  this  common  Caufe  fo  much  concerning 
'  the  Glory  of  God,  the jr  own  Safety,  Union,  and 

*  Peace,  and  the  Honour  and  Happinefs  of  the  King 
«  and   his  Pofterity;  which  Ends  of  the   Covenant 

*  both  Parliaments,  as  well  as  other  Subjects  of  both 

*  Kingdoms,  have  obliged  themfelves  jointly  and 

*  mutually  to  promote,  according  to  their  Power, 

*  and  to  continue  zealoufly  and  conftantly  therein 
'  all  the  Days  oftheir  Lives,  againft  all  Oppofidon  ; 
'  and  to  afiift  and  defend  all  thofe  that  enter  into  this 

*  League  and  Covenant  in  them  aintaining  and  pur- 

*  fuing  thereof,  and  never  fuffer  themfelvcs  to  be 
'  divided,  directly  or  indirectly,  from  this  blefled 
'  Union    and  Conjunction.     So  that  the  Ends  of 
'  the  Covenant,  upon  which  the    Difpofal  of  the 

*  King  muft  needs  have  a  ftrong  Influence,  are  not 

*  to  be  profecuted  by  the  two  Kingdoms,  as  by  two 
'  diftinct  Bodies  acting  fmgly;  but  they  -were  united 
'  by  folcmn  Covenant  made  to   Almighty  God,  and  by 

*  League  each  to  other ,  as  one  entire    Body,   to  profe- 

*  c utt  this  Caufe ;  which  was    the  Expreflion  ufed 

*  by  the  Honourable  Houfes  in  their  Declaration  of 
'  the  fifth  of  Augujl,  1645,  to  the  Lords  the  States 

*  General    of  the  United   Provinces    of  the  Low 

*  Countries.      In   which   Declaration   this  notable 

*  Inftance  was  given,  which  deferveth  alfo   to  be 

*  remembered, That,  by  the  Covenant,  both  Houfes 

*  of  Parliament,  and  many  Thoufands  of  other  his 
'  Majefty's  Subjects  of  England  and  Ireland,  (land 
'  bound,  as  well  as  we,  to  hinder  the  letting  up  of 
'  Church-Government  by  Bifhops   in   the  King- 

*  dom  of  SiOt/and;  and   that  we,  as  well  as    they, 

•  ftand 


*  ftand  bound  to  endeavour  the  Extirpation  thereof  AB 
'  in  England  and  Ireland.     And  as,  by  the  Cove- 

*  nant,    the  Kingdoms   are  faft  linked  together  in 

*  the  whole  Profecution  of  this  Caufe;  fo  particu- 
4  larly  both  are  obliged  to  endeavour,  mutually^  to 
'  preferve  and   defend  the   King's    Majcfly's  Perfon 

*  and  Authority   in  the  Prefervation  and  Defence  of 

*  the  true   Religion    and  Liberties   of  the  Kingdoms  j 

*  that  the  World  may    bear  tP^itnefs,  with  our  Con" 
'  fciences,    of    our    Loyalty,    and  that    we   have  n» 
'  Thoughts  or  Intentions  to  diminijh  his  Majejiys  juji 

*  Power  and  Greatnefs. 

'  From  the  Treaty  the  fame  Thing  doth  further 
'  appear;    it  being  thereby  manifeft,  that  as  our 

*  Army  was  to  be  levied  for  the- common  Good  of 
'  both  Kingdoms,  in  the  Purfuance  of  the  Er.dscx* 
'  prefied  in  the  Covenant,  and    not  as  Auxiliaries 

*  for  the  fmgie  Good  of  this  Kingdom  ;  fo  they  are 
'  not  tied  to  be  fubjecl  to  the  Refolutions  and  Di- 

*  rections  of  either  Kingdom  fmgly,  but  of  both 
e  jointly.     Alfo,  by  the  eighth  Article,  no  CefFa- 
'  tion,     Pacification,    nor    Agreement    for  Peace 
$  whatfoever,  is  to  be  made  by  either  Kingdom, 

*  without  the  mutual  Advice  and  Confent  of  both  : 
.'  So  that  if  the  Difpofal  of  the  King's  Perfon,  mcn- 

<  tioned  in  the  Vote  of  both  Houfes,  be   intended 
'  for  the  Good,  Peace,  and  Security  of  both  King- 

*  doms,  then  it  fhould  not   be  done    without   the 

*  mutual  Advice  and  Confent  of  both ;  but  if  in- 

*  tended  for  the  Peace  and  Security  of  this   King- 
'  dom  within  itfelf  fingly,  this  were  to  fettle  the 

*  Peace  of  the  one  Kingdom,  not   only   without 
'  the  Counfel   aYid  Confent,  but  before  the  Settle- 

*  ment  of  tlie  other,  and  fo  the  more  inconllftent 
'  with  the  plain  Scope  of  that  Article.     Moreover, 

*  by  the  ninth  Article  of  the  fame  Treaty,  all  Mat- 

*  ters  of  Difference  arifing  between  the  Subjects 

*  of  the  two  Nations  are  to  be  refoived  and  deter- 
6  mined  by  the  mutual  Advice  and  Confent  of  both, 

*  which  hath  ever    been  the  ufual  Way  in    fuch 

*  Cafes.     Neither   know  we  any  ether  Way  for 

*  hcalijig 


An.  22  Car.  I. 

the  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

healing  of  Differences  between  two  free  Nations*1 
which  are  as  Brethren  and  Equals,  and  neither 
of  them  fubordinate  to  the  other.  If  therefore 
any  Difference  fhould  arife,  which  God  forbid, 
between  the  two  Parliaments,  or  any  others  of 
the  Subjects  of  the  two  Nations,  concerning  the 
difpofing  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  then  the  Que- 
ftion  cannot  be  otherwife  refolv'd  and  determined 
but  by  the  mutual  Advice  and  Confent  of  both, 
How  much  better  is  it  (according  to  the  fixth 
Article  of  the  Covenant)  to  confult  how  to  pre- 
vent all  Differences  which  are  like  to  arife  be- 
tween us  or  our  Pofterities  ? 
c  The  Honourable  Houfes,  in  their  Wifdom,  did 
thi/ik  fit  that,  in  the  managing  of  this  War,  there 
fhould  be  a  Conjunction  of  the  Councils  of  both 
Kingdoms  in  Reference  to  the  Englijh  as  well  as  to 
the  Scots  Forces :  How  much  more  may  we  ex- 
pect a  Conjunction  of  Councils  in  difpofing  of  his 
Majefty's  Perfon,  wherein  the  one  Kingdom  is  as 
much  interefted  as  the  other  ? 
*  If  more  need  to  be  faid  in  this  Bufmefs,  we 
hope  it  is  not  forgotten,  how  the  Declarations  of 
both  Houfes,  and  their  Commiffioners  fent  into 
Scotland  to  defire  their  Affiftance  and  Engage- 
ment in  this  War,  did  invite,  follicit,  and  per- 
fuade  that  Nation  upon  Principles  of  common 
Intereft:  and  in  regard  the  one  Kingdom  can- 
not enjoy  a  firm  and  durable  Peace,  while  the 
other  is  in  War,  we  were  alfo  put  in  Mind  of 
the  Affection  and  Duty  which  becometh  Brethren. 
And  as  we  did,  upon  thefe  and  the  like  Confidera- 
tions,  efpoufe  our  Brethrens  Quarrel,  fo  it  can- 
not be  oftenfive  that  we  defire  from  them  an  Im- 
provement of  the  very  fame  Principles ;  and  that 
the  fame  Meafure  of  the  Conjunction  of  Intercfts 
be  given  to  us,  which  was  got  from  us.  God 
forbid  that  Ways  of  feperating  the  Interefts  of 
the  Kingdoms  fhould  now  be  ftudied,  as  much  as 
Ways  of  uniting  them  were  before  endeavoured. 
We  cannot  but  expect  better  Things  from  our 

*  Brethren, 

^/ENGLAND.  125 

*  Brethren,  than  in  their  Profperity  to  defert  us,  A»-  **  C«. 

'  who  did  engage  and  join  with  them  in  their  great- 

*  eft  Affliction  j  or  to  think  of  fecuring  their  own 

*  Peace  without  us,    while  the  Troubles  of  our 
'  Kingdom  continue. 

*  Wherefore  we  cannot  chufc  but  obteft  by  the 
4  common  Good  of  both  Kingdoms;  by  the  Con- 

*  junction  and  Parity  of  Interefls;  by  the  Love  of 

*  Brethren;  by  Declarations  of  both    Houfesj  by 
1  former  Precedents  ;  by  the  Treaty  between   the 

*  Kingdoms  ;  by  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant  j 
'  yea,  by  the  very  Law  of  Nations  and  Rules  of 
'  common  Equity,  that  there  may  be  a  Conjunction 

*  of  the  Councils  and  Refolutions   of  both  King- 

*  doms,  in  difpofing  of  that  Royal  Perfon  who  is 

*  King  of  both  ;   and  that  all  lawful  and  poflible 

*  Means  (of  which  this  is  one  and  a  chief  one)  may 
1  be  ufed,  which  may  preferve  his   Majefty's  Per- 
'  fon,  Honour,    and  Happinefs  according  to   the 
'  Covenant;   Monarchical  Government  according 

*  to  the  Fundamental    Laws  of  both  Kingdoms  j 
«  together  with  a  firm  and  happy  Union  between 

*  the  Kingdoms. 

*  Thefe  Principles  we  defire  ftill  to  go  upon;  and 

*  therefore  if  the  Vote  of  both  Houfes,  communi- 

*  cated  unto  us,  be  underftood  as  a  material  De- 

*  mand  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon  to  be  delivered  un- 

*  to  them,  to  be  difpofed  of  as  they  (hall  think  fit: 
'  This,   as  it  doth  not  necefiarily  follow  from  the 
'  Words  of  the  Vote,  nor  doth  agree  with  that 

*  Senfe  of  the  Vote,  which,    in  Charity,  we  are 

*  moft  willing    to  entertain,  fo  there  are  juft  and 

*  great  Reafons  againft  it.     We  acknowledge  that 
'  we  are  not  to  prefume  the  worft,  but  the    beft, 
'  concerning  the    Intentions  of   the  Honourable 

*  Houfes  towards  the  King.     But  we  do  not  dou-t 

*  it  will  be  mutually  acknowledged  that,  for  pre- 

*  venting  of  Differences  afterwards,  it  is  moft  fit 

*  and  neceflary  that  there  be  a  clear  and  diftinct 

*  Undemanding  between  the  two  Kingdoms  in  a 

*  fiufinefs  of  vhi5  Nature  and  Conference;  and 

4  that 

I26  2^  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  2*  Car.  I.  <  that  it  is  not  to  be  expe&ed  from  private  Perfons, 

164.6.         '  tho'  under  Jurifdi&ion,  much  lefs  from  another 

Voft  t         '  '  Kingdom,  that  they  fhould  pafs    from  their  In- 

*  tereft  or  juft  Security,  becaufe  they  have  to   do 

*  with  fuch   as  they  judge  to  be  honeft  and  faith- 
'  ful.     To  fpeak  therefore   to  the   Nature  of  the 

*  Thing  in  itfelf:  If 'the  Scats  Army  fhould  deliver 

*  up  his  Majefty's  Perfon  without  his  own  Confent, 

*  and  that  upon  the  Vote  communicated  unto  us, 

*  which  (although  it  may  fuffer  a  benign  Interpre- 
'  taion,  and  be  underftood  of  the  difpofing  of  the 

,  '  King's  Perfon  favourably  and  honourably,  yet) 
'  as  the  \Vords  {land,  is  comprehenfive  and  capa- 
'  cious  of  more  than  is  fit  to  be  exprefied :  This 

*  Aft  of  the  Army  were  not  agreeable  to  their  Oath 

*  of  Allegiance,  obliging  them  to  defend  his  Ma- 
'  jefty's  Perfon  from  all  Harms  and  Prejudices  ;  nor 
c  to  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  which  was 
'  not  intended  to  weaken,  but  to  ftrenothen,  our 

*  Allegiance,    and   to  wipe   off  the  Calumny  and 

*  Afperfion  of  Rebellion :  For  which  End,   before 

*  our  Engagement  in    this  War,  it  was  mutually 

*  covenanted  between  the  Kingdoms,  to  preferve 

*  the  King's  Majefty's  Perfon  and  Authority,    in 
'  the   Prefervation   of  the  Religion   and   Liberties 
c  of  the   Kingdoms ;  thereby  holding  forth  to  the 

*  World,  that  the  Prefervation  and  Defence  of  Re- 
'  ligion  and  Liberties   may   well  confift,  and  was 

*  intended  to  confift,  with  Prefervation  of  his  Ma- 
*•  jefty's  Perfon  and  Authority;    whom  theforeour 

*  Army    cannot  deliver  to   be  difpofed  of  by  any 
c  others    at  Pleafure.       This   Delivery    were  alfo 
c  inconfiftent  with  the  joint,  equal,  and   common 

*  Intereft  of  both  Kingdoms  in  the  Dilpofal  of  his 

*  Majefty's  Perfon,  which  we  have  before  afTertedj 
'  and  were,   upon  the  Matter,  n  Pafling  from  the 
4  Right  and  Intereft  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland 

*  in  that  Bufinefs.     It  were    alfo  contrary  to  his 
c  Majefty's    Power     of  Refidence  in  any    of  his 
c  Kingdoms,  and  to  the  free  exercifing  of  the  Du- 
«  ties  of  his  Place,  and  Acls  of  Perfonal  Govcrn- 

*  mcnt; 

^ENGLAND.  127 

*  ment;  fuch  as  the  hearing  and  redrefling  of  the  ^n.  *»   Car.  I, 

*  Grievances  of  his  Subjects  in  Parliament,  and  his 

*  concurring   to  the  making  of  Laws.     Neither 

*  could  it  ftand  with  the  CommifSons  given  to  the 

*  Committee  of  Eftates  and   General   Officers   of 

*  our  Army,  or  with  their  Military  Oath,  to  deliver 

*  uptheir  King  without  his  own  Confent,  andwith- 
'  out  Warrant  from  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  to 
'  be  difpofed  of  by  another   Nation:    Even  as   it 

*  were  not    to  be  expected,  that  the  Army  under 
'  the  Command  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,    if  they 
'  were  in  Scotland  for  our  Affiftance  there,  in  the 

*  like  Caufe,  and  under  the  like  Engagements,  in 

*  a  Recefe  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  and  with- 

*  out  their  Warrant,  would,  upon   the  like  De- 

*  mand,  deliver  up   the  King  (having  caft  himfelf 
«  in  their   Hands)  to  be  difpofed  of  by  the  Parlia- 

*  ment  of  Scotland.     Finally,    if  it  be  contrary  to 

*  the  Law  and  common  Practice  of  Nations,  to  de-  * 

*  liver  up  the  rneaneft  Subject  fled  to  them,  though 

*  it    be   for  the  greateft  Crimes,  (for  which  Caufe 

*  the  Parliament  of  England  in  the  fourth  of  King 
«  James,   as  likewife  in  the  large  Treaty,  refufed  a 

*  general  Adt  of  Remanding  between  the  two  King- 

*  doms,  unlefs  they    fhould  be  united  into  one,) 

*  how  much  more  would  the  World    abroad  con- 
c  demn  our  Army  for  a  bafe  and  difhonourable  Act, 

*  if  they    fhould  deliver  up   their  Head  and  Sove- 
«  reign  (having  caft  himfelf  into  their  Hands)  to  be 

*  difpofed  of  at  the  Arbitrement  of  another  Nation  ? 
'  And  now  we  hope  it  will  not  be  tedious,   that 

*  we  further   enlarge  ourfelves    upon     this  great 
'  Subject,  by  adding  fatisfudtory  Anfwers  to  fuch 

*  Objections  as  have  been,  or  may  be,  made  againft 
4  our  Defires  and  Principles  in  this  Bufmefs. 

Objection  i.  «  That  the  Scots  Army  is  an  Auxili- 
c  ary  Army  of  England,  and  under  their  Pay  \  and 
'  therefore  ought  to  deliver  up  the  King,  is  be  difpofed 
'  of  by  both  lloufes  as  they  Jhall  think  fit. 

Anfiver.  4  It  is  fufficiently  known,  that  the  Sects 
'  Army  came  not  into  this  kingdom  in  thd  Nature 

*  of  Auxiliaries :    For  when  it  was  defired  bv  the 

*  'Par- 

128  *ihe  Parliamentary  H  is  f  o  R  £ 

\l  6  *'  I§  *  Parliament  of  England  tha*  the  Kingdom  of  Scft-i 

*  *.'    i    '  /flW  ihould  fend  an   Auxiliary  Army  into  this 

Oftober.      '  Kingdom,'  to  be  fubjeft  to   the  Directions  and* 

'  Refolutions  of  both   Houfes,    it   was  abfolutely 

*  refufed,  as  may  appear  by  the  feveral  Papers  about 

*  that  Purpofe  yet  extant.     The  Kingdom  of  Scot- 

*  land  did  forefee  andconfider  how  prejudicial  It  was' 

*  to  forfake  their  own  Peace;    and    what  infinite' 
c  Troubles,  Lofles,    and   unavoidable  Dager  their 

*  Engagement  with  the  Parliament  of  England,  a- 
4  gairtftfo  powerful  and  prevailing  an  Enemy,  would 

*  bring  upon    the  Kingdom  of  Scotland:  And  as 

*  they  regarded  not  the  large  Offers  rior  the  Threats 

*  of  the  other  Side  for  all  their  FWperity  j  fo  there 
c  was  no  Offer  of  Pay,  or  other  wordly  Advantage 

*  whatfoever  from  the  Houfes  of  Parliament^  which' 

*  could  have  induced  them  to  undertake  fo  hazard- 

*  ous  and  defperate  a  War.     It  was  the  Good  of 

*  Religion,  King,  and  Kingdoms  they  fet  before 

*  their  Eyes;  in  order  to  which  End,  they  accounted 

*  nothing  too  dear  unto  them:  And  having  refolved 

*  to  engage  in  this  Caufe  for  Affiftance  of  their  Bre- 
k  thren  therein^  they  did  not  ftand  upon  Conditions  ; 
1  but,  without  Refpeft  to  the  Seafon  of  the  Year, 

*  the  great  Strength  of  the  Enemyj  and  other  Dif-; 

*  coufagements,  they  did,  in  alhort  Time^  levy  an 
k  Army  at  their  own  Charge:  And,  becaufe  of  the 

*  many  Burdens  then  lying  upon  this  Kingdom,  were 

*  content  for  the  prefent  to  accept  of  a  Sum  towards 

*  the  monthly  Entertainment  of  that    Army,  a- 

*  mounting  to  little  more  than  Half  Pay,   and  to 

*  fuperfede  all  further  Recompence  till  the  War 

*  fhould  be  at  an  End.    And  feeing  the  Kingdom 
'  of  Scotland  was  to  quit  their   own  Peace,  and, 

*  equally  with  England,  to  undergo  the  Hazard  of 

*  the  War,  it  was  found  reafonable  that  the  Pro- 

*  fecution  thereof,  and  the  making  of  the   Condi- 
'  tions  of  Peace  after  the  War,  fhould  be  with  joint 

*  Advice  and  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms  :  And,  ac- 
'  cording  to  thefe  Grounds,  a  Covenant  wasagrced 
'  upon  for  the  Reformation,  of  Religion,  and   for 

*  Prefervation  of  the  Liberties  of  the  feingdofos, 

'  and 

of   ENGLAND. 

*  and  of  the  King's  Perfon  and   Authority :  To-  An-  «  Car;  I. 

*  gethcr  with  a  Treaty,  wherein  it  is  declared  that     .    '  *  '._  j 
'  the  Scots  Army  {hall  be  commanded  by  a  Gene-         oftobct, 

*  ral  appointed  by  the  E (lutes  of  Scotland,  and  (hall 
c  be  fubject  to  fuch  Refolutions  and  Directions,  as 
'  are  and  ihall  be  mutually  agreed  upon  and  con- 
1  eluded   between  the  Kingdoms,  or   their  Com- 
c  mittees  in  that  behalf  appointed,  for  pursuance  of 
4  the   Ends   of  the  Covenant;  of  which   one  is  to 

*  defend  and  prefcrve  his  Majefty's  Peri'm. 

Obiect.  2.   *   That  the   King  is  in  England,-   and 
'  therefore  to  be    difpcfed   of  by  both  Hiufes  of  Par- 

*  liament,  and  cannot  be  difpofcd  of  by  the  Scots  Army  : 

*  And  thy*  the  Kingdom  ^/"Scotland  may  prciarid  to  an 
1  Interejl  and  Power   in  the    difpojing  of  the    King, 
'  yet  they  can  have  no  Excrcife  of  that  Poiver  in  Eng- 
'  land :     And  albeit  //;.-    Scots   Army,     according   ty 

*  the    Treaty  ia'tiusen  tie  Kingdoms,     be  only  fubjeSt 
'-to     fuch   Resolutions  as  are  mutually   agreed   upon, 
1   by  both  Kingdoms,  or    their  Committees  appointed  in 
'  that  Behalf;    yet  tins  is    only  to    be   uwhrftood  in 
'  ordering  and  regulating   of  the  Scots    Fjrces   for 
'  profccut'mg  the    War ;    and  the  Treaty  extends    ni 


Anf.  *  Although  his  Majefty's  riding  one   Day's 
'  Journey  might    wholly  lubvert  the    Grounds  of 

*  this  Objection ;  yet  we  fliall  not  infift  upon  this 
'  Anfwer,  beeaufe    we   conceive    it  toucheth  not 

*  the  true  State  of  the  Queftion.     It  hath  been  al- 
4  ready  cleared  what  is  not,  and  what  is,  the  State 
'  of  the  Queftion  ;  v/!iich  "being  remembred  we  do 
1  afTert,  That  the  King  coining  voluntarily  to  the 
'  Scots  Army,  they  cannot,   in  Duty,  deliver  him 
1  againfthis  Will  to  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  with- 
4  out    Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland:  For 
'  the  Being  in  England  takes    not  awav  the  Rela- 
'  tion  between  the   King    and  his  Subjects  of  the 
'  Kingdom  of  Scotland^    nor   ou  :ht   it  to  impede 

*  the  Performance  of  the  mutual  Duties  founded 
'  upon  that  Relation:    For   Allegiance    hath  no 

*  Limitation  of  Place,  being  grounded   upon  the 

*  Law  of  Nature  as  well  as  the  Livv  Municipal* 

VOL.  XV,  I  «  and 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

and  f0  is  rather  univerfal  than  local.  The  Dif- 
ference  of  Place  takes  not  away  the  Relation  and 
mutual  Duties  between  Parents  and  Children  ; 

*  and  it  is  not  the  Place  but  the  kelation  which 

*  gives  Intereft  to  thedifpofmg  of  the  Perfonofth'e 
'  King.     As  his  being  in  England  takes  not  away 
e  the   Relation  between  him  and    his  Subjects  of 
'  Scotland^  fo  it  doth  not  infringe  the  mutual  Ob- 

*  ligations  and  folemn  Engagements  between  the 

*  Kingdoms,  for  joint  Councils  in  Profecution  of 

*  the   War  and  fettling  of  the  Peace  ;  the  King's 

*  Coming  to  the  3t9tt  Army  being  an  Emergency 
'  of  our  joint  War;  and  the  right  Difpofal  of  his 
e  Perfon,  the  only  Mean,  for  the  prefent,  of  our 
«  joint  Security  and  Peace.    Neither  can  the  King's 
'  being  in  England  prejudge  any  Right  or  Privi- 
<  lege  of  either  Kingdom  ;  for  it  is  the  Fundamental 

*  Right  and  Privilege  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland^ 

*  and  the  Liberty  of  that  Kingdom,  (as  weacknow- 

*  ledge    it  to  be  the  Right  and  Privilege  of    the 
*.  Kingdom  of  England]    that    the  Perfori  of  their 
'  King  ought  not  to  be  difpofed  ofj  but  with  their 
'  Advice  and  Confent.     The  Place  of  the  King's 
'  Refidence  (as   was  anfwered  to  us,  when  in  the 
'  Large  Treaty  it  was   defired  his   Majefty  might 
'  fome  Times  refide  in  Scotland]  is  at  his  own  Elec- 
*<  tion,  iri  either  of  the  Kingdoms  as  the  Exigence 

*  of  Affairs  fball   require,  and  he  fhall   think  fit; 

*  or  elfe  muft  be  determined  by  the  mutual  Advice 
'  and  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms. 

'  From  all  which   Grounds   it  is  apparent,  that 
c  the  Kingdom  where  he  refides  fdr   the  Timc^ 

*  may  do  no  Act  which  may  hinder  his  Majefty 
c  to   perform,  the  Office  and  Duty  of  a  King  to 
6  the  Kingdom  from  which  he  is  abfent  in  Per- 

-*  fonj  nor  impede  him  to  repair  to  that  Kingdom* 
*•  when  the  Affairs  thereof  fhall  neceilarily  require 
*•  it.  Othervvife,  if  the  Kin:;doin  where  his  Ma- 
«  jeft  refides  hath  the  fulc  Irt,-reft  and  Right  to 

*  difpofe  of  his  Perfon,  the  Eftatcs  of  thcParlia- 

*  ment  cf  Scotland  might,  upon  former  Occafions, 

*  andfflayngw,  jfl  caic  the  King  and  Prince  fhall 

*   i  c| ;  ir 

of  E  N  G  L  A  N  D, 

repair  to  Scotland,  lawfully  detain  therri  thefej  An 
and  make  it  the  Place  of  the  ordinary  Refidence 
of  them  and  their  Pofterity,  without  the  Confent 
of  the  Kingdom  of  England,  which  we  acknow- 
ledge could  not  be  done  without  a  manifeft  Pre- 
judice and  Injury  to  this  Kingdom.  Wherefore 
we  cannot  but  conclude,  That  wherefoever  the 
King  bej  in  Scotland  or  England,  he  being  the 
King  of  both,  ought  to  be  difpofed  of  for  the 
Good  and  with  the  Cortfent  of  both  Kingdoms. 
And  if  it  be  confidered  that  the  Scots  Army  was 
invited  and  called  into  this  Kingdom  by  both 
Houfes,  in  a  Treaty  for  profecuting  the  Ends  of 
a  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  whereof  one  is 
to  preferve  and  defend  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  there 
can  remain  no  Doubt  concerning  the  Exercife  of 
that  Right  and  Intereft  in  this  Kingdom:  And 
therefore  it  feems  very  ftrange  that  when,  upon 
Invitation,  they  are  come  into  England^  as  for  o- 
ther  Ends,  fo  to  defend  his  Majefty's  Perfon, 
their  being  in  England  mould  be  made  ufe  of  as 
an  Argument  why  theyfhould  deliver  up  the  Per- 
fon of  their  King  to  be  difpofed  of  as  both  Houfes 
fhall  think  fit.  ^Whereas  it  is  alledged,  That 
the  Treaty  extends  no  further  than  to  the  order- 
ing and  regulating  of  the  Scots  Forces  in  rela- 
tion to  the  War;  although  this  be  really  an- 
fwered  from  the  Nature  of  the  Thing,  the  King's 
Coming  to  the  Scots  Army  being  an  Emergency 
of  the  War;  and  fothe  Delivering  of  his  Perfon 
comes  under  the  Regulation  and  Direction  of 
both  Kingdoms  or  their  Committees,  as  an  Act 
of  the  St:<,ts  Army;  yet,  that  all  Doubts  may  be 
removed,  we  further  add,  That  it  is  clear  from  the 
third  Article  of  the  Treaty,  that  the  Scots  Army 
is  to  receive  the  Directions  of  both  Kingdoms  or 
of  their  Committees,  in  all  Things  which  may 
concern  the  PurCuance  of  the  Ends  of  the  Cove- 
nant and  Treaty,  whether  in  relation  to  Peace  os 
War.  In  the  eighth  Article  of  the  Treaty,  no 
Ceflation,  Pacification,  or  Agreement  for  Peace 
whatfoeyer,  is  to  be  maiic  by  either  Kingdom, 
la  f  or 

132  <fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An-  \\  ?*r<  *'  '  or  t'ne  ArmY  °f  e'!ther  Kingdom,     without   the 

t  *  .^"     j     '  Advice  and  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms.     And  in 

October.       c  the  ninth  Article,  all  Differences  ariiing  between 

*  the  Subjects  of  the  two  Nations  are  to  be  refoi- 

.'  vcd  ?.n:.    determined    by  the    mutual  Advice  and    . 

*  Confentof  both  Kingdoms. 

Object.   3.  *  T/xit  the  Scots  Army  did  carry  away 
c  the  King  from  the  Leaguer  before  Newark,  when 

*  there  teas  a  Committee  of  both  Houfes  there,  with- 
'  out  fe e king  their  Confent ;     and  that  they  have  fince 
4  difpsfed  of  him  without    Confent  of  the  Houfes  of 

*  Parliament ;  whereas,  by  the  Treaty,   they  ought  ts 

*  dc  nothing  without  a  joint  Refoltttion  of  both  King- 

*  doms,  or  their  Committees. 

An^*  *  No  fooner,  did  the  King  come  into  the 

*  Scots  Armv,  but  the  very  fame    Day   the  Com- 

*  mittee  of  Eftates  of  Scotland,    refiding  with  that, 

*  Army,  did  acquaint  the   Commiflioners  of  both 
'  Houfes  therewith;  2nd  not   fatisf\ing  themfelvcs 

*  with  this,  the  Day  following  they  wrote  a  Letter 
'  to  the  Ccmnictee  of  Scotland,  refiding  at   Edin- 

*  burgh,  and  another  to   the   Committee  of   both 
'  Kingdoms   here,    which  was    communicated    to 

*  both  Houfes,  defiring   the   Advice  of  this  King- 
'  dom,  as    in  a  Matter    of  common  Intereft,  and 

*  dcci.i'-ir.g  they   would  obey  the  joint  Rcfolutions 
1  of  both  Kingdoms;    yet  r.o  Anfwer  or   Advice 

*  was  ret;  them,  eith-.-r  from  the  Houfes 
1  or  ihoirCc-r-iiTioners.    But  immediately  afeer  the 
1  Surrender  of  Newark ^  they  received  In  formation 
'  that  5000  Horfe  and  Dragoons,  from  Sii  'Thomas 

*  Fairfax's  Army,  were  upoi  their  March  towards 

*  them  Northward,  which  f,ie   Honourable  Honfe 
'  of  Peers  w?.s  pleafed  to  sive  Orders  to  flop,  there 
4  being  no  Enem^'  in  thofc   Parts   to   be  oppofed : 
'  Upon  Confkleration  whereof,  theQuanerswhere- 
4   in  they  Imd  frayed,     t':i  iri!  the  Siege  of  Newark, 
1  being  extremely  exhaufred,  i.nr4    the   Service  for 

*  which  they   c;-me    thither  bti; 

*  preventing  Miil.ikcs    or   new  T.roi 

*  the  Kingdoms,  they  rt moved  ini  •'.:•.! 
'  the  King,  as  he  came  unto  them  ui 


of    ENGLAND.  i33 

*  cord,    did  voluntarily  march   along  with  them.  An.  i*  Car.  r. 

*  Upon  feveral  Occafions  afterwards,  they  and  we    t  __-l6^G'i_J 
'did    earneftly   defire   the  Honourable   Houfes  to 

I     r        i         *~i  •  •     •  i  -i  CJttOBCT. 

lend  a  Committee,  to  join  ana  co-operate  v/ith 
'  the  Committee  of  Eftates  there  upon  the  Place,' 
'  in  all  Things  according  to  the  Treaty ;  but  no 

Anfwerwas  returned.  And,  from  Time  to  Time, 
'  the  Houfes  were  acquainted  with  the  Proceedings' 
'  in  that  Army;  which  were,  according  to  the  Co- 

*  venant,  and  the  known  Refolutions  ofboth  King- 
'  doms,    to  debar  all  fuch  of  both  or  either  King-' 

*  doms  as  had  been  in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament, 
'  from  coming  into  their  Quarters,  or  to  the  Court, 
4  or  to  the  King's  Perfon,  according  to  the  Defire  of 
'  the  Houfe  of  Peers.     And  whereas  it  is  affirmed, 
'  That  by  the  Treaty,  the  Scots  Army  ouo;ht  to  do 
'  nothing  without  a  joint  Refolutionof  both  King- 

*  doms,  or    their  Committees;    there    is    no  fuch 
'  Claufe  in  the  Treaty :  But  they  are  to  befubjrcl:  to 

*  fuch  Refolutions  as  are,  and  (hall  be,  agreed  i<pou 

*  and  concluded    mutually  between  the  Kingdoms 

*  and  their  Committes;  as,  by  Ordinanceof  Parlia- 
4  ment,  the  Army  under  the  Command  of  the  Enil 
'  of  EJJfx,  or  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  was  to  receive 

*  and  obferve  the  Directions  or  the    Committee  of 

*  both  Kingdoms  fitting-at  Jyejlm'mfter^  but  in  cafe 

*  no  new  Directions  were  fent  unto  them,  they  were 

*  left  to  former  Orders,  if  any  were,  or  otherwife 

*  to  their  own  Judgment'and  Difcretion.     There 

*  was  never  -any  fuch  Refolution  agreed  upon  be- 

*  twcen   the  Kingdoms,  or  their  Committees,  as 

*  that  the  Scots  Army  (hould  not  receive  the  King, 

*  if  he  came  unto  them  ;  but  it  is   an  Agreement 

*  between  the  Kingdoms,   in    the  Covenant,    that 

*  they    fhould   preferve    and  defend    his  Majefty's 
4  Perfon;  and,  in  the  Declarations  of  both   King, 

*  doms,   to  refcue  him  from   the  common  Enemy: 
'  So  that  the   Scsts  Army  having  often  delired   to 
'  know  the  Direction   and    Advice  of  the  Houfes 
'  of  Parliament,   concerning    the    King,    and  no 

*  new  Directions    being  fignified  unto  them,  ac- 

I  3  '  cording 

134  <flx  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  *\  <6*r"  *'  *  Corc^n2  to  tne  Treaty,  they  were  to  obferve  the 

_  .'v    ' _i     *  Directions  and  Refolutions  formerly  agreed  up- 

CAober.      '  on  between   the  Kingdoms.     And   as  the  Scots 

'  Army  do,  and  will  ever,  acknowledge   that  they 

'<  claim  no  Power  to  difpofe  of  the  King's  Perfon; 

'  but  are  fubject  to,  and  {hall  be  ready  to  follow, 

'  whatfoever  both  Kingdoms   (hall  agree  upon,  as 

*  belt  for  the  King  and  Kingdoms  :  To  their  keep- 
'  ing  and  preferring  his  Majeity's  Perfon,  (as  they 
'  would    do  to    any  Perfon  of  his  Eminency  and 
'  Relation  in  an  Army  or   Garrifon-Town)  with- 

*  out  the  lead  Thought  of  hindering  his  voluntary 

*  Return  to  his  Parliament,  cannot  be  reputed  or 

*  called  a  Difpofmg  of  his  Perfon. 

Object.  4.  '  If  any  Peer  of  England  go  to  the  Scots 

*  Army^  and  deftre  their   Protefliox,  can   he  not  be 
'  dijpofed   of  without  the   CoHJent  of  the  Committee 

*  of  Ejiates   of  the   Kingdom  of  Scotland    refiding 

*  with  that  Army? 

Anf.  '•  There  is  a  wide  and  manifcft  Difference 
'  betwixt  the  Relation  the  Scots  Army  hath  to  any 
'  Subject  of  England^  and  the  Relation  they  have 

*  to  their  King ;  which  are  fuffkiejnly  diftinguifhed 
•*  in  the  third  and  fourth  Articles  of  the  Covenant: 
'  For,  by  the  one,  they  are  mutually  obliged  to  pre- 

*  ferve  and  defend  his  Majefty's  Perfon,;  and,  by 
'  the  other,  they  a«-e  mutually  obliged  to  endeavour 
'  that  all   Incendiaries    and  Dividers  betwixt  the 

*  King  and  his  People,   or  betwixt  the  Kingdoms, 
'  be  brought  to  Trial  and  condign  Punifhmentbe- 

*  fore  the  Supreme  Judicatories  of  the  Kingdoms^ 
4  respectively  :  And  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  hath 

*  equal  Right  and  Intereft  with  the  Kingdomof  En* 

*  gland)  in  the  Difpofal  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King, 

*  which  they  cannot  pretend  unto  concerning  the 

*  Perfon  of  any  Subject  6f  England. 

Object.  5,  '  Tkqt  feeing  it  is  alledged  by  us,  TJ.vt 
'  the  Difpoftng  cf  the  King's  Perfon  comes  in  Place 

*  of  a  Peace i  then   the   Receiving    of  the  King    ints 

*  the  Scots  Arwy,  -without  Csnfcut  of  the  Hwfes,    is 

*  »..:v;';-.A/..v/  i(,  'the  waking  of  a   Pi-aft  •  wilt.-cvt   CM- 

'  Jent 

if     E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

*  fent  of  the    Kingdom  of  England,    contrary  to  the  An- 

*  eighth  Article  of  the  Treaty.  t 

Anf.  4  It  h;ith  been  fufB.'iently  anfwercd  before, 

*  That  the  Scots  Army  neither  hath,  nor  will,  take 
4  upon  them  to  difpofe   of  the  J£ing.     He  came 
4  unto    them  without  Capitulation  or  Treaty  j  his 
4  R'efidonce  wifh   them  is  voluntary  and  free;  and 

*  they  do  nothing  which  may  hinder  him  to  come 

*  to  his  Houfes  of  Parliament.     $ut  jf  the  King- 

*  dom  of  Scotland  fhould  con  Pent  to  the   Defire   of 

*  the  Houfes,  that  they  may  have  the  fole  Dilpofal 
'  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King,  (it  b^ing  that  which 

*  comes  in  the  Place  of  the  Peace  and   Security  of 
4  both  -Kingdoms)  they  will  really  quit  the   Right 
4  and  Intereft  they  have  by  the  eighth  Article  of 

*  trie  Treaty,  concerning  the  making  of  a  Peace  : 
4  for  whiclj  foever  of  the    Kingdoms  is  acknow- 
4  ledged  tohavethe  fole  Difpofal  of  the  King,  may, 

*  without  the  other,  make  Peace  with  him,  when, 

*  how,  and  in  what  Terms,  they  pleafe. 

Object.  6.  '  Thai  England  is  a  free  Nation* 
4  and  in  former  Times  it  was  in  the  reiver  of  the 
4  Parliament  of  England  to  difpofe  of  their  Kings-, 
4  and  if.  one  Kingdom  pretend  to  a  joint  Right  of  dif- 
4  po/ing  af  the  King,  while  he  is  in  the  other •,  it  u 
4  to  entrench  upon  the  former  Liberty  of  tb.if  King- 
4  dom.  %'hat  the  Kingdom  'of  Scotland  have  no  Rea~< 
4  fen  to  dijlrujl  the  Ho>.tfes  of  Parliament^  who,  when 
4  the  '  Kin^  /Lill  be  in  their  Power,  will  not  difpofe; 
4  of.  him  'tthenuife  than  may  conftj}  with  their  Duty* 
4  accenting  to  the  Covenant  and  Treaty  Between  the 
*  Kingdoms. 

Anf.  <•  We  will  not  difpute  what  Power  the 
4  Houfes  of  Parliament  formerly  had  to' difpofe  of 
4  the  Perfon  of  their  King,  but  whatfoever  Power 
4  or  Right  they  have,  the  liice  is  due  to  theParlia- 
4  ment  of  Scotland^  and  fo  the  Perfon  of  the  King 
4  being  common  to  both,  ian'd  invifible,  cannot 
4  bedifpofed  of,  butby  Cohfcnt!  ofhofh  Kingdoms. 
4  It  were  another  Queftion  indeed,  if  it  were  as  in 
'  former  Times,  when  we  had  different  Kings;  if 
14  •  there 

1 36  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  aa  Car.  I.  <  there  were  not  an  Union  of  the  Kingdoms  under 

1646.         t  one  Head  and  Monarch;     if  there  were  neither 

Oftober"      '   Covenant  nor  Treaty  between  the  Kingdoms  : 

'  But  fmce   all    thefe     are,     and   that  the   Peace' 

*  and  Security  of  both  Kingdoms  is  fo  much  con- 

4  cerned  in  the  Difpofal  of  the  King;  not  any  one 
,6  of  them,  without  the  other,  can  juftly  pretend  to 
'  the  fole  Judgment  and  Right  to  determine  what 
6  is  beft  and  moft  expedient   for   the  Safety    and 
•c  Security  of  both.    Nor  can  it,  in  Reafon,  be  made 

5  an  Argument,  that  the  one  Kingdom  diftrufts  the 

*  other,  becaufe  the  one  will  not  renounce  and  re- 
'  fign  all  Right  and  Intereft  they   have  in  the  Per- 
'  fon  of  the  King,  and  Matter  of  their  own  Secu- 
.'  rity  and  Peace,  to  the  Judgment  and  Determina- 
'  tion  of  the  other;  otherwife,    according  to  this 
^  Argument,  where  there  is  anyTruft,  there  {hould 
'  be  no  Contract  between  Perfon,  and  Perfon,  nor 

*  Treaty  between  Nations :    Or,  if  there  be  any 
<  Treaty  or  Agreement,  the  Performance  or  Nori-? 
'  performance  of  it,  is  to  be  left  to  Arbitrement. 
,*  But  we  cannot  fee  that  this  doth  argue  any  Dif- 

*  fidence  or  Diftruft  more  than  when  private   Per- 

*  fons,  lending  Money  to  the  Public,  defire  Securi- 
'  ty,  and  will  not   depend    upon  Pleafure.     And 
c  therefore,    though  it  is  not  to  be  queftioned  but 
'  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  would  difpofe    of   the 

*  Perfon   of  the   King,  fo  as   might   confift  with 

*  their    Duty    in   performing    the  Covenant    and 
'  Treaty,    yet  this    can    be    no    Argument  why 

*  the  Scots  Army  {hould  neglect  their  Duty;  or  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland  quit  the  Intereft  and  Right 
'  they  have  in  the  Perfon  of  the  Kini^. 

Objea.  7.  «  That  the  King  is  in  the  Po/effion  of 
6  the    Scots  Army  ;    and  though  a  joint  Advice  and 

*  Confent   of  both  Kingdoms  be   urged  for   his  Dif- 
'  pofa/,    yet,    if  ibe    Houfes    of  Parliament    agree 

*  not   to   what  Scotland  Jball  defire,     the  King   doth 
.?  Jlill  remain  in  the  Poiver  of  the  Scots  Army^  and 
f  fo  the  Parliament  £/"Eng!and  hath  no  Confent. 

Anf.  '  If  this  \vcrp  turned  over,  the 

*  3^ergth  or  WeaknUd  of  it  may  the  more  ea- 

'  fily 

of   ENGLAND.  137 

*  fily  appear  :  Suppofe  the  King  were  here  *\.WcJl-  An-  •>•-  £»•  I' 

*  mlnjier^  it  may  be  upon  the  fame  Grounds  urged,  ^ ^*J , 

'  That  the    Kingdom  of  Scotland  would  have  no-       oclober. 

c  Confent  in  his  Difpofal ;  and  fo  much   the  more 

'  that  the  Houfes  claim  the  fole  Intereft  and  Judg- 

'  mcnt  to  difpofe   upon  the  King's  Perfon,  which 

*  we  defire  may  be  done  jointly,  as    may  be  beft 

*  for   the  Security  and    Safety  of  both  Kingdoms. 
'  And  we  fee  no  Reafon  why  it  may   not  now  be 
'  determined  when  he  is  in  the  Scots  Army,  (who  are 
'  intruded  by  both,  and  fubjedt  to  the  Refolution 
'  of  both  Kingdoms)  as  well  as  hereafter;  fince  he 
'  came  thither  of  his  o\vn   Accord,   and  his  Refi- 
f  dence  there  is  voluntary.     And    if  his  Majefty 

*  fhall  think  fit  to  repair  hither   to  his  Houfes  of 
'  Parliament,  they  fhall  do  no  Act  which  may  either 
'  hinder  or  difluade  him,  but  cannot  conftrain  him, 

*  or  deliver  him  to  the  Houfes  to  be  difpofed  of  as 

*  they  fhall  thijik  fit. 

*  It    may   now  abundantly   appear,     from  tha 
4  Grounds   and  Configurations     before  expreiTed, 

*  that  the  Scots  Army  may  not  deliver  up  his   Ma- 
'  jefty's  Perfon  to  be  difpofed  of  by  the  one  King- 
'  dom,  without  the  Confent  of  the  other :  Upon 
'  Suppofition  whereof  we  fhall,  in  the  next  Place, 
£  ( without  prefuming  to  prefer ibe  Ways,  or  impofe 

*  Conditions)  exprefs    ourfelv^s  concerning   fome 
'  Expedients,  which,  in  Reference  to  his  Majefty, 

*  deferve  to    be  looked  upon,    confidered  of,    and 

*  compared  together;  where  we  fhall  only  premife 

*  thus  much,  That  whatever  Way  fball  be  taken, 
'  if  the  right  End  be  looked  at,  his  Majefty 's  Per- 
'  fon  ought  to  be  fo  difpofed  of,  as  may  ferve  moft 
'  for  the  Safety  and  Happinefsof  the  King  himfelf; 

*  for  the  common    Peace     and     Security  of  the 
'  Kingdoms,  united  in  this  Caufe  by  the  Solemn 
'  League  and  Covenant;    and  as  may  beft  agree 
c  with  their  Duty,  Covenant,  and  Treaties. 

4  Thefe  Ends  being  before  our  Eyes,  although 
'  it  be  moft  eligible  and  bed  of  all  that  his  Ma- 
'  jeftyfhould,  without  further  Dehy,  forth  with  give 

'  Satisfaction 

138  T&e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

az  car.  I.  <  Satisfaction  in  the  Propofitions  of  Peace,  (whicfc 

l6*6'  _,     '  hath  been  with  all  Inftancy  prefled  not  only  by 

pftober.       '  us>  but  by  all  the  Judicatories  of  the  Kingdom 

'  of  Scotland]  and  fo  return  fully  reconciled  to  his 

4  Houfes  of  Parliament :  Yet  fmce,  to  our  unfpeak- 

'  able  Grief,  this  hath  not  been  as   yet  obtained, 

*  we  do  propofe  that  his  Majeftyfs  Coming  to  Lon- 

*  don,  or  to  fome  of  his  Houfes  near  London,  with 

*  Safety,  Freedom,  and  Honour,  (which  is  defired 

*  by  himfelf  that  he  may  be  hear'd,  and  that,   upon 

*  the  clearing  of  his  Doubts,  he"  may 'knowingly 
'  giveafatisfa£tory  Anfwer  to  the  Propofitions;)  is 

*  much  better  than  the  other  Ways  which  may  be 

*  expe£ted,  in  cafe  this  his  Majefty's  Defiresbe  not 

*  agreed  unto.    As  for  hjs   Majefty's  going  to  Ire- 
4  land,  or  other  'where  beyond  Sea,    it   could  'not 
4  be  the  Way  to  a  prefent  Peace  now  fo  much  He- 
'  ftred;    but  would    certainly    prognofticate    new 

*  Troubles.    Laftly,  His  Majefty's  Coming  hither, 

*  or  near  this  Place,  is  a  more  probable  and  hope- 

*  ful  Way  to  preferve  the  Union  of  the  Kingdoms; 

*  becaufe  the  Enemy  being    ftill  in  Arms  in   Scot- 
'  land,  and  expecting   Supplies    from  Ireland^  and 

*  the  Kingdom  difabled,  by  their  great  Sufferings, 
*' to  entertain  an  Army  for  fupprefling  the  Malig- 
4  nant  Party,  it  were  much  moreeafy  to  raife  new 
':  Forces  there,  to  the  Difturbance  of  the  Peace  of 
'  this  Kingdom,  than  it  could  be  here;  where,   by 
'  the  Bleffing  of  God,  all  the  Forces  and  Garri- 

*  fons  of  the   Enemy  are  fubdued,    and   where  it 
'  will  not  be  fo  difficult  to  hinder  Delinquents  from 
«  Accefs  to  his   Majeuy.     The  Dangers  and  In- 
4  conveniences  of  any  of  thefe   other  Ways  do  fo 
'  much  preponderate,  and  the  prefent  Condition  of 
'  Affairs  doth  fo  much  differ  from  that  Time,  when 

*  both  Houfes,  with  our  Concurrence,  did  difagrce 

*  from   his  Majefty's  Defire  of  coming   to  London^ 
'  (at  which  Time  he  had  both  GarrilbnsandField- 
'  Forces  unreduced)    that  it  'may  be  conceived  not 
'  only  fafe,  but,  as  Things  ftand,  moft  convenient 
4  to  agree  ty  hie  Majefty's   Coming  to   London^  or 

4  near 

gf   ENGLAND, 

*  near  it;    upon    fuch  Conditions  and  Aflurances  An. 

*  from  him,  as  (hall  be,  by  joint  Refolution,  found 
'  neceffary  for  preventing  the  Accefs  of  Delinquents 

*  to  his  Majefty,     or  an  inteitinc  Coirmotion,  or 
'  foreign  Invafioh,  to  the  Difturbance  of  the  Peace 
'  of  either  Kingdom.      We  truft  it  might  accele- 

*  rate  a  happy  Peace,  bring  the  prefent  Differences 
'  to  an  End,  and  be  no  Grief  of  Heart  afterwards, 
<  if,  upon  fuch  Terms  and  Conditions,  both  Houfes 

*  fhould  be  pleafed  to  revive  and  renew  fuch  an  In- 

*  vitation  and  Affurance  upon  their  Part,   as    was 

*  contained  in  thejr  Anfwer  to  his  Majefty's  Mef- 

*  fageof  the  nth  of  September,   1642;  where,  after 
'  Mention  made  of  their  chief  Grievances,  it  was 
'  added,  All  this  'not  with/landing,  as  we  never  gavf 
«  your  Majejly  any  jujl  Caufe  of  withdrawing  your- 

*  fe-lf  from  your  great  Council  \    fo  it  hath   ever  been 

*  and  Jhall  ever  be,  far  from  us  to  give  any  Impedi- 
'  ment  to   ytur  Return ;     or   to    negletf  any  proper 
'   Means   «f  curing    the  Di/iempers  of  the  Kingdom^ 

*  and  clofuig  the   dangerous    Breaches    betwixt  your 

*  Majejiy    and   your    Parliament?    according  to  the 
'  great  Truft  which  lies  upon  us.     And,  if  your  Ma- 
'  jefty  fatt    now   be  pica  fed    to    come    buck    to  ycur 
'  Parliament  without  ycur  Fcrcfi^  we  Jhall  be  ready 
'  to  fecure  your    Royal  Psrfon,  Crcwn,    and  Dig- 
'  «//y,    with  our   Lives  and  Fortunes  ;    your   Pre- 
'  fence  in  this  great  Council  being  the  only   Means  of 
'  any  Treaty  betwixt  your    Majeftt  and  them^    with 
'  Hope  of  Succcfi.     Divers   fuch  Paflajjes   there  are 
'  in  the  Declarations  of  both  Houfes,  which  we 

*  (hall  not  neeu  tomention. 

*  But  if  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  fhall  not  agree 
'  to  his  Majefty's  Defire  of  coming  hither  with 
'  Safety,  Freedom,  and  Honour,  we  offer  to  be 
'  confidered  in  the  next  Place,  whether  it  be  not 

*  expedient,    that    once  again    Commiflioners  be 
'  fent  to  his  Majefty,  in  Name  of  both  Kingdoms, 

*  with  Power  to  hear  his  Deftres,  and  to  endeavour 

*  the  Satisfaction  of  his  Doubts  and  Scruples;  with 
4  Intimation  alfo,  That  if  his  M^;tlry   fhall    not 

*  give  Satisfadtioji  4iv the  :Propoikion«,  'both  King- 

1  donis 

j  40  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  i2  Car.  I.  «  doms  will,  without  any  more  fuch  Applications, 

__j  (  cor.fult  and  jointly  refolve   upon  other  Ways  of 

October.       '  their  Safety  and  Security.     And  upon  the  other 

'  Part,  That  if  his  Majefty  will   be  now,  at  laft 

*  gracioufly  pleafed  to  fatisfy  the  Defires  of  both 
'   Kingdoms,    his  Majefty's  Throne,  with  his  juft 
'  Power  and  Greatnefs,  fliall  be  eftabliflied,  as  well 
'  as  the  Peace  and  Security  of  his  Subjects. 

'  All  which   we   do  propound   in    a  Brotherly 
'  Freedom,  not  being  peremptorily  wedded  or  ad- 

*  dieted  to  any  Expedient  that  we  have  offered  j 

*  but,  if  the  Honourable  Houfes,  in  their  Wifdom, 

*  {hall  be  pleafed  to  think  of  any  other  Expedient 

*  which  fliall   be  for  the  Good,  Safety,  and   Ho- 
'  nour  of  the    King  and  Kingdoms,  we  {hall  be 
'  mcft  willing  and  ready  to  agree  unto  it,  when  it 

*  {hall  be  made  known  unto  us;  not  doubting  but 

*  that,  jn  the  faithful   and    confcionable    Ufe    of 

*  all  good  and    poffible  Means,    which  may  pre- 
'  vent  Differences  between  the  Kingdoms,  there 

*  will  be,  at  laft,    a  fweet  and  brotherly  Agreement 
'  in  fuch  a  Conclufion,  as  {hall   be  good  in  God's 
'  Eyes,  and  wherein  both  Kingdoms  fliall  find  the 
'  greateft  Comfort  and  Happinefs. 

By  Command  of  the  CornmiJJloners  for  the  Par~ 
liament  of  Scotland. 


4  fecond  Paper  from  the   COMMISSIONERS  of  tke 
PARLIAMENT  <j/"  Scotland,  dattdQSt.  20. 

HAving  received  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes 
of  the  24th  of  September,  declaring,  That 
vvhatfoever  Conference,  Confultation,  or  Debate 
fliall  be  with  the  Commiflioners  of  Scotland,  con- 
cerning the  Difpofal  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King, 
ic  fliall  not  be  underftood  to  be  any  Capitulation 
in  relation  to  the  retarding  of  the  March  of  the 
Sects  Armyout  of  this  Kingdom,  or  of  any  Treaty 
between  the  Kingdoms  concerning  the  fame  : 
And  being  defired  to  give  an  Anfwer  hereunto 
before  we  entered  upon  the  Conference,  as  we 
i  *  did 

Another  on  &e 

^/ENGLAND.  141 

|  did  then,  fb  we  do  now  again  declare,  That  our  An.  »*  Car.  I. 
Conference,  Confultation,    or  Debate   with  the    .     *  *  '  j 
Honourable  Houfes  concerning  the  Difpofal    of      oftober. 
the  Perfon  of  the  King,  fhall   not   retard  or  be 
any   Hindrance  to  the  March  of  the  Scots  Army 
out  of  this  Kingdom,  or  to  any  Treaty  concern- 
ing the  fame.     And  that  it  may  be  manifeft  how 
fenfible  we  are  of  the  unneceflary  Burthens  con- 
tinued in  this  Kingdom,  by  keeping  Armies    on 

'  Foot  after  the  War  is  at  an 'End ;  and  that  it  may 
fully  and  clearly  appear  how  really  it  is  defired 
by  the  Scots  Army,  that,  without  Delay,  they  may 
march  out  of  this  Kingdom,  with  the  fame  Af- 
fection and  Chearfulnefs  that  they  came  in  for  the 

*  Affiftance  of  their  Brethren.     And  to  the  end  all 
Jealoufies,    Miftakes,    or  Mifunderftandings    of 

'  our  Intentions  may  be  removed,  we  do  further 

4  declare,  That  we  are  willing  and  ready  to  meet 

c  with  fuch    as  the   Honourable   Houfes  {hall  ap- 

4  point,  and   within   twenty-four  Hours  to  agree 

<  concerning  the  Time  and  Place  of  the  Payment 
'  of  the  200,000 /.  and  the   Security  to    be  given 

*  for  the  other;  and  to  appoint  a  Day  wherein  our 

*  Forces  mail  march  out  of  the  Town  and  Caftleof 

*  Neiucajlle,    out    of  Tinmouth  Cattle,    Hartlepool^ 
.  *  Stockton,  Thirlwal,  and  all  other  Places  within  this 

*  Kingdom,  (Berwick  and  Carlijle  being  difpofed  of 
4  according  to  the  refpe&ive  Treaties   between  the 

*  Kingdoms,)  and  likewife  for  marching  of  our  Ar- 
'  my  out  of   this  Kingdom,  which  in    regard  the 
'  \Vinter  doth  raft  approach,  and  for  other  import- 

*  ant  Reafons,  we  earneftly  defire  may  be  with  all 

*  poffible  Expedition:  And,  for  this  End,  that  the 
'  Money   may  be  fpeedily  lent  unto  them ;    for  the 
'  fooner  they  mail  receive   it  the  more  acceptable 
'  it  will  be,  and  give  the  greater  Satisfaction,  and 
'  the  irripoverimed  and  exhauilcd  Country  will  be 

*  the  "fooner  eafed.     And  fince  the  Caufe   of.  their 
.    '  Stay  and  Continuance   in  this  Kingdom  is    iKt 

*  upon  their  Part;   and   that  for  thefe  fix  Months 

*  paft  they  have  received  no  Pay,  whereby  they  are 
*'  exceedingly  ftraitened  in  their  Barters,  and  the 

.    *  Norther  a 

tfhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Northern  Parts  where  they  remain  greatly  ovcr- 
burthened ;  we  do  earneftly  intreat  that,  in  the" 
mean  Time,  (with  the  5coo/.  at  Nottingham  al- 
ready accounted  unto  them)  fotne  competent  Pro- 
portioffof  Money  may  be  fent  unto  the  Army  for 
their  neceiTary  Entertainment}  or  otherwife  they 
will  be  forced  to  enlarge  their  Quarters  for  the 
Eafe  of  the  Country.  In  all  which  we  are  the 
more  defirous  to  come  to  a  Clofe*  that  within 
few  Days  fome  of  our  Number  muft  repair  to  trie 
Scots  Army,  arid  from  thence  to  the  Parliament 
of  Scotland,  (which  is  to  fit  the  fecond  of  No- 
vember next)  to  give  an  Account  of  our  Proceed- 
ings ;  and  therefore  we  do  earneftly  intreat  the 
fpeedy  An fwer  of  the  Honourable  Houfes.' 
By  Command  of  the  Comtttjjitnen  for  the  ParliA- 
mutt  of  Scotland. 


Off.  21.  On  the  reading  of  the  foregoing  Papers 
of  the  St-ctt  Commiflioners  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords, 
after  Debate  thereupon,  it  was  moved  that  this 
Vote  fhould  be  put,  '  That  a  Committee  (hall  be 
appointed  to  join  with  a  proportionable  Number  of 
the  Houfe  of  Commons,  to  confult  and  debate  whh 
the  Commiflioners  of  Scotland,  concerning  fuch 
Things  that  may  fettle  the  Peace,  Profperity,  and 
brotherly  Amity  of  the  two  Kingdoms  of  England 
anASiotlund.'  But,  on  a  fecond  Motion,  'Thatthefe 
Words,  in  Relation  to  the  Klng^  fhould  be  added, 
it  was  put  to  the  Queftion,  and  carried  in  the  Af- 
firmative.' Then  the  whole  Vote,  with  this  Ad- 
dition at  the  End  of  it,  being  read,  it  alfo  pafled 

in  the  fame  Manner. The  Reader  may  pleafe 

to  take  particular  Notice  of  this  Vote,   becaufe 
fomewhat  material  depends  upon  it  in  the  Sequel. 

OR.  26.  The  faid  Papers  were  read  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  when  a  great  Debate  arofcj 
and  afterwards  it  was  ordered  by  that  Houfe,  That 
they  fhould  be  referred  to  the  Confideration  of  the 
fame  Committee,  who  formerly  managed  the  Con- 
4  c  ferenoe 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  143 

fcicnce  with  the   Commiflioners  of  Scotland  about  *»• 
the  Difpofal  of  the  King's  Perfon,  to  prepare  an 
Anfwer  to  thetn,    and  report  it  to  the  Houfe,    In 
this  Debate  we  find  that  Thomas    Challoner,   Efq ; 
Member  for  Richmond r,  fpoke  as  follows  (a] : 

Mr.  Speaker,  Mr    Cha,Ioner,s 

<    \7  OU  have  juft  now  heard  two  Papers  read  speech  upon  the 
JL     before  you,  from  the  Commiflioners  of  Scot-  foregoing  Papers 
land;    the  firft  concerning    the  Difpofal   of    the  ^"Odf  cim- 
Kirig's  Perfon  ;    the  other  touching  the  Diftrac-  molttf 
tioris  of  the  North,  by  reafon,  as  they  fay,  of  the 
Non-payment  of  their  Army:    I  (hall  fpeak  no- 
thing to  the  latter,  becaufe  it  hath  been    fo  fufE- 
cicntly  anfv/er'd  by  divers  knowing  Members  of  this 
Houfe.     To  the  firft  I  {hall  wholly  apply  rnvfelf, 
becaufclittle  ornothing  hath  been  faid  to  that  Point. 
1  The  Queftion  then    before  you  is  about  the 
Difpofal  of  the  King's  Perfon.    You  fay,  That  he 
is  to  be  difpofed  of  as  both  Houfes  of  Parliament 
(hall  think  fitting;    but  your  Brethren  of  Scotland 
fay,  He  is  to  be  difpofed  of  as  both  Kingdoms  fhall 
think  fitting;    and  they  fortify    their  Affirmation 
with  thefe  Reafons : 

*  They  fay,  That  he  is  not  only  King  of  England, 
butalfo  King  of  Scotland;  and  as  you  have  an  Inte- 
reft  in  him,  he  being  King  of  England,  fo  have  they 
ho  lefs  Intereft  in  him,  he  being  King  of  Scotland. 
And  as  they  have  not  the  fole  Interett  ift  him,  he 
being  King  of  Scotland,  becaufe  they  acknowledge 
withall  that  he  is  King  of  England;  fo  have  not  you 
the  fole  Intereft  In  him,  he  being  King  of  England, 
Uccaufe  they  defire  you  to  remember  that  he  is 
alfo  King  of  Scotland:  So  as  neither  Nation  having 
a  fole,  but  a  joint,  Intereft  in  his  Perfon^  they 
ought  jointly  to  difpofeof  it  for  the  Weal  and  Be- 
nchtof  both  Kingdoms. 

1  This  I  take  to  be  the  whole  Scope  of  their  Ar- 
gument, which  they  have  reprefented  unto  you 


(4'   From  the  original  Edition,  printed  by  frardi  Ltacb. 
This  Gentleman  wan  elected    in   Of}.  1645,  in  the  room  of  Sir 
Tltirijf  Dsnbj,  expelled  for  taking  Part  with  the  King, 

144  ^e    bi&tntdry  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  I.  under  fo  many  Difguifcs,    and  as  it  \vere  by  Mul- 
l6-*6-         tiplying  Glailes,  infomuch  as  the  bare  Relating  of 
^  ta^es  UP  tnree  large  Sheets  of  Paper. 

*  But  while  they  debate  this  great  Queftion  with 
you,  touching   the  Difpofal  of  the  King's  Perfon  ; 
and  while  they  pofitively  a£rm  that  he  is  to  bedif- 
pofed  of  by  the  joint  Conlent  of  both  Nations,  give 
me  Leave  to   remember  you   that,    in   the    mean 
Time,  they  difpofe  wholly  of  him  themfelves;  and 
fo  have  dono  for  thefc  fix  Months,  and   may  for  fix 
Months  L:?ger,  for  any  thing  I  can  gather  out  of 
th-fc  Papers. 

*  T^heir  Argument  runs  thus :  Wherefoever  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland  hath  an  Intereft  in  their  King, 

hey  niny   difpofe  of  him:  But  the  Kingdom 
of  Scotland  hath  an  Intereft  in  their  King,  he  be- 
ih  England-^  therefore  in  England  they  may  dif- 
poieof  him. 

«  Sir,   This  may  feemat  the  firft  to  fome  to  be 
fr  and  fpecious  Argument;  but,    let  it  be  well 
confidered,  it  will  prove  erroneous  and  fallacious. 
For,    in   the  major  Propofition,    they    underftand 
one  Thing  by  the  Word  King-,    and,  in  the  minor 
Propofiti.  n,  they    underftand    anothc.    Thing  by 
the  Word    Kir.'g;   and  fo  here  is  a  Conclufion  in- 
•  ferred  which  thePremiflcs  will  not  warrant. 

'  For  the  clearing  whereof,  I  pray,  Sir,  remem- 
ber that  this  Word  King  is  of  a  various  Signifi- 
cation ;  fometimcs  it  is  taken  in  abftrafto,  that  is 
for  the  Royal  Power,  Function,  and  Office  of  a 
Kins;;  fometimes  it  is  taken  in  concrete>9  that  is,  for 
the  Man  or  Perfon  whom  we  call  King. 

*  If  their  major  Propofition  be  taken  in  thehrft 
Senfe,  we  fhall  never  denv  it  them;  nay,  xve  fhall 
acknowledge  that  the  King  of  Scotland^  being  ta- 
ken in  abjlrago,  we  have  nothing  to  do  with  him 
at  all;  he  is  folely  and  totally  theirs.     God  forbid 
that  a  King  of  Scotland,  going  out  of  his  King- 
dom,  fhould   either  make  Scotland  ceafe   to  be  a 
Kingdom,  or  give  any  Participation  of  Intereft  to 
that  Country  where  he  doth  refide :  Let  his  Perfon 
refide  in  the  furthcft  Ports  of   the  Earth,    yet  Jhe 


if    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  145 

Royal    Office    and  Capacity   of  the  King  refideth  An.  J2  c»r.  I. 
ftill   in  Scotland:  They  have  his  Sword  to  do  Ju-         *646. 
ftice  by  ;   they  have  his  Sceptre  to  (hew  Mercy  by ; 
they  have  his  Seal  to  confirm  what  they  pleafe  by; 
and  they  have  his  Laws  to  govern  by:  And  in  this 
Senfe  it  is  only  meant  that  the  King  is  never  under 
Years,  never  dies,  cannot  be  deceived,  can  neither 
do  Wrong  or  take  Wrong  of  any  Body ;  and,  in 
this  Senfc,  we  fight  for  King  and  Parliament,  tho' 
the  Perfon  of  the  Kins;  be  in  Oppofuion  to  both ; 
and  in  this  Senfe  the   Returns  and   Tefts    of  the 
King's  Writs  are,    coram  me-ipfo  apud  Weftmona- 
frerium,  and  te/le  me-ipfo  apud  Wellmonafterium, 
let  the  Perfon  of  the  King  at  the  fame  Time  be  in 
France,    or  the  remotcft  Country    in  the  World  : 
But  a  King  of  Scotland,  taken  in  this  Senfe,   is  ne- 
ver out  of  Scotland;  and,   therefore,  whereas  they 
fay  in  the  minor  Propofition,  That  the  Kingdom  of 
Scotland  hath  an  Intereji  in  their  King,  he  being  in 
England,  this  mud  needs  be  meant  of  a  King  in 
concrete ;  that  is,  only  of  the  Perfon  of  their  King, 
and  not  of  his  Royal  Capacity.     And  in  this  Senfc 
we  muft  deny  that  they  have  any  thing  at  all  to  do 
with  him ;  for  tho'  the  Royal  Office  of  the  King 
of  Scotland  is  folely  to  be  difpofed   of  by  the  State 
of  Scotland^  yet   it  is  not  fo  with   his  Perfon;    foj 
Perfona  fequitur  Locum  ;    and  his  Perfon   muft  be 
difpofed  of  by  the  fupreme  Power  of  that  Country 
wherefoever   he  fhall  happen  to  abide.     Suppofc  a 
King  of  Scotland  fhould  be  in   Spain,  will  they  fay 
they  have  as  great  an  Intcreft  to  difpofe  of  his  Per- 
fon there  as  in  Scotland?    I  think  they  will  not  fay 
fo  ;  and  yet  they  did  affirm  laft  Day  at  the  Confe- 
rence, That  they  had  as  good  Right  to  diipofe  of  his 
Perfon   at  IVejJm'infter^  as  they  had  at  Edinburgh: 
But,  under  their  Favour,  England  is   as  dirtincta 
Kingdom  from  Scotland  as  Spain:  It    is  as  diftinft 
in  Laws,  diftincl  in  Privileges,  diftin£l  in  Intereft: 
it  is  luither  fubordinate  to,  nor  dependant  on,  Scot' 
land;  and   they  can  no  more  difpofu  of  a  King  of 
Scotland's  Perfon  he  being  in    England^   than  if  he 
were  in  Spain* 

VOL.  XV.  K  <  I  fhall 

14.6  ^fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An'  ?6  ?r'  L  '  T  fha11  take  this  as  granted  for  g°od  Law» 
.  l  *  >  let  the  Perfon  of  any  Nation  under  the  Sun,  which 
O&ober.  is  in  Amity  with  England,  happen  to  come  into 
England,  that  Perfon  is  forthwith  a  Subject  of 
England;  for  he,  being  protected  by  the  Laws  of 
England,  becomes  thereby  fubject  to  thofe  Laws; 
it  being  moft  certain  that  Protettlo  trahit  Subjec- 
tionem,  et  Subjeflio  Protefiionem  ;  they  being  Re- 
latives, the  one  cannot  ftand  without  the  other; 
and  as  no  Man  can  be  faid  to  be  a  Father  that 
hath  no  Son,  nor  no  Man  a  Hufband  that  hath  no 
Wife  ;  fo  no  Man  can  be  faid  to  be  protected  that 
is  not  withall  thereby  fubjedted  :  And  fmce,  with- 
out fuch  Protection,  every  Man  may  kill  him  and 
deftroy  him,  it  feems  to  ftand  with  no  Proportion 
of  Juftice,  that  a  Man  fhould  be  protected  in  Life, 
Limb,  or  Eftate  by  any  Law,  that  will  not  fubjecl 
himfelf  to  that  Law. 

'  It  cannot  be  denied  but  that  there  is  a  twofold 
Subjection,  legal  and  local;  the  legal  Subjection 
is  due  from  a  Subject  to  his  natural  Prince;  the 
local  from  any  Foreigner  to  that  Prince  or  State- 
where  his  Perfon  doth  refide.  And  this,  though 
it  be  only  pro  Tempore,  and  the  other  during  Life, 
yet  it  doth,  for  the  Time,  totally  obftruct  the 
Operation  of  the  other  Subjection  :  So  that  no 
King  can  command  any  Subject  of  his,  living  out 
of  his  Kingdom;  but  fuch  Subject  of  his  is  to  be 
difpofedofby  the  fole  Authority  of  that  fupreme 
Power  where  he  makes  his  Refidence  :  And  lince 
the  Queflion  is  only  about  the  Perfon  of  a  King  of 
Scotland,  for  I  conceive  they  will  not  take  upon 
them  any  Authority  to  difpofe  of  the  Perfon  of  a 
King  of  England,  I  do  affirm,  That  if  a  King  of 
Scotland  {hould  have  come  into  England  before  the 
Union  of  both  thefe  Kingdoms,  he  had  been  in- 
ftantly  a  Subject  of  England,  and  his  Perfon  to  be 
difpofed  of  by  the  fole  Authority  of  the  Laws  of 
England',  for  either  we  muft  take  him  as  a  King 
or  a  Subject,  fmce  betwixt  them  two  there  is  no 
Medium  ;  as  a  King  we  cannot  take  him,  unlefs  we 
{hould  commit  Treafon  againft  our  natural  Prince, 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D,  147 

and  fubjecl  ourfelves  to  any  but  him ;  it  being  mod  An-  **  c«« 

certain  that  there  is  the  fame  Relation  betwixt  the     ( '     fe' __ 

King  and  his  Subjects,  as  betwixt  the  Hufband  oftober, 
and  his  Wifej  and  as  no  Man  can  be  faid  to  be  a 
Hulband  but  to  his  own  Wife,  fo  no  Man  can  be 
faid  to  be  a  King  but  to  his  own  Subjects;  and 
therefore  we  cannot  admit  of  any  Regality  in  the 
Perfon  of  a  King  of  Scotland  coming  into  England^ 
unlefs,  at  the  fame  Time,  to  the  fame  Perfon,  we 
fhould  confefs  Subjection.  For  that  it  is  moft  true 
that  as  none  can  be  faid  to  be  Rex  fine  Regno\  fo 
no  Man  can  be  faid  to  be  Rex  but  in  Regno:  There- 
fore, if  a  King  of  Scotland^  coming  as  aforefaid  into 
England,  if  againft  the  Laws  of  England  he  de  of- 
fend, by  thofe  Laws  of  England  he  muft  be  tried, 
and  by  none  other  ;  for  ubi  guts  delinqult^  ibi  puni- 
etur.  And  it  is  moft  fure  that  we  have  difpofed  of 
the  Perfons  of  Kings  of  Scotland,  coming  into 
England^  both  living  and  dead  ;  and  if  we  may  dif- 
pofe  of  the  Perfon  of  a  King  of  Scotland,  without 
the  Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  much 
more  may  we  difpofe  of  the;  Perfon  of  a  King  of 
England^  he  being  now  in  England,  without  their 
Privity  or  Advice:  But  if  they  have  any  Power  to 
difpofe  of  him,  it  is  becaufe  they  are  either  our 
Mafters  or  our  Fellows :  If  they  be  our  Mafters, 
let  them  fhew  the  Time  when  they  conquered  us, 
or  the  Price  for  which  we  were  fold  unto  them : 
If  they  be  our  Fellows,  why  come  they  not  to  our 
Parliaments,  why  contribute  they  not  to  our  Ne- 
ceffities?  But  as  it  is  apparent  that  they  are  two 
diftinct  Kingdoms,  governed  by  two  diftin&  Laws ; 
fo  they  ought  not  to  intermeddle  one  with  another's 
Intereft,  but  to  content  themfelves  with  what  doth 
naturally  appertain  to  each  of  them  feverally* 

*  There  is  no  Doubt  to  be  made  but  that  every 
Hufband  hath  as  great  an  Intereft  in  the  Perfon  of 
his  Wife,  as  any  Subject  hath  in  the  Perfon  of  his 
Sovereign ;  and  yet  a  Man  may  lofe  that  Intereft 
by  fome  Act  of  his  Wife's ;  as  if  (he  commit  JPc- 
lony,  Murder,  or  Treafon,  the  Law  difpofeth  of 
her  Perfon,  and  her  Hufband  cannot  claim  any 
^  1  Riahs 

The  Parliamentary  His  TORT 

I.  Right  fo  much  as  to  her  dead  Body :  So  faireth  it 
with  a  King,  who,  by  going  out  of  his  Kingdom, 
or  by  being  taken  Prifoner  by  his    Enemies,  his 
Subje&s  lole  the  Intereft  they  had   in  him,  and  he 
is  at  the  Difpofal  of  his  Enemies  Jure  Belli.     John 
King  of  England  was  cited  to  appear  at  Paris,   to 
anfwer   for  the  Death  of  Arthur  Plantagenet  Duke 
of  Britainy,  whom  he   had  murdered*     The  State 
of  England  would  not  let  him   go,  as  holding  it  a 
great  Indignity  and    Incongruity   that  a  King   of 
England  ftiould  anfwer  for  any    thing  at    Paris, 
right  or  wrong.     The  /"r^^anfwered,  That  they 
cited  him  not  as  King  of  England,    but  as   Duke 
of  Normandy,  as  King  of  England,  they  acknow- 
ledged to  have  nothing  to  do  with  him,  he  was  in 
that  Refpecl  without  them  and  beyond  them  ;  but 
as  Duke  of  Normandy,  which   he   held   in  Fee  of 
the  Crown  of  France,  he  owed  Fealty    and  Alle- 
giance for   the  fame  to   the  Crown  of  France,  and 
therefore  ought  to    anfwer,     The  Englijh  replied, 
That  if  the  Duke  of  Normandy  did  go,   the  King 
of  England  muft  go4,  and  if  the  Duke  of  Normandy 
were  beheaded,  they  knew  well  enough  what  would 
become   of  the  King  of  England.      Upon  large 
Debate  hereof  by   all  the  Lawyers   in  France,    it 
was  refolved,  that  if  John  had    been   in  Normandy 
at  the  Time  of  his  Summons,  he  ought  to  have 
appeared;  but  he  being  extra  Jurifdiftionem  Regni 
Francite  at   the   Time  of  his   Summons,  and  infra 
Jurifdiflionem    Rcgni  Anglia,    though    legally   he 
were  a  Subject  of  France,  yet  locally  he  being  in 
England,  his  Summons  was  void,  and  he  forfeited 
nothing  by  his  Non-Appearance. 

*  I  will  only  urge  onr  Argument  more,  deduced 
from  a  known  Maxim  of  the  Law,  not  only  of  Engr 
land  but  of  Scotland  alfo,  which  the  Commiffioners 
of  Scotland  t\\e  other  Day  at  the  Conference  did  cite 
themfelves,  in  my  Opinion  much  againft  them- 
fclves,  and  that  is  this,  Qiunido  duo  Jura,  inter 
duo  Regna,  faith  a  great  Lawyer,  concurrant  iff 
una  Perfona,  ezquum  ejl  ac  ft  ejfint  in  diver/is; 
which  is  no  more  than  this,  When  two  Kingdoms, 


of    ENGLAND.  149 

held  by  two  diftinft  Titles,   do  concur  in  one  and  An.  «>  CM.  J* 
the  fame  Pcrfon,  it  is  all  one   as  if  they  were  in     ..   '  *  '    A 
two  diftin£t   Perfons.     I  fuppofe  here    is  our  very       odobw. 
Cafe;  here  are  two  Kingdoms,  England  and  Scot- 
land, held   by  two  diftin&  Titles,  which  do  both 
concur   in  one  Perfon,    in    the  Perfon   of  King 
Charles;  it  is  all  one  faith  this  Rule  and  Maxim  of 
the  Law,  as  if   they   were  under  two  feveral  Per- 
foni.     Why   then    put  the  Cafe,  that  there  wer« 
one    King  of     England  and  another  of  Scotfandt 
would  the  State  of  Scotland  have  any  thing  to  do  to 
difpofc  of  the  Perfon  of  a  King  of  England^  he  be- 
ing in  England?  I  think  you  will  fay  they  could  not. 
4  Sir,  I  am  forry  that  our  Brethren  have  moved 
this   Question    at   this  Time;    for    all   Queftions 
make  Debates,  and  Debates  Differences ;  and  this 
were  a  Time  for  Brothers  to  reconcile  Differences 
rather  than  to  make  them.      We  have   now  li- 
ved almoft  44  Years  both  under  two  Princes,  and 
in  all  this  Time  this  Queftion  was  never  ftirred  in 
till  now  ;  had  it  been  ftirred  in,  no  qucftion    but  it  - 
had  been  rejected.     The  People  of  England  would 
have  held  it  very  ftrange  that  they  could  not  have 
difpofed  of  the  Pcrfon  of  their  own  King;  or  that 
a  King    of  England  could    not    have   gone  from 
Whitehall  to  Richmond  or  Hampton-Court ,    without 
the  Will    and   Appointment    of  the  Council    of 
Scotland-)  they  would  have  thought  they  had  made 
a  bad  Bargain  by  fuch  an  Union:  For,  before  the 
Union,  they  might  have  difpofed  of  the    Perfon  of 
their  Prince ;  but  after,  not.     And  fince  they  con- 
ceived that,  by  the  Addition  of  Scotland^  there  was 
an  Addition  of  Charge,  they  would  have  been  very 
forry  withall   to  have  had  an  Addition  of  Servility. 
*  Since  the  Beginning  of  the  World   there  was 
never    before  fuch   a  Contention  about  the  Pcrfon 
of  a  King.     The  Greeks  and   Trojans  did  contend 
for  a  long  Time  in  Fight  about  the  dead  Body  of 
Patroclus    which     of  them    fliould    have  it ;    but 
here    is  not  a  Contention  about  the   dead  Body  of 
a  private  Man,  but   about  the  living  Body    of  a 
King:  Neither  do  we  contend    as  they  did,  who 
K  3  fliould. 

150  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  21  Car.  I.  ftould  have  his  Perfon ;  but  here  you  do  contend, 
v  '.  J6'  j  as  far  as  I  conceive,  who  (hall  not  have  it.  Your 
Oftober,  Brethren  of  Scotland  fay  pofitively,  They  will  not 
have  the  King's  Perfon  upon  any  Condition  \vhat- 
foever.  It  is  now  about  fix  Months  part  that  you' 
voted  in  this  Houfe  the  Demanding  of  the  King's 
Perfon,  but  the  Lords  then refu fed  tojoin  with  you; 
ever  fince,  until  this  prefent,  you  yourfelf  did  ac- 
quiefce,  as  if  you  had  repented  of  your  former 
Vote:  (h)  Now  he  muft  be  put  upon  you,  and  with 
fuch  Terms  as  his  prefent  Guardians  pleafe  to  al- 
low of. 

*  Truly  it  feems  ftrange  to  me,  that  an  Army  of 
Scots,  in  Pay  of  the  Kingdom  of  England,  which, 
by  the  Treaty,  ought  to  be  governed  by  the  joint 
Confent  of  the  Committees  of  both  Kingdoms  up- 
on the  Place,  fhould,  in  England,  take  a  King  of 
England  without  the  Privity  of  the  Engli/h  Com- 
mittee, and  convey  him  to  Newcaftle,  a  Town 
likewife  of  England;  and  fhould  there  keep  him 
for  fix  whole  Months,  without  the  Confent  of 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament;  and  when  they  find 
it  not  convenient  for  them  to  keep  him  any  longer, 
then  they  will  capitulate  with  you  upon  what  Con- 
ditions you  muft  receive  his  Perfon. 

4  I  never  thought  to  have  found  a  King  of  En- 
gland, his  Perfon  being  in  England,  under  any 
other  Protection  but  that  of  the  Laws  of  England; 
but  now  1  find  him  under  the  Protedtion  of  a  Scots 
Army,  whither  they  fay  he  is  fled  for  Shelter,  and 
that  they  cannot  render  him  up  with  Honour. 

*  Sir,  if  that  Army  of  theirs  be  come  into  this 
Kingdom  as  Brethren,  Friends,  and  Confederates, 
as  we  hope  they  are,  then  is  every  Perfon  of  that 
Army,  during  the  Time  of  his  Stay  here,  locally 
a  Subject  of  England;  and  fuch  Children  as  are 
born  to  them  here  are  not  Aliens,  but  Denifons  ; 
and  not  only  local,  but  legal  Subjects  of  this  King- 
dom: And  therefore  they  having  gotten  the  King 
into  their  Hands,  they  ought  no  more  to  capitu- 
(b)  See  Vol.  XIV.  p.  386,  and  in  thii  Volume  p.  99. 

of   ENGLAND.  151 

late  upon  what  Terms  he  fhould  be  delivered  into  An-  **.£"•  l' 
yours,  than   if  the  Army   of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  ' 

were  in  Pofleffion  thereof;  who,  if  they  {hould  deny 
the  furrendering  of  the  King  unto  you,  but  upon 
Condition,  no  queftion  but  it  were  capital. 

*  They  fay,  That  by  virtue  of  the  Covenant 
they  are  obliged  to  defend  his  Perfon  and  Autho- 
rity. What  his  Authority  is  in  Scotland  themfelves 
beft  know;  but  you  are  only  to  judge  of  it  in  En- 
gland, fince,  being  not  fubordinate  to  any  Power 
on  Eart'i,  there  is  no  Power  under  Heaven  can 
judge  you.  The  Covenant  ties  you  to  maintain, 
in  the  firft  Place,  the  Rights  of  Parliament,  and 
the  Liberties  of  the  Kingdom;  and,  in  the  fecond 
Place,  the  King's  Perfon  and  Authority;  and  that 
only  in  Defence  of  the  former,  and  not  otherwife. 
And  whereas  they  expcft  the  King  {hould  be  re- 
ceived by  you  with  Honour,  Safety,  and  Freedom,; 
I  befeech  you,  Sir,  confider  whether,  as  the  Cafe 
now  ftands,  his  Reception  with  Honour  can  ftand 
with  the  Honour  of  the  Kingdom ;  whether  his 
Safety  be  not  incompatible  with  the  Safety,  you 
Common-Wealth;  and  whether  his  Freedom  be 
not  inconfiftent  with  the  Freedom  of  the  People. 

'  I  pray,  Sir,  take  heed  left  that,  bringing  him 
in  with  Honour,  you  do  not  difhonour  yourfelf, 
and  queftion  the  very  Juftice  of  all  your  Actions; 
be  wary  that,  in  receiving  him  with  Safety,  you 
do  not  thereby  endanger  and  hazard  the  Common- 
Wealth;  be  ad vi fed,  left,  in  bringing  him  home 
with  Freedom,  you  do  not  thereby  lead  the  People 
of  England  into  Thraldem. 

'  I  pray,  Sir,  firft  fettle  the  Honour,  Safety,  and 
Freedom  of  the  Common- Wealth :  and  then  the 
Honour,  Safety,  and  Freedom  of  the  King  ;  fo  far 
as  the  latter  may  ftand  with  the  former^  and  not 

4  Wherefore  I  {hall  conclude  with  my  humble 
Defire,  That  you  would  adhere  to  your  former 
Vote;  that  is,  That  the  King  be  difpofed  of  as 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament  {hall  think  fitting;  and 
that  you  enter  inten^o  Treaty,  either  with  the  King 
K  4  of 

1  52 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

A  Remonftrance 
from  the  Scott 
requiring  Pay  for 
their  Army. 

*z  Car.  I.  or  your  Brethren  of  Scotland,  left  otherwife  thereby 
1646.  vou  retard  the  going  home  of  their  Army  out  of 
~wl~Z~  England.' 

The  &-0rjCommiflioners  not  having  received  any 
Anfwer  to  their  Paper  of  the  2Oth  of  this  Month, 
relating  to  their  Army  in  the  North  of  England^ 
they  fent  the  following  Remonflrances,  a  few  Days 
after,  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  under  Cover  to  their 
Speaker  (<?). 

Right  Honourable, 

IT  is  very  well  known  to  the  Honourable 
Houfes,  that  the  Scots  Army,  receiving  no  Pay 
for  thefe  fix  Months  paft,  have  been  forced  to  take 
free  Quarter  from  the  Country  People  ;  whereby 
the  Northern  Counties  have  been  extremely  ex- 
haufted  and  impoverifhed,  and  the  Neceffities  of 
that  Army  in  a  great  Meafure  unfupplied.  We 
had  refted  fatisfied  that  thefe  Things  had  been 
already  reprefented  to  both  Houfes  of  Parliament, 
and  that  the  Inconveniences  which  might  follow 
thereupon  were  fufficiently  underftood  :  But  be- 
ing advertifed,  by  feveral  Letters,  of  the  growing 
Neceflities  of  the  Army,  and  the  infupportable 
Burthen  of  thofe  Parts  where  they  do  quarter ; 
for  our  further  Exoneration,  and  preventing  the 
great  Dangers  that  may  enfue,  we  have  judged  it 
neceflary  to  acquaint  the  Honourable  Houfes, 
that  it  is  rumoured  abroad  in  the  Northern  Parts, 
that  the  Country  People  have  a  Dcfign  to  fur- 
prize  and  injure  our  Forces,  as  they  lie  difperfed 
in  their  feveral  Quarters.  It  were  a  Matter  of 
no  great  Difficulty  tor  the  Scots  Army,  in  a  for- 
cible Manner,  to  prevent  or  fupprefs  any  fuch  In- 
furredtion  ;  but  they  have  refolveH  to  prefer  the 
Public  Good,  and  a  happy  Correfpondence  be- 
tween the  Kingdoms,  to  their  own  Safety  :  lit 
purfuance  whereof  they  have  writtui  Letters  to 
the  Commitfee  of  Yorkjhire  ?.nd  other  Counties, 
carncftly  defiring  their  Concurrence  to  prevent 

«  fuch 
(«)  From  the  EJinfarfb  Edition  laft  cited. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  153 

fuch  Inconveniences  as  may  endanger  the  Peace  An.  iz  Car. 
and  Union  betwixt  the  Kingdoms:  And  have 
given  Dire&ion  to  the  General  Officers  of  the 
Army  to  confer  with  the  Gentlemen  of  the 
Country,  and  to  ufe  their  utmoft  Endeavours  to 
remove  all  Jealoufies  and  Miftakesj  and  particu- 
larly to  acquaint  them  how  earneftly  defirous  they 
are,  and  have  been  for  above  thefe  two  Months 
part,  to  remove  out  of  this  Kingdom,  and  re- 
turn to  their  native  Country.  Upon  which  Con- 
federations it  is  our  renewed  earneft  Requeft  to 
the  Honourable  Houfes,  that  the  fuft  200,000 /. 
may  be  fpeedily  raifed  and  fent  to  the  Army,  and 
the  Security  for  the  other  agreed  upon,  that  they 
may  forthwith  march  out  of  this  Kingdom ;  or 
otherwife  that,  in  the  mean  Time,  fome  Courfe 
may  be  taken  for  fupplying  that  Army,  and 
eafmgof  the  Country  until  the  Money  be  raifed, 
whereby  the  great  Danger  that  is  like  to  arife, 
to  the  Dirturbance  of  the  Peace  betwixt  the 
Kingdoms,  may  be  prevented  :  For  if  the  Scots 
Army  (hall  be  forced  to  enlarge  their  Quar- 
ters Southward,  and,  in  the  mean  Time,  Sir 
'Thomas  Fairfax's  Army,  as  we  are  informed,  do 
enlarge  their  Quarters  Northward  into  thofe  har- 
rafs'd  and  exhaufted  Counties,  it  is  eafy  to  fore- 
fee  that  thefe  Kingdoms  may  unhappily  be  again 
embroiled  into  new  and  greater  Troubles  than 
they  have  yet  feen ;  and  what  great  Advantage 
will  be  given  to  foreign  Nations  to  make  ufe  of 
our  divided  Intercfts  to  the  Ruin  of  both  All 
which,  out  of  the  Confcience  or  our  Duty,  and 
fincere  Affection  to  the  Peace  and  Happinefs  of 
thefe  Kingdoms,  we  have  thought  ourfelves 
bound  timeoufly  to  make  known  ;  and,  againft 
all  Jealoufies  and  Mifapprchenfions,  to  give  per- 
fect mid  full  Aflurance,  that,  whutfoever  Reports 
or  Sugijeftions  there  may  be  to  the  contrary,  no 
Porfuafion,  Terror,  Plot,  nor  Combination,  ftiall 
ever  be  able,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  divide  or 
withdraw  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  from  a  firm 
Conjunction  with  this  Kingdom  ;  but  as  they 

'  have 

An.   2*  Car.  I. 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

have  done  hitherto,  fo  for  the  future  fhall  conti- 
nue, in  purfuance  of  the  Ends  of  our  Solemn 
League  and  Covenant,  anil  againft  all  Oppofi- 
tion  whether  foreign  or  inteftine,  to  promote  and 
fettle  the  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms;  being  very 
confident  that  the  Honourable  Houfes,  in  their 
Wifdom,  will  ferioufly  apply  themfelves  to  the 
effectual  Means  for  preventing  the  Dangers  and 
Evils  reprefented  ;  for  haftening  the  Return  of 
our  Army,  and  fatisfying  all  our  juft  Defires 
for  fettling  the  Peace  of  thefe  Kingdoms;  which, 
with  conftant  Zeal  and  fervent  Affe&ion,  fhall 
ever  be  faithfully  endeavoured  by 
Tour  Lordjhip's 

Oflotxrzo,   1646. 


humble  Servants, 


Another,  com- 
plaining of  Pam- 
phlets being 
printed  againft 
them,  &c. 

Right  Honourable^ 

UPON  the  nth  of  Augujl^  we  did  declare 
how  defirous  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  was 
of  the  eafing  of  the  Burthens  and  Preflures  of  this 
Nation,  and  their  Willingnefs  forthwith  to  fur- 
render  the  Garrifons,  and  recall  their  Army  out 
of  this  Kingdom,  reafonable  Satisfaction  being 
given  for  their  Pains  and  Charges.  And  after 
the  Honourable  Houfes  had  rcfolved  upon  the 
Ways  and  Means  for  their  Satisfaction,  we 
were  prefied  by  them  to  come  to  a  fpeedy 
Agreement  concerning  the  particular  Time  of 
the  Removal  of  our  Army  out  of  this  Kingdom ; 
which  was  infifted  on  with  fo  much  Earneftnefs, 
as,  at  the  Conference  in  September  laft,  it  was 
required,  that  we  fhould  declare,  That  ourCon- 
fultation  about  the  Difpofing  of  the  King  (hould 
be  no  Hindrance  to  the  marching  of  our  Army 
out  of  this  Kingdom,  or  to  any  Treaty  concern- 
ing the  fame:  To  which  we  did  not  only  wil- 
lingly aflent,  but  have  fmce  declared,  That  we 
were  ready,  within  four- and-twenty  Hours,  toa- 
2  '  agree 

of    ENGLAND. 

1  gree  concerning  the  Time  and  Place  of  the  Pay-  An. 
6  meat  of  the  firft  200,000  /.    and  the  Security  to 

*  be  given  for  the  other;  and  to  appoint  a  Day  for 

*  the  Delivery  of  the  Garrifons,  and    marching  of 
4  our  Army  out  of  this  Kingdom.   For  above  thefe 
4  fix  Months  paft  no  Money  hath  been  fent  to  our 
'  Army,   nor  hath  any  Courfe  been  taken  for  their 

*  Maintenance   during  that  Time,  but  they  have 
4  been  forced  to  quarter  upon  the  Northern  Coun- 
4  ties ;  of  whofe  Sufferings  we  have   been   fo  fen- 
4  fible,   that  there  was  no    Means  could  occur  to 
4  us  which  might  afford  them  Relief,  but  we  have, 
4  from  Time  to  Time,  reprefented  the  fame  to  the 
4  Honourable  Houfes  :  And  we  may,  from  certain 
4  Knowledge,  and  with  Confidence,  fay,  that,  for 
4  above   thefe    two    Months   paft,    the     Northern 
4  Counties   have    been   no   more    defirous    to   be 
4  eafed  of  their  Preffures,  than   the     Scot)   Army 
4  hath     been    to  remove    out   of    this  Kingdom, 
4  and  return  to  their  native  Country.     All  which 
4  notwithftanding,  we  do  perceive  that  our  mali- 
4  cious  Enemies  will   never   give    over   to  calum- 

*  niate  even  our  beft  Actions  and  moft  faithful  En- 
4  deavours;  and,    for  their  own  bafe  Ends,  tofo- 
4  ment  and  increafe  Jealoufies  and  Differences  be- 
4  tween  the  Kingdoms,  as  may  appear  by  a  printed 
4  Declaration  here  inclofed  (d) ;  which  we  do  find  to 
4  be  fo  full  of  wicked  Spight,  bitter  Invectives,  and 
4  deteftabje  Lyes,  againft  the  Scots    Army;  and  fo 
4  directly  aiming  to  ftir  up  a   Difa flection  in    the 
4  People    againft    that  Nation   and  Army,  as  we 
4  could  not  but  preient  it  to    the  View  of  the  Ho- 
4  nourable  Houfes;    earneftly  defiring  them  feri- 
4  oufly  to  confider  how  they  would  conftruct  of  it, 
4  if  Diurnals  and    Pamphlets    of  this  Kind   were 
4  daily  licenfed  in  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  to  be 
4  printed  againft  the  Englifo  Nation  or  Army,  and 
4  no  Courfe    taken    for    their    Vindication;    but 
4  rather  all  Papers  which  miy  clear  their  Proceed- 
'  ings  denied    to  be  licenfed,    or  flopped  and  fup- 

4  prefled 

(</)  The  Declaration,   here  rcferr'J   to,  It  not  printed   with  this 

1 56  ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

iV*6?"'  L  '  P^fletl.  We  did  long  fmce,  in  our  Paper  of  the 
»  '  iithof^K£&/7,  exprefs  our  Confidence  that  the 
'  Honourable  Houfes,  in  their  Wifdom  and  Ju- 
'  ftice,  would  take  fome  Courfe  to  prevent  fuch 
'  vile  Abufes  for  the  future;  and  have  ever  fmce 
'  been  expecting  to  hear  of  their  Refolutions  for  a 
'  fpecdy  Redrefc.  But  having  perceived  that  the 

*  Patience  of  the  Houfes  hath  animated  the   Au- 
'  thors  of  fuch  Pamphlets  to  return  to  their 
'  Boldnek,  we  are  neceffitated  to  renew  our  for- 

*  mer  Defires;  being  ftill   confident    that,  if  the 

*  Honourable  Houfes  could  fpare  but  a  little  Time 

*  from  their  greater  Affairs,  upon  the  Perufal  and 
%  Confederation  of  a  few  of  theDiurnals  and  Pam- 
'  phlets  that    are  almoft  daily    publifhed    to    the 

*  World,  their  Wifdom  and  Affection  would  nc- 
'  ver  bear  with  fo  many  bafe  Calumnies  and  re- 
'  proachful  Afperfions  as  are  therein  caft  upon  their 

*  Brethren   of  Scotland,  with   whom  they  are  tied 

*  by  fo  many  Bonds  and  mutual  Obligations.    We 
'  fliall  not  further  infift  upon  this  Bufmtfr,  expect- 
'  ing,  upon  what  is  already  reprefented,  to  receive 

*  fpcedy  Satisfaction;   not  doubting   alfo  but  that 
'  the  Honourable  Houfes    will,  in  their  Wifdom 
4  and  Civility,  give  Order  that  the  Speeches  of  the 

*  Lord-Chancellor    of  Scotland,  lately  feizcd  on  at 
'  thePrefs,  (and  which  wereby  himdifcharg'd  to  be 

*  publiftied  till  the  Conference  was  reported  to  the 

*  Houfes)  {hall  be  returned  unto  us.     And   to  the 
'  end  a  happy    Correfpondence,    with    Love  and 

*  Amity,  may  be  inviolably  preferved  between  the 

*  Kingdoms,  we  do  again  earneftly   defire,   That 
'  all  Inconveniences  by  approaching  of  Armies  may 

*  be  prevented;    that   fome  Courfe  may  be   taken 

*  for  the  prefent  Maintenance  of  the  9c9tt  Army, 

*  and  Eafe   of  the  Northern  Parts;    or,  which  w« 
'  much  rather^  defire,  that  the  2co,oco/.  may  be 
'  forthwith  provided  and   fentto  that  Army;  and, 

*  without  further  Delay,  that  a  Day  may  be  agreed 
'  on  for  the  Delivery  of  the  Garrifons,  and  murch- 

*  ing  of  our  Army  out  of  this  Kingdom;  that,  af- 
'  u-r  all  thcfe  Troubles  and  heavv  PrcfTurers  of  both 

*  King- 

^ENGLAND.  157 

«  Kingdoms,  they  may  at  laft  enjoy  the  Fruits  of  An-  "Car.  I. 
«  their  Labours,  a  happy  Peace,  which  is  the  earneft     v  _  *^  _  , 
4  Defireof  Otobe-. 

Tour   Lordfap's 

Wtretfler  Haufe.  ,  .     „ 

9ft.  19,  1646.  myt  bumble  Servants, 




Before  we  conclude   the  Tranfaftions  of  this  T*«  P»riiam«r 

-4,  n_    n       i        XT     •  ruo  •          attend  the  Fune- 

Month,  we  mall  take  Notice   of  the  Preparations  rai0fthe 

ordered  for  the  Earl  of  EJJex's  Funeral  ;  who  was  Eflor. 
buried  on  the  twenty-fecond,  in  Weftmttdter  Abby, 
with  little  lefs  than  Regal  Pomp  and  Solemnity; 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  the  Lord  Mayor,  A1* 
dermen,  WV.  and  the  Militia  of  the  City  of  London^ 
marching  in  the  Proceffion 

The  Lords,  alfo,  agreed  to  an  Ordinance,  fent  An  Ordinance 
up  by  the  Commons,  for  Difannulling  and  making  for  Tac«IDg  a)I 
void  all  Titles  of  Honour  conferred    by  the  King,  b/th^King'finr 
on  all  Pcrfons,  ever  fmce  the  Lord  Littleton  carried  May  22,  164: 
otf  the   Great   Seal  :  And  that  they  fhall   not  pre- 
tend to  fit  or  vote,  as  Peers,   in  the  Parliament  of 
England,    without  the   Confent  of  both  Houfe*  of 

But  before  the  putting  the  Qucftion  for  the  paf- 
fmg  this  Ordinance,  the  following  Lords  had  afked 
L^ave  to  diflent  if  it  was  carried  againft  them; 
and  accordingly  we  find  this  fhort  Proteft  entered, 
viz.  *  That  in  refpecl  the  Ordinance  fecms  to  be 
perpetual,  and  not  appearing  to  be  fent  to  the 
King  for  his  Confent,  whereby  Things  that  are 
to  be  perpetual  might  be  fettled  in  the  old  Way,  by 
the  three  Eftates  of  the  Kingdom,  therefore  they 
diflented  from  the  fame. 









The  Parliantentary  HISTORY 

The  two  Houses  had  likewife  a  great  Difpute 
this  Month,  about  nominating  new  Commiflioners 
of  the  Great  Seal,  and  feveral  Conferences  were 
held  about  it.  At'  laft  they  agreed  to  constitute 
the  Speakers  of  both  Houfes  joint  Commiflioners 
to  a£l  in  that  Office  for  the  Space  of  twenty 
Days;  but  it  was  enlarged  to  a  longer  Time  af- 

Laflly,  in  order  to  the  effectual  Extirpation  of 
all  Epifcopal  Power  out  of  this  Kingdom,  the  Par- 
liament pafTed  an  Ordinance  (£),  the  Preamble  to 
which  runs  thus:  '  That  for  the  abolifhing  of 
Archbifhops  and  Bifhops,  and  providing  for  the 
Pavment  of  the  juft  and  neceflary  Debts  of  the 
Kingdom,  into  which  the  fame  had  been  drawn 
by  a  War,  mainly  promoted  by  and  in  Favour  of 
the  fakl  Archbifhops  and  Bifhops,  and  other  their 
Adherents  and  Dependents,  £5V.'  And  then  it  pro- 
eeds  to  enadt,  *  That  the  Name,  Title,  Stile,  and 
Dignity  of  Archbifhop  of  Canierl;>.rj,  Archbifhop 
of  York,  Bifhops  of  Winchefter  and  Durham;  and 
of  all  other  Bifhops  in  England  and  Walcs^  be, 
from  September  6,  1646,  wholly  abolifhed  and 
taken  away,  and  their  Lands,  PofTeflions,  and 
Evidences  thereof,  fettled  in  Truftees,  who  are 
to  hold  fuch  Lands,  as  the  Bifhops  held  of  the 
King,  in  Fee  and  common  Soccage  by  Fealty; 
and  fuch  Lands  as  they  held  of  other  than  the 
King  by  the  accuftomed  Rents  and  Services, 
and  difcharged  of  Tithes:  That  the  Truftees 
have  Power  to  name  Surveyors  to  put  the  Deeds 
in  fafe  Cuftody,  who  are  to  take  an  Oath :  That 
Leafes  not  exceeding  three  Lives,  or  twenty-one 
Years,  whereupon  an  old  Rent  is  referv'd,  are 
not  to  be  avoided  ;  but  Leafes  made  by  the  Bi- 
fhops fmce  the  fiift  of  December,  1641,  to  be 
void:  That  fuch  Perfons  who  have  furrendered 
th:ir  old  Leafes  fmce  that- Time,  to  the  end  they 

*  might 

(i)  This  3rd  the  following  Ordinance,  which  are  very  long,  being 
printed  in  Iluficmdit,  ScobeFt,  and  Ruftnuort&s  Collections,  we  judge 
an  Abftract  of  the  moft  material  Claules  of  them  fufficient  for  ou* 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  159 

'  might  have  a  new  one  granted,  {hall  enjoy  their  Al>'  «  Car.  I. 

«  old  Leafes  ;   with  a  Saving  of  the  Right  of  all     .    l6*  '  , 

4  Perfons  other  than  the  King   and  the  Bifhops  ;     November. 

'  alfoto  thofe  who  have  adhered  to  the  Parliament, 

'  fuch    Eftates   as   they   have    forfeited   for  Non- 

'  payment  of  Rent,  and  faving,  to  the  Earl  of  Pern- 

'  broke  and  Montgomery,    Durbam-Houfe  :  That  all 

'  Rents  payable  to  charitable  Ufes  be  continued  : 

'  That  the  Sheriff  prefent  to  the  Judges  a  fit  Per- 

«  fon  to  perform  the  Office  of  Ordinary  :    That 

c  Commiflions  upon  the  Statute  for  chzritable  Ufes 

*  fhall  be  valid,    though    the   Bifhop   be   therein 

'  omirted  :   And  that  all  Iflues,  triable  by  the  Or- 

«  dinary  or  Bifhop,  (hall  be  tried  by  Jury  in  ufual 

«  Courfe.' 

November.  As  the  laft  Month  ended  with  an 
Ordinance  for  verting  the  Temporalities  of  the 
Bifhops  in  Truftees,  &c.  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Pnblic  ; 
fo  this  began  with  another  for  the  abfolute  Sale  of 
them  :  It  was  fent  up  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords  on  the 
third  of  this  Month,  where  being  canvaffed  and  de- 
bated till  the  1 6th,  it  palled,  with  fome  Amend- 

This  Ordinance,  after  reciting  the  former,  enacts,  And  for  frfling 
«  That  the  Truftees  therein  named  fhall  ftand  J^' Temp°" 
c  feized  of,  and  receive,  the  Rents  and  Profits  of 

*  the    Bifhops   Lands  due  after  the  firft  of  Novem- 

*  ber  1646:  That  they  have  Power  to  chufe  their 

*  Counfel,  and    appoint   Stewards   of  Manors  and 
'  other  Officers,  who  are  to  be  paid  by  the  Trea/- 

*  furers  :  That  the  Contractors  for  the  Sale  of  the 

*  Premifles,  therein  named,  be  allowed  Two-pence 

*  per  Pound  for  every  Sum  they  pay  the  Trcafu- 

*  rers  :  That  the  Truftees,  or   any  five  of  them* 

*  have  Power  to  convey,  according  to  Contract  of 

*  fix  or  more  of  the  Contractors  entsr'd  and  certifU 

*  ed  to  the  Truftees  ;  none  of  whom  are  to  be  Con- 

*  tractors,  nor  any  of  the  Contr^dors  to  be  Purcha- 

*  fers  :  That  the  Purchafers  fhall  hold  the  Lands 
«  difcharged  of  all  Trufts,  Accounts,  &V.  and  of 

*  all  Incumbrances  made  by  the  Truftees ;  who, 


160  7%e  Partiamen'ary  HISTORY 

An.  2»%  Car.  i.  <  as  well  as  the  Comra&ors  are  to  be  indemnified  : 

f  *  That  ai!  Perfons  Rights  be  faved  which  were  fo 

No»«nber       *  ^   f^e   f°rmcr  Ordinance   :  That  the  Jura  Re- 
'  galla  of  the  Bifhopricks  of  Durham  and  Ely  re- 

*  main   in   the  Truces  named  in  the  Ordinance 
c  for  abolifhinj  of  Archbifhops  and  Biihops  :  That 
'  no  Churches,  C  .aples,  or  Church-prds  be  fold  : 
'  That  the    Aflcmbly  of  Divines  be  paid  their  Al- 
'  lovvance  due  to  them  by  former  Orders  of  Parlia- 
'  rncnt,     with  all   their  Arrears,  out  of  the  Reve- 

*  nues  of  the  Archbifh  prick  of  Canterbury,  untill 
'  fuch    Time  t.s  the   Lands  and  Revenues  of  the 

*  Archbiihops    and    Bifhops    be  fold:    That   any 

*  Purchafer  who  {hall   be    evicted    by   any    eigne 

*  Right,  fsc.  (hall  have  Recompence  made  him  for 

*  tiie  Money  he  has  paid  ;  and,  if  required,  an  AcV 

*  of  Parliament,  or  Letters  Patent  under  the  Great 

*  Se:.l,  for  the  further  AfTurancc  of  the  Premifles 

*  to  any  Purchafer :    That  the   Treafurers  therein 

*  named  have   Power  to  take  Subfcriptions  for  the 
'  raifmg  200,000  /.  for  the  Service  of  the  Com- 
'  monweaUh,  who  are,  upon  Certific  ite,  to  afccr- 
'  tain 'the  Money  and  Intereft  upon    the   Public 
'  Faith,  and  to  give  Receipts  for  it :   That  Money 

*  due  by   this  Ordinance    may   be    aflign'd  over : 
'  Perfons   producing   a    forged   Certificate    to   the 
'  Treafurers,    to  forfeit   any    Sum  lent  by  them  : 

*  That  every  Subfcriber  pay  his  Subfcription  with- 

*  in   eight  t)ays,  on  Pain  of  forfeiting  what  Mo- 
'  ney  is  due  to  him  on  the  Public  Faith,  unlefs  he 
«  (hew  a  reafonable   Caufe  to  the  contrary,  to  be 

*  allowed  of  by  the  Truftees  :  That   the   Treafu- 
'  rers  pay  no  Part  of  the  faid   200,000  /.  fo  to  be 
'  raifed,  but  by  Ordinance  of  Parliament ;  nor  any 
c  Money,  that  may  come  into  their  Hands  by  Sale 
'  of  the  Premifles,  but  by  Warrant  of  the  Truftees. 
'  That  the  Lenders  be  paid  the  fourth  Part  of  their 
'  Money,  in  courfe  as  they  paid  in  the  fame,  witb 

*  the  Intcreft   then  due,  as   Money  (hall  arife  by 
'  Sale  of  the  Premifles  ;  but  if  they  be  Purchafcrs 
'  they   may  deduct  all  the  Money  due  to  them: 

*  That  the  Treafurers  give  in  their  Accounts  every 

*  fix 

rf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  161 

fix  Weeks  to  the  Committee  for  taking  the  Ac-  An.  12  Car.  j. 

counts  of  the  Kingdom,  and  have  one  Penny  per   ^ \       '  j 

Pound  allowed  them  for  all  M  >ney  by  them  re-  November, 
ceived  and  paid:  That  Henry  Elfyng,  Efq  ; 
Cleric  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  be  Keeper  of 
all  Records  concerning  the  Lands,  &c.  of  the 
late  Archbifhops  and  Bifhops;  to  whom  Sur- 
veyors and  Contractors  are  to  make  their  Re- 
turns, and  he  to  be  allowed  ioo/.  per  Annum  and 
other  reifonable  Fees  for  Writing,  Rating,  &c. 
That  the  Truftees  name  Surveyors,  any  three  or 
more  of  whom  (hall  have  Power  to  enquire 
what  Honours,  Manors,  Lordftiips,  &c.  did  be- 
long to  any  of  the  Archbiftiops  or  Bifhops,  and 
what  Sums  any  of  the  Premiifes  are  chargeable 
with  for  pious  Ufes,  and  to  make  an  exa&  Sur- 
vey; which  Surveys  are  to  be  kept  in  fuch 
PI  ices  as  the  Truftees  (hall  appoint:  That  the 
Surveyors  may  keep  Courts,  caufe  any  Perfon  to 
{hew  their  Writings,  and  examine  on  Oathj 
which  they  or  the  Truftees  have  Power  to  ad- 
minifter,  and  to  commit  to  Prifon  fuch  Perfons 
as  (hall  refufe  to  take  the  fame,  provided  they 
be  not  Peers:  That  the  Commiffioners  of  Ex- 
cile  pay  Intereft  for  the  Money  due  by  this  Ordi- 
nance every  fix  Months,  after  the  Rate  of  87.  per 
Cent.  That  Col.  Robert  Manwaring  be  appointed 
Regiftcr-Accountant  of  all  Accounts  concerning 
the  Premilfes,  with  a  Salary  of  200 /.  per  Ann. 
That  Alderman  John  Fowke,  of  London^  be  ap- 
pointed Comptroller  of  all  Entries,  Receipts,  and 
Payments,  with  the  like  yearly  Salary :  And  for 
the  better  fecuring  the  Monies  due  by  this  Ordi- 
nance, the  Excife  fettled  on  the  nth  of  Septem-  . 
her,  1643,  lhaM  be  continued,  &cS  Then  fol- 
low Inftruc>ions  to  be  obferved  by  the  Comptrol- 
ler, the  Contractors,  the  Surveyors,  and  the  Re- 

Thus  the  Titles,  Honours,  and  JurifdicYions  of 

B;fh  ips   were  utterly  abolifhed ;  and  their  Lands 

and  Revenues  all  ordered  to  be  fold,   by  an  Ordi- 

VOL.  XV.  L  narice 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

J*  nartce  of  Parliament,  without  ever  confulting  th» 
;  King  about  it. 
NoTember.  There  was  fome  Debate  between  the  two  Houfes 
as  to  fetting  a  Price  for  the  Purchafe  of  thefe 
Lands  ;  the  Lords  being  for  eight  Years  Purchafe, 
and  the  Commons  for  ten.  The  former  gave  thefe 
Reafons  for  only  eight :  Firft,  For  the  fpeedy  Sale 
of  them,  that  the  Monies  may  be  fooner  raifed  by 
them  :  Secondly,  That  thereby  they  may  be  the  bet- 
ter difperfed  intofeveral  Hands:  And,  thirdly,  The 
Lords  had  confidered  of  the  Sales  made  of  the  Ab- 
bey-Lands by  King  Henry  the  Eighth;  and  did 
find,  that  their  Lands  were  then  fold  at  a  far  lower 
Rate,  although  thofe  Times  were  Times  of  Peace. 
The  latter  argued,  That  the  Biftiops  Demefne 
Lands  were  lett  at  a  very  low  Rate,  and  they  had  a 
great  Addition  to  them  to  invite  Purchasers,  as 
Houfes  and  Woods ;  and  therefore  were  to  be  fet 
at  a  higher  Rate  than  the  other  Lands,  as  being 
the  beft  and  faireft  Security:  That  if  their  Lord- 
fhips  and  fome  of  the  Members  of  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  would  be  Purchafers  of  fome  of  the  Bi- 
fhops  Lands,  it  would  be  an  Honour  and  Credit  to 
the  Sale :  But  if  they  and  the  Commons  fhould 
pull  down  the  Rate  to  eight  Years  Purchafe,  it 
would  be  thought  to  be  done  on  Purpofe  to  have 
the  eafier  Bargains.  The  Lords  were  convinced 
by  thefe  Reafons,  and  agreed  to  ten  Years  Pur- 
chafe as  it  ftands  in  the  Ordinance. 

To  (hew  what  Ufe  the  Parliament  intended  to 
put  fome  of  the  Money  to,  ariiirg  from  this  Sale, 
we  find  the  following  Declaration  agreed  to  by 
both  Houfes: 

°f*jro-      '  Be  it  declared,  by  the  Lords  and   Commons 
.to  be    in  Parliament,  That  the  firft   ioo,coo/.    which 
paid'to  the  Scots,     fhall  be  raifed,  either  by  the  Sale  of  the  Bifhops 
Lands,  or  on  the  Credit  of  the  Ordinances  which 
are  patted  for  that  Purpofe,  fhall  be  paid  to  our 
Brethren  ofSeftiauf9  upon  the  Marching  of  their 
Army  and  Forces  out  of  this  Kingdom,  at  fuch 
Time  and  Place  as  fhall  be  agreec  upon.     And 
4  '  the 

cf  ENGLAND.  163 

the  next  50,000 /.  fo  raifed,  at  the  End  of  three  -An.  a*  Car.  I. 
Months  after  the  former  Payment ;  and  5O,ooO/.  t     l6*6 ' 
more,   raifed  as  aforefaid,   at   the  End   of  nine     Nove^bcr> 
Months  after  the  firft  Payment.     But,    in  cafe 
the  latter  1 00,000 /.  fhall  be  more  fpeedily  pro- 
cured, the  fame  fhall  be  fooner   paid   to   them ; 
although  there  be   no  Engagement  for  a  more 
fpeedy  Payment,  than  at  the  Times  before  ex- 
prefled.'    ' 

Indeed  the  Scots  Army,  being  ftill  in  the 
Northern  Parts  in  this  Kingdom,  was  a  grievous 
Burthen  to  that  Country  to  fupport.  Many  In- 
ftances  and  Evidences  of  which,  on  good  Authority, 
were  fent  up  to  Parliament,  and  read  in  both  Houfes. 
And  that  a  downright  Rupture  between  the  two 
Nations  was  then  expected,  in  which  the  fcattered 
Royalifts  in  England  might  reap  fome  Advantage, 
appears  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons  ordering 
Guards  to  be  placed  at  the  feveral  Pafles  over  the 
RiverTnvz/;  that  they  fhould  take  fpecial  Care  to 
fuffer  none  to  go  Northward,  without  warrantable 
Pafles ;  and  that  all  Perfons  whatfoever,  who  had 
borne  Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  and  other  fu- 
fpedled  Perfons  armed,  fhould  be  flopped.  But 
the  Scots  Commiflioners,  in  order  to  clear  their 
Army  from  the  Charge  of  being  the  Occalion  of 
thefe  Oppreflions,  prefented  the  following  Me- 
morial to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  addrefs'd  to  their 

Right  Honourable^  Nov.  3,  1646. 

UPON  Saturday  Night  we  received  from  Tfce Scots VlndS- 
your  Lordfhips  feveral  Papers  and  Peti-  cation  againft  the 
tions,  fent  out  of  the  Northern  Parts  of  this 
Kingdom,  concerning  the  Sufferings  of  the  In- 
habitants  there,  and  the  Monies  paid  by  them  to 
the  Scots  Army  ;  to  which  Papers,  until  we  re* 
ceive  particular  Information  from  our  Army,  we 
return  this  Anfwer; 

That  we  are  informed  by  fome  of  the  Officers 
'  of  the  Scots  Arrry  now  in  London,  that  the  Inha- 
le 2  '  bitantt 


An.   »a  Car.    I. 


'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

bitants  of  Cleveland,  Bedale,  and  AJkrig,  who  fent 
thefe  Petitions  to  the  Parliament,  have  fuffered 
more  than  any  others  in  the  Northern  Counties, 
the  Quarters  of  the  Scots  Army  being  ftrait,  and 
thofe  Parts  fitteft  for  their  Accommodation; 
but  that  divers  Proportions  mentioned  in  thofe 
Papers  ate  not  near  fo  great  as  they  are  rcpre- 
fented ;  and  in  particular,  that  the  Sums  are  much 
lefs  in  the  fubfcribed  Accounts  given  by  the 
Country  to  the  Scots  Army;  and  whatever  Mo- 
nies are  pnid  by  them  to  the  Scots  Army,  they 
difcharge  their  Quarters  with  thofe  Monies ; 
which  however  they  may  be  diiproportionuble 
to  the  Abilities  of  the  Country,  yet  there  is 
no  m^re  taken  thar  in  the  le.ift  Meafure  may 
enable  the  Army  tofubfift;  nor  is  there  any  more 
allowed  unto  them  than  Four-pence  per  Diem  to 
the  Foot  Soldier,  Twelve  pence  to  the  Horfe, 
and  a  third  Part  Pay  to  the  Officers. 
4  Upon  all  which  we  do  obferve,  That  the  Scots 
Army,  receiving  no  Pay  from  the  Parliament  for 
near  thefe  feven  Months  paft,  are  enforced  to 
quarter  in  thofe  Parts  of  the  Kingdom  which  are 
moft  exhaufted,  and  have  fuffered  mofl  fince  the 
Beginning  of  theie  Wars;  and  are  alfo  exceed- 
ing ftraitned  in  their  Quarters,  by  reafon  the 
Englljh  Forces  do  lie  fo  near  them,  whereof  the 
Effe&s  are  the  Undoing  of  the  poor  Inhabitants 
there;  the  rendering  of  the  Scots  Army  odious, 
and  rail) ngDifcon tent  in  the  People  againft  them.; 
whereas  if  Care  had  been  taken  for  their  Enter- 
tainment, and  if  their  Maintenance  had  been 
equally  laid  upon  the  whole  Kingdom,  the  Scct$ 
Army  had  been  much  better  provided,  and  the 
Inhabitants  of  thofe  Northern  Parts  had  never 
been  fubje£ted  to  thefe  heavy  Burthens.  And 
tho'  it  were  true  that  the  prefcnt  monthly  Charge 
oi"  the  Scots  Army  did  amount  to  ig.joc/.  (which 
we  do  very  much  queflion)  yet  this  Sum  is  far 
fliort  of  the  31,  coo/,  contracted  for  by  the  Trea- 
ty, befides  theSurplufage  that  appears  due  upon 

«  We 

of   ENGLAND.  165 

'  We  do    likewife  obferve  from  thofe  Papers,  An.  **   ear.  r. 

*  That  we   have  good  Reafon  to  complain  of  tac        t646- 

4  vile  Afperfions  fo  unjuftly  caft  upon  the  Scots  Ar-    ^T ^~~~* 
«  my  by  the   Weekly  Dmrnah   and   Pamphlets;    in 

*  particular  of  that  printed  Declaration  prefentcj 

*  by  us  to  the  Houfes;  wherein,  befule  other  detcft- 
4  able    and  exafperating    Language  to  delude  the 

*  People,    it  is  faid,  That  the  Sects   Army  do  ajjlfs 
«  according  to  the  Rale  of  147,000^  per  ; 
4  and  we   do  expect  that   the  Honourable  Houlls 
«  will,    in  Juftice,  take   Order  with  fiich  Abufcrs 

*  of  the  People,  and  prevent  their  Pradtices  for  the 
4  future ;  upon  which  we  do  the   rather  infill,  in 
4  that   the  Diurnal   this    Week  has  reprinted   the 

*  fame  Tilings;  and,    to  deceive  the   People,  has 
4  greatly  perverted  the  Meaning   of  fome  Things 

*  contained  in  the  Petitions  fent  from  the  Norta : 

*  And    it  doth  farther  appear,    that  the   D-jfires  of 

*  thofe  Petitions  and  Letters  are  the  fame  with  ours, 

*  and   that  there   is  an    urgent   Necefliiy    for  ths 

*  Houfes  of  Parliament  fpeedily  to  take  into  Coii- 
1  fideration  the  Defires  of  our  fcveral  Papers,  for 

*  hafteningthe  200,000 /.   to  the  Army,  and  their 

*  Removal  out  of  this  Kingdom. 

*  And  fmce  the  Neceflities  of  that  Army  Jo  daily 
<  increafe,  and  the  longer  they  ftay   in  the  King- 

*  dom  they  muft  needs  be  a  greater  Burthen  to  it, 
4  efpecially  to  thofe  Parts    where  they  do  quarter ; 

*  and   feeing  moft  of  Sir  Tbimas  Fan-fax's  Army 
4  (for  what  Ends  we  know  not)  is  marched  North- 
4  ward,  whereby  Differences  may  arife  to  the  Di- 

*  fturbance  of  the  Peace  of  the  Kingdoms,  we  i^o 

*  earneftlv  intreat  the  Honourable  Houfes  to  lay 
4  thcfe  Things  timeoufly  to  Heart;    and  to  give 
4  fuchafpeedy  and  juft  Anfwer  to  our  former  Pa- 
4  pers,  as  may  be  a  Means  to  preferve  thcfe  King- 

*  doms  in  a  happy  Union  and  brotherly  Corrcfpon- 
4  dence. 

By  Command  of  the  Commifjioners  for  the  Par- 
liament of  Scotland. 

L  3  M* 

1 66  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.  I.      tf0v.  12.  This  Day   we  find  an    Entry  in  the 
•.__    *6'  t      Journals  of  a   Report  made  to  the  Lords,    from 
November,      the  Commiffioners  of  both  Kingdoms,  That  Colo- 
nel George  Monk  had  been  with  them,  and  had  en- 
gaged  his   Honour  that  he  would    faithfully  ferve 
Col.  George        the  Parliament  in  the  War  of  Ireland,  if  he  might 
^  Wr?heem"  be  employed  thither.     That  he  had  taken  the  Ne- 
Parliamcnt.         gative  Oath,  was  willing  to  take  the    Covenant; 
and  would   be  ready  for  his  Journey  at  a   Day's 
Warning  (£)  j  which  being  fignified  to  the  Commons, 
bothHoufes  agreed  to  his  Commiflion,  as  aPerfon 
veil  qualified  to  do  great  Service  in  thofe  Wars. 
This  is  the  firft  public   Notice  we  have  met  with 
relating  to  the  Conduct  of  this  Officer,  who  makes 
fucha  Figure  in  thefe  Annals  afterwards. 

Nov.    13.  The  Speaker   acquainted   the  Lords, 
foSwwSpkl  That,  the  Day  before,  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  arrived" 
ment  General      in  Town,  and  the  fame  Night  came  to   him,  and 
Fairfax  on  his      exprefled  his  Readinefs  to  ferve  that  Houfe  in  all 
Arrival  uiLon-   Things  that  laid  in  his  Power.     Upon  which  the 
Queftion    was    put,    Whether   the   Houfe  fliould 
appoint  their  Speaker,  with   a  Committee  of  the 
whole  Houfe,  to  go  and   complement  Sir   Thomas 
Fairfax  on  his  Arrival  ?   it  was  carried  in  the  Affir- 
mative j  the  following  Lords,  by  Name,  only  pro- 
tefting  againft  this  Vote;    the  Earls  of  Middlefexy 
Suffolk   and   Lincoln ;    and    the    Lords    Hunfdon, 
Willoughby^    and   Maynard.      The  next  Morning, 
at  Eleven  o'Clock,  was   appointed  for  the  Speaker 
to  goto  Sir  Thomas^  with  the  whole  Houfe,  to  con- 
gratulate his  coming  to  Town,  and  make  an  Ac- 
knowledgment of  his   good  Services  done  to   the 
Parliament  and  Kingdom. 

The  fame  Day  the  Commons  alfo  came  to  a 
Refolution,  That  their  Speaker,  with  the  whole 
Houfe,  fhould,  the  next  Morning,  make  a  Vifit 
to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax^  their  General ;  and  return 
.him  the  Thanks  of  the  Commons  of  Englandy  as 


(*}  Col.  Mont  was  taten  Prifbner  in  the  Fight  at  ffaetviicb,  in 
C&fkire,  in  1643^  being  then  in  the  King's  Service. 

fVbitlocke,  p.  77. 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  167 

an  Acknowledgment  of  the  great  Bleffings  of  Al-  An.  22  Car.  I. 

mighty  G.vJ  u;x>n  his  faithful  Services,  wife  Con-     v  *  *  ' , 

duel:  and  ^r.-ac  Valour,  in  the  whole  Difcharge  of  November, 
the  great  Trull  committed  unto  him,  and  redu- 
cing the  diffracted  AtFairs  of  this  Kingdom  to  the 
prefent  happy  Condition  and  IfTue.  Accordingly 
both  Houfes  went  to  vifit  him  ;  when,  as  a  Jour- 
nalift  of  thefe  Times  informs  us  (r),  the  Earl  of^  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers,  in  the 
Name  of  that  Houfe,  addrefs'd  the  (general  to 
this  Effect ;  *  He  gave  his  Excellency  Thanks  for 
all  his  Care  and  Pains  in  the  Defence  of  the  Pub- 
lic, expreffing  their  great  Acknowledgment  of  his 
memorable  Services,  and  faithful  Performance  of 
the  Truft  repofed  in  him  \  which  their  Lordfhips 
fhould  always  have  in  Remembrance,  and  be 
ready  upon  all  Qccafions  to  exprefs  their  Gra- 
titude.' But 

Mr.  Rujkworth  tells  us  that  William  LenthaU^ 
Efq;  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  mada 
the  following  Speech  to  Sir  Tboma/  Fairfax. 

S  I  R, 
4   T  Have  a  very  hard  Talk  to  perform  ;  to  prefent 

1  the  Refpe&s  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  ac- 
cording to  your  Excellency's  Merit,  and  their  De- 
fires.  To  effect  this  accordingly,  I  fhould  have 
informed  myfelf  from  Hiftories  that  have  preferved 
the  Memories  of  the  famous  Worthies  pf  former 
Ages,  and  fhould  have  taken  the  Dimenfions  of 
the  largeft  Coronets  and  Trophies  wherewith  they 
are  made  glorious ;  and  even  thofe  would  rather, 
(heighten  than  enlarge  the  Temples  of  your  Ex- 
cellency :  Or  elfe  I  fhould  have  confulted  fome  of 
the  moft  learned  and  eloquent  Orators,  who  have 
fet  forth  the  glorious  Gefts  performed  in  former 
Times,  whereby  I  might  have  infifted  on  fome 
Parallel  for  your  Wifdom,  Piety,  Juftice,  and 
Valour ;  but  I  conceived  the  Virtues  and  Succefs 
which  God  had  beftowed  upon  you,  were  very 
L  4  hardly 

W  4t*rftB  DiurtMloffomt  Paffan  in  ParEaxtsat,  No.  173. 

1 6  8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^^  Car.  I.  hardly  to  be  match'd,  and  rather  needed  more  In- 
t 6 '_j     duftry  and  Memory  to  enumerate,  than  Oratory 

November.       to  poliOl. 

«  Heretofore  when  I  read  the  Hiftories  of  the 
Acts  of  famous  Princes  and  Warriors,  in  this  or 
o  her  Nations,  it  was  not  without  fome  Jcaloufy 
that  in  them  there  was  fome  Mixture  anu  Glofles 
of  Oratory  and  Art,  the  more  to  fet  off  and  give 
Luftre  to  their  A<5b,  as  Arguments  of  Emulation 
for  others  to  follow  theFootflcps  of  their  Virtues; 
but  the  A&ions  of  your  Excellency  will  add  Luftre 
and  Belief  to  them,  being  all  verified  in  you.  And 
indeed  here,  coniidering  the  fwift  Marches,  and 
the  Expedition  of  thofe  grand  and  difficult  At- 
tempts, which  were  profecuted  and  efR&ed  by 
your  Excellency,  I  mny  fay,  The  Almighty  came 
riding  on  the  Wings  of  the  Wir.d\  for  thefe  were  no- 
thing elfe  but  the  Magnalia  Dei,  acted  in  and  by 
you  his  Inftrument, 

'  tt  was  the  Cuftom  of  the  antient  Romans^  af- 
ter a  glorious  and  fuccefsful  Prince,  to  derive  his 
Name  to  Pofterity  in  Memory  of  his  Virtues;  as 
after  that  great  Prince  Julius  Cafar,  his  Succef- 
fois  retained  the  Name  of  Cafars,  as  Auguflus 
Co-far,  Tfierius  Cafar^  &c.  Thus  hereafter  all 
famous  and  victorious  fucceding  Generals  in  this 
Kingdom,  (if  the  Times  (hall  prove  fo  unfortu- 
nate) will  defire  the  Addition  of  the  Name  of 

4  And  furely  the  Honour  of  the  late  Lord-Gene- 
ral was  not,  \vhilft  he  lived,  any  Way  etlipfcd 
by  the  Succeilion  of  your  Excellency  in  his  Com- 
mand; but  rather  augmented,  whilft  each  reta.ncd 
ths  Brightnefs  of  his  own  Honour,  having  both 
Rays  enough  to  enlighten  a  Kingdom,  th<_n  ovcr- 
fet  with  Clouds  and  thick  D:.rknets. 

*  J  {hall  need  to  fay  no  more  but  this,  That  the 
World  will  admire  your  Excellency's  Worth;  Po- 
fterity will  honour  your  Name;  and  that  the  whole 
Houfe  of  Commons,  in  the  Name  of -the  Com- 
mons of  England^  do  return  you  Thanks  for  your 
iii.d  memorable  Services:  The  Begin- 

of     E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  169 

nlng,  Continuance,    and   ErTe«a,    whereof  I  muft  An., a  c^  I. 
folely  attribute  to  the  Almighty,  the  Lord  of  Hofts     ,  '  4  '     , 
and  Victories.'  Nc»c«nb«. 

To  this  extraordinary  Harangue  (which  fo  mo- 
dcft  a  Man,  as  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  is  univerfally  al- 
lowed to  have  been,  muft  blulh  to  hear)  the  Gene- 
ral made  a  fhort  Anfwer,  exprefEng  how  much  he 
efteemed  himfclf  honoured  by  the  great  Refpedsof 
the  Houfes  towards  him,  for  which  he  defired  his 
humble  Thanks  might  be  returned  ;  and  that  he 
accounted  it  his  greateft  Happinefs,  under  God,  to 
be  in  the  lead  Kind  inltrumental  for  theirs  and 
the  Kingdom's  Good. 

Towards  the  Clofe  of  this  Month  a  Meflage 
was  brought  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  with 
an  Order  to  deliver  to  the  Lords  a  Letter,  with 
fome  Examinations,  which  did  concern  two  Peers 
of  their  Kcufc,  and  that  ihey  had  Directions  only 
to  deliver  them. 

Hereupon  the  Letter  and  Examinations  were  read,  ^he  Earls  of 
the  Purport  of  which   was    a   Charge  againft  the  NorJhumberian4 
Earls  of  Northumberland  and  Pembroke,    that    they  *££?*£ 
fhould  fend  Money  to  the  King  at  Oxford^  as  had  fena,ng  40007. 
likewife  ibme   Members   of   the   Houle  of  Com-  to  the  King  at 
mons.     Their    L -rdfhips    being  prefent  declared Oxford' 
their  Innocency   in   t.iis    Bufmefs,  and  defired  the 
Houfes  would  pleafe  to  put  it  in:o  a  Way  of  Exa- 
mination.   After    Debate   this  Quiftion    was    put, 
Whether,  at  the  DtTire   of  the  Earl  of  Northnm- 
luYland  and  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  there  {hall  be  a 
Commitcee   appeinced ;     and    that    the    Houfe    of 
Commons    be    acquainted     that    the  Lords    defire 
^  them  to  appoint  a  Committee  of  their  own  Houfe, 
who  may  be  prefent,  if  they  think  fit,  to  examine 
this  Bufinefi?   It  was  refolvcd   in  the  Affirmative, 
and  an  Order  made  for  attaching  the  Body  of  Ri- 
chard Lloyd  of  the  Inner  Ttmpk^  E;q  ;  and  bring- 
ing him  before  the  Lords,   to  anlwcr  the  Scandils 
raifed  by  him  againft  the  Earls  of  North  umber  Ic,  •:/ 
and  Pembroke. 

j  70  eThe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

n.  ax  Car.  j-      Then    the    following  Examination  of  the   faid 

1646.         Richard  Lloyd,  taken  by  the  Standing   Committee 

Tt    "~          of  Parliament  in  Truro,  Nov.  16,  1646,  was  read  : 

«  That    this   Examinant     confefled,    That   on 

*  Sunday  laft,  being  at  Dinner  at  the  Sign  of  the 

*  Bull  in  Truro,  together  with  Mr.  Coiues  and  Mr. 
~*  Trerife,  he,  amongft  other  Things,  told  them  of 

*  certain  Monies  fent  from  two  Lords    of  Parlia- 

*  ment  to  the  King  at  Oxford,  during  the    late 

*  Wars  in  this  Kingdom. 

*  And  this  Examinant  now  faith,  That  he  being 
'  at  Oxford  about  four  Years  laft  paft,  was  a  Gen- 
'  tleman  of  the  Privy  Chamber  extraordinary  to 

*  the  King,  and  rode  in  his  Troop  ;  and  about  that 

*  Time  there  were  two  Gentlemen  that  came  from 
'  London,  the  one   calFd  Mr.  Compton,    who  was 
«  a  Page  to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,    and  was  then 

*  one  of  the  King's  Servants  v  and    that  they  told 

*  this  Examinant  they  had   brought  from  London 
t  4000  /.   in   Gold"  quilted  about  them,  from    the 

*  Earl  of  Northumberland  and    the   Eurl  of  Pem- 

*  broke,  from  each  2000  L  which  they  had  fent  to 
'  the  King ;  and  that  the  faid  Ccwpton  lay   in   the 

*  fame  Houfe    in    Oxford  where    this  Examinant 
'  lay ;   and  that  they  were  fo  fore  with  carrying 

*  the  faid  Money,    that  they  toW    this  Examinant 
«  they  kept   their  Beds  three  or  four  Da);s  :  That 
*•  Sir  George  Crynes   of   Petkbam   in  Surry^    being 

*  then  at  Oxford,  told  this  Examinant  that  hs  had 

*  brought  IOO  /.  to    the  King,  which  Sir  Poynings 
'  Moore,  a  Member    of  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 

*  had  fent  to  the  King,  from  London  ;  and  that  Sir 
'  Thomas    Longtteville,    near   Stony- Stratford,    told 
'  this  Examinant  above  two  Years    paft,    that  he 
'  had  4  or  500  /.  fent  by   fome  Parliament-Men, 
'  Friends  of  his,  to  the  King  :  And    this  Exami- 
'  nant  knoweth  that  there  was,  of  the  faid  Monies, 

*  140  or  1507.    paid    by  Order    from  Sir  Edward 
1  Hyde,  the  Chancellor,   for  Sir  Tito-mas  Lunsfortff 

'  And  he  further  confefleth  to  have  faid,  That  the 

*  Reafons  why   the  faid  Perfons  fent   the  Moirey 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  171 

4  aforefaid  was,  becaufe  the  Parliament  was  weak,  An.  «  Car.  I. 
*  and  they  knew  not  how  Things  would  fall  out.'    t       '  4       ^ 

Next  were  read    the  Examinations  ot  Mr.   Tre-     November. 
rife  and  Mr.   Cow  ft  in  Confirmation    of  the  fore- 
going, and  almoft  in  the  very  fame  Words,  which 
we  therefore  omit. 

Nov.  26.  No  farther  Notice  of  thefe  Exami- 
nations being  as  yet  taken  by  the  Lords,  we  (hall 
here  exhibit  a  Copy  of  another  Letter  from  Colo- 
nel Mitton,  in  IVale^  directed  to  the  Speaker  of 
the  Houfe  of  Lords,  concerning  the  farther  Con- 
dud  of  the  Archbifhop  of  York,  in  that  Country. 

Right  Honour  able  i 

*  T   TNderftandinz  that  mv  Lord  of  Tork   hath  „ 

I     ".  r          °,      .  '  TT  Col.  Mitton  < 

'    \*J    been  formerly  known  unto   your  Honour,  further  Account 

*  and  that  you  have  been  fome    happy  Means  to  of  the  Service* 

«  reduce  him  unto  the  Service  of  the  Parliament ;  J^jS^JI 
«  whereby  I  found  him  very  fteady  to  thofe   En-  btfliop  Williams. 

*  gagements  which  I  had  received  from  him,  and 
'  wherewith  he  hath,  from    the   firft  Hour  until! 

*  now,  moft  punctually  complied  ;    I  do  prefume 
'  to  affiire  your  Lordftiip  by  thefe  few  Lines,  upon 
«  this  Occafion  of  taking  in   of  the  Caftle  of  Con- 
1  way,  that  I  have   found  from  this  worthy  Per- 

*  fonage  that  real  and  continued  Affiftance  in  the 

*  Service  of  the  Parliament,  for  thefe  fix  or  feven 

*  Months,    that  I  cannot  fay  that  I  found  the  like 
'  from  any  other.     He  had  garrifoned  his  Houfe 

*  for  the  Parliament   before  my  entering  upon  this 
'  Country ;  was  the  firft   who  openly  owned   and 
'  received  me  and  my  Forces ;    aflifted   me  with 

'  '  Men  at  the    Siege   of  Carnarvon  j    blocked  up, 

*  with  fome  A&ftance  I  fent  him,   the   Town  of 

*  Conway^  and  laved  the  Country  round  about  from 
'  Plundering;    drew  me,  by  his  Advice,    to  (lorm 
'  that  high    walled  Town;  and  never  did  take  ofF 

*  his  Hands   from  this   Bufmefs  till  this  Day  that 

*  the  Caftle  was  furrendered  ;  which  being  a  Truth 

*  fo  generally  known  in  all  thefe  Parts,  I  held  my- 

*  fclf  bound  in  Honetty  to  impart  unto  your  Lord- 


172  Th?  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.   I.  *  (hip,  and   by  your  Lordihip,    if  your  Honour 
l5*6-     J    «  pleafe,  unto  that    moft  Honourable  Houfe  j  and 
'  November.      *  *°»  num^ly  taking  my  Leave,  I  rtft 

Comvay,  Fw.  io,     Your  Honour' s  bumble  Servant , 


For  thefe  great  Services  the  Parliament,  fome 

Whereupon  they  Time  after  (d),  thought  fit  to  free  and  difcharge  this 

Ed  Pwdon. 8C"  Prclate  fr°m   a11  Manner  of  Sequeftrations    of  his 

Eftate,  real  and   perfonal,  and   to  pafs    a  general 

Pardon  to  him  for  all  his  pail  Offences. 

A  Committee  of  the  Commons  had    been  bufy 
for   fome   Time,    in    framing  an  Anfwer  to  the 
Scots  Commiflioners  Papers,  concerning  the  difpo- 
/  fmg  of  the  King's  Perfon;  and  en  the  28th  of  this 

Month,  it  was  read  in  that  Houfe.  After  which 
the  Queftion  being  put,  Whether  the  Lords  Con- 
currence fhould  be  defired  to  this  Anfwer?  it  paf- 
fed  in  the  Negative,  on  a  Divifionof  uoagainft  90. 
Next  it  was  refolved,  That  a  Copy  of  this  An^ 
fwer  to  the  Scots  Commiflioners  Papers  {hall  be 
fent  to  them,  as  the  Anfwer  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons. This  was  afterwards  ordered  to  be  printed 
and  publifhed,  and  we  give  it  at  large  from  the 
original  Edition  (e). 

The  ANSWER  of  the  COMMONS  ajfimbled  In  Par- 
tiament)  to  the  SCOTS  Co  MISSIONERS  Papers 
of  the  20/£,  and  their  Letter  of  the  2^th  of  Oc- 
tober la/?. 

The  Commons  '  ~T~  HAT  there  might  be  a  firm  and  lafting 
Anfwer  to  the  '  JL  brotherly  Union  between  the  two  King- 
Scots  commit,  t  JomSj  is  the  carneft  Dtfire  of  our  Hearts;  and 
dicing  "anoint  '  tnat  our  Proceedings  may  be  according  to  our 
Right  in  difpo-  c  Covenant  and  the  Treaties  between  us  ;  and 
fingoftheK.imj'1  c  tnat  our  Endeavours  have  been  accordingly  our 

*  own 

(i)  On  the  (V cond  of  A*ri1,  164-. 

(e)  Printed  for  Edward  Hsfoend,  Pr  nter  to  thf  HononraHe  Houfe 
of  Commons,  and  are  to  be  fold  at  1m  Shop  in  f'l.-tprett,  at  the 
Sign  of  the  Colden  Dr.  gon,  near  the  inn  r  1  emple,  Dec.  4, 1646. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  173 

*  own  Confciences,  our  Brethren  of  Scotland,  and  **•  **  £«•.  r 

*  all  that  know  ouc  Ways,  can  bear  us  Witnefs.  ^'     > 
*  That  we  may  ftill  walk  in  the  fame  Path,  pre-       November. 

'  vent    all   Mifapprehenfions,     a^id    bring  a  right 

*  Underftanding  imonffft  us,  the  Commons  aflem- 

*  bled  in  the  Parliament  of  England  do  return  this 

*  enfuing  Anfwer  to  your  Lordlhips  two  Papers   of 
'  the  twentieth,  and  to  your  Letter  of  the  Twenty- 
*"  fourth  of  October  lait ;  wherein   our  End  being 

*  to  give   Satisfaction  to  the   Arguments  in  ybur 
4  Papers,  we  (hall  therefore  anfwer  the  feveral  Par- 

*  ticulars  in  the  Method  we  find  them  ;    only,    to 

*  make  our  whole  Intentions  the  moreeafily  known 
'  (the  Method  you  have  taken  in  your  Papers  not 
'  allowing  us    a  clear  Connection  of  the  Matters 

*  therein  contained,    and  inforcing  us  to  repeat  the 

*  fame  Thing  oftener  than  we  deiire)   we  {hall  firft 
'  premife  and  lay  down  thefe  following  Confidera- 

*  tions  : 

'  Fir  ft,  That  your  Papers  being  grounded  upon 

*  the  Refolutions  of  both  Houfes,  and  on  the  Con- 
4  ference  thereupon   had,   we  (hall  fet  down  the 
'  true  State  of  the  Fact  concerning  them,  which 

*  xvas  thus  : 

Upon  the  24th  of  September,   1646,  the  Houfes 
pafTed  thefe  RefoJutir.ns,  viz. 

1.  *  That  the  Per  fan  of  the  King  Jhall  be  difpofed 
'  of  as  both  the  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England 
«  think  fit. 

2.  *  That  the   Houfes  do  declare.  That  whatfoever 

*  Conference*  Confutation,  or  Debate  Jhall   be  with 

*  the  Commijjiiners  of  Scotland    concerning   the  Dif- 

*  frfal  of  the  Per  Jon  cf  the   King,    it  Jhall  not  be 

*  under/hod  to  be  any  Capitulation  in  relation  to  the 

*  retarding  of  the   March  of  the   Scots  Armies  and 

*  Forces  out    of  this  Kingdom,    or  of  any  Treaty  be- 

*  tween  the  Kingdoms  concerning  the  fame. 

4  And,  upon   the   fame  24tn  Day  of  September, 

*  the   following,     A  Committee  is  appointed  to  meet 

*  with  a  popirtiwable   Number  of  the    Lords  in    the 
'  Painted    Chamber,  to    confer,  confult,    and  debate 

*  with  the  Commijjioners  c/' Scotland  concerning  the 

*  Dijpojal 

1 74  'The  Parliamentary   HISTORY 

n"  26  6*"'  I§  *  D'fP°fal  °f  tbe   PeKfon    °fthe  Kin8*  *f 

.    '  *  '    j     '  tfgfrfl/  ty  the  Scots  Commijponers ;    W 

November.      '  communicated    to   the     Scots   Commijjioners  by  the 

'  Members   of  both  Htufes  of  the  Committee  of  both 

*  Kingdoms.       Thefe    Refolutions,  ordered  to   be 

*  communicated  to  the  Commiflioners  of  Scotland, 
'  were  accordingly  delivered  to  them  by  the  Mem- 

*  bers  of  both  Houfes,  that  are  of  the  Committee 
c  of  both  Kingdoms,  the  25th  of  the  fame  Month; 

'  Upon  the  agth  Day  of  September  your  Lord- 

*  {hips,  by  your  Paper4    fign'd  John  Chiejley,    by 

*  Command  of  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Parlia- 

*  ment  of  Scotland]  defired  a  Conference  in  thefe 
'  Words,  Wt  have  per ufed  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes , 

*  communicattd  to  us  by  your  Lordjhips ;    and  as  we 

*  did  formerly   dcftre   in  our  Paper  of  the  nth   of 

*  Auguft  lajl)   Jo    ive  Jhall  be  ready  on  Thurfday 
'  next  to   confer,    debate,  and  confult  with  fuch  a$ 

*  the  Honourable  Houfes  have  thought  ft  to  appoint ; 
'  and  if  their  Committee  cannot    with     Conveniency 
e  meet  at  that  Time,  wt  defire  it  may  be  fo  foon  m 

*  pojfibly  they  can. 

*  Which   was  thus  granted,  viz.  Oclober  I,  or- 

*  dered,  That  the  Committee  formerly    appointed  to 

*  meet  with  the  CommiJJioners  of  Scotland,   do  meet 

*  this  Afternoon  at  Three  of  the   Clock,  with  the  faid 
'  Ccmmijfioncrs,  to  confer,  debate,   and  confult  with 

*  thfmy    concerning  the  Difpofal  of  the  Perfon  of  the 

*  King^    according  to  the  former  Fates  and  Dedara- 
'  tions  of  both  Houfes. 

4  Upon  the  firft  Day  ofOclober,  before  the  Con- 

*  ference  did  begin,  all  thefe  Papers  were  read,  and 

*  your  Lordfhips   were  told    by   our  Committees, 
1  If  you  were  pleafed  to  fay  any  thing   herein^    they 
'  were  ready  to  confer   with  you  according  to    thefe 

*  Refolutions,  fo    as  this  Conference  was  by  your 

*  Confent  to  be  with  thefe  two  Limitations,  viz. 

1.  •  That  it  (h-mld  be  about  the  Difpofing  of 
'  the  King's  Perfon  as  both  Houfes  of  the  Parlia- 

*  ment  of  England  (hall  think  fit. 

2.  «  That  it  (hall  not  be  underftood   to  be  any 

*  Capitulation,  in  relation  to  the  retai dine;  of  the 

*  March 

^ENGLAND.  175 

*  March  of  the  Scots  Armies  and  Forces  out  of  the  An<  JJU  .  r 

4  Kingdom,  or  of  any  Treaty  between  the  King-  s_ „ / 

4  doms  concerning  the  fame.  November. 

4  And  all  Things  in  your  Speeches  and  Papers 
4  concerning  Change  of  Fundamental  or  Monarchi- 
4  cal  Government,  or  Uniformity  in  Church-Go- 
4  vernment,  Toleration  of  all  Se£ts  and  Sorts  of 
4  Religions,  concerning  the  King's  voluntary  Dif- 

*  pofing  of  himfelf,  (it  being  granted  by  you,  that 

*  his  Perfon  is  to  be  difpofed  of  by  your  joint  Con- 
4  fent)  or  concerning  the  Manner  of  difpofing  of 

*  him,  and  all  other  Things  of  like  Nature,  faving 

*  only  about  the  Right  of  this  Kingdom  to  difpofe 
4  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  England,  without 
4  the  joint  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of 
'  Scotland^  being  foreign  to   the  Matter  of   thefe 

*  Refolutions,  were  improper  at  this  Conference  ; 

*  for  our  Committee  having  their  Limits  could  not 
4  expe&  to  hear  any  fuch,  or  were  to  intermeddle 
4  to  give  an  Anfwer  to  them. 

Secondly,  *   That  the  Matter  of  the  Conference 

*  being  ftated  by  the  Houfes,   and  your  Lordfhips 
4  often  put  in  mind,  in  anfwer  to  your  Claim  for 
4  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland's  Right  of  joint  Intereft 

*  in  difpofing  the  Perfon  of  the  King,  that  the  fole 
4  Matter  thereof  was  concerning  the  two   Houfes 
4  of  Parliament  of  England  having  the   Right  to 

*  difpofe  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  the  King- 

*  dom   of  England,  without  the  joint  Advice  and 
4  Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scot/and)  your  Lord- 
4  mips  did  make  your  Objections,    to  which  our 
4  Committees  anfwered  ;    your  Lordfhips    replied, 
4  and  our  Commitees  anfwered  thofe  Replies  j  yet, 

*  in  your  Paper,  you  ftate  the  Queftion  as  if  to  be 
4  debated  on  your  Refolutions,  and  place  our  Com-» 
4  mittee  to  make  Objections  ;  and  your  Lordfhips 
4  make  the  Anfwer  of  our  Committees  to  your  firft 
4  Objections,  and  their   Anfwer  to  your  Replies, 
4  as  one  intire  Objection.     Your  Lordfhips   well 
4  know  an   Anfwer  to  a  Reply  may  be  full  as  to 

*  the  Reply,  yet  not  applicable  to  every  Part  of  the 
.»  firft  Objection. 


176  fbe  Parliamentary  Hi  s  T  o  R  v 

An-  \26  fr-  T-  Thirdly,  «  That  your  Lord  (hips  engaged  our 
t. ..  *  '  __,  '  Committees,  at  the  Conference,  to  make  no  Re- 
November.  '  port  of  any  Thin*  that  had  palled  at  the  fame, 

*  till  you  had  delivered  your  own  Anfwer  in  Wri- 
'  ting;  and  before  any  Report  made  by  our  Com- 
'  mittee,  or  any  Paper  put  into  the  Hrn:fes  by  you, 
'  lome  of  your  Lordfhips  did   give   Directions  for 

*  the  printing   three  thoufand  Copies  of  the  Lord- 

*  Chancellor's  Speeches  at  that  Conference;   which, 
c  by  the  Printer's  Confefiion,    had  been  publifhed 
'  on  Thurfday  the  i^th   of  Ofioler  laft,  had  they 

*  not  been  fent  for  by  an  Order  of  the  Houfe  of 

*  Commons,  Wtdnefday   the    14;  h    of    the     fame 
'  Month  ;  after  which  Time,  and  not  before,  they 
'  received  Order  from  you   not  to  publifh  them  till 

*  further    Directions ;   which    Speeches    are    fince 
'  publifhed,  and  faid  to  b'j  printed  at  Edinburgh. 

*  That  you  printed  thofe  Papers,  which  you  af- 

*  terward  gave  in  to  the  Houfes  as  your  A.-ifwer  to 

*  thofe  Votes,  (which  were  the  Subject  of  the  Con- 
'  ference)  fooncr  than  it  was  poflible  for  the  Houfes 

*  to  give  an   Anfwer  to  Papers  of  that  Length,  as 

*  if  the  Prepoflcffing  of  the  People  were  nv>re  con- 
'  fidered  by  you  than  the  Satisfaction  of  the  Houfes : 
'  And  if  your  Lordlhips  had  thought  fit  to  have  (laid 

*  for  our  Anfwer,  we  conceive  you  would  not  have 
'  publifhed  thofe  Papers  ;  which  is  an  Action  con- 

*  trary  to  the  Practice  of  all  p'jb'ic  Mi'tifters,  who 
'  ought  not  to   publifh  to  the  People  the  Tranfac- 

*  tions  between  them  and  that  State  to  which  they 
'  are  employed  ;  which  we  are  enforced  to  repre- 

*  lent  to  your  Lordfhips,  and  to  publifh  this  An- 

*  fwer,  it  having    been  fo  often  done  by  your  Di- 

*  regions   in   this   Kingdom,  and   in    th's   prefent 
«  Buiinefs  done  after  fuch  a  Manner  ;  neither  we, 

*  nor  anv   employed  by  us,  having  ever  done  any 

*  luch  Thing  in  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

Fourthly.  '  That  the  Int?rcft  of  Scatlfwd  in  the 
'  King,  and  the  Exercifc  thereof  in  :he  Kingdom 
1  of  England,  being  of  fevcral  and  diftinct  Natures, 
'  are  not  to  be  confounded  as  one  and  the 
'  Thin^i  for  if  you  grunt  ihat  you  have  no  Ri^ht 

4  of 

cf    ENGLAND.  177 

*  of  Exercife  of  Intercft  in  difpofingthe  Pcrfon  of  An.  it  c»r.  i» 

*  the  King,  he   being   in  England,  we  (hall  notv_  M 

*  difpute  your  having  Intereft  in  him.  November. 
Fifthly.,  «  That  the  Queftiori  then    was,    Who 

*  (hall  difpofe  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  Eng- 
'  land,  and   not  after    what   IVtanner   his    Perfon 
'  fhall    be  difpofed  :  And  it  is  to  be  confidered  in 
«  what  Condi  ion  the  King  now  is,   that  he  hath 
'  deferted   his  Parliament  and  People,  entered  into 
'  and  continued  in  a  bloody  and  dangerous   War 

*  agairift  them,  hath  not  granted  thofe  Propofitions 

*  that^  by  both  Kingdoms,  were  fent  unto  him,  as 

*  the  Means  of  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace  ; 

*  and  therefore  is  not,  for  the  prefent,  in  a  Condi- 

*  tion  to  exercife  the  Duties  of  his  Place,  or  be  left 

*  to  go  or  refide  where  and  when  he  pleafeth :   And 
<  your  Lordihips  did,  at  the  Conference,  declare, 

*  That  it  was  prejudicial  to  both  Kingdoms  for  the 
'  King  to  go  into  Scotland. 

Sixthly,  '  That  your  Lordfhips  cannot  in   Rea- 
'  fon  infift,  becaufe  in  our  difpoiing  the  Perfon  of 

*  the  King  we  may  hereby  prejudice  the  Kingdom 

*  of  Scotland,  (the  which  was  never  yet  done  by  us) 
4  on   fuch  a  Poiiibility  to  claim  a  joint  Right  in 
t  difpofingthe  Perfon  of  the  King  in  this  King- 

*  dom;  which,  from  the  firfl:  coming  hither  of  King 
4  James,  now  forty-four  Years,  was  never  before 

4  claimed,  when   as  the  two  Kingdoms   had   not  t  "  • 

*  then  that  Security   from  each  other,    aiainft  all, 

*  imaginary  Prejudices  which  might  happen  thro* 

*  the  Abufes  of  their  particular   Rights,    as  now 
'  they  have  j  beirtg  engaged  by  Covenant,  in  theif 

*  fcveral  Vocations,  mutually  to  preferve  the  Rights 

*  and  Privileges  of  the  Parliaments,  the  Liberties 

*  of  the  Kingdoms,  and  the  King's  Perfon   and 

*  Authority,    in  the  Prefervntion  and  Defence   of 
'  the   true  Religion  and   Liberties   of  the   King- 
4  doms,  as  by  the  third  Article  of  the  Covenant 

*  cloth  clearly  appear. 

*  What  would  your  Lordfhips  think  if  w&fhould 
'  claim  joint  Right  or  Intereft  in  your  Towns, 
'  your  forces,  or  Money  in  Scotlan^  upon  that 

VOL.  XV.  M'  *  Sup- 

178  'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^^  c»r.  I. «  Suppofition,  That  poflibly  you  may  ufe  them  to 
.      '  *  '     ,  '  the  Prejudice  of  this  Kingdom:   Let  not  the  Re- 
November.     '  fults  of  your  Arguments  for   Union  or  for  the 
'  King  be,    That  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  may 
'  exercife  theirlntereft  in  the  Kingdom  of  England; 
'  nor  let  your  Expreflions   obliquely  infer,  That 

*  the  Parliament  of  England  will  not  do  what  be- 

*  cometh  them  to  the  King,  fince  all  the  World 

*  doth  know  that  this  Kingdom  hath,  in  all  Times, 
'  (hewed  as  great  Affection  to  their  Kings  as  any 

*  other  Nation. 

Seventhly,  *  Becaufe  your  Lordfhips  moft  infift 
'  upon  the  Covenant  and  Treaty  in  this  Cafe,  and 
'  alfo  throughout  all  your  Anfwers  to  thofe  you 

*  call   Obje&ions,  we  (hall,  out  of  many,  infert 
'  fome  of  the  Expreflions  in  your  Papers  concerning 

*  the  Covenant  and  Treaty, 

Page  121  and  122  of  your  Papers  (»).  «  Andun- 
c  lefs  we  lay  afede  the  Covenant ,  Treaties,  Declaration* 

*  of  both  Kingdoms ,   and  three  Tears   Conjunction    in 

*  this  War,  neither  the  one   Kingdom  nor   the  other 

*  muji  now  look  back    upon  what    they   might  have 
'  done,  ftngly,  before   fuch  a  fritt  Union  ;  but  look 

*  forwards  what  is  fittejl  to  be  dene  by  both,  jointly 
'  far  the  common   Good  of  both,  and  for  the  Ends  of 

*  the  Covenant^    which    both   are   obliged,  jointly,  is 

*  profecitte  and  promote. 

'  And  as  Reafons  may  be  drawn  from  the  Nature 
c  of  all  Ajjociations,  fo  efpecially  from  the  Nature  of 

*  ours  in  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant ;  the  Title, 
'  Narrative,  Articles,  and  Conclufion  of  it  do  along 
'  link  together   the   Interejl  of  the  Kingdoms  in  this 

.  *  common    Caufe,   fo    much  concerning    the  Glory  cf 

'  Gody  their  own    Safety,   Union,    and    Peace,    arid 

'  the  Honour    and   Happinefs  of  the  King   and  his 

1  PoJIerity;  which  Ends  of  the  Covenant  both  Par- 

•  c  Moments,    as  well  as  other   Stibjefis  of  both  King- 

:  l  doniSy  have  obliged .  thcmf elves  jointly  and  mutually 

4  to  promote. 


(fr)  In  the  Original  the  Reference?  arc  hmde  to  the  Par-?  in  fhr 
Scoii  own  Edition  01"  the:r  Paper*  :  But  tl.e  above  rcitr  .»  ti.c  PJJ,« 
where  they  are  to  te  found  in  tins  Volume. 

#*  ENGLAND.  w 

Page  122.  '  So  that  the  Ends  of  the  Covenant,  up-  An.  »»  Car.  I. 

*  on  which  the  Difp'ofal  of  the   King  mujl  needs  have     ^ ^4<>- 

'  a  Jlrong  Influence,  are  not  to  be  peofecuted  by  the  v 

*  two  Kingdoms,    as  by    two    diftintt  Bodies  a  cling 

*  fin&ty '»  but   they  were  united   by  Jb.'emn  Covenant 
€  made  to  Almighty  God,  and  by  League  each  to  other 

*  as  one  entire  Body  to  profecute  this  Caufe. 

Page  125.  *  Wherefore  we  cannot  chufe  but  obteft, 

*  by  the  Conjunction  and  Parity   of  Interejls,    by  the 
'  Treaty  between  the  Kingdoms,    by  the  Solemn  League 

*  and  Covenant,    that  there  may   be  a  Conjunction  of 
1  the  Councils  and  Resolutions  of  both   Kingdoms,  in 

*  difpoftnzof  that  Royal  Perjqn  who  is  King  of  both. 
Page  128.     '    That  the  Profecution  of  this   War 

'  Jhould  be  with  the  joint  Advice  and  Confent  of  both 
'  Kingdoms,  and  according  fb  thefe  Grounds,  a  Co- 
.'  venant  was  agreed  upon  for  the  Reformation  of 
*•  Religion,  and  .  Prefervdtion  of  the  Liberties  of  the 
4  Kingdoms,  and  of  fhe  King's  Perfon  and  Authority. 
Page  123.  *  From  the  Treaty  the  fame  Thing  doth 
1  further  appear,  it  being  thereby  manifeji,  that  our 

*  Army  was  to  be  levied  fffr  the  common  Good  of  both 

*  Kingdoms,  in  purfifatfce   iff  the  Ends  exprejjed  in 
'  the  Covenant. 

Again,   Page  123.  '  So  that  if  the  Difpofal  of  the 
c  Kings    Perfon,    mentioned  in    the     Vote   of    both 

*  Houfes,  be  intended  for  the  Good,    Peace,  and  Se- 

*  curity  of  both  Kingdoms  $  then  it  Jhould   not  be  done 

*  without  the  mutual  Advice   and  Confent   of  both. 
'  Thus  far  out  of  your  Papers, 

*  Having  thus  laid  down  that  you  claim  that  no- 

*  thing  contained  in  the  Matter  of  the  Covenant, 
'  or  to  be  done  in   purfuance  of  the  Ends  thereof, 

*  or  that  hath  a  ftrong  Influence  thereupon,    can 
c  be  done  by  the  Kingdom  of  England,  in  England, 

*  without  the  joint   Advice   and  Confent    of  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland;  we  fhall,  in  the  next  Place, 
4  lay  down  the  moft  material  Things  contained  in 

*  the  Covenant ;  which  are,  the    Reformation  of 

*  Religion  in  England  and  Ireland  \  the    Extirpa- 
'  tion  of  Popery,    Prelacy,  Su^erftition,  Herefy* 

Ivi  a     '  *  Schifm 

1 80  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  car.  I.«  Schifm,  and  Profanenefs ;  the  Prefervation  of  the 

1646.        <  Rights  and  Privileges  of  the  Parliaments,  and  Li- 

~"~J  *  berties  of  the  Kingdoms ;  and  to  preferve  and  de- 

)ber'     «  fend  the  King's  Majefty's  Perfoh  and   Authority 

'  in  the  Prefervation  and  Defence  of  the  true  Re- 

*  ligion  and  Liberties  of  the  Kingdoms. 

«  Whence  it  neceflarily  follows,  that  the  Mili- 

*  tia,  by  Sea  and  Land,  in  the  Kingdoms  of  Eng* 
'  land  and  Ireland  ;    the  Power  of  making  Peace 
'  and  XVar  with  foreign  States ;  the  King's  Con- 

*  fent  in  the  enacting  any  Law ;  the  Power  of  the 
'  Houfes  of  the   Parliaments  of  England  and  Ire- 

*  land,   in  Cafes  of  Judicature  upon  Delinquents 

*  and  Monopolies,    Impofitions   and   other  Grie- 
'  vances  upon    the  People  of  this  Kingdom;  the 

*  conferring  the  great  Places  of  Honour  and  Truft, 
'  making  of  Peers  of  Parliament,    confering  other 

*  Titles  of  Honour;     what  Revenue   the  King 

*  is  to  have  in  England  and  Ire/and,  and  how  to  be 
'  difpofed;  and  whatfoeveralfo  is  to  bedoneby  the 

*  King   and    Kingdom)  or  by  either  of  them,  in 
k  relation  each  to   other,  cannot   at  any  Time  be 

*  acted  without  the  joint  Advice  and  Confcnt  of  the 
'  Kingdom  of  Scotland:   For  the  Covenant  expref- 

*  feth  in  the  third  Article,    To  preferve  and  defend 
k  the  Kings  Majejlys  Perfon  and  Authority,    in  the 

*  Prefervation  and  Defence  of  the    true  Religion  and 
'  Liberties  of  tb&   Kingdoms,  and  for   the  Reforma- 

*  tion   of  Religion  in  England  and  Ireland  ;  the  Ex- 
4  tirp'ation   of   Popery^    Prelacy,    Super ftition,    He- 
'  rejy,     Schifm,    and  Profanenefs  ;  the  Prefervation 
4  of  tkt  Rights  and  Privileges  of  Parliaments,    and 

*  Liberties    of    the  Kingdoms*     It  alfo   followeth, 

*  that  the   Kingdoms   of  England  and  Ireland^  as 
k  well  in  Things  that  have  no  Relation  to  the  King 

*  as  in  thofe  which   have,  can  excrcife  no  Powers 
'  or  Jurifdiclions  without  the  Advice  or  Confent  of 
c  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland ;  the  Matters  of  Rcli- 

*  gion,  Privileges  of  Parliaments,  and  Liberties  of 

*  the  Kingdoms,  comprehending  whatfocvcr  is  to 

*  be  acted  in  the  Government  of  the  Kingdoms  of 
'  England  and    Ireland.     On  this  Foundation  laid 

*f   ENGLAND, 

'  in  your  Papers,   the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  may,  An 

*  when  they  fee  Time,  claim  a  Right  of  joint  In- 

*  tereft   wirh  the  Kingdom  of  England  in  all  the     N 
*•  Things  before-mentioned,    and  except  agajnft, 

*  and  queftion  the  Validity  of  the  Ordinances  for 
4  taking  away  of  the  Court  of  Wards  ;  fettling  th,e 
4  Militia  of  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Ireland; 

*  for  Sale  of  BUhops  Lands,  and  all  other  Procee.d- 
'  ings  in  Parliament  fmce  the  Covenant  and  Trea-- 
*•  ty,  whereto  the  Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scst~ 

*  land  hath  no;:  been  had. 

*  And   your   Lordfhips,    by  obtefling  in    thefe 

*  Words^  That  there  may   l>e   a  Conjunction  of  the 

*  Councils  and  Refolutions  of  both  Kingdoms,  in  dif- 
'  poftng  of  that  Royal  Perfon  who  is  King  of  both  ; 

*  and  that  all  lawful  and  pojjible  Means,    of  which 

*  this  is  one,  and  a  chief  one,  may  be  ufed,  which  may 
'  prefer ve  his  Majefiys  P  erf  on,  Honour ',  and  Huppi- 

*  nefs.     And   from  your  Propofition,  Thai  the  King 

*  may  come  hithfr   in    Safety^  Freedom,  and  Honour^ 

*  you  do  now  claim  from  the  Covenant  and  Treaty 

*  a  negative  Voice,  and  Right  of  joint  Confent  with 
'  this  Kingdom  in  all  Things  in  relation  between  the 

*  King  and  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Ireland-, 

*  which  are  all  comprehended  under  the  Words  of 

*  Safety,  Freedom^  Honour,  and  Happinefs. 

*  We  (hall  no\v  appeal  to  the  Confciences  of  our 

*  Brethren  of  Scotland,  and  of  all   thofe  who  have 
4  taken  or   read  this  Covenant  or  Treaty,  if  any 
4  fuch  Conftruclion  can  be  made  out  of  them,  or 

*  any  of  them  j  or  whether  it  would  have  ever  en- 

*  tered  into  the  Thoughts  of  the  free  People  of  this 
4  Kingdom  to   have   made    fuch   a   Covenant   or 
4  Treaty,  which  might  any  way  bear  fuch  an  In- 

*  terpretation  fo  deftruclive  to  their  Freedoms,  as  to 

*  introduce  another  Nation  to  be  one  of  the  Eftates 

*  of  this  Kingdom;  and  to  have  a  negative  Voice  in 

*  all  things  concerning  their  Welfare;  whereby  we 

*  (hould  at  once  give  up  what  we  have  for  fo  many 

*  Ages   derived   from  our  Anceftors,  and  what  we 

*  have    endeavoured   to    prefcrve  with  fo  »reat  an 
4  Expence  of  Blood  and  Trcafure  ;  and  fo  much 

*  the 

1 82  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^^  Or.  I.  t  t^e  rather,  in  refpecl  this  prefer. t  Parliament  hath 

v    l6*  '   ,      *  not,   nor   doth    claim  any  thing  of  this  Nature 

November.      '  w'th in .the Kingdom  of  Scotland;  nor  putanyfuch 

1  Conftru&ion  upon  the  Covenant  or  Treaties,  in 

4  relation   to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland.     And  how 

'  far  this  is,  not  only  from  the  Intent,  but  from  the 

*  very  Words,  of  the  Covenant  (o)y  we  (hall  prefently 

<  make  more  fully  appear. 

'We,  by  the  Covenant,  inthefirft  Article  which 
'  concerns  Religion,  are  to  endeavour  in  our  feve- 
'  ral  Places  and  Callings. 

*  In  the  fecond,  which  concerns  the  Extirpation 
c  of  Popery,  Prelacy,  Superftition,  Herefy,  Schifm," 
'  and  Profanenefs,  to  endeavour  in  like  Manner. 

'  In  the  third,  which  concerns  the  Rights  and 
'  Privileges  of  Parliaments,  the  Liberties  of  the 
'  Kingdoms,  and  the  Prefervatiqn  and  Defence  of 

*  the  King's  Perfon  and  Authority,  in  the  Prefer- 

*  vation   and  Defence  of  the  true  Religion  and  Li- 

*  bertiesof  the  Kingdoms,  to  endeavour  in.  our  fe- 

*  veral  Vocations. 

'  The  fourth,  which  concerns  Incendiaries,  they 

*  are  to  be  brought  to  public  Trial,  and   receive 
'  condign  Punimment  from   the  fupreme  Judicato- 
'  ries  of  both  Kingdoms  refpectively. 

*  In  the  fifth,  concerning  the  continuing  of  the 
4  Peace  and  Union  of  the  Kingdoms  of  England 
'  and  Scotland,  we  (hall  each  one  of  us  endeavour, 
'  according  to  our  Plages  and  Intereft. 

'  In  the  fixth  and  laft,  concerning  the  Afliftance 

*  and  Defence  of  all  thofe  that  enter  into  this  Co- 
'  venant,    to    endeavour,    according  to  our  Places 

*  and    Callings,  to    perform    whatfoever   we    are 
'  obliged  to  by  the  Covenant. 

'  tt  feems  ftrange  to  us,  that  England  and  Scot- 
'  land  being  feveral  diftinct  Kingdoms;  and,  by 

*  the  Covenant,  eachonebcing  to  actin  his  feveral 
'  Place,    Vocation,  Calling  and    Intereft,  that  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland ^(hould,  from  this  Covenant, 

*  intitle   thsmfclvcs  to  the  Right  of  exercifing  ai>y 

'  joint 
fa]  Prr.ted  at  h-ge  in  our  Twelfth  Volume,  p.  396. 

cf   ENGLAND.  183 

joint  Power  in  the  Kingdom  of  England-,  the  ex-  An.  M  Car.  '• 
prefs  Words  of  the  Covenant  being  directly  con-  l64*» 
trary  to  the  Exercife  of  any  joint  rower,  which 
was  feveral  and  diftincr.  before  the  making  this 
Covenant;  and  the  joint  Exercife  of  fuch  Power 
would  break  the  Covenant,  becaufe  we  are  there- 
by obliged,  in  our  feveral  Vocations,  mutually  tq 
preferve  the  Rights  and  Privileges  of  the  Parlia- 
ments, and  the  Liberties  of  the  Kingdoms;  and 
the  Exercife  of  fuch  a  joint  Power,  which  doth 
give  a  negative  Voice  to  another  Nation,  in  the 
Proceedings  iftj  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and 
Ireland,  would  be  a  manifeft  Breach  of  thofe 
Privileges  and  Liberties.  And  whereas,  through- 
out your  whole  Papers,  this  joint  Intereft  is  fo 
much  enforced  from  the  Covenant,  neither  that 
Word  jointly,  nor  any  other  Expreffion  which 
will  bear  that  Interpretation,  is  fo  much  as  men- 
tioned in  the  Covenant;  and  the  Words,  Each 
sue  in  bis  feveral  Vocation,  Calling,  Place,  and 
Intereft,  v/hich  runs  throughout  the  whole  Co- 
venant, and  would  have  cleared  the  Meaning  of 
it,  are  wholly  left  out  by  you;  and  in  all  your 
Recitals  of  the  Covenant,  or  Arugments  drawn 
from  thence,  there  are  no  Words~to  that  Eflfedt. 
4  Your  other  Arguments  drawn  from  the  Treaty, 
That  the  Scots  Army  was  brought  intj  this  King- 
do?n  to  purfue  the  Ends  expreffed  in  the  Covenant ; 
whence  you  enforce,  That  whatfoever  is  to  be 
done  by  that  Treaty,  muft  be  by  the  Confent  of 
the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  becaufe  according  to 
the  Ends  of  the  Covenant,  have  been  more  fully 
anfwered  in  our  (hewing  how  far  fuch  }oint  Con- 
fent is  both  from  the  exprcfs  Words  and  Meaning 
of  the  Covenant.  And  whereas  you  would  en- 
force the  Meaning  of  the  Covenant  to  be,  Thnt 
nothing  can  be  done  in  purfuance  thereof,  but  by 
your  joint  Confent,  bec.iufe,  from  the  third  Ar- 
ticle in  the  Treaty,  Ts:er  Army  L  to  /«.•  directed 
by  the  joint  Advice  of  both  Kingdoms,  or  ibnr 
Committees ;  and  from  the  eighth  Article,  That  nc 
CeJJation  or  Peace  be  mait  by  cit'.\-r  Kingdwi, 
M  4  ib~ 

1 84  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  zi  Car.  !•  «  without  Confent  of  both;  And  from  the  ninth  Ar- 

l646> t    *  tide,  77;rf/  all  Matters   cf  Differences   between  tb* 

November.  *  Subjefls  of  the  two  Nations  are  to  be  determined. 
1  by  joint  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms,  or  ileir  Com- 
*  mittees :  If  no  Things,  to  be  done  in  purfuance 
4  of  the  Covenant,  could  be  done  without  your 
4  joint  Confent,  the  particular  and  cxprefs  Provi- 
4  fion,  that  thefe  three  Things  fhould  be  done  by 
4  joint  Confenr,  had  been  altogeth  r  needlefs. 

4  Your  Arguments  from  the  Treaty,  againft  the 
4  Power  of  this  Kingdom's  acling  in  the  Things 
4  mentioned  in  your  Parers,  without  the  Confent 
4  of  :he  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  are  particularly  an- 
4  fwered  in  the  Places  where  you  alledge  them. 

4  And  your  Lordfliips  may  well  remember,  that 
4  your  fnft  denying  of  the  Power  of  the  Kingdom 
4  of  England  to  act  without  your  joint  Ccnfent, 
4  was  not  firft  feton  foot  concerning  the  Difpcfmg 
4  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  England;  and  there- 
4  fo-e,  by  reafon  of  fome  Papers  and  Speeches  of 
4  youis  concerning  th?  Prop'  fitions  for  Reforma- 
4  tion  of  Religion,  and  the  Militia  of  the  King- 
4  doms  of  England  and  Ireland,  and  concerning 
4  foine  of  your  Nation  having  Offices  and  Places 
4  within  thi<  Kingdom,  both  Houfes  of  Parliament, 
4  for  the  vidicating  of  the  Right  of  the  Kingdom 
^  of  England  from  ;he  ConftrucYion  then,  and  now, 
4  put  upon  the  Covenant  and  Treaty,  did,  upon. 
4  the  2Qth  ot  June  164.6,  declare  as  followeth : 

4  Whereas  the  Lords  and  Commons  ajfembled  in  the 
4  Parliament  of  England,  in  the  Name  and  on  the 
4  Behalf  of  the  Kingdoms  0/~  England  and  Ireland, 
4  and  the  (..ommijftsners  of  the  Parliament  of  Scot- 

*  hind,   in  the  Name  and  on  the  Behalf  of  the  King- 
4  dom  of  Scotland,  'have    thought  fit   to    [end  to  the 
4  King  the  humble  Defires  and  Proportions  for  a  fafe 
'  and  well- grounded  Peace,  agreed  upon  by  the  Par- 
4  liament     of  both  Kingdoms  refpeflivelj ;  the   Lords 
4  and  Csinmsns  of  the  Parliament    of  England   do 
4  declare,  cl'hat  it  is  their  Intention  that  any  Con- 

*  Jbritttion  faould  be  made  thereupon,    as     if  either 
4  Kir.gdzm  had  any  Initrcft    in  the    Matter  of  each 

4  otbtr'j 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  185 

«  other  s   Proportions,     or    in   the  legijlative  Power  *"•  **  £*'• 
4  of  each    other   concerning    any  of  the  Jaid  Propofi-  ^       J*  ' 
4  tuns,    but  that  it  remaineth  dijlinSl  in  each   King-     November. 
4  dom  refpeftively  :     And  that    notwith/}anding     any 
4  joint    I'rsittdings,  upon  the  faid  Proportions ,  either 

*  Kingdom  hath  Power  of-  thcjr.fehcs  to  continue^  re~ 

*  peal    or  alter  any  Law  that  fnall  be  made  upon  the 

*  faid  Proportions,  for  the  Good  and  Government  of- 

*  either    Kingdom  refpeclively :     And  it   is  hereby  de- 
4  dared,  that  both  Houfes  are  fully  refihcd  to  tnain- 
4  tain  and  prefirve  inviolably  the  Solemn  League  and 
«  Covenant ,    and  the  Treaties  betwixt  the  Kingdoms 

*  £/"EnglanJ  and  Scotland. 

*  This  Declaration    being  fent  to    your  Lord- 

*  {hips,  and   we   receiving   no  Anfwer,  conceived 

*  you   rafted   fatisned  therewith.     And    we  defire 
'  you  further  to  remember,   that  whereas,  in  the 
'  Year  1641,  divers  Things  concerning  the  King- 

*  dom  of  Scot/and  were  debated   in  England^  your 

*  Lordfliips  did  then  (for  the  faving  the  Rights  of 

*  Scotland,  that  we  might  not  claim  any  joint  Right 

*  in  Things  concerning  that  Kingdom)  declare, 
'  That  neither  by  your  Treaty  with   the  Englife,  nor 

*  by  fee  king  your  Peace  to  be  ejlabiified  in   PaHia- 
4  merit i   nor  any  other  Afiicn  of  your s,  you  do  acknow- 
t  ledge  any   Dependency  upon  tkcm>     or  make  them 

*  Jl<dges  to  you  or  your  Laws ,  or  any  thing   that  may 

*  import  the  fmailefi  Prejudice  to  your  Liberties  \  but 
4  that  you  came  in  a  free  and  brotherly  Way^  by  your 

*  Informations,     to    remove   all   Doubts    that  might 
1  arife    concerning    the   Proceedings  of  your  Parlia- 
4   went,  and  to  join  your  Endeavour s    in  uhat  might 

*  conduce  for  the  Peace  .'.../  Good  of  both  Kingdoms  ; 

*  no  otherwife  than   if.    b)  .-^a/lcn  of  the  King's  Re- 

*  fidencein  Scotland,   i     ..  -.-jJionerSy  in  the  like Exi- 
4  gcnce,  JJ)ould  be  fent  thr':  /•  from  England. 

4  And  as  we  did  reft  iatisned  with  thofe  Defires 

*  of  yours;  and  this  prefcnt  Parliament  never  did, 

*  nor  yet  do   claim   any    Exercife  of  the   Powers 

*  within  the  Kingdom  ofticttfatd,  which  you  ucfire 
4  within  this  Kingdom,  we  cannot  but,  in  Juftice, 
4  expedt  the  like  Equity  from  that  Kingdom. 

4  Eighthly, 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Eighthly,  «  That  by  your  Arguments  for  a  right 
'  of  joint  difpofmg  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in 
'  England,  (which  muft  relate  as  well  to  the  Per- 
'  fo-ns  that  are  to  be  about  him,  as  the  Place  where 

*  he  is  to  refide)  you  fcem  to  claim  to  have  an  equal 
'  Number,  or  fuch  aNumberasyou  (hall  think  fit, 

*  of  the  Soft  Nation  to  be  of  the  King's  Council, 
*-  and  of  his  Bed-chamber,  and  other  Officers  about 

*  his  Perfon  and  his  Succeflbrs   in  the  Kingdom  of 
4  England,  as  a  Right  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

-Ninthly,  *  And  concerning  your  D Hires  for  the 
'  fpecdy  Payment  of  2oo,oco/.  mentioned  in  your 
'  Papers  of  the  24-th  of  Oftober,  the  Parliament  of 

*  England  is  not  engaged  to  pay  you  20C,OOO/.  at 
'  one  Time,  but  only  that  the  firft  ic 0,000 /.  there- 
'  of  be  paid  unto  you   upon  the  marching  of  your 
'  Army  and  Forces  out  of  this  Kingdom,  at  fuch 
'  Time  and  Place  as  fhall  be  hereafter  exprefied. 

'  That  the  fecond    ico^ooo/.  {hall  be  paid  by 

«  50,000 /.  and  50,000 /.the   firft  50,000  /.at  the 

'  End  of  three  Months  after  the  Paymen  t  of  the  firft 

'  IOO,OOO/.  and  the  fecond  50,000 /.  at  the  End  of 

'  nine  Months  after  the  faid  firft  Payment ;  yet,  to 

'  manifeft  our  Willingnefs  and  Readinefs  to  com- 

'  ply    with  our  Brethren  of  Scotland,  we  have,  for 

*  above  fix  Weeks  laft  paft,    fpc::t  a  great  Part  of 

*  our  Time  to  borrow  200,006  /.  which  ifwecan- 
'  not    fpeedily  obtain,     we    afTure  ourfelves    our 

*  Brethren  of  Scotland  will    reft   fatisfied  with    fo 

*  much  of  the  2 00,000 /.  as  we  are  able  to  pay  for 

*  the  prefent:  But  we   muft  carncftly  defire,    that 
'  whilft  fome  Parts  of  your  Papers  prcfs  us  for  the 

*  Money,    the  Body   of  thofe    Papers    and   your 
«  Speeches   at    Conferences   may  not  obftrucV  the 

*  Loan;  the  People  lend  their  Money    on  Belief 

*  that  there  will  be  no  Breach  amongft  us  ;  that  the 

*  Northern  Counties,  fo  confiderable  a  Part  of  this 
'  Kingdom  may  not  be  clcftroved;  that  the  King- 

*  dom  will  be  cafed  of  the  Burthen  of  your  Army; 
'  and  that  we  might  be   the  better  enabled  to  fend 
4  Relief  to  Ireland:  Now,  if  the   People    eolledl 
'  out  of  your  Speeches  and  Papers,  that  you,  who 

of    E  N  O  L  A  N  D.  187 

*  are  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Kingdom  of  Scot-  An-  **  Car. 
'  land,   have  Doubt  of  a  Breach   amongft  us,    and    t    \^_  '  j 
'  ofafecond  War,  you  do  yourfelvcs  give  Occa-     November. 
'  fi  m  of  obllru&i.ig  the  Means  of  obtaining  Money 

*  lor  which  you  fo  much  prefs. 

'  And  thus  having  premifed  thefe  neceflary  Con- 
'  fiderations,  we  come  to  the  Particulars  in  your 
c  large  Paper. 

«  We  do  affirm,   That  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland 

*  hath  no  Right  of  joint  Exercife  of  Intereft  indif- 

*  pofing  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  the  Kingdom  of 

*  England;  for  England  clearly  being  a  free  King- 
1  dom,  no  other  Kingdom  hath  Right  of  Exercife 

*  of  Intereft  in  it,  but  by  Contract;  and  by   how 
'  much  any  Kingdom  hath  otherwife  Right  of  Ex- 

*  ercife  of  Intereft  in  it,   by  fo  much  it  is  not  free. 

*  Your  L*  rdftiips  will  grant  the  Difpofmg  of  the 

*  Perfon  of  the.  King  is  an  Exercife  oflntereft,  and 

*  you  did  grant  at  the  Conference,  iho*  it  be  now 

*  left  out  in  your  Papers,  That  the  Kingdom  of 

*  Scotland  hiad  no  Right  of  Exercife  of  Intereft  in 
'  England,    but  by    the  Covenant  and    Treaties  j 
'  which  Covenant  and  Treaties  give  no  joint  Power 

*  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  concerning  the  Dif- 
4  pofing  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  within  the  King- 

*  dom  of  England;  but  doth  oblige  both  Nations  to 

*  preferve,  and  not  confound,  the  Rights  and  Li- 
'  berties   of  each,  as   by  the   third  Article  of  the 
'  Covenant  will  plainly  appear;  and  the  laft  Treaty 

*  is  for  your  coming  into  England  to  aflift  us,  that  we 
'  might  enjoy  our  particular  Rights  and  Liberties. 

*  The  Words  of  the  third  Article  of  the  Cove- 
'  nant  are,  We  faill,  with  the  fame  Sincerity^  Re- 
'  aiity*  and  Conjiancy*  in  our  fever al  Vocations,  cn- 

*  devour,   with    our  Ejlates  and  Live;,  mutually  ta 

*  prgfe-'ve  the  Right!  and  Privileges   of  the  Parlia- 

*  ments,    and  the  Liberties  cf  the  Kingdoms;  and  to 
<•  prfforve  and  defend  the   'King's  A'lajejlys   Perfon 

*  and  Authority  in  the  Prefervation  and  Defence  of 
'  the   true  Religion  and  Liberties   of  the  Kingdoms^ 

*  that  the  World  may  bear   Witncfs  with  our   Con- 
« fciences   of  our    Loyally -,    and     that   we    have    no 


188  ¥he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car-  I.t  ^%«uebts    or    Intentions    to  dlminijh  bis   Majefty'i 
v__^l_,   *  jul  Power  and  Greatnefs. 
November.         '  From  whence    it  is  moft  evident,    that    the 

*  Rights  and  Privileges    of  the  Parliaments,    and 

*  Liberties  of  the  Kingdoms,  are,  in  the  firft  Place^ 
'  to  be  preferved ;  and  this  every  one  is  to  do  in  his 
1  feveral  Vocation,    and  not  to  intermeddle  within, 
'  each  other's  Precincts,  but  when  and  fo  far  forth 

*  as  they  arc  duly  called  thereunto;  nor  with  each 

*  others  proper  Rights  and  Intcrcfh,  which  we  are 
*•  bound  topreferve,  and  to  preferve  diftincl,  elfewe 
'  break  our  Covenant:  And  we  are  to  preferve  the 

*  King  in  his  Per  fan  and  Authority  relatively,  viz. 

*  In  the  Preservation  and  Defence  of  the  true  Rcli- 

*  gion  and  Libertiei  oj  the   Kingdoms*     We  do  not 
'  defire  to  take  away  your  Right  of  Intcreft  in  the 

*  Perfon  of  the  King ;  but  we  fay  you  have  no  Ex- 
'  ercifeof   that  Right,  the  King  being  in  England  : 

*  And  we  are  To  far  from  claiming  any  Right  for 

*  the  Kingdom  of  England  in  this  Cafe,  which,  in 
'  the  like,    we  would  not  give  to  our  Brethren  of 
'  Scotland^  as  we  do  freely  and  willingly  declare, 

*  That  if  the  King   were    duly  in  Scotland,    we 

*  (hould  not  claim  any  joint  Intereft  in  difpofing  of 
'  his  Pcrfon  there. 

*•  And  if  your  Arguments  for  ftrict  Mutuality 
'-  were  to  the  Queftion,  you  might,  with  much 
'.  moreReafon,  have  offered,  that  the  Kingfhould 
4  be  fix  Months  with  us  without  your  Content, 

*  your  Army  having  djfpofed  of  him   fix  Months 
"  without  our  Confentj  and,  after  that  Time,  then 

*  to  have  inferred  a  joint  Confent.     Your  Lord- 
'  (hips  will  not  think  but  that' both  Houfes  of  the 
'  Parliament  of  England  may    as   well  be   trufted 
«  with  the  Difpofing  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in 

*  England,  as  the  Scots  Army  may. 

«  Your  Difcourfe,  That  the  Ptrfon  of  the  King 
'  is  not  to  be  re/trained  from  his  voluntary  coming  to 

*  either  Kingdom ,  ivhen   the  nectjjliry   Ajfmrs  of  the 

*  Kingdoms  do  require  ;V,    is  not  to  the  QueiHon, 

*  and  not  applicable  to  the  Condition  in  which  the 

*  King  now  is  5  as  is  fully  declared  in  the  fifth  Con- 

*  fidenition.  *  Your 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  189 

«  Your  Inftance,  That    two    being    a/ociated  of An-  «  P»r-  t 
«  £<Wj,  Sto*,  or  the  like    (for   thofe    of  Parent,    .     1&4 ^ 

*  Matter,  and  Servant  have  no  Relation  to  the  pre-     Novembw. 

*  fent  Debate)   one  may    not  difpofe  of  them  without 
4  the  Confent  of  both  ;  and   thence    infer,    Much  lefe 

*  may  we,  being   officiated^  difpofe  of  the  Perftn   of 

*  the  King    ^uithyut  your  joint  Confent.     Thefe  are 
'*  not  to  the  Cafe  in  Qiieftion,  but  do  Trouble  the 
"'  right  Underftanding  of  it ;  for  we  are    aflbciated 
'«infome  common  Ends,    for    the  Good  of  both; 
'*  but  not  afiV-iated  in  that  which  is  our   feveral 

*  diftincl  and  particular  Rights,  which  is  the  only 
4  Matter  before    us:  And    the  Difpofing    of   the 
«  Perfon  of  the  King  in  the  Kingdom  of  England,* 

*  according  to  the  Cafe  in  queftion,  is  the  parti- 

*  cular  Right  of  the  two  Houfcs   of  Parliament^: 

*  The  Kingdom  of  Scotland  hath  no  more  Right 

*  of  joint  Exercife  of  Intereft  of  difpofing  the  Pcr- 

*  fon  of  the  King  in  the  Kingdom  of  England*,  than 

*  they  have  Right  of  joint  Exerqfe  of  Intereft  in 
«  our  Inheritance,    Lands,    Stocks,    or    the  like, 

*  which  yourfclves  bring  as  Examples  to  this  Cafe. 

*  From  our  Declaration  of  the   5th  of  Auguft, 

*  1645,  fent  to  the  Lords  the  States  General  of  the 

*  United  Provinces,  as   recited   by  you^  4)iz.     They 

*  w:re  united  by  jolemn  Covenant   made  to  Almighty 

*  Gody    and  by  League  each    to   other,  as  one  entire 

*  Body   to   prij'ccute    this  Caufe,  you    cannot    infer 

*  your  joint  Ri'j;htof  difpofing  of  the  Perfon  of  the 

*  King  in  England-,  for  that  Declaration    was  in 

*  anfwer  to  an  Embafty  from  the  Lords  the  States 

*  General,  defu  ing  to  be  admitted  as  Mediators  for 

*  a  Ycnr ;  which,    by  the  eighth  Article  of   the 
'  Treaty,   we  v/ere  not,  to  make  without  the  joint 
'  Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland',     and    the 

*  Words,   arc  not  That  we  are  made  one  entire  Boiiy 

*  in  all  our  Riwis  and  Liberties  ;  but    to   prevejU 

*  any  fuch  Contraction  as  you  put  upon  them,  the 

*  Words  are,    As    one  entire  Etdy  to  proficute  this 

*  Caiifj\  fo  as  the  being  one  entire  Body  is,  as  to 

*  profecnts  the  common  Caufe  ;  which   they  may 

*  well  Jo  in  their  feveral  Vocations  and  C;»l!ir)2;f;, 

190  Tfte  Parliamentary  HIST  OR  V 

b.  az  Car.  I.«  without  confounding  the  feveral  Interefts  of  the 
t . l646'  t  '  Kingdoms ;  and  not  to  be  one  entire  Body  in 
November.  '  our  particular  Rights  and  Liberties,  which  is  the 

*  only  thing  in  queftion. 

'  And  as  to  that  you  call  a  notable  Inftanceinthat 

*  Declaration,  viz.     That,    by   ih?  Covenant,    both 

*  Houfes  of  Parliament,  and  many  Thoufands  of  other 
'  his  Majejly's  Subjects  of  England  and  Ireland,  Jland 

*  bound,  as  well  as  we,  to  hinder  the  fetting  up  of  the 

*  Church-Government  by  Bijhops  in    the  Kingdom    of 
'  Scotland  ;  and  that  we,  as  well  as  they  Jland  bound 

*  to  endeavour  the  Extirpation  thereof  in  England  and 
*•  Ireland  ;  we  defire  it  may  be  obferved,  that   that 

*  Expreffion  in  the  Declaration  is  according  to  the 
'  Tenor  of  the  Covenant,  which  obligeth  us  to  aft 

,     *  in  our  feveral  Vocations,  without  confounding  the 
.     *  particular  Interefts   of  the  Kingdoms ;   and    no 

*  Words  in  that  Declaration  infer  any  other  Senfe; 

*  and  your  Inferences   from   the  Covenant   are  di- 

*  reftly  againft  the  Covenant,  as  doth  before  appear. 

*  The  eighthTArticle   of  the  Treaty  is,  That  n<3 

*  CeJJation,  nor   any  Pacification    or  Agreement  for 

*  Peace  whatfoever,  Jhall  he  made  by  either  Kingdom, 

*  without    the   mutual  Advice   and  Confent  of   both 

*  Kingdoms,    or    their    Committees     in    that   Behalf 

*  appointed ;  why  are   to    have  full  Power  for    the 

*  fame,  in  cafe  the  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
'  land,  or    the  Parliament  or  Convention  of  EJlates 

*  in  Scotland  y/W/  hot  fit. 

*  Your  Lordfhips  Inference    from  this  Article, 

*  That  bccaufe  we  cannot  make  Peace  without  your 

*  joint  Confent,    we  cannot   therefore  difpofe   of   the 
'  Perfen  of  the  King,  ih   the  Kingdom   of  England, 
*•  without  your  Confent,  is    thus    clearly  anfwered  : 

*  The  not  making  any  Cefiat-ion,  Pacification,   or 

*  Agreement  for  Peace  without  you,  and  our  dif- 

*  pofmg  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  without  you  do 
'  confilt  well  together ;  and  it  cannot  from  hence 

*  be  inferred,  that  therefore  the  Place   where  the 

*  King  fhall  rcfide  untill  this  Peace  were  made,  he 

*  being  in  England,    ought    not  to  be  at  the  Ap- 
'  pointment  oi  the  Parliament  of  England. 

4  *  We 

of    ENGLAND.. 

c  We  know  your  Lordfhips  can  and  will  witnefs  A". 

*  with   us,    that,  fince  our  Covenant  and  Treaty, 

*  we  have    not  received   any  Dignities  or  Offices 
'  from  the  King ;  nor  fuffered  any  foreign  Agents 

*  to  intcrpofe  in  this  Caufe,  on  any  MefTengers  to 

*  pafs  between  the  King  and  Queen;  or  fent  any 
«  Committees  to  the  King  without  your  Confent  j 
«  or  done  any  thing  with  him  that  may  admit  Co- 

*  lour  of  our   making  Peace    without    your  joint 

*  Confent ;  But  if  difpofing  the  Perfon  of  the  King 

*  in  England^  without  joint  Confent,  be  a  making 

*  of  Peace  and   a  Breach   of  the  Treaty,  then  it 

*  unanfwerably  follows,  that  your  Army  hath  made 

*  Peace  with  the  King  and  broken  the  Treaty,  for 

*  they  have  difpofed  of  him  without  our  Confcnt, 
•'  and  fmce  our  Votes  to  the  contrary. 

'  If  your  Lordfhips  had  been  pleafed  to  have  fet 
«  dsowriin  your  Paper  the  ninth  Article,  you  would 

*  never  have  drawn  any  Argument  from  thence, 

*  for  your  joint  Right  in  difpofing  the  Perfon  of  the 

*  King  in  England;  the  Words  are,  That  the  Pub- 
'  lie  Faith  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  Jhall  be  given 
'  to    their  Brethren  of  England,    that   neither   their 

*  Entrance  into,  nor  their  Continuance  in,  the  King- 

*  dom  of  England,  Jhall  be  made  ufe  of  to  any  other 

*  Ends  than   are   therein  exprejfid   in    the  Covenant, 
x  and  in   the  Articles  of  this  Treaty ;  and  that   all 
'*  Matters  of  Difference    that  Jhall  happen    to    arife 

*  between   the  Subjetts  of  the  two  Nations,  Jhall  be 

*  refohed  and  determined  by  the  mutual  Advice  and 

*  Gonfent  of  both   Kingdoms,    or  by  fuch  Committees 

*  as  for   this  Purpofe  Jhall  be    by    them   appointed, 

*  with  the  fame  Power  as  in  the  precedent  Article. 

*  Now  from  the  very  Words  of  the  eighth  and 
'  ninth  Articles,  the  Differences  to  be  refolvedand 

*  determined  are  between  the  Subjc&s  of  the  two 
'  Nations  ;  and,    in  cafe   the  two  Houfes   of  the 

*  Parliament  of  England,  or  the  Parliament  or  Con- 

*  vention    of  Kftates  in  Scotland  do  not  fit,   are  to 
'  be  reiolved  and  determined  by  their  Committees, 
'  who,  as    your  Lordthips    conftrue    the    Article, 

*  wou!d  have  Power  finally    to  refolvt;  and  dcter- 

4  mine 

192  Vfa  Parliatneniary  HISTORY 

An.  »z  Car.  I.  <  mine  the  Rights  of  both  Kingdoms  in  the  greateft 

***6'    J    '  Cafes,  and  even  without  Inductions,  the  Cafes 

November.      *  being  fo  various  as  the  Parliament  could  not  pof- 

'  fibly  fo;efee  all  that  might  happen,  to  give  Inftruc- 

*  tions  in  them  ;  and  therefore  the  Article,  to  avoid 
'  any  fuch  Conftruction,  doth    purpofcly    provide, 

*  that  the   refolving  and  determining  of  the  Dif- 

*  ferences  in  this  Article  are  only   to  be  the  Dif- 
c  ferences  between  Subject  and  Subject.     Wefhall 

*  not  think  that  our  Brethren,  united   with  us  in 

*  Covenant  and  Treaty,    coming  into  the  King- 

*  dom  to  our  Afliftance,  will  infift  to  claim  Right 

*  of  joint  Intereft  to  difpofe  of  the  Perfon  of  the 
6  King,  he  being  in  this  Kingdom,  and  alledge  the 

*  ninth  Article  of  the  Treaty  for  it ;  which,  from 

*  the  Beginning  to  the  Ending,  provides  againft  it: 

*  Your  Lordfhips  may  with  as  much  Reafon  argue, 

*  That  when    you  have  Poffeffion  of  our  Towns, 

*  or  other  Rights,    if  you  do  differ  with  us  about 

*  them,  you  may;  becaufe   you  differ,  claim  joint 
k  Intereft  in  them,    for  that  all  Differences  are  to 
'  be  refolved  by  the  joint  Advice  and  Confent  of 
k  both,  and  alledge  the  ninth  Article  of  the  Treaty 

*  for  it.     And  now  we  hope  your  Lordfhips  will 
k  reft  fatisfied,  that  we  claim  nothing  againft  the 
k  Covenant,  Treaty,  or  our  Declaration  of  the  5th 

*  of  Auguft  1645,  fent  to  the  Lords  the  States  Ge- 

*  neral  of  the  United  Province* ;  but  in  purfuance 
k  of  them. 

*  And  as  to  your  Lordfhips  Argument,  That ysu 
'  may  expect  'a  Conjunction  of  Councils  in  difpofing 
'  the  Perfon  of  the  King,  becaufe  the  Houjes  did 

*  think  fit  that  in   the  managing   of  this  War,  there 

*  foouldbe  a  Conjunttion  of  the  Councils  of  both  King- 
'*•  doms,  in  reference  to  the  Englifh  as  well  as  unto  the 

*  Scots  Forces :  Your   Lordfhips  well    know    the 

*  Houfes  joining   your  Lordfhips  in  their  Councils 

*  in  managing  their  Engli/h  Forces,  was  the 

*  voluntary  Act  of  the  two  Houfes,  and  not   the 
•joint  Act  of  both  Kingdoms  ;  and  was  determi- 

*  nable  at  the  Pleafure  of  the  two  Houfes,  and  prac- 
•*  tifed  accordingly ;  and    whensoever   the    Houfes 

4  pi  tilled 


*  pleafed,  they  did difpofe  their  Councils  and  Forces 
'  without  your  Confent,  and  therefore  a  joint  In- 

'  tcreft  of  both  Kingdoms  cannot  be  argued  out  of     November, 

*  it.     Do  you  think,  if  you   had    claimed  it  as  a 

*  joint  Right  of  Intereft  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 
'  land,  that  we  (hould  ever  have  joined  you  in  our 

*  Councils,  or  governing   our  Englijh  Forces  ?     It 

*  is  moft  true   we  did   invite  your  Coming  to  our 
'  Afliftance,    on  Principles   of  common   Intereft} 
'  we  did  let  you  know   the  one  Kingdom  cannot 
'  enjoy  a   firm  Peace  whilft  the  other  is  in  War  ; 
'  we  did  put  you  in  mind  of  the  Affection  and  Duty 

*  which  becdmeth  Brethren  :  We   ftill   perfift  on 

*  the  fame  Grounds,  and  we  moftearneftly  defire 

*  you  to  hold  the  Principles  of  common  Intereft  fo 

*  underftood  j  and  then  we  (hall  hear  of  no  further 

*  Claim  to  the  peculiar  Right  of  the  Kingdom  of 
1  England^  as  certainly  we  fhall  make  none  to    the 
'  peculiar  Rights  of   the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

*  Your  Lordfhips  fpeakof  cfpoufwg  our  Quarrels^ 

*  and,  at  the  Conference,  and    in  your  P  ipers,  fo 
4  often    mention   your  forfaking  your  own  Peace  for 

*  us.     Not  to  look  back  on  former  Times,  we  de- 

*  fire  you  to  remember,  that  the  firft  Part  of  this 

*  War  was  made  againft  the  Kingdom  «f  Scotland 

*  by  the  Kina,  and  not  by  the  Kingdom,  of  Eng- 

*  land;  that  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  did  af- 

*  fift  to  procure  your  Peace,  and,  as  an  unparalleled 

*  Teftimony  of  their  bretherly  Affe&ioh,  did  give 
1  you  300,000  /. 

*  And  although  it  were  not  fo  often  remembeicd 

*  by  your  Lodftjips  in  your  Papers,  yet  we  {hould 

*  not  forget  the  Love  of  our  Brethren  in  coming  to 

*  our  Affiftance  ;  and   (hall  return  any  Meafure  of 

*  Conjunction  of  Intereft  that  we   have  had,  not 
'  got,  from  you  j  but  hazard   our  own  Peace  for 

*  yours,  and  requite  every  Kindnefs  you  have  done, 

*  or  defired  to  do  for  us :  And  this  your  Defire, 

*  That  the  fame  Meafure  of  Conjunction  of  Inte- 

*  reft  be  given  to  you  which  was  got  from  you,  may 
4  fatisfy  you  that   the  Meafure  of  Conjunction  of 

*  Intereft  is  upon  common  Principles,  and  not  in 
Vot.  XV.  N  «  the 

194  3%*  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  »*  Car.  T.  c  t^e  Excrcile  of  each  other's  particular  Rights ; 
..  l  */,  j  *  for  we  have  neither  had,  nor  do  defire,  any  par- 
N»?ember.  *  ticular  Right  in  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and 

*  therefore  you,  by  your  own  Argument,  ought  not 

*  to  defire  any  particular  Right  in  the  Kingdom  of 

*  England;  and  do  therefore  obteft,  by  the  common 

*  Good  of  both   Kingdoms;  by  the  Love  of  Bre- 

*  thren  ;  by  the  Treaty  between  the  Kingdoms  ;  by 
'  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant ;  by  the  Law  of 
'  Nations  j  by  Benifits   formerly  received  and  ac- 

*  knowledged  j  and  by  that  univerfal  Law  of  a  Chri- 

*  ftian  Life,  viz,  to  do  as  you  would  be  done  unto> 
'  which  we  delire  you  ferioufly  to  weigh :  By  all 
'  thefe,  and  by  whatever  elfe  may  be  obliging,  W6 

*  defire  you  not  to  claim  to  difpofe  of  our  particular 

*  and  peculiar  Rights  -,  not  to  render  us  fufpe£ted 
'  with  the  People  towards  the  Perfon  of  the  King  ; 

*  not  to  do  that  which  may  ftrengthen  the  Hands  of 

*  any  malignant  Faction  amongft  us  ;  not  to  pub- 

*  lifn  fuch   things  as  may    fow  the  Seeds  of  a  Dif- 
'  union,  which  will  be  equally  deftru&ive  to  both 
'  Kingdoms ,  not  to  think  it  our  Duty  alone  to  keep 
'  the  Covenant ;  and  not  to  forget  the  Honour, 

*  Freedom,  and   Safety,   of  both  the  Kingdoms. 

'  Your  Lordfhips   fay,    You  acknowledge  yen  are 

*  to  prefume  the  beft   concerning  our  Intention^    but 

*  are  not    therefore   to  part  -with  any  Inter  ejl  or  Seen- 
'  rity,    beeaufe  we   are   honejl     and  faithful.     We 

*  conceive  it  unreafonable  you  fhould,  and  we  ne- 

*  ver  defired  it ;  but  if  you  be  not  to  part  with  any 

*  of  your  Rights,  are  your  Brethren  of  England  to 
'  part  with  any  of  theirs  ?  Should  you  claim  that 
'  from  them  which  yourfelves  fay  they  ought  not  to 

*  claim  from  you  ?  If  you  are  to  prefume  the  beft, 

*  what  Ground  have  you  to  fufpeft  the  worfr,  and 

*  make  Suppofitions  that  we  will  abufe  our  Rights  ? 
'  Indeed    ir.y  Lords,  your  Expreffions  in  your  Pa- 

*  per,  TJ}at  your  Army,  by  their  Oath  of  Allegiance  ; 

*  your   Committee   of  FJlates^    by  their  CommiJJion ; 

*  your  Officers^  by  their  Aiiiitary  Oath,  ought    to  de- 
'  fend  the  King  from   Harms  and  Prejudices .     Your 

*  often  repeating  at  the  Conference,  Thai  the  King 

*  tame 

of   ENGLAND;  195 

*  came  to  your  Army  for  Shelter  and  Defentt,  and An-  **  Car. 

*  therefore  you  are  to  preferve  him,  may  indure  fuch     , ]_     **    , 

'  an   Interpretation,  as   if  you  defired  the  People     November. 

*  fhould  believe  the  King  needs  Shelter,  Defence, 
'  and  Prefervation   from   the  Kingdom  of  Scotland 
'  and  the   Scots  Army,    againft  the  two  Houfes  of 
'the  Parliament  of  England ;  and  that  the  Parlia- 

*  ment  of  England  is  more  to  be  fufpefted  and  lefs 
4  confided  in  than  the  Scots  Army  :  But  if  this  befar 

*  from  your  thoughts,    as  we  hope  your  Lordfhips 

*  will  fay  it  is,  letitbealfo  from  your  Expreffions, 

*  from  which   fuch  Inferences  may  be  drawn. 

*  To  that  you  fay,  The  entering  into  the  Cove- 

*  nant  was   to   wipe  ojf  the  Calumny  and  Afperfion  of 
<  Rebellion  ;    it  hath  no  Relation  to  the  Queftion 

*  in  Debate  ;  neither  do  we  find  any  Ground  how, 

*  or  why,   the    Parliaments    of    either  Kingdom 
'  could  have  been    taxed  with  Rebellion,    though 
'  they  had  never  joined  in  this  Covenant;  or,  if  any 

*  fuch  Afperfions  could  have  been  defervedly  caft 

*  upon  them,  how  the  Covenant  could  have  wiped 

*  them  off. 

*  We  have  already  anfwered  what  you  here  re- 

*  peat  for   the  Kings  voluntary  Refidence  in  either 

*  Kingdom ;  and  have  already  told  you,  with  the 

*  Reafons  why,  That  it  Is   not  to  the  Queftion, 

*  neither  is  the  King  in  a  Condign  for  the  Exer- 
'  cife  of  the   Duty  of  his    Place ;  but  if  he  were, 
'  your  Lordfhips  may  reft  aflured  the  two  King- 

*  doms  will  never  differ  about  his  reftding  in  tKe 

*  Kingdom  of    Scotland,  for  his  doing  the  Duties 

*  of  his  Place   there.     Your   Lordfhips   proceed, 

*  That  it   could  not  be  expeffedfrom  the  Army  under 

*  the  Command  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  (if  they  were 
1  in  Scotland  for  your  Aflijlance  in  like  Cafct  as  your 
'  Army   is  for  ours)   to  deliver  up  the  P  erf  on  of  the 

*  King  ;  neither  can  it  be  expetted  from  your  Army, 

*  This  Argument  might  have  been  urged  to  us 

*  if  we  had  ever  made  any  Allegation  to  that  Ef- 
'  feel ;  but  we  fhall  fay  even  (your  Lordfhips  own 

*  Words)   The   Army  under  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax* 

*  in  the  like   Cafe,    on  the  likeRefolution  of  the 

N  2  '  Par- 

196  72tf  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  21  Car.  I. '  Parliament  of  Scotland,  ought  to  deliver  the  Per- 

t  f6*6'         «  fon  of  the  King  in  Scotland,  to  be  difpofed  by  the 

November       '  Parnament  or"   Scotland.     And  now,  your  Lord- 

'  (hips  receiving  Satisfaction  in  this  your  main  Ar- 

*  gument,  we  fliall  not  doubt  but  you  will  acknow- 
'  ledge  our  Right  as  we  do  yours,  and  proceed  ac- 

*  cordingly. 

'  In  your  next   Argument  you  return,  with  an 

*  heavy  Tax    upon    us,    to  the  Law    and   com- 
'  mon  Practice  of  all  Nations,  Not  to  deliver  up  the 

*  meancjl  Suhjeft  fled   to  them,    tho1  for  the  greatejl 
4  Crimes ;  and   amplify  it,  by  our  refufmg  the  AcJ  of 
'  remanding  in  the  ^th  of  King  James  ;    And  farther 
'  fay,  If  the  meanejl  be    not  to  be  delivered^  how  will 

*  the  World  abroad  condemn  your  Army  for  fo  bafe 
'  and  dijhonourable  an  Aft,  to  deliver   up  the  K'xgr 

*  having  cafl  himfelf  into  your   hands,  to   be  difpofed 

*  at  the  Arbitrement  of   another  Nation :  For  of  us 

*  your  Words  of  another  Nation  muft  be  taken,  we 

*  claiming  the  Right  of  difpofing  of  him  in  Eng- 
« land. 

*  This,  rightly  underftood,  will    give  Satisfac- 
'  tion  to  all  the  Werld  in  the  Juftnefs  of  our  De- 

*  fires ;    and  we  (hall  put  the  Subftance  of  the  Ar- 
'  gument  in  fuch  Words  as,  in  rightly  placing  the 

*  Strength  of  it,  none  may  be  deluded. 

*  It  is  thus  :  Every  Kingdom  challengeth  the 
'  Difpofal  of  the  Perfons  within  their  own  King- 
'  dom,   though  they  be  the   Subjects    of  another 
'  Kingdom  ;  and,  en  this  Ground,  it  is  clear  that 
«  the  Kingdom  of   Scotland  hath  not  the  Difpofal 

*  of  the  meaneft  of  their  own  Subjects,  in  whom 
«  they  have  the  fole  Right,   that  Subject  being  in 

*  the  Kingdom  of  England ;    much  lefs  the  Difpo- 

*  fal  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  who  is  in   England^ 
«  in  whom   you  allow  the  Kingdom  of  England  t» 
c  have  a  joint  Right. 

4  Your  Army    in    En?lnnd(wz  follow  your  Af* 

*  Sument  on  the  Law  of  Nations)  cannot  be  confi- 

*  dered  in   any  other  Condition  than  our  own  Ar- 
«  my,  and  will  any  Nation  fay,  if  the  King  were 
«  in  our  Army,  that  It  were  the  leaft  Bafenefs  or 

*  Dif- 

^ENGLAND.  .      197 

«  Dimonour,  but  their  Duty,  for  them  to  deliver  An.  **  Ctr' T. 

*  up  the  Perfon  of  the  King,  to  be  difpofed  by  both    t    *****  .. 
'  Houfesof  Parliament?     The  King  is  not  in  the    jjoYtmtxr. 
'Kingdom   of  Scotland,    and   your  Army  is  in  the 

*  Kingdom  of  England;  is  it  not,  by  your  own  Ar- 
4  gument,  dimonourable  (to  fay  no  more)  for  us  not 

*  to  difpofe   of  the  King  in  England;  and  we  are 

*  confident  your  Lordfhips  will  reft  fatisfied  that 

*  there  was  no  Need  of  that  Expreflion,  that  the 
4  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  {hould  claim  or  require 

*  that  which  was  bafe  or  di(h  nourable  for  you 
4  to  do. 

*  To  what  you  fay  that  the  King  cajlhimjelfup- 

*  on  your  Army,   and  ufe  the  like  Phrafes  in  fo  many 
4  Places  of  our  Ppapers,    we  (hall  only  fay.    We 
4  had  rather  enjoy  our  own   Rights,  than  debate 
4  upon  what  Grounds  the  King  came  to  your  Ar- 

*  my  ;   or,    if   he  had  none,  why  he  (hould  think 

*  himfelf  more  fure  in  that  Army  than  in  that  of 

*  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  or  in  that  Englijh  Army  that 
'joined  with  yours  in  the  Service  before  Newark  : 
c  Or  why  Monf.     Mi'  trevjl,  a  French  Agent,  to 

*  whofe  Lodging  the  King  firft  came,  was  fo  many 
4  Weeks  at  Southwell,    the  head  Quarter  of  your 
4  Army  before  Newark^    nptwithftanding  Excep- 
4  tions  were  taken  by  the  Englijh  Committee  againft 
4  his,  the  faid  Agent's  being  there, 

4  And  now  we  come  to  thofe  you  call  Objeo 
1  tions,  which  being  of  your  Lordftiips  penning, 
4  and  alfo  the  Anfwers  to  them,  may  be  the  moje 
4  eafily  fuited  to  your  Defires.  But  the  Matter  in 
4  Debate  being,  that  the  Kingdom  of  Scotlaniflmh 
4  no  Right  of  Joint  Exercife  of  Intereft  in  difpofing*- 
4  the  Perfon  of  the  King  in  the  Kingdom  of  Eng- 
4  land,  we  (hall  place  this  our  Affertion  before  your 
'  feveral  Arguments  or  Objections  againft  it,  and 
4  then  give  Anfwers  to  them,. 

ASSERTION.     '  We  do  affirm  that  the  King- 

*  dom  of  Scotland  hath  no  Right  of  joint  Exercife 
4  of  Intereft  in  difpofcng  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King, 

*  in  the  Kingdom  of  England. 

N3  W* 

Ifa  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  fir Jl   OBJECTION" 
.  or  ARGUMENT   of  the  Scots  COMMISSIONERS. 
November.          [  This  we  have  already  given  from  their  own  Pa- 
,     pers,  at  p.  127.] 

'  Were  the  Things  in  this  Objection  fo  as  they 
'  are  fet  down,  yet  it  would  not  follow,  that  there- 
c  fore  the  Scots  Army  ought  not  to  deliver  up  the 

*  King  to  be  difpofed  by  both  Houfes,  without  the 

*  joint  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 
'  land.     And  here  we  might  leave  all  that  is  contain- 

*  ed  in  this  Objection,  but  for  that  many  Things  in 
4  it,  when  rightly  recited,  (now  at  leaft  exceedingly 
'  miftaken)  are  Proofs  for  our  Aflertion  ;  and  be- 

*  caufe,  from  the  Matter  of  Fa6t  mifrecitcd,  there 

*  are   many    Reflections   upon  us  of   Ingratitude, 

*  we  {hall  make  a  true  State  of  this  Bufmefs  from 
«  the  Truth  of  the  Matter  of  Fadl. 

'  By  the  fourth  Article  of  the  Treaty,  the  Charge 

*  of  levying,  arming,  and  bringing  your  Forces  to- 

*  gether,  furnifhed  with  a  Train  of  Artillery,  was 

*  to  be  computed  according  to  the  Rates,  as  if  the 
'  Kingdom  of.  Scotland  were   to    raife   them  for 
'  themfelves,    and  for  the   prefent    to  be   done  by 
'the   Kingdom  of  Scotland  upon  Account,  to  be 
«  repaid  or  fatisfied    when    the    Peace  of  the  two 

*  Kingdoms  is  fettled;    yet  who   (hall    read    the 

*  Words  in  your  Paper,  viz.  that^ow  did  in  ajhort 
'  Time    levy  an  Army  at  your  own    Charge,  would 
'  little  have  expected  that  that  which  you  call  your 
c  own  Charge  was  to  be  repaid. 

'  By  the  fifth  Article  this  Army  was  to  be  paid 
c  as  if  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  were  to  employ 

*  the  fame  on  their  own    Occafion;  and  towards 
''the  defraying  thereof,  it  not  amounting  to   a  full 

*  Month's  Pay,  (thefe  are  the  Words,  not  as  now  in 

*  your  Paper,    Little  more  than  half  a  Month's  Pay) 
'  be  monthly  paid  30,0000 /.     Sterl.   bytheParlia- 

*  ment  of  England;  and   if  the    State    cf  Scotland 

*  (hall  have  juft  Caufe   to   demand  further  Satif- 
'  faction,    when  the    Peace   of  both  Kingdoms  is 
'  fettled    (for  what?)  for  the  Pains,  Hazard,  and 

-      «    Charges 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  199 

1  Charges    they  have  undergone  in  the  fame,  they  An.  2*  i. 

*  (hall,  by  way  of  brotherly  Afliftance,  have  due     ( ^*6- 

4  Recompence  made    unto  them  by  the  Parliament      Noveij,er/ 
'of  England. 

'  And    when  we  finally  agreed   upon  a  Sum  in 

*  grofs,    the  Refidae  of  the  whole  Month's  Pay, 

*  proportioned   according   to  your  own  Rates,  was 

*  given   in    and  claimed  by   your  Eftimate ;  and, 
'  together  with  all    other  Demands  for  raifmg  and 

*  maintaining  your  Forces,    and    for  your  Pains, 
4  Hazard,  and  Charges,  fatisfied  by  us  in  the  grofs 

*  Sum   of  400,000 /.  agreed  to    be  paid  unto  you 

*  in  lieu  of  all  Demands  whatfoever;  can  we  now, 

*  in  reafon,    conceive,  that   fuch    an  Army  in  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Etgland,     fo    to  be  raifed  and  paid 

*  wholly  by    the    Kingdom    of    England,    fhould 

*  claim  any  Right  to  detain  phe  Perfon  of  the  King 

*  in  thcjr  Hands  from  his    being   difpofed  in  Eng- 
1  latfd  by  the  two  Houfes   of  Parliament?  If  we 

*  had  forefeen  as  much,  as  your  Lordfliips  fay  you 

*  did,  there  would  have  been  no  fuch  Debate  as 

*  now  is. 

«  It  is  moft   true  that  by  our  Declaration  of  the 

*  8th  of  November^   1642,    and   the  27th  of  June, 
1  1643,  when    we  invited  your  Coming  in  ;  and 

*  when,  on  the  igth  of  July,  1643,  our  Commit- 
'  tees  went  to  treat  with  you  to  come  to  our  Af- 
'  fiftance,  (whofe  Arrival  at  Edinburgh  was  on  the 
«  fevench  of  Auguft}    our  Enemies  were  powerful 
'  and  prevailing.     It  is  alfo  as  true,  that  all  might 

*  have  been  loft,  had  not  the  good  Providence  of 

*  Almighty  God  mercifully  and  feafonably   inter- 
4  pofed  in  ourgreateft  Straits,  and  mightily  changed 
'  the  State  of  pur  Affairs   between  the  Time  of 

*  our  Invitation  of  you,  and  your  Coming  in  ;  be- 

*  tween  which   Time  93   Coloursof  Horfe  of  the 

*  Earl  of  Newcaftle's  Army  were  utterly  defeated 

*  in  Lincolnjbire ;    his    old    Army    broken    before 

*  Hull;  the  King's  Army,   where  himfelf  was  in 
«  Perfon,  wafted  at  the  Siege  of  Gloucejler ;    that 

*  Siege  raifed,   the  City  relieved,    and  that  Army 
<  broke    at  the   Battle  of    Nrwbery;    with  fome 

N  4  'other 

goo  The  Parliamentary  HIST  OR  y 

An.  it  Car.  I.  <  other  happy  SuccefTes    at   Alton,    Arunddl,    and 

.      l646<      ,   *  other  Places  ;  all  which  was  to  the  great  Weaken- 

Nomnber.      ?  ^ng  of  the  Enemy  and  Strengthening  of  our  Party  ^ 

'  And  whereas  you  will  feem  to  intimate  that, 

1  for  the  Good  of  Religion,  King,  and  Kingdom,  you 

'  did  voluntarily    forjake  your    own   Pea$ey      though 

*  you  had  confidered  how  prejudicial  it  would  be,  and 

*  what   infinite    Lofs,  Trouble  and  Danger  your  En- 
c  gagement   with   the  Parliament  of  England    would 
'  bring   to   the  Parliament  of  Scotland  -3  yet  we  de- 
'  fire   you  again   ferioufly    to   confider,     whether 
'  Scotland  could  have  continued  in   Peace,    if  the. 
'  King  had  here  prevailed   againrt    us :    Had   not 
'  you  more  hazarded  your  Peace  by  fitting  ftill,  and 
'  letting  a  powerful  prevailing  Enemy  invade  Scot- 
'  land?  Ha;h    not    the    laft    Year's    Experience 

*  {hewed  you  what  a  Party  he  might  have  found 
'  there  ?    Had  it  not  been  a  greater  Charge  to  de- 
'  fend  yourfelves   upon  your  own  Account,  than, 

*  by  aflifting  this  Kingdom,  to  prevent  your  own 
6  Ruin  at  our  Charge  ?  \Ve  cannot  believe    you 
e  can  think  you  were  out   of  Danger,  though  it 
'  was  then  your  Lot  to  be  the  fartheft  from  it  of 
4  the  two  Kingdoms. 

'  We  did  never  imagine  that  the  Treaty  (no 
e  way  difadvantageous  to  you)  fhould  be  look'd 
«  upon  as  it  feems  it  is  by  thefe  Words,  Wejiocd 

*  not  upon  Conditions,    as  if  we  ought  to  give  you 
«  muchbetterConditions.     Certainlyif  we,  without 

*  any  other  Relation,    look  only  into  the  Nature 

*  of  the   Conditions,    Auxiliaries   might    be    had 

*  (and  arc  daily  had  in  other  Parts,  and  of  your 

*  Nation)  on  the  fame,  orlowerConditions.     We 
«  fliould  moft  gladly  have  omitted   thefe  Things, 
'  but  that  they  are  mifrecited  in  your  Paper,  and 

*  fo  often  prefs'd  upon  us ;   and  we  hope  we  (hall 
'  both  take  Notice  of  mutual  Obligements  to  make 

*  our  brotherly  Union  more  firm. 

*  We  fhalf,  before  the  World,  at  all  Times  ma- 
'  nifeft  that  we  {hall  go  along  with  them  that  fet 

*  the  higheft  Value   on  your   Aflifrance ;    but  we 

*  dcfire  your  .Lord  {hips  would  not,  by  infifting  up- 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  201 

'  on  your  own  Deferts  upon  miftaken  Grounds,  An-  «  Car.  I. 

*  lay  Reflections  of  Ingratitude  upon  us,  of  which    .     '  4  '_ j 

*  you  know  we  are  not  guilty.     We  have  before     November. 
<  fo  fully  anfwered  your  Arguments,  from  the  Co- 

*  yenant  and  Treaty,  and  fhewed  that  they  direft- 

*  ly  make  good  our  Refolutions,  as    we  fhall  fay 

*  nothing  in   this  Place  to  them;  but  obferve  that 
'  in   this  Argument  you  mention    the  Defence  of 

*  the  King  twice  from  the  Covenant,  yet  in  both 

*  Places,  leave  out  the   Words,  in  the  Preferva- 
«  tion  and  Defence   of  the  true  Religion  and  Liber- 

*  tiff  of  the  Kingdoms. 


[The  AJJertion  prefixed  to  the  Commons  Anfwer 
to  the  firjl  Objeftion^  We  do  affirm,  &c.  is 
repeated  at  the  Head  of  each  ofthem.~\ 

The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  fecond  OBJECTION 
[  Already  given  at  p.  129.] 

'  Herein  is  repeated  what  you  have  faid  before; 
1  fome  Things  are  new,  as   that   it  begins  with, 

*  Although    his    Majeftys  riding  one   Day  3  'Journey 
4  might  wholly  fubvert  the  Grounds  of  this  Objection, 

*  yet,  &c.  But  we  fhall   never  fuppofe,  the  King 

*  being  in  England,   our  Brethren  of  Scotland  will 
'  take  him  out  of  this  Kingdom,  neither  will  fup- 

*  pofe    what  Differences  between  the  two  King- 

*  doms  one  Day's    Journey  might  make.      It  £ 
'  one  Thing  if  the  King  had  come. duly    unto  you 

*  into   Scotland,  and  clear  another  his  coming  to 

*  your  Army  in  the   Kingdom  of  England.     You 

*  here  repeat  the  King's  voluntary  Coming  to  your 
f  Army,    and  we  fay  we   defire   not  to  debate  on 
'  what  Grounds  he  came.     We  never  faid  his  be- 

*  ing  in  England  took  away  your  Relation  to  him  ; 
'  but  that    you  have  no  Right  of  difpoiing  of  his 

*  Perfon  in  this  Kingdom :  And,  by  a  former  Ar- 

*  gument  of  your  own  from  the  Common  Law  and 

*  Practice  of  all  Nations,    his  being  in  England 

*  gives  us  a  Right,  if  we  had  it   not  otherwifc. 

«  And 

202  7&?  Parliamentary  His  TORY" 

.An.  12  Car.  I. «  And  we  defire  your  Lordfliips  to  confider  that, 

t  **     '    t    '  by  your  Argument  of  the  Relation  between  the 

November.     '  King  an<^  ms  Subje&s,  when  you  alfo  aflert  the 

'  Right  of  mutual  Performance  and   Exercife  of 

c  them,   as  well  without  as  within  each  Kingdom 

*  refpe&ively,  in  England  as    Scotland,  or  in  Scot- 

*  land  as  England^    you   confound    the  particular 
'  Rights  of  the  two  Kingdoms,  which   would  be 
'  a  great  Violation  of  the  Covenant;    And  if  you 

*  may  argue  for  your  joint  Confent,  becaufe  the 

*  King's  Coming   to  you  was    an    Emergency  of 
'  War,  you  may,  by  the  fame    Reafon,  claim   a 
'  joint*  Intereft    in    the  difpofmg    the   Northern 

*  Counties,  and  fay  they  fell  into  your  Hands  as 

*  an  Emergency  of  War. 

'  If,    in  your  Allegation   of  the    Fundamental 

*  Right  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,   and   the  Li- 
'  berty  of  that  Kingdom,  you    mean  in   Scotland-^ 
'  we  did  never  difpute  againft  it:  But  if  you  mean 

*  in  England^   then,  if  we  had  taken  the  King  bt- 
'  fore  our  Conjunction  by  the  Covenant  and  Trea- 

*  ty,  our  difpofmg  of  him  without  your  Confent 
c  had  been  againft  the  Fundamental  Rights  of  the 
4  Parliament  of  Scotland  j   which  we  are  confident 
'  you  will  not  fay. 

*  And  your  Lordfhips  having  agreed,     at  the 

*  Conference,    that  the  Kingdom    Scotland    hath 
'  no  Right  of  Exercife  of  Intereft  in  the  Kingdom 

*  of  E'gla>:d  but  by  the  Covenant  and  Treaty; 

*  and  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament   did  not  enter 

*  into  that  Conjunction  with  our  Brethren  of  Scot- 

*  land  to  put  the  particular  Rights   of  the  King- 

*  dom  of  England  into   a  worie,  but  into  a  better 

*  Condition  by  that  Conjunction  ;   and  the  Cove- 
'  nant   and   Treaty  do  provide   accordingly ;  and 

*  that  we  have  not  parted  with  this  Right  by  the 

*  Covenant  and  Treaty,  we  have  formerly  {hewed, 

4  You  cannot  apply  the  Large  Treaty,  concern- 

*  ing  the  King's    voluntary    Reildency,    to    this 
<  Queftion,  whilft  the  King  is  not  in   a  Condition 
«  of  exercifmg  the  Duties  of  his  Place,  or  difpo- 

*  fing  of  his   Perfon  into   anv  of   his    Kingdoms 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  203 

at  his  own  Election,  as  in  Times  of  fettled  Peace  :  An-  JJ  £"• 
And  if  the  King  had  been  in   Scotland  in  fuch  at  ' 

Cafe  as  ours   is,  we  {hould  not  have  faid  more  to     November, 
your  detaining  of  him,  than  we  defire  you  {hould 
now  fay  to  us. 

*  And  whereas  your  Lordfhips  fay,  //  fiems 
Jlrange  that  you,  being  come  in  upon  Invitat.on,  as 
for  other  Ends,  fo  to  defend  his  Majejiy's  Perfon, 
your  now  being  in  England  Jhould  be  made  Ufe  of 
for  Delivery  of  the  King  to  be  difpofed  by  us ;  we 
underftand  not  why  the  difpoling  of  the  Perfon  of 
the  King  in  England,  by  both  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment, and  the  Defence  of  his  Perfon  according 
to  the  Covenant,  may  not  well  confift  together  : 
We  demand  to  difpofe  of  the  King,  becaufe  the 
King  is  in  England,  and  you,  of  all  other,  who 
come  to  defend  our  Rights,  (hould  not  violate 
them :  And  it  would  be  much  more  ftrange,  if 
any  {hould  think  that  when  we  invited  you,  that 
by  your  Affiftance  we  might  preferve  our  Inte- 
refts,  we  {hould  invite  you  to  difpofe  of  our  In- 

'  You  argue  from  the  third  Article,  the  Words 
whereof  are,  That  the  Army  be  commanded  by  a 
General  appointed  by  the  States  of  Scotland,  and 
fubjeft  to  fuch  Resolutions  and  Direflions,  as  are 
and  Jhall  be  agreed  and  concluded  on  mutually  be- 
tween the  two  Kingdoms,  or  by  Committees  appoint- 
ed by  them  in  that  Behalf,  for  purfuance  of  the 
Ends  above-mentioned,  which  are  the  Ends  ex- 
prefled  in  the  Covenant ;  we  {hall  fpeak  more 
of  them  in  our  Anfvver  to  your  next  Objection. 
'  You  apply,  but  improperly,  this  third  Article 
for  your  joint  Right  of  difpofing  with  us  the 
Perfon  of  the  King  in  the  Kingdom  of  England: 
And  why?  Becaufe  to  defend  and  preferve  his 
Perfon  is  one  of  the  Ends  in  the  Covenant.  You 
may  as  well  fay  you  have  Right  of  joint  difpofing 
all  our  Laws  and  Liberties ;  for  to  defend  and 
preferve  them  is  one,  and  a  main  one,  of  the 
Ends  in  the  Covenant. 

«  Your 


An.  22    Car*  I. 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Your  Arguments  from  the  ninth  Article  are 
before  anfwered :  And  here  you  again  alledge 
the  Covenant,  and  here  again,  as  in  the  for- 
mer Objection  or  Argument,  when  you  mention 
that  you  are  to  preferve  the  Perfon  of  the  King, 
you  leave  out  the  fubfequem  Words,  in  Prefer- 
vation  and  Defence  of  the  true  Religion*  and  Li- 
berties of  the  Kingdom, 

'The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  third  OBJECTION 
or  ARGUMENT  of  the  Scots  COMMISSIONERS. 
[Given  at  p.  j  2.] 

e  The  Truth  is  thus :  On  Tut/Jay  the  fifth 
of  May  laft,  our  Committees  before  Newarkhzd 
Notice  the  King  was  come  to  Southwell,  the 
Head  Quarter  of  your  Army  there,  before  they 
heard  any  Thing  from  your  Committees  of  it, 
who  fent  two  of  their  Number  to  give  our  Com- 
mittes  Notice  of  the  King's  (  oming  to  South- 
well; which  two  did  prcmife  to  deliver  to  the 
reft  of  their  Number  the  Defires  of  our  Com- 
mittees, That  the  King  might  not  remove  from 
Southwell:  And  afterwards  our  Committees  hear- 
ing the  fame  Day  the  King  came  to  our  Army, 
that  your  Army  was  preparing  to  march,  told 
your  Committees  of  it,  of  and  their  former  De- 
fire,  That  the  King  might  remain  at  Southwell; 
your  Committees  denied  there  was  any  Intention 
in  your  Army  to  march:  And  to  the  DC  fire  of 
the  King's  not  removing  from  Southwell^  they 
faid,  He  w  as  gene  to  Kelham  before  they  heard 
from  our  Committees.  Whereupon  our  Com- 
mittees earneftly  prefled  them  the  King  might 
return  back  to  Southwell,  and  not  to  be  at  Kel- 
ham, where  the  Body  of  your  Army  lay,  to  cajole 
or  difturb  your  Soldiers;  but  could  not  obtain 

*  the  Confent  of  your  Committee  thereunto.  The 
'  next  Day  our  Committees  hearing  that  yourAr- 
«  my  had  difpofed  of  their  Provifions,    and  fent  in 

*  for  many  Carriages,  did  again  complain  to  your 

«  Com- 

^ENGLAND.  205 

*  Committees ;  who  again  alfo  abfolutely  denied  An.  «  Car.  I, 

*  it,    and  faid,  Nothing  fhould  be  done  without  our         »646-    ^ 

*  Committees  having  Notice:    Neverthelefs,    the     November. 
'  next  Day,  being  Thurjday^  your  Army  marched 

*  away,  and  took  the  King  with  them ;  and  when 
'  your  Army   were  on  their  March,    and  not  be- 
'  fore,  fome  of  your  Committees    acquainted  ours 

*  with  it.     Now  it  is    moft  evident  that,  by  the 
'  Treaty,  our  Committees  being  equally  te  com- 
'  mand  and  diredt  your  Army  as  your  own,  and 

*  your  Army   obliged    by  the  Treaty   equally  to 
'  obey  them  as  a  joint  Committee,  if  you  have  any 
'  Right  becaufe  the  King  came  to  your  Army,  the 
'  King  came  to  our  Committees  as  to  yours,  and 

*  they  had  in  that  refpedt  equal   Power   to  difpofe 
'  of  him. — But  what  was  done  is  before  exprefled. 

*  You  fay  you  did  write  to  the  Houfes;  and  your 
'  Paper  intimates  one  Reafon   of  your  going  was, 

*  becaufe   you    heard  not  from  the   Houfes.       You 

*  wrote  on  Wednefdayy  and  marched  away  the  next 
'  Morning:  Could  you  expect  a   Return  from  the 

*  two  Houfes  in  that   Time,  the  Diftance  being 

*  100  Miles  ?  You  alledge  your  March  was  after 
'  the  Surrender  of  Newark;    when  as  it  was  only 
'  after  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Treaty  had  agreed, 
'  but  before  the   Agreement   was    figned   by    the 

*  Committees  and  Governor  of  Newark;  and   the 
«  Town    was  not  furrendered  till   the  next   Day, 

*  which  was  done,  on    fome  Emergency,  a  Day 

*  fooner  than  was  agreed  on  by  that  Treaty. 

*  And  fhall  we  think  that  your  Army  fhould 

*  march  away  on    the  Rumour  of  5000  Horfe  and 

*  Dragoons  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax' s  Army  marching 

*  Northward?  But,  how.ver,  there  was  no  fuch 

*  Thing,  nor  did  any  fuch  Order  of  the  Houfe  of 

*  Peers,  as  your  Lordfhips  mention,  ever  come  to 

*  the  Army  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax;  neither  did  the 

*  General,  Lieutenant-General,  nor  any  other  Of- 

*  ficer  that  ever  they  heard  of,  know  of  any  fuch  Or- 

*  der,  till  your  Lordfhips  mentioned  it  in  your  Paper 
«  of  the  20th  of  Offober  laft.     And   if  they  had 
'  marched,  they  are  under  the  Command  of  the 

a  «  Par- 


The  Parliamentary 

An.  22  Car.  I.  <  Parliament,  and  have  flie wed  themfelves  faithful 

v '  46'  ,        andferviceable,  and  God  hath  exceedingly  blefled 

November.         tneir  Service  to  the  Good  of  both  Kingdoms. 

4  This  being  the  true  State  of  that  Bufmefs, 
our  Committee  of  both  Houfes  being  upon  the 
Place  at  the  Siege  of  Newark,  and  not  fo  much 
as  advifed  with  by  your  Committees  what  was 
fit  to  be  done  with  the  Perfon  of  the  King  (the 
Difpofingof  whofe  Perfon,  with  your  joint  Con- 
fent, you  now  make  a  Matter  of  fo  high  Concern- 
ment); but  your  Army,  contrary  to  Engage- 
ment not  to  remove  without  •  the  Knowledge  of 
our  Committee,  removing  and  taking  the  King 
with  them,  without  any  Notice  given  to  our 
Committee  before  their  March,  though  nothing 
but  a  River  parted  the  two  Armies  with  which 
our  Committees  did  then  refide:  Your  Lordfliips 
will  now  think  our  Committees  had  Reafon 
to  defire  to  return;  and  there  was  little  En- 
couragement for  any  other  Committee  to  go 
down  to  your  Army,  efpecially  confidering  that 
you  took  Carjlile  from  the  EngHJh  Forces  there 
againft  the  Confent  of  the  Committee  then  up- 
on the  Place.  And  that  when  your  Army  was 
at  BramJ}am-Mocr>  a  little  before  the  King  took 
Leicefter,  (the  King  then  being  very  ftrorg,  and 
our  Affairs  in  a  hazardous  Condition)  they  were 
earneftly  prefled  by  our  Committee,  then  a  joint 
Committee  with  them,  according  to  the  Treaty 
to  march  Southward ;  but,  contrary  to  their  De- 
fires,  and  againft  their  Confent,  your  Army 
marched  away  Northward. 
*  It  is  true  that  you  fent  out  Orders  to  debar  all 
fuch  of  both  or  either  Kingdoms,  as  had  been 
in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  from  coming  in- 
to your  Quarters,  or  to  the  Court,  or  to  the  Per- 
fon of  the  King;  and  it  is  as  true,  that  they  did 
come  notwithftanding  thofe  Orders,  and  yet  no 
Man  puniflied  for  Breach  of  thofe  Orders  that 
ever  we  heard  of. 

'  Your  Lordfhips   fay,  There  is  no  fuch  Claufe  in 
'  the  Treaty,  as  that  the  Scots  Army  jhould  do    no- 

of   ENGLAND. 

*  thing  without  a  joint  Resolution  of  both  Kingdoms , 
c  or  their  Committees ;    and  thence  infer,    you  hav- 

*  ing  no  joint   Refolution  to  the    contrary,    you     Nov«mbw. 

*  might  march  away.     But  it   is  moft  evident  from 

*  your  Argument,  (for  your  Example,  the    Army 

*  under  the  Earl  of  EJJex  or  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  is 
c  not  at  all  applicable  to  your  Inference)  that  it  is 
'  wholly  in  your  Power  whether  the  Kingdom  of 

*  England  fhall  ever  join  in  directing  of  your  Army 
'  or   not.     You   had    no    Committee    for  fifteen 

*  Weeks  before  Newark,  and  all    that  Time  our 
'  Committee  could  not  order  your  Army  for  Want 
"  of  yours   to  join  with    them;    when  yours  did 

*  come,  they  having   a  negative  Voice,    did  not 

*  agree  to  our  Committee's  Defires  for  the  King's 

*  Stay  at  Southwell,    or  acquaint  them  with  your 

*  Armies   going  away,     but  denied   it  to  themj 

*  fo  as  that  main  Thing  in  the  Treaty  to  join  in 
'  ordering  your  Army  is,    both  by  your  Practice 
'  and  Aflertion  in  your  Paper,    rendered  ufelefs. 

*  And  in  this  Argument  alfo  is  the  Covenant 

*  recited  for  the  Defence  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King, 
4  and  the  Words,    In  the  Prefervation  of  Religion 
4  and  the  Liberties  of  the  Kingdoms  (a  main  Claufc 
'  without  which  the  other  Part  ought  never  to  be 
'  mentioned )  are  left  out.     Certainly,   myvLords, 

*  we  fhould  never  have  argued  thus  from  the  Co- 
^  venant  and  Treaty.     And  here  you  fay  again  as 

*  formeily,  Tour  Army   claims  no  Right  to    difpofe 

*  of  the  King:  But  we  fay  that,    de  Fafto,  they  do 
'  difpofe  of  him ;  and  muft,  by  your  Argument, 
4  ever  do  fo,  unlcfe  we  agree  to  the  joint  Confent 

*  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  for  difpofin"  of  the 

*  King  in  England,  (and  that  from  fuch  Grounds 

*  as,  if  admitted,  would   intereft  the  Kingdom  of 
'  Scotland  in  the  Government  of  the  Kingdoms  of 

*  England  and  Ireland]  elfe  you  will   not  confent; 

*  and  unlcfs  you  confent,  you  fay  your  Army  ought 
4  not  to  part  with  him  ;  fo  as  he  is  to  be  difpofed  by 

*  you  in  England  without  our  Confent,  but  not  by 
'  us  in  this  Kingdom  without  your  Confent;  which 
'  fure  cannot  be  found  in  the  Covenant, 



tfbf  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

"•  J*  Jan  *•  The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  fourth  OBJECTION 
...    ^  '     .      or  ARGUMENT  of  the  Scots  COMMISSIONERS. 

November.  [Given  at  p.  134.] 

*  This  contradicts  what  you  have  formerly  faid, 
That  one  coming  to  another  Nation  ought  not  to 
be  remanded^  though  for  the  great  eji  Crime. 
4  And  let  your  Lordftiips  confider,  that  your 
Army  in  England  is  not  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 
And  here  alfo  you  recite  the  Covenant,  as  to  the 
Defence  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon ;  but  omit  the 
fubfequent  Words,  In  the  Prefervation  of  the  true 
Religion  and  Liberties  of  the  Kingdoms.  And  as 
all  Perlbnsin  both  Kingdoms,  who  have  taken  the 
Covenant,  havebound  themfelves  before  Almighty 
God  to  defend  the  King's  Perfon,  in  the  Defence 
of  the  true  Religion  and  Liberties  of  the  King- 
doms ;  fo  are  they  to  do  it  only  in  their  fevera! 
Vocations,  without  intrenching  upon  each  others 
Rights  and  Privileges;  for  which  Reafon  alfo 
Incendiaries  were  referved  to  the  Trial  of  the 
Supreme  Judicatories  of  the  Kingdoms  refpe&ive- 
ly,  that  their  feveral  Jurifdi&ions  might  not  be 
prejudged  or  confounded.* 

The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  fifth  OBJECTION 
or  ARGUMENT  of  the  Scots  COMMISSIONER^, 
[Given  at  p.  134.] 

4  It  is  moft  true,  it  hath  often  been  fet  down 
4  in  your  Papers,  That  your  Army  neither  doth 
'  nor  will  take  upon  them  to  difpofe  of  the  King  j 

*  yet  we  know  that,  de  Facla^  they  do  difpt/e  of 
4  him.      You  fay,  He  came  without  Capitulation  or 

*  Treaty :    We   again   defire  you  will    not  put  us 
'  upon  that  Debate.     You  alledge,    Tf)at  his  Re- 
'  fidence    is  voluntary  and  free :     Yet  you  fent  us 
4  Word  that  you  had  fet  a  ftrongGuard  upon  him> 

*  and  you  can  not  fay,  That  the  Covenant,  Treaty, 

*  or  Fundamental  Rights  of  the  Scots  Nation  are, 

*  That  he  fhould  be  in  voluntary  Freedom  with 
'  us,  but  in  reftraint  with  you. 

*  You 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  209 

*  You  argue,  That  the  fole  Difpofal  of  the  King  An.  **  Car.  !• 

*  comes  in  Place  of  Peace  ;  which  is  not  fo,  unlefs     t    ****  '    . 
'  you  will   grant    that  you  have  now  made  Peace^      November. 

*  for  you   have  the   fole  Difpofal.     But  all  this  is 

*  before  more  at  large.' 

The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  fixth  DEFECTION 
or  ARGUMENT  of  the  Scots  COMMISSIONERS. 
[Given  at  p.  135.] 

*  We    have   never  alledged  that  the  Parliament 
'  of  Scotland  hath    riot    the  like  Exercife  of  Inte- 

*  reft  in    Scotland  as    We  defire  to  have  in  England, 

*  and  yet   this  is  often  objected    againft  us.     But 

*  we  do  aver  ,  that  the  Right  of  Exercife  of  Inte- 

*  reft  is  diftincl  to  each  Nation  :  And   from  your 
'  own  Argument,    if  we   do  not  deny  this  Right 
4  to  Scotland^  why  (hould  you  deny  it  to  England? 

*  The  Union    of  the  Kingdoms    under  one  Head 

*  doth  no  more  confound  the  Exercife  of  particular 
'  Rights,  than  if  under  feveral  Heads.     We   never 

*  defired    you  to  renounce  any  Right  of  the  King- 

*  dom  of  Scotland  j    let  us  have  the  fame  Meafure. 

*  By  your  Argument  it  muft    follow,  That,  by 

*  England's  having  the  King  of  Scotland^  the  Kina;- 

*  dom  of  Scotland  fhould   be  King    of    England: 
4  For  although  the  Perfon  of  the   King  be  not  di- 

*  vifible,  yet  his  Relations  are  divifible,  both  in  their 

*  Nature  and    Exercife;  the  King  of  England  and 

*  the  King  of  Scotland  are  one  Man,  but  they  are 

*  not  one  Thing.     And  tho'  thofe  Relations  are 

*  not  divifible  from  his  Perfon,  yet  is  the  Exercife 
'  of  them  divifible  from  his  Perfon,  as  his  Perfon 
4  is  divifible  from  either  or  both  of  the  Kingdoms, 
4  and  as  the  Kingdoms  are  divifible  from  each  other 

*  in  Place  and  in   Power,  in  Right  and  in  Intereft, 

*  within  theirfeveral  Precincts ;  and  the  exact:  Pre- 
4  fervation  of  this   Diftinclion  is  the  beft  Means  to 

*  prevent  a  worfe  Divifion. 

*  And  if,     as  you  fay,  your  defiring  not  to  part 

*  with  your  Right,  doth  notar^ue  any^Diffidence  ifi 

VOL.  XV.  O  us> 

2xo  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^^  Or.  I.<  us;  now  that  it  is  (hewed  you  have  no  Right,  why 

/'     | ,    *  will  you  be  diffident  of  us,  to  hinder  the  Exercile 

pur_particular  Rights  ? 

4  That  which  you   call  your  laft  Objection  was 
*  an  Anfwer  to  your  Reply. 

The  COMMONS  ANSWER  to  the  feventb  OBJEC- 
SIONERS. [Before  given  at  p.  136.] 

\  Although  in  this  Anfwer  of  the  Commons  fofaf, 
they  have  cited  every  Objection  at  large  as  made 
f>y  the  Scots  CommsJJioners^  yet  here  they  have 
gone  no  farther  than  the  firjl  Paragraph,  be- 
gijining  ivith^  If  this  Argument,  and  ending^ 
as  they  (hall  think  fit ;  wholly  omitting  the 
Jeveral  Expedients  offered  by  the  Scots  for  the 
Satisfaction  of  the  King.] 

'  You  object,   Your   Arrfiy  cannot   part   with 

*  the    King  without   the   Confent  of   the    King- 

*  dom   of    Scotland;  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  can- 

*  not  confent,    unlefs  they  may  join  in  the  Dif- 

*  pofal  of  his  Perfon  ;  they  will  not  join  till  it  be 
'  agreed  that  he   be   difpofed  for  the  Good  of  both 
'  Kingdoms :  And  can  any   Thing  then  be  more 

*  plain,  than  that  the  King  is  then  to  remain  where 
'  he  is  (as  we  have  faid   before)  untillcyou  will  be 
'  fatisfied  ?  And  being  where  he  is,  we  know,  and 
'  fo  do  you,  that  he  is  difpofed  of  againft  our  Con- 
1  fent.  And  if    this  Argument  were  turned  over, 

*  it  would  remain   good  :     For   we    do  fay,  The 
'  Kingdom  of  Scotland  had  not  Right  of  joint  In- 

*  tereft  in  difpofmg  of  the  Perfon   of  the  King  if 

*  he  were  at  IVeftminjler  \  neither  (hould  we  clairri 
'  any,  if  he  were  duly  at  Edinburgh.     And  if  this 
'  be  a  good  Argument,  it   will  follow,    That  you 

*  ftiould  have  fome  other  Nation  to  refide   contr- 

*  nually  with    us,  to   advife   and  confent  to  what 
1  Places  the  King  fhall  go  upon  every  Occafion  of 
1  his  Remove,  and  upon  every  Accident  that  may 

*  happen  ;    confidering  the  Temper  and  Condition 

^ENGLAND.  211 

*  of  thefe  Times   may  call  for  fudden  and  different  An-  22  Car- 
1  Refolutions,  and  fuch  as  they  are  only  capable  to    t    '  *6'  t 
'judge  of,  and  to   apply   Remedies  unto,  who  are     November. 
'  upon  the  Place. 

«  We    doubt    not  your   Lordftiips    are    fatisfied 
'  that  the"  Coming  of  the  King  to  your  Army  was 

*  with  a   Dcfign,  on  his  Part,  againft  the  Good  of     • 

*  both    Kingdoms ;    which,    with  his  denying  the 

*  Proportions,    being  among   you,  are  not  Argu- 

*  ments  that  he  ought   to  be  left  to  his  own  Will 
«  and  Pleafurc. 

'  Upon    the    whole    Tract  in  your  Papers    we 
'{hall,  from  brotherly  Affeclion,  let  you  know,  to 

*  prevent  the  like  for  the  future,  That  your  Papers 

*  feem  to  be  prepared,   printed,    and  pablifhed  to 
'  captivate  the  Hearers  and  Readers,  to  trouble  their 
'  Fancies,    and  hinder  the  right  Underftandingof 

*  the  Queftion,  and  that  they  may  be  led  byanim- 
'  plicit     Belief;    and    feem   to  hold  forth^    That 
'  you  will  fo  manage  your  Affairs,  as  that,  if  any 

*  Difference    fliould  happen    (which    God  forbid, 

*  and  we  (hull  always  endeavour  to  prevent,  tho* 
'  it  arife  elfewhere)  it  may  be  laid  on  the  Houfes 
'  of  Parliament :    Your  Papers  throughout  inter- 
'  volvin^  Things  of  feveral  Natures^    mif-reciting 

*  fo  many  Matters  of  Fact,  holding  forth  Examples 
'  and  Similies,  (which,  if  ur^ed  by  us,  wereunrea- 
'  fonable)  as   if   they    were  applicable  tothepre- 

*  fent  Debate,  which  yet  they  are  not  j  that  many 

*  Readers  and  Hearers,  though  they  know  not  how 
'  to  apply  them  to    the  Queftion    between  us,  yet 
'  may  think  they  are  to  it,  becaufe  the  Scots  Com- 

*  mifiioners  would  not  elfe  have  inferted  them. 

4  Having  thus   cleared   the  Right  of  the  Par! ia- 
c  ment  of  England^  in  difpofing  the  Perfon  of  the 

*  King    in  the    Kingdom   of    Er^land^     we   come 
'  now  to  the  Propositions:  But,  before  we  fall  in- 
'  to  the  Particulars  of  them,  we  {hall  give  a  fliort 
'  Anfwer  to   your   Letter  of  the  24th  of  October 

*  lal'h     You  exprefs  therein,  That  the  Scots  Army 
'  ba-j;;ij    had    no    Pay  fir  fix  Months,    have  been 

*  forced  to    take  free    Quarter;  which  we  wonder 

Oz  «  to 

212  *Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

n.  21  Car.  l.  <  to  fee,  when  your  Army  taketh  19,700 /.  month- 

|646;   ,      '  ly  in  Mf  ney,  befides  much  free  Quarter.     And 

November.      '  we  fent  your  Lordfhips  an  Account  of  this,  which 

*  we  received  out  of  the  North  ;  befides  which  they 

*  have  had,  for  one  Year  ending  the  laft  of  Oflolef 
«  laft,    72,9727.   2  s.    \i  d.  for  the   Cuftom  and 

*  other  Impofiticns  upon  Coals  only. 

*  Your   Letter   feems    very  corhpaffionately    to 

*  confider  the  Mifery   of  the  Northern  Parts  ;    but 

*  the  Ways  you   propofe  of  Remedy    extend  the 

*  Benefit  of    ycur  Companion  efpecially    to    the 
'  Scots  Army  ;  the  which    Army's    removing  into 

*  frefh  Quarters   in  England,    were  to  make  them 

*  feel    as  much  Mifery  as  thofe   it  would    leave. 

*  We  fhall  provide  what  Money  we  can  to  enable 

*  the  Scots   Army  to  march   into  Scotland;  but  you 
'  know  we  are  not  engaged  to  you  for  200,000  /. 
'  in  prefent,  as   your  Letter  implies.     But  this  is 

*  before  more  at  large. 

'  But  whilft  you  would  not  have  the  King  to  go 

*  into  Scotland^    (for  you   fay  that  it  is  prejudicial 
'  to  both  Kingdoms)  neither  would  you  have  him 

*  go    into    Ireland,    or  beyond   Sea,  (becaufe   you 

*  fay  that  would   not  be  a  Way  to  prefent  Peace, 
'  but  certainly  prognosticate   new  Trouble);  and 
'  whilft  you  will  not  let  the   Parliament  difpofe  of 
'  his  Perfon  in  England^  according  to  their  Right, 

*  (and  the  Parliament  cannot  admit  of  a  joint  Right 

*  in  you  of  Difpofmg  his  Perfon  here,  for  that  were 

*  to  admit  a  joint  Right  in  you  in  all    the  Liberties 
f  of  this  Kingdom)  how  (hull  any  be  fatisfied  that 
'  this  Queftion,  concerning  the  Difpofmg    of  the 

*  Perfon  of  the  King,  {hall  not  retard  the  march- 
£  ing  of  the    Scots  Army   out  of  this  Kingdom  ? 
«  W  ill  they  not  enquire,  What  will  the  Scots  do 

*  with  the  Perfon  of  the  King,  when  their  Army 

*  marcheth  out  of  the   Kingdom  ?  To  which  we 
e  hope  it  will  be  anfwered,  Our  Brethren  of  Scot- 

*  land  are  fatisfied  the  Parliament  of  England  will, 

*  according  to   their   Right,    difpofe  of  the  Perfon 

*  of  the   King  in  the  Kingdom  of  England:  And 

*  your  Lordfhips  may  reft   allured   the  Perfon  of 

*  the 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  213 

*  the  King  will  be  difpofed  by  the  Parliament  of  An.  **  Car.  I. 
'  England^    as   may  beft    conduce    to  the   Good,          l646 

«  Union,  and  Happincfs   of  the  two  Kingdoms. 

f-r*t        T\  r  '  i         f          \         T^« 

'  The   Propofition  you  make  for   the   King  to 

*  come  to  us  with  Honour,  Freedom,  and   Safety  ; 

*  or  that  Commiflioners   may  once    again  be  fent 

*  in  the  Name  of  both  Kingdoms,  with  Power  to 

*  hear  his   Defires,    and    to  endeavour  the  Satif- 
«  faction  of  Doubts   and  Scruples,    is  the  fame  in 

*  Subftance  made  by  himfelf,  in  his  Anfwer  to  the 

*  Proportions  fent   him  by  both  Kingdoms ;    but 
4  that  you   alfo  propofe   that  fome  may  be  fent  to 
4  the  King,   and  he  defires  to  come  hither ;   and 

*  your    Lordfhips    will  not  think   they    are  more 
'  reafonable  when  made  by  you  for  the  King,  than 
'  when  made  by  the  King  for  himfelf, 

*  And  whereas  your   Lordfhips  find  a  Difference 

*  in   the  Times  when   both  Kingdoms  fent  to  the 
«  King,  in  Anfwer  to  his  Letters  of  the  26th  and 
'  29th"  of  December  laft,  defiring  to  come    hither, 

<  for  that  he  had  then  both  Garrifons   and  Field 

*  Forces  unreduced  :    We  defire  your   Lordfhips 

*  to   remember,    That  although    thofe  Paflages  of 
«  his  having  Garrifons  and  Forces  be  in  the  Letter, 
«  yet  the  main   Matter  infifted  upon  was  in  thefe 
«  Words,    We  conceive  that,    until/  Satisfaction  and 

<  Security  be  firjl  given   to  both  your  Kingdoms^  your 
'  Afajejly's    Coming  hither   cannot  be  convenient,  nor 
4  by  us   ajfinted    unto.     And   which   doth    further 

*  appear  in  another  Letter,   fent  from  the  Parlia- 

*  ment  and  your  Lordfhips  in  March  laft,  in  An- 
«  fwer  to  a  Letter   of   the   King's   of  the   23d   of 

*  the  fame    March^    wherein  the  fame  Words   of 

*  Satisfaction  and  Security   are  again   exprefsly  re- 

*  peated  ;  and  there  hath  not  been  any  Act  done  by 

*  the  King  fmce  that  Time,  that  hath,  in  the  leaft, 

*  given  Satisfaction  or  Security  to  this  Kingdom : 

*  But,    however,   your  Lordfhips  well  know,  that 

*  the   King,    at  the  fending  of  the  faid  laft  Letter, 

*  had  no  Forces  in  the  Field,    nor  Garrifons  un- 
'  blocked  up  j    and  he  hath  as  many  Forces  now, 
4  when  you  make  thefe  Defires  for  him,  as  he  had 

O  3  «  when, 

214  yb*  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

n<  * fi  e"    **'  wnen>  to    your  unfpeakable   Grief,    (as  you  fay 

v  *  4^'    _j    '  in  your  Papers)    lv:,  in  his    Denial   to  grant  the 

November.      *  P.ropofitions     font    him    from    both    Kingdoms, 

6  made  then  the  fame  Defires  for  himfelf. 

'  Your  Lordfhips  recite  our  Anfwer  to  his  Ma- 
'  jefty's  MeiFa^e  of  the  nth  of  September  1642, 
'  to  which  we  {hall  need  fay  no  mere,  than  that 
'  there  is  a  large  Difference  between  what  is  to  be 
f  done  to  prevent  a  War,  which  the  common 

*  Enemy  did  begin  by  keeping  the  King  from  us, 
'  and  what  is  to  be  done  after  fuch  a  War  to  fecure 
'  a  Peace  :    To    fecure    which,     and   to  preferve 

*  brotherly    Union  between  the    two   Kingdoms, 
'  which  we  moft  earnefHy  and  from   our  Hearts 
'  delire,  we  fnculd  ufe  all  Means  conducing  there- 

*  unto,    and   endeavour   to    prevent  all   Ways   of 

*  Separation;    and   if  we  be  in  any,  to  haften  out 
'  ofthem,  the  true  End  of  our  Covenant  and  this 
'  Wur  being  that  neither  of  us  may  be  under  any 
'  Oppreflions.     Let   us  both  adt  for  the  common 

*  Good   of    both,  and  each  enjoy   our    particular' 

*  Rights;    fuch  Union  is  ftrong  and  will  be  laft- 
'  ing  :  But  where  one  gaineth  upon  the  particular 

*  Rights   of  the  othor,     and  then  argueth   that  he 
'  mutt  keep  it,  and  the  other  bear  it,  to   avoid  Dif- 

*  union;  fuch  Arguments  are  not  to  be  often  ufed, 

*  and  fuch   Attempts   are  to  be  forborne,  left  they 

*  make  a  Breach  in   brotherly  Union  ;  which  God 
«  forbid. 

*  But   we  are  confident  the  Right  of  the  King- 
?  dom  of  England  will  be  acknowledged,  and  we 

*  poflcfled   of  it;  and  v/e  (hall  make  it  appear  how 
'  little  Caufe   there  is  for  thofe  groundlefs  Infinua- 

*  tions  in  your  Speeches  and  Papers,  as  if  the  Par- 
'  liament  of  England  were  averfe  from  their  antient 
'  and  fundamental  Government,  by  King,  Lords, 
'  and  Commons,    which  we  had  thought  the  De- 
'  claration  of  the   Boule  of  Commons  cftheiyth 

*  of   April  1646,   fufficicntly  cleared  to  the  whole 
4  World  ;  or  that  they  were  not  as  really  forward 
'  as  anv,   for  the   procuring  of   a    f.afe   and  well- 

*  grounded  Peace,  which  is^the  greatcft  and  chiefeft 
8w  *   4  'of 

of    ENGLAND.  215 

*  of  our  Defires  j  and  it  wjlJ  be  manifeft  to  the  Judg-  An.  22  c»r.  I. 
4  meats   and  Confciences  of  all,  That  as  we  really         l*>**- 

'  endeavoured   the  Good  of   the    King  and   both      December"' 

*  Kingdoms,    fo  (hall  we  conftantly  and  faithfully 

*  perfevere    in   thofe    Endeavours  ;    not  doubting 
'  but,  upon  our  fincere  performing  our  Covenant 

*  and  Treaties,    the  Bleffing  of   God  will   fo  ac- 

*  company  us,   as   there  will   be  a  moft  fweet  and 

*  brotherly  Agreement  between  the  Nations,  and 
4  fuch   a  Conclufion    as    will  be  pleafing  to  God, 

*  and  wherein  both  Kingdoms  (hall  find  the  greateft 
«  Comfort  and  Happinefs.' 

Nov.    29.  This  Anfwer  of  the  Commons  feems 
to  have  been  refented  by  the  Scots  Commiflioners  ;  J^'ch  tbjjg"|cott 
for,  next  Day,  the  Speaker  acquainted  the  Houfe,  comir.iflioners, 
That  he  had  lent  his  Servant,  with  the  Anfwer  and  theyrefufe  tore? 
a  Letter  from  h,imfelf   fealed  up  to  thpfe  Cpmmif-  ceiveit- 
fioners  ;  and  the  Servant  being  defired  to  ftay  a  little, 
they  came  to  him  again,  and  gave  him  a  Letter,  di- 
redted  to  the  Speaker,    and    returned  the  Anfwer 
fealed  up  as  it  was   and  wrapped  in  a  clean  Cover. 
The  Servant  urged,    That  he  had  no  Warrant  to 
receive  it  back  if  it  was  the  fame  he  brought ,  but, 
upon  the  Commiflioners  preffing  it  on  him,  he  took 
both.     The    Letter  was    immediately    read  ;  it  is 
not   inferted    in  the   'Journal^  but  only  faid  to  be 
dated   from    Worcefter-Houfe,     and   fubfcribed    by 
five  of   the    Commiflioners  ;  and  therefore  we  can 
only  conjecture,   that  they  refufed  to  receive  it,  be- 
caufe  it  came  not  to  them  from  both  Houfes  of  Par- 
liament,  as   every   Thing  elfe  had   done.- The 

Houfe   of   Lords  took  no  Notice  at  all  of  this 

December.  This  Month  begins  with  an  Ordi- 
nance for  the  better  Obfervation  of  the  monthly 
Faft ;  which  having  been  much  flighted  at  this 
Time  by  the  People,  it  was  ordered  to  be  more 
ftriclly  kept  under  feveral  fevere  Penalties. 

The  Lords  alfo  proceeded,    according  to  a  late 

annual  Cuftom,  to  nominate  Sheriffs  for  the  feveral 

O  4  Counties 

2 1 6  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ax  Car.  I.  Counties   in    England  and   Wales-,  the  Names  of 
i      '  *  '         all  which  are  particularly  entered  in  the  Journals. 

Dec  5.  Several  Papers  were  delivered  in  to  the 
Houfe  of  Lords,  containing  the  Subftance  of  the 
Difputes,  between  the  Commifiioners  of  both  Na- 
tions, about  the  Payment  of  the  firft  200,000  /.  to 
the  Scots  Army,  and  the  Manner  of  their  evacuating 
this  Kingdom.—  But  thefe  Altercations,  being  very 
long  and  tedious  as  entered  in  the  Lords  Journals* 
we  pafs  over;  and  this  the  rather,  becaufe  the  Refult 
of  the  whole  was  foon  after  digefted  into  Articles 
in  Form,  which  will  appear  under  their  proper 

f  Date. Mr.  Ru/fnuortb  writes,  '  That  this  firft 

The  Money  for  i        ,  •   ,  -r   \ 

thepa-imnt  2OO,ooo/.   which  was  to   be    railed    according    to 

of  the  firft  the  Parliament's  Propofals  to  the  City  of  London^ 

000,000 /.to  before  given,  and  on  the  Security   of  the  Bifhops 

tncm  very  ipccai"  — .  °  •       /•/•/it          iti  i 

lyraifedj  L»'nds,   came  in   fo  faft,  that  the  whole  was  made 

utj  by  the  End  of  the  laft  Month.'  This  gave 
luch  Encouragement  to  the  Scots  Commiffioners, 
that,  on  the  feventh  of  this  Month,  they  prefented 
the  following  Paper  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  ad- 
drefied  to  their  Speaker : 

Right  Honourable^ 
Whereupon  they  c  •«  TirE  do  agree  with  your  Lordftiips  concern- 

tequirefomefur-  t     VV      •          the    Terms    of    the    Payment    of  the 
tner  Security  lor  o  t        r»  • 

the  latter  c  late  20o,c.oo/.   But,   as  to  the   becunty,  we  are 

aoo,ooo/.  «  commanded  to  defire  it  may  be  out  of  the  E- 
'  ftates  of  Papifts,  Prelates,  and  Malignants,  ac- 
'  cording  to  the  Treaty  betwixt  the  Kingdoms; 
'  or  otherwife  we  do  defire  that  we  may  have 
'  fome  other  particular  Security  :  Concerning  all 
'  which  we  are  ready  to  confer  with  yo.ur  Lord- 
«  fliips,  and  are  confident  we  fhall  come  to  a  good. 

*  Agreement. 

«  We  do  Hkewife  expeft  that,  fmce  our  Army 
c  is  to  remove  out  of  this  Kingdom,  and  the   Irijh 

*  Rebels  do  and   are  like  more  to  infeft  the  King- 
«  dom  of  Scotland,  the  Honouralle  Houfes  would 
«  take  into  Ccnuderation  what  Aid  and  Affiftance 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  217 

*  to  give  to   their  Brethren    of  Scotland;  or  give An<  2*  Car- 
'  Power  to  your  JLordfhips  to  confer  with  us  about  t     '  * 

'    I*-  December. 

By  Command  of  the   CommiJJtoners  for  the   Par- 
liament of  Scotland. 


The  Lords  ordered  this  Paper  to  be  communi- 
cated to  the  Commons,  which  was  done  t he  nex t 
Day  accordingly.  But  that  Houfe  refolved  to  ad- 
here  to  their  former  Vote  of  giving  no  other  Se- 
curity for  the  laft  2co,coo  /.  than  the  Public  Faith  j 
and  the  Money  to  be  paid  to  the  Scots  Army,  ac- 
cording to  the  Times  formerly  limited.  How- 

Dec.  10.  We  find  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament, 
parted  this  Day,  for  the  fpeedy  Conveyance  of  the 
Sum  of  200,coo /.  in  Specie,  to  the  City  of  York^ 
being  the  Fiift  Payment  due  to  the  Scats  Army. 
The  Lord  Mayor,  and  all  other  Magiftratcs  and 
Governors  of  that  City,  were  required  to  be  aiding 
and  affifting  to  the  Treafurers,  for  the  fafe-keeping 
the  faid  Sum,  during  the  Time  it  fhould  remain 
there,  (a) 

Notwithftanding  every  Thing  went  on  fo 
fmoothly,  yet  the  Parliament  did  not  think  them- 
felves  fo  fecure  in  their  new  acquired  Power,  but 
it  might  be  overturned  again.  Thefe  Jtaloufies 
were  chiefly  occafioned  by  great  Numbers  of  Ma- 
lignants  rcforting  then  to  London,  more  to  com- 
pound for  their  fequeftered  Eftates,  than  to  raife 
any  frefh  Commotions.  However,  the  Parliament 
thought  fit,  for  their  further  Security,  to  pafs  a  very 
fevere  Vote  at  this  Time,  '  That  all  who  (hould 
raile  Forces  againft  the  Parliament,  or  either 


(«}  This  Mrney,  under  a  great  Convoy  commanded  by  Major- 
CeneiaL  ^tiffin,  came  down  to  York,  Jan.  i.  ihif  Year,  and  was 
paid  to  the  Scoti,  at  thc^'-mmon  HaH  of  that  City,  very  Coon 
are r.  At  their  Coming  in  all  the  Artillery  of  the  City  were  dlf-' 

Drakc't  HUlory  of  Ytrk,  Fol.  LcrtJca,  1736,  p.  171. 

2 1 8  tte  Parliamentary   HISTORY 

An.  21  Car.  I.  Houfe,  hereafter,  fhould   die  without  Mercy,  and, 
._.16*6'         have  their  Eitates  confifcated.' 


Dec.  14.  An  Ordinance,  formerly  brought  up 
from  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  for  clearing  the 
Proceedings  of  Parliament  in  the  Courfe  of  this 
War,  was  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  agreed  to, 
and  ordered  to  be  printed;  notwithftanding  which 
it  is  not  to  be  found  in  HuJbantTs^  ScobePs^  or 
Ruftxvirtb' s  Collections',  and  we  give  it  as  entered 
in  the  "Journals  of  the  Lords. 

An  ORDINANCE  far  justifying   the  Proceedings  cf 

An  Ordinance          "IT/Hereas  the  Lords  and  Commons,    aflem- 

rocft-ed"  bled  in  Parliamcnt»    have  been    neceffi- 

parKa-"  tatccl  to  profecute  a  War  in  their  juft  and  lawful 
Defence;  and  thereupon  Oaths,  Declarations, 
and  Proclamations  haye  been  made  againft  them 
and  their  Ordinances  and  Proceedings,  and  a- 
gainft  others  for  adhering  unto  them,  and  for 
executing  Offices,  Places,  and  Charges,  by  Au- 
thority derived  from  them  ;  and  Judgments,  In- 
dictments, Outlawries,  Attainders,  and  Inquifi- 
tions,  for  the  Caufes  aforefaid,  haver  been  had  and 
made  againft  fome  of  the  Members  of  the  Houfes 
of  Parliament,  and  other  his  Majefty's  good  Sub- 
jects ;  and  Granti.  have  been  made  of  their  Lands 
and  Goods  : 

4  The  Lords  and  Commons,  afiembled  in  Parlia- 
ment, taking  the  fame  into  their  ferious  Con- 
fiderations  have  declared,  and  do  hereby  declare, 
That  all  Oaths,  Declarations,  and  Proclamations 
heretofore  had,  or  hereafter  to  be  had,  againft  both 
or  either  Houics  of  Parliament,  or  any  the  Mem- 
bers of  either  of  them  for  the  Caufes  aforefaid,  or 
againft  their  Ordinances  or  Proceedings,  oragainft 
any  for  adhering  unto  them,  or  fordping  or  exe- 
cuting any  Office,  Place,  or  Charge,  by  anv  Au- 
thority derived  from  the  faid  Houfes,  or  either 


0f    ENGLAND.  219 

f  of  them;  and  all  Judgments,  Indictments,  Out- An.  i->  Car.  !„ 
f  lawries,  Attainders,  Inquifitions,  and  Grants  l646  ^ 
thereupon  made;  and  all  other  Proceedings  for  r>Cemb«r 
any  the  Caufes  aforefaid,  had,  mad,e,  done  or  ex- 
ecuted, or  to  be  had,  made,  done,  or  executed, 
whether  the  fame  be  done  by  the  King,  or  any 
Judges,  JufticessMinifters,  Sheriffs,  or  any  others 
by  his  Majefty's  Direction  or  Appointment,  are 
void  and  of  none  Effecl;  and  are  contrary  to,  and 
againft  the  L  ;ws  of  this  Realm. 
1  And  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons  do  further 
otda  n,  order,  and  declare,  That  all  Judges,  Ju- 
ftices  of  the  Peace,  M..yors,  ShcrifFs,  Confhbles, 
and  all  Officers  and  Minifters,  do  take  Notice 
hereof;  and  are  hereby  prohibited  and  difcharged, 
for  all  Time  to  come,  from  awarding  any  Writ, 
Procefs,  Summons,  or  Citation,  or  from  pro- 
nouncing or  executing  any  Judgment,  Sentence 
or  Decree,  or  any  Way  proceeding  againft,  or 
moleftin  j;  any  of  the  faid  Members  of  the  two 
H>)u!es  of  Parliament,  or  againft  any  of  the 
Subjects  of  this  Kingdom  for  any  the  Caufts 

To  fb.ew  the  Scots  Nation  that  the  Englijh  Par- 
liament were  in  perfect  Amity  and  Friendship  with 
them,  anothei  Ordinance  was  alfo  read  and  agreed 
to  on  this  Day;  which,  with  the  fubfequent  one, 
we  give  from  the  fame  Authority  as  the  foregoing. 

An   ORDINANCE    concerning   the   Treaties  between 
the  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Scotland. 

*T^HE    Lords    and     Commons     aflembled     in  Another mn- 
1       Parliament,  to   teftify    their   Defires    *MtJS"£jjJ'i 

theLei?ue  and  Union  between  the  Kingdoms  of  tj*  Kingdom*, 
England  and  Scotland  may  be  firmly  kept  and 
prcfcrveJ,  have  declared,  ordered,  and  ordained, 
and  do  hereby  declare,  order,  and  ordain,  That 
the  Large  Treaty  pafled  between  the  Kingdoms, 
the  late  Treaty  for  the  Coming  of  the  Scots  Ar- 
my ;nto  England,  and  the  fettling  of  the  Gurrifon 


.In.   22  Or.  !• 

ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

at  Berwick,  of  the  2Qth  of  November,  1643, 
and  the  Treaty  cocerning  Ireland,  of  the  6th 
of  Auguft,  1642,  for  bringing  10,000  Scots  into 
the  Province  of  UIJter,  in  Ireland,  with  all  their 
Ordinances  and  Proceedings  patted  between  the 
two  Kingdoms,  and  whereunto  they  are  obliged 
by  the  aforefaid  Treaties ;  and  all  and  every  Ar- 
ticle and  Claufe  therein  contained,  (hall  be,  and 
are  hereby,  ratified,  and  {hall,  for  all  Time  to 
come,  be  inviolably  kept  and  obferved  according 
to  the  true  Intent  and  Meaning  therein  exprefled.' 

An  ORDINANCE  concerning  the  CeJTation  of  Arms 
in  Ireland,  and  Grant!  under  the  Great  Seal  of 

XlH"Hereas  the  War  in  Ireland  hath  been 
maintained  at  the  Charge  of  the  Sub- 
jects of  this  Kingdom  of  England,  and  not  of  his 
Majefty;  yet,  (without  Confent  or  Privity  of 
the  Lords  and  Commons  in  Parliament)  by 
Commiflion  or  other  Authority  derived  from  the 
King,  a  Ceflation  of  Arms  hath  been  made  with 
the  bloody  Rebels  in  Ireland,  after  the  Effufion 
of  fo  much  innocent  Blood,  and  Slaughter  of 
above  100,000  Proteftants,  Men,  Women,  and 
Children;  whereby  thofe  Rebels  have  received 
great  Encouragement,  and  are  the  better  enabled 
wholly  to  extirpate  the  Proteftants  remaining) 
and  to  endanger  this  Kingdom: 
'  The  Lords  and  Commons  afiembled  in  Par- 
liament do  hereby  declare  and  ordain,  That  the 
faid  Ceflation  ofArms  in  the  Kingdom  of  Ireland, 
and  all  Treaties  and  Conclufions  of  Peace  with 
the  faid  Irijh  Rebels,  made  or  to  be  made  by  the 
King,  or  by  any  Authority  derived  from  him, 
without  Confent  of  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  are 
void  and  of  none  Effe<£r;  and  all  Governors, 
Commanders,  Officers,  and  Miniftcrs  within  the 
Kingdom  of  Ireland  are  to  take  Notice  hereof, 
and  accordingly  to  demean  themfelves  in  their 
rsfpcdtive  Charge?. 

<  And 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  221 

*  And  the  faid  Lords  and   Commons  do  farther  An.  a*  Car.  !• 
declare,  order,  and  ordain,  That  all  Grants  of  Of-    ,   '  V~  , ' 
fices,  Lands,  Tenements,  or  Hereditaments,  made     December. 
or  patted  under   the  Great  Seal  of  England  unto 
any  Perfon  or  Perfons,    Bodies  Politic  or  Cor- 
porate, fmce  the  Ceflation  made  in  Ireland,  the 
I5th  Day  of  December,   1643,  are  and  fhall    be 
null  and  void ;  and  that  all  Honours  and  Titles 
in  the  faid  Kingdom  of  Ireland,  conferred  on  any 
Perfon  or  Perfons  fmce  the  faid  Ceflation,  (hall 
be  null  and  void.' 

Dec.  19.  This  Day  both  Houfes  received  a 
Petition,  intituled,  'The  Humble  Petition  of  the 
Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Commons  of  the  City 
of  London,  in  Common  Council  ajjembled ;  to  which 
was  annexed,  An  Humble  Representation  of  the 
prejjing  Grievances,  and  important  Deftres  of  the 
well-affefled  Freemen,  and  Covenant -engaged  Citi- 
zens of  the  City  0^"  London. 

And  firft  that  from  the  City,  in  their  Corporate 
Capacity,  as  prefented  to  the  Commons : 

'  HTHE  loud  and  unanimous  Cry  of  manyA  Petition  to  the 
'  Thoufands  of  our  Fellow  Citizens,  as  wellparl'*m«nt  from 

1  as  our  own  Senfe  and  Fellow-feeling,  hath  obli-jJj^J^JJjJ* 
«  ged  us  to  make  this  prefent  Intcrpofition  amongftcouncil  of  Lon- 
'  other  your  public  and  weighty  Affairs.  We  dodon» for  di/band- 
'  in  the  annexed  humbly  offer  unto  you  their  ownrn8°f  the.Arniy'. 

,    ,,,       .  jr  rr  •  i_     r  /-\-/v  removing    o: 

*  Words  and   Expreffions,    with    fome  Omiflionspreaching  sol- 

*  and  a  few  Alterations,  as  they  were  delivered  un-^6"*  &<« 

*  to  us  by  a  great  Number  of  confiderable  Citizens 
4  of  known  Worth,  and  of  approved  Integrity  to 
'  the   Parliament  j    that   this    Honourable    Houfe 

*  may  the  more    clearly   fee  the  deep  Senfe  they 

*  have  of  the  growing  Miferies  and  increafing  Di- 

*  ftra&ions  of  thefe  Times.    \_(a]  The  chief  Matter 

*  thereof  is  the  fame  with  our  late  Addrefles,  which 


(a)  In   the  Petition  to  the  Lords  this  Paflage   runt  thus,  '  The 

*  rfiief  Matter  thereof  is  the  fame  with  our   late  Addrefles,  unto 

*  which  we  humbly  hope  your  LwdAips  will  ftill  find  the  fame 


222  7/S?  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  21  Car.  I.  we  humbly  hope  and  pray  may  incline  this  Ho- 
nourable  Houfe  to  refolve  upon  fome  fpeedy  Re- 
medy, now  you  hear  the  Giefs  and  Fears  of 
the  Generality  of  this  City  to  be  ftill  the  fame 
with  thofe,  which  we,  the  Reprelehtative  Body 
thereof,  then  tendered  unto  you:]  The  Obliga- 
tion that  lies  upon  us  to  them,  the  Duty  we  owe 
to  the  Parliament,  and  the  Ihtereft  the  City  hath 
in  the  Peace  of  the  whole  Kingdom,  would  not 
permit  us  either  to  reject  their  Petitions,  or  to 
conceal  their  Grievances  from  you  ;  neither  yet 
can  we  ourfelves  but  both  own  their  Griefs  and 
Fears,  and  fo  humbly  join  with  them  in  the  fame 

6  But  to  thofe  Reafons,  in  which  we  have  con- 
curred with  our  faid  Fellow  Cit'zehs,  for  the 
more  fpeedy  difbanding  of  the  Army  among 
others,  which  hath  in  the  Sight  of  the  Kingdom, 
by  God's  Bleffins;,  obtained  fo  many  fignal  Vic- 
tories ;  we  humbly  crave  Leave,  That  aS  we  de- 
tract not  from  their  Merit,  fo  we  may  alfo  add 
thus  much,  which  is  daily  complained  of,  That 
there  are  fome  Officers,  and  many  common  Sol- 
diers of  that  Army,  who  either  have  never  taken 
the  Covenant;  or  are  difaffe&ed  to  the  Church  - 
Government  held  forth  by  the  Parliament  j  that 
the  Pulpits  of  divers  godly  Minifters  are  often 
ufurped  by  preaching  Soldiers  and  others,  who 
infec~t  their  Flock,  and  all  Places  where  they 
come,  with  ftrange  and  dangerous  Errors ;  and 
then  we  humbly  fubmit  it  to  this  Honourable 
Houfe  to  confider  what  Security  or  Settlement 
can  be  expected  while  they  are  Matters  of  fuch  a 


Reafons  to  give   your  favourable    Acceptance  and  noble  Regard, 
as  we    humbly  and  thankfully    acknowledge  you   readily   /hewed 
unto  the  fame,  when  we  tendered  them  unto   ycur  Lord/hips,  as 
the  Reprefentathe  Body  of  the  City  alone.'     The  Obligation,  &;• 
The  Reafon  of  which  Variation  feems  to  be  owing  to  this  Circum- 
fiance :   When  the  City  prcfemed  a   Remonftrance  to  both    Houfe?, 
in  Mat  1646,  (which  'fee  in  Vol.  XIV.  p.  418,    ft  fey.)   the  Lords 
returned  them  their  hearty  Thanks  for  it  ;    but  the  Common's  only 
gave  for  Anfwer,  '  That  they  would  take  the  fame   into  Confidera- 
'  tion  when  Time  fliould  be  convenient.' 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  223 

*  Power;  and  what  Example,  if  not    Encourage-  An>  *J  £ar> 

*  ment,  the  People  may  take  from  them  to  rcfufe     , ^  ^4J 

*  the  Covenant,  or,  if  they  have  taken  it,    to  con-     December. 

*  temrt  the  fame,  to  the  great  Derogation  of  that 

*  Church-Government  which  the  Parliament  hath 

*  declared.      We  humbly  hope  that,  although  fuch 

*  were  difmifled,  the  Parliament,  by  their  Autho- 

*  rity,  may  otherwife,  if  Occafion  require,  fuffici- 

*  entry  provide  for  the  Safety  of  the  Kingdom. 

*  But  this  great  Work,  as   alfo  that  which  is  of 

*  fo  high  Concernment  to  the  cftablifhing  of  a  per- 

*  feet  and  well-grounded  Peace,  the  bringing  home 

*  of  his  Majefty,  we  do  humbly  and  wholly  fubmit 

*  and   commit,    next   to  the   Almighty    Hand   of 
'  God's  Providence,  unto  the  Wifdom  of    both 

*  Houfes  of  Parliament;  being  confident  that  they 
1  will  preferve  and  defend  his  Majefty's  Royal  Per- 

*  fon   and  Authority,  in  the  Prefervation  and  Dc- 

*  fence  of  the  true  Religion  and  Liberties  of  the 
'  Kingdom,  the  Covenant. 

*  [(b)  Wecould  not  alfo  but  join  with  our  faidFel- 
'  low  Citizens  in  that  which  they  defire  concerning 
'  the  future  Election  of  the  Members  of  this  Ho- 

*  nourable  Houfe  ;  and  although  we  acknowledge 

*  there  can   fcarcely  be  found  a  Parliament  where 
'  the    Election  of  fome  of  the   Members   thereof 
'  hath  not  been  excepted  againft  ;    yet  we  humbly 

*  pray,  thatj  as  to  this  Point,  we  may  further  de- 

*  fire,  That  fuch    Complaints    as   lye  before  this 

*  Honourable  Houfe,  or  the  Committees  thereof, 
'  concerning  undue  Eleclioris,  may,  with  all  con- 

*  venient  Speed,  b^  examined  anJ  determined.] 

4  To  that   alfo  which   concerns   the  Eltates  of 

*  Delinquents  which  are  under  Sequcllr.uion,    or 
'  are  or  {hall    be  either  wholly  confiscated,    or  ellc 
4  compounded  for,  v/e  humbly  defire  Leave  f>  add 

*  this   Petition  in   Behalf  of  ourfelves,   and  many 
c   Thoufands  of  our  Fellow  Citizens,  and  all  others 
«  who  have  adhered  to  the  Parliament,  That  all 

'  juft 

(i)  Th's  Paragraph  is  omitted  in  the  Petition  a<  prefcnted  to  'he 
l/M-,1-;  ;  hut,  exc'ptin  this  and  the  Inftance,  the  occ  i'e- 
t'.tlua  is  an  exafl  Copy  of  chc  other. 

2 24  7&?  P*tUamext&y  H  r  §  T  o  R  v 

A0.  az  Car.  I.  e  juft  Debts    may  be  firft  paid  and  fatisfied;  andtfli 

t  l6*6'    M    '  that  End,  that  no  Committees  of  Sequeftration,  or 

DeceinW.      '  Sequeftrators,  may  interrupt  juft  Proceedings  at 

'  Liw  for  Recovery  of  fuch  D.bts;  and  that  the 

4  Heirs  and   Eftates  of  thofe  who  have  died  fince 

*  thefe  Wars  on  the  Enemies  Part,     may  be  yet 
'  liable  to  pay  juft  Debts,  notwithftandingany  En-1- 
'  tails  or  Deeds  in  Truft  made  fince  the  Beginning 
4  of  thefe  general  DiftradHons,  which  are  conceived 
'  to  have  been  made   purpofely  to  defeat  the  Credi- 

*  tors :  A  ndbecaufe  of  the  long  Continuance  of  theft 
'  Wars  and  Divifions,   that  the  Statute  may  not  be 
'  pleaded  to  any  Book  Debt,  for  not  being  demanded 

*  within  fix  Years  fithence  the  Beginning  of  this 
'  Parliament;  otherwife  there  are  none  in  the  King- 

*  dom   like  to  fuffer  more   then  the  well-affe&ed, 

*  and  fuch  as   have   adhered    to   the  Parliament. 

*  Laftly,  we  humbly  conclude  with  this  Petition 
4  in  Behalf  of  this   City,    That  as  this  Court,   as 
'  the  Reprefentative  Body  of  the  City,  hath  hither- 
'  to,  by  Authority  of  Parliament,  had   theNomi- 

*  nation  of  the  Perfons  intruded  with  their  Militia; 
'  fo  now    alfo  we  may,  by  Ordinance  of  Parlia- 

*  ment,  be  authorized  to  ele£l  and  chufe  fit  Per- 

*  fons  for  that  Charge  once  every  Year,  agreeable 

*  to  the  Practice  and  Cuftom  of  the  City    in  all 
'  other  chief  Offices  and  Trufts  concerning  their 

*  Government. 

'  And  now  whatfoever  Expreffion  or  Defires  our 

*  Cares  and  Fears  have  led  us  unto,    or  whatever 

*  we  or  our  Fellow  Citizens  have  prefumed  to  take 

*  Notice  of  or  touch  upon,  we  humbly,  pray,  both 
'  for  ourfelves  and  them,    That  this  Honourable 
'  Houfe  will  remit  all  to  our  and  their  great  Zeal 
«  for  God's  Glory  and  the  Peace  of  the  Kingdom : 
'  And  that  it  may  be  remembred  that  we  and  they 

*  are  thofe  whom  you  have  with  y ourfelves  engaged 

*  in  one  Covenant,    to    whom   God  hath   given 
'  Hearts,  as  well  to  adventure  all  for  your  Service 
'  and  Pfefervation,  as  to  be  ever  thankful  for  the 
«  continual   Protection^    and    great  Deliverances 

;•  a  «  they 

of   ENGLAND.  225 

they   have  received  by   Gods   Blefling  through  An-  **  Car. 
your   conftant  Endeavours,   and    whofe    Hands  ,     *  *  ' 
God  hath   ftrengthcned    to   fight   his  and   your    December. 
Battles  :    We  do  humbly  aflurd  this  Honourable 
Houfe,    that  we  and  they  have  ftill  the  fame  du- 
tiful Hearts,  and  that,  inthefmcere  Purfuariceof 
the  folemn   League    and    Covenant,  no  Intereft 
or  Influence  fhall,  with  the  Blefling  of  God,  be 
ever  able    to  withdraw  our  Obedience,  or  divert 
our  Affections,   from  the  Parliament  of  England. 
«  We  humbly  fubmit  all  to  your  great  Wifdoms, 
«  and  fhall  daily  pray,  &c.' 

To  the  foregoing  Petition,  as  feparately  pre- 
fented  to  the  Lords  and  Commons,  was  annex'd 
the  following  Remonftrance,  addrefTed  jointly  to 
both  Houfes  ;  and  intituled,  An  bumble  Reprefenta- 
lion  of  the  pf  'effing  Grievances  And  important  Dejires 
of  the  ivell-affetted  Freemen  and  Covenant-engaged 

Citizens  of  the  City  of  London. 
*  y^vUT  of  our  Zeal   to 
«  {J 

God's  Glory,  fo  ex- 

ceedingly  profaned  ;    our    Love    td   God's        StcS, 

*  Truth,  fo  wofully  corrupted  ;  our  compaflionate  from  the   Free- 
«  Affeaion  to  our  'Brethren  opprefled  ;    the  grie-  »™  ™dlac'J: 

*  vous  Calamities  that  lie  upon  ourfelves,  and  arezen        "*'*    " 

*  ftill    more  and  more  growing  upon  us  ;  together 
'  with  the  fad  Fears  which  do  daily  poflefs  and  af- 
c  flicl   our  Hearts,    becaufe   of  divine  Vengeance 

*  and    Difpleafure  fo  imminently   impending  over 
1  our  Heads,  and  evert  ready  to  feize  upon  Church 
4  and  State  ;  we  have  been  forced  yet  once  again,  in 
c  the  Difcharge  of   our   Confciences,  to  take  the 
c  humble  Boldnefs  to  pour  forth  into  your  Bofoms 

*  the    Sorrows  of  our  Hearts,  and  to  prefent  unto 

*  your  Honours  the  conceived  Caufes  of  our  Mife- 

*  rics  ;  trufting  that,   in  your  grave  Wifdoms,  you 
1  will   both   fee   into   them,  and,  in  your  Juftice, 

*  give  Remedy  againft    them  :    For  who  can  fee 

*  Religion,  Laws,  Liberties,    (Things  of  fo  great 

*  and    precious    Concernment)   not  only  aflaulted, 
«  but  even  overwhelmed  ;    and  the  Unity,  Peace, 
c  and  Profperirv  of  the  Kingdoms  violated  and   al- 

VQL.  XV.  '  P  •  moft 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  moft  deftroy'd  j  ahd,  by  a  treacherous  and  coward  - 
_     *  ly  Silence,  continue  to  hold  his  Peace  ?  We  can- 
December,     *notj  we  dare  not;  the  Oath  of  God  with  a  Curfe 
'  lies  upon  us,  if  we  (hall  fo  bafely  yield  to  a  Spirit 
c  of  Indifferency  and  Neutrality  in  a  Caufe  which 
1  doth  fo  much  concern  God's  Glory  and  the  King- 

*  dom's  Good ;    and  (hall  not  (efpecially  in  fuch  a 
'  Time  as  this)  zealoufly  and  conftantly,  in  our 

*  Places   and  Callings,  according   to  our  Power, 
'  apply  our  fmcereft  Endeavours,  notwithftanding 

*  all  Lets  and  Oppofitions,  to  promote  the  fame.. 

//>/?,  '  It  cannot  but  be  acknowledged,  moft 
'  worthy  Senators,  that  the  Churches  of  God,  in 
'  Times  of  Reformation,  have  ever  thought  it  the 
k  fitted  Seafon  of  all  others,  in  fome  extraordinary 

*  Manner,    to  oblige    themfelves    unto   Almighty 

*  God;   as  the  Divine  Goodnefs  hath  put  it  into 
c  your  Hearts  (according  to  the  laudable  Practice^ 
'  upon  all  Occafions,  of  the  moft  Godly  and  religi- 
'  ous  Governors)  to  ftrike  a  folemn  Covenant  with 

*  him  ;  and,  by  your  Authority,  to  enjoin  the  fame 

*  to  the   Kingdoms,  for  the  Reformation  and  De^ 
c  fence  of  Religion,  Laws,  Liberties  ;  as  an  excel- 
c  lent  Means  to  acquire  the  favour  of   God,  and 

*  the  uniting  and  ftrengthening  of  the  three  King- 

*  doms  of  England,  Scotland^   and  Ireland^  againft 
c  the  common  Enemies  of  the  true  Reformed  Reli- 

*  gion,    Peace  and  Profperity  of  the  Kingdoms ;  to 
'  the  apparent  Manifeftation  of  your  moft  Chriftian 
c  Zeal  and  Piety  to  God  and  to  his  Truth  :  Where - 
'  fore  we  cannot  here  but  make  our  fad  Complaint 
'  unto  your  Honours,    in  the  Expreffion  of  our 

*  deepeft  Senfe  of  that  great  Difhonour  which  is 

*  done  unto  the  heavenly  Majefty  in  the  moft  hor- 

*  rible  Slighting  and   treacherous  Infringement  of 

*  this  moft  facred  Oath,  and  that  bold  Contempt 

*  which  is  offered  at  this  Day  to  the  Authority  of 
'  this  renowneAParliament  in  this  their  fo  relicious 

*  Undertaking  »!itd  Injunction  ;  on  the  one  Part, 
«  by  thofe  that  altogether  refufe  to  enter  into  this 
c  holy  Covenant  of  God  and  the  Kingdoms ;  and, 

*  on  the  other  Pait,  by  them  which  declaim  againft 

~«  it, 

of  £  N  G  L  A  N  D.  227 

1  it,  and  caft  difgraceful  Afperfions  upon  it  j  that  An.  a*  Car.  I. 

4  we  cannot  look  at  thefe  Perfons  (whatfoevef  their   ^ 6*  '      , 

'  Pretences  be)  as  any  other  than  either  malignant      Decembcr. 
'  Enemies    td  the   Parliament,  or   the   Peace  and 
'  Union   of  the  Kingdoms,   and  the  Reformation 

*  of  Religion  ;  nor  can  we  promife  to  ourfelves  any 
'  Security  fd  long  as    they   are  fuffered,  undifco- 

*  vered  or  unpuniflied,   to  live  amongft  us  :  We 
«  therefore  make  it  our  humble  Prayer  unto  your 

*  Honours,  that  you  would  be  pleafed,  as  in  your 

*  pious    Wifdoms    you    {hall    think  fit,    to    find 
'  out  and  appoint  fuch  Ways  or  Means  to  difcover 

*  and  bring  fo  great  Mifdoers  and  Offenders  againft 
c  God  and  your  Authority  to  condign  Punifhment, 

*  as  may  be  moft  agreeable   to  the  Merit  of  their 

*  fo   crying  Offences  :  And   that  as  you  have  long 
'  fmce  enjoined,  by  Ordinance  of  Parliament,  the 

*  taking  of  this  facred  Covenant,  (which,  notwith- 

*  {landing,  is  not  yet  done  in  many  Places  of  this 

*  Kingdom)  fo  you  would  countenance  a,nd  defend 

*  it  inviolable  from  Neglect,  Infringement,  Scorn, 

*  and  Defamation  ;    and,  by  your  civil  Sanction, 

*  effectually  impofe  it  to  be  fworn  by  all,  without 
'  Exception,    under  feme  certain  Penalty,  as  beft 

*  mall  feem  unto  your  Honours,  to  be  duly  inflict  - 
'  ed,  by   your  religious  Juftice,    upon  the  wilful 

*  Contemners   of   the  fame.     And   here   give   us 
'  Leave,    in  all  Humility,  to  offer  what  feems  to 
'  us  both  juft  and  necefTary,  That  fuch  Perfons  as 
'  have  not  taken,  or  mail   not  take,    the  Solemn 
•League   and   Covenant;  or,  having  taken  it,  are 
'  manifeftly  difaffecled  to  the  Ends  therein  expref- 

*  fed,    efpecially  in  point  of  Religion,  may  not  be 

*  countenanced,    employed    in,    or    advanced    to, 

*  Places  of    public  Truftj  as  being  a  Difcredit  to 

*  your  Government,    dangerous  to  the  Kingdoms, 
'  and  a  Hindrance  to  the  Reformation  of  Reli- 
'  gion.    By  fo  doing  you  (hall  preferve  this  great 
'  Oath  of  our  God  from  Contempt  and  Violation; 

*  a  Sin  which  we  humbly  conceive  is  the  chiefeft 

*  Caufe  of  moft  of   thofe  Miferics  and  Calamities 
'  that  God's  juft  Hand  hath  brought  upon  us. 

P  2  Second-  • 

S  2  8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  I.      Secondly,  «  When  you  did  at  firft  conclude  upon 

»    l646'   ,     e  that    facred  Covenant,    (wherein  now  you  have 

December.      '  folemnly  engaged  both  yourfelves  and  us)  how 

'  glad  were  the    Hearts   of  all    the  faithful  in  the 

*  Land,  and  what  rejoicing  was  there  at  the  Oath, 

*  as  in  the  Days  of  Afa  !  We  hdped  then  that  our 
'Religion   (more   precious  than  our  Lives,  which 

*  was  that  the  truly  Godly  had  chiefly  in  their  Eye) 

*  had  been  fo  fecured,  that  all  the  Malice,  Power, 
'  and  Policy  both  of  Men  and  Devils  fhould  never 
'  have  been  able  to   overturn  the  fame ;  but,  with 

*  bleeding  Hearts  we  fpeak   it;  how  is  it  that,  for 

*  all  this,  fuch  an  Inundation  of  Errors,  Schifms, 

*  Herefie's,    is  broken  in  upon  us  ?  which,  if  not 

*  fpeedily    prevented  by  your  Wifdoms,  and  op- 

*  pofed  by  your   impartial  Juftice,    ive    fear  will 

*  have  'ts  dreadful  Effect,  to  the  total  Subveffion  of 

*  the  Power  of   Godlinefs*     We  are  even  ftrucfc 

*  with  Aftonifhment,  that,  after  fuch  a  Covenant, 

*  there  fhould  be  fuch  Blafphemies  uttered  to  God's 
'  higheft  Difhonour  ;  that  fuch  heretical  Opinior 

*  fhould  be  broached,    to  the  never-fo-much  vil 

*  f/ing  of  the  Truth  i  that  fuch  Schifms  fhould 

c  acted  and  fomented,  to  the  renting  and  dividing 
'  of  the  Church  ;  that  the  Government  eftablifhed 

*  fhould  be  fo  much  defamed  and  oppofed,  to  the 

*  Cont.mptbf  the  Parliament,  in  Words,  in  Books, 
'  in  Prjctice,  by  the  Sectaries  of  thefe  Times,  who 

*  yet  feem  as  Men  under  Sanctuary,  finding  no- 

*  th:nj  done  Untb  them  for  thehinderihg  of  thefc 
e  Mifchiefs,  or  the  Punifhment  of  thefe  Enormi- 

*  ties.     God  hath  done  great  things  for  Us,  and! 

*  hath  fhewed  us  great   Salvation  as  at  this  Day  ; 

*  then  Woe  be  to  us  if  thefe  be  our  Returns  for  fo 

*  great    Bleffings.      Trufty  and   right  worthy  Pa- 
'  triots,  we  know    not   whither  to  go  in  thefe  our 
4  fad   Diftempers  but  unto   you,   whom  God  and 

*  this  Kingdom  hath  betrufted   with  what  is  mofE 
'  precious  unto  him,  and  deireft  unto  us,  the  Pro- 

*  te£b'on  of  Religion,  the  preferving  of  it  in  Doc- 
'  trine  pure,  and  in  Difcipline  from  Contempt  and 
fl  Scorn  j  nnd  is  that  for  which  above  all  Things  elfe. 

4  we 



of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  229 

*  we  befeech  your  Honours  again  and  again.    Here  An-  *»  C«r. 

*  we  would  lay  the  Strefs  of  our  Defires,  and  ex-     >     'f*6' ^ 

*  prefs  the  Urgency  of    our  AfFe&ions  ;  we  think      December" 

*  we  can  never  fay  enough  for  our  God  and  for  his 

*  Truth.     What  arc  our  Eftates,    our  Liberties, 
4  our  Lives  unto  us.  if  the  Ark  of  God  betaken  I 
4  If  that  be  gone,  the  Glory,  yea  the  Life,  of  our 
'  Lives  is  departed  from  England.     We  tremble  to 
4  think,  if  a  Remedy  be  not  fuddenly  applied,  what 
4  will  be  the  Iflue  of    thefe   Things  :  Wherefore 

*  our  humble  Defires  are  renewed  to  your  Honours, 

*  That  you  would  be  pleafed  to  give  Authority  to 

*  fupprefs  all   fuch   from  public  Preaching  as  have 
c  not  duly  been  ordained,  whereby  their  Gifts  for 

*  theMiniftry,    and  their  Soundnefs  in  the  Faith, 
4  might  be  evinced  ;  as  alfo  feparate  Congregations, 

*  the  very   Nurferies    of    all   damnable   Herefies : 
4  That  an  Ordinance  be  made  for  fome  exemplary 

*  Puniftiment  to  be  inflicted    upon   Hereticks  and 

*  Schifmaticks  ;    that  your  utter  Did  ike  of    them 
4  and  their  Proceedings  may  be  manifeft  to  all  the 
4  World,    which    had  been  made  long  fmcc  to  ap- 

*  pear  by  a  well-fettled   Reformation,  had  not  his 

*  Majefty  denied    his  Confent  to    the   Bill  for  the 

*  Aflembly,    fo  often  prefented  unto  him  by  both 

*  Houfes,  according  to  your  own   Declaration,  in 

*  Anfwer  to  his  Majefty,  of  the  twenty-fccond  of 
4  October   1642. 

4  And  that  all  godly  and  orthodox  Minifters,  who 

*  labour  in  God's  Hufbandry,    may  have  Encou- 
4  ragement ;  and   fome  Courfe  be  thought  upon  in 
'  your  Wifdoms  for  their  competent  Maintenance, 
4  the  Lord    having   fo    ordained,    that    they  who 
'  preach  the  Gofpcl  (hould  live  of  the  Gofpel :  Sp 
4  mail  Religion  flourim,    the   Wrath    of  God    Ue 
4  averted,   the  Lips  of  the  Juft  (hall  blefs  you,  and 
4  a  gracious  Recompence  of    Reward  from  God's 
'  moft  bounteous  Hand  fhall  furelyvvait  upon  you. 

Thirdly,  4  And  forafmuch  as  the  Welfare  anil 
4  Safety  of  this  Kingdom  doth,  next  under  God, 
4  in  the  Prefervation  of  true  Religion,  depend  upoji 

*  the  fundamental  Conftitutions  of  the  fame,  and 

P  3  -*thc 

230  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^•L  Car.  I.  c  the    Maintenance  thereof;    which    fundamental 

l6^ t    *  Conftitutions  do    rr.oft   eminently  appear  in  the 

December.  '  Calling  of  that  great  Council  the  Parliament, 
4  and  in  electing  Members  for  the  fame,  wherein 
*  moft  confpicuoufly  doth  fhine  the  Liberty  and 
«  Property  of  the  Subject  :  Here  we  can  do  no  lefs 
«  than  make  it  our  hearty  Prayer  unto  your  Ho- 
4  ncurs,  that  you  would  be  pleafed  to  give  ftricl 
4  Orders  that  Writs  for  a  free  Election,  without 

*  Delay,  be  ifiucd  to  all  Places  where  ^Cnights  and 
4  BurgelTes  for  Parliament  are  yet  to  be  chofen  ; 

*  and  to  provide  that  the  People  be  not  prejudiced 

*  in  their  free  Choice,  either  by  Force,  Fear,  Let- 
4  ters,  Promifes,  or  Solicitations  of  any  ;  that  the 
'  Subjects  Liberties  being  defended  and  preferved, 

*  they  may    be  encouraged  and  better  enabled  to, 
'  ferve  your  Honours  and  the  Public. 

Fourthly,  'And  here  we  do  not  omit  to  hint 
*-  unto  your  Honours  the  exorbitant  Practices  of 
4  many  Committees  and  Committee-Men  who 
4  have  fuch  an  Influence  by  means  of  their  Autho- 

*  rity    upon  the  People,  they  being  at  their  Wills 

*  and  in  their  Power   to  do    them  a  Difpleafure, 
4  that  they  dare  not  do  otherwile  than  obey  their1 

*  unlawful  Commands,  without  the  inevitable  Ha- 
4  zard  of  their  Peace  and  Safety;  through  which 
4  Means  Tyranny  is  exercifed  by  one  Fellow  Sub- 

*  ject    upon  another,  and  Juftice  and  Equity  can- 
4  not  enter.     The  Cries  of   all   Sorts    of   iPeople 
4  throughout  the   Land  ar£  grown  fo  loud  againft 

*  the  People  of  this    Vocation  and  Profeflion,  by 
4  reafon  of  thofe  grievous  Oppreffions  that  are  con- 
4  tinually  a£!ed  by   them,    that,  in  Tendernefs  of 

*  Affection  towards  our  Brethren,  not  being  igno- 
4  rant  or  infenfible  of  our  own  Sufferings  on  this 
4  K-rd,  and   the  great  Dishonour  accruing  to  the 
4  Parliament    thereby,    we   cannot  but    be    earn- 
4  eft  Suitors  to  your  Mercy  and  Juftice^  that  fuch 
4  may  be  diffolvec). 

Fifthly.  *  The  God  of  your  Salvation,  through 

*  the  timcous  Helpof  his  willing  People,  hath  now 

*  expelled  your  Adverfarics  j    and  brought  us  fafe 

4  "*  through 

^ENGLAND.  231 

«  through  the  Hed  Sea  of  our  Fears  and  Troubles,  An.  «  Car.  I. 
'  to  the  Borders  of  that  fweet  Canaan  of  our  defired  .  '  4  '  , 
c  Peace ;  and  what  now  remains,  moft  worthy  December, 

*  Patriots,  but  that,  in  Thankfulnefs  to  God  for  his 

*  Mercy,  and  in  grateful  Acknowledgment  of  the 

*  loving   AfFe&tonsof  his  People  in  their  fo  chear- 
'  ful    A  J ventures  in   the   Caufe  of   God  and   the 

*  Kingdom,    the    heavy    Yokes    ihould    be  loofed 
'  to  which   they  fo  readily  did  fubmit  their  Necks  ; 

*  nay,  defired  you  to  put  upon  them  for  your  Secu- 
'  rity  and    the  Kingdom's    Weal :    This    there- 
'  fore  is  our  humble  Requeft  that,  the  Enemy  be* 

*  ing  now    fubd.ued,  the  Armies  may  be  difbanded  ; 

*  that  the  fo  much  complained   of  Oppreffions  bjp 
1  their  Means  may  be  redrefled  ;  the  Taxes  for  their 

*  Support  may  be  releafed  ;  and  the  Militia  of  the 

*  Kingdom  fettled  :  So  fhall  you  make  it  appear,  to 
(.  the  Shame  of  flanderous  Tongues,  that  this  War 
'  hath  not   been   intended  as  a  Trade,    but  as  a 

*  Means  of  regaining  our  loft  Peace ;  and  that  you 
'  had  no  other  Defign  in  Profecution  of  the  famlj, 

*  than  the  fecuring  of  our  Religion,  Laws,  and  Li- 
'  bcrties,  fo  defperately  invaded  by  tyrannical  Op- 
£  preflbrs  ;  and  fhall    endear  the  Affections  of  this 

*  People  to  you  for  your  future  Affiftance,    when, 
'  in  a  Time  of  need,  their  Help  fhall  be  required, 

*  and  they  will  boccme  yours  and  the  Kingdom's 

*  Servants  for  ever. 

Sixthly,  '  And  now    fince  God  hath  holpen  us 
6  in  our  Diftrefs,    it   will   not  be  an  unacceptable 

*  Service  unto  him,    that  we  (hould  put  forth  the 

*  Bowels  of  our  Companions  to  our  diftrefled  Bre- 
4  thren,  as  being  the  moft  kindly  Fruits  of  God's 
'  merciful  dealing  with  ourfelves ;    and    what   an 
«  Objea  is.  Ireland  for  this  Purpofe  ?  Moft  Noble 
4  Senators,    fince  God  hnth  (hewn  you  his  Mercy 
*•  in  fubduing  your   Enemies  here,  let  us  be  your 
4  earned   Petitioners  ror  gafping  dying  Ireland,  in 
'  this  their  great  Extremity  ;    for  in  Thoughts  of 

*  their  Calamities  our  Bowels  are  rolled  within  us ; 
'  never  did   their  Neceffities  call  louder   to   your 
«  Mercy  than  now  they  do. 

P  Seventh 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Seventhly,  '  And  certainly  one  fingular  Means 
'  to  procure  fo  great  a  Bleffing,  muft  needs  be  the 
'  firm  and  eftablifhed  Union  of  thefe  Kingdoms 

*  according  to  our  Covenant :    In  which  Refpect 

*  we  canno  t  but,    with  forrowful   and  perplexed 
'  Hearts,  rcfent  the  hellifh  Devices  of  malignant, 
'  factious,  and  feditious  Spirits,  who  make  it  their 
(  daily  Practice,  and  furely  would  rejoice  in  it  as 

*  their  Mafter-piece,  if    they  could  once  effect  to 
4  divide  thefe   Kingdoms   of  England  and  Scotlandt 
4  fo  firmly  conjoined  by  a  blefled,  and,  we  hope, 
'  everlarting  Union;  Therefore   we   return  again 

*  unto  your  Juftice,  that,  according  to  our  Cove*- 
'  nant,  condign  Punimment  may  be  inflicted  upon 

*  fuch  Firebrands,  the  greateft  Enemies  to  Church 

*  and  State  \    and  that  your  Honours  would  readily 

*  apply   all  tendered  Care  in  your  moft  faithful  and 

*  diligent  Endeavours  for  the   SVeferyation  of  thaf 

*  happy   Union  by  folemn  League  of    thefe    two 

*  Kingdoms,    which  is  fo  much  the   Envy  of  our 

*  Enemies,  the  Strength  and  Glory  of  Great  Bri- 

*  tain.,  and  the  greateft  Security  of  our  Religion, 
c  Peace,  and  Profperity. 

Eighthly,   f  And    whereas  the  Hand  of  the  Al- 

*  mighty  hath   fo  eminently  appeared  on  your  Side, 

*  that  your  Enemies  are  fallen  under  you,  and  hath 

*  given  the  Troublcrs  of  yours  and  the  Kingdom's 

*  Peace    into  your  Hands  ;   we  do  befeech   that, 
'  according  to  the  feveral  Qualities  of  their  Delin- 

*  quencies,  your  Juftice  may  go  forth  againft  them 

*  with  fpecdy  Execution.     And  withall,  that  now 
c  you  would   be  fo  mindful  of  your  great  Engagc- 

*  ments,  in  the  full  and  effectual  Difcharg'e  of  the 
4  Kingdom's  Debts,  (who  have  {hewed  themfelvis 
'  fuch  free  Contributors,    and  alfo  f.ave  been  fuch 

*  extreme  Sufferers  for  your  Affiftance  in  the  King- 

*  dom's  Caufe)  as   to  provide   that  a   faithful  Im- 
4  provemem  of  the  Eftatcs  if  thefe  notorious  Ene- 
'  mies  of  the  Kingdom    may  be  made,  by  arighf 

*  Converficn  of  them  unto  public  Ufe  :  And  that 

*  thofe  Streams  of  Wealth,  which  daily  arcfloVing 
'  in  by  Compofitbns  of  Delinquents,  may,  accoid- 

of  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  233 

f  ing  to  your  folemn  Promifes,  run  in  the  right  An-  **  6Car-  '• 

*  Channel;  and  return  back  into  that  Ocean  whence,  t      '  * _'_     , 
'  at  yourpefire,  they  did  fo  freely  iffue  forth  (e}.        December. 

4  And  whereas,  in  your  Wifdoms,  your  Honours 
'  have  made  fo  good  Provifion  that  Men  of  E- 
4  itatcs  and  Fortunes  in  the  World  may  be  repaid 
'  their  Difburfements  upon  the  Loan  of  fo  much 

*  more,  as  by  your  Ordinance  for  the  Sale  of  Bi-. 

*  (hops  Lands  doth  more  fully  appear ;   we  do   in- 

*  treat  that  you  would  pleafe  to  take  into  your  fur- 

*  ther  Confide  ration   thofe  well-affected  Perfons, 
1  who  have  fo  freely  and  fully  laid  out  themfelves, 

*  as  that   they  have  not  been  able  to   make  that 

*  Addition  required   ii)   the  aforefaid   Ordinance} 

*  but  muft  now  be  forced,  for  the  Relief  of  their 

*  great Necefiities,  to  fell,  at  great  Lofs,  their  very 

*  Principal   lent    upon  the  Public  Faith,  to  their 
'  great  Difcouragementand  Difcontent;  which  we 

*  fear    may  prove  no  fmall    Impediment  to   your 
'  future  AHilrance,  if  Need  thereof  be,  unlefs  Re- 
4  medy  herein,  fhall,  by  your  Honours,  be  provided. 

Ninthly,    *  And  for  protections,     we  need  fay 

*  little,  fo  much  having  been  faid  before  in  our 
f  Remonftrance,  that  we  hope  your  Honours    are 

*  fenfible  of  the  Sufferings  of  thofe  Creditors   who 
4  have  great  Sums   of  Money  owing  by    fome  of 

*  your  Members;  and  of  the   Injuftice  of  thofe  a- 
'  mongthem,  that  have  Eftates  to  fatisfy  thcirEn- 

*  gagcments,  yet   will  not,   but  ftand  upon  their 
'  Privilege;  as  there  needs  no  other  Argument  to 

*  move  your  Honours  to  do  us   Juftice  in  this  Be- 
<  half.     ' 

Tentblj)  <>  And  becaufe,  alfo,  we  are  obliged  to 
4  endeavour  the  Prefervation  of  the  Liberties  of 

4  the 

(r)  All  the  latter  End  of  this  Year  the  Commons  had  fpcnt  mary 
Days  in  fettling  Compofitiom,  and  granting  Pardons  to  thofe  unhappy 
Pcrfons  called  Delinquent},  the  Amount  of  all  which  fevcral  Sums 
fo  raifcd,  muft  have  been  very  great:  And  againft  thofe  who  had  no 
vifible  Eftates,  they  pafled  a  very  levere  Vote,  '  That  fuch  Delin- 
quents fhou Id  be  difabled  from  following  any  Practice  in  the  Law, 
Common  or  Civil  j  or  from  holding  or  exercifing  any  Office  in  the 
Church  or  Commonwealth,  without  the  Ccnfent  of  toth  Hcufes  pf 


Ao,  az  Car.    I 



The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

the  Kingdom;  therefore,  that  we  may  perform 
our  Engagements,  as  to  God  and  you,  fo  like- 
wifeto  the  Subjects  of  the  Kingdom,  whofe  Suf- 
ferings in  Matters  that  concern  their  Rights  are 
our  own  ;  we  hold  ourfelves  bound,  in  all  Hu- 
mility, to  fignify  unto  your  Honours,  that,  con- 
trary to  the  Rights  and  Liberties  of  the  Subjects, 
on  Friday  Evening,  the  fourth  of  this  Month, 
there  was  an  illegal  Warrant  ficncd  by  Sir  Wil- 
liam Strickland^  ferved  upon  three  of  our  Fellow- 
Subjects,  and  Fellow-Citizens,  by  Name,  Pa- 
trick Bamford,  Nicholas  Widmerpcole,  Valentine 
/>£•*,  to  be  taken  into  Cuftody,  and  committed 
to  a  Serjeant  of  Arms;  which  Thing  was  alfo 
done  contrary  to  the  Order  of  that  Honourable 
Houfe,  as  by  fome  of  the  Committee  themfelves 
was  acknowledged.  Wherefore  we  c'o  humbly 
pray,  That  the  aforefaid  Warrant,  with  the 
Manner  of  its  ifluing  forth,  may  be  taken  into 
your  ferious  Confideration,  for  the  Vindication 
of  the  Honour  of  the  Parliament,  which  is  here- 
in fo  much  concerned,  and  Maintenance  of  the 
Subjects  Liberty ;  and  to  make  fuch  Reparations 
to  the  Perfons  wronged,  as  may  ftand  with  Ju- 
ftice,  and  in  your  Wifdoms  fhall  feem  fit. 
4  And  now,  renowned  Worthies,  we  truft  that, 
in  your  wonted  Goodnefs,  you  will  not  entertain 
any  Mifconceptions  of  us  for  that  we  have  en- 
deavoured to  be  a  little  more  pathetick  and  pref- 
iing  in  our  Phrafe  cf  Speech  than  heretofore : 
But  that,  in  your  Wifdoms,  you  will  throughly 
weigh  our  Fears  and  Sorrows,  with  our  prefling 
Burdens,  which  have  even  forced  us,  againft 
our  Wills,  to  thefe  Expreflions ;  and  that  looking 
upon  the  fmcere  Affections  of  your  Petitioners, 
you  will  pleafe  to  make  fo  benign  an  Interpreta- 
tion of  what  we  have  here  represented,  in  the  Ur- 
gency of  our  afflicted  Spirits,  as  not  to  think  we 
had  the  leaft  Aim  to  reflect  upon  the  Honour  of 
this  famous  Parliament.  But  that  the  Senfe  of 
our  Miferies,  in  our  approaching  Dangers,  might 
ftand  more  confpicuoufly  before  your  Eyes ;  and, 

*f   ENGLAND.  235 

*  as  by  the  moft  forcible  Argument  we  could  think  An.  =a  Car-  I 
4  upon,  effectually  to    move   your  Honours,    the 

4  great  Phyficians  of  our  Church  and  State,  to  ap- 

*  Pty  y°ur  m°ft  feafonable  and  fpeedy  Help.     The 
{  Glory  of  God,   the  Safety  of  our   Religion   and 

*  Liberties,  and    the  Kingdom's    Welfare,  is  that 
'  we  level  at  in  this  our  Undertaking.     If  through 

*  your  favourable  Acceptation  of  thefe  our  humble 
'  Addrefles,  we  may  obtain  the  Security   of  thefe, 
4  we  have    pur   utmoft    Aim;    and    you     (hall   be 

*  called    the   Repairers  of  the  Breaches;    the  Re- 
1  ftorers  of  I'aths  to  dwell  in;  you  fhall  raife  Mo> 
c  numents  of  your  eternal  Praifgs  ;    the  Churches 
f  of  God  {hall  call  you  bleffed;  and  you  (hall  for- 
c  ever  engage  us  not  to  think  our  Eftates  or  Lives 

*  too  dear  to  ferve  your   Honours   and  the  Public 
'  fo  long  as  we  have  Breath  and  Being.' 

The  Lords  having  read  the  foregoing  Petition 
and  Reprefentation,  ordered  the  Citizens  to  be 
calPd  in  again;  when  the  Earl  of  Manckejler  ad- 
drefs'd  himfelf  to  them  in  thefe  Words  : 


e  "T^HE  Lords  are  fo  fully  fatisfied  with  the 
4  JL  conftant  and  real  Expreflions  of  the  Fide- 
«  lity  and  good  Affe<Siions  of  the  Lord  Mayor,  Al- 

*  dermen,  Common  Council,  and  Citizens  of  the 
4  City  of  London,  as   they  have  commanded  me  to 

*  give  hearty  Thanks   upon  the  whole  Matter  of 
'  the  Petitions   prefented    by  you  from    the    Lord 

*  Mayor,  Aldermen,  Common  Council,    and   Ci- 

*  tizens  of  the  City    of  London;    and   to   let  you 
4   know  that  they  will  take  the  Particulars  of  your 

*  Petitions  into  their  fpeedy  Confideration.' 

After  which  their  Lordfhips  ordered  the  Petition  For  wh;th  they 
•  and  Reprefentation,  with  their  Anfwer,  to  be  pub- receive  the 
lifhed  by  the  City  Printer  (d}.  Thanks  of  ^ 

The  Speaker  of  the  Houfc  of  Commons  alfo,H 
by  their  Order,  gave  the  Petitioners  Thanks  for 


(d)  Neither  this  Petition  nor  Reprefentation  being  entered  in  the 
Journals,  they  arc  copied  from  the  Edition  printed  by  Order  of  the 
Houfc  of  Lord*,  by  Ricbard  C.:c:. 

tte  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

•  r  •  their  conftant  good  Affections;  and  acquainted 
them,  That  haying  read  their  Petition  and  Repre- 

.  fentation  annexed,  they  had  appointed  a  very  fhort 
Day  to  take  them  into  Confideration.  Accord- 


Dec.  22.  A  Motion  being  made,  That  this  Pe- 
tition from  the  City,  and  the  Repretentation  an- 
nex'd,  fhould  be  taken  into  Confideration,  in 
courfe  as  they  lie,  it  was  carried  in  the  Affirma- 
tive by  156  Voices  againft  99:  In  purfuance  of 
which  we  lind  that  the  Commons,  afterwards,  em- 
ploy'd  feveral  Days  upon  this  Subject;  but  nothing 
was  done  effectually  therein;  which  was  probably 
owing  to  the  increafing  Intereft  of  the  Independent 
Party  in  that  f}oufe. 

The  Treaty  which  had  been  long  depending  be- 
TheTre»tycon-  tween  the  Commillioners  of  both  Nations,  about 
m»ng  the  ^e  payment  of  the  ftjpulated  Sums  of  Money  to 

Xwcnerana  .        or        L-\  »  ••  L-'f- 

Time  o*" the        the  Sto/j,  fpr  thetr  Army  s  evacuating  this   King- 
of  the  dom  ;  antl   which  had  gone  through  great  Altera- 

1'0118  in  both  Houfes>  was  at  length  fully  fettled 
and  figned  by  the  Engtijh  and  Scots  Commiflioners : 
But,  previoufly  to  tr^e  Execution  thereof,  the'Com- 
mons  had  refolved,  That  after  the  Payment  of  the 
firfl  100,000 /.  tothe&-0fj,  their  Army  (hould  not 
require  or  take  any  Money  or  Goods  whatfoever 
from  the  Country;  but  pay  for  all  fuch  Provifions 
93  they  {hould  receive. 

Thefe  Articles,  which  are  not  printed  in  any  of 
the  Colleftions  of  the  Times,  ftand  thus  in  the 
"Journals  of  both  Houfes. 

ARTICLES  of  AGREEMENT  between  Committees  of 
Lords  and  Commons  of  the  Par  liament  ^/"England 
and  Commijjloners  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland^ 
authorized  thereunto  by  the  Parliaments  of  eaef) 
Kingdom  refpeflively. 

I.  *  | "  HAT  400,000  /.  bepaid  to  the  Kingdom 
4  J[  of  Scotland^  in  Manner  hereafter  exprefs'd, 

*  for  the  Pay  of  their  Army  brought  into  the  King- 

*  dom  of  Enriandtoi  the  Afliftance  of  this  Kingdom, 

«•  and 


*  and  of  their  Forces  that  came  into  the  Garrifori 

*  of  Berwick,  by  virtue  of  the  Treaties  between  the 
'  two  Kingdoms  of  the  agth  of  November   1643; 
'  and  for  due  Recompcnce  and  full  Satisfaction  for 
4  all  the  Pains,   Hazard,   and  Charges  which  they 
'  have  undergone,  and  for  whatfoever  other  Sums 

*  of  Money   or  Recompence  the  Kingdom  of  Scet- 
4  /0»^can  claim  of  the  Kingdom  of  England^    by 
4  virtue  of  the  faid  Treaties.' 

II.  «  That  the  200,000 /.  now  ready,  Part  of  the 
4  faid  400,000  /.  fhall  be  forthwith  fent  to  the  City 

*  of  To i 'k,  and  (hall  there   forthwith  be  told  by  the 
f  Trcafurers  in  whofe  Cuftody  the  Money  now  is,  or 

*  by  fuch  as  they,  or  any  two  of  them,  fhall  appoint ; 

*  and  by  fuch  as  fhall  be  appointed  by  the  King- 
e  dom  of  Scotland^  or  by  Sir  Adam  Hepburne^  Trea- 
4  furer  of  the  Scots  Army,  or  his  Deputies,  except 
4   I2,ooo/.    Part    thereof,  which,  at  the  Dcfirc  of 
4  the  Scots  Commiflioners,  is   referved   to    be  paid 
4  here  in  London,  and   is  accepted   for  fo  much  of 
'  the  firft  1 00,000 /.  appointed  to  be  paid  at  North- 
4  aUerton-y  the  which  1 2,000 /.  the  faid  Scots  Com- 

*  mifiioners  have  Power  to  receive  here  in  Manner 
'  as  aforefaid,  and  to   difcharge  the   Kingdom  of 

*  England  thereof. 

III.  *  That  the  firft  ioo,coo/.  except  the  Sum 
4  of  I2,0oo/.  before  excepted,  fhall  be  told  within 
«  fix  Days  after  the  Arrival  of  the  faid  Money  at 
«  Tori,  and  the  fecond  JCO,OOQ/.  within  fix  Days 

*  after  that. 

IV.  4  That  the  Money,  fo  told   as    aforefaid, 

*  {hall  be  fealed  up   in  the  fcveral  Bags,   each  to 

*  contain   ioo/.  by  the  Seal  of  both   Parties  ap- 

*  pointed  as  aforefaid  to  tell  the  fame ;  and  (hall 

*  be  forthwith  put  into   Chefts,    icoo/.  in  each 
«  Chcft,  and  the  faid  Chefts   alfo   fealed  up  by  the 
£  aforefaid  Perfons  appointed  to  tell  the  faid  'i\lo- 
4  ney. 

V.  4  That  the  faid  Perfons  appointed    by  the 
4  Kingdom  of  Scotland  to  tell  the  faid  Monc-y  dial) 
l.  continue  with  the  fame,  to  fee,  that  there  iliali  be 

2  3  8  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  r 

za  Car.  I.  «  no  Alteration  made  thereof  after  the  Telling  aftd 

l646' f    «  Sealing  the  fame  as  aforefaid. 

^Jjber.         VI.  *  That  within  five  Days  afterthe  2oo,000/. 

*  is  told  at  Tort,   100,000  /.    thereof  (hall   be  paid 
1  at    Northallerton   to  Sir  ^&#z  Hepburne    or  his 

*  Deputies,  or  to  fuch  others  as   by  the  Kingdom 

*  of  Scotland  {hall  be  appointed  to  receive  the  fame, 

4  except  only  the  i2,ooo/.   referved  to  be  paid  in    • 

*  London  as  aforefaid. 

VII.  «  That  the  Delivery  of  100  Chefts  of  Mo- 
'  ney,  or  of  1000  Bags,  fo  as  aforefaid   fealed  up, 

*  to  the  Perfons  mentioned   in  the  foregoing  Ar- 

*  tide,  except   before   excepted,  fhall  be,  and  be 

*  accounted,  the  Payment  of  the  faid   1 00,000 /. 

*  and  Acquittances  are  thereupon  to  be  given  for 
'  the  fame   to  the  faid  Treafurers    for  their  Dif- 

*  charge,  by  Sir  Adam  Hepburne^  or  his  Deputies, 
4  or  any  other  authorized  by  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 
1  land. 

VIII.  *  That  when  the  faid    ieb,coo/.   except 

*  before   excepted,    is    come    to    Ttycliffe  in  the 

*  County  of    York,  and  before  it  pafs   any  further 

*  towards   Northallerton   for    the  Payment  of  the 

*  fame  as  aforefaid,  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  (hall 

*  there  deliver  Hoftages;  Sir  Walter  Riddcll^  Knt. 
'  George  Hutne,  of  Redder  burn,    Efq ;    Sir  Patrick 

*  Mackegie^   Knt.    Alexander   Strachan,  of  Thorne- 
4  ton,  Efq;   Sir  James  Wood,,  Knt.  Sir  "James  Lumf- 

*  den,  younger,    Knt.     Sir   Arthur  Forbes^    Knt. 

*  Thomas   Craig ,  of  Rickarton^  Eiq;    Sir    William 
«  .for,  Knt.  Robert  Douglas,  of  Tilly -Whilley^   Efq; 
<  Col.  John  Welden;  John  LeJIty,  of  PitcapJe,  Efq; 
c  or  any  fix  of  them,  for  Allurance  that  the  Scots 
'  fhall  quit  all  their  Quarters,  Pafles,    and  Garri- 

*  fons  on  the  South  Side  Tyne ;  and  fhall  deliver  up 

*  to  fuch   Forces  as  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament 

*  of  England,  or  fuch   as  fhall  be  by  them  autho- 

*  rized,  fhall  appoint,  all  the  aforefaid  Places,  to- 

*  gether  with  all  the  Ordinance,  Arms,  and  Am- 

*  munition  belonging  to  the  Kingdom  of  England, 
'  within  ten  Days  titter  the  firft  ico,ooc/.  fhall  be 

*  paid 

tf   ENGLAND.  239 

k  paid  as  aforefcid ;  and  tor  Aflurance  that  they  fhall  An-  H£*' 
x  deliver  up  the  Town  of  Newcaftlc,  with  the  High    i  ---^.  -    J 
'  Caftle  in  the  fame;  the  Caftle  otTinmoutb^  with     December. 
4  all  the  Works  belonging  thereunto;  the  Spani/h 
«  Works,     the  Shields-Field  Fort,    and   all  other 

*  Forts  and  Works  on  the  North  Side  Tyne,  together 

*  withall  Ordinance,  Arms,  and  Ammunition  there - 

*  in,  belonging  to  the  Kinedom  of  England,  unto 

*  fuch  Forces  or  Perfons  as  mall  be  appointed  by 
4  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  or  by 

*  any  by  them  thereunto  authorized,  to  receive  the 

*  fame,  when  and  at  fuch  Time  as  Notice  is  given 
'  that  the  fecond  100,000  /.    is  come  to  the  North 

*  of  the  River  of  Tees,  as  is  hereafter  exprefied   in 

*  the  tenth  Article. 

IX.  '  That  within  one  Day  after  the  Perform- 

*  ance   of  all  the  Particulars    mentioned    in    the 

*  faid   former    Article,   the    faid  Hoftages  of  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland  {hall  be  again  re-delivered 

*  unto  them,  within  half  a  Mile  of  the  Works  on 
4  the  North  Side  ofNewcaflU. 

X.  '  That   after  the  Garrifons   of  Hartbpeol, 
c  Stockton,  Durham,  and  all  other  Garrifons,  Quar- 
1  ters,  and  Pafles  on  the  South  Side  of  Tyne,--  arc 

*  quitted  by  the  Scots  Army  and  Forces;  and,  af- 

*  ter  that  all  the  faid  Army  and  Forces  are  remo- 
'  ved  to  the  North  Side  of  Tyne>  which  is  to  be 

*  done  in  ten  Days  after  the  Payment  of  the  firft 

*  IOO,OOO/.    as    aforefaid,     thr.t    then    the   other 

*  1 00,000 /.  fhall  be  brought  to  the  North  Side  of 
'  the  River  Tees. 

XL   *  That  the  fecond  ioo,ooo/.  being  come 

*  to  the  North  Side  of  the  faid  River  of  7t'«,  upon 
1  Notice  thereof  given  to  the  General  or    Com- 
'  mander  in  Chief  of  the  Scots  Army,  in  Writing, 
'  from  him  that  commands  the  Convoy,  they  {hall 

*  deliver  up  the  Town  of  Ncwcajllc^  with  the  High 
4  Caftle  in  the  fame  ;  the  Caftle  of  Tinmauib,  with 
c  all  the  Works  belonging  thereunto;   the  Spani/h 
4  Works,  the  S/ju'tis-Fielf  Forty  and  all  other  Forxs 
c  and   Work?  on  the  North  Side  Tym,  ether  than 

4  is 

An.   iz  Car.  I 

The  Parliamentary  H  I  S  T  o  £  Y 

is  provided  for  in  the  i5th  Article,  together  witji 
all  Ordinance,  Arms,  and  Ammunition  therein, 
belonging  to  the  Kingdom  of  England,  unto  fuch 
Forces  or  Perfons  as  fhall  be  appointed  by  both 
Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  or  by  any 
by  them  thereunto  authorized  to  receive  the  fame. 

XII.  '  That  for  the  more  fpeedy  Delivery  and 
Receiving  the  faid  Towns  of  Neivcaftle  and  Caftle 
of  Tinmouth,,  tne  faid  Forces  that  are   to  be  put 
into  thofe  Garrifons,  are  to  march  before  the  (aid 
Money  and.  Convoy. 

XIII.  *  That  when  the  Sots  Army  and  Forces 
are  marching  out  of,  and  the  Englijh  Forces  are 
entering  into,    Newca/lli   and  Tinmouth  Caftle; 
and  that  there  be  500  of  the  Garrifon  appointed 
by  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  entered  into  Ncw- 
cajlle,  and  not  above  500  of  the  Scots  Forces  re- 
maining therein  ;  that  then  Sir   IVilliam  Seiby,  of 

n  the  County  of  Northumberland,  Knt. 
Ralph  Delaval,  of  Scaton  Delaval  in  the  County 
oi  Northumberland,  Efq;  Sir  Edward  Loftus,  of 
Middleham  in  the  County  of  Tork^  Vifcount  Ely 
[tn  the  Kingdom  of  Ireland]  ;  Sir  ThomaS  Trollopp, 
in  the  County  of  Lincoln,  Bart.  Henry  Mildmay, 
of  Graces  in  the  County  of  EJ/cx,  Efq.  Sir  Rich* 
ard  Eric,  of  Stragtethorpe  in  the  County  of  Lin- 
coln, Bart.  Sir  Ralph  Hare,  of  the  County  of  Nor- 
folk, Bart,  and  Sir  Lionel  T'olmacbe,  of  the  County 
of  Suffolk,  Bart,  or  any  fix  of  them,  {hall  be  given 
Hoftages  by  the  Kingdom  of  England  to  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  for  Aflurance  that  the  latter 
i  oo,0bo  /.  of  the  2OO,oco/.  (hall  be  paid  unto  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  on  the  North  Side  of  the 
Works  of  Neivcu/ile,  within  a  Mile  of  the  faid 
Works,  within  fix  Days  after  the  Delivery  of 
Tinmvuth  Caftle,  and  Places  aferefaiJ, 

in  Manner  aforefaid,  to  fuch  Perfons,  and  in  fuch 
Manner,  as  is  expreffed  in  the  fixth  and  feventh 
Articles  for  the  Payment  of  the  firft  ioo,occ/. 
And  Acquittances  are  thereupon  to  be  given,  as 
in  the  faid  feventh  Article  is  exprcfled. 

XIV.  *  That 

rf   ENGLAND.  $41 

XIV.  4  That  upon  the  Delivery  of  the  faid  latter. An-  «  c">1' 

*  1 00,000 /.  of  the  200,000  A  the  Hoftages  of  the  ...    ,?6*..'.    , 

*  Kingdom  of  England  are  forthwith  to  be  re-deli- 
1  vered. 

XV.  «  That   upon   the  Coming  of  the   latter 
'  1 00,060 /.    oat  of  Newca/tle,  Hoftages,  as  in  the; 

*  eighth  Article^  (hall  be  delivered  to  the  Kingdom 

*  of  England^  by  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  for  Af- 
4  furance  that  all  the  Scots  Armies  and  Forces  fiiall 
4  march  out  of  the  Kingdom  of  England  within  teii 

*  Days  after  the  Payment  of  the  latter  ico,ooo/. 

*  That  they  will  permit  and  fuffer  that  the  Fortifica- 
4  tions  of  Berwick  2nd  Carlijle  may  be  flighted,  ac- 

*  cording  to  the  Large  Treaty  and  Treaty  for  Ber- 
4  wick,  which   (hall  accordingly  be  flighted  within 

*  tea  Days  after  Payment  of  thelaft  1 00,000 /.  And 
«  that  the   faid    Towns  be  quitted  ;    and  all  Ord- 

*  nance,  Arms  and  Ammunition  therein,  belonging 
4  to  the  Kingdom  of  England  be,  within  the  faid  ten 

*  Days,  delivered  unto  fuch  Perfons  as  (hall  beap- 

*  pointed  by  both  Houfesof  the  Parliament  of  En- 
4  gland,  or  fuch  as  (hall  be  by  them,  or  any  autho* 
1  rized  by  them  for  that  Purpofe,  appointed  td  re- 

*  ceive  the  fame  ;  who  alfo  are  appointed  to  caufe 
«  and  fee  Berwick  and  Carlijle  flighted  in  Manner  as 

*  aforefaid  ;    and  are   hereby  authorized  to  call  irt 

*  the  Aid  of  the  Country  for  the  doing  thereof  as 

*  they  (hall  fee  Caufe  ;  and  likewife  the  Parliament 

*  of    Scotland,    or  any  by  them  authorized,  are  to 
'  appoint  fuch  Perfons  as  they  (hall  think  fit  to  fee 

*  this    performed. 

XVI.  «  That  within  four  Days'   after  the  Scoti 

*  Army  and  Forces   (hall    be   marched  out  of  the 

*  Kingdom   of   England,  and  the  faid  Garrifons  of 
1  Berwick  and  Carlijle  quitted  as  aforefaid,  the  Ho- 

*  ftages  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  (hall  be  re-ddi- 

*  vered  unto  them. 

XVIL  *  That  the  Public  Faith  of  the  Kingdom 

*  of  England  is  hereby   given  for  the  Payment  of 

*  the  latter   200,000  /.    as   is    hereafter  cxprefled ; 
4  That  for  the  better  Satisfaction    and  Security  cf 
4  feme  private  Perfons  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland, 

VOL.  XV.  Q,  '  wfc? 

242  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*'*6  s"'  T  £  wk°nave  ^vanced  great  Sums  of  Money,  Prc- 

._  '  .*  '         '  vifions  and  other  NecefTaries  during  thefe  Trou- 

feeci»btr.      '  bles,  the  Sum  of  50,000  /.  fhall  be  paid  to  the  faid 

c  Perfons,  whofe  Names   are  exprefTed  in  an  Ordi- 

«  nance  of  both  Houfes  for  that  Efteft,  at  twelve 

«  Months  after  the  Payment  of  the  laft  1 00,000 /. 

*  of  the  firft  200,000  /.  out  of  the  Receipts  offuch 

*  Monies  as  fhall  come  in  and  be  received  by  Fines 

*  and  Compofitions  made,    and   to  be  made,  with 

*  Papifts  and   Delinquents,    or  by  Sale  of  Papifts 

*  and  Delinquents  Eftates,    according  to  the  faid 
'  Ordinance    for  that    Erred :     And    that    other 
'  5o,ooo/.    fhall   alfo  be   paid   at  the  faid  twelve 

*  Months  after  the  Payment   of  the  laft  ioc,OOO  /. 
'  of  the  firft  200,000  /.  That  the  laft  ioc,ooo  /.  of 

*  the  400,000 /.  (hall  be  paid  within  twelve  Months 

*  after  that,  viz.     two  Years  after  the  Payment  of 
4  the  laft  ioc,ooo/.  of  the  firft  200,000 /.  and  that 

*  out  of  fuch  Ways  and  Means  as  both  Houfes  of 
1  Parliament  fhall  think  fit.' 

Signed  at  Derby-Houfe  in  Weftminfter,  the  2^d 

Day  of  December  1646. 













OL.  ST.  JOHN. 

The  Reader  may  obferve  that  there  is  not  one 
Word  about  delivering  up  the  Perfon  of  the  King 
in  all  the  foregoing  Articles:  But  we  find  that, 
on  the  very  fame  Day  they  were  finally  concluded, 
the  Lords  went  into  a  Debate  on  the  following 
Queftions : 

i  '  Whether 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  243 

I  «  Whether  there   (hall  be  a   Committee  ap-  An-  «  £«.  *' 
pointed  to   confider   of    fome   Declaration    to   be      t   *      '    -« 
offered  to  the  Houfe,  concerning  the  King's  Co-      Dccemlxr. 
ming  to  one  of  his  Houfes  ? 

2.  '  Whether  they  (hould  perufe  a  former  Vote 
made  on  the  2ift  of  October  laft  (£j  ?'  They  were 
both  carried  in  the  Affirmative,  and  a  Commit- 
tee of  feven  Lords  were  ordered  accordingly. 

•The  fame  Day  alfo  the  faid  Committee  drew 
up  the  following  Refolution,  which,  after  reading, 
was  agreed  to  \ 

'  That  the    King,  being  now  in  England,  it  is  The   Lords   re- 
refolved  by     the  Lords    in  Parliament  aflembled,  folve    that   th* 

That  he  may  come  to  Newmarket,    there  to  re-  Kine  ""?  5°"™ 

..VIA  ii-  ,    to  Newmarket, 

main     with    fuch   Attendants  about  him  as  both 

Houfes  of  Parliament  {hall  appoint ;  with  refpeft 
had  to  the  Safety  and  Prefervation  of  his  Perfon  in 
the  Prefervation  and  Defence  of  the  true  Religion 
and  Liberties  of  the  Kingdom :  And  then  the  two 
Kingdoms  are  mutually  to  confider  and  determine 
what  is  neceflary  to  the  common  Peace  ,  referving 
to  each  their  Rights  of  Exercife  of  their  refpe&ive 
Interefts  in  providing  for  their refpective  Securities.* 

Mr.  Ru/hwortb  writes,  '  That  the  Parliament 
of  Scotland  had  for  fome  Time  been  fitting,  and  Refolutions  of 
being,  on  the  i6th  of  December,  turned  into  a  m 
Grand  Committee,  to  confider  touching  the  Dif-  of  him; 
pofal  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  ii  was  refolved,  That 
prefent  Inftruclions  fhould  be  fent  to  their  Com- 
miflioners  to  prefs  his  Majefty's  coming  to  London 
with  Honour,  Safety,  and  Freedom ;  and  that  they 
Thould  declare  their  Refolutions  to  maintain  Mo- 
narchical Government  in  his  Majefty's  Perfon  and 
Pofterity,  and  his  juft  Title  to  the  Crown  of  Eng- 
land.'— He  adds,  '  That  thefe  Refolutions  gave 
the  King's  Friends  there  great  Hopes,  but  the  next 
Day  all  was  darned  again ;  for  then  the  following 
Warning  was  prefented  to  the  Parliament  from  the 
Commiflion  of  the  Kirk.' 

a*  A 

(!>}  S<ec  this  Vote  on  the  Day  mentioned,  p.  j$z. 

244-  *&€  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

•Aa.  aa  Car.  I.  A  SOLEMN  and  SEASONABLE  WARNING  to  all 
t  l646'.  J  Eftates  and  Degrees  of  Perfom  throughout  the 
December.  Land,  by  the  ComnxJJtoncrs  of  the  General  AJJembly, 

Edinburgh,  Dec.   17,  1646. 

*  HP  HE   Conference  of  our  Duty,    and  of  the 

Sk^STthe  *  Sreat  Tru{*  reP°fed  ift  us>  faffertth  US  not 
General  Aflem-  '  to  be  filent,  nor  to  connive  at  the  prefent  Dangers 
kly  iffuing  out  a  «  .  hich  may  juftly  be  apprehended  and  expected 
warring  to  that  «  from  ^  Enemies  of  this  Caufe  and  Covenant; 

*  who  although  they  cannot,  in  this  Conjunclurecf 
'  Time,  appear   in  the  fame  ManneY  as  formerly 

*  they   have    done,  yet  having  detained    the  fame 
'  Principles,    (while   they*  feem  to  lay  afide  their 

*  former  Practices)   do  in  a  more  covert  and  dan- 
'  gerous  Way  ftill  drive  at  their  own  Ends :  And! 

*  as   Satan  is  neither  fleeping  nor  idle,  though  he 
'  appear  not   always  as  a  roaring  Lion ;   fo  fhefe 
4  who  are    infpired  and  acted  by  him,    have  their 

*  Wheels  flill  moving,  tho*  fome  Times  they  make- 

*  no  great  Noife.     Wherefore,  that  we  may  truly 

*  and  faithfully  contribute  what  is  incumbent  on 

*  us,  for  preventing  or  removing  any  Occafions  of 
'  new  Troubles  or  Differences  between  the  King 

*  and  his  People,    in  both  or  either  of  thefe  united 

*  Kingdoms,  or  between  the  Kingdoms  themfelves^ 

*  and  left  the  Church  of  Chrift,  and   the  true  Re- 

*  formed   Religion  be  again  tofled  with  another, 
c  and  perhaps  a  greater,  Tempeft  in  the  Depth,  af- 

*  tcr  we  feemed  to  be  near  the  Harbour,  we  have 
4  found    it  not   only  competent  to  our  Place  and 
1  Calling,  but  neceflary  for  us  (according  to   for- 

*  mer  laudable   Precedents    both   old   and  Tate)  to 

*  emit  this  new  feafonable  Warning  to  the  People 

*  of  God  in  this  Land,  and  to  all  Eftates  and  De- 
4  grees   of  Men  therein ;  whom  we  exhort,  That 

*  fifil,    and  above  all    Things,    they  apply  their 
6  Thoughts  to  make  Peace  with  God ;  to  take  No- 

*  tice  of  the  remaining  and  renewed    Tokens  of 

*  Divine  Difpleafuie  againft  the  Land;  to  tremble 

*  at  the  Remembrance  of  former,  and  Appearances 

*  of  future  Judgments  j  to  lament  after  tie  Lord ; 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  245- 

*  to   lie  low  before  the  Throne  of  Grace;  to  cry  An-  a*  c"  1 

*  mightily  to  Heaven    for  difpdling    that  Cloud  of 

*  Sin  which  feparateth   between  our  God  and  us ; 
'  and  for  turning  away  that  Cloud  of  Wrat'i  which 
4  hangeth  over  our  Heads.     There  is  Caufe  to  be 

*  humbled  and  to  repent,  as  for  all  our  Iniquities, 
'  fo  for  the  too  little  Affiftance  which  hath  been. 
'  given  to  fuch  as  have  borne  the  heavieft  Burden, 

*  and  fuffered  moft  in  this  Caufe  j  and  for  the  too 

*  much  Compliance  with,  and  Indulgence  to  many 

*  who  have  been  active  in,  the  late  execrable  Re- 

*  bellion.     We  know    that   none   can    reach    the 
'  Perfection   of  their  Duty,    neither  will  the  Lord 

*  reckon  with  his  People  according  to  his  Juftice, 

*  but   fpare    them    who    walk  in  the    Integrity  of 

*  their   Spirits,  as  a  Man  fpareth  his  own  Son  j  fo 

*  that  they    may  rejoice   in   his  Mercy,  notwith- 
4  ftandingof  their  Short  Comings,  wherein  they  do 

*  not  allow  themfelves;  but  wilful   Neglects   arc 

*  juft  Grounds  of  a  great  Controverfy  on  the  Lord's 
'  Part,  and  of  deep  Humiliation  on  ours :  And  we 
'  conceive  the  Failings  of  many  are  fuch,  becaufe 
'  the  Word  of  the  Lord  is  a  Burden  unto  them  ; 
4  and  though  they  walk  in  the  Ways  of  their  own. 
4  Heart,  yet  they  fay  they  (hall  have  Peace.     We 
'  would  have  none  that  are  thus  guilty  to  count 
'  light  of  it,    and  fay,  Is  it  not  a  little  one  ?  Every 

*  Duty  whereto  we  are  obliged  in  the  Covenant, 
'  is   of  great   Confequence,  and   Breaches  even  in 

*  fmaller  Things  prove  Inlets  unto  more  grievous 

*  Re  vol  tings. 

4  When  we  confider  how  many,  who  were  once 
4  open  Oppofers  or  fecret  Underminers,  being  re- 
'  ccived  to  the  Covenant,  yet  remain  difaffedted 

*  to  the  Ends   of    the  fame,  we  cannot  but  think 

*  we  wall;  in  the  Midft  of  Snares,  and  that  Myfte- 

*  ries  of   Iniquity  work  amongft  us,  which  may 

*  produce   moft  fad  and  lamentable  Effects,  unto 

*  the   Prejudice    of    our   Religion   and    Liberties. 

*  Therefore,  becaufe    God  hath  no  greater  Qaar- 

*  rel  againft  a  Nation  than  that  of  a  broken  Cove- 

*  nant  i    Jet  all    who  fear  an  Oath  remember  the 

Q.3  «  Vows 

246  "The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An'  16  6*'  *  '  ^ows  °f  God  which  are  upon  them,  watch  and 
,      '  4  '     ,   •  pray,  and  take  good  heed  that  they  be  not  cheat- 
December.     '  ed  nor  charmed  into  a  Violation  of  all,  or  any, 
'  of  the  Articles  of  that  Sacred  and  Solemn  League 

*  and  Covenant :  And  let  thofe  efpecially  be  obfer- 
c  ved  and  avoiced,  who  do,  or  (hall,  endeavour  a 
'  Diviiion  and  Breach  between  the  Kingdoms,  or 
'  the  making  of  any  Fractions  or  Parties,  contrary 
'  to  the  Covenant,    under  pretence   of  preferving 
'  the    King  and  his  Authority  whilft  they  do  not 
6  conftantly  and  fincerely  profecute  and  prefs  our 

*  frequent  Defires  of  his    fubfcribing  the  League 
'•and  Covenant,    and    giving    Satisfaction   in   all 
4  Things   to  the  juft  Defires  of  both  Kingdoms  ; 
'  which  underhand  Dealing  can  prove  nothing  elfe 
c  but    an  abufing  of   his   Majefty  for  Men's  own 
'  Defigns.    We  wifli  that   none  fuffer  themfelves 

*  to  be  deceived  by  any  falfe  Gloffes  of  the  Cove- 

*  nant,  under  which  fome   may  poflibly  urge  the 

*  keeping  of  it,  fo   as  to    draw  us   into   a  certain 
'  Breach   thereof;    and    prefs    the  Defence  of  the 
c  King's  Authority  and  of  Religion,  to  engage  us  ia 
4  thofe  Ways  that  would  tend  to.  the  Ruin  of  both. 
«•  We  are  not  now  to  prefs  the  Want  of  full  Satis- 

*  faction  in  the  much-defired  Work  of  Uniformity, 
'  as'  the   Ground  of   a  Breach  between  the  two 
'  Nations ;    though   we   (till  conceive  this  Nation, 
'  will  never  be  wanting  to  profecute  that  Work  to 

*  the  utmoft  of  their  Power  in  all  lawful  Ways, 
e  according  to  the  League  and  Covenant. 

'  Thefe   Kingdoms,  after   many  fervent  Suppli- 

*  cations  and  faithful  Endeavours  of  all  the  Lovers 

*  of  Truth   and  Peace,    have  been  happily  united 

*  in   a  League  and  Covenant,  which  to  this  Day 
'  hath  been  kept  inviolably,  notwithflanding  of  all 
'  the  Oppofition   of  open  Enemies,    and  plotting 
'  of  'fecretUnderminers;  and  we  are  confident  that 
c  none  but-fuch  as  have  Hearts  full  of  Atheifm  and 

*  Treachery,    will  attempt    the  Violation  thereof, 

*  in  -H'hol'c  or  in  part;  and  that  if  any  (hall  do  the 
«  fame,  they  fhall  expofe  themfelves  rb  the  Curfeof 
'  Almighty    God,   who   will  be  avenged  upon  all 

'  that 

ef   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  247 

r  that  fwear  falfly    by  his  Name.     We  know  that  An.  ai  Car.  I. 
6  Men  of  perverfe  Minds,     wanting    the  Fear  of        lf)^'     M 
'  God,    and  meafuring   all   Things  by  their  own     December 
'  Ends,  may  conceive  of  it  as  alterable,  or  at  leaft 

*  that  all  the   Claufes  and  Heads  thereof  are  not  fo 
'  to  be  ftuck  upon  but  that  fome  one  or  more  may 

*  be  difpenfed   with  upon  Civil  Advantages  :    But 
'  we  have  not  fo  learned  Chrijl  or  bis  Word  :  Both 
'  Nations  have  covenanted  with  God,  and  each  of 
'  them  with   another,  in  Things  moft  lawful  and 

*  necefTary  for  the  Preservation  and  Good  of  both, 
'  without  any  Limitation  of  Time  \  and  therefore 
'  we  andour  rofterity  are  obliged,  before  God,  un- 

*  to  the  Obfervation  thereof  as  long  as  the  Sun  and 

*  Moon  fhall  endure.     The  Senfe  of  thefe  Things 
'  ought  to  be  fo  deeply  engraven  upon  the  Hearts 

*  of  all  that  are  in  Truft,  that  as  they  fhould,  from 
'  their  Souls,   abhor  every  Thought  of  a  Breach, 

*  with    England;  fo    fhould     they    carefully  and 
'  wifely  ftudy  to  avoid  every  Thing  that  may  prove 
'  a  Snare  and  Temptation  unto  the  fame.  Amongft 
'  other  Things,  if  his  Majefty  fhall  have  Thoughts 

*  of  coming  to  this  Kingdom  at  this  Time,  he  not 

*  having  as  yet  fubfcribed  the  League  and  Cove- 

*  nant,  nor  fatisfied  the  lawful  Defires  of  his  loyal 
'Subjects  in  both  Nations,  we  have  juft  Caufe  to 
'  fear  that  the   Confequences   of  it  may  be  very 
'  dangerous,  both   to  his  Majefty  and  thefc  King- 
«  doms  j    which  therefore  we  defire  may  be  timely 
'  prevented. 

'  For  fo  long  as  his  Majefty  doth  not  approve  in 

*  his   Heart,  and  feal  with  his  Hand,  the  League 

*  and  Covenant,  we  cannot  but  apprehend  that,  ac- 

*  cordina:  to  his  former  Principles,  he  will  walk  in 

*  Oppofition  to  the  fame,  and  ftudy  to  draw  us  into 
4  the  Violation  thereof,  and  the  Diflblution  of  the 
4  Union  fo  happily  begun  between  us  and  our  Bre- 
'  thren ;    to  weaken   the  Confidence  and    Truft, 
'  and  to  entertain  Jealoufics,  and  make  Divifions 

*  amongft  ourfelves :  Neither  is  it  poflible  but  that 
'  our  receiving  him  in  this  prefent  Pofture  of  Af- 



ft  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

**  Car.  It «  fairs,  will  confirm  the  Sufpicions  of  the  Englljh 
'  Nations  of  our  underhand  Dealing  with  him  be- 

*  ^ore  ^is  Coming  to  our  Army ;  and   make  them, 

*  not  without  Caufe,  to  think  that  we  purpofe  to 

*  difpofe  of  him  without  their  Confent,    and  to 

*  their  Prejudice;  which  is  contrary  to  the  Profef- 

*  fion  of  thofe  that  were  in  Truftafhis  Majefty's 

*  firft  Coming  to  the  Scots   Quarters,    and  over- 
<  throweth  all   the  Arguments  that  have  been  ufed 
e  by  the  Commiflioners  of  our  Parliament,  in  their 
'  Papers  concerning  the  difpofmg  of  his  Majefty's 
'  Perfon  by  the  joint  Advice  and  common  Confent 

*  of  both  Kingdoms,  given  in  to  both  Houfes  of 

*  Parliament  in  England :    Nor  do  we  fee  how  we 

*  can  vindicate  fuch  a  Pra&ice  from  a  direct  Breach 
'  of  our  Engagements  to  them  by  Covenant  and 

*  Treaty ;    which  were  not  only  to  expofe  us  unto 
'  the  -Hazard   of  a  bloody  War,  but  to  involve  us 
1  in  the  Guilt  of  Perjury.     And  what  greater  Dif- 

*  fervice  could  be  done  to  his  Majefty  and  his  Po- 
'  fterity,  than  to  give  way  to  a  Courfethat  mia;ht 

*  prove  prejudicial  to  their  Jntereft  in  the  Crown 

*  and  Kingdom  of  England? 

'  Our  Carriage  now  for  many  Years  paft,  in 
c  the  Midftof  many  Temptations,  hath  put  us  ber 
'  yond  all  Sufpicion  in  the  Point  of  our  Loyalty; 
«  nor  have  we  the  leaft  Thoughts  of  deferring  the 

*  King's  Majefty  in  a  juft  and  good   Caufe,  being 

*  bound  by  our  Covenant,  in  our  feveral  Vocations, 
'  to  endeavour,  with  our  Eftates  and  Lives,  to  pre- 

*  ferve  and  defend  his    Majefty's  Perfon  and  Au- 
'  thority,  in  the  Defence  and  Prefervation  of  the, 

*  true    Religion  and  Liberties    of  the  Kingdoms  : 
'  And  fo   far   as   his  Majefty  {hall  be  for  thefe,  we 

*  really  are,  and  we  truft  the  reft  of  his  Kingdoms 

*  -will  be,  for  him  j  yet  we  cannot  i|eny,  butopen- 
'  ly  avouch  it,  that  if  his  Majefty  (which  the  Lord 

*  forbid)    (hall  not  fatisfy  the  juft  Defires  of   his 
'  People,   both    Nations    fland  mutually   obliged, 

*  by  that  inviolable  Covenant,  to   purfue  the  End* 

*  therein  exprefled  ( which  cannot  be  divided)  againft 

*  all 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  249 

*  all    Lets  and    Impediments   whatfoever.      It   isAn'  "z  £*•"•*• 

*  therefore   our  molt  earncft  and  longin^  Delia-,  f 
«  That  as  tliofe  who  are  in  Truft  with  th=e  public     Deumoer.' 
(  Affairs  of  this  Kingdom  hav.  heretofore,  with 

<  all  Earneftnefs   and  Care,  in  all  their  Addreftes 

*  dealt  with   his  Majefty    with   much  Strength  of 
.  Reafon   and    Vehemency  of  Afrixthn   fo°they 

<  will  ftilldeal  with  him,  to  grant  his  Royal  Con- 
«  fent  to  the  Ddires  of  both  Kingdoms,  for  Set- 
«  tling    Religion    according  to  the  Covenant,  and 

*  for  fecuring  a  perfect  and  durable  Peace}  (which 

<  we  look  upon  as  the  only  hopeful  Means  of  pre. 

<  ferving  himfelf,  his  Crown.,  and   Pofterity)  that 
«  his  Majefty   may  return  to  his  Houfcs  of  Parlia- 
f  ment  in  England,  as  a  reconciled  Prince  to    fatif- 

<  fied    Subjects;    and  that  Acclamations    of  Joy 

*  may    be  heard  in    all  his  Majefty  *s  Dominions, 

*  and   no  Sound  of  War  heard  therein  any  more 
«  except  againft    the    bloody  Irljh  Rebels,  under 
«  whole  barbarous    and  cruel  Perfecution   our  di- 
«  ftrefled   Brethren,    both   in  this  Kingdom  and  in 
«  Ireland,  are  ftill  groaning  and  crying  out  to  us, 
"*  and    to  our   Brethren   in    England,  Be  at  Peace 
'  among  yourfelves,  and  come  to  help  us.' 

This  Thunder  of  the  Scots  Vatican  ftruck  fuch 
a  Terror  into  their  Parliament,  that  they  refol-  foive to  fec'ure 
ved,  The  King  {hould  be  defired  to  grant  the  the  KinEdoIB 
whole  Proportions ;  and,  in  cafe  of  Refufal,  the  Kiag,  ' 
Certifications  given  to  his  Majefty  {hould  be  put  fi6nt' 
into  Execution,  viz.  To  fecure  the  Kingdom  nint> 
without  him  ;  To  declare  that  the  Kingdom  of 
Scotland  cannot  lawfully  engage  themielves  for  his 
Majefty,  he  not  taking  the  Covenant,  fatisfying 
as  to  Religion,  &c.  And  that  they  would  not  ad- 
mit him  to  come  into  Scotland,  unlefs  he  gave  a 
fatisfa&ory  Anfv/er  to  the  whole  Propofitions  lately 
prefented  to  him  in  the  Name  of  both  Kingdoms. 

The  Earl  of  Lanerk,  then  lately  appointed  $CT 
crctary  of  State  for  Scotland,  immediately  gave  the 

250  The  Parliamentary  H  is  T  o  R  v 

An.  ^^  Car.  I.  King  Notice  of  thefe   Tranfactions :    In  Confe- 
i6&6'  J      quence  whereof, 

.•V.  D*f.  24.  The  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords 
acquainted  them,  That  laft  Night  a  Letter  was 
delivered  to  him  which  came  from  the  King  at 
Newcajlle  j  the  Tenor  of  which  was  as  follows : 

To  the  SPEAKER  of  the  Houje  of  Peers  pro  Tern- 
pore,  to  be  communicated  to  the  two  Houfes  of 
Parliament  at  Weftminfter,  and  to  the  Commif- 
fioncrs  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland 

CHARLES*.     Newcaftle.,  Dec.    20,    1646. 
f$  Majejly's    Thoughts  being    always  fencer  ely 
^    to  the  pcace  ^  ],h  y^ngdoms,    be  was  and 
•will  be  ever  dejiraus  to  take  all   Ways    which  might 
the   mojl  clearly  make   appear  the  Candor   of  his  In- 
tentions to    his  People.  A>:d  to  this   End,  could  find 
no  better  IVay  than  to  propofe  a  Personal  free  Debate 
•with  his  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  upon  all  the  pre- 
fent    Differences:    Yet  finding,    very    much   again/I 
his  Expectations,    that  this   Offer  was   laid  aftde,   hh 
Majejly  bent  all  his  Thoughts  to  make  hh  Intention* 
fully  known   by  a  particular   Anfwer   to  the  Propoji- 
tions  delivered  to  him  in  the  Name  of  both  Kingdoms f 
the  i^tb  of  Ju!y  lajl.     But  the  more  he  endeavoured 
ity  he  more  plainly  faw  that   any   Answer    he   could 
make  would  be  fubjecl  to  Mifin formations   and  Mif- 
conji  ruff  ions ;  which,  upon   his  own  Parapbrajes   and 
Explanations,   he   is  mo/?    confident  will  give  fo  good 
Satisfaction    as    would  daubtlefs    caufe  a  happy  and 
lafting  Peace.    Left,    therefore,    that  good   Intentions 
may  produce    ill  Effe£ts,     his    Majejly    again  propo- 
fcth,    and  dcjires  again,  to  come  to  London,  or  any  of 
his    Houfes  thereabouts,    up  n  the  Public  Faith,   and 
Security   of  his  two   Houfes   of  Parliament   and  the 
Scots   Cornmiffioners,    that    be  Jball    be    there    with 
Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety,     where,    by  his  per- 
enul  Prefencf,  be    may  not   only  raife  a  mutual  Con- 
fidence   bet wixi  klm   and  his  People ;  ,bvt  alfo  have 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D,  251 

tbofe  Doubts  cleared:  and  tbofe  Difficulties  explained  An.  «  Car.  f 
to  him,  without  which  he  cannot  (but  with  the  afore-  ..  _'  _^'  j 
yjj/W  mifchievous  Inconveniences)  give  a  particular  December. 
Answer  to  the  Propositions ;  and  with  which  he 
doubts  not  but  fo  to  manifejl  his  real  Intentions  for 
the  fettling  of  Religion,  the  jujl  Privilege,  of  Par- 
liament, with  the  Freedom  and  Property  of  the  Sub- 
jeff,  that  it  /hall  not  be  in  the  Power  of  wicked 
and  malicious  Men  to  binder  the  ejlablifhing  of  that 
firm  Peace  which  all  honejl  Men  defer e.  Ajjuring 
them,  that  as  he  will  make  no  other  Demands  but  fucb 
as  he  believes  confidently  to  be  jujl,  and  much  conducing 
to  the  Tranquillity  of  the  People:  So  he  will  be 
moft  willing  to  condefcend  to  them  in  whatfoever 
Jhall  be  really  for  their  Good  and  Happinefs.  Not- 
doubting  likewife  but  you  will  alfo  have  a  due  Re- 
gard to  maintain  the  jujl  Power  of  the  Crown, 
according  to  your  many  Proteftations  and  Profejjions. 
For  certainly,  except  King  and  People  have  reci- 
procal Care  each  of  other,  neither  can  be  happy. 

To  conclude;  it  is  your  King  who  deferes  to  be 
heard,  (the  which,  if  refujed  to  a  Subjeft  by  a 
King,  he  would  be  thought  a  Tyrant  for  it)  and 
f.r  that  End  which  all  Men  profejs  to  defer e  ;  where- 
fore his  Majejly  conjures  you,  as  you  defer e  tojhew 
yourselves  really  what  you  profefs,  even  as  you  are 
good  Chrijlians  and  Subjects,  that  you  will  accept 
this  his  Offer,  which  he  is  confident  God  will  fo 
biffs,  that  it  will  be  the  readiejl  Means  by  which 
thefe  Kingdoms  may  again  become  a  Comfort  to  their 
Friends,  and  a  Terror  to  their  Enemies. 

All  the  Notice  that  the  Lords  took  of  this  Letter 
from  the  King,  at  this  Time,  was,  That  it  {hould 
be  communicated  to  the  Commons  by  a  MefTage. 

Dec.  25.  Both  the    Houfes  were  alarmed  with  a  A  Rum(mr  Of 
Plot  to  fteal   away    the    Duke  of  York   from    St.   the  King  and  the 
James's;    and  feveral  Witneffes,    as  well    as    the  Duke  _of  York'* 
Duke  himfelf,  were  examined   about  it.     And  it  mS?their>£- 
was  this  Day   ordered,  That  a  Letter  be  written  fcape. 
to  the  Scots  Army,  to   acquaint   them    with   this 



'Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *a  Car.  I.  Defi^n  of  conveying  hence  the  Duke  of  York  in- 
i  '  *__'___»  to  France:  And  likewife  to  let  them  know  of  a 
Rumour  fpread  abroad,  that  there  is  an  Intent  of 
the  Kind's  efcaping  into  France,  and  to  defire  them 
to  take  Care  to  prevent  any  fuch  Attempt.  They 
alfo  ordered,  That  the  Scats  Commifiioners  then 
upon  their  Return  to  Scotland,  {hould  be  acquaint- 
ed with  thefe  Apprehenfions ;  and  be  defired  to 
write  down  to  their  Committee  and  General  at 
Newcajile,  to  take  all  poffible  Care  to  prevent  the 

The  faid  Commiffioners  were  now  making  Pre- 
parations for  their  Departure  homewards,  after 
receiving  I2,coc/.  out  of  the  Money  ftipulatesf 
for  Scotland,  figning  the  late  Treaty,  and  all  the 
neceflary  Receipts  for  the  whole  Sum ;  the  Form 
of  which  are  preferved  in  both  the  Journals,  but 
are  unneceflary  here. 

Before  the  Departure  of  thefe  Commiffioners, 
they  had,  it  feems,  a  Meeting  with  the  Engli/h 
Committee  for  Religion,  with  whom  they  left 
the  following  pious  Exhortation,  read  this  Day, 
December  26,  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords  j  of  which 
fince  it  is  no  where  elfe  printed,  and  is  not 
a  little  fingular,  we  fubjoin  this  Copy  from  the 

Dec.  25,  1646. 

AS  the  other  Reformed  Churches  have  been 
much  comforted  with  the  hopeful  Begin- 
ning, and  fome  happy  Progrefs,  of  a  glorious  Re- 
formation of  Religion  in  this  Kingdom,  fo  efpe- 
cially  the  Church  of  Scotland  ( which  is  fo  nearly- 
concerned,  and  muft  netds  partake  more  than 
other  Churches  of  the  Good  and  Evil  which  (hall 
here  take  Root)  hath  greatly  rejoiced  and  given 
Thanks  to  God  for  fo  great  a  Mercy :  Neverthe- 
lefs  they  are  mindful  of  the  Vows  of  God  which 
are  upon  all  the  three  Kingdoms,  and  all  Sorts 
and  Degrees  of  Perfons  therein,  according  to 
their  feveral  Places  and  Callings,  to  endeavour 
fuch  a  Reformation  in  the  Kingdoms  of  England 
*  and  Ireland,  in  Dofhrine,,  Worlhip,  Discipline, 

4  and 

A  Manorial  pre- 
fer, tc.  to  the 
Jx>r  s,  by  the 
•Scots  Conunif- 
fionro  on  their 
Rct'.ra  Home. 

^ENGLAND.  253 

«  and  Government,  as  is  according  to  the  Word  A*  «  Car- 

'  of  God,  and  the  Example  of  the  beft  Reformed  ^ 

'  Churches,  and  the  neareft  Uniformity  in  all  thefe     December. 

*  between  the  Churches  of  God  in  the  three  King- 

*  doms,  together  with  the  Extirpation   of  Herefy 

*  and  Schifin,  (left,  partaking  of  other  Men's  Sins, 
'  they  be  endangered  to  receive  of  their  Plagues) 

*  which  they  did    not  oblige  themfelves  to  endea- 
6  vour  for  a  Time  only,    but  conftantly,  till   at- 
'  tained ;  wherefore,    in  Purfuance  of  the  Ends  in 

*  the  Covenant,  and  in  the  Difcharge  of  that  Truft 
<  which    is  committed  to  us,  as  likewife  that  fomc 
'  of  our  Number,  who  are  now  to  return  into  Scot- 

*  land,  may  be  able  to  give  a  farther  Account  to 
'  the  Parliament  of  that  Kingdom,  and  to  the  Com- 
'  miflioners  of  the  General  Aflcmbly  at  Edinburgh 

*  (both  being  now   aflembled)  we  have  taken  this 

*  Occafion   (without  the  leaft  prcfuming    to  pre- 
'  fcribe  any  Ways,  or   to  impofe  any  Conditions) 
'  to  renew    our  mod  earneft  Defires  to  the    Ho- 

*  nourable  Houfes  of  Parliament,  and  to  the  Re- 

*  verend  Afiembly  of  Divines  on  their  Part,  that 

*  all  poflibleCare  be  taken,  and  greater  Diligence 

*  ufed  to    expedite   the  begun  Reformation  and 

*  Unity  :  to  fupply  and  make  up  thofe  Parts  that 

*  are  yet  wanting,  and  to  put  on  and  make  effec- 
'  tual  what  is  already  agreed  upon ;  more  particu- 

*  larly  we  do  dcfire  that  fome  effectual  Courfe  may 

*  be  provided  by  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament,  for 

*  the  taking  of  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant, 
c  in  all  Places  of  this  Kingdom,    and  fome  confi- 

*  derable  Penalty  or  Punifhment,  fuch  as   the  Ho- 

*  nourable  Houfes  in  their  Wifdom  fhall  think  fit, 
'  may  be  appointed  for  fuch  as   refufe  to  take  it, 

*  much  more  for  fuch   as  reproach   it,  or  fpcak  or 
'  write  againft  it ;  and  that,  by  Authority  of  both 
«  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of    England,  the  Co- 

*  vcnant,  Confeflion  of  Faith,  Directory  of  Wor- 
'  fhip,  Form  of  Church-Government,    and  Cate- 

*  chizing,  maybe  fettled   in  Ireland  as  well   as  in 

*  England,  according  to  the  firft  Article  of  the  So- 

*  lemn  League  and  Covenant. 

•  We 

'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

e  We  alfo  define  that  the  Catechifm,  now  be- 
fore the  Aflembly  of  Divines,  may  be  perfected 
fo  foon  as  is  poflible ;  that  the  Confeffion  of  Faith 
may  be  eftablifhed  by  Authority  of  Parliament, 
and  immediately  thereafter  fent  into  Scotland^  as 
the  Dire&ory  of  Worfhip  was  to  be  agreed  unto 
by  that  Church  and  Kingdom,  it  being  the  chief- 
eft  Part  of  that  Uniformity  in  Religion,  which 
both  Kingdoms  ftand  bound  by  Covenant  to  en- 
deavour ;  that  Courfe  may  be  taken  for  the  bet- 
ter obfervirig  of  the  Directory  of  Worfhip,  which 
is  in  many  Places  of  this  Kingdom,  either 
wholly,  or  in  divers  material  Points,  neglected. 
'  And  becaufe  the  finging  of  Pfalms  in  Churches 
is  a  Part  of  the  Public  Worfhip  of  God,  we  de- 
fire  that  the  Paraphrafe  of  the  Pfalms  in  Metre, 
as  it  is  now  examined,  corrected,  and  approved 
by  the  Aflembly  of  Divines  here,  and  by  the 
Commiffioners  of  the  General  Aflembly,  may 
be  likewife  authorized  and  eftablifhed  by  Ordi- 
nance of  Parliament. 

'  We  further  defire,  that  fpecial  Care  and 
fpeedy  Courfe  may  IDC  taken  for  the  chuling 
of  Ruling  Elders,  and  the  erecting  of  ClafTical 
Prefbyteries  and  Congregational  Elderfhips, 
throughout  the  whole  Kingdom,  thefe  Things 
not  being  yet  done,  except  in  fome  Places ;  and 
that  the  Cenfures  of  Excommunication,  and  fome 
other  Things  belonging  to  the  Meeting,  Confti- 
tution,  and  Power  of  Synods,  National  and  Pro- 
vincial, and  of  the  fubordinate  Ecclefiaftical  Af- 
femblies,  contained  in  the  Advice  of  the  Reverend 
and  Learned  Aflembly  of  Divines  to  both  Houfes 
of  Parliament,  and  in  our  Remonftrance,  dated 
March  the  26th,  1646,  delivered  alfo  to  both 
Houfes,  (which  Things  are  not  yet  fettled  by 
Ordinance  of  Parliament)  may  be  taken  into 
Confideration  by  the  Honourable  Houfes,  and 
their  Refolution  known  thereupon;  and  that  in 
the  mean  while,  as  well  before  as  after  the  full 
Settlement  of  Church-Government,  the  Civil 
Power  may,  (according  to  the  Word  of  God, 
2  *  and 

c/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  355 

8  and  the  Example  of  godly  Magiftrates  both   of  An.  21  Car.  !• 
'  old   and   of   late)    proceed  to    the  fuppreffing  of    , ]      '   f 

*  fcandalous  Doctrines  or  Practices,  which  are  de-      December. 

*  ftructivc  to  the    Chriftian  Faith,  and  the  Power 

*  of  Godlinefs,  for  the  Peace  of  the  Chiirch;  there 

*  being  nothing  more  pernicious,  both  to  Church 

*  and  State,  than  the  leaving  of  all  Men  to  an  Au- 
c  tonomy  in  Religion  ;  for  although  it  be  far  from 

*  our  Thought  to  be  fo  rigid  as   to  defire,  or,  by 

*  Intention,  Council,   or  Suggeftion,  to  be  accef- 
'  fary  to,  the  troubling  of  pious  and  peaceable  Men^ 
'  who,  through  Scruple  of  Confcience,  cannot  iri 

*  all  Things  come  up  to  the  Rule  ofChurch-Go- 

*  vernment ;  and  as  it  never  was,    fo  it  is  not  our 
c  Purpoie  to  make  any  Impediment  to  the  forbear- 
'  ing  of  fuch,  fo  far  as  may  agree  with  the  Word 
6  of  God,  ftand    with    the  public  Peace,  and  not 
'  be  deftructive  to  the  Order  and   Government  of 
'  the   Church;  yet  we  cannot  chufe  but  difcharge 
«  our  Confciences  in  refpect  to  the  extreme  Necef- 
«  fity  that  fome  fpeedy  and  effectual  Remedy  may 
6  be  provided  againft  the  feparating  and  withdraw- 

*  ing  from,  or  gathering  Churches  out  of,  the  true 

*  Reformed  Churches  of  this  Nation,  as  if  Mem- 

*  berfhip  therein  were  unlawful ;  as  likewife  againft 

*  the  Preaching  of  fuch  as  have  neither   received 
«  Ordination,  nor  have  been  offered  unto  any  or- 
<  derly  Trial,  and  approved  as  Candidates  or  Pro- 
«  bationers    for  the  Miniftry;    and   above    all   a- 
'  gainft  the  Infection  of  pernicious  Herefles,  which 
c  multiply,  grow,  and  fpread  daily  more  and  more, 
'  to  the  great  Difhonour  of  God ;  to  the  (haking^ 

*  the  very   Foundation  of  the  Chriftian  Faith  ;  to 

*  the  feducing  and  deftroying  of  many  poor  Souls  j 

*  to   the  hardening  and  ftrengthening  of  the  com- 

*  mon   Enemy;  to    the   renting    and  dividing   of 

*  Church  and  State ;  to  the  fcandalizing  of  the  Re- 

*  formed   Churches;  and    to  the  difappointing  of 

*  the  Ends  of  the  Covenant;  fo  that  it  is  now  high 

*  Time  to  purge  out  (we  cannot  fay  a  little  Leaven, 

*  but)  that  which  hath  already  leavcn'd  the  greateft 

*  Part  of  the  Lump,  and   may,  if  connived    at", 

*  quickly 

256  tte  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

quickly  leaven  the  whole  j  for  which  Caufe,  the 
Danger  being  fo  great  and  imminent,  we  cannot 
forget  to  mention  the  preffing  and  urgent  Necef- 
fity  of  reftraining  effectually  the  unparalleled 
fcandalous  licentious  printing  and  publifhing  of 
Books,  both  againft  Magiftracy  and  Miniftry, 
and  particularly  againft  the  Authority  of  Parlia- 
ment; againft  the  Reverend  AfTembly  of  Di- 
vines; againft  the  Covenant  and  the  public  Na- 
tional Reformation ;  againft  the  Union  of  the 
Kingdoms;  againft  the  Church  and  Kingdom  of 
Scotland  2nd  all  the  Reformed  Churches;  yea, 
againft  Jefus  Chrift  himfelf,  and  the  Sacred 
Word  of  God :  All  thefe  Things  lie  fad  and  hea- 
vy upon  our  Spirits,  yet  we  do  not  only  pray, 
but  truft,  that  God  will  fo  direct  the  Councils, 
and  profper  the  Endeavours  of  the  Honourable 
Houfes  of  Parliament,  for  the  Reformation  of 
Religion  and  the  Peace  of  the  Church,  that  their 
Care  and  Zeal  may  appear  to  be  greater  for  the 
Things  of  Chrift,  than  for  their  own  Things;  to 
the  Glory  of  God  and  of  his  Son  Jefus  Chrift, 
the  only  Head  and  King  of  his  Church;  to  the 
ftrengthening  of  the  Hearts  and  Hands  of  our 
Friends,  and  to  the  flopping  of  the  Mouths  of 

'  The  Particulars  above  exprefled  we  offer  to  the 
Honourable  and  Reverend  Committee  to  be  re- 
prefented  to  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  whofe 
Refclution  and  Anfwer  we  earneftly  defire,  not 
only  for  our  own  Exoneration,  that  we  may  fea- 
fonably  give  an  Account  of  our  Pioceedings  to 
thofe  who  have  entrufted  us,  and  do  expect  a  fur- 
ther Account  from  us;  but  alfo  for  the  Comfort 
and  Encouragement  of  the  Church  and  Kingdom* 
of  Scotland,  who  will  wait  for  and  look  upon  the 
Progrefs  of  the  fo  much  defired  Reformation  and 
Uniformity  in  Religion,  as  the  chiefeft  and  moft 
comfortable  Recompence  of  all  their  Pains,  Ha- 
zards, and  Sufferings,  and  as  the  ftrongeft  and 
fureft  Bond  for  keeping  faft  and  firm  the  happy 
Union  and  Conjunction  of  the  Kingdoms  againft 

%  the 


of   ENGLAND. 

the  common  Enemies;  which  hath  been,  and  An. 
(hall  be,  our  earneft  Prayer  and  faithful  Endea- 
vour, being  confident  of  our  Brethren's  recipro-  December, 
cal  Affe&ion  for  continuing  and  ftrengthening  of 
this  Uniori,  and  for  tranfmitting  it  to  the  Gene- 
rations following. 

By  Command  of  the  Comniijfioners  for  ihe  .Par- 
liament of  Scotland. 


After  the  hearing  this  Piece  of  religious  Advice 
read,  the  Lords  proceeded  to  take  into  Confide- 
ration  the  King's  laft  Letter  to  (hem  j  and  the 
Queftion  being  put,  Whether  to  go  upon  it  then  ? 
it  paffed  in  the  Affirmative.  Then  the  Letter  was  •"*"  °f 

r.  ,  i     L      ri       r  •  /->  •  the  Lords,  od 

again  read,  and  the  rloule  went  into  a  v^ommittee  reading  the 
of  the  whole  Houfe  to  debate  the  King's  Defire  of  King's  laft  Let- 
coming  with  Safety,  Freedom,  and  Honour ;  and 
the  Houfe  being  refumed,  the  Vote  of  the  twenty- 
fecond  Inft.  was  readj  and  the  Queftion  put,  Whe- 
ther the  Vote  made  by  this  Houfe,  and  fent  down 
to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  Concerning  the  King's 
Coming  to  cne  of  his  Houfes,  without  any  further 
Addition  or  Explanation,  be  a  fit  Anfwer  to  that 
Particular  in  the  King's  Letter  ?  This  was  alfo 
refolved  in  the  Affirmative. 

Next,  the  Houfe  confidered  of  another  Defire 
in  the  King's  Letter,    and   that   was,  of  his  being 
heard;  and  a  Queftion  being  propofcd,  Whether, 
in  Anfwer  to  this  Particular  in  the  King's  Letter, 
this  Houfe  (hould  return,  That  they  will  have  no 
Treaty  upon   the  Propofitions  ?  it   was  refolved  in 
the    Affirmative.     But  a    Memorandum  is  entered 
in  the  Journals,  *•  That,  before  the  putting  this  laft 
Queftion,    the   following  Lords  deftred  Leave  to 
enter  their  Diflents  if  it  was  carried  againft  their 
Votes;    which  being  granted,    they  did  accord- 
ingly enter  their  DiiTents,  by  fubfcribin^  of  their 

Names.' But  the  Earl  of  Lincoln's  is  the  only 

Name  fubfcribed  to  if 

VOL.  XV.  R  Dec, 

258  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  Car.  I.       £>ec.  2g.  Thefe  Votes  andRefolutions  beingfent 

t    *6*6'    t      down  to  the  Commons,  foon  after  a  Mefiage  came 

December.       UP  ^rorn  them  to  defire  a  Conference  about  them ; 

which  being  held,  the  Speaker  of  the  Lords  Houfe 

made  a  Report  of  it  to  the  Effect  following : 

'  That  the  Commons  faid  they  had  received  a 
Vote  from  their  Lordfhips,  concerning  the  Dif- 
pofing  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King:  "That  they 
*  th'th^Ccm.  "agreed  to  "  W1'th  forne  Alterations  and  Additions : 
iions  thereupon.  As  for  the  Place,  they  think  it  fitteft  to  be  at 
Ho!denby^  becaufe  that  Houfe  is  more  capacious  and 
better  lilted  to  teceive  him  and  his  Company;  and 
as  it  is  in  the  Heart  of  the  Kingdom,  fafer  and  fitter 
for  Addrefles  to  his  Majefty.  As  to  the  latter 
Part,  they  faid,  They  had  made  fome  Alterations 
in  it,  becaufe  they  could  not  undertake  for  any 
but  for  the  Kingdom  of  England.' 

Ther.  the  Vote  was  read,  as  given  in  by  the  Com- 
mcns,  but  the  Lords  thought  fit  to  make  fome 
farther  Alterations  in  it,  according  to  the  Senfe  of 
their  Houfe;  which  being  put  to  the  Queftion  was 
affented  to,  and  MefTengers  fent  to  defire  another 
Conference  with  the  Commons  about  it. 

We  are  not  told,  at  this  Time,  what  were  the 
Additions  and  Alterations  which  the  Commons  had 
'made  to  the  Vote  ;  but  we  find  that  two  more  Con- 
ferences were  held,  by  the  Houfes,  on  this  Bufi- 
nefs,  before  they  both  agreed  to  the  following  Re- 
Iblution:  viz. 

Both  Houfes  re-  Dec.  31.  «  Rcfoked,  by  the  Lords  and  Com- 
W.WJUJJ  mons  aflembled  in  Parliament,  That  Holdenby- 
SghTto  Hoi-  #«</'»  in  the  County  of  Northampton,  be  the  Place 
denby,  which  the  Houfes  think  fit  for  the  King  to  come 

unto ;  there  to  remain  with  fuch  Attendants  about 
him,  as  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  {hall  appoint; 
with  Refpecl  had  to  the  Safety  r-nd  Prefervation 
of  his  Perfon  in  the  Prtfervation  and  Defence 
of  the  true  Religion  and  Liberties  of  the  King- 
doms, according  to  the  Covenant.  And  when 
the  King  (ball  tie  at  Holdenby  as  aforefaid,  and 
the  Scots  Forces  gone  out  of  this  Kingdom,  the 


^"ENGLAND.  259 

fcwo  Houfes  of  Parliament  declare,  That  then  they  An-  ~VSar<  I, 
will  be  ready,  according  to  their  former  Declara- 
tions for  preferving  the  peculiar  Rights  of  the 
Kingdom  of  England,  to  join  with  the  Kingdom 
of  Scotland  in  employing  tlieir  beft  Endeavours  to 
procure  his  Majefty's  AiTent  to  the  Proportions 
agreed  on  by  both  Kingdoms,  and  prefemed  to  the 
King  at  Newcajile  ;  and  to  the  Difpofing  of  the  Bi- 
fhops  Lands,  according  to  the  Ordinances  already 
pafled  both  Houles  in  that  Behalf:  And,  in  cafe 
the  King  fhall  not  give  his  AfTent  thereunto,  the 
two  Houfes  are  refulved  (till  to  maintain  the  hap- 
py Union  already  fettled  between  the  two  King- 
doms, according  to  Treaties  and  the  Covenant. 

Thus  ended  the  Kalender  Year  1646.— The 
King  ftill  with  the  Scots  Army  at  Newcajlle,  but 
foon  to  be  delivered  up  to  the  Parliament;  the 
Prince  of  Wales  gone  to  his  Mother  in  France  ;  the 
Duke  of  York,  on  whorri  the  Houfes  had  thought 
fit  to  fettle  a  Penfion  of  7500  /.  a  Year  for  his  Sup- 
port, a  Sort  of  Prifoner,  with  his  Brother  Henry 
Duke  of  Glance  ft  er  and  the  Princefs  Elizabeth,  at  St. 
James's  Houfe,  under  the  Care  of  the  Earl  of 
Northumberland,  deputed  Guardian  to  them  all  by 
the  Parliament;  who  were  now  fo  fully  poflefled 
of  all  they  could  wiQi  for,  to  make  their  own 
Terms  with  the  King,  that  many  of  them  thought 
the  Bufmefs  now  done,  for  fettling  the  Peace  and 
Liberty  of  the  Subject  on  the  moft  folid  Bafis. 
How  much  they  were  miftaken  will  (hortly  appear, 
in  the  new  Scene  which  opens  now  to  our  V Jew* 
and  will  he  the  Subject  of  our  next  Years  Enqui- 
ries.  But  to  return, 

January  I.  The  Lords  took  into  Confideration 
the  Vote  of  Dec.  31,  concerning  the  King's 
coming  to  Hcldenby,  and  agreed  that  the  faid  Vote 
Jftiould  have  a  ihort  Preamble  to  it,  then,  firft  to 
fend  it  to  the  Scots  Commiflioners,  and  afterwards 
to  the  King.  The  additional  Preamble  was  thb : 
R  2  'We 

260  tte  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

a.  2|  Car.  I.       <  We  your  Majefty's  loyal    Subjeds,  the  Lords 

t   '  ^6'    ,     '  and    Commons  aflembled   in   the    Parliament  of 

January.        '  England,  having  agreed  upon  this  following  Vote, 

*  do  humbly  prefent  it  to  your  Majefty.' 

Sir  Peter  Klllegrew  was  ordered  by  both  Houfes 
to  carry  this  Vote  to  the  King. 

Jan.  2.  The  Parliament  having  appointed  one 
Lord  and  two  Commoners,  as  Commiffioners  to  go 
along  with  the  Money  to  fee  it  paid  to  the  Scots^ 
and  take  Notice  that  they  performed  every  Article 
agreed  on  for  evacuating  this  Kingdom :  In- 
ftrudions  for  thefe  Commifiioners  were,  this  Day, 
read  by  the  Lords,  and  palled  as  they  came  up  from 
the  Commons,  without  any  Amendment.  A  Co- 
py of  them,  as  entered  in  both  Journals^  we  give 
as  follows  ;  obferving  that  ftill  there  is  not  one 
Word  in  them  relating  to  the  King's  Perfon. 


c  \^7Hereas    there    are  certain  Articles    of    A- 

JnfmiCtions  for      t     VV  ,  ,  ^ 

theCommiffion-  greement     agreed     upon     between     Com- 

ers appointed  to  c  mittes  of  Lords  and  Commons  of  the  Parlia- 
attend  the  Pay-  «  ment  of  England,  and  Commiffioners  of  the  Par- 
Hamentof  Scotland,  authorized  thereunto  by  the 
'  Parliament  of  each  Kingdom  refpe&ively,  con- 
'  cerning  the  Payment  of  400,000 /.  to  the  King- 
'  dom  of  Scotland  for  the  Pay  of  their  Army,  and 
'  for  the  marching  of  their  faid  Army  and  Forces 
'  out  of  this  Kingdom  ;  as  is  more  at  large  ex- 
4  p  re  fled  in  the  laid  Articles,  a  Copy  whereof, 

*  bearing  Date  the   23d  of  this  laft  December,  you 
'  have  herewith  delivered    unto  You  : 

*  For  the  better  Performance  of  all  the  faid  Ar- 

*  tides,  we  have  appointed  you  the  faid  Henry  Earl 
'  of  Stamford^    Robert  Goodwyn,  and  William  djk- 

*  urji,  orany  two  of  you,  to  be  a  Committee  upon 

*  the  Place,  to  take  Care  that  the  faid  Articles  may 

*  be  duly  and   punctually  performed  according  to 
1  the  faid  Agreement. 


^/ENGLAND.  261 

1  In  the  whole  Tranfa&ion  of  which  Affair  you,  An.  22  Car.  I, 
'  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  take  efpecial  Care  that  t      lfi4_6' 

*  all  Matters  may  be  fo  accommodated   with  our       January. 

*  Brethren    upon    their  departing,  as  may  prevent 
'  all  Unkindnefs  that  might  happen  by  any  Mif- 

*  confirmations  or   Mifapprehenfions. 

'  In    the  Profecution  of  which  Service, 

I.  *  You,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  make  your 
'  Repair  to  the  City  of  Tork ;  wherein  you  (hail  fo 

*  order  your   Journey,  as  to  be  there  by  the  1510. 

*  Day  of  this  Inftant   January,  at   the  fartheft. 

II.  «  Whereas   you  are  to  receive,  for  Hoftages 

*  from  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  the   Perfons  as  ex- 
f  prefled  in  the  8th  and  i5th  Articles,  you,  or  any 
'  two  of  you,  are  fafely  to  keep  the  faid  Perfons,  for 
4  the  Alturances  in  the  faid   Articles  mentioned ; 
«  and  for  that  Purpofeyou,  or  any  two  of  you,  are 

*  to  require   of  Major-General  Skippon  a  fufficient 
'  Guard,  which  he   is  to  furnifh  you  with  for  that 

*  Service  j  to  which    Guard,    you,  or  any  two  of 
'  you,   are  to  give  Order  that  the  faid  Hoftages  be 
«  treated  with  Civility    and  Refped ;  and  then  a- 
'  gain  you,  or  any  two  of  you,  fhall  re-deliver  ac- 

<  cording   to  the  Direction   of   the   faid  Articles: 
'  And  you,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  alfo  to  take  Care 

<  that  'the   Hoftages,  to  be  given  by  the  i5th  Ar- 

*  cle,  be  either  the  fame  or  of  like  Quality,  at  the 
«  leaft,  with  thofe  mentioned    in  the  8th  Article, 

*  who  are  to  be  guarded,  treated,  and  re-delivered 

*  as   is  directed  for  the  former. 

III.  '  When  the  Convoy  that  guards  the  Mo- 

*  ney  is  come  to  NortbaUerton^  and  the  Scsts  Con- 
1  voy  come  thither  to  receive  it,  you,  or  any  two 
«  of  you,  (hall  take  Care  that  they  may  not  fo  meet 

*  and   mingle  together  as  that    any    Quarrel   for 
6  Quarters,  or  any  other  Unkindnefs,  grow    bc- 
'  tween  them. 

IV.  4  Whereas  the  Kingdom  of  EHg'wJis  to  give 
'  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  the  Hoftages  nonii. 
4  nated  in  the    1 3th  Article,  and  the  faid  Hoftages 

*  are  appointed   to  be  at  York  the  151!!  of  January 
4  Inftant,    except  Sir  William  Selhy  and  Mr.  Dc- 

R  3  *  laval. 

262       -x      tfbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  zz  Car.  I.  c  lava[9  who  are  to  be  at  Durham  the  24th  of  Ja- 

^ _'  *  '    ^    '  nuary,  there  to  receive  your,  or  any  two  of  your, 

January.        '  Directions  fbr  the faid   Service;  you,    or  any  two 

e  of  you,  are  therefore,  according  to  the  Directions 

f  of  the  faid  Articles,  to  give   the  faid  Perfons  that 

4  are  nominated  in  Hoftage  ;  and,    upon  their  Re- 

.  f  delivery,  you,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  difmifs 

*  them  to  return  at  their  Pleafure. 

V.  '  You,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  take  Care 
'      f  that,  after  the  Payment  of  the  firft  lOOjOOo/.  the 

*  Scots  Army   may  not  require  or  take  any  Money 
'  or  Goods  from  the  Country  whatfoever  j  but  that 
'  they  pay  for  all  fuch  Provifions  as  they  {hall  re- 
'  ceive  from  the  Country,  according  to  the  Refo- 
e  lution  of  both  Houfes,  of  the  i8th  of  December  ; 
f  a  Copy  whereof,  as  alfo  of  the  Scots  Paper  con- 

*  cerning  the  fame,  is  herewith  delivered  unto  you. 

*  And  you»  or  any  two  of  you,  are  alfo  to  ufe   all 
'  good  Means  in  your  Power  to  prevent  the  Spoil 
6  and   Plunder  of   the    Country  in  the  Marching 

*  away  of  the  Soldiers  ;  and  if  any  Money  {hall  be 

*  required  or  taken  contrary  to  the  abovefaid  Re- 

*  folution,  or  any  Plunder  made,   that  (hall  come 

*  to  your  Knowledge,  you,  or  any  two  of  you,  are 
e  to  reprefent  the  fame  to  the  General  of  the  Scots 
'  Army,  or  to  the  Committees  or  Commiffioners 

*  of  Scotland  upon  the  Place ;  and,  by  all  the  Ways 
'  yon  can,  to  endeavour  a  Redrefs  of  the  fame. 

VI.  '  You,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  diligently  to 

*  confider  the  faid   Articles  of    Agreement 3    and 
'  take  Care    that   all  Things,  therein  agreed,  may 
<  be   cleared  and    punctually  performed  according 
'  to  the    faid    Agreement. 

VII.  e  You,  or  any  two  of  you,  are,  from  Time 

*  to  Time,  to  give  Notice   to  both  Houfes  of  your 

*  Proceedings  herein ;  and   to  obferve  fuch  farther 
'  Directions   as  fhall  be  given  you,  or  any  two  of 
c  you,  by   them,  for  the  Tianfaction   and  Execu- 
6  tion  of   all   Things  to   be  done  by  Virtue  of  the, 

*  faid  Articles,  according  to  which  you  are,  in  all 
f  Things,  to  govern  yourfelves  in  this  Affair. 

4  VIII. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  263 

VIII.  «  When  all   Things   in  the  faid  Articles  An.  *z   Car.  r. 
1  agreed  upon   are  performed  and  finifhed,  except   , \     6'_  j 

'  only  the    Payment  of    the  latter  200,000 /.  you      January. 
1  are  then  to  return  and  give  an  Account  of  this 
'  Service  to  both    Houfes. 

IX.  '  Whereas    the  Houfes  are   informed   that 
'  the  Sum  of  3000  /.  or  thereabouts,  is  borrowed  of 
1  the  Town  of   Newcqflle^    by   the  General  and 

*  Officers  of  the  Scots  Army  and  Forces,  or  fome  of 
'  them,  upon  the  Credit  of  the  Monies  to  be  now 
'  paid  by  the  Kingdom  of  England  to  our  Brethren 

*  of  Scotland  y  you,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  ufe 
'your  beft  Endeavours  that  the  faid   3000 /.    or 
'  other  Sumfo  borrowed,  may  be  repaid  out  of  the 

*  Monies  to  be  now  paid  to  our  Brethren.' 

A  Letter  from  the  Scots  General,  the  Earl  of  Le- 
ven,  was  this  Day  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords, 
addrefled  to  the  Commifiioners  for  Scotland  red- 
ding in  London. 

May  it  pleafe  pur  Lord/hips, 

'  I  Received  your  Letter  by  Exprefs  (but  now  byA  Letter  frcm 
c  A    the  laft  Poftj   wherein  your  Lordfhips    feri-  General  Leven, 
'  oufly  recommend    to  me  fuch  Things  as  do  very relatmg  tothc 
•highly    concern  the    Peace   and    Safety  of    theKms'sP 
'Kingdoms;    which  I   fhall  ever  regard   with   fo 
'  much  Fidelity  and  Zeal,  as  nothing  in  my  Power 
'  fhall  be  wanting,  with  all   Care  and  exact  Dili- 
'  gence,  to    prevent    all     Difturbances     and    far- 
'  ther  Evils  that  might  enfue   if  there  were  any 
'  Mifcarriage  at  this  Time. 

4  The  Bearer  has  alfo  brought  me  a  Letter  from 
'  the  Parliament,  defiring  me  to  take  fpecial  Care 
'  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  that  he  remain  in  and 
'  go  not  from  our  Army  during  our  Abode  here  ;  and 
'  that  my  former  Orders  and  Proclamations  be  put 
'  in  Execution  for  debarring,  from  Accefs  to  his 
'  Majefty'a  Perfon  and  coming  to  Ntwcq/He,  all 
'  fuch  Englijh  and  Scots  Malignants  as  ferved 
'  againft  the  Parliament,  and  no  Permifljon  to  be 
R  4  «  here, 


'The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  Q  R  Y 

here,  which  I  will  likewife  faithfully  perform  J 
And  what  farther  may  be  propounded  to  me  for 
the  Good  of  this  Caufe,  the  Advancement  of  the 
Service,  and  Difcouragement  of  difaffeded  Per- 
fons,  flattering  themfcives  in  the  Hopes  of  our 
Divifion,  {hall  be  followed  and  obferved  with 
that  fame  Conftancy  of  AffecYion  wherewith  I 
have  always  endeavoured  to  approve  myfelf  faith- 
ful to  the  Public,  and  to 

enftle  Dee .  28, 

Tour   Lord/kips 

A  mcjl  humblf  Servant^ 

L  E  V  E  N. 

Efom  7h 
5<fots  Army. 

The  Senfe  of  the  Lords  upon  this  Letter  was, 
That  the  General  gave  good  Teftimonies  of  his 
Faithfulnefs  and  Care  to  anfwer  the  Defires  of 
the  Parliament  ;  and  they  ordered  a  Committee  to 
draw  up  an  Anfwer  to  the  fame. 

Some  Days  now  pafied  without  any  remarkable 
Occurrence,  except  we  mention  a  Letter  or  two 
which  came  from  Major-General  Skippon  and 
others,  appointed  to  convey  and  pay  the  Money 
to  the  Scots  at  York,  and  their  Proceedings  fo  far  j 
which  are  not  material  enough  to  tranfcribe  :  But 

This  Day,  Jan.  6,  it  was  that  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  fent  up  to  the  Lords  fome  Votes  and 
p-  Refolution$  of  their  Houfe,  of  great  Signiftcancy. 
C  ^ne  Queftion  was  firft  propofed  in  that  Houfe, 
Whether  the  King  fhould  be  delivered  over  to 
Major-peneral  Skippon  at  Newcajlle?  on  which 
the  Houfe  divided,  when  it  appear'd  there  were 
69  for,  and  130  againft  it:  The  Tellers  on  this 
remarkable  Qccafioii  were,  againft  the  Queftion, 
Mr.  Holies  and  Sir  Philip  Stapylton  ;  for  it,  Sir 
Arthur  Hefilrig  and  Mr.  Alderman  Hoylc  of  York. 
After  which  the  following  Refolution  was  made: 
Refofocd^  &c.  '  That  a  Committee  be  appoint- 
ed, by  both  Houfes,  to  go  to  Newcafk  to  receive 


of   ENGLAND. 

thePerfon  of  the  King  from  the  Scot*  Army;  and  An. 

that  it   fhall  conuft  of  Members  of  both  Houfes, 

This  being  agreed  to  by  the  Lords,  they  next  read        January 

a  Copy  of  inftru&ions,  fent  up  at  the  fame  Time, 

with   the   Names  of  the  CQinmiffioners   appointed 

for  that  Purpofe. 

INSTRUCTIONS  for  the  Right  Honourable  Philip 
Earl  of  Pembroke  and  Montgomery,  Bafi!, 
Earl  of  Denbigh,  Eward  Lord  Mountague, 
Sir  John  Coke,  Sir  Walter  Erie,  Sir  John 
Holland,  Sir  James  Harrington,  John  Crew,  Efq. 
and  Major-General  Brown,  who  are  appointed 
to  go  to  Newcaftle,  to  receive  the  Per  Jon  of  tht 
King  from  the  Scots  Army. 

I.  c  \7OU    are  to  make  your  Repair   to  New- 

c     Y     ea/llf,  and  be  there  by  the  twenty-third  on 
'  of  this    Inftant  January,    or  fooner  if  it  may  be, 
'  there  to  receive  the  Pcrfon  of  the  King  from  the 
'  Scots  Army. 

II.  *  You  are,  upon  your  Arrival  there,  to  fig- 

*  nify  to  his  Majefty  that  you  are  come  thither  to 

*  receive  his  Perfon  ;  and  you  are  alfo  to  fignify  the 

*  fame  to  the  Committees  or  Commiflioners  of  the 
'  Parliament  of  Scotland  that  {hall  be  at  Newca/}le> 
'  and  to  the  General  of  the  Scots  Army. 

III.  '  When  you  have  received  him  as  aforefaid, 
'  you  are  to  fignify  the  fame  to  both  Houfes  of  Par- 

*  iiament. 

IV.  «  You  are  to  take  Care  that  the  King's  Per- 

*  fon  be,  with  convenient  Speed,  conducted  in  Safety 

*  to  Haldenby-Houfe^  according  to  the  Vote  of  both 
'  Houfes  of  Parliament  the  firft  of  this  Inftant  7a- 
«  nuaryy  and  for  that  Purpofe  you  are  to  give  Di- 
'  regions  to  Major-General   Skippon  to  furnifh  you 

*  with  fuch   Horfe  and  Dragoons,    of  thofe  under 
'  his  Command,  for  the  fame  Convoy,  as  you  {hall 

*  think   fit,   who  is    hereby    required    to  appoint 

*  the  fame  Convoy    accordingly;     which   Convoy 

*  ar°,  fr,om  Time  to  Time,    to  obey  your  Orders 

<  for 


'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.  I. «  ror  tnat  Service ;   and  if  you  find  it  neceflary  to 


— v— 



*  have  a  greater  Convoy  than  can  be  fpared  from 

*  thofe  Parts,  then    you  are  to   fend  to  Sir  Thomas 

*  Fairfax  for  fuch  Addition  of  Force  as  fhall  be 
'  neceflary. 

V.  *  After   you  have  received  the  Perfon  of  the 

*  King,  you  are  to  take  Care  that  no  Perfon  that 
'  has  been   in  Arms,    or  affifted  in  this  unnatural 
*'  War  againft  the  Parliament,   nor  any  other  but 

*  fuch  as  you  fhall  think  fit    and  allow  of,  may 

*  come,  or  deliver,  or  fend  unto  him,  any  Letters 
'  or  Meflages. 

VI.  '  When  you  are  come  to  Holdenby,  you  are 
c  to  give  Notice  thereof  to  both  Houfes,  and  receive 

*  their  further  Order ;  untill  which    Time    fuch 
c  Horfe  and  Dragoons  as  you  fhall  think  fit,  are  to 
4  remain  with  you  and  obferve  your  Orders. 

«  VII. c  You  fhall  return  to  both  Houfes  of  Par- 
'  liament  the  Names  of  fuch  Attendants  as  you 
'  {hall  appoint  to  come  along  with  the  King,  and 

*  alfo  of   fuch   as  you  fhall  permit  to  fpeak  with 
«  him,  or  to  deliver,  or  to  fend  any  Letters  or  Mef- 

*  fages  unto  him.' 

The  Lords  having  agreed  to  thefe  Inftru&ions, 
without  any  Alteration,  they  next  proceeded  to 
read  the  Copies  of  two  Letters,  to  be  fent  to  New* 
(aik  the  firft  of  which  was 

A  Letter  from    c 
both  Houfes  to 
the  Scots  Com- 
mulioners  at 

A  LETTER  from  the  Houfes   to   the  COMMISSION- 
ERS or  COMMITTEES  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 
My  Lords,         ir'JMnfa,  Jan.  6,    1646. 

WE  are  commanded,  by  the  two  Houfes  of 
the   Parliament    of  England,      to  aflure 
your  Lordfhips,  in  their  Names,  of  their  conftant 
good  AfTe&ion  and  firm  Refolution  to  maintain 
the  happy  Union  and  Agreement  between  the  two 
Kingdoms  in  purfuance  of  the  Covenant,  and  to 
perform  all  the  Offices  of  Love  and  Amity  which 
i  *  can 

cf   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  267 

can  be  expe&ed  from  a  Nation  fo  nearly  join'd  An.  22  Car.  I* 
to  their  Brethren  of  Scctland.  They  have  fent  ..  *  *  '  T« 
unto  your  Lordfhips  here  iaclofcd  their  Vote,  de-  January. 
daring  their  Intention  concerning  the  difpofing 
of  the  King's  Perfon,  and  employing  their  beft 
Endeavours  to  procure  his  Majefty's  Aflent  to 
the  Propofitions.  They  propofe  very  fpeedily  to 
depute  fome  Perfons  to  receive  his  Majefty  and 
attend  him  to  Holdenly,  the  Place  appointed  for 
his  Refidence.  In  the  mean  Time,  till  the  Ar- 
rival of  thefe  Peifons,  they  doubt  not  of  your 
Lordmips  and  the  Earl  of  Levens  Care  to  pre- 
vent all  Inconveniences  which  would  follow  up- 
on the  King's  Removing  himfelf  into  other  Parts ; 
which  Care  they  defire  earneftly  may  be  conti- 
nued for  the  fhort  Time  to  come,  as  they  give 
you  many  Thanks  for  that  of  the  Time  parr,  as 
exprefs'd  in  a  Letter  of  the  Earl  of  Leven's  to 
your  Commiflioners  here,  and  by  them  fignified 
to  the  Houfes.  This  being  all  we  have  in 
Charge,  we  take  our  Leave  and  reft, 

Tcur  Lord/hips 

Moft  ojfeflionate  Friends    to  ferve  you9 


Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers 
pro  Tcmpore. 


Speaker  of  the  Commons  Houfe 

in  Parliament. 

The  other  was  addrefled  to  the  Earl  of  Leven. 

My  Lord,  Wcjlminjler,  Jan.  6,    1646. 

HP  HE  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  have  com- 
*  manded  us  to  fend  this  their  Vote  unto 
your  Lordfhip,  by  which  you  will  fee  their  In- 
tentions  concerning  the  difpofing  of  the  Perfon 
of  the  King.  They  have  refolved  very  fpeedily 
to  fend  down  a  Committee  to  receive  him)  and, 

'  in 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  2*  Car.  I.  f  in  the  mean  Time,  they  defire  you  will  be  plea- 
26*6.  fed  t0  continue  the  fame  Care  you  have  formerly 

had,  that  his  Majefly  withdraw  not  himfelf  from 


you,  to  the  great  Hurt  and  Prejudice  both  of 
himfelf  and  the  Kingdom.  Your  Lordfhip  hath 
already  in  that  Particular,  as  in  many  others,  gi- 
ven a  large  Teftimony  of  your  Zeal  to  the  Pub- 
lic ;  and  we,  in  the  Names  of  the  Houfes,  are 
to  prefent  you  with  a  moft  thankful  Acknow- 
ledgment; which  being  done,  we  have  no  more 
to  fay  but  that  we  are 

Your  Lordjhip's 

Mofl  affectionate  Friends  toferve  you. 
[Signed  as  before.] 

Nothing  material  happening  (except  fome  Let- 
ters from  Major-General  Skippon^  and  other  of 
the  Parliament's  Officers,  that  they  had  Tafely  con- 
veyed the  200,000  /.  to  York,  but  had  not  yet  be- 
gun to  pay  it  to  the  Scots ;  and  a  very  long  Ac- 
count, for  fome  Months,  of  Affairs  in  Ireland^ 
•which  is  printed  at  large  in  Rujhworth's  Collec- 
tions (i),  and  rather  foreign  to  the  Plan  of  thefe 
Inquiries)  we  pafs  on  to 

Jan.  g.  When  fome  fmall  Addition  was  made 
to  the  Inflru&ions  for  thofe  who  were  to  go  to 
receive  the  JCing:  viz.  That,  in  the  fecond  Article, 
the  Words  may  be  thus  exprefs'd,  You  are  alfoy 
after  your  Arrival ^  as  foon  as  you  Jhall^  think  con* 
venient^  to  fignify  unto  his  Majejly,  &c.  It  was 
likewife  ordered,  That  the  Houfe  at  Holdenby 
might  be  repaired,  andProvifion  made  for  the  King 
in  his  Journey,  and  when  he  is  come  to  Holdenby ; 
and  that  a  Coach  be  fent  to  meet  his  Majefty. — 
The  Sum  of  2500  /.  was  allowed  by  the  Com- 
mons to  pay  all  the  necefTary  Expences,  &c.  of 
this  Journey :  And  all  the  Perfons  appointed  to 
attend  the  Perfon  of  the  King  inftcad  of  his  own 
Servants,  were  named  by  Parliament. 

(t)  Vol.  VI.  from  p.  39910  444. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  269 

Jan.    11.  The  Commons  fent  up  a  Letter  from  An.  azCar.  I. 

Major-General    Xkippon,  with  an  Examination  in-  v l6+6'     t 

clofed,  directed  to  their  Speaker,  about  an  Attempt        january. 
the  King  endeavoured  to  make  for  an  Efcape  from 
Newca/L'tj  and  get  on  bord  a  Spip  in  order  to  be 
conveyed  into    France  \  the    whole   of  which  de- 
ferves  our  Notice. 

For  the  Hon.  WILLIAM  LENTHALL  Efq ;  Speaker 
of  the  Honourable  Houfe  of  Commons,  thefe 
humbly  prefent.  i 

Truly  Honoured  Sir, 

(Hold  it  my  obliged  Duty,   in  Faithfulnefs  to 
the  great  Truft  repofed  in  me  by  the  Honour-  from^Majot^Ge- 
able  Houfes,  in  this  prefent  Northern  Employ-  neral  Skippon, 
ment,  as  in  all  other  Services  that  I  (hall  have  to  concerning  the 
do  withal  in  relation  to  the  Public,  to  acquaint  to 'makehit  "* 
you  with  whatfoever  Occurrences  of  Concernment  Efcape. 
that  I  do  or  (hall  meet  withall  j  and  have  therefore 
thought  fit  to  fend  you  this  inclofed  Examination, 
leaving  the  fame  to  your  judicious  Confuleration ; 
humbly   defiring,   as  (hall  be  conceived  conve- 
nient, to  receive  from  you,  from  Time  to  Time, 
fuch  Commands  as  may  make  me   to  underftand 
your  Pleafure;  and  I   allure    you,   Sir,    (by  the 
Help  of  God)  I  (hall,  with  all  Care  and  Fidelity, 
put  them  in  Execution. 

'  The  Examinant  himfelf  will,  I  hope,  be  with 
you  foon  after  this ;  for  To-morrow  I  purpofe  to 
fend  him,  accompanied  with  one  that  ftiall  have 
an  Eye  upon  him ;  altho'  it  is  thought  he  hath 
dealt  fo  ingenuoufly  already,  that  there  need  not  be 
any  Doubt  of  his  voluntarily  appearing  before  you. 
It  is  not  unlikely  but  that,  if  he  be  farther  exa- 
mined before  a  Committee,  and  friendly  ufed,  feme 
more  Matters  of  Confequence  may  be  difcovered 
by  him.  He  hath  promifed  me  he  will  be  very  clear 
and  full,  to  his  uttermoft  Knowledge,  in  whstfo- 
ever  {hall  be  afked  of  him.  May  it  pleafe  you, 
if  he  do  as  he  hath  faid,  not  to  let  him  want  En- 
couragement and  Reward  i  for  I  allured  him  he, 

«  or 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

or  any  Man,  might  expecl:  the  fame  from  the 
Parliament,   that,   in  good    earneft,    manifefted 
January.        *  himfelf  faithful  to  them.  I  fhall,  by  him,  write 
'  two  or  three  Lines  to  advertife  you  he  is  the  Man* 
'  This  is  all  I  have,   at   prefent,  to  trouble  you 
1  with  now,  only  that  the  Money-telling   on  both 

*  Parties  goes  on  apace  here,   fo  that  I  hope  it  will 

*  be  difpatched  within  the  Time  limited  ;  and  we 

*  fhall,    God  willing,  be  gone  from  hence  there- 

*  with  Northward  To-morrow    Se'nnight  at  the 
<  fartheftj  and  that  I  am, 

r"t*6  ?"' 8'  ^Uch  Honoured  S'r-> 

Friday,  11  at  Night.  Your  true-hearted  Servant^ 

PH.  S  K  I  P  P  O  N. 

*fbe  EXAMINATION  of  Mr.  TOBIAS  PECKER  (<?), 
one  of  the  Grooms  of  the  Privy-Chamber  to  the 
King,  taken  at  York,  January  7,  1646. 

Mr.  Peaker's  e  *T*HIS  Examinant  faith,  That  Mr.  William 
Examination  e  A  Murray,  Groom  of  the  Bed-Chamber  to 
charging  the  Earl  c  tne  King,  about  a  Fortnight  fince  fent  this  Exa- 
tcith  being  privy  '  minant  to  the  Captain  of  a  Dutch  Ship  lying  in 
thereto.  <  Newcaflle,  at  the  Sign  of  the  Peacock,  to  defire 

\  '  him  to  come  to  Mr.  Murray's  Lodgings  in  New- 

*  cajlle,  which  he  did ;    and   the    Dutch   Captain 

*  wentaccordingly  to  Mr.  Murray,  and  ftaid  with 
'  him  a  little  while  in  private.     When  this  Exa- 
'  minant  next  fa-w  Mr.  Murray,  he  was  defired  by 
*•  him  to  go  again  to  the  Dutch  Captain,  and  carry 

*  him    ioo/.  and  accordingly  Mr.   Levett,  one  of 
c  the  Pages  of  the  Back-Stairs   to  the  King,  was 

*  appointed  todcliverthe  faid  ioo/.  tothisExami- 

*  nant ;  who,  not  finding  him,  left  the  Money  at  Mr. 
4  Murray's  Lodgings  under  his  Bed's  Head,  where 

*  the  faid  Mr.   Levett  appointed  this   Examinant 

*  afterwards  to  fetch  it,  which  he  did;  and  carried 
'  it  to  the  Captain  according  to  Appointment. 

«  And 

(4)  He  had  formerly  been  Servant  t<j  the  Lord-Keeper  Littlttsr., 
See   Vol,  Xl.p-iij, 

of    ENGLAND.  371 

e  And,  to  this  Examinant's  beft  Rememberance,  An-  2V^ar 
4  the  fame  Night,  being  the  24th  of  December •,  he     *       ^' 
4  was  fent  by  Mr.  Murray  to  the  Ship  then  lying       January. 

*  at  Shields^  to  enquire  of  the  Captain    how    the 

*  Wind  ferved  for  his  going  out,  and  whether  he 

*  could  not  go  out  in  the  Nisht,  notwithftanding 

*  any  Oppofition  from  Tinmouth  Caftle.    The  Cap- 
4  tain  anfwered,   He  had  rather  go  out  in  a  Day- 
4  Tide,  but  yet  he  could  be  ready  at  any  Time  if 

*  the  Wind  ferved ;  and  that   he  would  go,  not- 
4  withftanding  any  Oppofition.     This  Examinant 

*  lodged  that  Night  aboard  the  Ship*  and  the  next 
4  Morning  went  to  Mr.  Murray,  and   gave  him  an 
4  Account  of  the  Dutchman's  Anfwer.     The  Day 
'  after  being  the  26th  of  December,  this  Examinant 

*  was  told  by   Mr.  Levetty  that  the  King  was  late 

*  up  the  Night  before,  and  he  expected  that  they 
4  fhould  go  away;  but  the  Wind  ferved  not.    And 

*  this  Examinant  had  Conference  with  Mr.  Mur- 
4  ray,  the  fame  Day,  to  this  Purpofe,  viz.  This  Ex- 
4  aminant  afked  Mr.  Murray  about  the  King's  go- 

*  ing  away,  Whether  he  intended  it  or  not,  and 
4  whither  he  meant   to  go  ?  Withall  telling  him$ 
4  That  he  conceived  it  very  much  to  the  King's 

*  Difadvantage  to   leave  the  Kingdom,    and  put 
4  himfelf  upon  a   Foreign  Power.     Mr.  Murray 
4  anfwered,  That  the  King  intended  for  Dunkirk  in 
4  France ;  and  withall,  that  they  had  a  a;ood  Game 
4  to  play,   in  regard  there  was  certain  Intelligence 
4  that  the  Peace    is  concluded  with  Ireland;    and 
4  that  their  General,  Monro^  who  commands  the 
4  Scots  Army  there,  had  fo  far  confidered  the  Bu- 
4  itnefs  that  he  would  be  for  the  King.     Where- 
4  upon  this   Examinant   faid,  That  he  conceived 
4  the  King's    taking  Part    with  the  Irijb,  againft 
4  whom  he  had  fo  much  declared,  would  lofe  much 
4  of  his  Intereft  with  his  Proteftant  Subjects.    To 
4  which  Mr.  Murray  replied  little,  but  faid,  With- 
4  in  two  or  three  Days,  we  (hall  know  more  of  that 
«  Bufmefs. 

4  Two  Days,  or  thereabouts,   after  that,  Mr. 
«  William  Murray  fent  for  this  Examinant  to  the 

4  Angel 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Angel  in  Newcajlle,    where   Sir    Robert   Murray 
coming  in,  fpoke  to  Mr.  William  Murray :  After 
January.       '  they  had  fpoken  together,   Mr.  William    Murray 
'  told  this  Examinant,  That,  by  reafon  the  Mayor 
'  of  Newcajlle   had   examined   the  Captain  of  the 
6  Dutch   Ship,   they    muft    fteer  another  Courfe; 
'  and  therefore  deiired  this   Examinant  to  go  to 
'  Hartlepool,  and  fee  what  Ships  were  there,   and 

*  enquire  the  Names  of  the   Mailers,  which  this 
'  Examinant  promifed   he   would   do ;  but  after- 

*  wards,  confidering  faither  that  it  was   not  con- 

*  venient  for  him  to  go  to  Hartlepool  without  a  Pafs 

*  or  Letter   from    Mr.   Murray,  4;his  Examinant 
c  went  again  to  him  and  defired  a  Letter,  which 
'  Mr.  Murray   wrote  accordingly   to  Lieutenant- 
'  Colonel  Douglafs,  Governor  of  Hartlepool,  which 
'  this  Examinant  received  from  him ;  and,  having 
c  a  Horfe  lent  him  by  Sir  Robert  Murray,    was  to 

*  go  the  next  Morning. 

'  On  Thurfday  the  laft  of  December,  this  Exa- 
e  minant  took  Horfe,  and  went  over  to  Gatefide*, 
'  and  being  got  half  a  Mile  towards  Hartlepool,  be- 
'  gan  more  ferioufly  to  think  of  the  Confequence  of 

*  that  Bufmefs  he  fufpe&ed  he  was  emyloyed  about ; 
'  and,  not  being  willing  to  be  acceflary  to  an  Action 

*  which  might   prove    fo  prejudicial  to  the  King- 
'  dom,  he   returned    into    Gatefide,  left   his  Horfe 

*  at  a  Smith's  Shop,  and  came  back  into  Newcajlle 
'  to  Mr.   Mayor's  Houfe  j    and  defiring  to  fpeak 

*  with  Mr.  Mayor,  told  him,  He  had  a  Bufmefs 

*  to   impart   to  him,    in  which  he  conceived   the 

*  Good  of  the  State  was  much  concerned.     Here- 
'  upon  Mr.  Mayor  caHed  him  up  into  a  Chamber, 
c  and  fent  for  Alderman  Banner,  to  whom  he  gave 

*  an   Account  of  what  had   paffed  betwixt   Mr. 
'  Murray  and  him  in  this  Bufmefs  ;  and  alfo  {hew- 

*  ed  them  the  Letter  he  had   received  from  Mr. 

*  Murray  to  the  Governor  of  Hartlepool,    which 

*  the  Mayor  took  a  Copy  of.'     The  Contents  of 
the  Letter  were  to  this  Purpofe : 


df    ENGLAND.  273 

Noble  Governor,  An-  22  Car. 

"f'His  Bearer  can  acquaint  you  with  a  Journey  I 

am  commanded  to   undertake.       Here    is  neither       January. 
)hips   nor  Wind  fitting ;    I  drfire  therefore    to    begin 
ty  Voyage  at   Kartlepool,   if  there  be  any  Accommo- 
dation where  you  are,  &c. 

*  This    Examinant    then    propounded   to    Mr. 
Mayor,  Whether  he  thought  fit  he  fhould  feal 
up  the   Letter   again,  and  proceed  according  to 
Mr.   Murray's  Direction  to  go  to  Hartlepool^  or 
whether   he  {hould    away  to  York.     Mr.   Mayor 
and   Alderman  Banner  advif.-d    that  the   Exami- 
nant (hould  go  on  to  Hart'spool,  and  give  an  Ac- 
count to  Mr.   Mayor  of  the  Succefs  of  his  Jour- 
ney at  his  Return;  which  accordingly  this  Exa- 
minant intended  to  do,  and  to  that  Purpofe  took 
his  Journey   the   fame  Day,  and  went  as  far  as 
;  Durham  on  his  Way  to    Hartlepool ';  but   there 
hearing  that  the  Governor  was  gone  to  a  Horfe 
Race  near  Nevjcajtle,   and  was  like  to  ftay  there 
two   or  three  Nights,    this    Examinant,   being 
•  certainly  informed  thereof,  returned  to  Ncwcajile^ 
'•  and  gave  the  Mayor  an  Account  of  his  Journey. 
And  this  Examinant  further  faith,  He  was  ready 
to  have  done  all  further  Service  for  the  Good  of 
the  Kingdom ;  but    while  he  was  gone  towards 
Hartlepool,  the  Mayor  fcnt  Alderman  Bonner  and 
Mr.  George  Dawfon  to   the  Earl  of  Leven,  to  ac- 
quaint him  with  this  Letter  of  Mr  .  urrays  and 
other  Probabilities  concerning  the  King's  Efcape ; 
defiring  him  to  make  as  private  Ufe  of  it  as  pof- 
fibly  he  could  :  But   the  Earl  of  Leven  acquaint- 
ing Mr.  Murrey  with  the  Letter,  th:s  Examinanf, 
the  next  Morning,  being  Saturday  the  fecond   ot 
January     coming     into    the    Prefence-Chumber 
where  Mr.  Murray  then  was,   Mr.  Murray  came 
to  him,  and  fvvore,  That  this  Examinant  had  be- 
trayed the   King  and  him,  for  the  General  told 
him  he  had  a  Letter  in  an  Ambufh  for  him :  And 
'  farther,  the  laid  Mr.  Murray  expoftuhted  with 
'  this  Examinant  concerning    his     not  goino1    to 
VOL.  XV.  S 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

e  Hartlepool,  and  charged  him  v/ith  Negligence  in 

<  the  Bufinefs,  and  inquired  where  his  Letter  was  ; 

January.  '- whereupon  this  Examinant  returned  it  to  Mr. 

'  Murray,  who  (k  fired  him  tocojre  tohim  about  an 

*  Hour  after,  which  he  accordingly  did,  10  know  his 
'  Pleafure :  And  then  Mr.  Murray  told  him,  it  was 
'  the  King's  Pleafure  /  that  this  Examinant  fhould 
'  go  to  the  Captain  of  the  Di<*:h  Ship  and  bid  him 
'  defire  of  tne  Train   to  victual  his   Ship;  which, 
'  as  this   Examinant  belie vt  ?,  was  but  a  Pretence 

*  for  his   Stay.     But  this  Examinant,  fearing  the 

*  Bufmefs  was  fo  much  discovered  as  that  his  far- 

*  ther  Employment  might    prove  not   only  unfer-  , 

*  viceaWe  to  the  Public,  but  dangerous  to  himfelf,  > 

*  durfl  not  proceed    any  farther   in   it,    but  came 

*  back  to  Mr.  Mayor,  and  defired  his  Advice,  and 
'  likewife  the  Afiiftance  of  his  Pafs  to  get  out  of  the 
'  Quarters  of  the  Scots  Army,    in  which  he  thought 

*  it  not  fafe  to  flay;  which  the  Examinant  accord- 
c  ingly  received  from   Mr.  Mayor,   and  went  to- 
'  wards    York,    where  he  was    appointed   to  meet 
'  Mr.  Alderman   Banner  and  Mr.    George  Dawfon, 

*  who  were  fent  by  Mr.  Mayor  to  Major-General 

*  Skippon,    and  to  proceed  farther  in  the  Examina- 
'  tion  of  this  Bufmefs  as  Occafion  fliould  be. 

*  And     this  Examinant    being    farther    afked, 

*  Whether,  by  Conference  with  Mr.  Murray  or  any 
4  other,  he  knew  any  Thing  concerning  any  En- 
'  ga<j;ement  or  Refolution  of  the  Scots  Army  now 
4  in  England^  or  any  Part  of  it,  in  Reference  to  the 
«  .King,  this  Examinant  faith,  That  Mr.  Murray 
'  told    him  that  feveral   Regiments   of  Foot  were- 

*  furc  for  his  Majefty,  viz.  The  Earl  of  Dumferm- 
1  line's,   the    Lord    St.     dair's,   the  Regiment  of- 

*  Durham,  the  Regiment  of  Stockton  in  the  Bifhop-. 
<  rick  of  Durham,    the  Regiment    of  Hartlepool,. 
'  and  the   Regiment  of  Timnouth  CafHe ;  and  that 

*  Mr.  .MwmTyalfo  faid   that  David  Leflcy,  Lieute- 
'  r.ant-General  of  the  Korfe,  had  given  good  Hopes. 


'  The 


E  N  G  L  A  N  D,  275 

The  Lords  having  read  the  foregoing  Letter  and  An-  «  Car*  *» 

Examinations,  ordered  them   to  be    communicated     v ^          , 

to  the  Scots  Commiflioners :  That  the  Gentleman-  January. 
Ufher  attending  their  Houfedo  attach  the  Body  of 
Mr.  William  Murray^  and  bring  him  before  the 
Lords  in  Parliament,  to  anfwer  fuch  Things  as 
{hall  be  charged  againft  -him  :  And  that  the  faid 
Commiftioners  be  defired  to  write  a  Letter  to  the 
Governor  of  Ne%vcn/ile^  That  Mr.  William  Mur- 
ray and  Sir  Robert  Murray  may  be  kept  in  fafe 
Cuftody  for  that  Purpofe. 

Next  the  Lords  proceeded,  at  the  Defire  of  the 
Commiflioners  that  were  to  go  to  Newcaftle^  to 
name  the  Servants  that  were  to  be  about  the  King, 
both  on  the  Journey  and  when  he  came  Holdenby. 

2 an.    12.  A  Letter  from  the  Sects  Commiflioners 
ondon^  directed  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 
Lords,  was  read ;  wherein  the  Teftimony  of  the 
aforefaid  Evidence,  concerning  the  King's  Efcape, 
is  obviated. 

For  the    Right  Honourable   the    SPEAKER   of  the 
Houfe  of?FERs  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord)       Worcefter-Houfe,  'Jan,  12,  1646-7. 

YEfternight  an  Examination,   with  other  Pa- 
pers, was  delivered  up  to  us  by   the  Com-  Sonera  Vi!3i« 
mittee  of  both    Houfes  that  are  of  the  Committee  "tion'againft1  '* 
of  both  Kingdoms.     We  do  intreat  your  Lord-  that  charge, 
fhips  to  communicate  our  Anfwer    prefently  to 
the  Houfe,   and  remain 

Tour  Lord/hips  humble  Servants, 

C.  ERSKINE,       R.  BARCLAY. 

Jan.  12,  1646-7. 

*  "1T7E  do   cbfcrve  and  take  fpecial   Notice  of 
'     VV    the    Favour    of   the  Honourable   Houfes 

*  of  Parliament,  in  communicating  to  us  the  Ex- 

82  '  animation 

.  2i  Car.   I. 




^be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

amination  of  Tobias  Peaker,  together  with  Ma- 
jor-General Skippon's  Letter  and  the  Orders  of 
the  Houfe  of  Peers ;  fuch  Correfpondence  and 
making  known  of  Informations  of  that  Kind  be- 
ing a  very  good  Way,  and  often  dcfired  by  us, 
for  preventing  of  Mifunderftanding  between  the 
Kingdoms:  And  as  to  that  particular  Bulmefs 
we  return  this  Anfwer,  That  if  the  Earl  of  Li- 
ven was  acquainted  therewith  on  the  laft  of  De- 
cember, as  is  informed  by  that  Examinant,  it  is 
moft  ftrange  to  us  that,  to  this  Day,  we  have 
not  the  Icaft  Hint  given  us  from  the  North  of  any 
fuch  Thing:  Only  we  are  informed,  by  two 
Letters,  that  Tobias  Peaker  had  ftolen  away  the' 
Money,  Cloaths,  and  fome  other  Things  be- 
longing to  Air.  William  Murray  ^  and  fo  efcapedj 
whereupon  it  is  dcfired,  in  thefe  Letters,  that  he 
may  be  apprehended,  in  cafe  he  comes  to  London.* 
And  altho'  no  fuch  Letters  had  come,  yet  there 
is  fuch  a  Contradiction,  to  pafs  over  the  Impro- 
bability of  fome  Circumftances  in  his  own  Infor- 
mation, as  may  make  the  Truth  of  the  Bufinefs 
greatly  fufpecled  ;  for,  in  one  Place,  he  faith, 
That  Mr.  Murray  fent  him  to  inquire  of  the 
Dutch  Captain,  whether  he  would  go  out  with 
his  Ship,  notwithftanding  any  Oppofition  from 
Tinmonth  Caftle  ;  yet,  in  another  Place,  he  faith 
Mr.  Murray  told  him  that  the  Regiment  of  Tin- 
mouth  Caftle  is  fure  for  his  Majefty. 
*  However,  for  further  manifesting  the  Truth, 
we  have,  without  any  Delay,  fent  the  Examina- 
tion, together  with  the  Votes  of  the  Houfe,  unto 
the  Committee  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  at 
NtrMcaJlle;  and  have  dcfired  their  Lordfiiips  to 
make  a  perfect  and  exadt  Inquiry  into  the  Truth 
or  Falfhood  of  the  Bufinefs,  and  to  i\  turn  hither 
a  true  Information  concerning  their  Proceedings 
therein,  which  we  do  not  doubt  will  be  fuch  as 
the  Houfes  will  be  fatisficd  with;  trailing,  in  the 
mean  Time,  that  the  Informations  of  a  Perion 
accufcd  of  Theft  cannot  be  of  ar.y  fuch  Value 
with  the  Honourable  Houfes,  as  to  blaft  the  Re- 

*  putation 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  277 

putation  ofthofe  particular  Perfons,  much  lefsof  An.  22  rar.  r 

the  Regiments  of  the  Scots  Army  mentioned    in    , ]_     '" '__t 

that  Examination.  January. 

*  And  as  we  (hall  never  offer  to  juftify  any  De- 
linquency or  Unfaithfulnefs  in  any  Perfon  or  Per- 
fons \\-hatfoever  in  that  Army,  fo  we  cannot  but 
expecl;  that  no  ether  but  a  charitable  and  good 
Opinion  of  them  (hall  lodge  with  both  the  Houfes 
of  Parliament,  untill  there  be  a  real  Ground  to 
think  otherwife  of  them/ 

By  Command  of  the  Commijfioners  for   the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland. 


Several  Letters  from  York  were  read  in  the 
Houfe  of  Lords,  at  this  Time,  from  the  Parlia- 
ment's Treafurers  and  the  Major-General,  con- 
cerning their  Manner  of  paying  the  Money  to  the 
Scots,  and  conveying  it  away  from  thence,  not  .  \ 
much  to  thePurpofe;  and  nothing  elfe  intervening 
worth  Notice,  we  pafs  on  to 

fan.    1 8.   The   Houfe  of    Commons    had    ap-  T,    ComTTKin, 
pointed   a  Committee  to  confider  of  fome  proper  grant  Gratuities 
Reparation  to  be  made  to  the  Members  that  were to  feveral  Mem- 
imprifoned    tertio   Cflroli;    and    the  Report   beina;  3"^'*^ 
made  thereof  this    Day,    it  was  agreed  to  by  thu  n'j  jtioTcar. " 
whole  Houfe. 

4  That  Mr.  'Holies  fhall  have  5000 /.  for  his 
Damages,  Lodes,  Imprifonmenrs,  and  Sufferings, 
fuftained  and  undergone  by  him,  for  his  Service 
done  to  the  Commonwealth  in  the  Parliament  of 
tertio  Car  oil  (a}.' 

The  like  Refolution  in    favour    of  Mr.    John 

Seldw,   Mr.  Walter  Long,  and   Mr.  Benjamin   Va- 

S  3  lentine; 

(a)  -In  this  Gentleman's  Memoir;  we  find  the  following  Remark  : 
'  I  myfelf,  for  my  Suffering  after  the  Parliament  trnio  Caro.'i,  which 
«  continued  many  Yesrs,  colt  me  fome  Thoufands  of  Pounds,  and 
'  prdjudiced  me  more,  had  5000 /.  civen  me  by  the  Houfe  for  <^\ 
'  Reparation.  I  refufed  it,  and  faid,  I  would  not  receive  a  Penny 
'  till  the  public  Debts  \vt'e  paid.  Let  ai.v  or  them  fay  fo  muvh, 
*  I  dcfirc  whoever  (hall  chance  to  read  this,  to  pardi  n  me  this  Folly, 
'  I  do  not  mean  for  not  taking  the  Money,  1  ut  feeminp  to  boaft  of 
•it.  Jmuft  again  repcr.t  the  Anoftle's  \Vorj,  1  <.-*.  l>t«nea  Fool 

'  if 

278  tte  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  OR  Y 

An.  azCir.  \.kntine;  alfo  to  the  Reprcfentitives  of  Sir  John 
46'  Ellht*  Sir  Peter  Hrym,-  .  '  '  :Uiam  Si 

'  Thar  <co  /.  be  bellowed  in  creftiri  j- 

ment  to  Sir  Miles  tlsbart,  •:-.  Member  of  the  Par- 
liament of  turtle  d:roli^  in  Memory  of  his  Suf- 
ferings' .  hi$  acmcc  t  n. 

'  That  Mr.  Samuel  F^jja^  e  1  0,4457. 

12  J.  2</.  paid  him  for  his  Lolles  .inJ  Damages, 
fuftained  in  denying  to  pay  Tonnage  and  Pound- 
age not  granted  by  Act  of  Parliament,  in  Pur- 
fuance  of,  snd  Obedience  to,  a  Declaration  and 
Vote  of  this  Houfe. 

'  That  5000  /.  be  affigned  to  the  Reprefenta- 
tives  of  Mr.  Hampden^  in  refpecl  of  the  Lofles, 
Damages,  and  Sufferings  fuftained  by  him  in  op- 
pofmg  the  illegal  Tax  of  S  hip-Money,  and  for 
his  Service  therein  to  the  Commonwealth. 

Jan.  20.  The  Speaker  acquainted  the  Houfe 
that  Sir  Peter  Kiltigrew  was  return'd  from  Ncwcajtle, 
and  had  brought  three  Letters,  which  were  open- 
ed and  read.  And  firft  a  Letter  from  the  King  : 

To  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  pro  Temporet 
to  be  communicated  to  the  Lords  and  Com- 
mons of  the  Parliament  of  England,  aflembled 
at  Wenunert  and  to  the  Commiflioners  of  the 

•  •  Kingdom  of  Scotland,   at  London. 

CHARLES*,     Ntwcaftlt,  Jan.   15,    1646. 

7  7  IS   Majejly  hath  received,  by  Sir  Peter   Killi- 

A  Letter  from     -*^   grew,  the  Vote  of  his   two  Houfes  of  Partia- 

rte  King,  at      ment   Of  tke  31^?  of  December    1646,     about    his 

r^cwca   e.          coming    to  Hold  en  by  j    concerning  which  his  Majefty 

ivlll  declare  his   Pkafure  to    the  ConimiJJioners   which 

Jkall  come  hither  for  that  Purpofe. 


•  in  glorying,  but  they  have  compelled   ire.    It  is  true  I   had  paid 
'  for  a  Fine  impcfed  in    the  King's    Bench,  \vhich   I  laid   down  in 
,*  ready  Money  cut  of  rry   Purfe,   a  thoufand  Marks  :  This,  in   the 
'  Time  of  thefe  Trci.bles,  (wh-n  my  while   tlbtc   was  kept  frcm 
,'  me  in   the  Weft,  that,  fcr  ..'ir.e  V'ears  or  thereaboutf,  I  received 
f  thence  not  one  Farthing)  was  reinaburs'd  to  me.' 

flfemiin,  p.  140, 

tff    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  279 

Next  a  Letter  from  the  Commiflioners  of  Scat-  An.  22  or.  I. 
and  was  read :  v '      '  , 

For  tbi  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers,  and  to  the  Ho-  , 
nourable  WILLIAM  LENTHALL,  Efj  ;  Speaker 
of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  by  them  to  be  commu- 
nicated to  the  Honourable  Houjes  of  Parliament 
ajfembhdat  Weftminfter. 

Newcaftbj  Jan.  12,  1646-7. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lordjhips9 

came  hither  to  Nwcaflk,  expefling 
fome  Commiffioners  fhou'd  have  been  there, 
fent  by  the  Honourable  Houfes,  according  to  the 
Defires  of  the  Parliament  of  Scttland^  reprefented 
by  their  Commiflioners  j  and  having  received 
Yefternight  a  Letter  from  your  Lordfhips,  in  the 
Name  of  the  Houfes,  by  Sir  Peter  KiUigreiv^ 
with  the  inclofed  Vote  therein  concerning  the 
King's  M:ijefty's  going  to  Holdenby- Houfe ^  ihew- 
ing  that  Commiffioners  are  coming  hither,  but 
not  importing  any  Treaty  at  all  with  us;  we 
have  fent  the  Letter  and  Vote  to  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland:  And  fhall  be  ready,  on  all  Occaflons, 
to  endeavour  the  Prefervation  of  the  Union  be- 
twixt the  Kingdoms,  with  all  that  Affection  and 
Reality  which  can  be  expected  from 

Tour  Lordflnps  humble  Servant sy 





Then  a  Letter  from   General   Levcn^   addreflfed 
in  the  fame  Manner  as  the  foregoing: 

-,          /,,      cv  z    ,         And  from  the 

biewcajtle,  Jan.  12,   ID46--7.  t.iri  Of  Leven 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lordjbips,  relating  to  the 

«   T  Received  a   Letter  from,  your    Lordfhips,   '^^^ 
(    ••  Name  of  the  Honourafc^e   Houfes,  with  the  Holdlnby.    * 
*  inclofed  Vote   concerning  the  Difpofing  of   the 
S  «  Per. 


An.  22   Car.    I. 

— -v — 

T.lx  Parliamentary  HIST ORY 

PciTon  of  the  King;  wherein  your  Lord{hips 
fhevv  me  that  a  Committee  is  to  be  fent  hither 
for  that  Effect ;  and,  in  the  mean  Time,  defire 
the  Continuance  of  my  Care:  In  Anfwer  where- 
unto  I  (hall  aiTure  your  Lordfhips,  that  as  I  have 
been  hitherto,  with  all  Faithfulnefs,  willing  to 
do  whatfoever  might  witnefs  my  Zeal  to  the  Pub- 
lic ;  fo  fhall  I,  with  the  fame  Conftancy,  in  the 
Particular  concerning  the  Care  of  his  Majefty's 
Perfon,  ufe  the  beft  Means  and  Endeavours 
which  may  conduce  moft  to  the  preferving  a  fair 
Correfpondence,  and  maintaining  the  happy  U- 
nion  fettled  between  the  two  Kingdoms  ;  and  fo 
I  remain 

Your  Lord/hips  moft  humble  Servant, 

L  E  V  E  N. 

Thefe  Letters  were  ordered  to  be  prefently  com- 
municated to  fuch  of  the  Scots  Commiflioners,  as 
were  then  refiding  in  Lyndon,  and  alfo  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons. 

A  Letter  from 
the  Scots  Parlia- 
poent  OD  the 
fcroe  Occasions. 

Jan.  25.  The  Speaker  acquainted  the  Houfe, 
that  this  Morning  he  received  a  Letter  from  the 
Parliament  of  Scotland,  which  was  opened  and 
read.  It  was  addrefled  to  the  Speakers  of  both 
Houfes,  in  theufual  Form. 

Edinburgh,    "Jan.  16,  1646-7. 

Right  Honourable, 

OUR  Commiflioners  at  London  and  Nnv- 
cajlle  having  received  from  the  Honourable 
Houfes  the  Vote  of  the  firfr.  of  January,  and  com- 
municated the  fame  to  us,  we  have  confidered  of 
it  as  a  Bufinefs  of  very  great  Concernment  to  both 
Nations,  and  therefore  have  concluded  upon  the 
inclofed  Declaration  and  Defires ;  whereby  it 
will  appear  how  willing  we  are  to  comply  with 
the  Refolutions  of  both  Houfes ;  how  defirous  to 
remove  all  Jealoufies,  for  ftrengthening  the  Peace 
and  Union,  and  maintaining  a  good  Underftanding 
betwixt  the  Kingdoms,  fo  firmly  tied  by  Solemn 
league  and  Covenant  j  and  how  confident  that 

«  they 

cf   ENGLAND.  281 

*  they  will  fatisfy  our  reafonable  Defires,  and  make  An.  zz  Car.  I. 

*  the  Integrity  of  our  Proceedings  and  Refolutions,      t  l6*6'  _  f 

*  in  all  this  Bufinefs  touching  his  Majefty,  appear,        january. 
'  either    by  Declaration  or  otherwife,  as   in    their 

'  Wifdom  they  (hall  think  fit  ;  whereby  no  Occa- 
'  fion  of  Calumny  may  be  left  to  the  wicked  Ene- 
'  mies  of  either  Nation  ;  and  as  God  has  blefled  the 

*  joint  Endeavours  of  both  during  our  Army's  Abode 

*  in   that   Kingdom,    fo  it  will  be  a  great  Encou- 

*  ragement    for  us    to  hope  for  the  Continuance  of 

*  the  fame  Blefling  for  Times   coming,  that  our 
'  Refolutions  may  be  known  to  be  one  at  our  Re- 
'  moving,  in  Relation  to  all  the  Ends  contained  in 
'  our  mutual  League    and    Covenant  :  And  if  any 
'  Difficulty  occur  there,  for  gaining  of  Time,  we 
'  defire  that  the  Honourable  Houfes  may  be  pleafed 

*  to  fend  particular  Inftru£lions   to  their  Comrnif- 

*  fioners  at   Newcajlle,  with  whom  we  (hall  autho- 
'  rize  purs   to  concur  for   the  juft  Satisfaction  of 
'  both  Kingdoms.     We  reft 

Tour  affeflionate  Friend,  and  Servant, 

Prefed'  Parr. 

And  likewife  a  Declaration  of  the   Kingdom  of 
Scotland  and  another  Paper  was  read,  viz. 

'  \T7  ^ereas   ic  Plea^ecl  God  to  join  the  King- 
'    W     dom    of   Scotland,    England    and   Ireland,  Alfo  a  Declaati- 
'  in  a  folemn  League  and  Covenant,  for  Reforma-  on  of  that  K-mg- 
•tionand  Defence  of  Religion,  the   Honour  and  ^jS^Xtf 

t   TT  r         r       i     •        TS*  •  ii-  Conlent  to  the 

Happmels    of    their    King,  and  their  own  Peace  Dei.vering  up  of 
'  and  Safety;  and,  in  purfuance  thereof,  the  Scats  the  King  to  the 

*  Army  being  in  the    Kingdom   of  England,    the  (f"n^.  Comoiif* 
4  King's  Tvlajefty    came  to  their  Quarters    before 

c  Newark,  and   profefled  he  came  there  with  a  full 
'  and  abfolute  Intention  to  give  all  juft  and  abfolute 

*  Satisfaction  to  the  joint  ^Defires  of  both  King- 

*  doms  ;    and  with  no  Thought  either  to  cc  ;tinuc 
(  this  unnatural  War  any  longer,  or  to  make  Di- 

*  vifion   between  the  Kingdoms  i    but  to  comply 

*  with 

282  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  %%"'  L  c  with  his  Parliaments,  and  thofc  entrufted  by  them, 

v'     .    c  in  every  Thing  for  fettling  Truth  and  Peace ; 

January.      '  and    that  he  would    apply  liimfelf  totally  to  the 

*  Councils  and  Advices  of  his  Parliaments  ;  which 
'he  did  not  only  profefs  verbally  to  the  Commit- 

*  tee  of  Eftates  with  the    Scots  Army,  but  alfo,  in 
'  his  feveral   Letters   and  Declarations,  under  his 
'  own  Hand,  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates  in  Scot- 
'  landy  and  unto  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  of 

*  England  refpe&ively;  In   Confideration  whereof, 

*  and  of  the  Reality  of  his  Intentions  and  Refolu- 

*  tions,    which   he  declared  did  proceed  from  no 
'  other  Ground  than  the  deep  Senfe  of  the  bleeding 
«  Condition  of  his   Kingdoms,   the  Committee  of 

*  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and    General  Officers 

*  of  the  Scots  Army,  declared  to  himfelf  and  to  the 

*  Kingdom  of  England,  their  receiving  of  his  Royal 

*  Perfon  to  be  in  thefe  Terms  (which  is  the  Truth, 

*  notwithftanding    what    may    be  fugeefted  or  al- 

*  Ied0cd  by  any  to  the  contrary,  within  or  without 

*  the  Kingdom)   and    prefented    to  him,   that  the 
e  only  V  ay  for  his    own  Happinefs  and  Peace  of 

<  his  Kingdoms,  under  God,  was  to  make  Good 
«  his  Pn/feffionsfo  folemnly  renewed  to  both  King- 

<  doms  :  Thereafter  Proportions  of  Peace  were  not 

*  orly  (which  after  ferious  and  mature  Deliberation 
«  were  agreed  upon)  tendered  to  him  in  the  Name 
«  of  botr  Kingdoms  for  his  Royal  Aflent  thereun- 

*  to;  but  alfb  the  chief  Judicatures  of  this  Kina;- 

*  dom.    both    Civil  and   Ecclefiaftical,  made  their 

Jc  and  earneft  Addrcfles  to  his  Majefty  by 
f  supplications,  Letters,  and  Commiflioners  for 
«  that  End  ;  and  fully  reprefented  all  the  Prejudices 
«  and  Inconveniencies  of  the  Delay  or  Refufal  of  his 

*  Aflent,    and,  in   particular,   that  this    Kingdom 
1    ...uld  be    necefTitated  to  join  with  the  Kingdom 
4  of  England,    to    conform  to  the  League  and  Co- 

*  venant  in    providing  for  the  prefent  and   future 

*  Security  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  fettling  the  Go- 
4  vernment  of  both,    as  might  beft  conduce  to  the 

*  Good  of  both.     And  the  Parliament  of    Scot' 
*•  land,  being  now  to  retire  their  Army  out  of 

^ENGLAND.  283 

*  land,  have  again,    for  their  farther  Exoneration,  An-  "  Car.  j. 
'  fent   Commiffioners   to   reprefent  their  renewed     t  _'  *  '  _* 

*  Defires  to  his  Majefty  what  Danger  may  enfue       January 
'  by  his  Delay    or   Refufal  to  grant  the  fame  ;  and 

'  that  till  then  there  was  Danger  to  the  Caufe,  to 
'  his  Majefty,  to  this  Kingdom,  and  to  the  Union 
'  betwixt  the  Kingdoms,  by  his  coming  into  Scot" 
'  land;  and  that  therefore  there  would  be  a  joint 

*  Courfe  taken  by  both  Kingdoms,  concerning  the 
'  Difpofal  of  his  Perfon:  And  confidering  that  his 

*  Majefty,  by  his  Anfwer  to  the  Proportions   of 

*  Peace  in  Attgiijl  laft,  and  alfo  by  his  late  Meflags 
'  fent  to  the  two  Houfes,  and  by  his  Warrant  com- 
'  municated  to  the  Eftates  of  this  Kingdom,    has 
'  exprefled  his  Defires  to  be  near  to  the  two  Houfes 
'  of  Parliament :  And  feeing  alfo  that  the  Parlia- 
c  ment  of  England  have  communicated  to  the  Scots 
'  Commiffioners  at  Newcajile^  and  by  them  to  this 
'  Kingdom,  the  Refolution   that  Holdenby-Hcufe, 
'  in   the  County  of    Northampton^    is   the    Place 
'  where  the  Houfes  think  fit  for  the  King  to  come 
'  unto,  there  to  remain  with  fuch  Attendants  about 
'  him  as  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  {hall  appoint, 
'  with  Refpcct  had   to  the  Safety  and  Prefervation 
'  of  his  Royal  Perfon,  in  the  Prefervation  and  De- 
f  fence    of  the  true   Religion   and  Liberties  of  the 
6  Kingdoms  according  to  the  Covenant :    There- 
'  fore,  and   in  regard  of  his  Majefty's  not  giving  a 
'  fatisfaclory  Anfwer   to   the  Proportions   as   yet, 

*  and  out  of    their  earneft  Defire  to  keep  a  right 

*  Underftanding  betwixt  the    two  Kingdoms;    to 
'  prevent  new  Troubles  within  the  fame ;  to  tefti- 
4  fy  the  Defire  of  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  of 
'  England  and  of  this  Kingdom,  for  his  Majefty's 
'  Relidence  in  fome  of  his  Houfes  near  the  Parlia- 
'  ment  of  England;  to  prevent  Mifmformation,  and 
'  to  give  Satisfa&ion  to  all  the  Eftates  of  the  Parlia- 
'  ment  of  Scotland;  they  do  declare  their  Concur- 

*  rence  for  the  King's  Majefty's  going  to  Holdenby- 
c  Houfe^  or  fome   other  of  his  Houfes  in  or  about 

*  London,    as  (hall  be  thought  fit,  there  to  remain 

*  untill  he  give  Satisfaction  to  both  Kingdoms  in 

«  the 



And  their  farther 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

e  the  Propontions  of  Peace ;  and  that,  in  the  In- 
4  terim,  there  be  no  Harm,  Prejudice,  Injury,  nor 
4  Violence  done  to  his  Royal  Perfon;  that  there 
4  be  no  Change  of  Government  other  than  has 
4  been  for  thefe  three  Years  paft;  and  that  hisPo- 
4  fterity  be  no  ways  prejudiced  in  their  lawful  Sue- 
4  ceflion  to  the  Crown  and  Government  of  thefc 
'  Kingdoms.  And  as  this  is  the  clear  Intention 

*  and  full   Refolution  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^ 
4  according  to  their  Intereii  and  Duty,  in  relation  to 
4  the  King's    Majefty,  fo  they  are  confident  (from 
4  the  fame  Grounds  and   manifold  Declarations  of 
'the    Parliament  of   England]  that  the  fame  is  the 

*  Refolution  of  their  Brethren  ;  and  at  fuch  a  Time 

*  they   do  expect   a   renewed  Declaration  thereof, 
4  and    that  they  will  give  brotherly  and  juft  Satif- 
4  faction  to  the  Defires  herewith  fent,  like  as  the 
4  Kingdom  of  Scotland  do  hereby  aflure  their  Bre- 
4  thren    of    England  that  it  (hall  be  their  conftant 
4  Endeavour  to  keep,    continue,    and  ftrengthen 

*  the  Union  and    Peace  betwixt  the    Kingdoms, 
4  according  to  the  Covenant  and   Treaties. 

Extrafled  from  the  Records  of  Parliament^  fub- 
fcribed  by  the  Earl  of  Crawford  and  Lindfay, 
High  Treafurer  of  Scotland  and  Prefident  to 
the  Parliament ;  witnejjing  thereunto  the  Sub- 
fcription  and  Sign  Manual  of  me  Sir  Alex- 
ander Gibfon,  of  Drury,  Knight,  Clerk  of 
our  Sovereign's  Ro/ls,  Regijlery  and  Council. 

ALEX.     GIBSON,     Cfcr.  Regr. 
DESIRES    of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

Edinburgh^  Jan .  16,  1646-7. 
I.  *"T"*HAT  a  Committee  of  both  Kingdoms 
Jl  be  appointed  to  attend  his  Majefty,  and 
prefs  him  farther  for  granting  the  Proportions  of 
Peace;  and,  in  cafe  of  his  Refufal,  to  advife  and 
determine  what  is  further  neceflfary  for  continu- 
1  ing  and  ftrengthening  the  Union  betwixt  the 
*  Kingdoms,  according  to  the  Covenant  and  Trea- 

4  ties  : 

of    ENGLAND.  285 

c  ties  ;    and  that   no  Peace  or  Agreement  be  made  ^n.  ^^  Car.  I. 

*  by  either  Kingdom,  with  the  King,    without  the       1646' 

*  other,    according  to  the  late  Treaty  betwixt  the      januav 

*  Kingdoms. 

II.  ~«  Next   it  is  defircd,  That  fuch  of  the  Scots 
4  Nation  as  have  Place  or  Charge  about  the  King, 
4  (excepting  fuch  as  ftand  excepted  in  the  Propo- 
f  fitions  of    Peace)   may  attend  and  exercife  the 
4  fame :  And  that  none  ihall  be  debarred  from  ha- 

*  ving   Accefs    to   attend    his   Majefty,  who    have 
4  Warrants  from  the    Parliaments  of  either  King- 
4  dom  refpeclively,  or  from  the  Committee  of  ei- 
4  ther  Parliament  thereunto  authorized. 

III.  *  It   is  defired  that   the  one  Kingdom  aflift 

*  the  other,  in  cafe  they  be  troubled,  from  within 
4  or   from  without,  for  this  Agreement. 

IV.  *  That  the    Kingdom    of    England  would 

*  fpeedily   condefcend   and  agree  upon  fome  Corn- 
4  petency  of  Entertainment   for  the  Forces,  which 
4  we  are    neceflitated  to   keep  up   to  fupprefs  the 
4  Irijh  Rebels ;  whom,  by  the  large  Treaty,    they 
4  are  bound  to  fupprefs.' 

Prejuf  Parl\ 

The  Lords  having  taken  thefe  DeCres  of  the 
Scots  Parliament  intoConfideration,  exprcfled  their 
Senfe  upon  them  in  the  following  Refolutions : 

1.  4  That  there  be  no  Harm,  Prejudice,  Injury, 
or  Violence,  done  to  the  King's  Royal  Perfon. 

2.  4  That  there  be  no  Change  of  Government 
other  than  has  been  thefe  three  Years  paft. 

3.  4  That  the  King's  Pofterity   be  in  no  ways 
prejudiced   in  their  lawful  Succeflion  to  the  Crown 
and  Government  of  thefe  Kingdoms.' 

The  Queftion  being  put, That  thefe  Votes,  now 
cxprefb'd,  be  fen t  in  a  Letter  to  the  Kingdom  of 
Scotland,  it  was  refolved  in  the  Affirmative. 

Then  the  Defires  of  the  Scots  Parliament  being 
read  a  fecond  Time,  they  were  agreed  to  with  the 
following  Additions,  v iz. 


286  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.  I.      -fo  the  firft  Claufc  ofthe  fecond  Defire,  « That 
v    *  *  '    j     «  when  the  King's  Houfe  comes  to  be  fettled,  their 
January.       *  Lordfhips    will  do    that  which   (hall  be  thought 
4  fit,  Regard  being  had  to  this  Defire  of  the  Far- 
Mi?,  men  t  of   Scotland.' 

To  the  fecond   Claufe  of    the  fecond    Defire, 

*  That   when  any   Committees    or  Commiffioners 

*  from  the   Kingdom  of   Scotland  have  Occafion  to 

*  addrefs  themfelves  to  the  King,  they  do  firft  give 

*  Notice  thereof   to  the  Committee  or  Commif- 
'  fioners   of  the  Parliament  of  England.' 

To  the  fourth  Defire,  *  That  the  Lords  had 
'  been,  and  will  be,  ready  to  make  good  the  Trea- 
'  ty  between  the  two  Kingdoms,  and  to  confer  with 

*  any  Committee   that  the   Scots  Parliament  {hall 
'  authorize  concerninghte  Particulars.' 

Then  it  was  refolved,  '  That  the  Papers  read 
this  Day,  with  the  Votes  of  this  Houfe  thereupon, 
be  communicated  to  the  Commons  at  a  Confe- 
rence, and  their  Concurrence  defired  therein/ 
which  being  done  accordingly, 

Jan.  26.  The  Earl  of  Mancbefter  reported, 
That  the  Committee  were  of  Opinion,  That  the 
Expreflions  in  the  Letter,  Declaration  and  De- 
fires  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland^  was  fuch  a 
Teftimony  of  the  Fidelity  of  that  Kingdom  to  this, 
that  the  like  was  never  given  by  any  Kingdom 
to  another;  and  that  they  had  framed  the  follow- 
ing Letter  to  be  fent  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland: 
This  being  read,  wras  agreed  to,  ordered  to  be 
fign'd  by  the  Speakers  of  both  Houfes,  and  fent 
forthwith  to  Edinburgh  by  Sir  Peter  Killegrew. 

To  the  Right  Honourable  the  LORDS  and  to  the 
ajjembledin  the  Parliament  of  Scotland. 

Right   Honourable,  Jan.  27,   1646. 

And  an  Anfwer   *    A  Letter  from  your  Lordlhips,    dated  at  Edin- 
fcnt  to  the  Scots  «  JuL    burgb  the    1 6th  Inftant,    and   the    Papers 
<  therewith  fent  having  been  communicated  to  both 

«  Houfes 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  287 

1  Houfes   of  the  Parliament   of  England,  we  are  An.  n  Car,  f- 

*  commanded  to  return  this  Anfwer  :  '— -^  '--* 

4  They  do  allure   their    Brethren   of    Scotland,       January. 

*  that  nothing  needs  to  be  faid   unto  them  for  re- 
4  moving  any   Jealoufies   out  of  their  Hearts,    or 
4  for   ftrengthening  that    Confidence  which    they 
«  have  in  the  Affections  of  that  Nation  :  And  they 

*  do   prefume   that  the  Proceedings  of  the  Houfes 
4  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  from  the  very  Be- 
4  ginning  of  thefe  Troubles,  are  a  fufficient  Decla- 

*  ration  of  their  Integrity,and  of  their  conftant  Af- 
4  feclion  to  their    Brethren  of   Scotland.     And  to 
4  the  Defires  of  the   Kingdom  of  Scotland  they  do 
«  return  thefe  Anfwers : 

4  To  the  firft,  That  when  the  King  (hall  be  at 
4  Holdenby,  and  the   Scots  Forces  gone  out  of  this 

*  Kingdom,    both    Houfes  of  Parliament  (faving, 
4  according  to  their  former  Declarations,  the  pe- 

*  culiar  Rights  of  the  Kingdom  of  England]  will 

*  then  appoint  a  Committee  of  theirs,  to  join  with 

*  a  Committee  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  to  em- 

*  ploy  their  beft   Endeavours  to  procure  his  Ma- 

*  jefty's  Aflent  to   the  Proportions    agreed  on  by 

*  both  Kingdoms  and   prefented    to  his  Majefty  at 

*  Newcajlle,  and   to   the  difpofmg   of  the  Bifliops 
4  Lands,    according  to  the  Ordinance  already  paf- 

*  fed  both  Houfes  in  that  Behalf.     And  in  cafe  the 
4  King  fhall  not  give   his  Aflent   thereunto,    the 
'  Houfes   however    are  ftill   refolved  firmly  to  con- 
'  tinueand  maintain  the  happy  Union  between  the 
'  two    Kingdoms  according  to  the  Treaties   and 

*  Covenant;  and  that  according  to  the  late  Treaty 
'  between   the  Kingdoms,    no  Ceflation,  nor  any 
'  Pacification  or  Agreement  for  Peace  whatfoever, 
'  (hall  be  made  by  either  Kingdom,  or  the  Armies 
'  of  either   Kingdom,  without  the  mutual  Advice 
4  and  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms. 

*  To  the  fecond  Defire,   both  Houfes  c'o  declare 

*  That  it  is  not  their  Intention,  by  their  appointing 
4  of  Perfons  to  wait  upon  the  King  in  his  Journey 

*  to  Holdenby,  to  make  a  Settlement  of  any  Perfons 


288  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  2?  Car.  I.    <  }n  any  particular  Places,  nor  to  be  any  Prejudge 

,    *  to  any  of  the   King's  Servants  that  are  of  either 

j4nuary.        '  Nation,    who  have  adhered    to  the  Parliaments  ; 

'  and  that  none  (hall  be  debarred  from  having  Ac- 

*  cefs  to  his  Majefty  who  have  \Varrant  from  the 

*  Parliament  of  Scotland,  or  from  the  Committee 
'  of  that  Parliament   thereunto  authorized,  except 
'  fuch   as   are  difabled   by  the  Proportions  agreed 

*  on  by  both  Kingdoms. 

c  To  the  third  Defire,  The  Coming  of  the 
c  King,  according  to  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes 
'  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  being  agreeable 
'  to  the  Covenant  and  Treaties  ;  they  do  declare 
'  that,  upon  any  Troubles  that  fhall  arife  to  the 
'  Kingdom  of  Scotland  for  the  fame,  they  will  af- 
4  fift  them  according  to  the  faid  Covenant  and 
'  Treaties. 

*  To    the  fourth  and   laft  Defire,  both  Houfes 

*  return  Anfwer,  That  their  Garrifons  being  deli- 
'  vered  up,  and  the  *\ots  Army  and  Forces  being 

*  marched  out   of  this    Kingdom,    they   will  take 

*  this  their    Defire  into  fpeedy  Confideration. 

'  This  being  all  we  have  in  Command,  from 
'  the  Houfes,  we  reft 

Your  affeftionate  Friends  and  Servants,  &c. 

The  fame  day  the  Commons  fent  up  a  Mefiage 
to  the  Lords  to  let  them  know  that,  in  regard  of 
the  many  urgent  Occafions  of  the  Kingdom,  they 
intended  to  fit  the  next  Day,  though  it  was  the  Fail 
Day  ;  and  to  dehre  their  Lordfliips  would  be  plea- 
fed  to  fit  if  they  thought  fit.  Accordingly, 

Jan.  27.  Both  Houfes  met,  apd,  after  ordering 
Thanks  to  be  given  to  their  fever al  Preachers  for 
the  great  Pains  they  had  taken,  the  Earl  of  Man- 
thejler  preienteii  the  following  Letters  to  the 
Lords,  all  of  them  directed  to  him  as  Speaker 
of  thatHoufe;  which  were  read.  And  firft 


^ENGLAND.  289 

? Letter  from  the    Earl  of   PEMBROKE,    Earl  of  An.  »*  Car.  i. 
DENBIGH,      and  Lord   MONTAGUE,    Commif-     t    **'_    ,- 
/toners    appointed     to    receive    the  Perfon   of   the        January. 
King  from  the  Scots  Army. 
My  Lord,  Durham,  "Jan.   22,   1646. 

WE   are  now  all  together  at  Durham;  fome  A  Series  of  LeN 
of  us  got  hither  on  Horfeback  laft  Night,   ters  from  the 
others,  by  reafon  of  the  Length  of  the  Journey  fppS^e£_ 
?nd  Foulnefs  of  the  \Vays,  not  untill  this  Day.   ceive  the  King 
'  At  Nortbdllfrion-t    where   we   all    arrived  late  from  the  Sc' •» 
the  20th  of  this  Inftant  January,  we  underftood,  ^ommiffion? 
by  the  Earl  of  Stamford,  Mr.  Goodwin,  and  Air.  ers  attending  the 
Ajhurft,    that,  by    reafon  of  fome  Difference  in  Payment  and 
reckoning  the    Days,  whereof    we  fuppofe  they  ^"ge  th"e* 
have  given  you  a  full  Account,  the  firfr.  100,000  /. 
appointed  to  be   paid    by  the  Treaty,  was  not 
then   received,  but  was  delivered  to  the  Scots  the 
next  Morning,  which  was  done  in  our  Prefencej 
\vheieupon  we    computed  that  the  Scots  had  ftill 
ten  Days  to  remoye  their  Quarters  from  this  Side 
the  Tyne,  and  to  quit  the  Garrifons  of  NaiicafiU 
:  and   Ttnmouth ;    and  that  probably    they    would 
;  not  remove  out  of  theit  Quarters,    which  they 
;  poffefs  all  over  the  Bifhoprick  of  Durham  and  the 
:  confining  Parts  of  jTork/hire,  before  the  full  Time 
;  affigned  by  the  Treaty,  according  to  their  Com- 
'  putation,  be  expired  ;    which  will  be  like  to  in- 
'  volve  the  Service  wherein  you  have  employ'd  us, 
1  concerning  the  Reception  of  the  King's  Perfon, 
5  in    greater  Difficulties    and  more  Inconveniences 
1  than   were    expected  ;    whilft,  upon  the  account 
'  of  the    Houfes,  we  hoped  the  Scots  Army  (hould 
1  have  removed  on  the  North   Side  Tyne,  and  the 
'  Garrifon  of  Ncwcajile  have  been  delivered  by  the 
c  1 5th  of  this  Inftant  January:  But  we  {hall  faith- 
4  fully  endeavour  to  difcharge  the  Trull  you  have 

*  repofed  in  us  in  this  weighty  Affair,  according  to 

*  our    Inftruclions,   intending   to  be  at   NewcaJJle 

*  To-morrow  Morning;  and  fo  we  remain 

Your  Lordjhip's  humble  Servants, 
PEMnnoKE  and  MONT-    B.  DENBIGH, 


VOL.  XV.  T  A  Letter 

290  'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ^^  Car.   I*  A  Letter   from  the  Earl  of   STAMFORD,    cne  of 
r*46'  ike    CommiJJiwers    appsi-itcd    to    attend    the   Pay- 

January!  ment  an<^   MQrck  °f  ^e  Scots  Army. 

Northallerton,  Jan.  21,   1646. 

May  it  pleofe  your  Lordjhip, 

'  1  Came  to  York  the  i3th  Day  of  January,  where 
'II  found  the  Money  in  Telling,  and  did  en- 
'  deavour  to  haften  that  Work ;  but  could  not  pre- 
'  vail  to  get  it  told  before  Saturday  Morning  the 
'  i6th,  (the  Scots  Deputy-Treafurers  not  account- 
'  ing  Sunday  one  of  the  twelve)  although  I  did  infift 
'  upon  it,  that,  according  to  the  Articles  of  Agree-  ,, 
'  ment,  it  fhould  have  been  difpatched  the  Night 
'  before. 

'  The   Money  and  Convoy  did  march  upon  Sa- 

*  turday,  and  I  was  with    it  at  Topdiffic  on  Monday 
1  by  Twelve   of  the   Clock,    expecting  the    Scots 
4  Hoftages.     At   Night   they  came,  their  Names 

*  are  Sir  William  Ker,  Sir  Arthur  Forbes,  Sir  James 
1  V/oid,     Robert    Douglas,    Efq  j    Alexander    Stra- 

*  win,  Efq  ;  and  Col.  IVelden.     They  had  in  their 

*  Company  twenty-one  Perfons  and  twenty -fevea 

*  Horfes,  to  whom  we  do  give  the  beft  Entertain- 
'  ment  this  Country  will  afford  ;    it  being  rcfolved, 
'  by   Major-General    Skippon   and    the   reft  of  the 
'  Officers,    that  it    was  very  fit  they  fhould  be  en- 
'  te.  tamed  upon   the  Charge  of  this  Kingdom. 

4  We  had  certain  Intelligence  the   Scots  would 

*  fetch  their  Money  but  with  a  fmall  Convoy  ;  and 

*  we  agreeing  that    they   fliould  be  no  nearer  than 
4  within    two   Miles  of  this  Place,  did  come  with 

*  the   Money     and    Hoftages  to  this  Town   upon 
'  T^:fday  Night ;    expecting,  according  to  our  for- 
4  r.'.rr  Signification  to  the  Scois  General,  it  fhould 

*  have  bcea  received  upon    IVedncfday,  which  we 

*  affirmed    was  the  laft  Day  limited  by  the  Articles 

*  for  the  firft  Payment  j  but  the  Deputy-Treafurers 
'  of  the   Scots  Army,    building   upon  their  former 
«  Mift.xlce,    would    not  receive  their   Money    till 

•    '  I7)urfday  Morning  j    when  it   was   received  by 

«  Mr, 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  291 

Mr.  Jibn  Drummondi  one  of  the  Deputy-Trea-  An.  22  Car.  r- 
furers  to    Sir    Alexander    H.c+>bnrne.     Major-Ge-     t    l6,46'-.  * 
neral  Skippon  did  convoy  it    with  two  Troops  of      j^u^y,  i 
Horfeand  300  i''oot  two  Miles  beyond  this  Town, 
where  a  flight  Guard  of  aboiu  14  Scots  Horfe  met 
it,  and  our  General    return'd  back  to  our  Quar- 

'  We  have  alfo,  according  to  our  Inftru&ions, 
made  two  Difpatchcs  to  the  S:6ts  General,  de- 
firing  him  to  give  Order  to  the  Army  not  to  levy 
any  Money,  or  take  any  Thing  from  the  Coun- 
try but  what  they  pay  for  ;  and  that  they  would 
haften  the  drawing  their  Forces  Northward,  and 
appoint  a  fet  Time  for  the  marching  of  their 
Forces  over  Tyne,  and  furrendering  of  the  Gar- 
rifons  on  this  Side  the  River.  We  daily  expec-t 
his  Anfwer,  wherewith,  as  there  fhallbeOcca- 
fion,  I  (hall  acquaint  your  Lordfhip,  and  to  all 
your  Commands  yield  ready  Obedience  as  be- 

Your  Lord/hip's  mo/l  bumble  Servant,         t 


P.  S.  *  I  cannot  omit  to  let  your  Lordfhip  know 

*  the  Care   and  Diligence  of  Major-General  Skip- 
c  pan  and   Colonel-  General  Point-z,  in  all  Things 

*  that  concern  the  Military  Part.' 

A     Letter    from     Alderman     GIBBS     of    London 
and  Mr.  NOEL,  Tr  6  a  furers  for  the  Scots  Money. 

Northallerton,  Jan.  21,  1646. 
Ri^bt  Honourable, 

'  \1t7E  being  hindered  from  telling  any  M^ney 
«  V  ?  on  Friday  laft,  through  the  coafhnt  re- 
'  fufing  of  Mr.  Alkman^  the  Scots  A^cnt,  to  tell 
'  any  from  us  that  Day,  did,  on  Saturday  in  the 

*  Forenoon,    fmifli    that    Work,  and  murch'd  the 
'  Carriages   about   eight  Miles  ;  and  ttie  next  Day 

*  they   attained    Topclffi.    where   they   reded    all 

T  2  '  Mm- 

292  *£he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  ?i  Cr.r.  I.{  Monday ',  ftaying   for  the  S«fr  Hoftages,  who  did 

'_6->6- ^ '  not  come  tii!  that  Night.  The  next  Day  we  came 

fanua ""•  '  to  Nortbaiiertov,  having  wrote  to  Lieutcmnt-Ge- 
c  neral  David  LeJJey.  and  fignified  our  Defire  to 
'  have  Sir  A.<.a,,i  Hepburnerot  one  of  his  Deputies, 
'  as  mentioned  in  une  Articles,  to  meet  us  there 

*  to   receive  the  Money,   and  give    us  an  Acquit- 
'  tance.     On  Tuefday  Night  late  Mr.  John  Dmm- 
'  mond  came  to   Town,  and  on  Wednesday  IVjorn- 

*  ing,  fo  foon  as  we  heard  of  him,  we  wrote  a  Let- 
'  ter  to  acquaint  him  with  our  Readinds  to  pay  the 

*  Money     that    Day,      and    {hewed    the    Acquit- 
'  tance    that  we  had  prepared.     The  Honourable 
'  Ccmmiffioners  of    Parliament  likewife   wrote  to 

*  him  to  that  Purpcfe  ;  and  he  being  come  to  them, 
'  both   they  and  we  offered  our  Readinefs   to   pay 
'  the  Money,  and  take  the  Acquittance  thot  Day  ; 
'  but  nothing  we  could  fay  could  perfuade  him  to 
'  receive  it  till   the  next  Morning,  beino;  this   pre- 

*  fcnt  Day,  in  which  we  have  paid  to  himthefirft 
'  Payment    mentioned  in   the  laid   Articles;     and 

-  received  his  Acquittance   in  the  Prefcnce  of 

*  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl   of  Pembroke  and 
'  others  of  the  Honourable  Commiifioncrs  of  Par- 
'  liament,    and  it  is  marched   towards  Newctrftle. 
'  We  have  the  other  ioo,oco/.  fafehere,  and  wait 
'for  the  coming  on  of  the  other  Dav-,  exprc-flcd  in 
'  the  Agreement,  fcr  perfecting  the  Work  ;  whcre- 

*  in,  by  God's  Afiiftance,  there  ihall  be  all  Diligence 

*  ?nd  'Faithfulnefs  ufed  according  to  the  beft  Abi- 

*  lities  of 

Tour  Honour's  bunible  Servants^ 


February.  This  Month  begins  with  another 
,  cf  Letters  from  the  North,  addrefled  to  the 
cr  of  theHoufc  of  Peers,  which  we  give  from 

.  Jcurxals.     An. 

A  Letter 

^ENGLAND.  293 

A  Letter  from    the   COMMITTEE    appointed  to   ;v-  A"-  -1  Car.  I. 
ceive  the  Perfon  of  the  King  from  the  Scots  Anr.y.         t    *^  '___,* 

My   Lord,  February. 

«  \T7E  came  lo  Nevucajlle  on  Saturday,  and 
«  W  on  Monday  we  fent  to  the  King,  th;  t 
«  he  would  be  pleafed  to  appoint  when  we  (hould 
'  wait  on  him,  who  affigned  us  this  Day  between 
4  nine  and  ten  in  the  Morning;  at  which  Time 

*  my   Lord  of    Pembroke   fignified  to  his  Majefty 
«  what  we  had  in  Command  from  the  Parliament ; 
«  whereupon    the    King    f«iid,  //  was  a  Bujimfs  of 
« great   Concernment,    and   that  it    would  take  Jome 
'  Time   to  give    us  an   Anfwer,  for  be  bad  Quteries 
<  to  make  ;  and,  a  little  before  we  took  our  Leave, 

*  he    faid,    He   would  fend  for  us  To~  morrow  or  on 
«  Thurfday. 

'  We  likewife,  this   Morning,   according  to  our 
'  Inftruclions,    fignified    our  Arrival  to   the   Scott 

*  CommifHoners  and  General,    who    have  as  yet 

*  given    us    no   Anlvver.     We   (hall   fpeedily  give 
'  your  Lordfhips  a  farther  Account,  and,  upon  all 
'  Occafions,  endeavour  to  approve  ourfelves, 

My  Lord, 
Kewcaflle  Jan.  26.  Your  Lordjhips  humUe  Servants, 



Another  Letter  from  the  fame. 
My  Lord, 
'  \\/E    have    already    given    an  Account,    that 

*  *•     upon     Tucfday  laft     we    fignified     to   the 
'  King,  the  Scots  Commiffioners  and  rhe  General, 
'  that  we  were  come,  by  Command  of  both  Houies 

*  of  Parliament,  to  receive   his   M::j;  "y's    Perfon. 
'  Yeflerday  we  kept  the  Faft,  and  his  Mnjefty  fent 

*  to  L-t   us   know,  that  in   that  Regard  to  defer  his 

T  3  Anfwer 



Tie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

c  Anfwer  imtill  Thurfday.  This  Morning  we  re- 
'  ceivcd  Commands  to  attend  him  at  four  o'Clock 
4  in  the  Afternoon,  which  we  did  accordingly : 
4  And,  after  fome  general  Conferences,  the  King 
'  was  pler.fed  to  propound  fome  Queftions,  th£ 
'  Subftance  whereof,  and  of  our  Anfwers,  which 
6  were  both  by  Word  of  Mouth,  are  as  follow  : 
Firft,  c  His  Majefty  ;ifk<  (J,  Whether  we  had  Power 

*  to  place  or  aiff'lace  his   Servants ;    and  what  Ser- 
(  vants  heuas  to  have  placed  about  him? 

'  \Ve  anfwer'd,"  TheBoufeshad  appointed  fome 
*c  to  attend  him  in  his  Journey  to  Hcldcnby^  a  Lift 
"  of  whofe  Names  wefhould  prcfent  unto  him.  " 

Secondly '    Whether   thofe   which   are    now    Ser- 

*  I'ar.ts^  might   not  go  with  him,  altho1  not  wait  up- 

*  an  him? 

'  Weanfwered, "  That  if  his  Majefty  would  give 
*'  us  the  Names  of  fuch  as  he  de fired  {hould  go 
"  with  him  in  that  Condition,  we  would  then  ac- 
'*  quaint  his  Majefty  whether  they  might  or  not, 
"  according  to  our  Inflections.  " 

Thirdly,  '  I'JShetker  be  might  not  fpeak  to  us  fe- 
<  verallyl 

'  We  anfwered,  "  That  if  his  Majefty  fpake 
"  ary  thing  of  Moment,  we  were  to  acquaint  the 
*'  Committee  with  it,  without  which  we  could 
*'  not  dik  harge  our  Truft." 

Fourthly,  *  Whether  he  was  to  appoint  the  Time 
'  cf  his  going? 

'f  We  anfwered,  tc  That   we  defired  his  Majefty 

"  would   ?ppoint  a  Time;    but  unlefs  it   were  a 

"  fhort  Time   it    v  ouid  not   confift  with  our  In- 

"  firuclions,  by  v-liich  \ve  \vere  commanded  to  at- 

61  tend  him  with  all  convenient  Speed  to  Holder  by. ^ 

*  Whereupon  his   Majcfty  did  declare,   That  he 

would  go   with  us    to  Holdenby,    and  nominated 

Monday  or  Tiufc'ay   to    be,: in   hisjournty;    but 

being  told  by  fome  of  1  is  Servants,  that  he  could 

net   be  accorrmocated   vith  NecefTrrics  by   that 

Time,    he   appointed    I' cdrefday,    \\  hereunto  we 

agreed  ;    and  (hall  at  thr.t  Tirr.e  be  ;c.  d\  to  wait 

upcn  him  according  unto   our  Ipfiru6ticDS. 

«  We 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  295 

«  We  defire  that  the  Committee  of  the  Revenue  An-  ^  Car.  r 

do  take  Care  and  give  Order  that  Hsldenby  - .'  ioufe     , ^__j 

be  repaired    and  fitted   for   the   Reception  of  the      February. 
King,  and  Provifion  made  of  all  Neceflknes  fit- 
ting for   the  King  in  his  Journey,  and  when  he 
is  come  to  Holdenby,  according  to  your  own  Or- 
der s  fo  we  remain, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordjhip's   humble  Servants, 

?'*        PEMBROKE  and 


A  Letter  from  Mjaor-General  SKIPPON. 
My  Lord, 

Tuefday   laft  Hartlepool  and    Stockton  were 
quitted  by   the   Scots,  and  poffefled  by  our 
1  Forces.  The  Remainder  of  the  fecond  100  OCO/. 

*  Heth  this  Night  at  Yarm;  and  my  Regiment,  with 
'  Sir  Robert  Pye's,  are  to  guard   the  fame.     Colo- 

*  nel   Lilburn's  and  Colonel  Hardrefs  Waller's  Re- 
'  giments  quarter   here   this    Night ;  and  the  reft 
'  of    our   Forces  are    as   near  about    us   as  they 

can  be,  without  mixing  with   the   Scots   Horfe, 

which  are  not    as    yet   on  the  North  Side  Tyne, 

'  but    will   be   To-morrow  ;    and   on  Saturday  (as 

4  General   Lejley,  who  is  here,  told  me  this  Evcn- 

4  ing)  they  will  be  all  on  the  North  Side  Tyne.  We 

*  had  hoped,  as   their  General  fent  us  Word,  they 
'  would  have  been  this  Night  fo  far  Northward  of 
'  Durham,  that  we  (hould,  on  Saturday  next  have 
4  received    Newcajlle    and    Tinmouth    Caftle    from 

them,  for  which  we  are  in  as  much  Readinefs  as 

*  poflible  can  be;  but  I  doubt  it  will  be  fo  late  on 
'  Saturday   before  they   all   pafs    Tyne,  that  it  will 

*  be  Sunday,  ere  we  can   receive  thofe  Garrifons. 

'  This  I  thought  fit,  as  in  Duty  I  am  bound,  to 

'  acquaint  this  Honourable  Houfe   with  ;    and  to 

T  4  «  allure 

296  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

affure  your  Lorufhips,  that,  bv  the  Help  of  Go^» 
nothing  (ha',1  bj  wanting  in  me  for  the  Further- 
February  ance  of  this  great  Public  Service  in  hand  ;  and 
that  I  am  in  this,  and  upon  all  other  Oecafions, 
to  the  utmoft  of  my  Power,  by  the  fame  Affift- 
ance,  molt  ready  to  manifeft  myfelf 

Your  Lord/hip's  meft  humble 

and  faithful  Servant, 
PH.  S  K  I  P  P  ON, 

Durbar,,  'Tan.  2S, 

H  at  Night. 

Another    Letter  from  the  lajl  mentioned    COM  MI  s- 


My  Lord,  Newcajlle,  Jan.   30,   1646. 

'  "\\/E  have  already  given  your  Lordfhips  an 
'  W  Account  of  what  the  Earl  of  Pembroke 
'  faidto  the  King  at  our  firft  waiting  on  him  ;  and 

*  in  our  laft,    of   the  28th  Inftant,  of  the  King's 
'  Queftions  and   our   Anfvvers,  which  were  deli- 
f  vered  by  the  Earl  of  Denbigh  this  Day. 

'As  foon  as  the  Scots  Horfe,  under  the  Com- 
'  niand  of  Lieutenant-General  LeJIey,  had  march- 
'  ed  through  this  Town,  there  came  to  us  the 
«  Scots  Commiflioners  and  the  General.  The 
?  Earl  of  Lothian  then  acquainted  us,  that  they 
'  had  taken  their  Leave  of  his  Majcfty,  and  had 

*  delivered  to  him  a  Declaration  from  the  Kingdom 
'  of    Scotland^    a  Copy  whereof  was  alfo  delivered 
'to    us  by  his   Lordfhip,  which  we  fend  you  here 

*  enclofed  (d)-y  whereupon  we  immediately  attended 
6  the  King ;    and   prefentjy    after  the   Scots  Guard 
'  about   the  Court  were   relieved    by   the  Englijh^ 
?  without  Noife   or  Disturbance ;    and  about    the 
'  fame  Time   the  Keys   of   Nfivcaftle  were  deli- 
'  verc-d   to    Major-Gejieral    Skippin.     The   Com- 
'  miffioncrs  of  Scotland  and  the   General  have  pro- 
'  ceeded    with   that    Honour    and   Candour  in  the 
f  managing  of   this  Affair,  that  we  fhould  neither 

«  do 

(<fl  The  Declaration  of  the  Sects  Parliament,  givire  thrir  Confent 
jp  the  Kir.g's  being  removed  to,  which  fte  *:  iji^e  p.  iSi. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  297 

«  do  them  nor  ourfelves  Right,  if  we  did  not  reprc-  -An.  a2  car. 
<  fent  it  unto  you.     We  are,  ..      '6.4''.. 


Lord/hip's  humble  Servants, 


From  Major  General  S  K  i  P  P  o  N. 

Newcajlle,  Jan.  30,  1646, 

nr  HIS  Day,  thro'  God's  Goodnefs,  about 
•*  Three  of  the  Clock  in  the  Afternoon, 
Newcajlle  and  all  the  Works  belonging  thereto, 
were,  by  our  Brethren  the  Scots,  delivered  into 
our  Hands,  and  all  their  Forces  marched  out, 
and  we  are  in  full  PofTeffion  thereof;  and  I  hope, 
by  God's  further  Blefling,  all  Things  will  pro- 
ceed fairly  on  to  a  happy  Conclufion  in  this  great 
Bufinefs.  I  only  thought- it  my  Duty  at  prefent, 
with  all  Speed,  to  advertife  your  Right  Honour- 
able Houfe  of  this,  as  I  (hall,  God  willing,  in 
any  Thing  worthy  the  writing  of;  and  in  all 
Things  elfe  I  fhall  endeavour  to  manifeft  myfelf 

Tour  Lord/hip's  mo/1  faithful  Servant, 


P.  S.  I  hear,  by  others,  that  the  Scots  have 
quitted  the  Caftle  of  Tinmouth  alfo;  but  as  yet 
1  have  received  no  Exprefs  thereof  from  him  I 
appointed  to  receive  the  fame.  The  Ccmmif- 
fioners  of  Parliament  have  alfo  received  the  Per- 
fon  of  the  King,  who  is  To-day  carefully  at- 

'  This  Bearer,  General- Adjutant  Fleming,  is  a 
very  well-deferving  Man;  teftifyed  by  yourLord- 
fhip's  true-hearted  Servant, 


An.  t  •>  Car.    I. 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.Another  from  Major-General  SKIPPON. 

Ncwcnflle,  Jan.  %j 
My  Lord,  Six  in  the  M">  . 

ICan  affure  you  I  have  received  an  Exprefs 
from  hi-n  whom  I  commanded  to  receive  the 
Caftle  of  Tinmouthj  tha.  the  "ame  wa^  <j-.!  -  :!y 
and  fairly  delivered  into  rur  PofTeflion  iboia  Sue 
laft  Night;  and  I  doubt  not,  thro'  ihe  Bleffing 
of  God,  but  as  Things  have  happily  fucceeded 
hitherto  between  our  Brethren  and  us,  io  there 
will  be  fuch  ?n  IfTue  of  the  fame  as  \vill  be  to  the 
Good  of  both  Kingdoms. 

'  As  further  Occurrances  {hall  happen  in  thefe 
Parts,  they  (hall,  with  all  Speed,  be  certified  to 
your  Lordfhips,  by 

Your  Lord/hips  faithful  and  humble  Servant, 

A  Letter  from  the  COMMISSIONERS  appointed  to 
attend  the  Payment  and  March  of  the  Scots 

My  Lord,  Newcajlle^  Jan.  31,   1646. 

UPON  Monday  the  25th  Inftant,  all  the 
Scots  Forces  did  quit  Yorkjkire,  and  upon 
Tuefday  following,  the  26th,  we  had  PofTeffion 
of  Hartlepool  and  Stockton.  Upon  Saturday  the 
3Oth,  betwixt  two  and  Three  o'Clock  in  the  Af- 
ternoon, we  had  Pofleflion  of  Newcajlle;  and 
although  it  was  late  before  it  was  delivered,  the 
Scots  Forces  not  paffing  over  Tyne  fo  foon  as  we 
had  Reafon  to  expect,  yet  the  General  of  the 
Scots  Army  did  deal  very  clearly  and  freely,  and 
did  not  ftand  upon  any  Thina;  that  might  hinder, 
but  was  forward  to  do  all  Things  for  the  fpeedy 
Delivery  of  it.  His  Lordftiip  was  gone  out  of 
Town  before  we  entered,  after  the  500  Men 
that  were  firft  to  march  into  it:  but  left  Order 
to  have  our  Hoftages  delivered  at  the  late  Go- 

'  vernor's 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  299 

vernor's  Houfe,  which  we  performed  according-  AP>  *2  Cu- 
ly  ;  and  did  tender  unto  the  Earl  of  Lothian,  ..  _'. 
Sir  James  Lumfden,  and  fome  others  of  the  Februaiy. 
Lords  Commiflioners  for  Scotland,  our  Hoftages, 
viz.  Sir  Edward Lvftus,  [Vifcount  Ely~\  Sir  Rich- 
ard Erie,  Sir  Lionel  Tolmache,  Sir  Ralph  Hare, 
Mr.  Delaval,  and  Mr.  Mildmay.  They  did  take 
Mr.  Delaval' s  Word,  that  he  and  the  reft  of  our 
Hoftages  fliould  go  to  the  Scos  General  ;  which 
he  did  undertake,  and  took  them  all  to  his  Houfe 
that  Night.  We  have  likewife  Pofleffipn  of  Tin- 
mouth  Caftle,  Shields,  and  the  reft  of  the  Forts. 
I  fliall  only  add  that,  according  to  your  Lord- 
fliip's  Commands,  we  did  prefs  that  the  Scots 
Army  fliould  pay  for  what  they  did  take  from  the 
Country,  as  doth  appear  by  our  Letters,  Copies 
whereof  are  enclofed.  And  I  held  it  my  Duty 
to  acquaint  your  Lordftiips  with  the  feveral  An- 
fwers  from  the  Scots  General,  Copies  whereof 
are  likewife  enclofed.  I  fl)alj  expect  your  Lord- 
fliip's  further  Directions,  which  fliall  be  faithfully 
obferved  by, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordjhip's  humble  Servant, 


P.  S.  c  Major-General  Sklppon,  and  all  the 
Forces  and  Soldiers,  have  taken  great  Pains  and 
Care,  and  have  had  a  long  and  tedious  March, 
which  they  performed  with  great  Chearfulnefs. 
I  doubt  not  but  your  Lordftiip  will  take  them 
into  ferious  Confederation,  feeing  the  Shoes, 
Stockings,  and  Cloths  of  both  Horfe  and  Foot 
are  exceedingly  worn  out. 

*  Befides  the  Hoftages  that  we  have  delivered, 
Sir  William  Selby  did  attend  at  Durham,  above 
a  Week,  about  that  Service;  but  becaufe  the 
Scots  Army  is  to  march  towards  the  Place  of  his 
Dwelling,  and  his  Prefence  at  home  might  be 
ufeful  to  him,  we  did,  with  his  own  Confent, 
excufe  him.'  The 

«~-  o  *The  Parliamentary  H  r "s  T  o  R y 

"-r,  j.       T'^e  Letters,    &c.    mentioned  to  be  inclofed  in 
the  foregoing. 

And  firft,  that  from  the  Commiflioners  to    the 
Earl  of  Leu  en. 

York,  Jan.  17,1646. 
May  it  pie af e  your  Excellency, 

*  \T7  E    lately    received    the   inclofed    Petition 
'    **     from  the  Hands  of  Major-General    Skip- 
'  pan,  who  had   it  from  the  Juftices  of  the  Peace 

4  of  this  Country ;     and  having  in  Charge   from  | 
«  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  to  fee  that    no  Mo-  | 

*  ney  nor  Provision  (houlf-  be  taken  by  r.ny  of  your/a 
'  Army   af'er  the  Payment  ot  the  hi  t  100,000 /.  1 

*  as  wa:  refolved  on  b-'   bo'h   Houfes  ;  and  being  \ 
'.  aiTured  that  your  Lordlhips  did  permit  it  to  your  I 
'  EoLicr?  or'v  in  cafe  of  Neceflity,  which  we  hope  } 

*  will  '  °  (ui  j.-iicd  by  their  Receipt  of  the  firft  Pay-  1 
'  ment ;  we  do  therefore  earneftly  prefs  that  your 

*  Exdclleacy  would   take  the  Petition   into  Con- 

*  fideration,    fo   that  no  Money  or  Provifion    may 
'  be  taken  hy   vvay   of  Anticipation;  wherein  we 
'  doubt  not  but  your  Excellency  will  give   prefent 

*  Order,  which  will  tend  much  to  a  friendly  and 

*  brotherly   Parting,  and  will  be  a  great  Satisfac- 
'  tion  to  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,   and  to 

Your  Excellency's  humble  Servants, 


The  Petition  mentioned  in  the  above  Letter. 

To     the   Worfmpful     his   MAJESTY'S    JUSTICES 
affembled  in  ScJJionfor  the  North-Riding. 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION   of  the   diftrejjed  In- 
habitants of  Cleveland,  /'«  Yorkfhire, 


«  np  HAT  a  Part  of  the  faid  Wapontake  hath, 
6  1  for  thefe  eight  Months  laft  paft,  or  there - 
«  abcuts,  paid  to  the  Scots  Army  ^ooo/.  per  Menf- 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  3or 

<  fern   and   upwards,   in  Money  and    Provisions ;  An.  22  Car.  i, 

*  whereby  they  are  fo  extremely  impoveriflied,  that         1646. 

*  fome  of  them  have  neither  Oxen  left  to  till  their    s \r—J 

«  Ground,  nor  Seed  tofowthe  fame  withall;   that 

*  yet   notwithftanding  the  faid  Army   (hew  them- 

*  felves   fo  uncompaflionate   of  their  faid  Mifery, 
'  that  they,  or  moft  of  them,  do  demand,   upon 

*  Penalty  of  our  Lives,  a  Month's  Pay  before  hand 

*  towards  their  Advance;    which  is  a  Thing  alto- 
'  gether  impoflible  for  your  Petitioners  to  perform, 
'  though  it  lie  upon  their  Lives. 

«  The  former  Premises  confidered,  their  hum- 
<  ble  Defire  therefore  is,  That  you  will  be  pleafed, 
'  in  Confideration  of  their  deplorable  Eftate  and 
'  wafted  Condition,  to  mediate  with  fome  Perfons 
'  of  Honour,  that  the  Scots  Army  may  not  levy  any 
c  more  Advance-Money:  but  to  give  fuch  ftricSt 
'  Order  as  that  the  poor  Country  be  not  further 
'  charged  than  it  hath  been  formerly. 

And  your  Petitioners  Jhall  ever  pray ^  &c. 

"The  ORDER  of  SeJJlons  thereupon. 

Ad  General.  Sejfion.  Pads  tent,  apud  Helmfley,  dtio- 
decimo  Die  Januarii,  Anno  Regni  Caroli,  &c.  22, 
coram  Roberto  Berwick,  Milit.  Georgio  Mar- 
wood,  Richardo  Errington,  Ifaaco  Norton,  Arm. 
'Juftic.  ditt.  Domini  Regis  ad  Pacem,  &c. 

(^EORGE  MARWOOD,  Efq;  one  of  his 
^  Majcfty's  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  the  faid 
North-Riding,  is  defired  by  the  Court  to  repre- 
fent  to  Major-General  Skippon  the  humble  De- 
fire  of  the  Inhabitants  of  Cleveland;  and  to  be  an 
humble  Suitor  to  him  on  Behalf  of  this  Court, 
that  he  will  be  pleafed  to  afford  them  his  Aflift- 
ance  and  Mediation,  as  he  (hall  conceive  moft 
conducing  to  the  Relief  of  this  poor  exhaufted 




*The  Parliamentary  H I  s  T  OR  Y 

An.  22  Car.  I.  Another  from     the   lajl-menthned   COMMISSIONERS7 
to  the  Earl  J 


Northatierton,  Jan.  21,  1646. 

/V  pleafeyour  Excellency, 
came    to   Northallerton  with    the  Money 

upon  Tuefuay  Night  lad,  and  were  ready 
to  make  the  lint  Payment  upon  Wedr.efday,  ac- 
cording to  our  former  Letter  unto  you;  L  >:, 
being  the  laft  Day  limited  by  the  A  ci  '•  s  of 
Agreement,  at  v.  hi  ~h  Time  we  did  make  Ten-] 
der  of  it  to  your  Deputy-Treafurera  here  ;  but  : 
they  would  not  receive  it  untill  this  Day.  And 
now  the  Money  being  paiJ,  we  muft  acquaint 
your  Lordfhip  that  we  have  in  Charge  from 
boch  Houfes  of  Parliament  to  take  Care  that, 
after  the  Payment  of  the  firft  ioc,coc/.  your 
Army  may  not  require  or  take  any  Money  or 
Goods  from  the  Country  whstfoever;  but  that 
they  fhall  pay  for  all  fuch  Provifions  or  other 
Things  as  they  fhall  receive:  Therefore  we  do 
defire  your  Lordfhip  to  give  prefent  and  ftri<9: 
Orders  to  all  the  Officers  and  Soldiers  under  your 
Excellency's  Command,  that  they  do  not  levy 
any  more  Money,  or  take  any  Provifions  from 
the  Country,  but  fuch  as  they  fhall  pay  for; 
which  we  the  more  earneftly  prefs,  becaufe  the 
Complaints  that  came  to  us  are  many  and  loud; 
a  true  Copy  of  fome  of  them  we  have  here  in- 
clofed  fent  your  Lordfhip,  wherein  we  are  con- 
fident you  will  give  fpeedy  Relief. 
*  We  further  drfire  the  Favour  of  your  Lordfhip 
to  appoint  us  a  Day  when  we  fhall  receive  the 
Garrifons  of  Stockton  and  Hartlepool^  and  when 
your  Forces  fhall  be  drawn  to  the  North  Side 
and  Northward  of  the  River  Tyne;  becaufe  we 
cannot,  by  the  Articles  of  Agreement,  march 
with  the  fecond  100,000  /.  over  the  Tees  till  that 
Time;  and  fo  confequently  notftir  with  it  from 
hence,  there  being  no  Place  able  to  receive  the 
I  '  Monies 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  303 

Monies    and  Convoy    nearer   than    Darlington^  An.  ^^  Car.  I. 
which  is  on  the  North  of  Tees.  t   l6*6'  _M 

'  We  have  formerly  made  known  to  your  Lord-  February, 
{hip,  that  we  have  it  in  Charge  that  there  be  no 
mixing  of  Quarters,  to  avoid  all  Unkindnefs  be- 
twixt the  Forces  of  both  Kingdoms :  Therefore 
we  doubt  not  but  your  Lordfhip  will  order  the 
timely  drawing  off  your  Forces,  that  the  Garri- 
fons  may  be  received,  our  Forces  march  on,  and 
the  Monies  come  to  Newca/lle  in  due  Time. 
We  have  had  fo  much  Experience  of  your  Lord- 
{hip's  great  Affe&ion  to  the  Good  and  Peace  of 
both  Kingdoms,  that  we  are  confident  a  fatisfac- 
tory  Anfwer  in  all  thefe  Particulars  (hall  be  gi- 
ven to 

Tour  Excellency's  humble  Servants^ 


The  Earl  o/LEVEN's  Anfwer. 
For  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  ofSr  AMF ORD,  and  the 
remanent  COMMISSIONERS  at  Northallerton. 

Newcaftle,  "Jan.  23,   1646. 
Right   Honourable^ 

YOurs  of  the  2 1  ft  came  to  my  Hands  this 
Afternoon.  I  have  given  ftrict  Orders  to 
all  thole  under  my  Command,  that  they  (hall  take 
no  Money,  by  Advance,  after  their  Removal  from 
their  Quarters,  the  Copy  whereof  was  fent  to  you. 
The  Complaint,  mentioned  to  be  inclofed  in  your 
Letter,  did  not  come  to  my  Hands;  and  when 
any  1  come  worthy  of  Cenfure,  it  (hall  be  exa- 
mined into,  and  the  Perfons  punifhed  according 
to  their  Fault.  I  have  already  given  OrHers  to 
the  Governors  of  Stockton  and  Hartlepool^  to  quit 
thofe  Garrifons  on  Monday  or  Tutjday  next;  fo 
that  thole  Governors  will  be  d  her  ready  to 
deliver  the  Garrifons,  or  you  will  find  them  emp- 
ty of  our  Soldiers. 

I  gave 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  I  gave  Order  to  the  Lieutenant-General  of 
Horfe  to  march  to  this  Side  of  Tees^  conform  to 
the  Treaty.  This  Gurrifon  of  Newcaflle,  and  the 
Garrifon  of  Tinmsuth  Caftle,  will  remove  oh  Sa- 
turday next  the  penult  of  this  Month,  and  all  the 
Forces  under  my  Command  will  be  on  the  North 
Side  Tyne  that  Day.  And  howbcit  there  be  fix 
Days  allowed,  after  the  rendering  the  Garrifons, 
for  the  Delivery  of  the  fecond  ico,ooc/.  yet  the 
Committee  here,  as  well  as  inyfelf,  conceive  it 
will  be  a  great  Burden  to  the  County  of  Northum- 
berland^ that  our  whole  Army  fhould  be  in  thefe 
Parts  untill  the  fix  Days  be  part;  and  therefore 
we  are  content  that  you  make  all  the  Hafte  you 
can  to  deliver  the  fecond  1 00,000 /.  and,  if  you 
pleafe,  we  fhall  receive  it  upon  thefirft,  fecond, 
or  third  Day  of  February,  at  the  Place  appoint- 
ed. This  is  all  I  can  fay  for  the  prefent,  and 

Your  Lord/kip's  bumble  Servant^ 

L  E  V  EN, 


May  it  pleafe  your  Excellency, 

1  \T?E  have  received  yours  of  the  23d  Inftant, 
'  W  and  cannot  but  approve,  and  thankfully 
«  acknowledge,  your  Readinefs  therein  exprefled 
6  to  deliver  up  Neivcajlle  and  the  Caftle  of  cTin- 
<  mouth  on  Saturday  next;  as  alfo  your  De-fire  to 

*  receive  the  Money  the  firft,  fecond,  orthird  Day 
«  of  February,  that    fo  you    may   not  burden  the 
'  Country,  by  lying  any  longer  in  it  than  is  of  Ne- 
«  ceflity:    A'.l  which  we  have   confidered,  and  ac- 
«  quainted   Major-General  Skippon  therewith ;   and 
'  \v,  together    with   him,  are   very  ready   to  an- 
«  f\er  y~>ur  Propofiticns  in  both;    but   unlefs  theif 
<•  QiUrters  be    removed,    \vhercwitn   we   have  in 
«  cii  T^e  not  tc5  mingle,  that  we  may  march  with 

*  (  ur  F-'-ces,  and  quarter  ncrr  Kewcajlle  on  Fri- 

'.-,  •  '-\<  ,(-.Cj  it  \vili  not  be  poifible  for  us  to  obferve 

«  our 

ef    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  305 

,  o\ir  Inftru&ions  and  the  Articles  of  Agreement, An-  "  Car< 

*  and   receive  the  Town  of  Newcajlle  as  is  propo-  .       '  *  ' 

*  fed  by   your  Lordfhip  ;  therefore  we  make  it  our      February. 

*  earned   Requeft  to  your  Excellency  to    remove 

*  your  Forces   out   of    Durham,    Northward,  on 
'  Thurfday,    that    we    may  quarter  there ;  and  on 
''Friday  to  draw  oft   all   your  Forces  to  the  North 

*  of  Tyne,  that  our  Forces  may  quarter  near  New- 

*  cajlle   on    Friday  ;    and   that  we  have  Notice  of 
'  your  being  on  the  North  Side  of  Tyne accordingly, 

*  fo  that  our  Forces   may  quarter   near  to  New- 

*  cajlle.     We   fliall    then  draw  the  Money  to  the 
'  North  of  Tees  and  march  it  forward  to  Newcajlle^ 

*  while  our  Forces  are  receiving  the  Town  and 

*  Garrifons,    according   to  the  Articles  ;     which 

*  Rendition  we  defire  may  be  done  timely  on  Sa- 

*  iitrday,   and  fo  the  Expedition  exprefTed  by  your 
'  Excellency,  and   willingly  embraced  by  us,  may 

*  be  accompliflied  ;    artd  then  we  doubt  not  but  to 

*  pay  the  Money    on  the  firft,  fecond,  or  third  of 

*  February ,  that  the  Country  may  be  eafed  ;  which, 
'  together  with  yours,  is  our  moft  earneft  Defire. 

'  And   further  we   befeech  your  Excellency  to 

*  give  us   Leave  (as  we  have  in  Charge)  to  renew 

*  'our  Defires,  that  your  Lordftiip  would  give  pre- 

*  fent  Order  that  your  Army,  having  now  recei- 

*  ved   the  firft  ioo,ooo/.    may  pay  for  whatfoever 

*  they  take  of  the  Country.     By  all    which    we 

*  hope  there  will  be  a  happy    Conclufiort,  to  the 

*  Glory  of  God   and  the  Peace  and  Tranquillity  of 

*  thefe  Kingdoms,  anfwerable  to  the  Defires  of, 

My  Lord, 


«».i5, 1646.       iwr  Lordjhtp  J  humble  Servants, 


P.  S.  *  We  fend  your  Excellency   the  Com- 

*  plaints    we  mentioned  in  our  Letter,  which  were 

*  omitted  by  our  Secretary/ 

VOL.  XV,  U  <nt 


306  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.  I.     <fhe  Earl  of  LE YEN'S  Anfwer  to  the  foregoing. 
'  February.  Newcajlle,  Jan.  26,  1646, 

Right  Honourable, 

Received  your  Lordfliip's  Letter,  defiring  our 
Quarters  to  be  removed,  that  you  may  march 
'  with  your  Forces  near  Ne-wcajlle  on  Friday, 
'  wherein  I  (hall  be  moft  willing  and  ready  to  give 
«  your  Lordfhip  all  the  Satisfaction  which  can  be 
'  expected  from  one  who  wifheth  an  happy  and 
'  fpeedy  Clofe  of  the  Bufmefs  ;  having  accordingly 
'  given  Orders  to  the  Forces  on  South  Side  Tyne^ 
'  fo  to  order  and  haften  their  March,  that  thofe 
«  Parts  being^  cleared  of  them,  your  Forces  may 
«  repair  to  Durham  and  Gatefide  againft  the  Time 
'  defired  ;  and  that  the  Garrifons  of  Newcajlle  and 
'  Tynmoutb  Caftle  may  be  delivered  againft  the 
'  Time  limited  by  the  Articles  of  Agreement. 

*  There   (hall   be  no  Lofs  of  Time  on  our  Part, 

*  but  all   Care  and  Diligence  ufed  to  prevent  the 
'  Time,  if  it  could  be   poffible,  in  the  Rendition 

*  of  your   Garrifons  and  marching  of  our  Forces, 
'  which  {hall  be  all,  both  Horfe  and  Foot,  on  this 
'  Side  Tyne  on  Friday  next,   the  iQth  Inftant. 

'  And    whereas  your  Lordfhip  renews  your  De- 

*  fires    that   the   Army   may    pay  for  whatsoever 

*  they   take    in  the   Country ;  as  I  did,  by  former 
«  Orders,    ftriclly  prohibit  the    levying  any  Cefles 
4  after  the  Removal    of  the  Army  from  the  gene- 
'  ral  Quarters,  and  the  Demanding  of  Money  by 

*  way    of    Advance,  fo  fhall   fpecial    Care  be  had 
c  that  nothing  be  taken  but  neceflary  Entertain- 

*  ment  for  fubfifting  on  the  March  untill  the  Mo- 

*  ney  be  diflributed  ;    and  no  Caufe  of  Offence  be 

*  given,  but  a  fair  and  friendly  Part  obferved,  to 

*  the  maintaining  and    ftrengthening  of  the  happy 

*  Union    between   the  Kingdoms,   which    is   the 
'  conftant  Dcfire  o£ 

Your  bumble  Servant, 

L  E  V  E  N. 

tf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  307 

Feb.  2.    This  Day   was   read  a  Letter  from  the  An. 
Scots  Commiflioners  redding  in  London,  relating  to 
the  Report  of    the  King's   intended    Efcape,    and      February 
the  Charge  againft  the  Scots  General,  &c.  of  being 
privy  thereto. 

For  the  Right  Hon.  the  SPEAKER  of  the  Houfe  of 
PEERS  pro  Tempore,  to  be  communicated  to 
both  Houfis  of  Parliament. 

jyorcefter-Houfe,  Feb.   I,  1646. 

Right  Honourable^ 

4  \TfE    having   received     from  the   Committee  Letter*  and  Exa- 
«•   W    of  both  Houfes   the  Examination   of  To-  minations  vm&- 
«  bias  Peaker,    with  fome  other  Papers,  forthwith  "oXe^hwg'e 
«  fent  the  fame  to  the  Committee  of  the  Parliament  of  affifting  in  the 
*  of  Scotland  at  Newcaftle ;    who,  having  taken  the  King's  intended 
4  Bufmefs  into  their  ferious  Confideration,  as  highly  Ecapc* 
1  reflecting  upon   our  Armies  in  the  North  of  this 
4  Kingdom  and  Ireland,  and  upon  fome  Perfons  of 
'  known  Integrity  ;  having  alfo  fpent  two  Days  in 
«  the  Examination    thereof  and  of  fuch  Perfons  as 
'  they   had  the  Conveniency  to  examine  upon  the 

*  Place,  have  returned  unto  us  the  inclofed  Papers  to 
«  be  communicated,  to  the  Honourable  Houfes  with 
8  their   own    Letter.     By  all  whi$h  it  may  appear 
«  how  little  Credit  is   to  be  given  to  the  Informa- 

*  tions  of    Tobias   Peaker,  who  is  alfo  contradicted 
'  by  the  Earl    of  Leven  in  that  Particular  which 

*  concern'd    his  Excellency;    whofe  Declaration, 
«  we  truft,  will  weigh  very  much  with  the  Honour- 
«  able  Houfes,  and   that  no  Jealoufies  (ball  be  en- 

*  tcrtained  after  fuch    real  Teftimonies  of  our  Ar- 

*  my's  Faithfulnefs  to  the  Nation,  and  their  fiiend- 

*  ly  Parting.     We  are 

Tour  Lordjhips  mo/J  humble  Servants, 


U  2  The 

*lhc  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Letter   from   the  SCOTS   COMMISSIONERS  at 
Newcaftle,    addre/ed  to  both  Houfes,    with    the 
February,  Papers  referred  to  in  the  foregoing. 

Jan.  22,   1646-7. 
Right  Honourable ', 
'  r  1  Aving  feen   the    Examination  of  one  Tobias 

*  £71   Peaker,  which,  by  your  Order,  was  com- 

<  fhunicated  to  our  Comtniflioners  at  London,  and 
«  their  Paper  of  the  1 2th  of  this  Month,  given  in 
«  to  both  Houfes,    we   found  it  neceflary,  for  the 
«  clearing  of  a  Bufinefs  of  fo  great  Confequence, 

<  which  reflected  fo  much   upon  this  Army,    the 
'  Scots  Army    in  Ireland,  and  feme  Chief  Officers 

<  of  known  Integrity,  to  make  as  exa&  a  Trial  of 
«  the  Bufmefs  as  we  could  +  which  we  have  done, 

*  and  fent   up    the  Examinations  to  our  Commif- 

*  fioners,  to   be  communicated  to  your  Lordfliips. 

*  The  Lord-General  doth  alfo  declare  to  us,  that 
«  he  never   did  communicate  any   fuch  Letter  to 
'  Mr.  Murray  as  is  mentioned  in  the  faid  Pecker's 
«  Examination ;    nor  ever  did  tell    Mr.    Murray 
'  that  he  had  any  Letter  in  Ambufh  for  him. 

*  This  Army   hath   given  fo   many  undeniable 

*  Teftimonies  of  their  fidelity  to  this  Caufe,  and 
«  conftant  Affe&ion  to  the  Parliament  of  England, 

*  and  we    find   the  Perfons,  mentioned  in  the  faid 

*  Peaker's  Examination,  fo  innocent  of  the  Things 
«  laid  to  their  Charge,    that  we  confidently  expect 
'  that  the  Honourable  Houfes  will  not  give  fuch 

*  Countenance   to  the  Information  of  a   Fellow, 
«  who,  upon  Examination,  appears  to  be  infamous, 

*  and  a  Thief  j  as,  by  proceeding  in  this  Bufinefs, 
'  to  feem    to  give    Credit   to  his     Information, 

*  which    fo    much   afperfes    this   Army,     whofe 

*  Integrity  hath  ever  appeared,  notwithstanding  of 
c  any  fuch  falfe  Informations ;  efpecially  at  fuch  a 
'  Time  as  this,  when,  after  all  their  Aclions  and 
'Sufferings,  they   are  now  in  marching  home  ac- 
'  cording  to  the   Treaty ;    which,    God  willing, 
« flull  be,    on  our  Part,    punctually    perform'd : 

«  And 

of   ENGLAND. 

'  And  as  we  have  been  careful  in  every  Thing  to 
'  give  all  juft  Satisfa&ion  to  the  Honourable  Houfes, 
'  fo  (hall  we  continue  conftantly  to  (hew  our  DC-  ^February, 

*  fires  to  keep  and  ftrengthen  a  good  Correfpon- 

*  dency  betwixt  the   Kingdoms,    and   to  witneis 
«  that  we  are 

Tour  Lordjhlp*  humble  Servants^ 



EXAMINATION  of  Mr.  LEVIT  before  the  Right 
Honourable  the  COMMITTEE  refiding  with  the 
Scots  Army  at  Newcaftle. 

Newcajlle,  Jan.  21,  1646-7. 

'  ~T"*HIS  Examinant  faith,  That  he  never  deli- 
'  A  vered  100  /.  to  Tobias  Peaker ,  nor  any  o- 
'  ther  Sum  of  Money;  nor  ever  put  any  Money 
'  under  Mr.  Murray's.  Bed,  He  adds,  That  he 
'never  fpoke  with  the  Dutch  Captain:  That  ne- 
'  ver  any  Difcourfe  paft  betwixt  him  and  Peaker 
'  concerning  the  King's  Intention  to  go  away,  or 
4  his  fitting  up  late  the  25th  of  December:  Butaf- 
«  firms,  That  the  King  went  to  Bed  that  Night  at 
'  his  ordinary  Hour;  and  that  he  never  knew  or 

*  heard  any  Thing  of    the  King's    Intention   to 
'  efcape  :  That  he  knew  nothing  of  Peaker^  go- 

*  ing  out  of  Town;  but  certainly  underftood  him 
'  to  be   difcontented  ;  and  that  Peaker  had  faid  to 
'  him,  Wai  ever  Man  fo  abufed  as  to  be  put  out 

*  of  his  Place?* 



^  "Jan.  21,    1646-7. 
'  "TpHIS  Examinant  faith,  He  never  knew  any 

*  X     Letter  fent  by  Mr.  Murray  to  the  Gover- 

*  nor  at    Hartlepoil,    more  than  by  the  Report  of 
fobiaf     Peaker' $    Information :     That    he   fent 

U  3  Peaker 

3x0  ^he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   zz  Car.  I. «  Peaker  not  long  ago    a  Horfe,   as,   upon  divers 

t     l6j6'  ,      *  Occafions,  to  others  of  Mr.  Murray 's  Servants; 

Febni-rv        '  ^ut  ne  neitner  afked  him,  nor  knew  whither  he 

«  was  going  :    And  that    he  had  been    with  Mr. 

'  Murray  at  the  Gate  oftner  than  once;  but  nei- 

*  ther  remembered  the  Time,  nor  that  they  ever  had 
'  any  particular  Difcourfe.     That  he  never  fpoke 
'  with  the  Dutch  Captain. 


'  of 'the  Dutch  Ship  lying  in  the  River  Tyne. 

Newcajile,  Jan.  21,  1646-7. 
«  "  I  '  HIS  Examinant  fays,   that  he  knows  Mr. 
4     1      William  Murray ;    but  that  he  knows  no 
«  Body  by  the  Name  of  Tobias  Peaker  :  That  he 

*  never  received  any  MefTagc  from  Mr.  Murray, 
'  but  that  one  Mr.  Murray  a(ked  him,  If  he  would 

*  carry  a  Gentleman1  to    Holland    that  the  King 

*  meant  to  fend ;   and   that  his  Anfwer  was,  He 

*  would  willingly  do  fo,  when  his  Ship  was  ready 
'  and  the  Wind   ferved  j  but  that  Mr.  Murray  did, 

*  never  infmuate    to  him  any  Thing  of  the  King's 
'  going  beyond   Seas  no  more  than  the  Child  that 
'  was  born  Yefterday. 

'  That  he  further  faith,  He  never  received  any 
'  Money  from  Mr.  Murray^  nor  from  any  other 
4  in  his  Name  :  That  on  the  25th  of  December  no 
'  Creature  laid  on  board  of  his  Ship,  as  fer.t  front 

*  Mr.   Murray i  as  he  had   formerly    avouched  to 

*  the  Mayor  of  Newcajlle :  And  that  no  Man  nor 
'  Woman  in   England  ever  afked  him  if  he  might 
4  go  to  Sea,   Night  or  Day,  notwithftanding  any 

*  Oppofition  from  Tynmcuth  Cafllc  ;    nor  did  any 
w                '  Body  elfe  oft'er  to  fpeak  to  him  fuch  a  Thing.' 



Newcajile,  Jan.  21,    1646-7. 
c  '"•""HIS    Examinant    fays,     That    he  knows 

*  J.      Tobias  Peaker :    He  never  fent  him,  nor 

*  any  other,  to  bid  the  Captain  of  the  Dutch  Ship 

*  to 

*f    ENGLAND.  311 

f  to    come     to    his    Lodgings :     That    he  never  An.   2i  Car. 
'  fent  Tobias  Peaker,    nor  any    other,    to  deliver         l6+6> 
'  TOO/,    or   any    other    Sum    of    Money,  to   the       February. 
'  Dutch   Captain ;    and    that    he    never  gave   him 
'  any  himfelf ;    nor   Mr  Levit^    nor    no  other  by 

*  his    Order:    That    he  never  heard  any  Difcourfe 
'  betwixt  Tobias   Peaker  and  Mr.  Levit^  concern - 
'  ing  the   King's  fitting   up    late  on  the  25th   of 
'  December:    That  he    once  afked  the  Dutch  Cap- 
'  tain,  if  he  would  tranfport  a  Gentleman  whom 
f  the    King   intended   to  fend  into   Holland;  and 
'  that  the  Captain's  Anfwer  was,  He  would,  when 
'  he  was  ready  and  Wind  ferved  :    That  he  neve* 

*  fpoke  any  Thing  to  Peaker  of  the  King's  Inten- 
'  tion  to  go  beyond  Seas :    That  he  never  fpoke  to 
'  him  of  Ireland,  or  Montrofe  fiding  with  the  King  : 
'  That  he  never  told  Tobyy  Becaufe  the  Wind  was 

*  out  of  the  Way  they  muft  feek  another  Courfe  : 

*  That   upon  the  King's  Defire  to  know    if  there 

*  might  be  a  Ship  had  to  fend  one  beyond  Seas,  he 
6  had  fent  Toby  to  Hartlepoole,  with  a  Letter  to  the 

*  Governor,  to  enquire  for  one ;  but  that  he  knows 
'  not  whom  the  King  meant  to  fend  in  her :  That 
'  the  Earl  of  Leven  never  fpoke  to  him  any  Thin£ 
'  of  that  Letter :  That  he  never  rebuked  Toby  for 

*  betraying  the  King  or  difcovering  his  Intentions, 
'  or  any  fuch  Purpofe;  but    once  in  the  Prefencc- 

*  Chamber  he  chid   him  for  .net  giving  him  an  Ac- 
'  count  of  his  Money,  and  not  paying,  according 
'  to  his    Directions,    feveral  Perfons    confiderable 
4  Sums  of  Money  delivered  to  him  for  that  Effect  • 

*  That  he  r\ever  fent  Toby  to  the  Dutch  Ship ;  nor 
'  ever  defired  the  Captain,  by  him  or  any  other,  to 
'  victual  his  Ship :  That  he  never  fpoke  to  Toby  one 

*  Word  concerning  any  Regiments,    Troops,  or 
'  Perfons  of  the  Scats  Army  {landing  for  the  King  : 
'  And  that  he  never  mentioned  to  him  the  Name  of 

*  David  LeJJey^  whom  he  had  not  feen  for  divers 
'  Years,  till  after  Toby  was  gone  away  from  New- 
'  caftle :  That   he  had  feen  Sir  Robert  Murray  A\- 

*  yers  Times  at  the  Sign  of  the  Angd\   but  never 

U   4  'had 



The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*  had   any   Difcourfe  with  him  there  to  his  Re- 

*  membrance.' 

Feb  3.  The  Lords  took  into  Confideration  the 
Examination  of  Tobias  Peaker^  and  the  Papers  read 
Yefterday  from  th~  Scots  Commiffioners  concern- 
ing him'.  They  were  ordered  to  be  referred  to  a 
Committee  of  that  Houfe,  who  were  to  fend  for 
the  faid  Peaker  and  examine  him,  and  report  the 
fame  to  the  Lords :  in  the  mean  Time  he  was  to 
lie  in  Cuftody.  Ordered  alfo  that  thefe  Papers  be 
communicated  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  at  a 

ALetter  from  the 
attending  the 
King,  concerning 
his  Majefty's 
writing  in  Cy- 
phers to  the 
Breach  Agent. 

Feb.  8.  This  Day  came  more  N  ews  from 
cajlle,  by  Letters,  &c.  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Peers, 
and  were  in  bacVerba: 

To  ike   Right   Hon.  the  Earl  cf  M  ANC  H  E  STE  R, 
Speaker  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers  pro  Tempore. 

Durham^  Feb.  3,  1646. 
My  Lord, 

UPON  Monday  laft  there  fell  out  an  Ac- 
cident, whereof  we  think  it  very  fit  to 
give  you  this  Account :  One  Mr.  Mungo  Mur- 
ray^  formerly  his  Majefty's  Servant,  but  never  in 
Arms,  was  permitted  by  us  to  take  his  Leave  of 
the  King  in  the  Prefence-Chamber  j  and,  being 
called  aude,  had  a  Paper  put  into  his  Hand  by  his 
Majefty  ;  which  being  obferved,  upon  Examina- 
tion he  denied  it  not,  but  willingly  fuffered  the 
faid  Paper  to  be  taken  out  of  his  Pocket,  where- 
in were  written  fome  Lines  all  in  Cyphers,  and 
directed  to  be  by  him  delivered  to  the  French  A- 
gent.  Hereupon,  tho*  by  his  own  earneft  Pro- 
teftation,  and  by  his  Ingenuity  in  not  denying  it, 
we  had  Reafon  to  believe  he  was  furprizedby 
the  King ;  and  altho'  we  had  no  exprefs  Power 
of  impriioning  contained  in  our  InftrucTiions,  yet 
for  deterring  others  from  the  like  Boldnefs,  and 

«  fer 

of    ENGLAND. 

'  for    preventing  of  Inconveniences,    we  thought  An- 

'  fit  to  take  upon  us  to  commit  him  ;   but  the  Earl    v 

'  of  Lothian  giving  a  very  good  Teftimony  of  him,      February, 
f  and  undertaking  for  his  Appearance  at  the  Com- 
?  mand  of  the  Parliament;   and  confldcring   in   all 

*  Jikelyhood  he  had  no  Foreknowledge  of  his  Ma- 
«  jefty's  Intentions,  or  any  other  Defign  therein, 
'  we  thought  fit,  after  two  Days  Imprifonment,  to 

*  relcafe  him,  upon  Condition  to   render   himfelf 

*  when  and  where  you  (hall  appoint. 

'  The  King  came  this  Day  from  Newcaftle  to 
4  Durham,  where  he  arrived  by  two  of  the  Clock 
f  in  the  Afternoon ;  and  the  Reafon  why  we  take 
'  no  long  Journeys  is  to  avoid  fuch  Inconveniences 

*  as  poflibly  might  befal!  us  in  travelling  late  in  the 
?  Evening. 

4  Some  of  the  Mufcovia  Company  have  impor- 
'  tuned  us  for  Leave  to  move  his  Majefty  for  a 

*  Letter  in  his  Name,   to   the   Emperor  of  Rujjia? 

*  the  Effect  whereof  is  as  follows : 

1.  *  An   Excufe  for  his  bnperial  Majeflys  Mef- 

*  fengers  n°t  having   Accefs  to  the  King,  by   reaf.n  of 

*  the  Ho/?  Hi  ties  in  this  Kingdom. 

2.  '  To  condole  the  Death  of  the  late  Emferar. 

3.  '7*0    congratulate   the    happy  Enthronement  of 
'  his  Sw  fhe  prefent  Emperor. 

4.  '  7rj  drjire  a  Continuation  of  the  ant  lent  League 

*  and  Amity  betwixt  the  two  Crowns. 

5.  *  To  defire  the  Refettlement   of  the  antient  Pri~ 
vileges  formerly  enjoyed  by  the  Englifli  Nation. 

6.  '  To  recommend  the  Perfon  of  Spencer  Bret- 
ton,    now   rejident   at  the  Emperor's  Court ,   to  be 
Agent  there \  untill  his   Majejly  Jhall  fend  his  Am- 

'  The  Letter  propof-tl,  being  the  fame  in  Sub- 
fiance  which  the  Parliament  have  exprefTtd  by 
two  feveral  Letters  to  his  Imperial  Majefty,  the 
Company  defires  that  the  King's  Majefty  will  be 
gracioufly  pleafed  to  fign  the  fame:  And  they 
alledge  it  to  concern  the  Trade  very  much,  and 
to  be  no  other  th^n  what  hath  been  permitted 

«  in 

3 i 4  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  22  car.  I.  c  in  like  Cafe  to  the  Tar/fry  Company;  but  we  haye 

, ,   *  referred   them  to  your  further  Directions,  which 

Febmary.        '  (hall  be  be  alfoobferved  by, 


Your  Lord/hips  humble  Servants^. 


P.  S.  *  We  fend  your  Lordfliips  here  inclofed 
c  the  Copy  of  the  Cypher  we  took  from  Mr.  Mur- 
<  ray: 

Orders  thereup-       The  Lords   ordered  that  it  be   referred  to  the 
«»•  Earls  of  Lincoln  and  Warwick,,   and  the  Lord  War- 

ton,  todifcover  the  above-mentioned  Cypher;  and 
that  the  Letter  from  theCommiffioners  be  commu- 
nicated to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  :  \Vhich  being 
done  accordingly, 

Feb.  9.  The  Commons  fent  up  a  Draught  of  an 
additional  Inftru&ion  for  Philip  Earl  of  Pembroke^ 
and  the  reft  of  the  Cornmiflicners  that  had  the. 
King  in  Cuftody;  which  was  to  this  Effect: 
'  You  are  to  take  fpecial  Care  to  prevent  the 
fecret  conveying  of  any  Letters,  Papers,  or  Mef- 
fages,  to  or  from  the  King  ;  and  for  that  Purpofe 
you,  or  any  three  of  you,  have  hereby  Power  to 
examine  and  fearch  all  or  any  fuch  Perfons  or 
Packets  as  you  {hall  think  fit.  And  alfo  to  fe- 
cure  and  reftrain  the  Perfons  of  fuch  as  you  fhall 
thereupon  fee  Caufe,  untill  the  Plcafure  of  both 
Houfes  of  Parliament  be  known;  and  you  are 
alfo,  from  Time  to  Time,  to  give  Notice  to 
both  Houfes  of  your  Proceedings  therein.' 

The  Lords  agreed  to  this  Inftru&ion,  and  de- 
clared their  Approbation  of  Mungo  Murray's  Com- 
mitment by  the  Commiifioners. 


cf   ENGLAND.  315 

Two  more  Letters    from  Ne-wcajlle   were    read  An.  «  or.  I. 
phis   Day;  one    from  the  Earl    of    Stamford,  the;    t      '  *---J 
other  from  the  Parliament's  Treafurers ;  but  con-       February, 
tain  nothing,   fave  informing  the  Houfes  that  the 
other  IOO..OOO/.    was   paid  to  the  Scots,  that  they 
were  all   marched  homewards,    and    had    returned 
back  the  Englijl)  Hoftages  who  were  treated  nobly 
by  them. 

Feb.  12.  Further  Intelligence  from  the  North 
was  communicated  to  the  Lords  in  the  following 
Letters : 

To  the    Right    Honourable   the    SPEAKERS    of  both 
Heufes  of  the  Parliament  of  England. 

Edinburgh,  February  5,   1646-7, 
Right  Honourable, 
1   IT7  E   have    received   your   Lordfliips    Letter,  A  Letter  from  the 

*  W    dated    at   Jfejlminjler    the    2jth   of     Ja-  Scots  Parliament 
(  nuary  laft.     As  this  Kingdom  hath,  by  their  En  -  to  both  Houfe5' 
'  gagement  in  this   Caufe,  and  their  faithful  Pro- 

'  fecution  of  it,  manifefted  their  AfFe&ion  to  their 
'  Brethren  of  England,  having   had   many   Expe- 

*  riences  of  the  brotherly  KindnelTes  of  the  Parlia- 
'  ment  of  England,  we  hope  your  Lordfliips   will 
'  fully  agree  with  what  has  been  declared  and  de- 
'  fired  by  us  in  our  late  Addrefs. 

'  Our  x^rmy  is  now  on  their  March  homeward, 
c  many  of  the  Garrifons  are  already  delivered,  and 
'  what  remains  on  our  Parts  (hall  punctually  be  per- 
c  form'd;  and,  as  foon  as  we  have  difbanded  our 

*  Forces,   excepting  fuch  as  we  are  neceflhated  to 

*  keep  up   for  fupprefling  thefe  frefh    Rebels  and 
'  their  Adherents,  who  have  for  a  long  Time   in- 
'  fefted   this  Kingdom,    we  intend   to    authorize 
'  Commiflioners  to  join  with   thofe   that  fhall   be 

*  fent  by  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament   of  Eng* 
1  land,  for  obtaining  his   Majefty's  Aflent  to  the 
'  Propofitions,  and   for  agreeing  to  what  (hall  be 
'  further  propounded  or  thought  neceflary  for  pre- 

*  fcrving   and    ftrengthening  the  happy  Union  of 

«  tbcfc 

3 1 6  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  «  Car.  I.  <  thcfe  Kingdoms ;  the  perpetuating  whereof  (hall 
_  l6*6'    j     '  ever  be  the  earned  Defires  and  conftant  Endea- 

FeWuai).        *  rours  of 

Tour  affeElionate  Friend  and  Servant, 

Prt/uf  Parr. 

Feb.   13.  A  Letter  from   the  Earl  of  Pembroke, 
with  a  Declaration  inclofed,  was  read,   viz. 

For  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  cf  the  Hoafe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord,  Leeds,  Feb.  <),   1646. 

rd^SffiU-'  VJ Y  y°ur  Lord{hip's  Letter  y°u  have  been 

with  the        '    *-*  pleafed  to  give  us  Notice  of  their  Lordfhips 
*°t'  *  Approbation  and  Acceptance  of  our  Endeavours 

«  to  ferve  them :  We  defire  that,  by  the  fame 
<  Hand,  our  humble  Thanks  may  be  returned  to 
«  their  Lordmips,  with  this  AfTurance,  that  from  fo 
'  great  a  Favour  we  cannot  but  receive  Encou- 
'  ragementto  improve  our  Services  to  the  beft  Ad- 
'  vantage. 

•  The  King  came  to  Ripon  on   Saturday  Night 
'  laft,  where  he  refted  upon  the  Lord's  Day.     A 

*  little  before  Dinner  many  difeafed  Perfons    came, 
'  bringing  with  them  Ribbons  and  Gold,  and  were 
'  only  touched,    without    any    other    Ceremony. 
4  We  are  now  at  Leedt,  where  Hundreds  attend  iri 
'  the  fame  Manner ;  and  fpr  that  it  may  be  of  very 

*  dangerous  Confequence  to  his  Majefty's  Perfon 

*  and  Safety,  and  otherwife  inconvenient,  we  have 
'  agreed  to   publifh  a  Declaration,    the  Copy  of 
'  which  we  here  inclofed  fend  you  j    and  if  you 
4  {hall  think   fit  of  an  other  Way  to  prevent  this 

*  Inconveniency,  none  fhall  be  more  ready  to  obev 

*  your  Commands  than 

Tour  Lordjhip' 3  faithful  Servants, 

PEMBROKE  and        B.  DENBIGH, 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  317 

The  DECLARATION   referred  to  in  the   foregoing  *«•"  Car.  I. 

Hereas   divers   People  do  daily  refort  unto       February, 
the   Court,    under    Pretence   of    having 
the  Evil ;    and  whereas  many   of  them   are   in  Their  Declart- 
Truth  infe&ed   with  other  dangerous   Difeafes,  «'»"  again*  Per- 
and   are   therefore  altogether  unfit  to  come  into  be^oud^d"^  W* 
the  Prefence  of  his  Majefty :    Thefe  are  there-  Majcfty  for  the 
fore  ftriclly  to  require  and    charge  all  Perfons  Evil, 
whatfoever,  which  are  difeafed,  not  to  prefume 
hereafter  to  repair  unto  the  Court,  wherefoever 
it  be,  upon  Pain  of  being  feverely  puniflied  for 
fuch  their  Intrufion  ;    and  we  do  further  require 
all  Sheriffs,  Mayors,   Bailiffs,  Conftables,    and 
other  Officers  to  fee  this  our  Order  publiflied. 
Dated  at  Leeds  the  qtk  Day  a/"  February,    164.6. 
J3y  Command  of  the  Cornmijjioners    appointed  by 
both  Hoiifes  of  Parliament  to  attend  the  King's 
Per  fan  at  Hold  en  by. 

Secretary  to  the  CommiJJionen. 

Feb.  1 5.  About  this  Time  the  Populace  began  to 
(hew  a  Diflike  againft  the  Exife,  which  they  had 
long  groaned  under:  And  this  Day  a  great  Tumult 
happened  mLondont  the  Mob  riflng  in  Smithfeld^ 
pulled  down  the  Excife- Office,  and  did  more  Mif- 
chief ;  but,  by  the  Vigilance  of  the  City  Magi- 
ftrates,  they  were  fupprefFed,  many  of  them  taken 
and  fcnt  to  Prifon:  However,  on  this  Warning, 
the  Commons  thought  proper  to  frame  a  Declara- 
tion of  the  Grounds  for  laying  and  continuing  the 
Excife,  which  will  fall  better  in  the  Sequel. 

Feb.  1 8.  A  Letter  was  read  from  the  Earl  of 
Pembrckfy  and  the  other  Commiffioners,  with 
Advice  that  the  King  was  come  to  Holdenby ;  ad- 
drefs'd  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers. 

My  Lord,  Holdenby -,  Feb.  16,    1646. 

*   L>  Y  the  Providence  of  God,  which  hath  gone  2j3JiIt 
«   D  along  with  us  from  the  firft  Step  to  the  lafl  HoUcni>/. 
'  in  this  Journey,   the   King  is  corne  well  to  Hsl- 

318  efbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   aiCar.  I.  < 

dsnhy.    Col.  Greaves^  who  commanded  the  Con- 
voy, has  managed  his  Truft  with  great  Care  and 
February.      '  Vigilancy,  and  hath  performed  extraordinary  Du- 
'  ty  in   his  own  Perfon,  which  we  hold  ourfelve$ 
'  obliged  to  reprefent  unto  you. 

'  We  have  here  900  Horfe  and  Dragoons,  which, 

*  quartering  within  a  little  Compafs,    cannot   but 

*  be  very  burthenfome  to  the  Country  5  and  there- 
'  fore  intreat  your  Lordfhip  to  move  the  Houfes  to 

*  give    fpecial  Directions  for  their  Pay.     We  are 
'  here  now,   after  five  Weeks  fpertt  in  that  Service, 

*  attehding  their  further  Orders,  according  to  the 
'  Commands  laid  upon  us  in  our  firft  Inftru6lions. 

'  Our  Hope  and  earned  Defire  is,  that  our  Em- 
1  ployment  being  come  to   this  Period,  you  will 

*  pleafe  to  move   their  Lordfhips   to  enjoin   us  to 

*  wait  upon  them  at  London;  which  we  fliall  ac- 

*  knowledge  a  very  great  Favour  done  to, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lfrdjhip'i faithful  Servants, 


We  have  now  gone    through  our  Account  of 
<The  Sentiment!  the  Bine's  throwing  himfelf  into  the  Hands  of  the 

of  the    Contem-    c  .   *=  JL-II-        •  i  •      * »   •    n    » 

porary  Writer*    Scats  Army,   and  their  delivering   up  his   Majefty's 
upon  the  charge  Perfon  to  the  Parliament's  Commiflioners,    as   it 

offcUin£ththcCOt8ftands  in  the  Journali  of  both   Houfes.     A  Crif» 
King.'""  of  Engli/b  Hiftory  much  canvafied,  but,  in  our  O- 

pinion,  hitherto  not  well  underftood.  Every  one 
knows  that  the  Scots  Nation  have  been,  and  are 
ilill,  blamed  for  giving  up  their  natural-born  King, 
who  had  fled  to  them  for  Protection,  into  the 
Hands  of  his  Enemies.  Nay,  fome  do  not  ftick  to 
fay  that  he  was  actually  fold  by  them.  EngHJh 
Hiftorians,  as  well  as  Englijb  Tradition,  are  not 
wanting  to  ftigmatize  the  Scots  Nation  with  this 
Piece  of  Merchandize.  Therefore,  before  we  enter 


of-    ENGLAND.  319 

upon  other  Matters,  we  fliall  exhibit  the  Sentiments  An.  zz  car.  I. 
of  the   feveral  Contemporary  Writers   relating  to     t  l6*6*     j 
this  Tranfaftion.  February. 

Mr.  JWntlacke  (1}  tells  .us,  {  That  on  the  24th 
of  September,    a  new  Committee  was  appointed  of 
both  Houfcs,  to  treat  with  the  Scots  Commiffioners 
about  difpoftng  of  the  King's    Perfon  ;  which   was 
pUrpofely  named  to  carry  on  the  Defign  intended  ; 
That  the   latter  End  of  December  there  began  to 
be  an  Underftanding  between  fome  here  and  the 
Scots,  for  their  delivering  up  of  the  King's  Perfon 
to  the  Parliament :    That  the    King    was   much 
difpleafed  with  that  Nation  for  delivering  him  up  ; 
and  that  he  alfo  difliked  going  to  Holdcnby  on  ac- 
count of  the  Air  :    But  that  the    Scats  laid   hold 
of  his  Majefty's  refuting  to  take  the  Covenant  and 
to  fign  the  Proportions,  for  their  Excufe.    He  adds, 
That  the  Parliament  at  Edinburgh  had  voted,  *  If 
his  Majefty  fhould  have  Thoughts  of  coming  thi- 
ther at  that  Time,   he  having  not  fubfcribed  the 
Covenant,  nor  fatisfied  the  lawfull  Defires  of  his 
Subjects  in  both  Nations,  they  had juft  Caufe  to 
fear  the  Confequences  of  it  might  be  very  dange- 
rous, both  to  him  and  to  thefe  Kingdoms;  which 
they  defired  might  be  timely   prevented/     And 
that  if  they  fhould    now    receive    his    Majefty, 
it  would  be  contrary  to  their  Engagements  with 
England  arkl    the    Treaties.'    And  that  a  Scots 
Lord  told  the   King,   If  he  did  not  fign  the  Cove- 
nant,  they  muft  give  him  up  to  the  Parliament  of 
England,  and  it  would  fall  heavy   upon  him   and 
his  Pofterity.' 

In  another  Place  this  Memorialift  informs  us, 
That  the  aforefaid  Vote  was  carried,  in  the  Scots 
Parliament,  but  by  two  Voices.  That  the  King 
afked  the  Scats  Co.nmiflioners,  JVhy  he  might 
not  go  into  Scotland,  when  he  came  to  their  Ar- 
my for  Protection?  And  they  anfwered  him,  c  Be- 

*  caufe  he  rcfufcd  to  fign  the  Covenant  and  Propo- 
'  fitions  j  therefore  they  were  to  deliver  him  to  the 

*  Commiflicr.crj  of  the  Parliament  of  England^  who 

*  were 

(t]  MtnisiJt,  p.  127,  135,  Z3%  24.0. 

^io  The  Parliamentary 

An.  «  Car-  *•  *  were  come  to  attend  him  to  Holdenby-Houfe.'^- 
1646.  That  the  King  defired  the  Englijh  Commifiioners, 

*  -  who  had.  then  received  him  from  the  ScotSj  to  fend 

t»  the  Parliament,  that  he  might  have  two  Chap- 
lams,  who  had  not  taken  the  Covenant,'  to  go  with' 
hi'm  to  Holdenby.  And,  on  their  Refufal,  amongft 
fome  other  Difcourfe,  the  King,  as  was  reported 
by  fome,  faid,  That  be  was  bought  and  fold? 

Lord  Clarendon  begins  with  telling  us  (c),  c  'f'hat. 
when  the  Scots  had  fecured  the  Peace  and  Quiet  of 
their  own  Country,  by  getting  the  King  to  fend 
pofitive  Orders  to  the  Marquis  of  Montrofe  for 
difbandmg  of  his  Forces,  and  transporting  him- 
felf  beyond  Sea,  which  he  obeyed :  And  when 
they  had,  with  fuch  Solemnity  and  Refofution, 
made  it  plain  and  evident  that  they  could  not, 
without  the  moft  barefaced  V  iolatiorf  of  their  Faith 
and  Allegiance,  and  of  the  fundamental  Principles 
of  the  Chriftian  Religion,  evre  deliver  up  their 
native  King,  who  had  put  himfelf  into  their  Hands, 
into  thofe  of  the  Parliament,  againft  his  own  Will 
and  Confent :  And  when  afterwards  they  began 
to  talk  fturdily,  and  denied  that  the  Parliament 
of  England  had  Power,  absolutely,  to  difpofe 
of  the  Perfon  of  the  King  without  their  Appro- 
bation ;  to  which  the  Parliament  as  loudly  re- 
plied, That  they  had  nothing  to  do  in  England  but 
to  obferve  their  Orders;  and  added  fuch  Threats 
to  their  Reafons,  as  plainly  (hewed  they  had  a 
Contempt  of  their  Power,  and  would  exact  Obe- 
dience from  them,  if  they  refufcd  to  yield  it.  Yet, 
adds  our  Author,  thefe  Difcourfes  were  only  kept 
up  till  they  could  adjuft  all  Accounts  between  them, 
and  agree  what  Price  (hould  be  paid  for  the  Delive- 
ry of  his  Perfon,  whom  one  Side  was  refolved  to 
have,  and  the  other  as  refolved  not  to  keep.  Thus, 
fays  he,  they  agreed  ;  and,  upon  the  Payment  of 
200,000 /.  in  Hand,  and  Security  for  as  much 
more,  upon  Days  agreed  on,  the  Scots  delivered 
the  King  up  into  fuch  Hands  as  the  Parliament 


(t)  OartnloJi  Hiftory  of  the  Rebellion,  Vo!.  V.  p.  54.  8-w  £Jit.. 


ppointed  to  receive  him.     In  this  infamous  Man- A 
ner  that  excellent   Prince  was,   in  the  End  of  Ja- 
nuary,  given  up  by  his  Scats  Subjects.'  February 

Sir  Philip   Warwick,  a  Member  of  this  Parlia- 
ment,   bin    who  had   been    expcllrd    for    taking 

part  with  the  Kin^,'  exprefTes   himfjlf  thus. 

'  (a)  Whilft  his  Majefty  was  employed  in  Con- 
ferences with  Hcnderfon  about  the  Order  of  Epif- 
copacy,  [a  Circumftance  we  have  already  taken 
Notice  of]  the  Scots  knew  fo  well  how  to  value 
him,  that  if  it  be  not  admitted  they  fold  him,  it 
muft  be  confefr,  they  parted  with  him  for  a  good 
Price;  for  they  were  paid  20C,ooo/.  upon  their 
marching  from  Ntu'co/lle^  and  delivering  up  of 
that  Town,  as  likewife  Berwick  and  CarliJJe  ;  and 
werepromifed  200,000 /.  more  to  be  fecured  upon 
the  Public  Faith.  But  if  the  Englljh  Army  had 
been  left  to  themfelves,  arid  the  Prefbytcrs  had  not 
then  been  prevalent  in  Parliament,  the  Ind. 
dent  Party  would  foon  have  fhortned  the  Taylor's 
Bill.  And  thus  were  extinguished,  or  thus  vani- 
fhed,  thofe  loud  and  public  Afiertions  the  Scots  had* 
made,  That  they  would  not  do  fo  bafe  an  Act,  as 
to  render  up  their  Pi  ince's  Perfon,  who  was  come 
to  them  for  Safety  in  fo  great  a  Danger;  and  that 
this  Act  could  not  confift  with  their  Duty  or  Alle- 
giance, or  Covenant,  or  w'r.h  the"Honour  of  their 
Army  ;  it  beins;  contrary  to  the  Law  and  common 
Practice  of  all  Nations,  in  the  cufe  even  of  private 
Men  ;  which  London,  their  Chancellor,  .publick- 
ly  made  Profeflion  of  at  a  Conference  of  the  two 
Houfes  at  JVeJbmnjicr.  But  at  lad  Silver  out- 
weighed all  thele  ConfiJemtions,  and  the  Kin^was 
delivered  up  into  the  Hands  of  the  two  Houfes 
Commiffioners,  and  brought  to  Ho!denby-Hcufe\n 
Northampton/hire^  and  denied  his  own  Chaplains 
and  Servants  to  be  about  him :  A  true  Prefbyterian 

Spirit.' If  it  be  objtc~red    that   the  two  laft 

Hiftorians  exprefs  themfelves  with  much  Acrimony 
VOL.  XV.  X  on 

(d)  Memoirs  of  the   Reign  of   King  CLjrta  I.  Linden   1701, 
p.  Z9j. 

322  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  11  Car.  i.on  the  Subject,   it   muft  be   rcmembred  that  they 
1  l6**'     ,    had  both  been  great  Sufferers. 

Another  Writer,  who  lived  in  thefe  unhappy 
Times,  remarks  (d]  c  That  the  Propofitions,  fentto 
the  King  by  the  Parliament,  were  the  fame  de- 
throning ones  which  they  ufed  to  fend,  and  there- 
fore he  would  not  aflent  to  them.  Nor  did  the 
Scots  fwallow  them  at  firft,  but  made  fome  Ex- 
ceptions againft  them,  cnly,  it  feems,  to  make  the 
Parliament  perceive  they  meant  not  to  put  the 
King  into  their  Hands  gratis;  fo  at  1  aft  the  Bar- 
gain was  made  between  them,  and  upon  Payment 
of  200,000 /.  the  King  was  put  into  the  Hands  of 
the  Commiflicners  which  the  Englijh  Parliament 
fent  down  to  receive  him.'  He  adds  ;  *  That  this 
Action  bore  the  vile  Complexion  of  feigned  Reli- 
gion, very  Covetoufnefs,  Cowardice,  Perjury  and 

On  the  other  Side,    Mr.  Holies,   who  appears, 
by  the  Journals^    to  have  been  a  Teller  almoft  in 
every  Divifion  of  the  Houfe  relating  to  the    Scots, 
intirely  acquits  them   from  this  infamous  Charge. . 
His  Account  of  this  Affair  runs  thus  (e) : 

'  The  Scots  had  Caufe  enough  to  have  their 
Jealoufy  prompt  them  that  it  was  not  fafe  for 
them  to  depart  with  their  Army,  lay  by  their 
Swords,  and  leave  ftanding  in  this  Kingdom  fo 
great  a  Force,  which  they  knew  to  be  fo  iil  affec- 
ted to  them,  and  might  act  to  their  Prejudice ; 
and,  the  King  being  in  their  Power,  perhaps  force 
both  him  and  the  Parliament  to  a  Peace  .difadvan- 
tageous  to  Scotland^  and  differing  from  thofe 
Grounds  upon  which,  by  the  Kingdom  of  Eng- 
land^ they  were  engaged  in  this  Quarrel ;  or  elfe 
make  no  Peace  at  all,  but  interpofe  (as  Cromwell 
to  the  Earl  of  Manchefier]  to  hinder  it ;  and  them- 
felves  govern  by  the  Sword,  not  cnly  to  the  Pre- 

(J)  The  Hiftory  of  the  Civil  Wars  of  F«rW,    from  the  Yea* 
1640  to  1660,  by  Thomas  Kobbet  of  Malrr.ejlury. 

(et  Memoirs,  p.  63  to  69. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  323 

)udice   of  Scotland,  but  alfd  Ruin  of  England. —  An.  2a  Car. 
The  Scots  had  no  Thoughts  but  of  fettling  a  Peace,          1646- 
laying  down  of  Aims,  calling  the  People,    and  all       *     """"* 
Things,  to  revert  into  their  old  Channel ;  there-      Februar> 
fore  they  were  willing  to  be  gone  and  return  into 
their  own  Country,  in  Confidence  that,  after  their 
Departure,  the   Army   under    Sir  Thomas  Fairfax 
{hould  lilcewife  preiently  be  difbandedj  fince  there 
was  no   more  need  of  any  Army  at  all ;  fo  they 
were   willing  to  go.    But  then  the  Qucftion  was, 
If  they   would  go  or  not,    and  how  the   Soldiers 
would  be  difpoled  to  march  out,  who  had  not  been 
paid  for  fo   many  Months,  infomuch  as   the  Scots 
Commiflioners  gave  in  an  Account  of  8oo,coo/. 
Arreuis.      Here    our  Gallants    [the    Independents] 
hoped  they  had  them    upon    the    Hip,  and   fhould 
furely  give  them  a   Fall.     Then   they   thruft  on 
Ibme  of  their  little  Northern  Beagles,  as  Mr.  Elax- 
ton,  and   others,    to  infor  what  high    Sums  they 
had    raifed   upon  the  Country ;  upon  which  they 
conclude  the  Scots  Army  was    in  their  Debt,  and 
therefore  they   would  come    to   an  Account    with, 
them,  which  had  been  a  fure  Way   to   have   kept 
them  in  the  Kingdom  five  or  fix   Months  longer. 
But  to  help  that,    our  juft  Pay-Mafters  faid,  The 
Army   fhould   march   away,    and  fome  Perfons  be 
left  behind  to  fee  all  Accounts  adjufted  ;    which 
had  required  very  good  Rhetorick  to  have  made  it 
Juftice,  efpecially  to  have  appeared  fo  to  the  Scots 
Soldiers :  For  to  have   fent   them  away    without 
Money,   end  then  afk'd  the   Country  Man  what 
the    Solders    had    taken,    when     he    might     fay 
what   he    thought  good,    the  Soldier  not  there  to 
anfwer  for  himfelf,  and  yet  his  Pay  to  be  thereby 
determined,  would  have   been  but    hard   Meafure. 
But  the  Rhetorick  had  been,  for  Sit  Thomas  Fairfax 
to  have  gone  down  with  his  Army,  which  {hould 
have   made  it  juft,    and  ealy,    and  every  Thing; 
for  this    was  it   they    [the   I;i;let>t:n:Lnti]  defired  to 
bring  it  to,  as  it  was  often  moved  and  prelicd  by 

X2  'At 

324  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  zz  Car.  I.       e  At  laft  the  Well-wifhers  to  Peace,  with  much 

, '      '  j      ado,    prevailed  in  the  Houfe,   and  it  was  carried  to 

February.  offer  the  Scots  a  grofs  Sum  for  all;  fo  to  part  fair, 
and  avoid  the  Delay  and  Difputes  of  an  Account ; 
to  which  they  prefently  agreed.  Then  the  Que- 
frion  was  what  Sum.  Here  again  we  had  a  ftrong 
Debate;  for  our  Incendiaries  hung  by  every  Twig, 
flicking  fail  to  their  Principles  to  diflatisfy  the  Scots, 
and  break  with  them,  if  pcflible,  upon  any  Point ; 
pretending  the  Poverty  of  the  Kingdom  and  the 
great  Sums  the  Scots  had  raifed;  and  therefore  they 
would  give  but  ioo,coo/.  which  they  knew  was 
all  orte  with  a  hundred  Shillings,  as  to  the  fatisfy- 
ing  of  the  Soldiers  for  marching  away.  In  the 
End,  after  many  Debates  in  the  Houfe,  and  Paf- 
fages  to  and  again  with  the  Scots  Commiflioners, 
the  lowed  Sum  that  could  be  agreed  unto  by  the 
Commiffioners  was  400,000 /.  two  in  hand,  and 
the  other  two  after  forne  Time  ;  with  a  Protefta- 
tion  of  theirs,  that  the  Army  would  not  be  fatif- 
fied  with  lefs,  nor  enabled  to  march,  which  was 
Motive  enough  for  thefe  Men  to  deny  it;  for  if  they 
could  have  wrought  the  DifTatisfa&ion  of  the  Ar- 
my, fo  as  to  have  refufed  to  go,  it  was  where  they 
would  have  it.  Whereupon  it  was  oppofed  by 
them  with  all  the  Power  they  had  ;  but  in  the 
End  the  better  Part,  that  is  the  moderate  Party, 
who  were  the  Peace-makers,  thofe  that  laboured 
to  keep  Things  even  and  fair  between  the  two 
Kingdoms,  carried  it;  and  the  Sum  was  voted, 
and  all  Things  agreed  upon,  tho'  with  Difficulty  ; 
(for  they  fought  it  out  and  loft  it  by  Inches)  then 
the  Scots  declared  they  would  march  out  by  fuch  a 

*  Yet  had  our  Bcutefeus  one  Hope  left,  which 
was  to  quarrel  at  laft  about  the  Perfon  of  the  Kirgj 
believing  the  Scots  would  certainly  have  taken  his 
Majefty  with  them  into  Scotland.  This  they  knew 
had  been  Ground  fufficientr  and  would  have  en- 
gaged all  England  n^ainft  them,  giving  a  Confir- 
mation to  ail  the  Jealoulies  formerly  raifed,  and 


of    ENGLAND. 

occasioned    a  Thoufand  more  ;  and  had  certainly  An- 
more  advantaged  the  Defigns  of  thofe  who  thirfted  _ 
after  the  Deitru<flion  of  the    King    iirft,  the  Scots      February, 
next,  and  then  all  fuch  as  defired  Peace  within  this 
Kingdom  ;     and  have  made  them  a  fmoothcr  Way 
to  their  damnable    Ends,    the  altering  of  the  Go- 
vernment,   and   bringing   in  a  Confufion  both  in 
Church  and  State,  than  any  Thing  that  could  have 
happened  ;    and  the  two  Kingdoms  had  been  toge- 
ther in  Blood,  the  Author  of  the  Mifchief  undifco- 
vered,  mafked  over  with  the  glorious  Pretences  of 
zealoufly  vindicating  the    Honefty  and  Intereft  of 
England,  and  every  Breach  of  Covenant  and  Trea- 
ty in  this   Caufe;  which  made  them  with  fo  much 
Peremptorinefs  and   Incivility,  and  in  Truth  Inju- 
ftice,  demand  that  the   Scots   would  deliver  up  his 
Majefty,    who    had    an  equal  Intereft  in  his  Royal 
Perfon  with  the  Kingdom    of  England^    he   being 
equally  King  of  both  ;  and  an  equal  Intereft  in  the 
clofmg  and    binding  up  the   unhappy    Differences 
which  were  between  him  and  both  his  Kingdoms, 
they    having    been  engaged  in  that  Quarrel  at  the 
Entreaty  of   England :  and  made  up  together  anin- 
tire  Body  with  England,  as  is    before  (hewed,  for 
the    Profecution  of    it :    Therefore  they   had    no 
more  Reafon  to  truft  us  with  the  King  than  we  had 
them,  and  as   much  were  they    concerned  in  all 
that  related  to  his  Majefty's  Perfon ;    fo  as   they 
had  Ground  enough  to  have  difputed  it,  and  out 
of  that  Hope  was  it   prefled   by  the  others.     But 
the  Wifdom  of   the    Scots   Nation  forefaw  the  In- 
conveniences which  muft  have  neccflarUy  followed, 
had    they  been    pofitive  at  that  Time,    how  they 
had  played  their  Enemies  Game  to  their  own  Ruin, 
and   even  Ruin  to  his   Majefty:    Therefore  they 
made  for   him  the  beft  Conditions  they  could,  that 
is  for  the  Safety  and  Honour  of  his  Perfon  ;  and,  to 
avoid  greater   Mifchiefs,  were  neceffitated  to  leave 
him  in  England;  and  fo  marched  away,  which  they 
did  in  February  1646. 

'  Here  then  the  very  Mouth   cf  Iniquity  was 

flopped,  Malice  itfelf  had   nothing  to  fa.y  to  give 

X  3  t'ic 

326  *lhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  22  Car.  I.  the  leaft  Blemifti  to  the  Faithfulnefs  and  Reality 
,of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and  the  Clearncfs  of 

Feoruarv.  their  Proceedings ;  their  Zeal  for  Peace,  without 
Self-Seeking  and  Self-ends,  to  make  Advantage  of 
the  Miferies  and  Misfortunes  of  England.'' 

Mr.  Rujhwortb  a6h  in  this  Affair  as  a  Collec- 
tor only,    making  few  or    no   Reflections  on  the 
Conducl    or  the  Englifo  and  Scots  at  this  particular 
Crifis  ;  ft  r,    after  giving  a  Copy  of  a  Letter  from 
the  Parliament   of  Scotland  to  that  at  Wef.mmjler^ 
to  which   a  Declaration  from  that   Kingdom  was 
fubjoined  («),  containing,  as  he  remarks,  their  full 
Confent  to  the  delivering  up  the  King,  this  Hiftori- 
an  proceeds  to  tell  us  (/>},'  That  theComrnifiioneis 
who  were   to  receive    the  King  came  to  Newta/lle, 
on  the  23d  of  "January^  to  whom  his  Majcfty  gave 
the  Honour  of  kitting    his  Hand  ;  and  the  Earl  of 
Pembroke  told  his  Majcfty,  They  were  command- 
ed by  both   Houfes  of  Parliament  to  attend  him  to 
Holdenby  ;     at  which  his    Majefty  did  not  feem  at 
all   furprifed,  but  enquired    how  the  Ways  were. 
*  On  the  28th  of  jamtary  the  Scots  Lords  being 
all  with  his  Majefty,    he  told  them,  He  had  often 
dcfired  to  go  into  Scotland;  that  he  came  into  their 
Army  for    Protection,    and    had  it,  but  now  per- 
ceived they  were  not  willing  he  fhould  go  to  Edln-, 
burgh;    and  they  being  to  deliver  up  the  Garri- 
fons,  he  dcfired  to  know   how  they  would  difpofe 
of  him,    and  for  that  End  required  them  to  with- 
draw, and   confidcr  to  whom   they  would  deliver 
him,  which  they   did  ;  and  coming  in  again,  they 
told  his   Majfiey,  That  they  had  confidcred  of  his 
Speech  ;  and   that  fince  his  Majefiy  had  refufcd  to 
take  the  Covenant,  and  fign  the  Propositions,  they 
were  to  deliver  him  to  the   Commiffioners  of  both 
Houles  of  Parliament  of  Englandy  who  were  come 
to  attend  him  to  Holdenly. 

4  On   Saturday  the   ^cth    of  'January  the  Scots 
marched   out  of  NeivcajUe,  Skippon  took  PoiFeflion 


(a]  Thefc   Papers  are  already  pivrn  at  p.   280,  £f  fro . 
(1}  CoUtffiom,    Vol.    VI.  p,    398. 

^ENGLAND.  327 

of  it,    and  the  Parliament's  Commiflioners  received  An.  «  Car.  L 
the  King  into  their  Charge;  foon  after  they  fet  for-       JL^L> 
wards  with  him  to  Durham,    and  fo  on  to  Holden-       February. 
by,  being  met  by  the  Way  by  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax, 
who  kifled  his  Majefty's  Hand,   and,    having  con- 
ducted   his  Majefty  through  Nottingham,   took  his 
Leave  very  refpe&fully;    and  fo  his  Majefty  was 
brought   to  Holdenby,  where  he  arrived  on  Tuefday 
the  j6th  of  February. 

And  now,  leaving  it  to  the  Reader's  Judgment 
to  determine,  from  the  foregoing  Extracts  of  the 
Journals  of  both  Houfcs,  how  far  thefe  Writers 
have  been  led  by  Truth  or  Prejudice,  we  proceed 
to  the  fubfequent  Tranfa&ions  of  Parliament. 

Feb.  19.  Another  Letter  came  from  the  Com- 
miflioners at  Holdenby,  with  one  inclofed  in  it 
from  the  King,  which  were  both  read  in  thefe 
Words : 

To  the  Right  Hon.    the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the   Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord,  Holdenby,  Feb.  17,  164.6. 

*T*  His  Day  the    King  delivered   us  a  Letter  to  A  Letter  from 
1     be  fent  from  himielf  to  both  Houfes,  with  'he  Commiffion- 

T  .  '.  ...  .      r  .     v.  r      ers  at  Holdenby. 

Leave  to  read  it,  which  we  thought  fit  f,o  excufe ; 
and  have  here  fent  it  inclofed,  without  Know- 
ledge of  the  Contents,  holding  it  our  Duty  not 
to  hinder  any  In.ten?burfe  betwixt  his  Majefty  and 
the  Houfes.  " 

6  Weearneftly  define  their  Lordfliips  Directions 
for  the  future,  which  fhall  be  carefully  obferved 
untill  they  fhall  be  pleafed  to  recall  us  from  this 
Service;  which  we  are  bold  to  entreat  as  a  fpe- 
cial  Favour  from  their  Lordftiips,  after  fo  long 
a  Journey  and  Attendance  in  the  Service;  where- 
in we  have  enjoyed  ourfelvcs  only  in  our  faithful 
X  4  *  En- 

328  ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a*  Car.  I.  «  Endeavours  to  eive  a  gcxxl  Account  of  the  Truft 
t  l6*6*     ,    '  they  repofed  in^ 
February.       '  f 

Tour  Lsrdjlip's  moj)  faithful  Servants^ 


The  Letter  from  the  King,   referred  to  in   the 
foregoing,  was  as  follows  : 

To  the  SPEAKER  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 
Ttmpore,  to  be  communicated  to  the  Lords  and 
Commons  in  Parliament  aiTembled  at  Weftmin- 

Huldenby,  Feb.  17,    164.6. 

Thf  King  defirw  C  I™6  I  ^a"^e  never  dijjfmblfd  nor  hid  my  Con- 
that  feme  of  his  *^  fclence,  and  that  I  6m  not  yet  Jatisfied  with  thofe 
Cbapiains  rnay  Alieratl-^  in  Religion  to  which  you  defire  my  Con- 
atteHd  him  there.  ,-  ,  .„  ,  /•  „-.  .  .  '.  ,  r  '  ,  .  -, 

Jeni,   I  will  not  hje    T;tne   in  giving    Reajons^  which 

are  obvious  to  every  Bcdy,  ivhy  it  is  fit  for  me  ty 
be  attended  by  feme  of  my  Chaplains^  imhofe  Opinions  , 
as  Clergymen,  J  efteem  end  reverence  ;  not  only  for 
the  Exercife  of  my  Conjdence^  but  aljo  even  for  clear- 
ing my  Judgment  concerning  the  prefcnt  Differences 
in  Religion,  as  I  have  mere  fully  declared  to  Mr. 
Marfhall  and  his  Fellow  Mini  ft  er  ;  having  Jheived 
them  that  ibis  is  the  beji  and  likelie/i  Me^is  of  giving 
me  Satisfaction  ;  which,  without  it,  I  cannot  have  in 
thefe  Things^  whereby  the  Dijlraflions  of  this  Church 
may  be  the  better  fettled;  wherefore  I  defire  that 
at  leajl  two  of  tbsfe  Reverend  Divines^  whofe 
Names  I  have  here  Jet  down,  may  have  free  Liberty 
to  wait  upon  me,  for  the  difcharging  cf  their  Duty 
to  me  according  to  their  Funflion>  viz.  The  Bijhop 
cf  London  (*),  the  Biflup  of  Salisbury  (£),  the  Bijhop 
of  Peterborough  (f),  Dr.  Sheldon,  ChrkofmyChfct, 

(a)  Dr.  iniliein  Juxcr:.   (1}  Dr.  Erlan  D-.'ffa,  (c]  Dr.  John  Trwtn 

^ENGLAND.  329 

Dr.  Marfhe,"  Dean  o/York,  Dr.  Saunderfon,  Dr  An.  «  Car.  I. 
Bailey,  Dr.  Fuller,  Dr.  Hammond,  Dr.  Hey-  .  l6*6'  , 
wood,  Dr.  Beal,  Dr.  Taylor. 


The  I/ords  refolved  to    take  this  Letter  of  the 
King's    into    Confutation    the  ne\t    Morning. 
Notwithftanding  which   we  do  not  find   that  they  TO  which  the 
took   any   further  Notice    of  it  this  Month;  and  Lords  give  no 
though  there  were   two  or  three  Letters  more  fent  •An"ver- 
to  the    Parliament,  from   their  Commiflioners   at 
ktoldenby^    during  that  Time,  yet  they  are  not  fig- 
nificant  enough   to   be   copied    here.       We  fhail 
therefore  proceed  with  the  Obfervations  made,  and 
delivered  in  to  the    Houfe  of  Lords,  by  the  Com- 
mittee  appointed   to   examine    the  Teftimony  of 
Tobias    Peaker^    the   Witnefs   who    fwore  'to    the 
King's  intended  Efcape  in  a  Dutch  Ship  from  New- 
caftle^  viz. 

«  That  the   Committee  of  Eflatcs  in  the  King-  Report  from  the 

.  /•'  n      r       >     •        i     *    T  ITT/-        r         Coir.miitee  rela- 

domof  Scotland^  in  their  Letter  to  the  Houfes,  fay,  t;ng  to  Tobias 
They  had    made  as  exacT:  a  Trial  of  the  Bufmefs  pecker's  infor- 
as  they    could,   and    that  they  find  the  Perfons  %?*?.**? 

•  ^       i     .        r>      ,     ,      T-          <        .  ,.  King  s  intending 

mentioned    in   r  cuter  s   Lxammation,to  be  mnq-  to  cfcape 
cent ;  and  that  he  is  an   infamous  Perfon,  and  a 

*  That  not  only    Mr.    Murray  and  Sir  Robert 
Murray ,  but  the  Dutch  Captain  and  Mr.  Levitt  do 
contradicl  all  that  is  informed  by  Peaker. 

*  That  General    Lefley  doth    alfo  contradicl  his 
Information:     That  Peaker  doth    directly  contra- 
dict himfelf;  for,  in  anfvver  to  the  feventh  Inter- 
rogatory, propounded  to  him    by  the  Committee  of 
this  Houfe,  he  faith,  '    That  he  did  not  r.eturn  to 
'  Mr.  Murray ',    after   Mr.  Murray  had  told   him 
'  that    he    had  been  examined   by  General   Lejley 

*  about  the  Bufmefs,'      And,  in,  his  Examination 
before,    he   faid,  «  That  after   Mr.    Murray  had 
'  charged  him  with  divulging  the  Letter,  and  after 

*  he   was  acquainted   that  General  Lejley  had  told 

*  Mr.  Murray  he  had  a  Letter  in  Ambufh  for  him, 

«  that 

*Tbc  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*  that   Mr*  Murray  difmifled    him   and  appointed 
__     e  him  to  return  within   an  Hour ;   and  that  accord- 
March.         '  ingly  he  did  return  to  Mr.  Murray,  and  received 

'  further   Directions    from   him.' 

*  That  there  is  a  clear  Contradiction  in  his  for- 
mer Examination,  where  he  faith,  '  That  the  Re- 

*  gimentof  the  Scots  Army  which  was  ztTinmoutb 
'  was  fure  for  the    Kins;;'  and  yet  that  Mr.  Mur- 
ray fent  him    to    the    Dutch    Captain,' to 'enquire 
whether  he  could  go  out  in    the  Night,  notwith- 
ftanding  any  Oppofition  frcm  Tinmouth  Caftle. 

'  In  Anfwer  to  the  eighth  Interrogatory,  pro- 
pounded by  the  Committee  of  this  Houfe,  he  can- 
not ihcw  about  what  Time  Mr.  Murray  told  him 
that  feveral  Regiments  of  Foot  of  the  Scots  Army 
were  for  the  King,  and  that  there  were  good  Hopes 
of  Lieuten?nt-General  Lejley. 

<  In  Anfwer  to  the  ninth  Interrogatory,  he  con- 
fefleth  that  he  brought  away  40 /.  of  Mr.  Murray 's, 
and  he  gave  an  Account  of  it  to  the  Mayor  of  the 

*  In    Anfwer  to  the  tenth  Interrogatory  he  con- 
feflcth,  That  he  brought  a  Watch  with  him,  which 
was    Mr.  Murray's;    but  faith  he    gave  it  him  a 
Quarter  of  a  Year  before.' 

The  Lords  ordered  that  this  Report  fhould  be 
taken  into  Confideration  at  their  next  Meeting ; 
but  we  do  not  find  any  more  Notice  taken  of  it 
during  the  Remainder  of  this  Month. 

March  4.  An  Ordinance  for  continuing  the  Pay- 
ment of  the  AflefTment  for  the  Army  under  the 
Command  of  Sir  'Jliomas  Fairfax^  v.?as  read  a  third 
Time,  and  debated  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords.  And 
the  Queftion  being  put,  Whether  to  agree  to  this 
Ordinance  as  it  was  then  read  ?  it  pafled  in  the 
Negative.  But  the  following  Proteft  from  fome 
diflenting  Lords  is  entered  againft  this  Vote  : 

«  Their  Lordfhips   being    fenfible  of  the  great 

*  Service   done  by  the  Army,    and  holding  it  juft 

«  and 

of   ENGLAND. 

*  and   honourable   that   the'  Officers  and  Soldiers  An- 
'  there  fhould  have   Satisfaction  before   their  Dif- 

'  banding;   and   beinj;  very  defirous   the  Country        March. 
4  fhould   have  Allowance  for  their   free  Quarter, 
'  which  the  Army  was  neceflitated  to  take  for  want 

*  of    their  Pay;    as   alfo  that  the  Kingdom  might 

*  be  eafcd  as  much    as  may  be  by  the  difcharging 
'of  all    unneceflary   Forces,    did,  for  thefe  Ends, 

*  defire  that  the  faid  Ordinance  might  have  been 

*  pafled,    not  knowing  any  other  or  better  Means 

*  of  raifing    Money  fpeedily  for  the  faid  Purpofes  : 

*  Therefore    to  clear  themf elves  from  the  Inconve- 
'  niency  which  may  arife  by  the  not  paffing  there- 

*  of,  their  Lordfhips  have  entered  this  their  Pro- 

*  teftation.' 



KENT,  GREY  of  WARK., 


SAY  and  SELE, 

March  5.  A  long  Debate  happened  in  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  on  the  Queftion,  Whether  the  Forces 
to  be  kept  up  in  the  Kingdom  of  England  fhould 
be  commanded  by  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  ?  and,  on 
a  Divifion,  159  againft  147,  it  was  carried  in  the 
Affirmative.  Mr.  fWritlocke  obferves  here,  c  That 
it  was  wondered  at  by  foine,  this  {hould  admit  of  a 
Debate  or  Queftion  at  all.' 

March  8  .  The  Commons  voted,  That  no  Mem- 
ber of  that  Houfe  {hould  have  any  Command  in  the 
Garrifons  or  Forces  under  Sir  'Thomas  Fairfax : 
That  there  be  no  Officer  above  a  Colonel  :  That 
they  fhould  all  take  the  Covenant :  That  none  who 
had  borne  Arms  againft  the  Parliament  {hould  be 
in  Command:  That  they  fhould  all  conform  to 
the  eftablifhrd  Church.  This  laft  occafioned  a 
Debate  and  a  Divifion  of  the  Houfe,  but  was  car- 
ried for  it  by  136  againft  108. 


TZv  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  t)  R  Y 

Then  it  was  refohed^  (  That  no  profane  Curfer 
or  Swearer,  Drunkard  or  Whoremafler,  or  other- 
March.       W^e   fcandalous    m  Life  or   Converfation,  {hall  be 
employed  as  an   Officer  in   any  of  the  Garrifons  or 
Forces    that   are  to  be  kept  up  in  the  Kingdom  of 

The  Bufmefs  of  reducing  the  Army  had  been 
debated,  on  the  igth  tilt,  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons; and  the  Queftion  being  put,  Whether  there 
fhould  be  a  Number  of  Foot  kept  up,  at  the  Pay 
of  the  Kingdom,  more  than  what  would  be  fuf- 
ficient  for  the  keeping  of  fuch  Garrifons  as  fhould 
be  continued  ?  the  Houfe  divided,  and  it  patted  in 
the  Negative,  158  againft  148.  After  which  Vote 
the  Houfe  proceeded  to  order  the  difmantling 
and  flighting  the  Works  and  Garrifons  of  feveral 
Cities  and  Towns,  many  Caftles  and  Forts,  in 
England,  IVales^  &c.  amounting,  in  all,  to  a  very 
great  Number. 

March  8.  The  Reader  muft  remember  the 
King's  lall  MeiTage  to  the  Lords,  from  Holdenby, 
defiring  he  might  have  fome  of  his  Chaplains 
appointed  to  attend  him  ;  which  the  Lords  hither- 
to had  taken  no  Notice  of:  But  this  Day  their 
Speaker  prefented  to  the  Houfe  fome  Letters  he 
had  received  from  the  Earl  of  Denbigh,  &c.  with 
another  Letter  inclofed  from  the  King;  which 
were  read  : 

My   Lordy  Hcldenby^  March  ^  1646. 

'  \T/E   received  the    Letter    inclofed    from    the 

*  *  *      King,  this  Morning,    which  we  thought 

*  fit  to  fend,  having  heard  nothing  of  your  Diflike 

*  upon-  our   fending  the  laft;    nor   received   any 
'  Directions,   which  were  then,  and  are  ftill,  ear- 

*  neftiy  defired  by 

Your  Lordjhip's  mcfl  humble  Servants^ 



of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  333 

To  the    SPEAKER    of  the   Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  An.  2^  Car.   I 
Tempore,  to  be  communicated  to  the  Lords  and         x  4  '     , 
Commons  in   the  Parliament  of  England  afTem-        March, 
bled  at  WeJImlnfter. 

T  being  now  feventeen  Days  fence  I  wrote  unto  A  fccond  ^^ 
you  frcm  hence,  and  not  receiving  any  Anfwer  fr0m°tL  King' 
to  what  I  then  defer  ed,  I  canntt  but  now  again  re-  defiring  the  At- 
new  the  fame  unto  you:  And  indeed  concerning  any  cBjJajj?£f  h" 
Tiling  but  the  necejjary  Duty  of  a  Chri/iian  I  would 
not  thus,  at  this  Time,  trouble  you  with  any  of  my 
Defires  j  but  my  being  attended  with  fame  of  my 
Chaplains,  whom  I  ejiecm  and  reverence,  is  that 
which  is  fo  necejjary  for  me,  ,even  confedering  my  pre- 
fent  Condition,  whether  it  be  in  relation  to  my  Con- 
fcience,  or  a  happy  Settlement  of  the  prefent  Dijlrac- 
tions  in  Religion,  that  I  will  flight  divers  Kinds  of 
Ccnfures  rather  than  not  obtain  what  I  demand*, 
nor  Jhall  I  do  you  the  Wrong  as  in  this  to  doubt 
the  obtaining  of  my  Wifl),  it  being  totally  grounded 
upon  Reafon ;  for  defiring  you  to  confeder,  not  think- 
ing it  needful  to  mention,  the  divers  Reafons,  which 
no  Chri/Jian  can  be  ignorant  of,  for  Point  of  Con- 
fcience,  I  rnujl  ajfure  you  that  I  cannot,  as  I  ought, 
take  into  Confederation  thofe  Alterations  in  Religion, 
which  have  been,  and  will  be  offered  unto  me,  with- 
eut  fuch  Help  as  I  defer  e  ;  becaufe  I  can  never  judge 
rightly  of,  or  be  altered  in,  any  Thing  of  my  Opinion, 
fo  long  as  any  ordinary  Way  of  finding  out  the  Truth 
is  denied  me  :  But  when  this  is  granted  me,  1 pro- 
miff  you  faithfully  not  to  Jlrive  for  Vitlary  In  Ar- 
gument, but  to  feek  and  to  fubmit  to  Truth,  ac- 
cording to  that  'Judgment  which  God  hath  given  me ; 
always  holding  it  my  bejl  and  greatejl  Conqueji  to 
give  Contentment  to  my  two  Houfes  of  Parliament 
in  all  Things  which  I  conceive  not  to  be  again  ft  my 
Confcience  or  Honour;  not  doubting  likewife  but 
thai  you  will  be  ready  to  fatisfy  me  in  reafonable 
Things,  as  I  hope  to  fend  in  this  Particular,  con- 
cerning the  Attendance  of  my  Chaplains  upon  me, 

Holdcnby  March  6,  CHARLES   R. 



^he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

The  Qucftion  being  put,  Whether  their  Lord-* 
fhips  will  allow  any  of  that  Number  which  the  King 
March.  defires,  in  his  Lift,  to  go  down  to  him  to  Hclden- 
by,  to  refide  there  for  twenty  Days ;  It  was  refolved 
in  the  Affirmative.  And  the  King's  Letter  was 
ordered  to  be  fent  down  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 

The  Lords   alfo  appointed  a  Committee  of  their" 
Houfe  to  draw  up  an  Anfwer  to  his  Majefty's  Letter, 
Which  is  denied  according  to  the  Senfe  of  that  Houfe,  That  if  the 
King  thought  fit  to   admit    fuch  of  his  Chaplains, 
as  had  taken   the  Covenant,  they  were  inclined  to 
give  them  Leave.     B«it  thfe  Commons  were  more 
explicite  than  the  Lords  in  this  Affair  ;  and  abfo- 
lutely   voted,  c  That    no   Perfons   fhould  be  em- 
ployed  about   the  Perfon  of  the  King,  in  any  Ca- 
pacity, or  be  admitted  to  have  Acceis  to  him,  but 
fuch  only   as  have  continued  with  the  Parliament 
and  adhered    thereto  ;    and  had  teftified  their  good 
AfFedHons  to  the  Parliament  and  their  Caufe,  and 
had  taken  the  National  League  and  Covenant. 

March  9.  The  Commons  refolved  that  an 
Order  formerly  palled,  giving  Authority  to  Mr. 
Rujhiuorth  to  licenfe  the  Printing  of  Books  be  re- 
voked. The  Reafon  of  this  Refolution  does  not 
appear  ;  but  the  Houfe  had  the  fame  Day  given 
Orders  to  enquire  out  the  Authors,  Printers,  and 
Publifhers  of  fome  Pamphlets  which  had  given  Of- 
fence :  And  it  is  probable  that  thefe  had  been  li- 
cenfed  by  Mr.  Rujhworth,  becaufe  the  Order  for 
this  Inquiry  immediately  precedes  the  Order  of 

March  12.  The  Commiffioners  of  the  Admi- 
ralty prefented  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  for  theif 
Approbation,  a  Lift  of  the  Navy  Royal,  if  it  may 
be  fo  called  when  under  the  fole  Power  of  the 
Parliament,  with  the  Names  of  the  feveral  Com- 
manders to  be  employed  as  a  Summer's  Fleet,  for 
the  Safeguard  of  the  narrow  Seas :  But  this  being 

4  vuy 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  335 

very  little  different  from  what  we  gave  in  the  Pro-  An.    2z  Car.  !• 
ceedings  of  the  laft  Year  (a),  we  pafs  it  over.          t      ^46'  t 

March  24.  About  this  Time  a  Difpute  arofe  March, 
between  the  two  Houfes,  concerning  the  Quarter- 
ing of  Sir  Thomai  Fairfax's  Army  in  the  Eaftern 
affociated  Counties.  And  a  Conference  being  de- 
fired  by  the  Lords  on  that  Head,  the  Reafons  fol- 
lowing were  drawn  up  by  a  Committee  to  be  of- 
fered to  the  Commons,  which  being  this  Day  re- 
ported and  agreed  to  by  the  Lords,  was  delivered 
In  Writing  by  the  Earl  of  Manchejler* 

*     T~*HE  Lords    have   received   a  Petition  from 

JL      the    Lord   Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Com-  fOIJ  agajnft  q!L- 
mons  of  the  City  of  London  ;    wherein  as  they  do  tering  Sir  Tho. 
feafonably   and   fully    declare  their  good  Affections  J^*^' 
to  the  Parliament,    together   with  their  fixed  Re-  counties  near 
folutions  carefully  to  intend  the  Honour,  Security,  London, 
and  Advantage  thereof;  fo  they  do  likewife  exprefs 
a  great  Senfe  of    their  prefent  Prefiures,  by  reafon 
of  the   Quartering  of  the    Forces  commanded  by 
Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  in  thofe  Parts  adjoining  near  to 
the  City  :  Neither  is  this  refented  by  them  alone, 
but  the  County  of  EJJex  did  fome  Days  fince,  by 
Petition,    make    known   unto   their  Lordfliips  the 
Burthens  and   other  Mifchiefs    that  were  likely  to 
fall  upon    that  County  by  the  quartering  of  great 
Numbers  of  the  Army  upon  them  and  the  reft  of 
the  affociated  Counties. 

*  The  Lords  having  ferioufly  confidered  thefe 
Petitions,  do  find  it  to  be  of  very  ill  Confequence 
to  have  the  Army  quartered  either  in  the  affociated 
Counties,  or  any  Parts  adjacent  to  the  City  of 

Firjl,  '  Becaufe  the  City  of  London,  being  the 
Place  where    the  Parliament   and  all  the  Courts  of 
Juftice  are   kept,  muft   of  Neceflity  have  a  very 
great  Concourfe  of  People  as    an  Addition  to  that 
numerous  Body  of  their   own  fettled  Inhabitants  : 
If,  therefore,  this  City  (hall,  by  the  near  quarter- 
(j)  In  our  Fourteenth  Volume,  p.  233; 

3  3  6  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  11  Car.  I.  ing  of  the  Army,  be  deprived  of  their  ufual  Provi- 
fions  and  necefTary  Accommodations,  it  may  give 
an  Occafion  to  fome  to  break  that  good  Order, 
and  interrupt  that  Government,  which,  in  all  thefe 
Times  of  great  Diftradtions,  hath  been  kept  in  a 
fettled  Quietnefs ;  which  hath  not  only  been  a  Se- 
curity but  an  Advantage  to  the  Parliament. 

Next,  '  In  this  Conjuncture  of  Time,  it  may 
probably  increafe  fuch  Jealoufies  and  Sufpicions  as 
may  not  fuddenly  be  removed  ;  moll  Men  looking 
upon  fuch  Actions  as  thefe,  which  prove  inconve- 
nient to  them,  as  Defign  rather  than  Matters  of 
Neceffity  j  and  their  Lordfhips  exprefs  their  Fears 
in  this  Particular,  the  rather,  becaufe  they  have 
received  divers  Informations  that  fome  Perfons  of 
the  Army,  in  all  Places  where  they  come,  do  en- 
deavour to  difaffedt  the  People  to  the  prefent  efla- 
blifhed  Refolutions  of  the  Parliament. 

*  They  do  likewife  confider  the  great  Affifbnce 
and  Advantage   that  the  Parliament  hath  had  from 
the  Eafterri  Affociations,  they  having  been  faithful 
unto    the  Parliament   from    the   firft   to  the  laft  ; 
when   divers  others,  either   in  whole    or  in  part, 
have  deferted  and   oppofed   the  Parliament  in  this 
Caufe.     Thefe  Counties  having  been,  during  thefe 
Troubles,    the   Magazine   of  Provifions    for  the 
City  and  other    Parts    of  the   Kingdom,    do  now 
expect  to  be  t'urnifhed  from  them  with  thofe  Necef- 
faries  which   are  not  to   be  had   in  that  Plenty  in 
other  Counties,  they  being  much  wafted  in  their 
Stores  of  Corn  and  Cattle.     It  will  therefore  prove 
a  Mifchief  in  general  to  the  whole    Kingdom,  if 
thefe  Counties  (hall  have  their  Stores  exhaufted  by 
the  Quartering   of  an    Army ;  which  by  a  provi- 
dent and  orderly  Management  and  Ufe,  might  fup- 
port  themfelves,  and   furnifh  others. 

*  Upon  the  whole  Matter  thus  before  them,  their 
Lordfhips   do   think   it    neceflary   that  the  Forces 
commanded    by    Sir    Thomas  Fairfax  mould   not 
quarter  within  the  afTociated  Counties,  or  any  Parts 
near  adjoining  to  the  City  of  London:  And  feeing 
likewife  that,    by  the  great  Bleffing  of  God  upon 


of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  337 

the  Endeavours    of  the  Parliament,    and  the  Sue-  An-  **£**• 
cedes  of  their  Armies,  they  now  enjoy  a  Frc'edomi  ^___         ^ 
from  any  Force  maintained  againft  them,  they  do        March, 
hold  it  their  Duty  to  do  what  in  them  lies  towards 
the  freeing  the  Kinguom  from  thefe  Burthens  that 
lye  upon  them;  and  therefore  they  prefs  this  as  the 
moft  neceflkry   Means  tending  to  the  Eafe  and  Sa- 
tisfaction of  the  Kingdom,    That  a  Prcvifidn  of 
Money  may  be  made  for  the   fpeedy     paying  and 
difbanding  of  our   Annies    (the    Way    of  raifmg 
this  they  leave  to  you  to  confider) ;  that  fo  we  may 
give  a  real  and  fpeedy  Relief  to  the  diftrefled  King- 
dom of  Ireland^  and   keep  fuch  a  competent  Force 
within  ourfelves  as  may  fecurc  our  Garrifonsj  and 
prevent  the  Defigns  of  fuch,    as,  out  of  their  ill 
Affections,  fhould,   at  any  Time,   attempt    to  di- 
fturb  the  Peace   and  Happfnefs  of  the  Parliament 
and  Kingdom.' 

«  Their  Lord/hips  do  alfo  take  Notice  of  another 
Thing,  which  doth  much  obftruft  the  Proceedings 
of  their  Houfe;  which  is,  That  their  M^flengers, 
whom  they  fend  upon  MefTages  to  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  are  made  to  attend  fo  long,  fdmetimes 
Days,  before  they  can  be  admitted;  which  doth 
very  much  hinder  Bufmefs,  and  feems  to  be 
fome  kind  of  Reflection  upon  the  Houfe  of  Peers : 
Their  Lordfhips  always  have  been  careful  to  main- 
tain all  good  Correfpohdency  with  the  Houfe  of 
Commons;  and  not  to  do  any  thing  which  might 
look  like  a  Difrefpec"t  towards  them:  And  they  do 
defire  and  hope  to  find  the  Care  and  Readi- 
nefs  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  in  what  concerns 
their  Lordfliips. 

March  2.5.  The*,  next  remarkable  Tranfaclicn 
of  this  Month~is  aJPedtion  from  ibme  OHicers  of 
the  Army  to  the  Lords,  which  is  the  li;ft  we  have 
met  with  prelenteJ  from  that  Quarter.  The  Sub- 
{Unce  of  it  is  inodcft  enough;  tho',  after  they  had 
once  learned  the  Way,  we  (hall,  find  them  peti- 
tioning in  a  quite  different  Strain  very  fhortlv. 

VOL.  XV.  Y  To 

3  38  'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  13  Or.  I. 

.     !   *7'         To  the  Right  Honourable   the  LORDS  in  Parliament 
March.  affembled^ 


TFNANT-CoLONELS,  MAJORS,  and  other  OF- 
FICERS that  have  faithfully  ferved  the  great 
Caufe  of  the  Kingdom^  under  the  Authority  of 
the  Parliament, 

Shewed),  March  22,  1646. 

A  Petition  from c  "  |  ^  HAT  your  Petitioners  having  faithfully 
efT'  (Afficers  '  •*  ferved  you  in  the  Maintenance  and  Settle- 
thcHCouie«fy  (  me°t  °f  Religion,  according  to  the  Tenor  of  the 
Lords.  '  National  Covenant  taken  by  them,  of  the  Liber- 

*  tyofthe  Subject,  and  of  the  Privileges  ofPar- 

*  liament,   in  the  Times  of  the  Kingdom's  greateft 

*  Exigence,  which  were   the   principal    Ends   for 
'  which  they   were  at  firft  engaged;  they  cannot 
'  but  hold  themfelves  bound  in  Honour  and  Con- 

*  fcience,  in  Concurrence   with   many    others,  to 

*  tender    to    your  Honours    Confideration    fuch 
'  Things  as  they,  in  all  Submifiion,  conceive  ex- 

*  ceedingly  conducing  to  the   fpeedy  effecting   of 
'  the  faid  Ends,   together  with  their  own  fad  and 

*  neglected  Condition ;  humbly  defiring  your  Ho- 
'  nours  favourable  Conftrudlion  of  their  good  In- 

*  tentions  therein,  with  an  opportune   and  timely 
'  Anfwer  unto  thcfe  enfuing  Particulars,  viz. 

1.  '  That  the  Public  Worfhip  of  God  may  fpee- 
4  dily  be   fettled  according  to  the  Word  of  God, 
'  and  the  Example  of  the  bed  Reformed  Churches. 

2.  '  That  the  Subjeft  may  have  the  Benefit  of 
e   Magna  Char  la  ^  and  the  Petition  of  Right ,  fo  far 
'  forth  as  may  comport  with  the  Neceffities  of  the 

*  Kingdom. 

3.  *  That  all  Committees  in  the  feveral  Coun- 
c  ties  may  be  removed ;  and  that  the  Treafurers  and 

4  Sequeftrators  of  the  faid  Counties  may  be  called 

*  to   a  fpeedy    and  Uriel  Accountj  for  the   better 

5  Satisfaction  and  Eafe  of  the  Kingdom. 

4.  *  That  fuch  Officers  as  have  ferved  under  any 

*  general  Command*  may  have  the  Aecoun  s   of 

4  tUir 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  339 

their   Arrears  fpeedily   audited  in    London',    and  An.  23  Car.  I, 
1  that  a  fpecial  Order  may  be  ifTued  to  the  feveral    (     ^7 
1  Committees  of  Accounts  reiiding  in  other  Coun-    ' "~^  ~" 
!  ties,  forthwith  to  audit  the  Accounts  of  fuch  Of- 
;  ficers   as  have  been  fubfervient  to  the  Orders  of 
1  the  Committees  of  the  faid    Counties. 

5.  '  That  fuch  Pay  as  fhall  appear  due  unto 
1  the  faid  Officers,  under  the  Hands  of  Committees 
4  of  Accounts,  according  to  the  Eftablifhment, 

*  may  be  forthwith  paid  unto  them,  with  Intereft  j 

*  that  the  Ordinance  upon  the  Bifhops  Lands,  with 
'  the  Security  of  the  Excife,   may   be  revived  for 
1  the  Difcharge  thereof;    and  that  fuch  Part  as   is 

*  refpited  on   the  Public  Faith,   may  be  difcharged 
'  with  Intereft,  at  the  End  of  fix  Months,  deducing 

*  the  Surcharges  of  the  feveral  Counties ;   and  that 
4  an  Order  may  be  ifliied  to  the  faid  feveral  Coun- 
'  ties  to  bring  in  their  Surcharge  withfn  the  Time 

*  of  three  Months,  or   otherwife   that  they    fhall 
1  not  be  charged  to  our  Accounts ;  that  fo  all  of  us 

*  may  not  be  utterly  ruined,  as  fome  of  us  already 
'  are,  by  tedious  and  long   Solicitations,  nor  your 

*  Juftice  blemifhed  thro'  our  Neceflities    and  Suf- 
'  ferings. 

6.  '  That  all  fuch  Officers  and  Soldiers  as  have 

*  contracted  any  Debts  fince  this  War  begun,  In 
'  order  to  the  carrying  on  of  the   Public  Service, 

*  either  by  want  of  the  Payment  of  their  due  Salary, 

*  orbyreafon  of  their  own  Difburfements,  may  have 

*  their  Perfons  freed  from  all  Procefs,    Arrefts,    or 

*  Moleftation  untill  their  Arrears  fhall  be  difchar- 
'  ged ;  and  that  then  their  Creditors  fhail  be  pro- 

*  portionably  fatisfied,  and  the  faid  Officer»«left  to 

*  the  ufual  Courfe  and  full  Power  of  the  Law  as 
'  formerly. 

7.  *    That  an  A£l  of  Indemnity  may  be  parted 

*  for  all  Officers  and   Soldiers,  for  fuch  Actions  as 

*  have  been  done  by  them  in  Reference  to  the  Pub- 

*  lie  Service  iince  the  Beginning  of  this  War. 

8.  *  That  all  fuch  Officers  as  have  loft  the  Be- 

*  nefit  of  their  Eftates,  and  have  difburfed   divers 

*  Suras  of  Money  for  raifmg  Men,  Horfes,  Arms, 

Y  2  'or 

34^  The  ParUamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  Car.  I.  <  or  Ammunition,  or  in  the  managing  their  public 

^J^ ,«  Truft,    (hall  be  confidered  for  their  faid   LofTes, 

March.  *  anc^  allowed  for  the  faid  Diftmrfements,  uponjuft 
'  Proof  thereof  made  before  the  Committees  of 
8  Accounts;  and  that  the  faid  Committees  (hall 

*  have  fpecial  Order  given  them  to  audit  fuch  Dif- 
'  burfements   when  they  (hall   be   brought    unto 
'  them. 

9.     c  That  not  forgetting  your  Honours  tender 

'  Care  of  the  fad  Condition  of   bleeding   Ireland^ 

*  and  that  nothing  may  be  wanting  on  our  Parts 
'  towards  the  promo  ing  of  fo  honourable  and  pious 

*  a  Work,  fome  of  us  have  engaged  ourfelves  al- 

*  ready,  and  the  reft  are  moft  ready  to  contribute 
c  their  beft  Afliftance  thereunto,  even  as  your  Ho- 

*  nours  (hall  be  pleafed  to  command  us. 

*  And,  in  purfuance  of  a  full  Eftablifhment  of 
'  the  Particulars  aforefaid,  as  in  your  great  Wif- 
'  doms  (hall  be  thought  moft  convenient,  your  Pe- 
«  titioners  do  offer  their  utmoft  Service  and  Aflift- 
<  ance,  with  their  Lives  and  Fortunes, 

And  Jhatt  ever  pray,  &c. 

T.  Essfex,  Cdl.  JEREMIAH  BAINES, 
RICHARD  SANDYS,  Col.         Lieutenant-Colonel. 

MAT.  ALURED,  Col.  JAMES  BAKER,  Lieu- 
FRANCIS  GOFFE,  CoL  tenant-Colonel. 

JAMES  MIDHOPE,  Col.  Lieutenant-Colonel. 


JoHNBuTLER,  Col.  L ieutenant •  Colonel. 

The  Officers  who  fubfcribed  this  Petition  were 
all  called  in  again,  and  had  for  Anfwer,  *  That 
-     the  Houfe   gave  them  Thanks   for  their  good   Af- 
fections to  them,   and  their  Services  to  the   King- 
dom and  Parliament;  and  they  take    it  well  con- 
cerning their  Offer  for  Ireland.     And  as  to   their 
Arrears,   their  Lordfliips  will  do  their   Parts,    and 
•     -will  take  their  Petition  into  Co'nfuieration.' 


^/ENGLAND.  341 

The  fame  Day  a  Copy  of  this  Petition  was  pre-  An.  *,  Car.  r, 
fentcd    to   the  Houfe  ot  Commons  by    the  fame     t    l6*7'    . 
Officers,  to   whom    the  Houfe    fent  out    four   of      March, 
their  Members  with  the  following  Anfwer:  *  That 
as  to  their  Arrears,   the  Houfe  had  and  would  take  And  to  the  Com* 
them   into   Confideration,    with    others,    in   fuch mons' 
Manner  as  they  (hould  think  fit,  as  well   as  their 
Defires  of  Employment.     That  as  to  the  reft  of 
the   Petition,    about  the  Management  of    public 
Affairs,    it  did  not  concern  any  Perfons  to  give  In- 
ftru&ions  to  the  Houfes  therein  ;  yet,  in  Confide- 
ration the   Petitioners   were  Men   that  had  done 
Service  to  the  Parliament,  and,  in  regard  of  their 
Profeflions,    and  that  they  might   have   done  this 
merely  out  of  Inadvertency,    they  were  willing  to  I 

pafs  it  by.' — But  we  (hall  foon  find  that  thefe  ftur- 
dy  Beggars,  as  they  may  very  well  be  called  who 
petitioned  Sword  in  Hand,  were  not  to  be  put  by 
fo  eafily. 

The  Proceedings  and  Motions   in    the  Army  goth  Houfet 
about  this  Time,  which  gave  fo  great  an  Alarm  to  greatly 
the  Parliament,  were  fet  on  foot  by  the  Indepen-  J 
dents,  of  which  Cromwell  was  the  Chief;  and  were  my, 
a  main  Engine  by  which  he  afterwards  attained  to 
a  higher  Degree  of  Power  in  this  Nation  than  any 
of  her  Kings.     In  order  to  illuftrate  this   Matter, 
it  will  be  necefTary  to  obferve  that  this   General 
had  a  Son-in-Law,  Commiflary   Ireton,  as  good  at 
contriving  as  himfelf;  and,  at  fpeaking  and  writing, 
much  better :  Thefe    two  took  Care   to  fpread  a 
Whifper   through    the  Army,  that  the  Parliament 
intended  to  difband  them  j  to  cheat  them  of  their 
Arrears ;  and  to  fend   them  into  Ireland^  to  be  de- 
ftroyed  by  the  Rebels  in  that  Kingdom. 

This  Report  was  eafily  credited  by  the  Soldiery; 
fome  Regiments  they  knew  were  already  fent  over, 
and  others  invited  and  prefled  by  the  Parliament 
to  do  the  fame:  And,  being  enraged  at  this  Ufage, 
they  were  eafily  taught,  by  Ireton,  to  ereft  a  Coun- 
cil amongft  themfelves,  of  two  Soldiers  out  of 
every  Troop  and  every  Company,  to  confult  for 
Y3  the 


v — 


342  V  be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  Car.  I- the  Good  ofthem  all;  to  aflift  at  a  Council  of 
War,  and  advife  for  the  Peace  and  Safety  of  the 
Kingdom.  Thcfe  Men  were  ftiled  Agitators  j 
and  whatever  Project  Cromwell  had  a  Mind  to 
bring  about,  he  had  no  more  to  do  than  put  it  into 
their  Heads.  The  Effea  of  their  firft  Confulta- 
tion  was,  the  taking  the  King  from  Holdenby  and 
bringing  him  to  the  Army,  as  will  be  feen  in  the 

Sequel. Thus  much  premifed,    we    return  to 

our  'Journals. 

March  30.  The  Houfe  of  Lords  were  informed, 
by  fome  Officers  who  came  to  offer  themfelves 
Volunteers  for  the  Irijh  Service,  of  a  Petition 
handed  about  in  the  Army,  to  be  figned  and  deli- 
vered to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  their  General;  a 
Copy  of  which  was  fhewn  and  read  to  the  Lords 
in  triefe  Words : 

To  his  Excellency  Sir  THOMAS  FAIRFAX,  Knt. 
General  of  the  Parliament's  Forces. 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  OFFICERS    and 
SOLDIERS  of  the  Army  under  your  Command, 

Who  prefent  a 
Petition  and  Re- 
prefentation  to 

Sir  Thomas  Fair- 

*"|~  HAT,  ever  fince  our  firft  engaging  in  this 

1  Service,  for  preferving  the  Power  of  the 
Kingdom  in  the  Hands  of  the  Parliament,  we 
have,  in  our  feveral  Places,  ferved  them  with  all 
Faithfulnefs ;  and  although  we  have  lain  under 
many  Difcouragements  for  want  of  Pay  and  other 
NecefTaries,  yet  have  we  not  djfputed  their  Com- 
mands, difobeyed  their  Orders,  nor  difturbed 
them  with  Petitions ;  nor  have  there  any  vifible 
Difcontents  appeared  amongft  us,  to  the  Encou- 
ragement of  their  Enemies,  and  the  Impediment 
of  their  Affairs;  but  have,  with  all  Chearfulnefs, 
done  Summer  Service  in  Winter  Seafons,  im- 
proving the  utmoft  of  our  Abilities  in  the  Ad- 
vancement of  their  Service :  And  feeing  God 
hath  now  crowned  our  Endeavours  with  the  End 
of  our  Defires,  viz.  the  difperfing  of  their  Pub- 

«  lie 


lie  Enemies,  and  reducing  them  to  their  Obe-  An 
dience,  the  King  being  now  brought  in;  our 
Brethren  th<>£ro/rfatisfied  and  departed  the  King- 
dom;  all  Dangers  fee mingly  blown  over,  and 
Peace  in  all  their  Quarters;  we,  emboldened 
by  their  manifold  Promifes  and  Declarations  tp 
defend  ?nd  protect  thofe  that  appeared  and  a&e4 
in  their  Service,  do  herewith  humbly  prefent  tp 
your  Excellency  the  humble  Representation  of 
our  Defkcs  annexed;  which  we  humbly  befeech 
your  Excellency  to  recommend,  or  reprefent,  in 
our  Behalf  to  the  Parliament. 
And  your  Petitioners  jball  honour  and  pray  for 
your  Excellency . 

of  the  OFFICERS  and  SOLDIERS  of  the  Army 
under  the  Command  of  his  Excellency  Sir  THO- 
MAS FAIRFAX,  prefenttd  firft  to  his  Excellency, 
to  be,  by  him,  reprefent  jd  to  the  Parliament. 

I.  <  IT?  Hereas    the    Ncceffity   and   Emergency 
«   W    of  the   War  hath  put  us    upon   many 
A&ions  which  the  Law  could  not  warrant,  nor 
we  have  adted,  in  a  Time  of  fettled  Peace;  we 
humbly  defirc  that,  before  the  Time  of  our  Dif- 
banding,  a  full  and  fufficient  Proyifion  may  be 
made  by  Ordinance  of  Parliament,  (to  which  the 
Royal  Aifcnt  may  be  procured)  for  our  Indemnity 
and  Security  in  all  fuch  Services. 
II,  c  That   Auditors,    or  Commiffioners,  may 
be  fpeedily  appointed  and  authorized  to  repair  to 
the   Head  Quarters  of  this  Army,   to  audit  and 
ftate  our  Accounts,  as  well  as  our  former  Ser- 
vices  in  this  Army ;    and  that,  before  the  Dif- 
banding  of  the  Army,  Satisfaction  may  be  given 
to  the  Petitioners  for  their  Arrears;  that  fo  the 
Charge,  Trouble,  and    Lofs    of  Time,    which 
we  muft  neceflarily  undergo  in  Attendance  for 
attaining  of  them,    may  be  prevented  (we  having 
had   Experience  that  many  have  been  reduced  to 
miferable    Extremity,  even    altruft  ftan-d  for 
^4  *  van: 


An.    a»   Car.  I. 



£gaintt  which 
the  Parliament 
iflus  a  Declara- 
tlin,  anJ  fend  it 
to  Uwc  General. 

Vfre  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

1  want  of  Relief,  by   their   tedious   Attendance); 

*  and  that  no  Officer  may   be  charged    with    any 
'  Thing  in  his  Account  that  doth  not  particularly 
4  concern  himfelf. 

III.  '  That  thofe  who  have    voluntarily  ferved 
'  the  Parliament  in  the  late  Wars,  may  not  here- 
'  after  be  compelled,    by    Prefs  or  otherwife,    to 

*  ferve  as  Soldiers  out  of  this  Kingdom  ;  nor  thofe 

*  that  have  ferved  as  Horfemen  may  bs  compelled, 

*  by  Prefs   o'r  otherwife,  to  ferve  on  Foot  in  any 
'  future  Cafe. 

IV.  furh  in  this  Army  as  have  loft  their 
'  Limbs,  arid   the  Wives  and  Children  of  fuch  as 

*  have  been  (Lin  in  the  Services,  and  Such  Officers 

*  and  Soldiers  as  have  fuftained  Loffes,  or  have  been 
f  prejudiced   in  their  Eflates,  by   adhering  to  the 
'  Parliament,    or  in  their  Pcrfons,  by  Sicknefs    or 

Imprifonment  under  the  Enemy,  may  have  fuch 
c  Allowance  and  Satisfaction  as  may  be  agreeable 
'  to  Juftice  and  Equity. 

V.  '  That,  till  the  Army  be  difbanded  as  afore- 
'  faid,    fomf1  Courfe  may  be  taken  for  the  Supply 
4  thereof  with  Monies,  whereby  we  may  be  enabled 
'  to  difcharge  our  Quarters;  thrt  fo   we  may   not, 
'  for  necVflary  Food,   be  beholden  to  the  Parlia- 

*  ment's  Enemies,  burthenfome  to  their   Friends, 
'  or  opprefiive  to  their  Countries,  whofe  Preferva- 

*  tion  we  always  have  endeavoured,   and  in  whofe 

*  Happ\nefs  we  do  {till  rejoice.' 

Some  other  Evidences  being  alfo  read,  to  prove 
that  this  Affair  was  warmly  carrying  on  in  ths 
Army,  the  Parliament  thought  pioper  to  be  before- 
hand with  them ;  and  thereupon  ordered  the  fol- 
lowing Declaration  to  be  printed  and  published, 
nnd  a  Number  of  Copies  'hereof  fent  down  in  a 
Letter  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax, 

1HE  r  o  Houi'es  of  Parliament  having  re- 
ceived information   of  a  dangerous   Peti- 
tion, with  a  Representation  annexed,    tending  to 
put  the  At  my  into  a  Diflemper  and  Mutiny,  to 
put  Conditions  upon  the  is£ilian;cnt3  and  obftruci 

«  the 

of   ENGLAND. 

f  the  Relief  of  Ireland^  which  hath  been  contrived  A 

*  and    promoted    by  fome    Perfons   in  the  Army ; 

*  they  do  declare  their  high  diflike  of'that  Petition, 
?  their  Approbation  and  Efteem  of  their  good  Ser- 
f  vice  who  firft  difcovered  it,  and  of  fuch  Oftrcrs 

*  and  Soldiers  as  have  refufed  to  join  in  it ;  and  that 

*  for  fuch  as  have  been  abufed,  and,  by  the  Per- 

*  fuafions  of  others,  drawn  to  fubfcribe  it,  if  they 

*  fhall,    for  the    future,    manifeft  their   Diflike  of 
'  what  they   have  done,  by   forbearing  to  proceed 
6  any  further  therein,  it  (hall  not  be  look'd  on  as 

*  any  Caufe  to  take   away  the  Remembrance  and 
'  Senfe  the  Houfes  have  of  the  good  Services  they 
'  have    formerly   done;    but  they  fhall  be  ftill  re- 
?  taincd  in  their  good  Opinion,  and  (hall  be  cared 

*  for  with  fhe  reft  of  the  Army,  in  all  Things  ner 
'  ceflary  and  fitting  for  the  Satisfaction  of  Perfons 

*  that  have  done  fo  good  and  faithful  Service  ;  and 

*  as  may  be  expected  from  a  Parliament  fo  careful 

*  to  perform  all    T-ings  appertaining  to    Honour 
'  and  Juftice:  And,    on  the   other  Side,  it  is  de- 
'  clared,  That  all  thofe  who  fhall  continue  in  their 
'  diftempered   Condition,    and  go  on  in  advancing 
?  and  promoting  that  Petition,  (hall  be  look'd  up- 
£  on,  and  proceeded  againft,    as    Enemies  to  the 

*  State,  and  Difturbers  of  the  Public  Peace.' 
This  Declaration   is  expunged    in  the  Commons 

Journals^  and  this  Note  put  in  the  ?vlargin,  Deletitr 
per  Ordlnem  tertii  Junii,  1647.  fedente  Curia  ^  H.  E. 
The  Reafons  for  which  will  appear  in  the  Sequel. 

2.  The  Lords  received  an  Anfwer,  from 
the  General,  to  tjieir  Better  and  the  foregoing  De- 
claration, which  was  aiio  read  as  follows  :  (a) 

for  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER. 

My  Lord,  Walden,  March  30,   1647.  His  Letter  there. 

*  1  Received    your   Lordfliip's  Letter,    with  the  uP°n* 

*  1  Declaration   of  both    Houfes  of  Parliament, 

«  and 

(a]  An  Anfwer,  much  to  the  fame  Purpofe,  was  wrote  to  the 
Speaker  of  the  Houfc  of  Commons,  and  is  in  Rufiwertb,  Vol.  VI, 
P-  445- 

3  46  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

2j  Car.  I.  an(j  fhall  take  Care  for  fending  Copies  thereof 
into  the  feveral  Regiments  of  the  Army,  for  the 

April.  fpeedy  fuppreffing  of  the  Petition  ;  notwithftand- 

ing  I  had  before  commanded  the  Recall  thereof, 
and  given  Orders  for  flopping  any  further  Pro- 
ceedings in  the  fame  ;  afluring  your  Lordfhip,  by 
the  good  Afliftanceof  God,  neither  that  Petition, 
nor  any  other  Thing,  fhould  have  come  through 
my  Hands  to  the  Parliament,  which  fhould  have. 
the  leaft  Countenance  of  Difobedience,  or  appear 
in  fuch  a  Drefs  as  might  not  be  fit  for  the  Juftice 
and  Honour  of  that  eminent  Judicature  to  look 
upon :  But  not  to  trouble  your  Lordfhip  any 
longer,  I  take  Leave  to  reft 

Your  Lord/hip's  mojl  humblt  Servant, 


Nothing  material  happening,  we  pafs  on  to 

April  q.  When  we  find  an  Entry  in  the  Journal* 
of  the  following  Letter  and  Examination,  which 
{hews  what  State  the  King  was  then  in  at  Holden* 
ly,  and  how  narrowly  watched  by  his  new  Guar- 

A  Letter  from  the  CommifHoners  with  the  King 
at  Holdenby. 

For  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  */ MAN  CHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord)  Holdenby )  April,  6,  1647. 

TheCommif-      '  HTH IS  Afternoon,    as  the    King  was  riding 

fioners  attending   '  •*•      from  Holaenoy  to  go  to  Bowls  at  Boughton* 

the  King  com-     <  he  alighted,  as  ufually  he  hath  done,  at  a  narrow 

feVpriwtSy*    '  Bridge  in  the  Way  :  at  the   End  of  which  Bridge 

given  to  him.      *  there  ftood  one  Humphry  Bofville.  who  had  ferved 

*  formerly  as  a  Major  in  his  Majefty's  Army,  dif- 

*  guifed  in  a  Country  Man's  Habit,  with  an  Angle 

*  in  his  Hand,  as  if  he  had  been  fifhing  ;   and  pri- 
'  vately  conveyed  into   the  King's   Hand  Letters 

*  from 

of    E  N  GJ,  A  N  D.  347 

from  the  Queen  and  Prince,  as  more  particularly  An.  23  c*r.  L 
appears  in  the  Examination,  which  we  fend  your          l647.  ^ 
Lordfhip  here  inclofed.      We  have   committed    V— 7T/~T-' 
him  to  the  High   Sheriff  of  this  County  4  where 
he  is  to  remain  untill  your  Lordfhip's  Pleafure  be 
known.  In    Difcharge   of  our  Duty  we  thought 
fit  to  do  this,  and  to  give  your  Lordfliip  a  fpcedy 
Account  thereof,  remaining 

Tour  Lord/hips  mojl  bumble  Servant^ 


fame  Time  of  Enford  in  Kent,  and  late  Major  in 
Col.  Colepeper's  Regiment,  in  Lord  Cleveland's 
Brigade^  taken  before  the  Commijfaners  at  Hol- 
denby,  April  6,  1647. 

c   HT^HIS  Examinant  faith,    That  this  prefent 

*  K      Day  he  did  deliver  to  the  King,  as  he  was 

*  going  to   Bowls  at  Boughton,  a  Packet  of  Letters 
'  which  he  lately  brought  out  of  France  from  the 

*  Queen,  with   fome  inclofed  from  the  Prince,  as 

*  the  King  was  walking  over  a  narrow  Bridge  near 
«  a  Mill : 

4  That  he  heard  itdifcourfed  before  he  came 
4  over,  that  the  Prince  having  a  Defire,  from  a 
'  Senfe  he  had  of  his  Honour,  to  accompany  the 

*  Duke  of   Orleans  in  his   Wars,  hath;  in  one  of 

*  the  Letters,  wrote  to  the  King  for  Leave  fo  to 

*  do,  the  Queen  Regent  of  France  being  otherwife 
'  unwilling  to  give  her  Confent: 

*  That  the    Lord  Colepeper  did  afTure  him,  the 

*  faid  Major  Bofville,  before  he  came  out  of  France, 

*  that    the    Letters  he  brought  tended  much  to 
'  Pence ;  and  which   he  is  confident  is  true  : 

'  That  he  was  at  Newcajlle  the  fame  Day  the 
'  King  was  delivered  into  the  Englijh  Commiflion- 
'  ers  Hands  ;  and  that  he  went  thence  into  France, 

*  and  carried  with  him  a  Letter  from  the  King  to 

*  th« 

348  72v  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  dr.  I  <  the  Queen,    which   Letter  he  received  from  his 
v  I6*7'     J   c  Majefty  in  the   Morning  of  the  faid  Day  : 
ApriJ7~          '  That  it  is  about  a  Fortnight  fince  he,  the  faid 
'  Bcfvillc)  came    into   England  ;  and    that  he  hath 

*  lodged   two  Nights  in  a    Fir  Bufh,    and    three 
4  Nights  in  a  Country  Man's  Houfe  near  the  Place, 
'  waiting  for   an  Opportunity  to  deliver  the  faid 
«  Letters: 

'  That  he    borrowed    the   faid  Country  Man's 

*  Cloaths  for  a  Difguife,  (but  his  Name  or  Dwel- 

*  ling  he  refufed  to  tell)  in  which  he  delivered  the 

*  faid    Letters,    with    an  Angle  in  his  Hand,  as  if 
?  he  were  fifhing : 

'  That   he   was    commanded  to  deliver  the  faid 

*  Letters  to  the  King's  own  Hands,  which  he  had 
'  undertook  to  do  :  And    faith,  That  if  he  could 

*  not  have    found  an  Opj>ortunity   otherwife,    he 

*  was  refolved   to  deliver    them  to  the  King  before 

*  the   Commiflioners,  although   he  had  died  for  it ; 
'  conceiving    the   Letters  conduced  to  Peace  as 
«  aforefaid. 

*  This  Examination  being  read  unto  him  the  faid 
'  Humphry  Bofuille^  he  acknowledged  the  fame  t<j 
«  be  true,  but  refufed  to  fet  his  Hand  to  it.' 

By  Order  of  the  Commiffioner^ 


In  the  Abfence  of  the  Secretary* 

The  Meficnger        The  Lords   ordered    the   foregoing  Letter  and 

ofwhich  is  com- Examination   to    be  communicated   to.  the  Com- 

"jttcdtoNew-  mons,  and  that  the   faid  Bofville  be  fent  for:  He 

was  afterwards  committed  to  Newgate. 

The  Parliament  were  now  bufy  for  feveral 
Days,  in  (rating  the  Accounts  of  their  Army,  fix- 
ing Rewards  and  more  Pay  on  thofe  Officers  and 
Soldiers  that  would  go  into  the  Service  of  7r*- 
land,  &c.  For  which  and  other  Difburfements, 
they  were  forced  to  apply  to  the  City  for  another 
Loan  of  200,000 /,  at  87.  per  Cent,  and  which  they 
4  did 

*A   ENGLAND.  349 

did  not  find  the  Citizens    fo  ready  to  comply  with,  An.  23  Car.  1« 
notwithftanding  the  great  Credit  the  Parliament      t  l6*7'     J 
was  then   arrived  at.  The    Security  propofed  was,         ApX1> 
the  Remainder  of  the  Bifhops  Lands,  the  Excife, 
Delinquents    Eftates,  a  new  Ordinance  for  railing 
60,000  /.   per  Menfem,  for  the  Service  of  England 
and  Ireland,  or  any  other  Way  the  City  could  pro- 
pofe  and  they  could  grant.     The  Common  Coun- 
cil referred  this  to  a  Committee  of  their  own  Mem- 
bers, to  confiderof  it  and  draw  up  an  Anfwer. 

We  find  nothing  elfe  memorable  about  this 
Time  in  either  Houfe,  except  the  following  Let- 
ter of  Thanks  from  Archbilhop  IViUiams,  for  th« 
Favour  he  had  lately  received  from  the  Parliament, 
and  which  concludes  that  Prelate's  Character. 

April  20.  A  Letter  from  Dr.  Williams^  late- 
Archbiftiop  of  Tork^  was  read. 

To  the  Right  Honouralle^  my  very  Noble  Lord,  ED- 
WARD Earl  of  MANCHESTER,  Speaker  of  the 
Mojl  Honourable  Houfe  of  Peers. 

RlgKt  Honourable^ 

'  TjAving  underftood  of  an  Ordinance  pafied  Archbiffwp  Wfl- 
«   I  \   your  moft  Honourable  Houfe,  for  the  par-  Hams' s  Leuer  Of 

*  donins;  of  fuch  Delinquencies  (a)  as  fome  Miftakes  7ha1nksrto  ^^ 

rr-       ,  .         n       •       '       ,  •     Lords,  forpar^ 

«  about  the    King's  over- powering  Parties  in  this  doning ;his  De. 
«  Country  had  drawn    me  into,  I  humbly  bcfeech  lin^uency. 
«  your  Lordfliip  to  prefent  my  moft  thankful  Ac- 
e  knowledgement  for  their  great  Favour  therein; 
«  as  alfo  of  all  other  their  gracious  Refpe6ls  which 

*  I  have,  without  the  leaft  Merit  of  my  own,  ex- 
"  traordinarily  enjoyed  thefe  Twenty-five  Years; 

*  and  may   the  great  God  of  Heaven,  fpeedily  and 

*  plentifully,  return  them  all  into  their  noble  Bo- 
"  foms. 

4  And  becaufe  I  am  now  to  live,  or  rather  to  die, 

*  deveftedofall  Power  or  Deference  which  might 
'  vindicate   me  from  Contempt  amongft    a  third 

*  Generation  of  Men   from   thofe  I  firft  convcrfed 

*  with- 
(4}  See  be/ore  in  this  Volume,   p.   2,  and  171. 


Letters  from  the* 
Scots  Commif- 
fi  oners,  defiring 
•  farther  Appli- 
cation to  the 
King  for  Peace, 

The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  f  o  R  V 

withall,  and  fome  Pharaohs  peradvcnture  whicii 
knew  not  Jofeph  ;  if  their  Lordfhips  (hall  extend 
their  Goodnefs  fo  far4  as  to  protect  me  in  a  juft 
and  fair  Way,  in  relation  to  any  Service  I  have 
heretofore  endeavoured  to  perform  to  that  moft 
Honourable  Houfe,  it  would  make  me,  as  moft 
careful  not  to  profane  fo  facred  a  Favour,  fo  to 
live  and  die  their  moft  obliged  Servant  and  Vaf- 
fal.  Right  Honourable  Lord,  I  humbly  take  my 
Leave,  and  am 

Tour  Lord/hip's 

Moft  obliged  Servant, 
JOHN   late    Archlijbop  of  York. 

April  26.  The  Scots  Commiffioners,  fome  of 
whom  were  ftill  refiding  in  London,  fent  a  Letter 
to  the  Lords,  to  defire  their  Lordfhips  to  appoint 
a  Committee  to  meet  them,  having  fomething  of 
Importance  to  communicate,  which  they  had  re- 
ceived from  the  Parliament  of  Scotland.  A  Com- 
mittee of  both  Houfes  were  ordered  to  meet  them 
that  Afternoon ;  and  the  next  Day  the  following 
Papers  were  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords. 

And  firft,  the  Letter  from  the  Commiifioners 

April  264  1647. 
Right  Honourable, 

IN  purfuance  of  the  Commands  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland,  we  do  herewith  deliver  their 
Letter  to  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  and  are  fur- 
ther to  let  your  Lordfhips  know,  that  they  look 
upon  it  as  a  fpecial  Blcffing  from  Heaven,  that 
God  hath  been  pleated  fo  ftri&ly  to  unite  thcfc 
Kingdoms  for  fo  good  Ends  by  folemn  League 
and  Covenant ;  and  as  it  hath  been  their  conftant 
Care,  by  all  good  Endeavours,  inviolably  to  pre- 
fcrve  that  happy  Union  according  to  the  Cove- 
nant and  Treaties  ;  and  is  their  firm  Refolution 
to  cherifh  and  entertain  every  Mean  which  may 
continue  a  good  Corrcfpondency,  and  promote  a 

'  fur- 

tf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  351 

further  Union  ;    fo  the  Experience  they  have  of  An' ^ p 
Love  and  Kindnefs  for  their  Brethren  of  Hug/and,       *_   ^' 
gives   them   Confidence    that  they  will  alfo  con-        April, 
tinue  to  lay  hold  on  all  Opportunities  which  may 
further  and  improve  it;  that    fo,  by  joint  Con- 
filltatlons  and   Refolutions  in  what  may  concern 
mutual  Intereft  and  Safety,  both  may  be  ftrength- 
ened  againft  the  Common  Enemy,  a  happy  Peace 
may  be   fettled   upon  a  fure    Foundation,    and  a 
nearer  Union  attained   and  tranfmitted  to  Pofte- 
rity  ;  in  all  which  we  are  ready,  according  to  the 
Direction  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  to  con- 
tribute our  beft  Endeavours. 
By    Command  of  the  CommiJJiwers  for  the  Partia* 
ment  of  Scotland. 


Next,    the   Letter  from   the  Scots  Parliament, 
mentioned  in  the  foregoing. 

Edinburgh •,  March  1 5,  1647. 
Right  Honourable^ 

rHE  Eftates  of  the  Parliament  being  at  this 
Time  employed  about  the  Affairs  of  this 
Kingdom,  the  ordering  whereof  could  not  admit 
of  Delay,  have  now  taken  Occafion  to  let  your 
Lordfhips  know  that  they  have  appointed  their 
Commiffioners  to  join  with  iuch  as  fhall  be  war- 
ranted by  you,  to  defire  his  Majefty's  Aflent  to 
the  Proportions  of  Peace  \  and  to  prefenttothe 
Honourable  Houfes  the  earned  Defires  of  this 
Kingdom,  that  Reformation  of  Religion  and  Uni- 
formity therein,  which  was  the  chief  Ground  of 
our  Engagement  in  the  Caufe,  be  fpeedily  fettled 
and  put  in  Practice;  that  all  good  Means  be  ufed 
for  obtaining  ajuftand  folid  Peace;  and  that  it 
is  their  hearty  Refolution,  and  fhall  be  their  con- 
ftant  Endeavours,  to  keep  a  good  Underftanding, 
and  to  cherilh  and  preferve  the  Union  betwixt 
the  Kingdoms ;  all  which  will  be  more  particu- 
larly made  known  to  your  Lordfhips  by  the  Earl 
of  Laicltrdalt)  and  other  Commiffioners,  who  are 

*  ful- 

3  5  2  7^  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  M  °"'  l' '  fully  authorized  with  Inftrudions  from  this  Kirigi 
v  ^  '. j  e  dom,  and  are  hereby  recommended  to  your  Ac- 
April,  e  ceptance,  by 

Yo'dr  Lord/hips  affettionate 

Friend  and  Servant, 

Prcfident  of  Parliament. 

Thefe  Papers  were  ordered  to  be  communicated 
to  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 

April  27 .  The  Lords  proceeded  to  read  the  De-* 
P0^0115  °f  feveral  Officers  and  Soldiers  in  the  Ar- 
my, relating  to  the  Difturbances  there,  and  the 
Hinderance  given  by  fome  to  the  Service  of  Ire- 
land. In  which  we  find  that  the  Petition,  with 
the  Reprefentation  annexed,  was  delivered  to  the 
General,  but  no  Account  of  its  Reception  by  him 
is  yet  mentioned.  After  all  thefe  were  read,  the 
Lords  made  the  following  Order  and  Vote  : 

Ordered^  <  That  all  the  Perfons  mentioned  in 
the  Report,  which  are  Obftruftors  to  the  Service 
of  Ireland^  fhall  be  lent  for  to  appear  before  this 
Houfe  forthwith,  to  anfwer  trie  faid  Offences,  and 
all  tire  Witnefies  to  attend.' 

Refolvedi  c  That  this  Houfe,  having  received  i 
Report  from  thofe  Lords  that  were  fent  down  to 
the  Army,  do  think  it  neceflary  that  fpeedy  Car6 
be  taken  for  providing  of  Money,  that  fuchofthe 
Army  as  {hall  not  engage  themfeives  in  the  Ser- 
vice of  Ireland,  may  be  difbanded  and  have  fij^ 
Weeks  Pay  for  their  Arrears ;  and  thofe  that  fhall 
engage  themfeives,  in  that  Service,  may  have  fuch 
a  prefent  Proportion  of  Pay  as  may  give  them  En  - 
touragement  to  go  on  chearfully  therein.' 

The  fame  Day  fome  Officers  of  the  Army  prc- 
fcnted  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  on  Behalf  of 
themfeives  and  the  reft  of  their  Brethren,  a  Vin- 
dication of  the  Particulars  in  their  late  Petition, 
which  was  introduced  in  the  following  Manner: 

*f    ENGLAND.  353 

the  Honourable  the  Houfe   of  COMMONS  ajfim-  An. 
bled  in  Parliament, 


je  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  OFFICERS  of  the 
Army  iihder  the  Command  of  his  Excellency  Sir 
Thomas  Fairfax,  on  Behalf  of  themfelves  and 
the  Soldiers  of  the  Army, 

Humbly  Jheuucth, 

T^  HAT    your  Petitioners  being    fenfible  of 
feme  Diipleafure  in  this  Honourable  Houfe  The  Army's  ?«•• 
aa;ainft  them,  through  fomeMifmformation  con-  tition  to  the 
cerning  the  Carriage  and  Managing  of  a  late  Pe-  SSJd£u« 
tition  in  the  Army,  do   humbly  ofrer  unto  your  Reprefentation 
Confideration  the  Paper  annexed,   for  the  better  to  General  Fair- 
clearing   of    our   Intentions:     Humbly  deflring  **x" 
your  favourable  Conftru&ion  and  Acceptance  .of 
what  is  therein  contained,    according  to  the  Inte- 
grity with  which  it  is  prefented.' 

And  your  Petitioners  Jhall  pray,  &c. 

Tbs  VINDICATION  of  the  OFFICERS   of  the  Army 
under  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax. 

THE  Mifreprefentatlons  of  us  and  our  harm- 
lefs  Intentions  to  this  Honourable  Houfe, 
occafioningha.rd  Thoughts  andExpreflions  of  your 
Difpleafure  a^ainft  us,  \ve  cannot  but  look  upon 
as  a'n  Act  of.  mod  fad  Importance;  tending,  in 
our  Appreherifions,  to  alienate  your  Affection^ 
from  your  ever  trufty  and  obedient  Army  ;  than. 
which  nothing  can  more  rejoice  your  AdveriarLes,, 
or  minifter  greater  Hopes  of  their  Re-advance- 
ment :  Nothing  more  clifcou;  a^ing  to  us,  who 
(hould  efteem'it  the  greateii  Point  of  Honour  to 
ftand  by  you  till  the  Confuqimation  of  your 
Woik,  the  Removal  of  every  Yoke  from  the 
People's  Necks,  and  the  Eftabjilhment  of  thole 
good  Laws  you  (hall  judge  ncc<-{Iary  for  the  Com- 

4  Out  of  our  Fears  therefore  of  the  Advantage 
*  that  may  be  had  therefrom    and  that  the  Honour- 

VOL.  xv,  z  *  ^u:c 

354  V&e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

2,  car.  I.  c  able   Houfe  may -retain  the    fame    good  Opinion 

*  of  us  they    foimerly    had,  (whom  God  hath  hi- 
'    l  therto  blefb'd  with  abundant  Bleffings)  we  hum- 

*'bly  crave  the  Boldnefs  to  prefent  unto  you  fome 

*  Rcafons,  to    clear  our  Proceedings  in  thofe  Paf- 
1  i.  2«s  which  we  find  mod  obvious  to  Exceptions 

*  in  our  Petition;   whereby  we  hope    to  make  it 
'  evident  to  you,  that  we  did  no  more  than  what 

*  Neceffity  prompted  us  unto:  That  the  Means  that 

*  was  ufed,   and  the  Method  we   took  was,   as  we 

*  conceived,  rroft  orderly  and  incffenfive,  proceed- 

*  ing   not  in  the   leaft  from  Diftcmper,  and  aiming 

*  in  no  meafure  at  Mutiny,  nor  in  any  wife  to  put 

*  Conditions  on  the  Paliament;  and  that  you  will 
'  from  thence  difcover  the   Corruptions   of  thofe 

*  Men's  Hearts,  who  have  been  the  evil  Inftruments 

*  of  occafioning  your  late  Declaration  againft  us. 

'  For  our  Liberty  of  petitioning,  we  hope  this 

*  Honourable  Houfe  will   never  deny  it  unto  us; 
*-  we  know  not  any  Thing  more  eflential  to  Free- 
4,dom,  without  which  Grievances  are  remedilefs, 

*  and  our  Condition   moft    milerable.     You  have 
4  not  denied  it  to  your  Adverfaries ;  you  juftified  and 
c  commanded  it  in  your  Declaration   of  the  fccond 
'  of  November  1642,    in  thefe  Words,  //  is  the  Li- 

*  berty  and  Privilege  of  the  People  to  petition  unto  as 

*  for   the  Eafe  and  Redrefs  of  their  Grievances  and 

*  Opprejfions,  and  we  are  bound  in  Duty   to    receive 

*  their  Petitions.     And  we  hope,  by  being  Soldiers, 

*  v/e  have  not   loft  the  Capacity  of  Subjects,  nor 

*  diverted  ourfelves  thereby  of  our  Intcrefts  in  the 

*  Common-wealth ;  that  in  purchafing  the  Free- 
v  doms  of  our  Brethren,  we  have  not  loft  our  own. 

*  Befides,  we  can  inftance  Petitions  from  Officers 
4  in    the  Earl   of  E/ex's  and  Sir  inUiam  Waller's 

*  Army,  even  whilit  they  were  in  Arms,    which 

*  were  well  received    by  this   Honourable  Houfc, 

*  with  a  Return  of  Thanks;  and  therefore  we  hope 

*  we  (hall  not  be  confidered   as  Men  without  the 

*  Pale  of  the  Kingdom,  excluded  from  the  ,funda- 

*  irental  Privilege  of  Subjects  ^  efpccially  fincc  we 

*  ar« 

of   E  N  GX  A  N  D.  35,- 

t  are  confcious  to  ourfelves  of  nothing  that  may  An.  13  Car. 
4  deferve  the  fame.  v  1(>*7' 

4  We  have  not  till  now  appeared  in  petitioning,        April. 

*  though  our  Neceflities   have  been  frequent  and 

*  urgent ;  not  that  we  doubted  our  Liberty,  but be- 
1  caufe  we  were  unwilling  to  interrupt  you  in  your 

*  other  weighty  Affairs.     And  we  proceeded  at  this 

*  Time  with  the  greateft  Care   and   Caution   we 

*  could  of  giving  the  leaft  Offence,  intending  not 
c  to  prefent  our  Petition  to  this  Honourable  Houfe, 
4  but  with  the  Approbation  and  by  the  Mediation 

*  of  his  Excellency,  our  ever  honoured  General; 

*  knowing  how  watchful  our  Enemies  were  to  make 
4  the  hardeft  Conftru&ion  of  all  our  Actions,  and 

*  reprefent  us  to  you  and  the    World   under  fuch 

*  Terms  as  may  render  us  moft  odious. 

*  You  may  fee  the  Infidies  of  them  by  the  faife     • 

*  Suggeftions   they  have  already  made  to  you,  of 

*  our  forcing  Subfcriptions:    The  Reafonablenefs 

*  and   Neceflities   of  our  Defires,  whereof  almoft 

*  every  Soldier  is    abundantly  fenfible,    will  plead 
4  the  Vanity  of  fuch    an   Inrorcement ;  efpecially 
4  when  it  fliall  be  known  that  the  Petition  took  its 

*  firft  Rife  from  amongft    the  Soldiers;    and  that 
4   we  engaged  but  in  the  fecond  Place,  to  regulate 

*  the   Soldiers  Proceedings,  and  remove,    as  near 

*  as  we  could,    all  Occafion  of  Diftafte. 

4  For  our  Defires  of  Indemnity  for  fuch  A&ions 
'  as  (being  not  warrantable  by  Law  in  Time 
4  of  Peacej  we  were  inforced  unto  by  the  Nc- 

*  ceffity  and  Exigency  of  the  War,    we  are  con- 
4  ndent  this  Honourable  Houfe  will  approve  of  it, 
4  when  you  (hall  be  informed  that  the  Soldiers  are 
4  frequently  indicted  at  Aflizes   and  Seflions,  and 

*  otherwife  grievoufly   molefted  for  fuch  Actions, 

*  and  .many  lately   fuffering   for   the  fame;     and 
c  that   notwithstanding    that  Provifion   you  lately 
4  made  againft  it,  divers  have  had  Verdi£b  palled 

*  againft  them  this  laft  Affixes,  for  Actions  done 

*  as  Soldiers,  as  we  are  credibly  informed.     If  this 

*  be  pra&ifed  during  the  Time  of  your  Scfiion,   for 

*  what  we  did  through  the  Exigence  of  your  Ser- 

Z  2  •  vice, 

57?  Parliamentary 

vice,  what  cruel  and  violent  Proceedings  are  vr: 
like  to  find  after  you  are  pleafcd  to  diflblve  ? 
.rtpril.  '  For  tne    particular  Intimation  that   the  Royal 

*  AfTentmay  be  defired,  we  never  intended  by  it  to 
'   Itflcn  your    Authority;   but  fince   you    have,  by 
'  ofFcring  the  Piopofitruns,  judged  the  defirir.g;  the 
'  King's    A  (Tent    convenient;     fince   likcwife  th'e 

*  City  of   Lend:::  made  the   fame   Dcfir'e   without 
'  Offence  r  As  to  vour  Orders  to   the   Judges,  we 
'  know  not  how  ThVcti;:.!  they  may   prove   to  favc 
'  us  from  fuch  i^roceWlng's    after    your    Scffions. 

*  All  thcfe  Rcafons  confiderecl  will,  wehope,  mani- 

*  fe ft  our  Intentions  in  that  Intimation  to  be  only  a 
'  provident  Caution  for  our  future  Safety,  without 

*  the  Icaft  Thought  bFDifrefpecl:  to  your  Authority. 
*  For    the   Delire   of    our  Arrears;     Neccflity, 

*  cfpecially  of  our  Soldiers,   inforced   us    thereun- 

*  to:  That  we  have  rot  beerr  mercenary,   or  pro- 
'  pofed   Gain   as  our  End,  the  fpecdy  Ending  of  a 
'  languifhing  War  will  teftify  for  us,  whereby  the 
'  People  are  much  eafed  of  th«  ir  Taxes  and   daily 

*  Difburfempnts,   and  decayed  Trade  reftorcd  to' a 
'  full   and    fiourifhing  Condition    in  all   Quarter's. 

*  We  left  our  Eflatcs,  and  many  of  us  our  Traces 

*  and  Callings  to  others,  and  forfook  the  Content- 
.'  nients"  of  a  quiet  Life,    not  fearing  or  regarding 

*  the  Difficulties  of  War,  for  your  Sakes.  After  all 

*  which  we  hoped  that   the  Defires  of  ourhar'dly- 
6  earned  Wages,  by  the  Mediation  of  our  General, 

*  would  have  been    no    unwelcome  Requell,  nor 
'  argued  us  guilty  of  the  leaft  Difccntent  or  Intcn- 
'  tion   of  Mutiny. 

c  \VTe  know  not  any  Thing  further  in  our  Pct:- 

4  tion  which  hath  been  cxcepted  againft,    but  your 

*  Apprehcnfions  that  it  tcndeth  to  hinder  the  Relief 
'  of  Ireland,  which  we  do  not  underiland  wherein  ; 

*  having  always    manlfeflcd,    in   all    our   Actions, 

*  our  Readineis  to-further  that  Work;  unlefs   you 

*  mean  by  that  Defire,    tlu.t  ihnfe  v.ho  have  iervcd 
'  Xrolv;ntarily  [hpuld  not  be  prcfled  to  go  cut  of  fT.c 
'  Kingdom  ;  to  which  we  humbly  cf/cr  this,  Th.  t 
4  thcfe  wiri  have  voluntarily  fervcd  in  tiu-lc 



*  :ur I  left  their  Parents,  Trades,  and  Livelihoods ; Aa* 

*  and  without  any  Coinpulfion,  engaged  of  their 

*  own  Accords,  mould,  after  all  their  frc?  and  u:i- 

*  wearied  Labours,  be  forced  and  compelled  to  go 

*  out  of  this  Kingdom,  whofe  Peace  they   have  fo 

*  much  endeavoured  with  unwearied  Pains,  hoping 

*  thereby  to  have  lived  and   enjoyed  the   Fruits  of 

*  their  Labours,    would  to  them  feem  very  hard  : 
'  But  befides  this,  our  feveral   Votes  and  Engager- 

*  men's,  March  21,  to  endeavour  the  Service  of 

*  Ireland  what  we  could,  will  clear  us,  and  prove 

*  our  good  Affections  in  promoting  that  Work;  and 
1  therefore  we   hope  what  hath  been  faid   will  re^ 
4  move  all  Scruples,  andreftore  us  to  the  good  Opi, 
4  nion    of  this    Honourable   Houfe :   In  Alfurance 

*  whereof,    and   in  Confideration  of  the  Premiies, 
4  we  are  further  emboldened    to    make  thefe  our 

*  Requefts  unto  this  Honourable  Houfc. 

1.  *  That  you   will   be  pleafed  to  alb\v   us  our 
4  Liberty  of  petitioning   in  what  m  ly   concern  us 
4  now  as  Soldiers,  and"  afterwards  as  Members   of 

*  the  Common-wealth. 

2.  4  Since,   Upon   the  falfe  Suggeflions    of  fo:ne 

*  Men    informing   you   that   this   Ariny    intended 
4  to  enflave  the  Kingdom,  the  Honourable   Houfe 
4  was  fo  far  prevailed  withall  as  to  fumrnon  divers 
4  of  us  to  appear  at  your  Bar  (*),  and  to  pafs  o  De- 

Z  3  4  claratioR 

(rf)  This  Pafla?«  allules  to  a  Tranfaetion  of  the  fir  ft  of  th;-;  Month, 
in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  of  which  Mr.  Rujif.uonb  gives  the  fol- 
lowing Account:  '  Lieute-iant-G^n-ral,  C  >!  me!  H.III-  ' 
mind,  Lieutenant-Colonel  Pride,  GV.  attending  at  the  Door,  they: 
were  called  in  ;  when  the  Speaker  told  Colonel  Pride.  Tlut  :!:» 
Houfe  was  infrav-l  that  he  fh  >ald  read  a  Petition  (of  which  the 
Hb'ufesha.l  an  ill  Senfe)  at  the  Head  of  Colonel  Har!:y'i  R;-inajat  ;  . 
and  that  tiiere  were  threatening  Speerhes  given  out,  tnat  ilule 
that  did  net  fuhfcribe  it  Should  be  caihicred  the  Army,  "r.  To 
which  Colon.:!  Pndc  p.ive  for  Anfwer,  That  the,  e  was  no  Petition, 
either  by  himfelf'or  by  his  Appointment,  re.ul  at  the  HaaJ 
faid  Colonel  7/rrA-y'j  fCtgiment  j  and  that  there  wa;  no  menicinj. 
orthreatning  Words  nfed,  and  denied  the  wh  m  10 

did  the  reft  bf'thtirt,  and  gave  good  Satisfaction  in  Aoft»er  to 
was  demanded  of  them.'  CMeiliM,  Vol.    VI.   p.  4;-  Lor.l    l^'l  i,    in    his    Mtmiirs,   calls  this   AnlV:r     '^'  Coh- 
nel  Pri <ie's  mere  Collufion  anJ   Equivocation;    which  he  th 
counts  for,    by  fiyin,',  '  That  whe-s   the  CO!H.  }   wtfll. 

cau.i  ig  i  he  Pciiti  n  i    !  .  read  -.t  th.-  litrai  of  tl^rn-t.i     li:   J;-- 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

claration,  thereby  exprefling  your  high  Diflike 
of  our  Petition,  declaring  it  tended  to  put  Con- 
ditions upon  the  Parliament :  The  Senfe  of  fuch 
Exprefiions  is  fo  irkfome  to  us,  who  have  ven- 
tured whatfoever  we  efteemed  dear  to  us  in  this 
World  for  Prefervation  of  your  Freedom  and  Pri- 
vileges, that  we  cannot  but  earneftly  implore 
your  Juftice  in  the  Vindication  of  us,  as  in  your 
«  Wifdom  you  fhall  think  fit.' 

This  Petition  was  fubfcribed  by  Col.  Thomas 
Hammond,  Lieutenant-General  of  the  Ordinance, 
by  feven  other  Colonels,  feven  Lieutenant-Colo- 
nels, fix  Majors,  130  Captains,  Lieutenants,  and 
other  inferior  Officers  (d}. 

April  30.  The  faid  Petition  and  Vindication 
4  Letter prefent-  were  read.  After  which  Major-General  £ktppon(e] 
•d  to  them  by  fe-  produced  a  Letter  presented  unto  him  the  Day  be- 
fore, by  fome  Troopers  of  feveral  Regiments  in 
the  Army,  in  Behalf  of  eight  Regiments  of  Horfe; 
wherein  they  exprefled  fome  Reafons  why  they 
could  not  engage  in  the  Service  of  Ireland^  under 
the  prefent  Conduct ;  and  complaining  of  the  many 
fcandalous  and  falfe  Suggeftions,  that  were  of  late 
raifed  againft  the  Army  and  their  Proceedings, 
whereupon  they  were  declared  Enemies  to  the  Pub- 
lic; and  that  theyfaw  Defignj  were  upon  thenv,  and 
jnany  of  the  godly  Party  in  the  Kingdom : — That 
there  was  an  Intention  to  dlfband  and  new  model 


eied  it  ftoutly  5  becaufe,  it  feems,  it  was  but  at  the  Head  of  every 
Company,  the  Regiment  not  being  drawn  up  together.'  He  adds, 
*  That  notwithstanding  all  this,  the  Houfe,  willing  to  bury  what  wa* 
paft,  and  hoping  it  would  have  gained  them  to  a  better  Obedience  for 
the  future,  fcnt  them  down  again,  rather  with  Refpeft  than  othcrwife, 
acquiefcing  with  their  Denial-'  And  further  remarks,  *  That  this 
very  Ait  of  Clemency  was  turned  againft  them  ;  and  when  the 
Army  came  afterwards  to  do  their  Work  bare-faced,  no  longer  to 
«xcufe  but  juftify  that  Petition,  nay  make  the  Parliament  crimi- 
nou!  for  oueftioning  it,  they  upbraided  the  Houfa  with  fending  up 
for  the  Officers  from  their  Charge,  when  they  had  nothing  to  fay 
ajainft  them. 

tJ»!Mi  Tlfrmoin,  p.    go. 

(</)  Their  Names  are  ail  orint»d  in  Rxf/SKarib,   Vol.  VI.    p.  471. 

(t,  Hid.  p.474. 

of    ENGLAND.  359 

thcArmy(/);  which,  they  faid,  was  a  Plot  contrived  An.  i3  car.  r« 

by  fome  Men  who  had  lately  tafted  of  Sovereignty;  ( l6>v7' 

and,  being  lifted  up  above  the  ordinary  Sphere  of  April. "^ 
Servants,  endeavoured  to  become  Mailers,  and 
were  degenerated  into  Tyrants.  They  therefore 
declared,  That  they  would  neither  be  employed 
for  the  Service  of  Ireland,  nor  fufFer  themlelves  to 
be  difbanded,  till  their  Defires  were  granted,  and 
the  Rights  and  Liberties  of  the  Subjects  fhodd  be 
vindicated  and  maintained.' 

The  foregoing  Letter  being  recommended  to  the  creat  rebate. 
Confideration  of  the  Houfe  by  General  Skippon  (g ),  thereupon. 
the  reading  of  the  Army's  Vindication  was  laid 
afide ;  and  the  three  Troopers,  viz.  Edward  Six- 
ty (h),  WiHiam  Allen  (/'),  and  Thomas  Sheppard^  who 
came  with  the  Letter,  (and  who  had  prefent- 
ed  Copies  of  the  fame  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  the 
General,  and  to  Lieutenant-General  Crom^i-Jl^ 
both  which  were  brought  into  the  Houfe  at  the 
fame  Time)  were  ordered  to  be  fent  for  in;  where 
feveral  Queftions  were  propounded  unto  them, 
concerning  the  contriving,  drawing  up,  and  fub- 
fcribing  of  the  fame.  They  affirmed  it  was  drawn 
up  firft  at  a  Rendezvous  of  feveral  of  thofe  Re- 
giments, and  afterwards  they  had  feveral  Meet- 
ings about  it  by  Agents  from  each  Regiment  in 
feveral  Places.  Being  demanded,  Whether  their 
Officers  were  engaged  in  it?  They  anfwered, 
That  they  thought  very  few  of  them  knew  or  took 
Notice  of  it.  Then,  upon  Intimation  that  fure- 
ly  this  Letter  came  by  Promotion  of  Cavaliers  in 
the  Army,  it  was  demanded  of  each  of  the  Troopers 
feverally  by  themfelves,  Whether  they  were  Cava- 
liers ?  To  which  Anfwer  was  returned,  That  they 
had  engaged  in  the  Parliament's  Caufe  ever  fmcc 
Edge-Hill  Battle,  and  fome  wounded  there;  at 
Z  4  Brent- 

(/)  Cl*rtndo«,  Vol.  V.  p.  44. 

{g)  He  had  been  feme  litik  Time  before  elected  Member  for 

(4)  Afterwardt  a  Colond.— («')  Sometime  after  A^jutant-Ocnrrai 
under  Crcmwc.", 

360  Ibe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

i.   23  Car.  i.  Brentford,  at  Newbery,    at  Henley,    under   Major- 
_  ,  General  Skippon;  and  that  they  had  been  engagrd 
.April.        in  aii  the  Services  fince  his  Excellency  mil  march- 
ed into  the  Field. 

Then  they  were  demanded,  What  the  meanuig 
of  that  Claufe  was,  wherein  the  Word  a  Sovereign- 
ty was  exprefied  ?  They  feverally  being  called,  one 
by  one,  anfwered,  That  the  Letter  being  a  joint 
Act  of  thofe  feveral  Regiments,  they  could  not 
give  a  punctual  AnAver,  they  being  only  Agents; 
but  if  they  might  have  the  Queries  in  WTritine, 
they  {hould  fend  or  carry  them  to  the  feveral  Re- 
giments, and  return  their  own  Anfwers  together 
with  and  comprized  in  the  reft.  After  all  thefe 
Examinations,  they  were  ordered  to  attend  the 
Houfe  upon  Summons. 

General  £W/<w  writes  (k],  c  Thatafter  the  read- 
ing of  the  Petition,  fome  of  the  Membeis  moved 
that  the  Meflengers  might  be  committed  to  the 
Tower,  and  the  Petition  declared  feditiousj  but  the 
Houfe,  after  a  long  Debate,  fatisfied  themfelves  to 
declare,  That  it  did  not  belong  to  the  Soldiery  to 
meddle  with  Civil  Affairs,  nor  to  prepare  or  pre- 
fent  any  Petition  to  the  Parliament  without  the 
Advice  and  Confent  of  their  General,  to  whom 
they  ordered  a  Letter  to  be  fent  to  defire,  for  -the-* 
future,  his  Care  therein;  with  which  acquainting 
the  three  Agents,  and  requiring  their  Conformity 
thereunto,  they  diimifllj  them,'  He  adds,  c  That 
the  Houfe  having  Notice  of  this  Combination  a- 
gainft  them  from  Coi.  Edward  Harley,  one  of 
their  Members,  who  had  a  Regiment  in  the  Army, 
expreu"ed  themfelves  highly  diflatisfied  therewith  ; 
and  fome  of  them  moved  that  the  Petitioners  might 
be  declared  Traitors,  alleging  that  they  were  Ser- 
vants, who  ouqht  to  pbe.y,  not  to  capitulate.  — 
Others  were  not  Wanting,  who  refolved  the  fecu- 
rinp;  of  Lieutenant  -General  Crormve/l,  fufpecling 
that  he  had  under-hand  given  Countenance  to  this 
:-,  ;'  but  he  being'  advertifed  of  it,  went  that 


£i;  Jl'firo-rt,  Vol.  I.  p.   rjO. 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  361 

Afternoon  towards  the  Army,  fo  that  they  milled  AO.  2-5  Car. 
of  him,  and  were  not  willing  to  fhew  their  Teeth 
fmce  they  could  do  no  more.  The  Debate  continu- 
od  till  late  in  the  Night,  and  the  Senfe  of  the  Houfe 
was,  That  they  fhould  be  required  to  forbear  the 
Profccution  of  the  faid  Petition;  but  when  the 
Houfe,  wearied  with  long  fitting,  was  grown  thin, 
Mr.  Denz'd  Holies,  taking  that  Opportunity,  drew 
up  a  Refolution  upon  his  Knee*  declaring  the  Pe- 
tition to  be  feditious,  and  thofe  Traitors  who  fhould 
endeavour  to  promote  it  after  fuch  a  Day;  and  pro- 
mi  fin  g  Pardon  to  all  that  were  concerned  therein, 
if  they  fhould  defiil  by  the  Time  limited.  Some 
of  us,  fearing  the  Confequence  of  thefe  Divifions, 
exprefled  our  Diflktisfc&ion,  and  went  out ;  which 
gave  others  Occafion  to  pals  two  or  three  very  {harp 
Votes  againft  thcfe  Proceedings  of  the  Army.' 

Lord  Hollfss  own  Account  of  the  Matter  runs 
thus  (/)  :  The  Letter  prefented  to  the  Houfe,  by  the 
three  Agitators  before-mentioned,  was  an  Ex- 
clamation againft  the  Parliament;  falfe  and  un- 
true Complaints  of  Wrongs  done  to  the  Soldiers  at 
Affizcs  in  the  Counties;  a Protection  againft  the 
Jrijb  Expedition,  calling  it  a  Dcfign  to  break:  the 
Army,  declaring,  even  if  any  of  thofe  three  'Com- 
manders [Fairfax,  Crcmiccll,  and  Skippcn']  (hdbld 
engage,  their  Adverfeneis  to  it  ;  tho'  Skippon  was 
appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  command _  in  Ire- 
land, and  had  accepted  it;  in  plain  Engiifli  faying 
they  would  not  difband,  nor  receive  any.other  Pro- 
p'olitions  from  the  Parliament,  till  their  Expecta- 
tions were  fatisned. 

*  The  three  Agitators,  being  called  into  the 
Houfe,  carried  themfelves  at  the  Bar  in  a  flight- 
ing braving  Manner,  refufing  to  anfwer  fuch  Que- 
ftions  as  the  Speaker,  by  Order  of  the  Houfe,  afiad 
them;  faying  they  were  employed  by  the  Army, 
and  could  not,  without  Leave  irom  thence,  difcovtr 
any  Thing.  Many  of  the  Members  refenting  this 
high  Affront,  were  earneft  to  have  themfevcrely  pu- 

nffhed ; 

(l)Mcm»irs,  p.  84,  89. 

362  ^  Ihe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  23  Car.  I.  nifhed;  but  the  Party  [the  Independents']  flood  as 
ftifiyfor  them,  infomuch  that  the  worthy  Burgefs 
°f  Newcqftle^  Mr.  Warmouth,  flood  up  and  faid, 
Pie  would  have  them  committed  indeed,  but  it 
fnould  be  to  the  beft  Inn  of  the  Town,  and  good 
Sack  and  Sugar  provided  them;  which  was  as  ridi-* 
culous  as  it  was  a  bold  and  infolent  Scorn  put  upon 
the  Pailiament;  at  laft  even  Mr.  Skippon  himfelf 
excufed  them,  and  faid,  They  were  honeft  Men> 
and  wiflied  they  might  not  be  too  feverely  dealt 
with;  whereupon  the  Houfe  flatted,  let  them  go 
without  Punilhment,  and  by  Tamenefs  increafed 
their  Madnefs  and  Preemption.' 

His  Lordfhip  proceeds  to  inform  us, c  That  when 
they  had    wrought  this  Feat,  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax 
himfelf  came  to  London,   upon    Pretence  of  taking 
Phyfick;  Cromwell^  Ireton,  Fleetwood^  and    Rainf- 
larough)  who  were  Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons  as    well  as   principal    Officers  of  the  Army, 
kept  the  Houfe,  that  the  Soldiers  might  be  left  to 
themfelves  to    fire    the  more,  run  up  to  Extreams, 
and  put  themielves  into  a  Pofture  to  carry  on  their 
Work  of  Rebellion  with  a  high  and  violent  Hand  ; 
but  in  the  mean  Time  difclaimed  thefe  Proceedings, 
blaming  the  Soldiers  at  that  Diftance,  (as  Cromwell 
did  openly  in  the  Houfe,  protefting,  for  his  Part, 
he   woufd  ftick  to  the  Parliament)  whilft,    under-* 
hand,  they  fent  them   Encouragement  and  Direc- 
tions ;  for  nothing   was  done  there  but  by  Advice 
and  Countenance  from  London^  where   the  whole 
Bufmefs  was  fo  laid,  the  Rebellion  refolved  upon, 
and  the  Officers  that  were  in  Town  fo  deeply  en- 
gaged, that   when  the  full    Time   was  come  for 
putting  Things   in  Execution,    my  Friend  Crom- 
uidl^  who  had   been  fent  down  by  the  Parliament 
to  do   good   Offices,    was  come  up  again  without 
doing    any ;    and    he  who  had   made   thofe  fo~ 
lemn  public  Proteftations,  with  fome  great  Impre- 
cations on  himfelf  if  he  failed  in  his  Performance, 
did,    notwichftanding,    privily  convey  thence  his 
?  Good* 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  Di  363 

Goods  (which  many  of  the  Independents  lilcewife  An.  r^  Car.  I. 
did,  leaving  the  City  and  Parliament  as  marked  out      ^     '    j 
for  Dcftruftion);  and  then,  without  Leave  of  the        Aprii. 
Houfe  (after  fome  Members  mifling  him,  and  fear- 
ing him  gone,    had  moveJ   to  have  him  fent  for; 
whereupon  he  beins,  as  it  feems,  not  yet  gone,  and 
having   Notice   of  it,   came  and  fhevved  himfelf  a 
little   in   the  Houfe)  did  fteal  away  that  Evening,  I 
may  fay  run  away  poit,  down  to  the  Army.' 

Lord  Clarendon  concurs  with  the  two  laft  Me- 
moralifts  as  to  the  Sufpicions  concerning  Cromwell^ 
and  the  Intention  of  apprehending  him,  which  he 
Introduces  in  this  Manner  (m}: 

'  Cromwell^  hitherto,  carried  himfelf  with  that 
rare  Diffimulation  (in  which  fure  he  was  a  very 
great  Matter)  that  he  feem'd  exceedingly  incenfed 
againft  this  Infolence  of  the  Soldiers ;  was  1  in 
the  Houfe  of  Commons  when  any  fuch  Addrefles 
were  made;  and  inveighed  bitterly  againft  the  Pre- 
fumption,  and  had  been  the  Caufe  of  the  Commit- 
ment, of  fome  of  the  Officers.  He  propofed, 
'  That  the  General  might  be  fent  down  to  the 
4  Army  ;  who,  he  faid,  would  conjure  down  this 
*  mutinous  Spirit  quickly :'  And  he  was  fo  eafi- 
!y  believed,  that  he  himfelf  was  fent  once  or  twice 
to  compofe  the  Army ;  where,  after  he  had  ftaid 
two  or  three  Days,  he  would  again  return  to  the 
Houfe,  and  complain  heavily  *  of  the  great  Licence 
that  was  got  into  the  Army;  that,  for  his  own 
Part,  by  the  Artifice  of  his  Enemies,  and  ofthofe 
who  defired  that  the  Nation  fhould  be  again  im- 
brew'd  in  Blood,  he  was  render'd  fo  odious  unto 
them,  that  they  had  a  Purpofe  to  kill  him,  if, 
upon  fome  Difcovery  made  to  him,  he  had  not 
eicaped  out  of  their  Hands.'  And,  in  thefe  and 
the  likeDifcourfes,  when  he  fpake  of  the  Nation's 
being  to  be  involved  in  new  Troubles,  he  would 
weep  bitterly,  and  appear  the  moft  affli&cd  Man 
in  the  World  with  the  Senfe  of  the  Calamities 
which  were  like  to  enfue.  But,  as  many  of  the 

(*)  Hiftory,  YoJ.  V.  p.  +t,  ~ 

364  The  ParTiamentary  HISTORY 

An.  27  C*r.  I.  wifer  Sort  had   long  difcover'd  his  wicked  Inten- 

i'H> ^     tions,  (b  his    Hypocrify  could  not  longer  be  con- 

V~"J~^ .'.  The  nv;ft  active  Officers  and  Agitators 
wer^  known  to  be  his  "own  Creatures,  and  fuch 
who  neither  did,  nor  would  do,  any  Thing  but 
by  his  Direction.  So  that  it  was  privately  refolv'd 
by  the  principal  Perfons  of  the  Houie  of  Commons, 
that  when  he  came  the  next  Day  into  the  Houfe, 
which  he  fe'dom  omitted  to  do,  they  would  fend 
him  to  the  Tower ;  prefuming,  that  if  they  had 
once  fevcr'd  his  Perfon  from  tne  Army,  they  fhould 
cafily  reduce  it  to  its  former  Temper  and  Obedi- 
ence :  For  they  had  not  the  leart  Jealoufy  of  the 
General,  Fairfax,  whom  they  knew  to  be  a  Per- 
fect Prefbyterian  in  his  Judgment;  and  that  Crcm- 
•ujtll  h  id  the  Afcendant  over  him  purely  by  his 
DiHimubtion,  and  Pretence  of  Conference  and 
Sincerity.  There  is  no  doubt  Fairfax  did  not 
then,  nor  long;  after,  believe  that  the  other  had 
•  thofe  wicked  IXfi^ns  in  his  Heart  againft  the  King, 
or  the  leaft  Imagination  of  difobeying  the  Parlia- 

4  This  Purpofe  of  feizing  upon  the  Perfon  of 
Cromwell,  could  not  be  carried  fo  fecretly,  but 
that  he  had  Notice  of  it;  and  the  very  next  Morn- 
ing after  he  had  fo  much  lamented  his  defperate 
Misfortune  in  having  loft  all  Reputation,  and  Cre- 
dit, and  Authority  in  the  Army,  and  that  his  Life 
would  be  in  Danger  if  he  were  with  it ;  when  the 
Houfe  expected  every  Minute  his  Prefence,  they 
were  inform'd  that  he  was  met  out  of  the  Town 
by  Break  of  Day,  with  one  Servant  only,  on  the 
Way  to  the  Army;  where  he  had  appointed  a 
Rendezvous  of  fome  Regiments  ofthe  Horfe,  and 
from  whence  he  writ  a  Letter  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, '  That  having  the_Night  before  receiv'd  a 
1  L'jtrer  from  fome  Officers  of  his  own  Regiment, 
.i;  the  Jra'oufy  the  Troops  had  conceiv'd  of 
*  him,  and  of  his  Want  of  Kir.tlnels  towards  them, 
l.waV  much  abated,  'fo  they  bclicv'J,  if  he 
c  would  be  quickly  prc font  with  them,  they  would 
'.  all  .in  a.  fliort*Tirhe,  by  hi:  Advice,  be  reclaim'd: 

'  Upon 

^,  of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  36-5 

Upon  this   he  had  made  all  the  Hafte^he  could,  An.  23  Car.  I- 

and  did  find  that  the    Soldiers  had  been  abufed  by   t    l6*7' / 

Miftnformation;  and  that  he  hoped  to  difcover 
the  Fountain  from  whence  it  fprung;  and,  in  the 
mean  Time,  defi red  that  the  General,  and  the 
other  Officers  in  the  Houfe,  and  fuch  as  re- 
main'd  about  the  Town,  might  be  prefently  fent 
to  their  Quarters  ;  and  that  he  believ'd  it  would 
be  very  necefiary,  in  Order  to  the  Supprefiion  6f 
the  late  Diftempers,  and  for  the  Prevention  of 
the  like  for  the  Time  to  come,  that  there  might 
be  a  general  Rendezvous  of  the  Army;  of  which 
the  General  would  beft  confide r  when  he  came 
down,  which  he  wifhed  might  be  haften'd.  It 
was  now  to  no  Purpofe  to  difcover  what  they  had 
formerly  intended,  or  that  they  had  any  Jealoufy 
of  a  Perfon  who  was  out  of  their  reach.' 

Mr.  Whitlocke here  obferves  (m), 'That  a  victori- 
ous Army,  out  of  Employment,  is  very  inclinable 
to  affurne  Power  over  their  Principals  ;  and  this,  he 
adds,  occafioned  the  Parliament's  greater  Care  to 
hnd  them  Employment  in  Ireland?  In  another 
Place,  after  fome  four  Petitions  had  been  prefented 
to  the  Houfe,  and  fome  Printers  taken  up  for  pub- 
liming  two  Pamphlets^  one  called  Judge  Jenkins's 
Vindication^  and  another  intituled,  ^\r Dudley  Digges 
tf  the  Llegality  ofSubjefts  taking  Arms  againj?  their 
Sovereign,  he  adds,  c  Thus  we  fee  there  is  nothing 
conftant  in  worldly  Affairs;  the  Parliament  having 
Conqueft  and  Succefs  after  their  own  Defires,  yet 
are  now  miferably  iiuumbered  with'  the  Mutinouf-- 
nefs  of  their  Army  on  one  Side,  with  the  Petu- 
lancy  of  Pamphlets  and  difcontented  Petitions  on 
the  other.' 

We  have  been-  the  more  particular  in  this  Di- 
greflion,  as  thefe  Intelligences  from  the  Contem- 
porary Writers  tend  fo  much  to  clear  .up  the  re- 
markable Affair  of  the  Seizure  of  the  King  by  Cor- 
net Joyce )  which  now  hafrens-upon  us. 


r:.i''.,  p,   2jO. 

&c.  relating  to  a 
Letter  in  Cyphers 
defigned  to  be  de- 
livered  to  the 

366  The  -Parliamentary  His  ToR  Y 

An.  « 3  Car.  I.      May  13.   A   Letter  from  the  Earl   of  Denbigh, 
addrefTd  to    the    Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers, 
May.         was   read,  with  the  Examination    of  John  Brown 
and  Mrs.    Mary  Cave,  and    a  Cypher,  fent  to  the 
King  from  Mr.  AJhburnham. 

My  Lord,  Holdenby,    May  12,   1647. 

WE  fend  you  here  inclofed  a  Petition  which 
ferved  only  as  a  Cover  to  a  Cypher  on 
the  Backfide  thereof,  and  was  to  have  been  de- 
livered to  his  Majefty  by  Mrs.  Mary  Cave.  It 
was  brought  to  her  by  one  John  Brown,  Servant 
to  Air.  AJhburnham,  then  at  the  Hague,  he  being 
newly  removed,  as  Brown  affirmed,  out  o{ France 
into  thofe  Parts.  All  the  other  Particulars  your 
Lordfhip  will  find  in  the  inclofed  Copies  of  their 

4  Captain  Abbot,  the  Bearer  hereof,  did  firft  dif- 
cover  the  Bufinefs  to  us,  being  made  acquainted 
with  it  at  the  Place  where  he  quartered  ;  and 
fince,  in  the  Management  of  it,  he  hath  carried 
himfelf  very  difcreetly.  \Ve  have  fecured  their 
Perfons  with  the  Mayor  of  Northampton  till  your 
Plcafure  be  further  known,  which  we  defire  your 
Lordihip  to  fignify  to 

Tour  Lordjhip' $   httmble  Servants, 


"be  EXAMINATION  of  JOHN   BROWN,  taken  be- 
fore the  CommiJ/loners  at  Holdenby,    May    jj, 

'"I  "HIS  Examinant  faith,  about  two  Months 
X  fince  he  received  the  Petition,  with  the 
Cyphers  on  the  Backfide  thereof,  from  Mr.  Afo- 
bttrnham  at  the  Hague,  and  did  fee  Mr.  Ajbburn- 
ham  write  the  Petition,  but  not  the  Cyphers. 
'  That  about  three  Weeks  fince  he  delivered 
the  Petition  and  Cyphers  to  Mrs.  Mary  £/:•.•-, 
who  undertook  to  deliver  it  to  the  King;  and 
that  he  was  induced  thereunto,  being  acquainted 

«  with 

*/"   ENGLAND.  367 

4  with   her  when    the  King    was  at  her  Father's  An.  13  Car.  I. 
c  Houfe,  with  Mr.  /IJhburnbam,  as  his  Majefty  came 

*  from   Oxford  to  the  Scots  Army.  ,  M 

*  That    he   had  an    Order  from  his  Majefty  by 

*  Sir  James   Lilly  y  to  attend  upon  Mr.  AJbburnham 
'  at  the  Hague. 

*  That  he  never  loft  any  Goods  at  Sea,  as  is  fet 

*  forth    in    the  Petition;  but  that  the  Petition  was 
'  meerly  written  to  be  a  Colour,  that  he  might  the 

*  better  deliver   the  Letter  to  the  King  which  Mr. 

*  Ajkburnham  gave  him.' 


Daughter  to  WILLIAM  CAVE,  of  Stamford,  in 
the  County  <?/"  Lincoln,  Efq  ;  taken  before  the  Com- 
mijjloners  at  Holdenby,  May  n,  1647. 
*~pHIS  Examinant  faith,  That  one  Brown  de- 
livered  her  the  Letter,  a  Fortnight  or  three 
Weeks  fmce,  from  Mr.  AJhburnham,  and  brought 
it  to  her  as  a  Petition,  and  defired  her  to  deliver 
it  to  his  Majefty  for  Mr.  AJhburnham,  who  is  at 
the  Hague :  But  upon  View  thereof  faith,  That 
(he  faw  it  was  more  than  a  Petition,  but  did 
not  know  what  it  was,  yet  undertook  to  deliver 
it  to  the  King.' 

The  Earls  of  Kent,  Lincoln,  Rutland,  and  Man" 

cbeftery  were  appointed  to  endeavour  to  explain  this 


May  1 8.  The  Lords  received  a  Packet  from 
their  Commiflioners  at  Holdenby,  with  a  Paper  in- 
clofed  in  it  from  the  King,  which  contained  an 
Anfwer  from  his  Majefty  to  the  Parliament's  Pro* 
pofitions  delivered  to  him  at  Newcaftle.  Mr.  Rujk- 
li'orth  fays  that  this  Anfwer  is  large  and  well  penn'd, 
yet  hath  given  us  no  more  of  it  than  a  ftiort  Ab- 
itraa  of  half  a  Folio  Page  (») :  But  we  think  the  whole 
deferves  more  Notice,  and  therefore  we  give  it 
from  a  Pamphlet  of  this  Year  (0),  compared  with  the 


(»)  Cofleaiont,  Vol.  VI.  p.  487. 

(*)  (.enJtn,  printed  for  Ricbard  Royjir.. 

T'/je  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

I-  Copy  in  the  Lords  Journals  :  This  Meflage  con* 
tains  many  Things,  efpccially  in  the  Preface, 
greatly  relative  to  that  unhappy  Prince's  Condi- 
tion at  that  Time.  It  was  ufhered  in  byiheiul- 
lowing  Letter  from  the  CommiflionerS  at  //<jAlv/7, 
addreflcd  to  the  Earl  of  Mandnjicr. 

Hddenly,  May   13,   1647. 
My  Lord, 

'    vf/HEN    we  font  a   Letter  heretofore    from 
'     *•     the    King    to    the  Houfes,  we  acquainted 

*  your   Lordfhip  that    we  held  it  our  Duty  not  to 

*  hinder  any  Intercourfe  between   his  Majefty  and 

*  the  Houfe,  and  earneiily  defired   Directions  upon 
'  .the    like  Occafions  for  the  future  ;    but  having 
fc  therein   heard  nothing  to  this  prcftnt,  we  there - 
'  fore  thought  it  fit  to  fend  this  Letter,  which  was 

*  delivered  to    us  by  his  Majefty  Yefterday  about 

*  eialit  or  nine  of  the  Clock  in  the  Evening.   We 
1  have  not  feen  the  Particulars  thereof  but  did  con- 
<  ceive,  from  what  his  Majefty  told  us,  that  it  coii- 
«  cerns  the  Propofiticns.     We  remain, 

.  My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordjhip's  humble  Servants, 


The  King's  Meflage  runs  thus  : 

His   MAJESTY'S    Moft   Gracious  MESSAGE  from 
Holdenby,  May  12,  1647. 

For  the  SPEAKER  of  the  Lords  Houfe  pro  Tern- 
pore,  to  be  communicated  to  the  LORDS  and 
COMMONS  in  the  Parliament  of  England,  at 
Wcjlminjhr^  and  the  COMMISSIONERS  of  the 
Parliament  of  Scotland. 

His  Majefty'i 
Anfwer  to  the 
Proportions  of 

/I  S  the  daily  Expectation  of  the  Coming  of  the  Pro- 
-^*  portions  hath  made   his  Maje/ly,  this   longtime, 
Peace  prefented    f/j  forbear  giving  his  Anjwer..   unto  then,  jo  the  Ap- 
title11  at  NCW"   Pearance    °f  *k'r  fend'n2    bang    no  more,  for  any 

cf   ENGLAND.  369 

*fh\ng  he  can   hear,    than   it  was  at  his  firjl  coming  An,  23  Car.  1. 
hither,  Httwithjtanding  that  the  Earl  y  Lauderdale 
hath  lean  at    London    above  ttjef*  i;n  Days,  (whofe 
not  coming   was  fetid  to  be  r/.v  orly  Stop]  hath  caujed 
his  MajeJJy   thus    to  ancipitat    their  coming  to  bun ; 
and  yet   conftdering  hi:    Condition,  that  his  Servants 
are  denied   Acccfs  to  him,  all  but  very  few ',  andthofe 
by  Appointment,     not  hi:  own  Elettiun ;  and  that  it 
is   declared  a  Crime  for   any  but  the  CommiJJtoners9 
or  fuch  who   are  particularly  permitted  by  them,  to 
convsrfe  with  his  Majefty  ;  or  that  any  Letters  Jhould 
be  given  to,  or  received  from  him,  may  he  not  truly 
fay,  that  he  is  not  in  a  Cafe  fit  to  make  Concejfions,  or 
give  Aiifwen,  ftnce    he  is  not  Mafler  of  ihcje  ordina- 
ry   Aclions  which   are   the   undoubted   Rights  cf  any 
free-born   Man,    how  mean  foevcr  his    Birth   be  ? 
And  certainly  he  would Jt ill  be  filent  as  to  this  Subject, 
untill   his    Condition   were    much  mended,  did  he  not 
prefer  fuch  a  right  Under/landing  betwixt  him  and 
his  Parliaments    of  both   Kingdoms,  which  may  make 
a  firm  and  lofting  Peace  in  all  his  Dominions,  before 
any    Particular  of  his  own,  or  any  earthly  Blejftng  : 
And   therefore  his  Majelly  hath  diligently  employed  his 
tttmo/l  Endeavours  for  divers   Months  $ajl,  fo  to  in- 
form   his  Undemanding-,  and  fatisfy   his  Confcience, 
that  he  might  be    able    to   give  fuch  Anjwers  to  the 
Proportions,    as   would  be  mofl  agreeable  to  his  Par- 
liaments; but  he    ingenifufjy   profcljes,    that  notwith- 
Jlanding  all   the  Pains  that  he  hath  tahsn  therein,  th* 
Nature  of  fame  of  them  appears  fuch  unto  him,  that^ 
without     difc!a:m':n7    that  which    God  hath 
given    him  to  jud~^  by  fir  the   Good  of  him  and  his 
People,  and  will::::    'f,utiin<r  the  greatejl  Violence  tip- 
en  his   c\vn   CenjcietXi .  /'v  cgnnot giiit  his  Confent  t? 
all  of  them:    1\t  his    yi-/;;:;v>',  that   it  may  appear  iv 
ail  the  World  how  dtjirous  ht  iito  "ive full  Satisfac- 
tion, hath  thffughi  fit  >.-.  ••<-/}   h'.s  R.eadineft 
to  grant  what  >  ••   •;• .  • ;.-.   a    •:  <-  receive 
from    them,  and  Rwfcs 
at    Weftminlter  fijal!                               ,:::j  further 
Information  in    •                                                 .  'fadg- 
frit-ntj     and  fatisfy   t'^fe     Doubts                        ;;ct    vet 
VOL.  XV.                    A  a 

<Ike  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

•  clear  unto  him  ;  defiring  them  alfo  to  confider,  that 
if  his  Mcijijly  intended  to  wind  himfclf  out  of  theft 
Troubles  by  indirect  Means,  wereit  not  eafy  for  him 
now  readily  io  confent  to  what  lath  or  (hall  be  pra- 
poffd  unto  him,  and  afterwards  chufe  his  Time  te 
break  all;  alledging-,  that  forced  ConceJJions  are  not 
to  be\  kept  ?  Surely  he  might ,  and  not  incur  a  hard 
Cenfure  from  fome  indifferent  Men.  But  Maxim} 
tf  this  Kind  are  not  the  Guides  of  his  Maje/iy's  Ac- 
tions; for  he  freely  and  clearly  avows-,  that  he  holds, 
it  unlawful  for  any  Man,  and  moft  bafe  in  a  Kingy 
to  recede  from  his  Promifcs  for  having  been  obtained 
by  Force  or  under  Rejlraint:  therefore  his  Majejiji 
[nof  only  rejecling  thofe  Afis  which  he  ejleems  umvor*- 
thy  cf  him-,  but  even  pajfing  by  that  which  he  might* 
sir//  infill  upon,  a  Paint  of  Honour  in  refpecJ  of  his 
prtfod  Condition)  thus  anfwers  thefirjl  Proportion  f 
That  upon  his  Maje/iy's  connng  to  London,  hi 
will  hedriily  join  in  all  that  foal  /concern  the  Honour 
of  his  two  Kingdoms  *  or  the  AJJembly  of  the  States 
of  Scotland,  or  of  the  Commifioners  or  Deputies  of 
either  Kingdom,  particularly  in  thofe  Tln^gs  whiclt 
are  df fired  in  that  Propofition^  upon  Confidence  that 
all  of  them  refyeftively,  with  the  fame  Tendernefi^ 
will  look  upon  thofe  Things  which  concern  his  Ma- 
jtfiy's  Honour, 

In  Anfwer  to  all  the  Proportions  concerning  Rcli-* 
fian^  his  Majtjiy  propvfeth,  That  he  will  confirm 
the  Prejbyterial  Government,  the  AJ/imbly  of  Di~ 

'»  for  l  ' 

at  Weftmiriftcr*  and  the  Direftory,  for  three 
being  the  Time  Jet  down  by  the  two  Hottfei  j 
fo  that  his  Mnjellj  c*ud  his  Hotijhold  be  not  hindred 
from  that  Form  of  God' f  Srevice  which  they  former- 
ly have  bad;  and^  alfo^  that  a  free  Confutation  and 
Debate  be  had  with  the  Divines  at  Weftminfter, 
(twenty  of  his  MajtflfS  Nomination  being  added 
unto  them)  whereby  it  may  be  determined  by  his  Ma- 
iejly  ana  the  two  Houfes,  how  the  Church  Jhatt  be 
governed  after  the  faid  three  Tears^  or  fooner,  if 
Differences  may  be  agreed. 

Touching  the    Covenant  ;    his   Majejly  is  not  yd 
tltrcin  jatifady    and  defirn  to  rejpite  his  particular 


^ENGLAND.  371 

Jlnfwer   thereunto  untill  his  coming  to  London  ;  be-   An.  23  car.  I« 

raufe,    it  being   a   Matter  of  Confcience,  he  cannot 

give  a    Refolution  therein    till  he  may  be  aflifted  with 

the  Advice   offome   of  his  own  Chaplains,  which  hath 

hitherto    been  denied  him,  And  fuch  ether  Divines  at 

Jhall  be  mo  ft  proper   to  inform  him  therein;  and  then 

he  will   make  clearly   appear ,    both  his   Zeal  to    tht 

Proteftant  Profijficn,    and  the  Un'un   of  theje    tw* 

Kingdoms,    wmch   he  conceives  to  be  the  main  Drift 

if  this  Covenant. 

To  the  Jeventh  and  eighth  Proportions^  his  Ma- 
jtjiy  will  confent.. 

To  the  ninth,  his  Majcjly  doubts  not  but  to  givi 
good  Satisfaction,  when  he  facdl  be  particularly  in~ 
formed  how  the  faid  Penalties  /hall  bt  levied  and 
difpofed  of, 

'  "To  the  tenth,  his  Maje/ly't  Aifwer  is,  That  ht 
bath  been  always  ready  to  prevent  tht  Practices  of 
Papi/is  ;  and  therefore  is  content  is  pafi  an  Aft  of 
Parliament  for  that  Purpcfe:  And,  alfo,  that  the 
La  iv!  agalnji  them  l-e  duty  executed. 

His  Moj'ejly  will  givt  his  Ajjent  to  the  Aft  fir 
the  due  Ohfervation  of  the  Lord's  Day ;  far  the  Suf>- 
preffing  of  Innovation!,  and  thofe  concerning  tin 
Preaching  cf  God's  Ward;  and  touching  Non-ReJi- 
tlence  find  Pluralities. 

His  Majejly  will  yield  to  fuch  Acl  cr  Afls,  as/haft 
be  reqiiijite  to  raife  Afoktts'for  the  Payment  and  fa* 
lisfying  all  public  Debts,  expelling  alfo  that  his 
will  be  therein  indued. 

As  to  the  Pr-jpofition  touching  the  Militia ;  though 
t::s  Majejly  cannot  cogent  unto  it  in  Terminis  as  it 
ts  pnpsfi'd,  becaufe  thereby,  he  conceives,  he  wholly 
parts  with  tkj  Pciver  cf  the  Sivord  intr lifted  to  him 
/•/  God  and  the  Laws  of  the  Land,  for  the  Protec- 
tion and  Government  of  his  Pi-^ph ;  thereby  at  ana 
dlvejYmg  himfelf  and  ^/inheriting  his  Pcfterity, 
tf  that  Right  and  Preffsathrf  of  the  Crown  whiJt 
ts  abfohitely  necfffiiry  to  the  Kingly  Office,  and  fo 
weaken  Monarchy  in  this  Kingdom,  that  little  more 
tbav  tb:  l\sme  and  Sb-idwj  of  It  vj'iil  remain  :  Yet, 
A  a  2  if 

372  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  v 

An.   43  Car.  I.  /^  jt   be  only    Security  for    the    Prcfervation  of  tbt 
647>      ,  Peace  of  this  Kingdom,  after    the  unhappy  Troubles, 
Wav         and  the   due  Performance  of  all  the  Agreements  which 
are   now   to   be  concluded,  which   is  dejired,  (which 
his    Majejly  always   underjtocd  to  be   the  Cafe,  and 
hopes  that  herein  he  is   not    miftaken)   his    Majejly 
will  give  abundant    Satisfaction  ;    to  which   End  hi 
is    willing ,    by   Att    of  Parliament^  that  the  whole 
Power  of  the  Militia,  both  by  Sea  and  Land,  for  the 
Space  cf  ten  Tears •,  be  in  the  Hands  of  fuch  Perfons 
as  the    two     Houfes  Jhall    nominate,     giving   them 
Pcwe",    during  the  jaid  Term,    to   change  the  faid 
Perfcns,  and  fubjlitute  others  in  their  Places  at  Plea- 
fur  e  ;  and  afterwards  to  return   to  the  proper  Chan- 
nel again,    as  it  u'cis  in  the  Times  of  llihieen  Eliza- 
beth  and  KtKg    Jatne?,    of  blfjjed  Memory.    And 
now   his   Majejly   conjures  his  two  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment^ as  they  are    Englifhmcn  and  Lovers  of  Peace, 
by  the  Duty  they  owe  to  his    Majejry  their  King,  and 
by  the   Bcwels  of  CompaJJion   they  have  to  their  Fel- 
low Subjefis,    that  they    will  accept  of  this  his  Ma- 
jejlys   Offer,  wherel.y  the  joyful  News  of  Peace  may 
be   reflated  to    this  languijhing   Kingdom.  His   Ma- 
jejly will  grant    the  like  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland, 
«/  ;/  be    defired,  and  agree  to  all  Things  that  are  pro- 
pounded touching  the  confer ving  cf  Peace  betivixt  the 
two  Kingdoms. 

Touching  Ireland  (other  Winvs  being  agreed)  h'n 
Majejly  ivill  give  Satisfaction  therein. 

As  to  the  mutual  Declarations  prapufedio  be  cjla- 
bliJJjfd  in  both  Kingdom;  by  Aft  of  Parliament,  and 
the  Modifications,  Qualifications,  a;;d  Branches 
which  follow  in  the  Fropofithns ;  his  Majejly  only 
frofe@at  That  he  doth  nut  Ji'jpcisntly  underjland, 
nor  is  able  to  reconcile  many  Thing:  contained  in 
them,  but  this  he  well  knowelh,  That  a  general  Aft 
cf  Oblivion  is  the  be/f  Bond  cf  Peace ;  and  that,  af- 
ter fntf/fifie  Troubles,  ths  Jyifdom  of  this  and  other 
Kingdoms  hxth  nfually  and  happily,  in  all  Ages, 
granted  gzr.eral  Pardons \  whereby  the  numerous 
Diftontetitmenii  of  many  Perfins.  and  their  Families 


of    E  N  G  t  AN  D.  373 

tiherwife   expafed  to  Ruin,  might  mt  b'come  Ft'ivrl  to  An.  2}  Car. 
new  Diferdc'rs,     or  Sseds  to  futrre    Troubles:     ///';          I647- 
Maje/iy    therefore    dejires,     that  his    two    Hnfis  of      ^TTf 
Parliament  wiuld  ferioujly  dffccnd  into    thefe  Confe- 
derations, and  likewife  tenderly  look  upon  bis  Condi- 
tion   herein,    and  the  perpetual   Dijhonour  that  nit t ft 
ehave  to    him,    if  /v  (hall  thus  abandon  fo  many  Per- 
fons    of  Condition     and   Fortune  thqt  have    engaged 
themfelves  with  and  for  him  out  of  a  Senfe  of  Duty ; 
and  propounds,  as  a  very  acceptable  Tejiimony   of  their 
Ajfettion  to  him,    That   a  general   Aft   of  Oblivion 
and  free    Pardon  be  forthwith  pajfed  by  Att  of  Par- 

Touching  the  mw  Great  Seal ;  bis  A4x)ejly  is  wry 
willing  to  confirm  both  it  and  oil  the  Afls  done  b-y 
yirtue  thereof  untill  this  prefent  Time,  fo  that  it  be 
not  thereby  prejjed  to  make  void  thofe  Alls  of  his 
done  by  Firttie  of  his  Great  Seal,  -which  in  Honour 
end  'Juflice  be  is  obliged  to  maintain  ;  and  thai  the 
future  Government  thereof  may  be  in  his  Majcjly, 
according  to  the  due  Courfe  of  Law. 

Concerning  the  Officers  mentioned  in  the  nineteenth 
Article  ;  his  Majejiy^  when  he  Jhall  come  to  Weft- 
minftcr,  will  gratify  his  Parliament  all  that  pojftbly 
he  may,  without  dejlroyin'g  the  Alterations  which  art 
nccejfaryfor  the  Crown. 

His  Majejly  will  willingly  confent  to  the  Aft  for 
the  Confirmation  of  the  Privileges  and  Cuftoms  of 
the  Qity  of  London,  and  all  that  is  mentioned  in  the 
Propofitians  for  thc'ir  particular  Advantage. 

And  now  that  his  Majefty  hath  thus  far  endea~. 
voured  to  comply  with  the  Defires  of  his  twi  Hcufss 
of  Parliament,  to  the  end  that  this  ^reement  may 
be  firm  and  lofting,  without  the  bajl  Face  or  Qutf- 
tion  of  Reftraint  to  blcmijh  tbt  fame,  his  Majefty 
tarnejlly  defer es  prefently  to  be  admitted  to  his  Par- 
liament at  Weftminfter,  with  that  Honour  which 
is  due  to  their  Sovereign ;  there  fclemnly  to  confirm 
the  fame,  and  legally  to  pajs  the  Afls  before -men* 
timed ;  and  ta  give  and  receive  a>  well  Satisfaction 
in  all  the  remaining  Particular;,  as  likcwifi  Cuch 
qtber  Pledges  of  mutual  Lore,  Truft,  and 
A  a 

374  tt*  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

23  Car.  I.  as  foall  mcjl  concern  the  Good  of  Urn  and  his  People  \ 
'  4J'  ,  upon  which  happy  •  Agreement,  his  Majcjiy  -will  dif- 
May.  patch  his  Directions  to  the.  Prince,  his  Sen,  to  re- 

turn  immediately  to    him,    find  will  undertake  for  his 

ready  Qbedisutc  thereunto, 

2O'  ^e  Lords  having  appointed  this  Day 
for  taking  the  King's  Letter  into  Confideration,  it 
was  again  read  ;  and  the  Quefticn  beins  put,  Whc- 
ther  the  King  {ha}]  bc  brougkt  fr{J^  Holdenby 

rearer  to  London,  before  inch  Time  as  their  Lord- 
fhips  confider  cf  the  whole  Matter  of  the  Letter  I 
it  was  refolved  in  the  Affirmative,  by  a  Majority 
of  15  againft  9. 

The  Queftion  being  next  put,  Whether  Oat- 
lands  fhail  be  the  Place  where  the  King  fhall  b^ 
removed  to  frcm  tfchlenby,  as  foon  as  it  can  be 
made  ready  for  him  ?  It  was  alk>  refolved  in  the 
Affirmative,  rnd  a  Meflage  was  fent  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  to  defire  their  Concurrence. 

A  Petition  ftyi.          The  fame  Day  a  Petition,  directed  To  the  Right 
^"o  ^th^iT"       fJtiiwrable  ar.d  Supreme   Authority  of  this  Nation, 
the    Commons  in    Parliament  afTemblcd  ;  and  in- 
titulcd,    The    humble   Petition    of  many  Thoufands, 
'  Gody 

.  d*ftr'l"&  th*  Glory   °fGody    the  Freedom  of 

'  the  Common-iveahb,  and  the  Peace  cf  Men,  was 
-read;  and  it  was  refolved  that  the  fame  beburntby 
the  Hangman,  on  a  Divifion  of  only  94  againft  86. 
7'he  Purport  or  Prayer  of  the  Petition  is  not  enter- 
ed in  the  Journals,  nor  do  we  meet  with  it  in  any 
of  our  Collections.  The  Offence  feems  to  have 
been  ftyling  the  Commons  thefupreme  Authority  of 
we  Nation:  --  But  this  Cenfure  being  carried  by 
fo  fmall  a  Majority,  plainly  indicates  that  the  Peti- 
tioners had  a  ftrong  Party  in  the  Houfe  :  And,  in 
Jefs  than  two  Years  after  this,  the  Dochine  thus 
rcnfurcd  was  made  the  Law  of  the  Kingdom. 

May  21.  In  order  to  fatisfy  the  Army  in  feme 
Meafure,  an  Ordinance  was  ptifled  ar.d  publilhed 
K>  this  Effetf  : 

«  The 

^ENGLAND,  375 

The   Lords  and  Commons  taking  Notice  that  An-  'jj  £"' 

*  divers  well-affected    Perfons  have  been  fucd,  in-  ' 
'  di&ed,  profecuted,  or   molcftcd  ;    and  others  arc 

'  likely  to  be  fued,  indited,  profecuted,  or  moleftr 

1  ed,  for  Acts  done   by    Authority  of  this  prelent 

<  Parliament,  and  for  the  Service  thereof,  during 

*  thefe  late  Wars  and  Troubles  ;  do  hereby  ordain  fuch  is  have 
'  and  declare,    That   no   Perfons    who  have  act-  cd  ia  t!lc  Ser 
4  ed  by  Authority  of  Parliament,  or  for  the  Service 

'  thereof,    ought    to   be  fued  or  molefted  :  That 
'  fuch  as   are  or  fhall   be  fo  fued  or  molefted,  may 

*  plead    the   general  LTue  that  they  are  not  guilty, 

*  and  give  this   Ordinance  in  Evidence;  and  fhall 

*  have    treble   Cofts    awarded  them  :  That    fuch 
'  Perfons  as  are  not  able  to  defend  a  Suit  at  Corri- 

*  mon    Law,  or    may  find  themfelvt-s  aggrieved  in 

*  the  Proceedings  thereof,    may,    either  before  or, 
1  after  Trial  at  Common  Law,  make  their  Coin- 

*  plaint    to  the    Committee  of  Parliament,  herein 

*  named,  or  any  five  of  them,  who  are  impowered 

*  to  determine  fuch  Complaints,  to  examine  Wit- 

*  nefies,    and    to  commit  to  Prifon,    if  they  fee 

*  Caufe,  any  Perfon  fuing  as  aforefaid,  and  to  award 

*  to  the    Defendant  treble  Damages  :  That  in  cafe 
'  any  Sollicitor,  Attorney,  &c.  do  not  forbear  the 

*  Profecution  upon   Order  fhew^d   from  the  faid 
Committee,  thatthen  fuch  Solicitor,  Attorney,  £rV, 

*  {hall  be  committed  to  fafe  Cultody.  Provided  that 

*  nothing  in  this  Ordinance  fhall  difcharge  any  Per-r 
'  fon  from    making  a  true  Account  to  any  Com- 
'  miflioners   or   Committee   of  Parliament  of  what 

*  they  have  received  for  the  Benefit  thereof  (1>)S 

To  fhew  that  the  Art  of  uccyphering  is  no  mo- 
dern Invention,  we  giv'e  the  following  Inftance  of 
a  Letter  in  Figures  fent  to  the  King  from  Mr. 
/fjbburnbam,  which  had  been  intercepted  by  th^ 
Commiflioners  at  Hsldeniyy  and  by  them  tianf- 
mittcd  to  the  Parliament,  as  already  mentioned. 
This  Letter,  as  decyphered,  runs  thus  : 
A  a  4 

lf>]  Thii  Ordinance  at  large,  with  the  Names  of  the  Com  mi  like* 
ers  of  both  Hout'cs,    U  printed  in  Sceltrt  CcHcfliar.i,  g.  i»2^ 



'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Hague,  Feb.  28,1646. 
May  it  pleafe  yyur  Majcfty, 

AS  173  hath  written  to  you  lately  by  Perfons 
•**  at  large,  this  is  in  fhort  to  tell  your  Ma- 
jeft/,  that  my  Soul  is  forrowful  to  Death"  for  your 
Afflictions  ;  and  389  doth  confefs  that  Weight  to 
be  greater  than  Mankind  pan  fuffer,  unlefs  your 
Majefty  look  ftedfoftly  upon  Religion  and  Ho- 
nour: Yet  be  not  difcouraged,  forif  you  conti- 
nue conftant  to  your  Principles,  you  will  yet 
overcome  all,  and,  in  all  Probability,  you  will 
fee  a  good  War  for  your  Recovery.  389  hath 
perfected  his  Negotiation  with  Prince  William ; 
and  if  the  Peace  between  Spain  and  the  States 
be  declared,  which  is  confidently  faid  here,  he 
v.  ill  certainly  land  a  gallant  Army  for  your  Re- 
lief 5  and  389  hopes  you  fhall  have  the  Irijh  Ar- 
my and  this  meet  fuccefsfully  :  Therefore,  as  you 
tender  the  good  of  you  and  yours,  be  conftant 
to  your  Grounds.  If  your  Majefty  make  Laws 
to  ftrengthen  their  ufurped  Power,  or  part  with 
the  Church  Lands,  there  can  be  no  Hopes  to  re- 
ftore  you,  and  your  Pofterity  will  be  for  ever  loft. 
All  that  I,  or  any  of  your  faithful  Servants,  can 
fay  to  you  is,  to  beg  conftantly  for  you,  that 
God  would  fortify  your  Refolutions,  and  enable 
you  to  go  through  your  unheard-of  Trials  with 
Piety  and  Reputation;  which  is,  and  ever  fhall 
be,  the  Prayers  of 

,     four  humblefl  and faiibfullejl 


P.  S.  '  389  hopes  you  have  burnt  all  yourLet- 

*  ters  and   Cyphers  ;  if  you   have   not,  for  God's 

*  Sake  do  it.    Your  Majefty  will  ftill  remember 

'  the   Alphabet,    in  Confidence  whereof  you  fee 

*  389  hath  only    made  ufe  of  that  Part.' 

Next  the    Letter  and  Examinations,  fent  from 
-ihe  Voiwr.iflioners    at    Hddenby->    were  alfo  read 

•  along 

of   ENGLAND.  377 

along  with  the  foregoing  (e] ;  and  the  Queftion  be-  An.  2,  Car.  I. 
ing  put,  Whether  this  Letter  of  the  Commiffioners     ^^47*    ^ 
with    the    Examinations   and    the    Decyphering,          j^y. 
(hall  be  now  communicated  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons ?  it    was  refolved    in  the  Negative ;    where- 
upon the  following  Lords  entered  their  Diflents. 

'  In  Confideration  that  this  Letter  being  decy-  ft  there 

phered,  importeth  Matters  of  fuch  high  Confe-  upont 
quence;  and,  by  Examination,  appears  to  have 
been  fent  from  Mr.  AJbburnham  to  the  King,  who 
hath  been  much  employed  in  the  King's  Defigns 
againft  the  Parliament,  they  conceived  it  fit  to 
be  communicated  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  for 
the  Good  and  Safety  of  the  whole  Kingdom ; 
and  that  they  may  be  acquitted  from  any  Incon- 
veniency  that  may  arife  by  the  not  fending  of  it 
down  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  they  have  ac- 
*  cordingly  entered  this  their  Proteftation.* 

B.  DENBIGH,        GREY  <T/"WARKE, 

But  it  being  moved,  That  the  original  Letter, 
with  the  Examinations  taken  by  the  Commiffioners 
and  their  Letter,  fhall  be  now  communicated  to 
the  Houfe  of  Commons,  it  was  refolved  in  the  Af- 

May  22.  Some  Officers  in  the  Army  having  con- 
fented  to  be  difbanded,  the  Lords  thought  fit  to 
pafs  an  Ordinance,  fent  up  by  the  Commons,  for 
the  Payment  of  j  7, 1 38  /.  i o  s .  1 1  d.  to  thofe  redu- 
ced Officers,  late  under  the  Command  of  Sir  Tho- 
mas Fairfax. 

May.    27.   The  Lords  took  into  Confideration  votes  relating  to 
fome  Votes,   fent  up  by  the  Commons,  about  dif-  the  Dilban 
banding  the  Foot;  and  the  firft  being  read,  viz.      theFcot« 

Refilvcd,  i.  «  That  the  General's  Regiment  be 
firft  difbanded ;  that  the  Time  for  that  Difbanding 

(e}  Tkcfc  »r?  before  given  at  p.  360. 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

L  be  on  the  firft  of  June,  and  that  the  Town  of 
Chelmsford  be  the  Place  for  the  Rendezvous.' 

The  Queftion  being  put,  Whether  to  agree  to 
this  Vote  now  read  r  It  was  refolved  in  the  Affir- 
mative, the  Earls  of  Denbigh  and  Mulgrave,  and 
the  Lord  Vifcount  Say  and  Sele,  difienting. 

Then  the  reft  of  the  Votes  were  feverally  read 
and  agreed  to  as  follows,  viz. 

2.  '  That  fuch  as  will  engage  for  Ireland  (ball 
prefently  be  taken  on,  and  have  a  Fortnight's  Ad- 
vance paid  them  out  of  their  fix  Weeks,  befides  the 
two  Months   Pay  of  their  Arreas,    and  to  march 
forthwith  to  Ingat/rone,  there  to  receive  Orders. 

3.  «  Thatthofe  that  {hall  be  difbanded  fhall  re- 
ceive their  two  Months   Pay  of  their  Arrears,  and 
fhall  depofit  their  Arms  in  the  Church,   and  have 
a  Pafs  to  go  to  their  feveral  Homes. 

4.  *  That  the  like  Manner  be  obferved  in  dif- 
banding  the  reft  of  the   Regiments,  at  the  feveral 
Times  and  Places  of  Rendezvous,  as  follows,  Wz, 

'  That  Col.  Hawfon's  Regiment  be  difbanded  at 
BiJhops-Stortford,  on  the  third  of  June  next;  and 
thofe  who  engage  for  Ireland  to  march  to  Puckeridge 
to  receive  Orders:  That  Col.  Lambert's  Regiment 
"be  difbanded  at  IValden,  on  the  fifth  of  June  next; 
and  that  thofe  that  engage  for  Ireland  march  to 
Htydon  to  recieve  Orders:  That  Col.  Lilburnis 
Regiment  be  difbanded  at  Newmarket,  on  the  tenth 
of  June  next;  and  thofe  who  engage  for  Ireland 
to  march  to  Bote/ham  to  receive  Orders ;  of  this 
Regiment  there  are  580  already  engaged  now  at 
Evejholm:  That  Col.  Harley's  Regiment  be  dif- 
banded at  Cambrigdey  on  the  eighth  of  June  next; 
and  thofe  that  engage  for  Ireland  to  march  to  Stanton 
to  receive  Orders :  That  Sir  Hardrtfs  [falter* s  Re- 
giment be  difbanded  at  Huntingdon)  on  the  twelfth 
of  Junt  next ;  and  thofe  who  engage  for  Ireland 
to  march  to  Thrapjion  to  receive  Orders:  That 
Col.  Hammond's  Regiment  be  difbanded  at  Bedford, 
on  the  fifteenth  of  June  next ;  and  thofe  that  en  - 
gage  for  Ireland  to  march  to  Newport-Pagndl  to 
leceive  Orders  :  That  Col.  IngoU/by's  Regiment  ba 


of   E  N  G  L  AN  D.  379 

(Jifbanded    at  Wood/lock^    on  the    fourth  of  June  An.  a}  c«r.  l« 
next;  and  thofe  who  engage  for  Ireland  to  march        l647' 
to  Chipping  Norton.  *      r? 

5.  *  That  Field-Marfhall  Sktppons    Regiment 
•t  Newcajlle  be  taken  on  for   Ireland^    and  march 
according  to  his  Orders. 

6.  '  That  the  Money    for  difbanding  all  thofe 
Regiments,  and  alfo  a  Fortnight's    Pay   for  thofe 
that  (hall  go  for  Ireland,  be  conveyed  under  a  ftrong 
Guard   to    the   feveral   Places   of  Rendezvous,  to 
be  there  the  Day  before  the  Day  of  difbanding. 

7.  '  That   the  General    be  defired  to  iflue  out 
his  Orders  to  the    feveral  Regiments,  to  be  at  the 
feveral   Places  and  Times  of  Rendezvous   refpec- 
tively;    and    that  himfelf  be  prefent   to  fee  them 
difba'nded  ;     as    likewife   Field-Marfhall   Skippon^ 
who    is   then  to  take  on  fuch  of  them   as  will  go* 
for  Ireland:  And  that,  in  regard  the  Regiment  of 
Col.  Ingoldfby  li-es  ofF  from  the  reft,  and  it  is  to  be 
di (banded  at   Wood/leek    the  fourth  of  'June  next, 
the  General  is  defired  to  fend  ibme  Officers  to  fee 
them  difbanded. 

8.  '  That  the  feveral    Captains   of  each  Com- 
pany   bring  a  Lift  of  their    Company,   under  their 
Hand,  to   the  Place  of  the  Rendezvous   appointed 
for  difbanding;    wherein  the  Name  of  every  Sol- 
dier in  that  Company  fhall  be  exprefled. 

).  '  That   where  it  fhall  appear  that  any  of  the 
ners  have  not  two  Months   Pay  due  to  them, 

fo  much  be  abated  as  fhall  be  found  to  come  fhort 

of  it. 

10.  e  That   it  be  referred  to  the  Committee  of 
the  Army,   to  confider  of  Inftru&ions  for  ftating 
the  Arrears   and   Accounts  of  the  Soldiers  of  this 
Army,  and  how  Debentures  fhall   be  given  them 
for  fo  much  as  fhall  appear  juflly  due  upon  their 

11.  «  That    all  Commiffion-Officers  fhall  re- 
ceive their  particular  Debentures  upon  their  Ac- 
counts made  by  the  Committee  and  Treafurers  of 
theArmy  abovefaid, 

2  12.  «  That 


380  cfbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  Car.  I.      12.     c  That  the  ^xcite  in  Courfe  £hal!  be  the 
__,    Security  to  be  given   for  the  Payment  of  the  Ar- 
~  Mjy,         rears  of  the  inferior  OfEcers  and  common  Soldiers  j 
that  the  Ccmmillkm-Officers  fhall  be  paid  out 
of  the  Efcitescf  the  Delinquents  inthenrft  Excep- 
tions,' net'  yet  difpofed  j  and  that  the  Committee  of 
the  Army  do  prepare  and  bring   in   an  Ordinance 
to  a,.s  i;u: 

13.  '  That  a  Committee  of  Lords  and   Com- 
mons be  appointed  to  go  down,  and  be  afiifting  to 
the  General  in  this  Service  of  dilbanding  the  Ar- 

14.  '  That  the  Committee  of  Lords  and  Com- 
mons appointed  to  go  down  to  the  Army,  fhall,  at 
the  Head  of  every  Regiment,   at  their  dilbanding, 
give  them  the  Thanks  of  the  Houfes  for  their  faith- 
ful Service  to  the  Parliament/ 

Befides  the  forgoing  Votes  fent  up  to  the  Houfe 
of  Lords  for  their  Concurrence,  the  Commons 
had  refolved  That  40,000  /.  be  appointed  for  the 
dilbanding  of  thefe  Regiments,  and  for  the  Fort- 
night's Pay,  Part  of  the  fix  Weeks  Pay  for  thole 
that  fhould  go  for  Ireland.  But  this  laft  Refolu- 
tion  was  not  fent  up,  which  is  thus  accounted  for 
in  the  Commons  Journals  of  the  25th  of  this  Month, 
'viz.  Refolved,  '  That  all  thefe  Votes  concerning 
the  Army,  except  thofe  that  concern  the  difpofmg  of 
'the  Monies,  be  fent  to  the  Lords  for  their  Con- 

It  was  afterwards  ordered,  That  thefe  Votes,  fp 
pafled,  fhould  be  fent  down,  enclofed  in  the  fol- 
lowing Letter  from  both  the  Speakers,  to  Sir  Tho- 
mas Fairfax. 

Wejlninfter^  May  28,   1647. 

which  arc  fenr «  «yj  £  arc  commanded  to  tranfmit  unto  you 
Fairfir, inTut- '  W  thefe  Votes  concerning  the  <lifbanding 
ter from  the  «  the  Foot,  whereby  you  will  fee  the  Care  of  the 
Speakers  of  both  <  tWQ  fjo,,fes  of  Parliament,  to  give  all  Satisfaction 


of   ENGLAND.  381 

to   the   Officers  and  Soldiers  under  your  Com-  An-  23  c»r«  *« 
mand.  .      l*+7'     . 

'  You  are  defired  to  communicate  thefe  Votes  May. 
to  them  in  fuch  Manner  as  you  (hall  think  beft 
for  preparing  all  Things  which  may  conduce  to 
the  expediting  the  Service,  which  doth  fo  much 
import  the  Peace  of  this  Kingdom,  and  the  Re- 
lief of  Ireland;  to  which  it  is  not  doubted  but 
that  you  will  contribute  all  that  lies  in  your 
Power,  and  thereby  add  to  your  former  Merit. 
We  are 

Tour  Friends  and  Servants^ 

Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers 
pro  Tempore. 

Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 

May.  28.  The  Parliament  being  flill  anxious  to 
ged  rid  of  their  Army  at  any  Rate,  which  now  be- 
gan, as  Mr.  Rujhwortb  tells  us,  to  be  the  Concern  of 
the  whole  Kingdom,  they  this  Day  palled  the  fol- 
lowing Declaration,  penned,  as  may  be  feen,  in 
order  to  footh  their  Refentment;  but  it  proved  all 
to  no  Purpofe. 

THE  Lords  and  Commons  finding  it  of  ab-    ,    pari;a. 
folute  Neceffity,    in  relation  to  their  Duty  Cent's  Dechra- 
to  this  Kingdom,  to   take  off  the  great  Charge  tion  touching  the 
which  it  hath  fo  long  undergone  in  "Maintenance  JJ^Arm^8  "pro- 
of Arms  j  as    likcwife  to  that  of  Ireland,  which  viding  for  wi- 
cries  out  for  prefent  Relief,  and  muft  otherwife  *™*> &<- 
irrecoverably   perifh,    have  therefore  thought  fit 
to  difband  the  Fo/.t  of  this  Army.     But,  withall, 
have  taken  it  intr>  their  fpecial  Care  to   give   all 
juft  Satisfaclior,   to  thofe  who  have  fcrved  there- 
in, providing  for  their  Indemnity,  and  for   the 
Maintenance  of  fuch  as  have    loft  their  Limbs; 
ana  likewffe  for  the   Wjdows  and   Orphans  of 
thofe  wh/j  have  loft  t.  -;c«; 

4  and 

3  82  'The  Parliamentary  H I  s  t  o  R  Y 

An.  23  Car.  I.  <  ancj   an  Aflurance    unto  thofe  who  have  volun- 

v |     r'   ,      '  tarily  ferved    them,  not  to  be  prefied  out  of  the 

M^  '  Kingdom ;  and  alfo  fuch  a  confiderable  Part  of 
'  their  Arrears  paid  to  thofe  that  are  to  be 
4  dlfbanded,  as  is  poflible  to  be  provided  for  at  pre- 

*  fent,  with  a  Regard  to  other  public  Services   of 
c  unavoidable    Necefiity;  and    good  and  fufficient 
6  Security  for  all  that  {hall  appear  to  be  due,  both 
4  to  Officer  and  Soldier,   upon  the  auditing  of  their 
e  Accounts;     which  is  put  into  a    Way  of  fpeedy 
8  Difpatch,    and  of  no  Trouble  at  all   to  the  SoU 
e  dier,   and  but  of  little  to  the   Officer;  all  which 

*  doth  appear  by  the  feveral  Ordinances  and  Orders 
e  of  both   Houfes,  patted    to   that  Effect;    which 
'  will,  we  prefume,   abundantly  fatisfy  all  Perfons 
'  of  the  Parliament's  Tendernefs  towards  the  Ar- 

*  my,  and   Acceptance   of  their    faithful  Services  j 

*  and  difpofe   the   Army  to  a    chearful  and  readr 
'  Compliance  with-  their  Refolution,    that  Ireland 
'  may  be  relieved,   and    this  Kingdom  recover  » 

*  breathing  Time  after  fo  long  and  heavy  Suffer - 

*  ings;  th«    Houfes,  being   fully  refolved  to  apply 

*  their  whole    Care  and   Endeavours,  with  God'i 

*  Afiiftance,    to  remove    thofe     Preffures,    which 

*  either  the  Neceffity  of  War,  or  Want  of  Leifurc 

*  for  the  Remedy  in  thefe  troublefome  Times,  majr 
'  have  oocafioned/ 

Next,  the  Lift  of  the  Regiments  of  Horfe  to  bfc 
continued  for  tne  Defence  ot  the  Kingdom,  with 
the  Names  of  the  Commanders,  was  read  and* 
agreed  to  as  follows  r 

toS'tHfc'cn-  That  the  feveral  Troops  in  the  Counties  of  Ler- 
iptKd  is  Paj*.  ftfter, Salop,  Cbtjler,  Stamffsrct*  Warwick  and  Nor}'.-*- 
ampton,  (halll  mahc  up  one  Regiment,  under  the 
Command  of  Col.  NieS^am^  to  be  kept  up  in  the 
Kingdom  of  England:  That  the  General's  o\vn 
Regiment  of  Horfe  {hall  be  another:  That  Colt 
Greaves's  Regiment  be  a  third :  That  Major 
Tvjijletan  be  Colonel  of  Col.  Rojfiters  Regiment, 
which  {hall  be  a  fourth:  That  Col.  IMal/ey's  R£* 
gimeot  be  a  fifth  :  That  Lieutenant-General  Cram- 

of   ENGLAND. 

Wfirs  Regiment,  under  the  Command  of  Major  An 
Huntingdon  as  Colonel,  (hall  be  a  fixth  :  That  too 
Horfe  and  100  Dragoons  be  kept  up  for  the  Safe- 
ty of  North-Wales,  under  Major-General  Mitton ; 
and  the  fame  Number  for  South-Wales,  under  Ma- 
ior-General  Langharne ;  to  be  commanded  in  Chief 
by  the  General,  as  the  other  Horfe  kept  up  in  ths 

Ordered,  <  That  the  Earl  of  Warwick  and  Lord 
De  La  War  be  defired  to  go  down  to  the  Army,  to 
fee  the  Difbanding  thereof  according  to  thefe  Vote! 

'June  i.  Two  Letters  from  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax, 
in  Anfwer  to  the  laft  Orders  of  Parliament  fent  to 
him,  together  with  a  Paper,  called  The  humble  Ad- 
vice, &c.  of  the  Council  of  War,  were  read  to  the 
follows : 

And,  firft,  that  to  the  Committee  at  Derby-Houfe  : 

For  the  Right  Honourable  the  COMMITTEE  of 
LORDS  and  COMMONS  for  Irilh  Affairs,  fitting 
•t  Derby-Houfe. 

Bury,  May  30,     1647. 
My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 

YEfterday,  towards  Evening,  I  received  your 
Lordfliips  Letter,    and  Votes   therein  in-  £  *•«""  f 
clofed  :  Before  the   Receipt  thereof  I  had  con-  toSr 
vened  the  Officers  unto  a  general  Council  of  War,  mittee,  concero- 
to  advife  concerning  the  better  tranfacting  of  that 
Buflnefs,  and   Prevention  of  all  Inconveniences  ; l 
whereupon,  after  much  Time  fpent  about  it,  we 
came  to   thefe  Refolutions,  which  declare  much 
Diflatisfa&ion  in  the  Army   at  being  difbajided 
without  having  their  Grievances  fully  redrefled ; 
and  the  Danger  that  may  enfueifany  one  Regi- 
ment  fhould  be  drawn  out  to  di(band,  before  thp 
whole  Army  "be  equally  fatisfied.  The  Resolutions 
are  Ion?  and  many,  which  I  (ball  hairen  by  a  Mef- 
fenger  o.i  purpofe  to  both   Houfes  of  Parliament  ^ 
being  Things,  indeed,  of  that  great  Concernment, 

4  as 

Another  to  the 
E*tl  of  Manche- 
tter  oo  the  fame 

Parliamentary  Hi S  f  o  R  V 

as  I  cannot  but,  in  Duty  and  Difcharge  of  my-* 
felf,  comfnunicate  unto  the  Houfes. 
'  In  the  mean  Time  I  humbly  offer  unto  youf 
Lordfhips  Confideration,  that  if  you  hold  your 
intended  Journey  to  Chelmsford,  there  is  little 
Hopes  (as  the  Temper  of  the  Army  now  (lands) 
that  your  Lordfhips  will  find  Things  anfwerable 
to  your  Expectations :  However,  I  have  appointed 
a  Guard  of  Horfe,  out  of  my  own  Regiment,  to 
be  there  on  Monday ;  but  I  doubt,  the  Orders 
coming  fo  late,  they  cannot  be  there  fo  early% 
as  to  meet  the  Money  upon  the  Way  ;  and  for 
the  fame  Reafon  I  could  not  poffibly  have  the 
Life-Guard  to  be  there  in  Time,  it  being  now 
quartered  in  ~Bedfordfhire,  nor  any  other  Guard 
but  out  of  my  own  Regiment  of  Horfe,  which 
lieth  neareft.  I  remain 

Your  Lordjbips  humlle  Servant, 


The  other 

My  Lord, 

was  addrefled  to   the  Earl  of  Man- 

Bury,  May  30,   1647. 

YOUR  Lord  {hip's  Letter  of  the  28th  I  re- 
ceived Yefterday,  with  the  Votes  of  both 
Houfes  inclofed  therein :  Before  the  Receipt 
thereof  I  had  called  the  Officers  unto  a  general 
Council  of  War,  to  advife  concerning  the  better 
Tranfaction  of  the  Bufmefs,  and  Prevention  of 
all  Inconveniences  thereupon.  When  they  were 
in  Confutation  I  communicated  your  Lordfhip's 
Letter,  and  the  Votes  therewith  fent,  unto  them. 
After  much  Time  fpent  in  the  Debate  thereof/ 
this  inclofed  was  delivered  to  me  by  the  Officer?, 
as  the  Refult  of  the  Council  of  War;  which, 
being  of  very  great  Concernment,  I'  held  it  my 
Duty  to  haften  unto  your  Lordibip. 
6  It  is  no  fmall  Grief  of  Heart  to  me  that  there 
'  flvould'be  any  Diflatisfa6tion  betwixt  the  Parlia- 

*  ment 

r/   ENGLAND.  38- 

ment  and  the  Army,  and  that  'the  laft  Votes  aid  An.  21  Car.  1. 

not  give  Satisfaftion.     I   befeech   God  to  diredl   ^ l6*?'     f 

your  Lordfhips   to  proceed  with   fuch    Wifdom,          june 
tliat  Things  may  be  determined  inLove^  and  this 
poor   Kingdom   freed  from  further  Diftractions  i 
which  is  the  earneft  Defire  of 

Tour  Lard/biff i  humble  Servant, 


The  Paper  mentioned  in  the  foregoing  Letter. 

Jo  his  Excellency  Sir  THOMAS  FAIRFAX,  Knf. 
Commander  in  Chief  of  the  Parliament's  Forces y 

T'be  OPINIONS  and  HUMBLE  ADVICE  of  your  Coun- 
cil of  [far,  convened  at  Bury  this  Saturday  the 
2tyth  of  May  1647,  in  relation  to  the  Votes  of 
Parliament  communicated  unto  us  by  your  Excel-* 
lency,  and  your  Defire  of  our  Adv ice  thereupon. 

Humbly  Jhewing) 

1.  '  ~T~*  HAT,  upon  the  Reports  cdme  to  all  the  Advice  at 
'  J.  Quarters  of  the  Army,  concerning  the  the  Council  of 
Votes  and  Proceedings  of  the  Houfes  of  Friday 
the  lift  of  May  ;  as  alfo  of  thofe  ofThurfday  the 
2yth  of  May^  we  find  the  Generality  of  the  Ar- 
my (as  we  alfo  ourfelves)  much  unfatisfied  with 
fne  one,  and  fomething  amazed  and  ftartled  at 
the  other;  the  firft  Votes,  of  Friday,  coming 
much  fhort  of  Satisfa&ionj  as  to  the  Grievances 
of  the  Army  then  reported  to  the  Houfe,  and 
not  taking:  any  Notice  at  all  of  fome  that  are 
moft  material;  and  the  latter,  olThurfday^  import- 
ing, a  Refolution  fuddenly  to  difband  the  Army 
by  Piece-meal,  before  equal  Satisfaction  be  gi- 
ven to  the  whole  Army  of  the  Grievances,  or  fo 
much  as  any  Confideration  had  of  fome  others 
mbft  material ;  and  alfo  before  any  effectual  Per- 
formance of  that  Satisfaction  which  the  Votes  ot 
Friday  feemed  to  promife,  as  to  fome  of  the 
VOL.  XV.  B  b  «  Grie- 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

l. c  Gncvances  ;  -all  which  we  (hall  be  ready,  upon 
'  a  little  Time  given  us,  to  prefent  to  your  Excel- 
*  kncy  more  diftin&ly,  and  in  Particulars. 

*  II.  '<•  That  the  faid  Diflatisfaclion,  and  the  Jea- 

*  loufies  occaftoned  upon  the  faid  Proceedings,  as 

*  we  fear,  and,  by  fome  Effects   already  appearing, 

*  do    find,    may  unhappily  produce  dangerous  Di- 

*  flurbances  and  tumultuous  Actings  amongft  fe- 

*  ve'ral  Farts  of  the  Army,  as  they  lie  now  difperfed 

*  and  remote   frcm  the  Head    Quarters;  efpecially 

*  amongft  thofe   Regiments,  whofe  principal  Offi- 
'  cers,  by  neglecting  and   deferting    their  Soldiers 

*  in   their  neceflary   Concernments,    or  juft  Grie~ 

*  vances,    have  dilbbliged  their  Soldiers,    and   loft 
4  their   Intercft  with  them  ;    infomuch  that  fuch 
4  Officers   are    in  fome   fort    forced    to   withdraw 
4  from  their  Charges,  and  can    fcarce,  with   Safe- 
4  ty,    come  at  them  :    And,    to   prevent  the  In- 
4  conveniences  or    ill  Ccnfcquences  which     fuch 
4  difturbed  or  tumultuous    Actings  might  produce, 
4  either  to    the  Countries  where  the  Army  quar- 
'  ter,    or  to  the   Kingdom,  we  humbly  advife  your 

*  Excellency,  without  Delay,   to  draw  the  Army, 
4  or  at  leaft  thofe   Parts  thereof  that  are  not  fixed 

*  to  certain  Quarters  upon   particular  Duty,  unto 
'  a  clofer  Pofturc  of  Quarters ;  fo   as  each  Regi- 
'  merit,  Troop,  and  Company  may  lye   under  the 

*  View    and    Overfight  of  the  refpe&ive  Officers 

*  that  are    left  with  them  ;   and  all  of  them  under 

*  a  nearer  View  and  Correfpondence  with  the  Head 

*  Quarters,  which  may  thus  have  a  readier  Influence 

*  upon  all,   for  a  better  preferving  of  good  Order, 

*  and  Prevention  of  Inconveniences  ;    and,  in  fuch 
4  Pofture,  for  the  Country's  Eafe,  as  to  remove  and 
4  (hi ft  the  whole  Quarters  once  a  Week  at  leaft, 

*  till,  upon  further  Satisfaction,  the  Army  may  be 
4  quietly  and  orderly  difbanded. 

III.  4  That,  upon  the  fame  Diflatisfa&ions,  wo 

*  find  an  extreme  Earneftnefs  and  violent  Propcn- 
c  fity  amongft  the  Soldiers  to   a  general  Rendez- 

*  vous ;  and  we  verily  believe  the  firft  attempting 

5  *  to 

of   ENGLAND. 

to  difband  any  one  Regiment,  before  equal  Sa*  An.  13  Car.  £ 
tisfaction  to  all,  and  AiTurance  againll  thofe 
they  have  Caufe  to  fear,  will  occafion  them  all  *" 
to  draw  together  and  redezvous  of  themfelves, 
as  it  were  upon  Alarm.  To  prevent  the  Incon- 
veniences or  ill  Confequences,  both  to  thofe 
Counties  and  the  Kingdom,  of  any  fuch  tumul- 
tuous or  confufed  Drawing  unto  Rendezvous 
without  Order,  we  humbly  advife  your  Ex- 
cellency, without  Delay,  after  the  Contraction 
of  Quarters,  to  order  a  general  Rendezvous  for 
thofe  Parts  of  the  Army  whofe  Quarters  {hall 
be  fo  contracted  ;  and  this  we  advife  and  defire 
the  rather,  becaufe  of  the  fcandalous  Sugseftions 
of  fome,  importing  as  if  the  late  Difcontents 
appearing  in  the  Army,  and  the  Reprefent;ition  of 
Grievances,  were  not  really  in  or  from  the  Bo- 
dy of  the  Soldiery ;  but  a  meer  Delulion  and 
Appearance,  made  by  the  Contrivance  and  Ar- 
tifice of  lome  factious  Officers,  or  fome  other 
Perfons  in  the  Army  ;  the  Truth  or  Falfliood 
whereof,  as  alfo  the  true  Diftemper  or  Difpofi- 
tion  of  the  Army,  your  Excellency  and  all  others 
may  moft  clearly  difcover,  by  fuch  a  general 
Rendezvous,  without  Delay  or  Trouble  of  go- 
ing to  every  Regiment  apart  as  they  now  lye  ; 
the  Army  may  more  certainly  underftand  what 
they  may  expect  from  the  Parliament ;  and  both 
Parliament  and  Kingdom  know  what  to  judge 
and  truft  to  concerning  the  Army :  And  to  that 
Purpofe,  at  fuch  a  Rendezvous,  we  (hall  (we 
hope  through  the  Grace  of  God)  difcharge  our 
Duries  to  the  Parliament  and  the  Kingdom,  as 
well  as  to  your  Excellency  and  the  Army  ;  and 
dcmonftrate  that  the  Good  and  Quiet  of  the  King- 
dom is  much  dearer  to  us  than  any  particular 
Concernments  of  our  own.  Thefe  two  laft 
Things  we  humbly  advife  and  defire  may  be 
done  without  Delay,  or  that  otherwife  we  may 
be  held  acquitted  from  all  Inconveniences  that 
may  enfue  in  our  feveral  Charges. 

B  b  2  IV. 

The  Parliamentary  Hi  s  T  o  R  V 

IV.  «  Since  bciules  theDifTitisfadVions